HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 12 18 AIS PC Springfield BPAC RecruitmentAGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 12/18/2013 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: David Reesor DPW Staff Phone No: 541-726-4585 Estimated Time: 30 Minutes SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION Council Goals: Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities ITEM TITLE: SPRINGFIELD BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE (BPAC) APPOINTMENT ACTION REQUESTED: The Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) is requested to review applications from those interested in serving on the BPAC and to select up to 7 new Committee members. ISSUE STATEMENT: Staff seek Planning Commission direction, acting as the Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI), on selecting Committee members for the Springfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC). The purpose of the BPAC is to advise the Planning Commission and City Staff on matters relating to bicycle and pedestrian planning. The CCI is asked to review and select Committee members based on the submitted applications. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Applications 2. BPAC bylaws DISCUSSION: The Springfield BPAC is concluding its first full year as a standing committee. As noted in the committee bylaws, half the members’ terms expire at the end of December 2013. As this year nears an end, staff recently advertised for up to 8 new positions. Committee appointments for these positions are the subject of this work session. Community interest and involvement in the BPAC has remained high over the past year. Members have shown a reliable interest in moving the committee forward. As noted in the bylaws, 1 year members may reapply for a second term if so desired. Two of the 1 year members did reapply for reappointment to the BPAC. Five new individuals have also applied, bringing the total to 7 applications. As noted in the City’s adopted Citizen Involvement Plan, the CCI may appoint citizens to committees such as this Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee. Staff advertised for appointment of up to 8 new committee members. A total of 6 applications were received by the closing date. One additional application from William Carpenter was received past the due date. However, given that up to 8 positions are available and only 7 applications were received, staff has also included that application in this packet for CCI consideration. Attachment 1 includes applications received and are included for review by the CCI. Attachment 2 is the BPAC bylaws for reference. Staff have reviewed the submitted applications and recommend appointment of these citizens to the Springfield BPAC. Staff will present highlights of the process and be available for questions during the work session. Attachment 1, Page 1 of 25 Attachment 1, Page 2 of 25 Attachment 1, Page 3 of 25 Attachment 1, Page 4 of 25 Attachment 1, Page 5 of 25 Attachment 1, Page 6 of 25 Attachment 1, Page 7 of 25 Attachment 1, Page 8 of 25 Attachment 1, Page 9 of 25 Attachment 1, Page 10 of 25 Attachment 1, Page 11 of 25 Attachment 1, Page 12 of 25 Attachment 1, Page 13 of 25 Attachment 1, Page 14 of 25 Attachment 1, Page 15 of 25 Attachment 1, Page 16 of 25 Attachment 1, Page 17 of 25 Attachment 1, Page 18 of 25 Attachment 1, Page 19 of 25 Attachment 1, Page 20 of 25 Attachment 1, Page 21 of 25 Attachment 1, Page 22 of 25 Attachment 1, Page 23 of 25 Attachment 1, Page 24 of 25 Attachment 1, Page 25 of 25 City of Springfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Bylaws ARTICLE I. Name & Duration This Committee, established by the Springfield City Council, shall be called the Springfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee. This Committee will serve at the will of the City Council. ARTICLE II. Purpose The purpose of the Springfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee is to advise the Planning Commission and City Staff on matters relating to bicycle and pedestrian planning. Committee members should have an interest in promoting bicycle and / or pedestrian interests in Springfield. The responsibilities of the Committee shall include, but are not limited to the following: Section 1. Bicycle / Pedestrian Policy Review and make recommendations on planning documents prepared by City departments affecting the use of walking and bicycling as a transportation mode. Section 2. Bicycle / Pedestrian Facility & Program Implementation Work closely with City Staff to ensure input into bicycle and pedestrian facilities and operation planning and program development. Assist City Staff with review and prioritization of grant opportunities as they arise. Section 3. Education, Enforcement and Encouragement Assist City Staff in the public outreach of pedestrian and bicycle issues, and recommend additional education, enforcement and encouragement tools that the City may implement. Section 4. Citizen Input Encourage citizen participation in the City’s bicycle and pedestrian programs, including: identifying program or system deficiencies; reviewing existing facilities; and planning and implementing new projects and programs. Section 5. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance Work closely with City staff to continue implementing and upgrading ADA compliant bike and pedestrian facilities. ARTICLE III. Membership Section 1. Composition of Committee Attachment 2, Page 1 of 3 Membership of the Committee shall consist of 10-16 voting members. Non-voting members may include one City Councilor, one Planning Commissioner, Willamalane staff and at least one city staff member. The non-voting members are in addition to the 10-16 voting members. Other non-voting guests may participate at the request of the Committee and may represent other government agencies or City departments having an interest in pedestrian and bicycle issues. Section 2. Appointment All applicants shall complete a standard application form and submit it to the City Manager’s Office. Applications shall be reviewed and evaluated by City Staff and the Planning Commission, acting as the Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI). Committee positions shall be appointed by the CCI. Section 3. Tenure Membership on the Committee shall be two year terms. Half of the members terms shall be odd year followed by even year terms and the second half shall be even year followed by odd year terms. A term shall commence on January 1st. Committee members may reapply after one term, but may only serve two consecutive terms, unless specifically directed otherwise by the Council. Members may reapply after not serving one full term. If the total Committee membership number falls below 10 members, City staff shall recruit for additional members. If a member resigns or is removed, the replacement shall be for the remainder of the term. Section 4. Termination Committee members may voluntarily be removed from the Committee with written notice to City Staff and the Chair. If any member is absent without good cause for two consecutive meetings, the Chair may declare the position vacant. The Chair, in consultation with City Staff, may also remove a member from the Committee if a member is found not to meet the Committee’s adopted Code of Conduct. ARTICLE IV. Officers Section 1. There shall be a Chair and a Vice-Chair for the Committee. Each office shall serve for one calendar year per term. Both the Chair and Vice-Chair positions shall be elected by Committee members. ARTICLE V. Meetings Section 1. Regular Meeting Attachment 2, Page 2 of 3 Regular meetings shall be held four times during the course of one year at Springfield City hall, unless otherwise agreed upon. Time and duration of the meetings shall be determined by City Staff. Section 2. Special Meetings Special meetings may be called by the Chair or by resolution of the Committee. Notice of a special meeting shall include the agenda for the meeting. Section 3. Conduct of Meetings 60% of voting members in attendance shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any regular or special meeting. The act of the majority of the members present at a meeting at which there is a quorum shall be the act of the committee. All meetings are open to the public and shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order. City staff will provide brief meeting summaries and audio recordings of meetings. Section 4. Code of Conduct By accepting an appointment to the BPAC, members agree to adhere to a Code of Conduct, which includes: 1. Share the available speaking time at meetings 2. Follow instructions of meeting facilitator 3. Be respectful of a range of opinions 4. Be respectful of all people in attendance at meetings 5. Focus on successfully completing the agreed upon agenda 6. Avoid side discussion when others are speaking 7. Voice concerns and complaints at the meeting, not outside the meeting 8. Strive for consensus 9. Adhere to same ethical and behavior standards as City employees ARTICLE VI. Amendments to Bylaws These Bylaws may be amended by the CCI upon recommendation of a majority of the Committee made at any regular meeting of the Committee, provided that written notice of the proposed amendment shall be emailed and /or mailed to each Committee member not less than one (1) week prior to such regular meeting of the Committee. Attachment 2, Page 3 of 3