HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1976-8-5 " , - -....-o:.:::--"?;"'~--=--:--.:.-_.~_ ..--,:-;-=-~:;--.-;:;=--..;. ~-=.:..-:;,~,: .N~"-~~"""'-":~' ' :..i.,..,;:,...;. n~~ :'""!-"_..__'';'' ~ .----- " '. ~ LANE COUNTY PERMIT FOR: PERMIT NO, 14H 353-76 ,- - "; !"' DOwner .1hhn Harrell NAME MOBILE HOME t{ ) PLAN REVIEW [ ] -1593 H~rberDriv~ ADDRESS 5i:Jf-d CITY I CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ ] 746-0349 ZIP CODE PHONE . CONSTRUCTION [ ] o Contractor ~;lIn'" NAME " ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE PHONE. O.S. Reg. # NA Twr lA Range ~ Section? ~.? Tax Lot 1300 Code 19-02 Census Tract Subd ivision Filburt Grovtot 8 Block 2 Acreago Width Existing Structures on Property' Harbor Drive , Garage and Trailer House Depth Access to Property (Road Namel: Directions to Property. Address: 1'593 Harbor Drive Springfield Oregon 97477 STRUCTURE (# BEDROOMS) Permit to Park'Mob1le Home SQ. FT. #3 Bed: VALUATION SEWAGE DISPOSAL: PUBLIC [] SEPTIC TANK [ BUILDING PLUMBINC' A nn 3% SURCHARG F ,') MOBILE HOME .,n nn WASTE DISPOSAL PLAN REVIEW LAtif {CLI.~TY--SEWAl . Pk"i,:;ii AREA 360-67 PLUMBING INSTALLED BY: ] OTHER [ ] OWNER [] OTHER [] NAMF WATER SUPPLY: PROPOSED [ ] EXISTING [] [ ] PUBLIC [ ] COMMUNITY. NAME: [ ] PRIVATE WELL [ ] OTHER. SPECIFY: TOTAL ?A ,') CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS MIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY: GALS. MIN.DRAINFIELD L1N, FT. MAX. TRENCH DEPTH INCHES I(Clcn Mnhoflc. I-InmA In Teat Trnm ::!Ill n~Y"tc: nf the Dyic:.tinn C::At\l.=lnc rlfc:nnC:1I1 (;vc:t~m _ 1'--;'r':_J/", ~ ~,,~ &--C /'{k;- '>.rt."L:'. 7~ A5/#~Ay ~+",/~_ :/-:. 0. tL-::- :'9"-'.:d ,/ r-'1"'j' _h'A'~:6P...i STM100'FFtOMALLWELLS ,YPE OF CONSTRUCTION~~ GROUP FIRE ZOr<J'E USE CLASSIF. \ FROM CTR. OF r/W: 45 SIDE EXT. FT. FROM PROP. LINE: SIDE INT. 5 REAR 5 ZONF RA f1H by Fuller ISSUANCE DATE: G.I'I. GraY/sanitarians7sJ76 1 dllJ! IMPORTANT: Call 687-4065 to schedule all required construction inspections: Call 687-4061 to schedule all required septic system inspections. All construction shall comply with the Slate Buidling Code, D.E.a. standards lor subsurface sewage disposal and the State Plumbing Code. All buildings require a certificate of occupancy before being occupied. (See Delailson Reverse Side) (POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG. AT SITE) LANE COUNTY, DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX. 135 EAST 6th. EUGENE. OREGON 97401 ~ BU I LD tNG SITE. ~;BuiLOING EVA~UATION .' .~~ ~ PERMIT APPLICATION NO. /?1f1- ~$3-7b () SITE INSPECTION PLANNING DIVISION Not ADPlicable I. Zoni ng Ord i nance Cemp Ii ance": ZoneJtl--'/IIH( ) 2. Subdivision Ordinance. Compl iance () . 3. Required Access' ( ) 4. Building Site (Area, Width, Frontage) () 5. ,Other (see comments) ( ) COMMENTS: T IA _R 03 SUBDIVISION: LOT: S.7.-~-z.. TAX LOT i~ BLOCK: APPL I CANT DATE No Yes T) p 6. () rr ( ) -H-- { )-H- ( ) ( ) CK'D B)': -:,f~~9-;(, Setbacks frbm cl! of road: Front .f~ S,j de interi ar Setbacks from interior lines: Side -5 Rear ~~ BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION PLANNING DIVISION ACTION PENDING: YES{ } NO{ } APPLlCATIONH 7. Plans Submitted 8. Soil Stabil ity (footings) 9. Flood Plain 10. Other (see comments) Not Appl icable ~J- {vr {vY' COMMENTS: WATER POLUTION CONTROL Not ADOI icable () ( ) 11~ Meets Department of Environm.ntal Quality Standards. 12. Other (see comments) COMMENTS: No (~/ T) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) CKID~ C:t1tJ rt.-~-'7I. DATE No Yes T).~ ( ) ( ) CK'D B~:~.J~~ 7-..S'o.?, . - {/ DATE TO APPLI CANT: Yo~ Building I Site Inspection: (v, Can be approved.' ( ) Cannot be approved at this time as indicated on item NO. above. Questions and further information on items I through 6 contact the LANE- ' COUNTY PLANNING' DIVISION. Qu~stions and further information on items 7 through 12 contact the LANE COUNTY. BUILDING AND SANITATION DIVISION. ( ) Will be held in this office until you can resolve the problems indicated. ( ) Is being returned. ( ) Your building permit application fee is being returned__under seoarate cover. uEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 135 Sixth Avenue East Eugen~ Oregon. 97401 PHONE: 687-4065 LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION PHONE: 687-4186 (\~c, 7J ~,I)~ ~O . \ C55-28 IJ , ,'. "'.~c'" ~.. -.,r ~:~<'. ~~.:::.~ ~j''';l':r''j4J'';'il'''4~i-';'::~';\~~'';,',Q,~~f::r''J''''f;''.''' ~ml"'l~l(. '~gt'~;:;~wriiV~I"'-,""""" "'h..;" v<r~,.,..::; ~r-Jo\';I'l,tIl'''':r~f''''".;lI .M'jl." .:;:' V"l"'~ ;> ~ ~! !."......~, --, ... ',<;.J-c... ...-... ~.., '1 ;::;:_:;;t.,'1''f> '. ,~ "'~ :.' ~.\:_~.~,...'~~r.~""! .",.:<:~~,;~t j; '/"'... '~r't'" .-,;,,'....,...,. "_~' :::.~'.",: .: ,., ..r.' :'.~~f~~tNG"~ITE'~~VALUATIoN':" '<:~/.i>Z.y ..', ',: T . IA'-'~R CJ'3 . sl-3-Z- TAX LOT l~~ .- ~";.I':'"'' "", ,. ' /l..JU"'02.2le".l" ,~llY'\",,;<SUBDIVIS'ION: j.";('kL'.:BUILOING :PERM'l'r APPLlCATlON~NO. /I!#'-"f'~"C7~'.'F. .,:: LOT: BLOCK: f""'" . , to' ' J"f;i.;);';'I1J: . .... ,..4 , SITE INSPECTION' ;. ( ) .'.- ,,' ~r: (, PLANN I NG.' D I V I S ION "~, ., . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Not Apel icable Zoning Ordinance Compliance: Zone~~'IH( ) Subd i vis i on 'Ord i nance Comp 1 i ance( ) Requ i red Access ( ) _Building Site (Area, Width, Frontage) () Other (see comments) ( ) COMMENTS: APPLICANT DATE No Yes T)P 6. ( ) '(-t ( ) ,(-)- ( ) .<-)~ ( ) ( )' .--.~.,..." :f ?:PLANNING DIVISION ACTION PENDING: YESl ) NOl ) APPLICATION#. v ~,BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION",.( .v Plans Submi,t.ted Soil StabiFfi1tY (footings) Flood Plain ~ Othe~ (see comments) '- "\:, Not Appl icable ( ) (v)' (v) ~"II//~P.l1W (v) :' 7. , 8. : 9. 10. s If . COMMENTS: (..,;-i f,,,j '/ ,. " <,. ~ i," '~'-'" If t)~' ~"-,,,,- -. ....:- '~-. tl\. ~ CK I D BY :/..:,,/....1"'- ,f;;: ".::-,.,\''5 -" -= DATE \,', \lo' ; ~~.~~'^ ;..._'""""_........-..-.a ..... h~._ .~. ----- ~~ " ;-, No ' yis T')H ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ~=-a. . '..1,...-" r.;- If jOf-t1 'I ' CK' D B,Y.:-J.~20/-it Setbacks frOm cll of road: Front -1~ S i.de-Exter-i:or. Setbacks from interior lines: Side ~ Rear . tJ't-l ~ Ii. ,/(,d'~ , ..,of( /;u ~--- .- .1.... ..iV k~~~ ,. ..-;..1\'1:' ...JiJ"iJJlw ";" J I. "'if .,.,,"": ....~. ~;1'J' t . r 5. 1'1" n , ; WATER POLUTION CONTROL Not , '11. ,. -y _:;:-'~"'C.. . ,,'" ,At'pl i c(ab) l.e /~)"_(~) . -"",,; "hAl'/",,~ .C,c? ,'7' ' Meets Depar:tmen.t€C?f~: Env'lt~onmen'ta'l'"' ..;: ~?:.,;f.. $ ..:-,t/ .\ 1>. .... ~ r. .... ~. ",.~, ~ ~ . ~ Qua.1:i;fy..S.tindar.d s1'"ttE _J'r'.o'l-t:. 6:->-7' ,';.' 'I., r(. '::~'i'i:<, :"p: e r ....7,?'cr /C:.;';:;;: T):?':;rc~.u~-# ' 12. Other (see comments) ( )". ,( ) (').~ CK'D BY:N:0!~ 7:?o.?t C~'~~S: II f!!f r' ,'> ., ,~-- .. {/ DATE f}...~ Uc-J..I - ,- -. ""' 1/_,,'---.- !..L;....~ n- ~;-.....;;;.. . - /7""'--'" __. _ . . ~/? ~ _ ~ _". ""7/ d'Z'Jf:"" .t..... "'''';'';' '-_A;='i .r /",,_",,:/ ~~--:;..~~:z-- '-/ "-,,,~ r'/ TO APPLICANT: ~ YOUy Building I Site Inspection: (v) Can be approved. ( ) Cannot be approved at this time as inaicated on item NO. . ab?ve. Questions and further information on items I through 6 contact the LANE: COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION.. Questions and further information on items 7 through 12 contact the LANE COUNTY BUILDING AND SANITATION DIVISION. .( ) Will be held in this office until you can resolve the problems indicated. ( ) Is being returned. '-' ( ) Your building permit al?plication fee is bein.q .~eturn.~d und~r seoarate cover.' ~EPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEM~NI 135 Sixth Avenue East Eugene Oregon 97401 PHONE: 687-4065 LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION PHONE: 687~4186 ~ l CI\ ~ ~.~'" ~c~,~,-\:~,. ,,,'~, " J > :~ j , .1 "1 ~ ~:" ~~.'1- ;.~...: ~!il'"- 't.;~,:... ..:,.: :;,;!~:,:~ '" ,.~~.>...,}::~._;./~~~~::~~!!;~~~~~~i1:~~~~~~~;;~.....:t::~.....,;",-,".1:'__ >t>..,.,:"f~,_~ ""OL,.', '"'c. . )"~_..-,,,,;Y.~f'l t;,.ik,., . _:~}O< ~,:H:. ~,. ".,7. . ..., ,yO . ,'1 U.NE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLOT PLAN .'. Name and Address of Owner C~ /S13 '~~~"",-tf '1'h' ~ Telephone: -'}'-f~, . c; '!3.vy , The building being, constructed under this permit will be used for ), LALki A~1-UA ,9 ' ,Date this property was purchased ,--1~a q: IC/(" 7 Do you now, or did you ever own property adjacent to this tax lot?~~f so, please list those tax lot numbers or draw those properties on the plot plan below. Indicate on your drawing the location of all homes.(including mobile homes) now on :::".7'~~"~" W;~:~ t~m~~l~\ F ~E",ld" ,. ....: :=:=====~ =~== ~~~~ ~.~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;. . - -- ,_.. ... - -'.- -. ,-,.- _. -_ -_' -_. ,_ "_ ~ _. __... . .._ - n. ._ _ _ ._, _ _" __ _ ._ __, __ .. _ _. _ _ ~..'__ ~ = = ~:~ ~ ~~; ~ ~ ~.:' ....: .: ~ . '\1) i ~ ~ .. = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~; ~ -- =~.~. J ~ ~] ~~ ~. =~:.=~. =:==::::=::'~~~=~:::_~:~~~~'~=J'~[~~~~~~:f~:~~~~~-::'==~~~~~~~~~~ :::::::: ::.:::::: .. ..-. - ::: ~ :: :::= :~:: ::::::. ~ I:' t."::.:- _ :: <i. .: _'h' _..... .. n...... "'::':'=~::::':i"-'" :~. l:. (I,:::. ~~. ... ., ..n. _\e.. -- -,. ,) .t~!<c".! ._..E~...._.~~~=~~- ... __n 2~~~~ -1'--h _____==~=h.._. ===::... ..::':' :.'. ::=J~~~: "h:;i~~{.:", ... '. .....c._ ~_ ; _.~ ~.H'_. -'- -'. ~..' "t. -1:: .:. ~.'_'~ '_'.' ..... . _ h,_ .'_ ; ~ L~ ~ .'. d' . . . .... In.. d.. - - -- - - -- - - 7} '''C:".or-'!.. ~::: ::."" _=-.__n --' ~f h .::;,;~~~:.::~ .~~t ... .. ... -- __h __h_... ;~~i __ ".. .._._ "!" I j.. i~~.: ~ '",- -~-=--===-"c.,,"_L i' - ----- :\~~~ ~ ~~~~ = =.~:= ~= ~ ~~~ ~ ~~I: ::~ ----- - ---1-1-- -- J~ . :: ~ ~ ~. ,- ;. ~ ~ .: ~ ,-, _ ,. I r ,_ c. _ n _.... _ ;. _ ~.~" _ :: ~ .. ~ ~ __ :. ~. ~:_ ., , _. ... _ __ _ _ -r., ____ .... .-.... . 1 J. L ; '-)~ / '''. )' r.:: .. ...... . . - - - - - -- - -~, - -- - ._,L~ "",,' = - _. .. ," [.J,. I: 1 L '" ,_ '" -'C -= -=:: 7' 7: ',' -, .,. .... _ , , , 1 ' .. "- ---,_. '" '---...;.. "-. Name of Applicant (if different from owner): Address Telephone Applicant's Interest: Buyer 0 Seller 0 Agent 0 C74-99 ~p Tax Lot J.~ [)O Permit II . lane county September 29, 1976 , Mr. John Harrell ',1593 Harbor Drive Springfield, Oregon, Dear Mr. Harrell: Reference is made, to Lane ,County'Permit MIl 353-76 issued to you on August 5, 1976 covering'the parking of a new mobile home trailer on tax lot 1300, township 18, range 3, section 2.3.2 (Filbert 'Grove subdivision lot 8, block 2). . The permit requires that the mobile ,home be kept 10 feet from all parts of the ,existing sewage disposal system. art Augtist 16, 1976 Mr. Wagner of Harrison Homes advised us that it was, not possible 'to' comply with that requirement in all respects due to the.small size of the lot which finding we confirm. On the same day, Mr. Stan Petrasek, supervisor'of'septic tank installations, and I inspected your trailer installation and found'that it does not in any way interfere with the proper functioning of the sewage disposal system, even though the trailer location is less than 10 feet from some parts of the system. In view of the above, a variance to. the clearance requirements of the permit is hereby granted. Sini,erely, g. George Svoboda Director cc: Harrison,Hornes 1441 Highway 99 North Eugene, Oregon Attn: Dick Wagner Permit F.ile /' " ~ lHE DIRECTOR I DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT / 135 EAS'I 61H AVE / EUGENE, OR 97~01 115031687,4065 .; . ~.. ,,"'" .' -_." .... _ _ _c....,.f'.' -. _. ",.,_,,_ ___.._.., ......"".1 . _" __ ,. . __ ~., . . LANE COUNTY PERMIT FOR: PERMIT NO. t!iI 35$-76 ., CONSTRUCTION [] MOBILE HOME t; PLAN REVIEW [ J' CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ ] DOwner . JIlIm Hlll'rall NAME 1593 HG~er Drive ADDRESS CITY 746-0349 ZIP CODE PHONE o Contractor $003 NAME ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE PHONE .. a.s. Reg, # NA .T wp 18 Range 3 Section 2.3.2 Tax Lot 1300 Codp 19-02 Census Tract Subdivision Fn burt Grov~ot e 2 Block Acreago Width Access to Property (Road Name)', Hlilrbor Drive .r~ragQ and Trot1er House Depth 'Existing Structures on Property: Directions to Property' Address: 1593 Harbor Drfve Springffeld Oregon 97477 ST"RUCT1URE I~~BEDROOMS) u.. rom t to "OV'K \;illDlIG n,,:ta SO. FT. 03 Bed: VALUATION SEWAGE DISPOSAL' PUBLIC [] SEPTIC TANK [ BUILDINr. PLUMBING ll.nn 3% SURCHARG" .1~ MO'BILE HOMF ::lO~M WASTE DISPOSAL PLAN REVIEW 360-67 , ] OTHER [ ] PLUMBING INSTALLED BY: OWNER [] OTHER [J NAM" WATER SUPPLY: PROPOSED [ ] EXISTING [J [ ] PUBLIC [ ] COMMUNITY, NAME: [ ] PRIVATE WELL [ ] OTHER r SPECIFY: TOTAL :i4.12 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS MIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY: --... GALS. MIN.DRAINFIELD lIN. FT, MAX. TRENCH DEPTH INCHES KeOl) /!:obl1a Hlhi:3 10 feat from all oort!; of tho mdstfnq Se;l&lW dfsOOliOl llYSItEtJ TYPE OF CONSTR UCTION GROUP FIRE ZONE STAY 100' FROM ALL WELLS USE CLASSIF. SETBACKS, FT. '4ROM CTR. OF r!W: FRONT ~ SIDE EXT. FT, FROM PROP. LINE: 5 SIDE INT. I:l REAR ZON" RA KM AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES: /s/ J. E. BOliS by Fullor ! ISSUANCE DATE: G.M. Gray/sanitarian 8/5/76 dlm , '.f'.". .,.\' ',...." "1::;1 BLDG, PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COpy - WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBING - CANARY BUILDING - GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD IMPORTANT: Call 687-4065 to schedule all required construction inspections. Call 687-4061 to schedule all required septic system inspec1!ons. All construction shall comply wilh the Stale Buidling Code, D.E.Q. standards for subsurface sewage disposal and the State Plumbing Code. All buildings require a certificate of. occupancy before being occupied. (See Details on'Reverse8ide) C55.t3 LANE COUNTY, DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EAST 6th, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 \ (POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG. AT SITE) ,/ , '~ S LAB FLOOR PLUMBING GROUNDWORK ApPROVEO 17 ~ , DATE DISAPPROVED \, REMARKS " GAS PIPING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED ;---? DATE REMARKS ROUGH PLUMBING ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ ,DATE REMARKS ROUGH GAS PIPING ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ OATE REMARK S . FINAL p'LUMB lNG, ApPfWVED J52t"~ DISAPPROVED ~ DATE/~_//_"7/ REMARKS FINAL GAS PIPING ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ;---? DATE REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY" TO ISSUE 17 NOT READY 'TO 1 SSUE 17 D~TE REMARKS ''- , " '. INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR i INSPECTOR I.NSPEC'T~~~ _~"~~ " INSPECTOR INSPECTOR '-11'1J.J-e.. . ::) LANE COUNTY PERMIT FOR: c PERMIT NO, r)i! -,I,. ;, .,.;!" CONSTRUCTION [] MOBILE HOME F] PLAN REVIEW [ DOwner ":0:':1 liGri'ol1 NAME, ~r,j~ ,\:,V...~, N.l\ME .tl'l '~.s~i3 ~:;:~fy::r ADDRESS tt~'i/'-: CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ ] 14~'-"O~~t 9 CITY ZIP CODE PHONE o Contractor ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE PHONE O.S. Reg. # Twp 1" .- ';\ Range " FllbUl't Grov"l' ot Section 2.3,2 Tax Lot 1 r~"n .....v Code hI<<~':~ Census Tract Subdivision B ~ .: Acreago Width .Access to Property (Road Name)' Block Harbor !!l'hc Depth ~xisting Structures on Property: nar~0C ond TrAiler Kousc Directions to Property, Address: ~G9:3 ~:..T'bol' 91"iva Spl"hlgf'Jeld Orer;on 97477 ST~~~:WNJ#~~~P:R8oq)~1b tlu,.:':! SQ. FT. 1'3 Dc;J: VALUATION I q~". ~f':" .l1nc WlJr~I\i WH liB D~Il)AUr . M. ,.;"11 AReA SEWAGE DISPOSAL: SGfr-1i7 PUBLIC [] SEPTIC TANK [J OTHER [ BUILDING PLUMBING ..,'.::1 3%SURCHARGIO .l": MOBILE HOMF :0.']" WASTE DISPOSAL PLAN REVIEW PLUMBING INSTALLED BY: OWNER [I OTHER [] NAM~ WATER SUPPL Y: PROPOSED [ ] EXISTING [J [ ] PUBLIC [ ] COMMUNITY, NAME: [ ] PRIVATE WELL [ ] OTHER, SPECIFY: TOTAL ...~ ,~ .~..t. CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS MtN, SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY: G~~.S<';il ..(le'IO i ~;NJ.!Ni.~R.A-'~iI1fR; !iI' P".rl;J.I~ll;le cld::n;ft){~E:~i,I;l~Df~1~'J:::5! O,YiJr.c)NCHES _r ", ,... '. . -.....'\-.- . , .. . , ' STAY 100' FROM ALL WELLS USE CLASSIF. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION GROUP FIRE ZONE SETBACKS, FT. F.flOM CTR. OF rNV: FRONT - SIDE EXT. FT. FROM PR0P. LINE: " H II SIDE INT. REAR ZON~ 11;\ :i" AUTHORIZED SIGNAJTUI1ES:"'n..., ...') ?lli~' "' /s/ . C" VV;o).., i.J . '.. " ISSUANCE DAT.E: 1i,..I. \.,r.'y/slIfl1tartnn JI\III.: uti; BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY - WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBING - CANARY . BUILDING - GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD IMPORTANT: Call 687-4065 to schedule all required construction inspections. Call 687-4061 to schedule all required septic system inspections. All construction shall comply with the Slate Buidling Code, D.E.Q. standards tor subsurface sewage disposal and the State Plumbing Code. All buildings require a certificate oj' occupancy before being occupied, . (See Details on Reverse Side) (POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG, AT SITE) \ C55.13 LANE COUNTY, DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EAST 6th, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 , , '., SITE INSPECTION ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ DATE REMARKS FOUNDATION INSPECTION ApPROVED ~I DISAPPROVED ~/ DATE REMARKS FRAMING INSPECTION ApPROVED / / Dl SAPPROVEO ~ DATE REMARKS LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION ApPROVED / 1 DI SAPPROVED ~I DATE REMARKS FINAL INSPECTION ApPROVED ~ /1~ / / / DATE DISAPPROVED ~ / ". /r-f7-7C REMARKS ~ ~ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR Qd_ j~ (/ ) READY TO ISSUE / / NOT READY TO ISSUE ~ DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR '/0 ~/rL c/~-7? /' .~ ~ ~~~~ ,PERMIT IF ~ <.J;.-, ,.~ BEEN APPROVED NOTE: NO PERMIT WILL BE ISSUED UNTIL THIS APPLICATI0.. dAS APPLICATION FOR: ~ PLAN REVIEW c:=J CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY C:=J /1 Q II ,1- ~City , .' Zip Section 2..3.).. Tax Lot 1300lle 1'1-0,2, Census Tract ubaiv S10 _ ~ .. 'J Dr." L tp.~ . Lot ~ B~OCk:J/./ PJ;operty Acreage ACCESS TO PROPERTY (ROad' Name) ~~ ~ ,'1/' . ' Existing Structures on Property: ctla: /1.1'1 L'l V -- ...2AA:u...J~ . 0 I' /'1 .,/ 7 . Q Property' Location - Address/Di:rec~ions:' / S-q,~ iLl!..', t. J.~)1 rll).~"-AJ....PJ';- ...K.L/.IJ /-..i ~.p.A~.-7f~ ~.~ 'fk.J.cA~,Q(..:I(J,:a..,.Atc-, '12<~Id' );Jb !:? / ' CONSTRUCTION c:=J MOBILE "HOME [~ OWNER \\..A.~ '1)1, i1.",>v .PO (J " Name I .71 a 'i/....-J.....v,k. Address 97471 l:ip 74/, .03"z'1 Phone c:J CONTRACTOR Name Address Phone O,S. REG. II Range 3 Width~Depth I_~^--~ ' '1747') - Below for Office Use - OnlyXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxX /:J' I. Cn~ i'/ .11' . AS/I' Ft. IIBedrooms L?'lA L/ / /ttJ-tlt.AJ 0 ~ 1~ ,3-. , . '. N D COUi;,JTY SPECIAL PERMIT? AREA 260,;.. ~ 7 IV . . ~xist~ri.g Sewage /9isposal System ~". or New System Required c:=J \ 'p'ublic, ~. H ~' Other. Community ~ Name of Community or Public System \. g. L-J . PLUMBINGa'. IJ Installeo by Owner c:=J \, l't PLUMBING FEES:l' \ It of Fixtures :'i1 d " o CAS\/ . ~~ECi!l ~I Valuation LAI'<!E SEWAGE DISPOSAL: ' Site ,Inspection # WATER SUPPLY: Well Spring FEES: Other c:=J Name Bldg, f',1f-O I /;L. SeV?age Connection ~ Wate.r Connection ~ Plumbing 3 % Surcharge Waste Disp. Mobile Home 3.t2. CrO ,'3 C;, 1;2 ~FflISHED " t ! . YES c:=J ' NO FACILITY PERMIT Plan Review TOTAL .. - Signat.ure. of A;plicant! 1J1t;, Fee Received BY::~': ,....."..1' . ~ c:::J YES ~O ~N.) -nt. x!..,;hYPOL. ~ Date: /'~::?9-70 Type of Construction Dralhfield Required - Lineal Feet . .~~~~/~'~. ~(/~ 1m ~ ~ Group Fire Zone Max"imum Depth ~ j. . 'F. p~ ~ ..fLLr > 1 1.../ I, I J . I Min, ;(;;~n)1j~ / '{ Bldg Setbacks - fro~ Center of Road Right of Way: Front" 4:s:' Side Int. 5"" Sj.Ac li'V'+-~...~:-... Rear s' Zone K A--/JJ 1'1 ~PIANNIN : DATE: ~ 7-7_t:1-7b , .- C55-12 LANE SA~.IIJ A:~ ' DATE: ~~ DATE: .r~! ~~J /-:. ~ - /' - ;) ~g-?'F COUNTY DEPARTMENT t;I ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT