HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 09 17 AIS CAC AppointmentCOMMUNICATION MEMORANDUM Meeting Date: 9/17/2013 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Anette Spickard/DPW Staff Phone No: 541-726-3697 Estimated Time: 15 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D PLANNING COMMISSION Council Goals: Provide Financially Responsible and Innovative Government Services ITEM TITLE: PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER APPOINTMENT TO CITIZEN’S ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE METHODOLOGY UPDATE (SDC-CAC) ACTION REQUESTED: Appoint one member of the Planning Commission to serve in an Ex Officio capacity on the City’s Transportation System SDC-CAC. ISSUE STATEMENT: City Council has requested that one member of the Planning Commission serve on the CAC that is being convened to review the City’s SDC methodology for the Transportation System. The City Council will appoint the full committee membership at its October 7, 2013 Council meeting. ATTACHMENTS: 1. SDC-CAC Charge, Guidelines, Meeting Schedule, Membership Categories, Policy Issue and Media Advisory. DISCUSSION: City staff has undertaken a review of the existing methodology created to establish rates for Transportation System Systems Development Charges (“SDC”). Council last reviewed and updated the Transportation System SDC methodology in 2000. In 2008 Council reviewed the methodology and no changes were made other than to update the project list and rates. With the City’s pending adoption of its own Transportation System Plan (TSP) it is appropriate to review the methodology and update the basis for the SDC rates. An important component of this review is the use of a Citizen’s Advisory Committee to work with staff to evaluate the methodology and provide input and recommendations to the Council prior to adoption of the new rates. Council has referred a list of policy issues to the SDC-CAC for review and requests that one Planning Commission member serve on the CAC in an Ex Officio capacity. Applications are being accepted for the other SDC-CAC membership categories through 5pm on September 23, 2013. A media advisory announcing the recruitment has been issued and other outreach efforts include contacting the Development Advisory Committee, the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee, and the private sector. Attachment 1 – Page 1 of 7 City of Springfield SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE UPDATE PROJECT Transportation System CITIZEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE (SDC-CAC) October 2013 CAC Charge This CAC is charged with the responsibility of evaluating the city’s proposed methodology for assessing systems development charges to developers of property. Specifically, the CAC will provide the City Council with informed citizen opinions and input from their review of the Transportation System systems development charges (SDCs) methodology. The CAC is a forum for facilitating an open exchange of information, ideas and opinions between the SDC study team and interested members of the public. Since the creation and modification of SDC methodologies is a highly technical area, the Council will seek the input of the CAC on specific policy issues identified by Council and referred to the CAC. It will not refer policy items to the CAC that are driven by technical or statutory requirements. While the Council values the input of informed and interested citizens, and will certainly consider the views of the CAC members, it does reserve the ability to fulfill its legal obligation to the citizens to make the final decisions. Key Outcomes Methodology is fair, equitable, objective, defensible, and understandable Provides adequate revenue for transportation system projects Attachment 1 – Page 2 of 7 City of Springfield SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE UPDATE PROJECT Transportation System CITIZEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE (SDC-CAC) October 2013 Membership Categories: Preference will be given to those applicants with a physical presence in the City of Springfield City Council Liaison – Ex Officio Springfield Planning Commission Liaison – Ex Officio Development Community o Residential Builder o Commercial Builder o Non-Profit/School District Property Developer o Engineering/Design Springfield Chamber of Commerce Business Community o Large Employer o Medium Employer o Small Employer Bike/Pedestrian/Multi Use /Alternative Forms of Transportation Community Freight Community Fuel Community Oregon Department of Transportation Citizen(s) at Large Attachment 1 – Page 3 of 7 City of Springfield SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE UPDATE PROJECT Transportation System CITIZEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE (SDC-CAC) Meeting Schedule Six Wednesday evening meetings between October and March September 9, 2013 Council worksession to adopt committee charge and membership categories September 10 Recruit members between September 10 and September 23, 2013 October 7 Council appoints CAC members October 30 Kickoff Meeting November 20 Meeting #2 December 18 Meeting #3 January 15, 2014 Meeting #4 February 19 Meeting #5 March 19 Meeting #6 Attachment 1 – Page 4 of 7 City of Springfield SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE UPDATE PROJECT Transportation System CITIZEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE (SDC-CAC) October 2013 Policy Issues for CAC examination: Should there be a Credit/Incentive policy? Should there be a factor for inflationary/deflationary adjustments? Should City’s match for State and Federal projects be included in methodology? Should debt service costs be included in the methodology? Should there be a reconciliation of actual project costs to estimated costs after project completion to address use of any savings for future projects? Should the use of the ITE data manual for trip data be continued? Should Council policy allow commercial/industrial ratepayers to defer payment of SDC’s over time similar to that allowed by residential ratepayers? Should the appeal process be evaluated to determine if any improvements should be made? Evaluation criteria to be used when examining policy issues: Equity – is the fee in proportion to the system impact Defensibility – is the methodology consistent with the law and other communities Administrative Feasibility – is the data available to support the methodology Public Understanding/Acceptance – is the methodology simple to understand and fair Attachment 1 – Page 5 of 7 City of Springfield SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE UPDATE PROJECT Transportation System CITIZEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE (SDC-CAC) October 2013 CAC Guidelines: The CAC will operate under the following general guidelines and conditions: CAC members who have been appointed on the basis of a recommendation by a specific constituency will be asked to solicit the opinions of their constituency and articulate the positions of their memberships. The Council will strive to appoint a diverse and balanced group. CAC meetings will be open to the public and include a period for general public comment. Members of the CAC will not hold “voting” positions nor adopt recommendations under the majority rule requirements. The City Council Liaison and Planning Commission Liaison will serve in an “Ex Officio” capacity. Members will participate in discussions of the SDC principles with the staff team with the objective of developing consensus recommendations that will be presented to the City Council. In the event that consensus on specific policy issues is not achieved, both majority and minority opinions will be considered by the staff team and reported to the City Council. CAC discussion will review options for SDC Methodologies for the Transportation System to reflect, to the extent practicable, community values and concerns. The City staff SDC team will provide objective information on SDC Methodology options to the CAC and solicit CAC recommendations. CAC’s recommendations are non-binding to both the City staff SDC team and the City Council. However, all CAC recommendations will be documented and forwarded to the City Council. The staff SDC team will consider all CAC recommendations in formulating its recommendations to the City Council. However, because of the staff study team’s fiduciary and management responsibilities, their recommendations may, at times, be different from those of the CAC. Staff study team recommendations will be reported to the CAC once they are made. The study scope of review will be defined by the staff team as approved by the City Council. Due to the time constraints, it may not be feasible to accommodate revisiting of issues already examined and feedback on staff study team recommendations. The CAC should not review and/or recommend reconsideration of past City Council decisions. Attachment 1 – Page 6 of 7 Staff study team support of CAC activities will be limited to provision of information necessary for consideration of SDC policy issues and decisions. The staff team will provide information that is available from city records which may be collected and distributed without extensive expenditures of staff time or budget resources. The CAC will continue until the completion and adoption of the City of Springfield SDC Methodology for the Transportation System. The proposed meeting schedule includes six meetings between October 2013 and March, 2014. CAC membership is voluntary and will not be compensated by the City of Springfield. Attachment 1 – Page 7 of 7 www.ci.springfield.or.us FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 10, 2013 Contact: Niel Laudati: 541.726.3780 Cell: 541.221.3686 ~ Media Advisory ~ APPLICANTS SOUGHT FOR CITIZEN’S ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE METHODOLOGY The City is currently accepting applications to fill open positions on a Citizen’s Advisory Committee on Transportation System Systems Development Charges. The deadline to apply is 5 p.m. on September 23, 2013. Applicants will be appointed by the City Council at the October 7, 2013 City Council meeting. Copies of the application form and the Committee’s Charge, Guidelines and Meeting Schedule are available at the City Manager’s Office in City Hall, 225 Fifth Street. Electronic copies of the application and committee materials may be requested by contacting Anette Spickard at 541.726.3697 or at aspickard@springfield-or.gov. Background: The qualifications for membership on this Citizen’s Advisory Committee include being representatives of the following Springfield communities: the Springfield Chamber of Commerce; Residential Developer; Commercial Developer; Non-Profit/School District Property Developer; Engineering/Design Consultant; Large Employer; Medium Employer; Small Employer; Bike/Pedestrian/Alternative Forms of Transportation; Freight Transportation; Fuel Facilities; Oregon Department of Transportation; or residents, electors, or property owners within Springfield. One City Councilor and one Planning Commission member will serve in an Ex Officio capacity. This Citizen’s Advisory Committee is appointed by the City Council for a limited duration to serve between October 2013 and March 2014, or until the work of the committee is complete. This committee is charged with the responsibility of evaluating the city’s proposed methodology for assessing systems development charges to developers of property and will provide the City Council with informed opinions and input from their review of the Transportation System Systems Development Charge (SDC’s) methodology. For more information, contact Anette Spickard at 541.726.3697 or at aspickard@springfield-or.gov.