HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 03 19 AIS CCI Main Street Corridor VisionAGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: March 19, 2013
Meeting Type: CCI
Staff Contact/Dept.: Linda Pauly/DPW
Staff Phone No: 541-726-4608
Review and discuss the proposed planning project and the citizen involvement activities
outlined in Attachment 1.
ISSUE STATEMENT: On November 5, 2012, the City Council accepted a Transportation and Growth Management (TGM) grant from the State that will enable the City to engage the community in a robust visioning process for the Main Street Corridor.
ATTACHMENTS: 1. Preliminary work plan and project deliverables
DISCUSSION: As the City’s primary mid-town east-west access and circulation spine and its longest commercial strip, the 7-mile Main Street/ Oregon Highway 126B corridor provides
access to many Springfield neighborhoods and destinations. A significant amount of Springfield’s planned and zoned commercial and industrial lands are located along the Main Street/Highway 126B corridor. “All roads lead to Main Street” is true in more
than just a geographic sense. In one way or another, the corridor influences, is influenced by, or directly intersects major land use and transportation planning projects
currently being conducted and implemented by the City of Springfield. The work
funded by the grant will support and build on the Springfield 2030 Plan, the Main Street Safety Study, Downtown planning, the Downtown Main Street Program, and LTD’s study of potential future transit improvements.
The grant will fund consultant services to facilitate interactive workshops, stakeholder
interviews, and other citizen participation opportunities. The Visioning process will
initiate a broad community discussion about what works and doesn’t work right now and what makes the most sense for the future. What kinds of land use and physical
changes does the community aspire to see in this important thoroughfare? Where are
the best opportunities for redevelopment? How does bus transit fit into the redevelopment picture and where are the best places for possible transit improvements?
By engaging affected stakeholders at the very beginning of the planning-for-change process, the community can help identify, articulate, visualize and choose incremental steps that will move towards an overall vision for the Main Street corridor.
During negotiations with the winning consultant team, the work plan (ATT 1) may be revised as necessary to finalize the project budget and to capitalize on the particular
public involvement strengths and experience of the selected firm. Staff will bring this item back for review by the CCI as the Citizen Involvement Plan is refined by the
consultant team.
This project is being managed as one element of an overarching multi-agency Main
Street Project, and will be conducted in close coordination with four other project
elements in the Main Street Corridor:
Main Street-McVay Improved Transit Feasibility Study (Lane Transit District +
Point to Point Solutions Smart Trips program (Lane Transit District)
Main Street Pedestrian Crossings (City)
Downtown Springfield Demonstration Block (City)
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David Helton
ODOT Region 2
644 A St
Springfield, OR 97477 541 726-2545
541 726-2509
Linda Pauly
City of Springfield
225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541 726-4608
541 726-3689
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act Agency/ODOT Oregon Department of Transportation
City City of Springfield
LTD Lane Transit District
WOCPM Work Order Contract Project Manager
The purpose of the City of Springfield’s (City) Main Street Corridor Vision Plan project is to
engage citizens and stakeholders in a community visioning process that results in a Vision Plan that describes desired future conditions in the Main Street/Oregon Highway 126B corridor and
identifies strategies for implementing that vision. The Main Street Corridor Vision Plan will
guide subsequent updates to the City’s Comprehensive Plan, Transportation System Plan,
Development Code, and economic development actions.
The Project Study Area includes the corridor and adjacent lands of:
the one way couplet of Main Street and South A from 10th Street east to 20th Street
and Main Street from 20th Street east to 69th Street.
These streets are also designated as Oregon Highway 126B. For the purposes of this project the
corridor shall be known as the Main Street Corridor Land uses considered in this Project will be primarily those within ½-block of Main / South A
Street, but the Project Study Area will need to expand to the north or south to adequately include
some adjacent commercial and industrial districts. Establishment of the boundary of the Project
Study Area will be finalized at the Project Kickoff Meeting in Task 1 of this Project.
The Main Street/ Oregon Highway 126B corridor is the City’s primary mid-town east-west
access and circulation spine and its longest commercial strip. A significant amount of Springfield’s planned and zoned commercial and industrial lands are located along the Main Street Corridor, a 7-mile strip of land that also provides access to many Springfield
neighborhoods and destinations. The majority of lands that abut the Main Street Corridor are
small commercial lots. Springfield’s redevelopment strategy, as articulated and mapped in the
2009 Draft Commercial and Industrial Buildable Lands Inventory, Economic Development Objectives and Strategies, and Economic Opportunities Analysis assumes that many of these parcels will redevelop over the next 20 years, so planning for transportation improvements in the
corridor must be linked with economic development and land use implementation.
There is also a need in the market to plan for land use and transportation in the Main Street Corridor. Developers increasingly are seeking approval for a mix of land uses and higher densities on a site to maximize and diversify their investments. Thoughtfully planned land uses
and transportation system improvements can create opportunities for private sector investment
and support growth and enhancement of existing commerce and other land uses in the Main
Street Corridor. Existing single use zoning, parking, and setback requirements, and caps on residential density
currently limit opportunities for redevelopment in the Main Street Corridor. The City intends to
follow this Project with Phase Two that will develop amendments to the Comprehensive Plan,
zoning code, and development code that are needed to implement the Main Street Corridor Vision Plan. This Project is an essential first step in updating the Comprehensive Plan designations and zoning to support successful integration of development and transportation
along the Main Street Corridor.
This Project must coordinate with related ongoing efforts in the Project Study Area, including the Main Street-McVay Improved Transit Feasibility Study being led by Lane Transit District (LTD) and the Smart Trips program led by LTD Point-to-Point Solutions. Project coordination is
needed to create efficiencies and avoid duplicative efforts, and to reduce confusion among the
public by coordinating public involvement efforts. Coordination will likely include the passing
of information and coordination of public involvement efforts including the Project web site,
publicity, meetings, and public events. Coordination with these related efforts shall be facilitated
by the City and will require consideration and adjustment of work tasks and schedule by the
Consultant within the scope of this statement of work.
An adopted Main Street Corridor Vision Plan that:
Identifies the community’s preferred future for the Main Street Corridor.
Establishes a vision for mutually supportive land uses and transportation systems that provide enhanced opportunities for successful commerce and corridor redevelopment.
Identifies a land use pattern that acknowledges, supports and enhances Main Street
commerce through growth and redevelopment through short, medium and long-term land
use transitions while maintaining stable development where existing economic activity is strong.
Improves safety and balances mobility for motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit
Helps the community envision how successful integration of transportation and land use
can improve corridor conditions and livability.
Incorporates community input to identify and build practical, integrated strategies, courses of action, and partnerships for successful implementation.
Increases corridor accessibility to jobs, workforce, education, services, and the ability to accommodate future growth in travel.
Coordinates with locations of existing and planned safe pedestrian crossings to address
issues identified in the OR Hwy 126 Main Street Safety Study.
Builds understanding and support for land use plan update that will implement vision
developed by this Project.
City shall manage the Project. City shall provide existing and readily available data, review and
comment on Project deliverables, advertise meetings, coordinate mailings, participate in Project
committees, and perform support logistics to the Consultant for Project meetings. City shall report local match expenditures every two months to the Oregon Department of Transportation’s (ODOT) Work Order Contract Project Manager (WOCPM).
City shall ensure involvement of City staff, Planning Commission, and Council members
throughout the Project (e.g., through periodic briefings and committee assignments) to help
assure that final products have the City’s support. City Project Manager shall summarize
comments received from other City reviewers on draft products and provide guidance where there is conflict between comments from reviewers.
Consultant shall perform the Project technical tasks, prepare content for meetings, and facilitate
Project meetings. Consultant shall distribute Project deliverables and other materials to the City
and WOCPM by e-mail unless hardcopy is specified in a subtask. Consultant shall work with Project committees, City staff, and the WOCPM to incorporate input received at meetings and in
review of Project deliverables. Consultant shall maintain regular communication with the City
and WOCPM to ensure satisfactory completion of deliverables in accordance with Project
The Main Street Corridor Vision Plan is expected to be a highly visual document, with
illustrations of future conditions in the Project Study Area to support the identified vision
statements, goals, strategies, and actions. In addition, the City expects the Project to use visualization methods to engage the public, to elicit their input on desired conditions in the
Project Study Area, and to develop the preferred vision and goals.
Consultant shall utilize two planning approaches to the corridor analysis and visioning in this
Project that will establish the adopted vision element and inform the development of implementation strategies in the Main Street Corridor Vision Plan:
Framework Approach: identify how best to organize land use and transportation within
the linear Project Study Area, considering conditions for and the interplay between market demand, land use, transportation routes and systems, utility provision, and urban design.
Strategic Approach: identify opportunities for focused activity/placemaking/development at certain nodes within the corridor to support the overall vision for corridor improvement.
Consultant shall prepare an initial version of Project deliverables, including Draft Memoranda, Revised Memoranda, and Presentation Material, for City to review and Consultant to revise prior
to release of Project deliverables for review or posting material to the Project website.
All written (text) and graphic deliverables must be submitted in electronic versions for review, posting on the Project Web Site, and record-keeping for the Project. Written portions of Draft Memoranda must be submitted in Microsoft Word-compatible (.doc) format for review. Graphic
portions of Project deliverables submitted for review must be converted to Portable Document
Format (.pdf) for readability. Any deliverables specified for posting on the Project Website must
be submitted in Portable Document (.pdf) format. Electronic files of final Project deliverables
must be submitted in a native format compatible with City software and in Portable Document
Format (.pdf). City and Consultant will mutually identify the compatible file format for final
Project deliverables.
All Project deliverables must be well documented, with project name, a title that corresponds to
the contract deliverable, draft number, a legend, and the date of preparation.
Display-sized graphics for Project meetings and events must be printed in color when important to public comprehension and mounted to allow display on an easel or wall; display of graphics
by projector only is not acceptable.
Final plans must be prepared as recommendations for adoption-ready final policy statements of
the local government and shall not include language such as “it is recommended …” or “City should …” Final plan must identify the amendments or deletions to existing local government
plans or codes necessary to implement the plan.
The following text must appear in the final version of all final deliverables:
This project is partially funded by a grant from the Transportation and Growth
Management (TGM) Program, a joint program of the Oregon Department of
Transportation and the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development. This
TGM grant is financed, in part, by federal Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient
Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), local government, and the State of Oregon funds.
The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect views or policies of the State of
Consultant name or logos may not appear on final documents, with the exception of the
acknowledgement page.
Unless otherwise specified,
City shall provide meeting arrangements including scheduling, providing comments on meeting
materials, timely distribution of agendas and meeting materials, providing copies of materials for
distribution at meetings, reserving a suitable location, advertising, posting notice, and mailing
notice as required. Meeting locations must be accessible by the physically disabled consistent with the requirements
of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Meeting notices must include an offer to make
accommodations for the disabled with sufficient advance notice, with contact information for
such notification.
City shall make arrangements, including any required legal notice, for the Planning Commission
and City Council meetings.
Notice of Project meetings must include reference to the Project Website where the Project
objectives, schedule, and deliverable products are posted.
Consultant shall develop technical meeting materials, lead meetings, facilitate discussion of
relevant issues, and prepare meeting summaries which must include:
summary minutes with key points raised during the meeting;
how Consultants intend to address these points; and
an assessment of the implications of these points for Project scope, schedule, and budget.
City shall issue press releases, place advertisements in media (at City’s discretion and within
City’s budget parameters), process and send mail and e-mail, place articles and announcements
in City publications, identify stakeholders, and conduct similar activities to support public
involvement efforts for the Project.
Public involvement must allow the community an opportunity to provide input into the
transportation planning process. City shall consider environmental justice issues, which is the
fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin,
or income with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. means that no group of people, including a racial,
ethnic, or a socioeconomic group, should bear a disproportionate share of the negative
environmental consequences resulting from industrial, municipal, and commercial operations or
the execution of federal, state, local, and tribal programs and policies.
means that: (1) potentially affected community residents have an appropriate opportunity to participate in decisions about a proposed activity that will affect their environment and/or health;
(2) the public's contribution can influence the regulatory agency's decision; (3) the concerns of
all participants involved will be considered in the decision making process; and (4) the decision
makers seek out and facilitate the involvement of those potentially affected.
The public involvement program must include specific steps to provide opportunities for
participation by federal Title VI communities. City and consultant shall utilize the ODOT Title
VI (1964 Civil Rights Act) Plan guidance to identify Title VI populations, formulate public
involvement strategies, and report outreach efforts to and participation by Title VI communities.
To reach Spanish-speaking populations in the Project Study Area, Consultant must provide
Spanish translation services as needed. Initial Project outreach material and initial material
posted to the Project Website must be in Spanish. Consultant shall be responsible for providing
summaries of subsequent Project materials in Spanish as needed given the level of involvement
by Spanish-speaking populations, including summaries of Project Memoranda and Presentation Material prepared for meetings and Public Events in this Project.
City shall arrange and Consultant shall lead a Project Kickoff Meeting in Springfield with City,
WOCPM, and others invited by the City to review Project Objectives, work plan, methods for
public participation, schedule, key deliverables, and other items related to management of Project.
At the Project Kickoff Meeting, City and Consultant shall coordinate on a transfer of existing
and readily available data and documentation relevant to the Project from the City to the
Consultant. Background Data provided to the Consultant shall include information about existing conditions, planned improvements, forecasts of future conditions, and existing land use plans and policies, recent traffic studies, and plans for potential improvements in the Project Study Area.
Background Data provided to the Consultant must include the 2009 Draft Commercial and
Industrial Buildable Lands Inventory & Economic Opportunities Analysis, and materials related
to the City’s 2030 Refinement Plan and Transportation System Plan that are currently under development.
At the Project Kickoff Meeting, City and Consultant shall establish protocols for coordination of
Project with other ongoing projects and initiatives relevant for the Project, including Main Street-
McVay Improved Transit Feasibility Study being led by LTD and the Smart Trips program led by Point-to-Point Solutions.
At the Project Kickoff Meeting, City shall identify relevant adopted plan policies, codes, and
regulations and other ongoing plans and studies, and City shall discuss the implications of
identified plans, policies, and regulations for the development of a vision and strategies in this Project.
Plans and studies to be reviewed by the City for the Project Kickoff Meeting must include the
Commercial and Industrial Buildable Lands Inventory & Economic Opportunities
2030 Refinement Plan (adopted Residential Land and Housing Element and draft
Economic Element)
Draft Springfield Transportation System Plan
Citywide Wayfinding Report (developed by the University of Oregon Sustainable Cities
Main Street Pedestrian Crossing Project/ODOT Safety Study
Downtown Circulation Study
Downtown Urban Design Plan
Mid Springfield and East Main Refinement Plans
OR 126 Expressway Management Plan
Metro Plan
Regional Transportation System Plan
Consultant shall prepare material for Initial Public Outreach for the Project, including text for a press release and informational flyers distributed by mail and e-mail to property owners,
residents, and business owners in the Project Study Area, and other interested parties. Consultant
shall provide materials to City for review. Material for Initial Public Outreach must be in English
and Spanish.
Initial Public Outreach material shall include an invitation to participate, contact information for
City staff and shall provide the public with ways to obtain more information, such as links to an
online survey and the Project Web Site.
Consultant shall seek broad community input to gain an understanding of:
attitudes about the corridor, and
the corridor’s role in the community fabric and identity. City shall distribute Initial Public Outreach material by issuing press releases, placing
advertisements in local print media, and distributing informational flyers by mail and e-mail to
property owners, residents, and business owners in the Project Study Area, and other interested
City shall maintain an Interested Parties List for the purpose of sending out Project-related
notices and similar outreach activities and for the public record. Consultant shall provide City
with documentation of participant attendance (such as sign-in sheets) for each public
involvement activity and shall periodically provide City with names of persons and organizations who have requested to be in the Interested Parties List on the Project Website, at Project-related meetings, or through other means.
City and consultant shall identify stakeholders (organizations, businesses, and individuals), arrange logistics, and schedule up to six small group Stakeholder Outreach Meetings in
Springfield. If possible, sessions will be organized to all occur on the same day. City shall make
an effort to include Title VI populations in Stakeholder Outreach Meetings #1.
Consultant shall lead Stakeholder Outreach activities, provide participants with an overview of the Project, and solicit their views on land uses, transportation, and economic development in the
Main Street Corridor. Consultant must provide Spanish translation services as needed for
Stakeholder Outreach Meetings #1 and make other accommodations as needed to engage Title
VI populations. Within one week of the conclusion of Stakeholder Outreach Meetings #1,
Consultant shall provide City with a memorandum that identifies stakeholders who participated
in the meeting and summarizes their key issues and concerns.
Consultant shall prepare Memorandum #1: Public Involvement Strategy that summarizes the
results of initial contacts for this Project, and identifies:
Proposed formats for future public outreach.
Proposed locations and media for placement of project communications.
Proposed outreach and facilitation techniques for inclusively engaging diverse
populations and stakeholders, with an emphasis on visual communications or other
methods to encourage participation of Title VI populations including Hispanics, elderly, and disabled.
Other methods for connecting with the broader community and a wide range of Main
Street users.
Consultant shall provide Draft Memorandum #1 to City and WOCPM for review.
Consultant shall prepare Revised Memorandum #1 by revising Draft Memorandum #1 in response to direction from City and WOCPM.
Consultant shall develop a Project Website hosted by Consultant. Consultant shall develop and post initial material for the Project Website, including an overview of the Project, a schedule
showing major Project tasks and public meetings, and tentative dates for upcoming public
meetings. Initial material on the Project Website must be in English and Spanish.
Project Website must include a comment form to allow visitors to provide input on Project-related issues. Consultant shall update Project website as meeting dates are established or new
Project material becomes available. The City may provide Consultant with Project-related
material and links to related websites to post on the Project Website. Consultant shall compile all
public comments received through the Project website or by other means, and periodically
provide these comments to the City.
1.A Project Kickoff Meeting and Background Data
1.B Distribution of Initial Project Outreach 1.C Interested Parties List
1.D Stakeholder Outreach Meetings #1
1.E Review and comment on Task 1 deliverables
1.A Project Kickoff Meeting
1.B Initial Project Outreach
1.C Stakeholder Outreach Meetings #1
1.D Draft Memorandum #1: Public Involvement Strategy
1.E Revised Memorandum #1: Public Involvement Strategy 1.F Project Website
Consultant shall prepare Draft Memorandum #2 that describes existing conditions, opportunities
and constraints for development and redevelopment in the Project Study Area. Draft
Memorandum #2 shall include text, with maps, graphics and photos as needed to describe
existing conditions for Main Street and South A Street, surrounding land uses, context, and relationships, including:
The pattern of land uses adjacent to and near the Main Street Corridor.
Highway and street circulation system.
Travel conditions for private vehicles, transit, and people walking and bicycling.
Future travel conditions for vehicles based on modeling conducted for development of
the Springfield Transportation System Plan, and implications for conditions for walking,
cycling, and transit.
Patterns of land ownership/sites with potential for land assembly.
Transit routes.
Urban design features.
Economic functions.
Current real estate market conditions including the number of observed vacancies and
conditions reported by local brokers and property managers/owners and property
Location and size of vacant and underdeveloped properties (data provided by City).
Location and type of activity nodes.
General sidewalk or roadway conditions.
Location and condition of public bicycle facilities.
A description of utilities provided by facilities located within the Main Street right-of-
way, including services on utility poles and those provided underground.
A general description of how stormwater in the Project Study Area is collected and where
collected stormwater is conveyed for drainage.
Number and type of businesses, residences, and households, including households by size
and presence of children, households by income, and households by vehicle ownership.
Volume of vehicles, people bicycling, or walking at locations selected by the City (traffic
counts provided by ODOT).
Number of transit vehicles, frequency of service, and transit routes.
Qualitative assessments of conditions for pedestrians, cyclists, and transit riders.
Issues and concerns raised by stakeholders in meetings conducted in Task #1.
The level of detail in Draft Memorandum #2 must be sufficient for the development of alternatives for the Main Street Corridor Vision Plan. Consultant is expected to use readily-
available data provided by the City and publically-available resources, such as the Census. Some
limited field work by Consultant will be necessary to verify data provided by City and to develop
qualitative assessments of conditions for Draft Memorandum #2. Consultant shall coordinate with LTD during development of Draft Memorandum #2 to achieve efficiencies in the gathering and analysis of data. GIS-based mapping may be used, but is not required, for development of
Draft Memorandum #2.
Draft Memorandum #2 shall identify planned improvements in the Project Study Area that are included in the City’s TSP and Capital Improvement Plan, any improvements to transit services anticipated by LTD, planned expansions or new developments reported by property or business
owners, and planned or anticipated public works projects that have potential to affect the Project
Study Area.
Draft Memorandum #2 must include an assessment of the level and type of development and redevelopment that can be expected based on existing and likely future economic and market
conditions in the Project Study Area over the next twenty years.
Consultant shall provide Draft Memorandum #2 to City and WOCPM for review.
Consultant shall prepare Publicity Material for Public Event #1, including press releases and text
and graphics suitable for advertisements, and coordinate with the City to identify effective methods of publicizing Public Event #1. City shall provide logistics, prepare and send mailings, post announcements, and place of advertisements to publicize Public Event #1.
Consultant shall provide City with Publicity Material for Public Event #1 at least four weeks
before Public Event #1 to provide the City with enough lead time to issue a press release, post announcements, and place advertisements in local media for Public Event #1.
Consultant shall prepare Presentation Material for Public Event #1, including agenda, graphical display boards, a comment form, a sign-in sheet, and a one-page informational handout. Presentation Material for Public Event #1 must include material to facilitate public input on
participant’s desires for future conditions in the Project Study Area. Consultant shall coordinate
with the City to review and approve the format for Public Event #1.
Consultant shall provide Presentation Material for Public Event #1 to the City at least 10
working days prior to Public Event #1 for review. The City shall provide comments on
Presentation Material at least five working days before Public Event #1. Consultant shall revise Presentation Material for Public Event #1 to reflect comments received from City.
City shall arrange and Consultant shall lead and facilitate Public Event #1 to seek public input on participant’s desires for future conditions in the Project Study Area. Arrangements by the City for Public Event #1 must include: room scheduling and planning, providing refreshments,
providing a sound system as necessary, room set-up, and ADA accommodations. At least two
members of the Consultant team must attend Public Event #1. Consultant shall provide meeting
summary within to City and WOCPM within one week.
Consultant shall prepare Revised Memorandum #2 by revising Draft Memorandum #2 in
response to direction from City based on comments on by reviewers and public input.
2.A Distribution of Publicity Material for Public Event #1
2.B Public Event #1 2.C Review and comment on Task 2 deliverables
2.A Draft Memorandum #2: Existing Conditions, Opportunities, and Constraints 2.B Publicity Material for Public Event #1
2.C Presentation Material for Public Event #1
2.D Public Event #1
2.E Revised Memorandum #2: Existing Conditions, Opportunities, and Constraints
Consultant shall prepare Memorandum #3 that identifies potential vision statements and related goals for the Project Study Area based on public input gathered for this Project, existing plans
and policies, and plans and policies under development by the City of Springfield. Consultant
shall make effective use of graphics, pictures and other visual communications to illustrate
concepts. Vision statements and goals in Memorandum #3 shall focus on the pattern of land use
development, level and type of business activity, type and density of residential development,
and transportation-related conditions and services provided within the Project Study Area.
At this point in the Project, Memorandum #3 will likely contain vision statements and goals that are inconsistent or in conflict with other vision statements and goals in the document. These
inconsistencies and conflicts will be resolved through refinement of the vision statements and
goals in subsequent tasks in this Project.
City shall arrange logistics and scheduling, and Consultant shall lead up to four small group
Stakeholder Outreach Meetings with stakeholders identified jointly by the City and Consultant.
If possible, Stakeholder Outreach Meetings will be organized to all occur on the same day.
Stakeholder Outreach Meetings must focus on stakeholder reaction to potential vision statements and related goals in Memorandum #3. Within one week of the conclusion of Stakeholder
Outreach Meetings #2, Consultant shall provide City with a memorandum that identifies
stakeholders who participated in the meetings and their key issues and concerns.
Consultant shall prepare Publicity Material for Public Event #2, including press releases and text
and graphics suitable for advertisements, and coordinate with the City to identify effective
methods of publicizing Public Event #2. City shall provide logistics, prepare and send mailings, post announcements, and place of advertisements to publicize Public Event #2.
Consultant shall provide City with Publicity Material for Public Event #2 at least four weeks
before Public Event #2 to provide the City with enough lead time to issue a press release, post
announcements, and place advertisements in local media for Public Event #2.
Consultant shall prepare Presentation Material for Public Event #2, including agenda, graphical
display boards, a comment form, a sign-in sheet, and a one-page informational handout. Presentation Material for Public Event #2 must include material to facilitate public input on
potential vision statements and related goals for the Project Study Area in Memorandum #3.
Consultant shall coordinate with the City to review and approve the format for Public Event #2.
Consultant shall provide Presentation Material for Public Event #2 to the City at least 10 working days prior to Public Event #2 for review. The City shall provide comments on
Presentation Material at least five working days before Public Event #2. Consultant shall revise
Presentation Material for Public Event #2 to reflect comments received from City.
City shall arrange and Consultant shall lead and facilitate Public Event #2 to seek public input on
potential vision statements and related goals for the Project Study Area in Memorandum #3. Arrangements by the City for Public Event #2 must include: room scheduling and planning,
providing refreshments, providing a sound system, room set-up, and ADA accommodations. At
least two members of the Consultant team must attend Public Event #2. Consultant shall provide
meeting summary within to City and WOCPM within one week.
3.A Stakeholder Outreach Meetings #2
3.B Distribution of Publicity Material for Public Event #2
3.C Public Event #2 3.D Review and comment on Task 3 deliverables
3.A Memorandum #3: Potential Vision Statements and Goals 3.B Stakeholder Outreach Meetings #2
3.C Publicity Material for Public Event #2
3.D Presentation Material for Public Event #2
3.E Public Event #2
Consultant shall prepare Draft Memorandum #4 that identifies a draft vision statement and related goals for the Project Study Area and is based on public input and staff review of
Memorandum #3. Consultant shall make effective use of graphics, pictures and other visual
communications to illustrate concepts.
At this point in the Project, Draft Memorandum #4 will likely contain vision statements and goals that are inconsistent or in conflict with other vision statements and goals in the document.
These inconsistencies and conflicts will be resolved through refinement of the vision statements
and goals in subsequent tasks in this Project.
City shall arrange logistics and scheduling, and Consultant shall lead up to four small group
Stakeholder Outreach Meetings with stakeholders identified jointly by the City and Consultant.
If possible, Stakeholder Outreach Meetings will be organized to all occur on the same day.
Stakeholder Outreach Meetings must focus on stakeholder input to preliminary vision statements
and goals in Draft Memorandum #4. Within one week of the conclusion of Stakeholder Outreach
Meetings #3, Consultant shall provide City with a memorandum that identifies stakeholders who participated in the meetings and their key issues and concerns.
Consultant shall prepare Publicity Material for Public Event #3, including press releases and text and graphics suitable for advertisements, and coordinate with the City to identify effective methods of publicizing Public Event #3. City shall provide logistics, prepare and send mailings,
post announcements, and place of advertisements to publicize Public Event #3.
Consultant shall provide City with Publicity Material for Public Event #3 at least four weeks before Public Event #3 to provide the City with enough lead time to issue a press release, post announcements, and place advertisements in local media for Public Event #3.
Consultant shall prepare Presentation Material for Public Event #3, including agenda, graphical
display boards, a comment form, a sign-in sheet, and a one-page informational handout.
Presentation Material for Public Event #3 must include material to facilitate public input on the
preliminary vision statements and goals in Draft Memorandum #4. Consultant shall coordinate
with the City to review and approve the format for Public Event #3.
Consultant shall provide Presentation Material for Public Event #3 to the City at least 10
working days prior to Public Event #3 for review. The City shall provide comments on
Presentation Material at least five working days before Public Event #3. Consultant shall revise
Presentation Material for Public Event #3 to reflect comments received from City.
City shall arrange and Consultant shall lead and facilitate Public Event #3 to seek public input on
the preliminary vision statement and goals in Draft Memorandum #4. Arrangements by the City for Public Event #3 must include: room scheduling and planning, providing refreshments,
providing a sound system, room set-up, and ADA accommodations. At least two members of the
Consultant team must attend Public Event #3. Consultant shall provide meeting summary within
to City and WOCPM within one week.
Consultant shall prepare Revised Memorandum #4 by revising Draft Memorandum #4 in
response to direction from City based on comments on by reviewers and public input.
4.A Stakeholder Outreach Meetings #3
4.B Distribution of Publicity Material for Public Event #3 4.C Public Event #3
4.D Review and comment on Task 4 deliverables
4.A Draft Memorandum #4: Preliminary Vision Statements and Goals
4.B Stakeholder Outreach Meetings #3
4.C Publicity Material for Public Event #3
4.D Presentation Material for Public Event #3
4.E Public Event #3 4.F Revised Memorandum #4: Draft Vision Statements and Goals
Consultant shall develop Draft Memorandum #5 to identify potential strategies and actions to
implement the draft vision statement and goals in Revised Memorandum #4. Draft Memorandum
#5 must focus on strategies and actions to affect the pattern of land use development, level and
type of business activity, type and density of residential development, and transportation-related conditions and services provided on Main Street Corridor.
Strategies and actions in Draft Memorandum #5 must include potential changes to the City’s
Comprehensive Plan land use designation or zoning, the development code, and Transportation
System Plan to implement the draft vision statement and goals identified in Revised Memorandum #4. Draft Memorandum #5 must include an assessment of the compatibility of the
vision and goals in Revised Memorandum #4 and the strategies and actions in Draft
Memorandum #5 with plans and policies of the ODOT, including the Oregon Highway Plan and
design standards and guidelines in the Highway Design Manual and the Oregon Bicycle and
Pedestrian Design Guide.
City shall arrange logistics and scheduling, and Consultant shall lead up to four small group
Stakeholder Outreach Meetings with stakeholders identified jointly by the City and Consultant. If possible, Stakeholder Outreach Meetings will be organized to all occur on the same day.
Stakeholder Outreach Meetings must focus on stakeholder reaction to the preliminary strategies
and actions in Draft Memorandum #5. Within one week of the conclusion of Stakeholder
Outreach Meetings #4, Consultant shall provide City with a memorandum that identifies
stakeholders who participated in the meetings and their key issues and concerns.
Consultant shall prepare Publicity Material for Public Event #4, including press releases and text
and graphics suitable for advertisements, and coordinate with the City to identify effective
methods of publicizing Public Event #4. City shall provide logistics, prepare and send mailings,
post announcements, and place of advertisements to publicize Public Event #4. Consultant shall provide City with Publicity Material for Public Event #4 at least four weeks
before Public Event #4 to provide the City with enough lead time to issue a press release, post
announcements, and place advertisements in local media for Public Event #4.
Consultant shall prepare Presentation Material for Public Event #4, including agenda, graphical
display boards, a comment form, a sign-in sheet, and a one-page informational handout.
Presentation Material for Public Event #4 must include material to facilitate public input on preliminary strategies and actions in Draft Memorandum #5. Consultant shall coordinate with the
City to review and approve the format for Public Event #4.
Consultant shall provide Presentation Material for Public Event #4 to the City at least 10
working days prior to Public Event #4 for review. The City shall provide comments on Presentation Material at least five working days before Public Event #4. Consultant shall revise
Presentation Material for Public Event #4 to reflect comments received from City.
City shall arrange and Consultant shall lead and facilitate Public Event #4 to seek public input on
the preliminary strategies and actions in Draft Memorandum #5. Arrangements by the City for
Public Event #4 must include: room scheduling and planning, providing refreshments, providing
a sound system, room set-up, and ADA accommodations. At least two members of the
Consultant team must attend Public Event #4. Consultant shall provide meeting summary within to City and WOCPM within one week.
Consultant shall prepare Revised Memorandum #5 by revising Draft Memorandum #5 in response to direction from City based on comments on by reviewers and public input.
5.A Stakeholder Outreach Meetings #4
5.B Distribution of Publicity Material for Public Event #4 5.C Public Event #4
5.D Review and comment on Task 5 deliverables
5.A Draft Memorandum #5: Preliminary Strategies and Actions
5.B Stakeholder Outreach Meetings #4
5.C Publicity for Public Event #4
5.D Presentation Material for Public Event #4
5.E Public Event #4 5.F Revised Memorandum #5: Draft Strategies and Actions
Consultant shall prepare a Preliminary Draft Main Street Corridor Vision Plan that identifies a
vision for the Project Study Area, goals for implementation of that vision, and strategies and
actions the City can take to achieve the vision and goals. The Preliminary Draft Main Street
Corridor Vision Plan must focus on the pattern of land use development, level and type of business activity, type and density of residential development, and transportation-related
conditions and services provided on Main Street Corridor.
City shall arrange logistics and scheduling, and Consultant shall lead up to four small group
Stakeholder Outreach Meetings with stakeholders identified jointly by the City and Consultant.
If possible, Stakeholder Outreach Meetings will be organized to all occur on the same day.
Stakeholder Outreach Meetings must focus on stakeholder reaction to the vision, goals, strategies, and actions in the Preliminary Draft Main Street Corridor Vision Plan. Within one
week of the conclusion of Stakeholder Outreach Meetings #5, Consultant shall provide City with
a memorandum that identifies stakeholders who participated in the meetings and their key issues
and concerns.
Consultant shall prepare the Draft Main Street Corridor Vision Plan revising the Preliminary
Draft Main Street Corridor Vision Plan to make it ready for review by the Planning Commission
and City Council and in response to direction from City based on comments by reviewers and
public input.
City shall arrange a Planning Commission Work Session and Consultant shall lead a presentation
at that Work Session to seek Planning Commission input on the Draft Main Street Corridor
Vision Plan. Materials for the evening Work Session shall be delivered to the City a minimum of
two weeks prior to the date of the Work Session. At least two members of the Consultant team must attend Planning Commission Work Session.
Within one week of the Planning Commission Work Session, Consultant shall prepare an errata
sheet or summary of revisions that will be made to the Draft Main Street Corridor Vision Plan in
response to direction from City on changes needed based on comments and input from the Planning Commission.
City shall arrange a City Council Work Session and Consultant shall lead a presentation at that Work Session to seek City Council input on and approval of the Draft Main Street Corridor
Vision Plan. Arrangements by the City for City Council Work Session #1 must include: any
required notices, room scheduling and planning, assembly of consultant-prepared meeting
materials for the City Council Agenda packet, providing a sound system, room set-up, and ADA
accommodations. At least two members of the Consultant team must attend City Council Work Session #1. Materials for the evening Work Session shall be delivered to the City a minimum of
two weeks prior to the date of the Work Session.
Within one week of the City Council Work Session #1, Consultant shall prepare an errata sheet
or summary of revisions that will be made to the Draft Main Street Corridor Vision Plan in response to direction from City on changes needed based on comments and input from the City
Consultant shall prepare a Planning Commission Hearing Draft Main Street Corridor Vision Plan
by revising the Draft Main Street Corridor Vision Plan in response to direction from the City on
changes needed based on comments and input at the Planning Commission Workshop and City
Council Works Session #1.
City shall arrange a Planning Commission Hearing to seek public input on the Planning
Commission Hearing Draft Main Street Corridor Vision Plan and to forward a recommendation
of approval to the City Council. Hearing shall be scheduled a minimum of four weeks after City
Council Work Session #1. Consultant must prepare presentation material for the Planning
Commission Public Hearing, and these materials must be delivered to the City a minimum of two
weeks prior to the date of the Public Hearing. Consultant shall be available at the Public Hearing
to present an overview and graphics of the proposed plan and to answer questions. Arrangements by the City for Planning Commission Hearing must include: any required notices, room
scheduling and planning, assembly of consultant-prepared meeting materials for the Planning
Commission Agenda packet, providing a sound system, room set-up, and ADA accommodations.
At least one member of the Consultant team must attend Planning Commission Public Hearing.
Within one week of the Planning Commission Public Hearing, Consultant shall prepare an errata
sheet or summary of revisions that will be made to the Planning Commission Hearing Draft
Main Street Corridor Vision Plan in response to direction from City on changes needed based on
comments and input from the Planning Commission.
City shall arrange a second City Council Work Session to seek City Council input on and
approval of the Planning Commission Hearing Draft Main Street Corridor Vision Plan.
Consultant shall present the Planning Commission Hearing Draft Main Street Corridor Vision Plan and summary of Planning Commission revisions. Consultant must prepare presentation
material for the Work Session, and these materials must be delivered to the City a minimum of
two weeks prior to the date of the Work Session. Arrangements by the City for City Council
Work Session #2 must include: any required notices, room scheduling and planning, assembly of
consultant-prepared meeting materials for the City Council Agenda packet, providing a sound system, room set-up, and ADA accommodations. At least two members of the Consultant team
must attend City Council Work Session #2.
Consultant shall prepare Adoption Draft Main Street Corridor Vision Plan by revising the
Planning Commission Hearing Main Street Corridor Vision Plan in response to direction from
the City on changes needed based on comments and input at the City Council Workshop #2.
City shall arrange a City Council Hearing to seek public input and to adopt the Adoption Draft
Main Street Corridor Vision Plan. Consultant shall present an overview and graphics of the
proposed plan and be available to answer questions. Hearing shall be scheduled a minimum of
four weeks after City Council Work Session #2. Consultant must prepare presentation material for the Public Hearing, and these materials must be delivered to the City a minimum of two
weeks prior to the date of the Hearing. Arrangements by the City for City Council Public
Hearing must include: any required notices, room scheduling and planning, assembly of
consultant-prepared meeting materials for the City Council Agenda packet, providing a sound
system, room set-up, and ADA accommodations. At least two members of the Consultant team must attend the City Council Public Hearing.
Consultant shall prepare a Final Main Street Land Use and Transportation Vision Plan in response to any changes made by the City Council during adoption hearings. Consultant shall provide two hard copies and two electronic copies to City and WOCPM.
Consultant shall prepare and submit to WOCPM a report delineating Title VI activities,
documenting project process and outreach for all low income, race, gender, and age groups.
6.A Stakeholder Outreach Meetings #5
6.B Planning Commission Work Session #1 arrangements and notice
6.C City Council Work Session #1 arrangements and notice
6.D Planning Commission Public Hearing arrangements and notice
6.E City Council Work Session #2 arrangements and notice 6.F City Council Hearing arrangements and notice
6.G Review and comment on Task 6 deliverables
6.A Preliminary Draft Main Street Corridor Vision Plan
6.B Stakeholder Outreach Meetings #5
6.C Draft Main Street Corridor Vision Plan
6.D Planning Commission Work Session
6.E City Council Work Session #1 6.F Planning Commission Hearing Draft Main Street Corridor Vision Plan
6.G Planning Commission Public Hearing
6.H City Council Work Session #2
6.I Adoption Draft Main Street Corridor Plan
6.J City Council Hearing 6.K Final Main Street Corridor Vision Plan
6.L Title VI Report
1.A Project Kickoff Meeting / Background Data
1.B Initial Project Outreach / Interested Parties List
1.C Stakeholder Outreach Sessions #1
1.D Draft Memorandum #1: Public Involvement Strategy
1.E Revised Memoradnum #1: Public Involvement Strategy
1.F Project Website
2.A Draft Memorandum #2: Existing Conditions, Opportunities, and Constraints
2.B Publicity Material for Public Event #1
2.C Presentation Material for Public Event #1
2.D Public Event #1
2.E Revised Memorandum #2: Existing Conditions, Opportunities, and Constraints
3.A Memorandum #3: Potential Vision Statements and Goals
3.B Stakeholder Outreach Meetings #2
3.C Publicity Material for Public Event #2
3.D Presentation Material for Public Event #2
3.E Public Event #2
4.A Draft Memorandum #4: Preliminary Vision Statements and Goals
4.B Stakeholder Outreach Meetings #3
4.C Publicity Material for Public Event #3
4.D Presentation Material for Public Event #3
4.E Public Event #3
4.F Revised Memorandum #4: Draft Vision Statements and Goals
5.A Draft Memorandum #5: Preliminary Strategies and Actions
5.B Stakeholder Outreach Meetings #4
5.C Publicity Material for Public Event #4
5.D Presentation Material for Public Event #4
5.E Public Event #4
5.F Revised Memorandum #5: Draft Strategies and Actions
6.A Preliminary Draft Main Street Corridor Vision Plan
6.B Stakeholder Outreach Meetings #5
6.C Draft Main Street Corridor Vision Plan
6.D Planning Commission Work Session
6.E City Council Work Session #1
6.F Planning Commisssion Hearing Draft Main Street Corridor Vision Plan
6.G Planning Commission Public Hearing
6.H City Council Work Session #2
6.I Adoption Draft Main Street Corridor Vision Plan
6.J City Council Public Hearing
6.K Final Main Street Corridor Vision Plan
6.L Title VI Report