HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-1-30 .. '., Lane County Authorization for: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY rowr~SHIP RANGE I SECTION " ' 11.2.2 (Placpmpot for '~Dorov~d State cabana I I T~~O~' DOUT OF I. LOT/PARCE~ ! BLOCK Application/ Permit it :2, ~ {, ___ ~ ADDITION TO MOBILE HOME 18 '03' I PROpOSED USE OF PROPERTY [KJResidential' 0 Industrial I" 0 c,ommer~ial 0 Public. S~BDIVI5ION/PARTITI~N (if applicable) LOCATION ,ADDRESS STREET :2QlFHa rbor~Dr~ Spri ngfi e 1 d STRUCTURES CURRENTLY ON PROPERTY Mobile Home, 0 U1HLC~lONS TO SITE CITY ZIP' ,', .I ,J ," ..''(-',' . .' 'c.., .'. c)E:SCRIPTI~r:.- OF PRP~,~D. WORK -:. ;~.E SPECIFIC (Addition to' mobileChomE{ ~. '(Placement for ApPl:'oved :; OF BE9ROOMS [.# .o~' :~_~ORI? .:."1. # ,OF El'lPLOYE.cS I I. ' I.' O;~'NER I S NAME AND ADDRESS I A'cj<fIlliI\N, !V1BRFl1) ~C:NTRACTOR' S NAHE A~DO~~ij.'" MINERT, RAY,L-/ '" , P:::RNIT TO Bt: MAlrfD TO lNAME AND State, ,Cabana}( \.JATER SUPPLY ??sn r.h,',rrhil; ~J'lgC)~t:) Q7LV\.~ , same as ADDRESS) above or.. r.'l . .. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION FOR PERMIT, .ir]d ',lo.hcrcuy certLfy.r.hat all i'lfonnatio'ri hereon is true and cOl::r-ect, and t.hat. 1 have the follow~ng legal ~nterest .~~ . t~e property. Downer of ,record, 0 C(.J;,tra,ct. pllrc!laser; O~uthor~zed ageilt, '" '.. I f_rther cert~fy that any and all work performed shall be done ~n accolodamf< inth .th" Ordulances of Lane COUJIty and the'Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work. describe~ her~in:, ,and that.l'm 9.C~UPANCY wi~:,be m.~de.,of.aT,.,.st,rllct\l.re.withou:: .the permi 'bn_of. ~heBuilding Division. I fur- ther certify that registration with,the'BUilder'sBoard is in full force and effect as uired by ORS 701. .that if "exempt the basis for exemption is noted hereon, and that only S,ubcontractors and employees who are in compliance w. , 0 ,Z;1.055 loll' e~_<?n this. p;r6'ject. I HAVE READ AND CHECKED THIS~PLICATION THOROUGHLY. , , , DARREL N. ACKERMAN'. [l::,n-w;,/ NAME (please print) SIGNATURE OATE-' . , .' Partition # ~HE ;F9LLOWING 1 Parce,1 # CONDITIONS~ . par:CE~l size5\3 '>f)){' READ THIS SECTION "CAREFULLY, YOUR .ll( PLANNING/ZONING'" "~' Zone RA Minimum Setbacks:"" CL; fr~n~" 4-5' \:'t=o Pl.Al U . COMHENTS, IJ6\ t>. <;~IA.L, IMRlti./=Mij '''^uc;,r~, 'col..i=;rguc:n;o ~c.." SI-lL~cl ot-l Pl.Dl " . . , -<< "'X.lWilt'!'1 P,Yt:nL.l.\>i)~H 1Ao,''='' \--z5>l-~ ~\ 'D~lrrl=h Date, \""~-'ef~ AUTHORIZATION ~-iAS BEE;N .BASED O~ CL" side " "5' interior_ ' r~ar 7' ~~ " '~ o SANITATION, S. 1. .# ,B.IP. if ::< Installa'tion Recor'd I~~ue.d? DYes 0 No . i,1:ximum Depth . . of 'Trenches '. ~', G";:iionl Lineal~ Feet -"of Dr.airifie Id '. Installation Specifications: COMNENTS: rA, '-v.-JP ~v ;.;.;,;.../ 3i..r-. ~, 0- .-;~ 36~^--tb,,~' r1.l-1. A /)DlT7oA' .Date: o PLANS EXAMINATION, Type , "t:>.. Pl:1 CO""ENTS'.LrC.~ WA'7S'l? PERMITS FOR ALL U.'''U(lCAL WORK SHP.LL rE SECURED FROM THE STATE OF OREGON, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERC.. ElECTRICAL ~Fmn~ Group '" Use ~s QJPpI. y PtPF- 'PRollt/!I7"EDUlJoER H. {J.. ~~R.EYE~~! ~~~E.?~!.~~~.;;^~O ~:~~ '~';7..%";; "n<:.!>AJ . REiluIREMENTs:....'-..--..'. Date, /- 30 -84> ~b1 . - ., i~" Duri ~~L,R'O ~XtJ /O'M;\: PI ~E" 1-"3 0 ~ SG;, PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICiAL/DESIG~EJ(berORS 456.805(1)) DATE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687.4061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SRR RRVRRSR FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION, (1' I.~.? "gQd.. 'i ....j'.......!'. ---~....,) :' -~'.- ~_'.,' .-'- r;" -1, _ ,E: r' . ',I"; , . rl..'_ ',"'cl "- ~ ._' . ,_ _ _ :.~:",',~~'~_:"J: ;",.:.r.l,f.,"" ,,?:.~_T,~'~-'~!' -~- -:- '-,'":'.'""',, ,,"';- -. . I ..)~ - -. -~..' ..... -",'~.,~.4,l-..--."',. ~ .~' j ':.'~ I _ J :... _ .,' ~, ". . , ~ SET~',CKS A~O OT'1ER CO:WITIO:-JS OF APPROVAL "lJS,T~BE STRIC':'L' OBSERVED. VIOLATION CA~ RESULT IN REVO- . C';?IO~ OF 7HIS'PI::RNI7, CITATIO'J UNDER PROVIS.fONS'Of LA~E COU'.Tl'S-INFRACTION ORDI::';I,CE,'M.JD!OR OTHER ' RE~IEDIESALLOWED~'i L,\W.. --.--- '-",.-~~'i-___~."4 ,...-.... -:---~ ''O- ~."'-'" ,..,..,',~;':-~ I:..:u.~.:,-;~..,';'j-;..-~'~ "HE~ fREADY-' F()R_~ INSPCC'rIbN, CALL 687-4065. A ~lINI~IU:'1 OF ,\T L'EAST 24 HOURS ADVA1;CE :-JOT ICE FOR INSPEC-. T~O:--r ,REQt:U;,;'S..::"}ST BE: GIVEN,;" - fjil"'C.,tnc' tol'lowing"'informiltio/'l' ready: . rermii:~number,,-job address;" type _ _....,~.;~.;~._~, , of inspection, 'when it wil'l'-be r-eady, 'your nv-me and phor.e number, and any special' directions to site. ; _ :"1.'0- . " f' -,. '. ;'';' .,'. .- . 'Ii" "; -I.~'i sH r r'J ': BUILDING_DIVISION:. _ .....~___ _ _.__:.t-..-~_ ~."- . " (i_Il', , " " "t .... ...._.<-:-~~:', " ~..:.: ,. 1" ..' ': ~.""......' ...... .....',..,..,,' =,,;;;,....-.... ~...~1'~~_.::s:~ I2!-.'!t) ~)::. ~.. ~ .J >. ~ 'r."'-'" .r, ! F.~-. ~1 , .' , , .O~; ",_..::."t.t.,:,:- "~.,;"",:(~",./~, -. ~... .... .__t,.. ',,,4..J.! ~. \ J~ ~ :- t....,~,', ... ..."' ""~;. .I ....~~.. ,^ .\.L; . -r , ,~"~ ,.-"'_ ~.....,..... t. , "-'Q:, .~.~ ~~~ -~.~ J I, " :>i/1.jlt:' "..:,. '. ., I '-', '_.~-- " " 1:.:_ REQUIRED l:-JSPECTIO~S: ~ ~ :..~ , ,.-::----_..~ "------- --"~-'~''-''''-l~' Foundat"ion"""lnspection: -To' be 'me?e' aftcr' tI'enches "are"'-excavated and' forms 'erected and-when al1- ~ - -'[1-' '.' materl",ls,tor tIle !oundation are delivered on the:job.' \'.'here concrete from a central m~xlng ,. J-. plant (colTUnon1y termed "transit mixed") is to be used, materials need no~. be on "he job. f" , 1 l .-..',,.,.... -':..:."';.;f" " ~.-- ~ , ij (. ',! ;. , ~ .~._~~/. <. . ) '~,-" ~ , 'f " '. , .-- .,- - .. ". .,' f-"..' :'::"'::' , j I )'.,. _..,~, , ..,::'1 " .r _. .:>~~ " , f ... .L \' 1 . --....... """... ,J ,- ,"", , ,-:\... . " . ~ ., -.. t. .'r , ,1i,j-' t... ~ ' "" l, I !k:;':'1;~ " 'Of' . : :....:.....:..1... '.' L.,'-....._. . ."':. , ~I~.;:...- n 'R . I' , '. , .. '\'. .1/' C", _;&1.. ....~\". '.,,>, " ~l , . '.. !; ~,-' , ~; '.4, i ,.!,' ". , , ",-' ..'~ -- " I ~I " --:-..l'_~ ,".:,~ ';';OD~ 1:"f :.~ l,~..U~ ~ . .I~, ~ .~ r:_. I'~~:.::'~ I .~.,~ ."'. ".r ',11J' ;'I':i i,,'~.r.jl )q:-1 '11. ",'" , , )" ,.". " ' r, , ::t: ~., ! 1, " )','i < - . . -'......., ~. : " " ,.e" " . " . " , ' "C:' , FLOODPLAIr-U1AflAGEMEfn. , '..,~.:' ',:: Department' of Env'lronmental' ~an'ageiiierit/125 East 8th 'Ave. ,f Eugene; ,Oregon, h , , ' /'.' "..",' 687-4357 Q': ''''< ".., , ~~te", 'i-' 36'- .Be.::: .,.:' .. 'BY"; '16 ",,, !~ .,'" , '. "-\ .. ," .. . ",. .' of, , , T,o:, ,rvrpe~it proces~i~g'", ,j, , penri.it,..,NO,. i-R,'.3. "-'&::'.' '. tl' ~~..'W. H " " . '. '. ~.; . -"; , ~ 0 PlanniI19',' ", '" ,. ;Par~ition'No. . , ... ';"'. '.. .,'. .. . ~ .~:. ; ," .', ',[:].pUbllC'~.o.r~s...,>, : ' "Subd~~]si6n NO.', u, Appli,cilnt :Name " ;. z-i,4/;>P~'I'::A1-G.At::~~,}' ,'" AddrE!s's6fsite, ! ,"20 //'.{(~6!f/1If?.~2J.e. ~,,:.s:p;q/.. " , SFD . \, bAG "M.H'. Aim:,' COMM.' ',' ," , ., ' . , . ,,~L7. V"'C ,lHd4/U ,l:/erh1tS ' ' o Approximate flood hazard'study area', extra, precaut)o:ns may be appropdateto ,assure .,that ttie building site will. ,be reasonably safe from f,loo'ding. ' ... t.. ,..' ,. ,. .. . (&1' DetanflOOdh\lZar~~t~~Y' ar~a. " ',Data ,s~'ur~e" ~_;H'~..u~ &>~L#-' ~ : Mobile hOllJe tie, downsrequi'red. '," '.,:, .:, '4J'.J-~ V oa/'Z... o ' ,Subs,tarit i al improv!!ment~ " '" ' .' '. ' ~ " ,. .' 4', ... '. ' , , _'.. I~' '... . .' . . o Site ,in' r~gul atofY fl oOdwaychanne,l ,bujlding prohibited unless' i,t'is demonstrated' , ,.that the cumulative effect of proposed deveIo'pnient wi11n0t increase the base , ,,' flood ,'at any. pqi,nt:', Contact F.loqdp,jainManagement for more informat,i.on, , "" "0' :BASE FLOOD ,~LEVATION~,l' ~.' ,,' " (J1st}.., . Certification:at or above '.. ,thi S' el evation reQu.ir.ed 'as check.edbe low. ' . ",". .' ','. 0 OTHER " .. ..' . ' ,> '. " .; .. :: " , . k******~********,~***,*jc******:***********',************************,**~***.*_******************,************j .' o :0 :0 "".,'0" .D '." '. .'. ~ 0' .CERTIFICATIONOF:ELEVATION ' ". , 'I, '" " - ...., "a Registered Prof.essional ,':, .. ';n the S ta te, of Oregon, do hereby' , certify to Lane COllr{ty, t'hat th,~fo ll'6wing el evati on' ,represents.a su'rvey", , '-"" . .r.. .' 1 '.' .. made by m~ or under, ITIY sl.{pervi s.ion ,'" The foun'd~ti on. e i e.j~ti on, (incl udi,ng'b~;emen't' s l,ab) , =' The g~o,und' e 1 ey,ation '.that struCture :wi 11," be. pl ac:d on' = ~ .The ,first, Hoor eIeyat~on= " ,; ,.' (MSL:)..,, . . _ ,~" " ..' . ~ . .. I, . .. ", J 'I 'The elevation of .thetop' of flooaproofi.ng ,;" ',' .', "" ".!' . '.. .... 6t~er . ~. , , 3: '" '0 ,'.' " .~ 'Refe17ence' , LocaJ; ion' '. " , ,(MSL),' : ~ ' ; "'~ (~lSL). I ';, ,," ".' , \) ~.. ~ IN' ~>. !':(MS,U,. " ',' , I , .~ "- , '. , " , Bench Mar.k No. ,', ,,;.0,. . ... .., '. " "~ . . .oN " '"" ~-.. ." '- .,", . " " , \ ,." SEAL -I , r : ,,> '" ',Signature '; 'Da,te", " .' . . , <. t' . -, . . .~ ...., " ." .,.- '. , . ~.; . -",Ofi.ginaT to 'bec,er.ti,f.ied' and returned to lane County . Fl 09dplai n ~anagement' ,'" ;0'.' . ',\1 it copy wi,th"appl i.cat'iol1/inspecti 011 > ' 2nd cOPYr,to app] jdnl, '. . ,3rd, copy ,to F,l,oodp Ia i 11 Management " '.' <')'~ . '. ,'-~~' ,': '.' '" t " ,. 'N > 't'I " () o < .'- ,. " .. , ,'. ;; /.1 11 . ""I f> II ~ ifr , , r l . ~ "II! Ii lANE COUNTY DEPT E~V MGt RECEIPT APPLICANT ACKERMAN, DARREL ADDR2250 CHURCHILL TLI 1803112202000 SUBDIV NEW BLDG TYPE MH 'USE R DDRMS 0 OWNER NME MINTER, RAY CODE ,;I::'PL NO {-,CTION DESCRIPTION BP _1P II Ff .ltl:~p .W MH ~C 36686 MH MHPL .::'1"'1 X/F'ATH ,,' ,IECH SUR PCI< ' ,IHPL SUI'~ SDS ..;DEQ - PP II ~ATG' ,;EQU, TAKEN I 36686 DATE 613086 ST., EUGENE LOT BLK UNITS 001 ,STORIES IBLDGS 001 PHONE 345 2825 ADDR,2011 HARBOR DR., SPRINGFIELD SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION FEE ' :DAY~ Iii il , " ' / , SWF:, FT. tnT, ' t1ECH,;N I CAl.. FEE STATE SURCI--IfWGE ,PL.AN CHECK FEE \ FT. r~AIN ' . . 3i A'2~:; . FT 2~;.00 4% 0"/ .. . 2,,2:\ I', supp ..-1;?, ~)O ""0.,50 '5.(10 ? A ~:;0 27. ~>0 S D(.~ N , APP I BY GT SUPP I'~A, FP S'DS SI PCI< :,3 OTH ISS 4 TOTAl., ,.. ,) 2 EST.'COMPLETION DATE F'TU".". B0. ~;0 C\< \ " ~ < " " TRS!TAXLOT OlVNER AllORESS APPLI CANT (I F DT FFERENT) JOB ADDRESS AUURESS VALUATION , . . . . . . . . REVISED [ ] ).ddi ti on [c.j'" Correcti on Bldg, ~ Invest! ~ Dbl Fee . " Mech, Plmb, Fi xtures , SI'IR FT HTR FT , RAIrr--FT 2<;'.0<::> PCK Surcharge Sidewalk Fldpln SDS DEQ Otherp,qso Ft=PF1.~J}.1 'R~u If?fi/'1E'f,Jr; TOTAL '],S"e. REVISIONS CALCULATED BY: ~rP ~ DATE: /- ~C>- 8Co !:: - APPLICATION # 3ro~-~ PHONE PHONE PRIOR [ ] Refund [J Dep. Only [1/i.mt. Due u,2,So '2<;'.00 ~ (..? r/ .t.... , ) 2( dl. 5' 0 IO.O<!:>.,'. 10 '0 ~';'- -'~ 4: ~6 t~:: ::)'y,;f" y ,)1AMT. PAIh) /ti1>/& 0 - .......- - ~ ~ \i ~,o ' . 3 for (AMTJ DUE) ! kine county , ACTIvn) INFORMATION St':;ET '. \ COMPLETE THIS ,SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED! Jf~,>-o Al, IlGk "-Y"1/Io'1 ",..., .. PERSON MAKING REQUEST c/' fA r-c t, , '/1 , MAILING ADDRESS Rnv t:: .:>....T~rle... .M.,'HLVI PROPERTY 'OWNER dtJ/1 rI<wbo.-- 0". MAl LI NG ADDRESS '1 .1)Art"J ( . . " Z ""'d.( vt"-(. CITY Ov~~; i.1 STATE Cf7'-!O"-: ZI P CODE .S'''"'Y':....,qf:) 1,(, , CITY ()"'~'1jl"" ,STATE ZIP CODE ..J'I)~;'flA S BUSINESS TELEPHONE # SA "V1 e.. HOME TELEPHONE # BUSINESS TELEPHONE # 7 i( (" -.30t; I HOME TELEPHONE # 2 PROPERTY, ADDRESS ;JOlf Nov/.o)r 0",. (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS) '''' "";"n h':' lei I 3 MAP & PARCEL NU~'BER (REQUIRED INFORMATION) (fro~'~a~ maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation: or from tax statement), t1 (;J 0 TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TOTAL CONTIGUOUS. PROPERTY IN SAM; 9WJERSHIP: 4 SUBDIVISION (if app;iCJ~J.:)~~" 5 REQUEST (':ta~~ e~t you plan to do) '^'" w;,L 'In FOt- ....... l"t:\bcoo-r. '0/.50 ~ ht.,t-II/&-1j 9,t....."'""';T LOT ACRES BLOCK t?hk,'_ ...._ -2/0.'''- C ........ .,.....T p.1l. rH-, tj: . / -. : Fo~ O/JI.e."" ....,<> 0... , a~r~ /.... P~:""~J f\1oh,'/~ hCJ\1."" Glfl<2.t.V/:~ u.C,L.~~'" /0 r<<lb"'.......4 6. DIRECTIONS TO SITE: /7",,<:J ;J};...,.. o../~,~ a7Tc..ct;~i '" ZONE/LAND USE: BY: DATE: Z<7"'''cI /?A DATE .. -I "" V> -I ,.-: ') ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** NUMBER TIME IN: OUT: ) L:"".s I>V" It..,' '" 1'l", I'Hl d. I Ffoo d "^"",, j , . . /--....-' ,- . LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / 125 E. 8th AVE., EUGENE, OR 97401 / ~87~4061 f /t-i f/~ VYA4 e-" h~ . ~~ ~w-,jJ r(7 . 'SfR-~ k fcUr::I-~/()(). (TO' ~ .. ., - 'R.J cf~,), ,F'~ ,,~~~o~.' . " ---$/,.s- ~("W ~'...- .Q /1 'liP' ~ /os-- r r ~ l'l rne j- '5':.30 - 1-/;.$0 - 5;00 tb5 7- 66'A/ . ,;1 ,. ," ~ " ' ,," " , . .\' ... : .. "( p'/te IOlJi Branch ~ \e,-o~- il-Z-Z l, LCO IEngoneering '\ 212 Q Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (503) 746-0389 January 29, 1986 Lane County Building Department 125 E. 8th Ave. Eugene, Or. 97401 Subject: Proj. No. 86-52, Hydraulic analysis of proposed cabana addition at 2011 Harbor Drive, Springfield, Or. Gentlemen: MI"'. Darrel Ackerman, Director of Consulting and Personal Services, Inc., has requested subject analysis for the purpose of obtaining a building permit. I have reviewed subject improvement plans by MI"'. Ackerman and the Floodway maps and hydraulic model by F.E.M.A. dated December 18, 1985. The attached sketch,will illustrate the findings. The site is located at 2011 Harbor Drive, Springfield, 01"'., Assessor Map No. 18031122 Tax Lot No. 2000, which lies within the model floodway. The existing structures on the site are a mobile home, carport and deck with ramp. The flood elevation from said map is 449.9. The ground elevation is approximately 447.5 and the e:<isting home floor elevation is 449.56 which is 0.34 feet below the flood plain elevation. The direction of the conveyance would be to the north with the existing mobile home lying in an east-west direction. The proposed cabana and ramp is located on the north side of the home and within the "hydraulic sh~doW" of the existing structure as shown. An obstruction in the ineffective flow area (hydraulic shadow) demonstrates a "no increase" in the flood elevation and does Qgt reduce effectiv~,flow in the existing home reach. If you have any questions, please call. / Si}:)cerel y, :" /'," ,/ : ~" " ~ j' //) -I /i / ,//,/, t,0' ,"" .. '-/./-U'_ >/.l'.."r / ~ ,"L-'(.../ 1...,." .Y) . ~'--v:/'..... ~/ ~". ----- -- " v' Donald L. Branch, PE ",--, ~ -- IINOINEIERB PLANNmRB BllRVEVORB ./ " \ i. ') ~ < II'" -.. . 0 n ~ .2. ! \ -- .. . no" ! ~ c=> ~ "- , / / , " ~ .~ ..--' FLOOD F'LA/A' BOVNa<J.t'}" , -- .---~.- -- - ----- .--- '-- .--- ~ F~C'0L7/1/9Y. 4~~.(:",....-"", - "'- 0 '(~) " 0 ~ :.~) I . \, ~ '" OJ , (\) , G\ II :J ON n ~ "N ;Z . , \,~ i 'II r II m \iJ ~UI 0 !. :J ~ a' lC z . , . 5' , - D. - ~~ II ~ u II , ],III 0 0 , Z 'oJ, S' b , . Ow lC (J N Z 1 'oJ P J1> i ~ ( f ~ ~l ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i s: ~ ~ '\.0~ ~:tJ o ~~.. .~" ~ v ~ ~'~, lfl~ ~ <J.i ~~ ' ~~ ~ n ~~ 'l\ ,lA" ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ()~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ f'~\j FL0017 W;1 Y' N/Lt./I/r?c T r En " I A"VEK ~'. "n~:: HII,(A,?A? P-f. . ;{i<;~ \~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~, n,~ ~ (; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '" ~ X , ~ \ ~ , '1 . "'?, ~ ... <) '" C...-y/ ~~n Z '" C, '? 6JUVM~ y }- ~ ,\ \.VL -------- Approved fOR CGNSTRUCTION AS NOTED /-JO-SQ BYA~ DATE LANE COUNTY PERMITS & INSPECTION DIVISION CONSTRUCTION .~ . '. . '. .. ) -z:.