HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1985-12-10 ~ tl , '-, General Land Use Application ['-: -r:;;;J;-.P:/~fl:;;'-;:""lj~!bI__P-t,c. tJ-:T:1 ~ J, , ,L{!"" / / FILE NO. /7,~ft: I. PROPERTY LOCATION Township 18 Range 03 Secti on 1'1.22 Tax Lot..2.floo Zoni nq Plot # L. 1 ? Site Address"--20Jl Harbor D0 Springfield Oreg5hze fS'y 8S' Tax COdeJj'-6/ II. IDENTIFICATION! OWNERSHIP App.l i cant: 1. Name Rav Minert Address 2011 HARBOR City Sorin\!field Phone 726-3081 Owner: Name Rav & Gertrude Minpr~ DR. zip'/1'111 Address 201] Harbor City SorinQfif'1rl rlr. Zipq7."l71 Phone 726-3081 2, Legal Interest Title Holder Other REQUEST/PROPOSAL Place a tip-out Contract Purchaser Lessee 18' by' 8'. This i$ because of' a need for an accessible bathroom and lar\!er bedraem to acceot a wheelchair Present use RA Existing Structures Trailor, poarch and car port Abutting Property Owned Map Acreage Tax Lot(s) Road Status State fCounty X) Public,---Easement Fire Dist.sP'l';~t1{'eW(Te....,orA{'u \ Water Supply: \, '.r.Mj 11", ' 4 ,,'oJ-- /,), 'Power comp:nyt~"Jf;;7:Jrt.;~J8"'~( Public_On-site ~Jel1_Community System /l~ /~I/1/'"v.,~ W , name Sewage: name School Di"st. tJi"; ltrl . Public On-site SePtic~Community System Telephone co,, j> A/'t"A . name . n.name I (we) have completed all theatta~hed application requirements and certify that all statements are true and accurate to the . 'best of my (our) knowledge and belief. I (we) am also authorized to submit this application as evidenced by the signature of the owner below. 3. Sig"Jtet,~f n/;O/t{' A~;~r \' Date Agent Address 4. Comments I^, .&:"L~",L)fAJ-+.., .,:;~ .UJ6' Pl!!:72~ ~ ~ !y ihJ O~-er ~ Date rY-;J/iojf2-"~1 . Date' ~ Zip Phone ~ h.Jd / P.&~'l!:C>j;jd""-: B~_,..v,J ,/~ ~~41"'" , I~ .L ~~C;-'? ~.IN 7-8't:. ~ - c- 98~2'39 'RH ' .~ PUBLIC WORKS .-DEPARTMENT1 LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION COURTHOUSE~PSB 125 E 8TH AVE. EUGENE, OREGON 97401 '. ... ~".'~Tr_~.. ,,'~"i~,y(,~'1 p.~.\..- _: ~ -~1\" - T . ':"\C\~"._--j ,,,. . .....,i~ , , J.L!- '/ / FILE NO. ~~~~~ --...... '-. - -:[:/()(J d PI ~~'V -- I. PROPERTY LOCATION Township 18 Range 03 Section 11.22 Tax Lot ?nnn Zoning Plot # {,,? Site Address' 2011 Harbor Dr. Sprtbngfield OregSi1ze,fS ':>. xS' Tax Code .11-0/ , II. IDENTIFICATION! OWNERSHIP Applicant: 1, Name Rav Ninert Address 2011 HAlBOR City SDi'inQfield Phone 726-3081 Owner: DR. zipQ?'f11 Name Rav & Gertrudp. Mjner~ Address 2011 Harbor dr. City; SDrin'Qfield Zip Q'7""? 1 Phone 726-30B1 2. Legal Interest Title Holder Contract Purchaser Lessee Other'., REQUEST/PROPOSAL' Place a tip-out 18" by B'. This lb$ becau!le of' a need for an, accessible bathroom and larQer bedreem to acceDt a wheelchair Present. use 'Rk Existing Structures .r..;,..... Trailor, poarch and caraport Abutting'Property Owned ! Map ." Acreage Tax Lot(s) .f , Road Stasus State 1County ')( \ Public_Easement Fire Dist,SjJ<i",,{-~lj(Te"'1'!D(Aiu) ... ' -- . I "'~ f.' //1 Water Supply: :', "', , . ~ I ..J vi q, +- /;;> Powe~ Company ')b,:.A:eldlf t; ,i,,' lJod I'd Public On-site-~le"_Community System j( ~JOr~....A /eL/1.."nJ IA/~ LA>. An / narr.e /I Sewage: . ,_/_ name SChOO~ Dist. ;iJY;l'fn~t{:pJ;1 Public Dn.site sept;c~Community System Telephone Co, ? A/I}", . ,,_. name . - name I (we) haveJcomp1eted all th~ attached applicat~on requirements and certify tnat all statements are true and accurate to the best of my (?u!) kno~ledge ~nd.be1ief. I (we) am also authorized to submit this application as evidenced by the signature of the owner below. ......,,_ , ' 3. Signatures: \, / f 11 /. . ~ ~L O(IO~;- .)J~ 'L,;:.,~j /iJIr'O/p,,~ A;;I~{;":' '!. t 0",' \ 0=';1' t I..' Date I Date 4. Agent Address i Comments , f. , \. Zip Phone / I .#. .c-/_~6/J ~//~/ 1- 7-8';;; ..fb2-- IAI ~Lc> o,DW4-" P'E/7;",j,:/. /hiLl k-.A/) /~J~'I/ .c?/..~t":../.-JIH~- R..tJ,,-,;j~.-"'-_.k.,17 <:".,.-~_n'-" c;P..:.....c /4 L- U,SC- " . " c_ 98-z':39' R&+' . O/~_ ........' -, ..... { :'<.~:" ':PUBL 1 C WORKS OEP'ARTMEN,T", "LAND ':MANAGEMENT 01 VI S 1 ON , < -~ ~ -..- ,. ,.:,.-., -" "'COURTHOy~E - PSB 1'25 E :S.Tt:I: ~~YE:'<_ _~UGENE. OREGON 97401 ,....-.P.... ...,-~=:"_.,,. -'.-' '~-~-' - -~----- ...... / . . .,' Ilt) 1:;/1 r J. /., -I --'-j .. Ii' .. 1 ';' /I /'",''' ., U 1./ j:C rr (! I [.. I' _ 1.- .. /_. :.J ~.~." r I " J-- .?/j 0F-/1'4 L () {, } 0 /" 7. ' .. 23.50 r-- --- ,0 --- / L( ,--..---- ~ 1_ -._-~-- -. .. -' 'I.. ,.. .:.~-:n-Il 00 () r .. ( .. ' _ ~ . 10 .1 ....--.-----.... .. u.----.T IO( 18 - " - - -- -- --- . . 'R.EaIDED .~~..- 8y _ . , .-.---..,.-.jucn'i975.u-.u. \ LANE COUNTY .'...----. ENYIRON\AENTAL MGM!,. '.', ..t]. -......-- II!J0ffl<?-.f I' _,__._____ '.,...' ..,...,...._.[~.-._.._~_,.~ ._.n._.~._.." ..__m_"..._...,....____, (.', '0, , _ .."'-'.._....i--........-....-.~..- .--,..-.."J .'- ,.-.- -.---.-' . "-,~I-- ~--,'_'f ," - ._n '. n ..... mm_ n . mn.L '\ ' ' ,.,...!. I... ,\~ " "i~'-"" , ,I... III l,;' I--_u...- . i ::1 :11 :1' . .;"., "J _..~--",- ~ ..~ .......... t'" " , ___.__:.'__u__.. , . L..n_._ ._________ . , .., v..,..," ~ I .mm........ u....:._.._.._~_....~_.. '_'__' "_,_,...._uum....____._.._.....__'.........__ -~,_..._.... . , . , ._________...h... ___,__.____._ .,' j,..,. ....). . .. .'" , .... I ' ..._ _n , "IP .. ,.....0 " . . \ _..__..__n If , - .' , .--itA e B (\ f< IJ P ( Vf! , "___"___' .. _ _.__.. __un.._._'" ..~___ i I I n_,,_..1-_m.._____. _ I , ..! PII- ~;:r'T"G:K 0 Vf:IS tJJ /oo,OOIT/Q/-:.. ( -"" .- " ~', i ( ',)'.:::, - i \ - z. c ..~ / LOG ( Qt~ Branch Engeneering ., '\ 212 Q Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (503) 746-0389 January 29, 1986 Lane County Building Department 125 E. 8th Ave. Eugene, Or. 97401 Subject: Proj. No. 86-52, Hydraulic analysis of proposed cabana addition at 2011 Harbor Drive, Springfield, Or. Gentlemen: Mr. Darrel Ackerman, Director of Consulting and Personal Services, Inc., has requested subject analysis for the purpose of obtaining a building permit. I have reviewed subject improvement plans by Mr, Ackerman and the Floodway maps and hydraulic model by F.E.M.A. dated December 18, 1985. The attached sketch will illustrate the findings. The site is located at 2011 Harbor Drive, Springfield, Or., Assessor Map No. 18031122 Tax Lot No. 2000, which lies within the model floodway. The existing structures on the site are a mobile home, carport and deck with ramp. The flood elevation from said map is 449.9. The ground elevation is approximately 447.5 and the existing home floor elevation is 449.56 which is 0.34 feet below the flood plain elevation. The direction of the conveyance would be to the north with the existing mobile home lying in an east-west direction. The proposed cabana and ramp is located on the north side of the home and within the Ilhydraul ic shadow" of the e>:isting structure as shown. An obstruction in the ineffective flow area (hydraulic stladow) demonstrates a Ilno increase" in the flood elevation and does Q9i reduce effective flow in the existing home reach. If you have any questions, please call. -:' -,,\\J PROl/1',' .~'\\~"~-- 't. 0. ".,....\~..... ," i n i:..~......., !~,<."i ,,- ....; ," ~.\"'; /.' '\< ~.~'(. f,'::,S/'J' o~"~ ~,~, ,>.... dJj ".j>~ -.;: ~/\~ / I _ .;'_.../~. /) ,'" 1)' '\. ~.;::::?:.-r72;d..z.v '--. C\ {c.. ...... ,,('/',,~ ':"..~2...>"',c", . 'i"/;) L [i~~~l; \:"~.: ",./ Sil]cerely, .' " .:':>'"'/), / ~~""".f/I~~ ~ ;/u 'kt.../"--_., ./7 --z;. ./ ~ v' Donald L. Branch, PE "- ENOINEERB PLANNI!RS SURVEYORS ./ .' ". / -/ ---, , )..{ ~I ~I' ~ r(l/ , , ~. " ~I "I Cl' ~i' ~i !:;::'~ "'-", I I I ( fJ ~ ~ ...... Q.( ~ '~ ~ \.. :>:: ~ , ~ C, 'J /" '.zj l..... J.... ~ ~ ,'-.) ~ < i .~ I I.,F , ~i 'I se:.... Ma...an<.' , /" ~ ZCQ . V..rtic.l: ~ ~. ~. 'l:' I I N \ r -E7 ,. J'HA1?Ol< ' ,'.?H,/"gJf?AUUC I \_A- ~" . r..:O?OScP EXISTINer UOIYIE ,~ '(lON C1"g~ r~O"" /fOPI T' c:JN MOl-<t<:..c ~, >., ~ ~' ,~ ~ ~ .... ~, .... \':\ g " "- II ProjaoC-Til:l. _ LOQ.clon: #,/p~4vOC AM4U ::""V3 C'F ,?:Al::?/V5EP A..T:V/ 7,/<;;7# ~' 20// A'A.e&?,..e p~ 5/Z:''''=-~ R.~~'on.: --- ---._- ClI_ne; CC'A/..sUL.T/NG ;t r6e5V'N.-9L.. \. .scRV/C.c5. /NC, ~ ~~ ,~U; Branch Engineering ,~ 112 0 lie,.... Cprlng'jald . Cragon 97477 l~317~8-0389 Oec... I Plaid OC)ll~'" NO.1 PrOjOCC No. /'=,;>.8b ./::7 80-~c:. I "-.', , '" ane ounty '~ January 8, 1986 Ray Minert 2011 Harbor Drive Spfld OR 97477 RE: Flood Plain Verification #PA l4~86 Your application has been reviewed and the property is shown to be in a floodway. Lane Code Chapter 16.244(12) : (Floodway Districts) prohibits the placement of fills, new construction, substatntial improvements, and other development unless an Oregon registered professional engineer or architect certifies that such encroachment,':will not result' in any increase in flood levels during the occurance of a base flood. The Code does allow the placement or replacement of a mobile home in a mobile home park or mobile home subdivision',in a floodwaydistrict. Your proposal to add on to an existing mobile home would fall'under the section of substantial improvement noted above; ,I have enclosed a copy of 'Lane Code that covers the:floodway district for you to review. . .,.;J"" Before a building permit can be processed and issued, it will be necessary for you to submit documentation certified by a registered engineer or architect that the proposed addition will not result in any increase in flood levels during the occurance of a base flood and submit an application for a flood plain special use permit, The flood plain special use permit has been incorporated into the County's system for two reasons. 1, To comply with Federal regulations. 2. To provide a notification process, as required by the State, to all surrounding property owners concerning Lane 'County Planning actions. Please review the material and if you wish to continue processing, submit the material and make application for the use permit, an additional fee of $100.00 will be needed for the use permit. . If you have any questions, please contact our office. JA-C/t' ~ Jack Thomas, Subdivision Engineer JT/jb Enclosure LAND MAN~GEME"T OIV/PUBLlC WORKS DEPT. 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUG~NE,OREGO"097401 (503)681-4061 '. -< - c:::...... I (/~ } oJ,s ) 10 ( I . L,OI- r'/ " d ~ , I >C> S ~\ 10--/0- ...... . 5 1-l\ V' d 1> 1-- <.U I ----- ;:. 5, "- -I\<:> ~I =-j ~ ~ IJ"- ... '., f'. " \~ (\. .......,.- v " ~ ~ ;n \.:: ,~ " . \"i I : Ao"",.o . ,'. -- . - . - " . - ,,, " - - ,,~. " . -. CJ ..., - . C f' ~ ., --C ....-, -c. ,~ __ _ __r~ C If' c"/r' 1-I...~bOf- Dr;v..c... J;,)( J..o r -11- <<000 PV()f';f, IlrLc! 1"Q 5.f : Lol ;(0 {20 II HQ"1o Or 0 r. Spr,''1tf t/2 if, Over!>.... ~ I ~-:./ / '\ ""'" 16.244(11 ) Lane Code 16.244 (-12) areas of districts: . , Ciii) No. mobile home, shall 'be placed in a floodway district, except in an existing mobile home park or existing mobile home subdivision. (2) Establishment of Flood Districts. Flood hazard Lane County are' hereby divided into the following c ( L 1-84; 3.30,84 9'84; 9.8.84 16.215 " cnbj16 ('-'<:'""5r_ . "G__ ~ //,2 5.$ \ .. 900~!\t I . ~,O I -- , , 'f'1I ,~, ?1,._~4 i "- .1 ".'.,., ~I' ,;", , ''//,/:I(P ~... Ji 180/00"S? ol ~;~~$ ,.Z,6~'" ~." ' '. ,," ,. , , ".0 200 371 ~,8 .,~~" ~,400 " , 300 ".". ~ 0 ~ M'"':";;::'/ '. ,l 48,._ "- ~, W"" _ , Nw" '"'''' '" '" '_"_ .... '" ':. " ;~, "00 : ,;,.", ~ " }; :: q ";~('(\:: . ' 4 300 38 lJ..I""; , N$O~ ')... oh . r' u :\'t /'Ttp. ~L , > 'l!- 1700 ~.. it J /z.o "" - '. ." \~ '~;:~.. ,. ;;;, . ~ a: "'f" ,,,,,,", , '/0' 1"- ',3't-~. 600' i E'. ,. "S <:l J .9.0 ~ , , I,' , ... 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',1 /'.I.'"' /8 -() 3 - / / . 2. z.. ::tC Z~ "'- '" " >~ " R/V~R ! i' .. ! , ,- c. a'f -;1/ / Z/c;r/ /6_C;;_Q.p. .~ , ,I '.... \ "-1 ~i .~ t'l I' I :'( { , . rill I , , H ii " Ii i'l ", ~'(' '11 YjD ... LANE COUNTY DEPT ENV MGT RE(EIPT I 1486 DATE 010386 ADDR 20", 8ARBOR DR., SPRINCFIELD, OREGON LOT BL.I<' UNITS 000 STO~IES fBLDCS 001 'PHONE 726 0081 M)D'f~ )011 Hf.,fWOR DI~., SPRINGFH:U), CmEG()N~i~ SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION FEE DAYS ,I Ii ii I , APPLICANT MINERT, RAY/ TLI 1803112202000 SUDDIV NEW BLDC TYPE USE X BDRMS .0 OWNER NME MINERT, RAY! CODE, tll"'I"'L, NO ,~CnON DESCfUPTHlN BP . 'BP DP' i (I v:;p ;..; 1:. 'II'FIX/BATH: SPEC USE 1"'Ef':MT SWR: FT. WTR, liECH(.,N I CAL FET ST A TE SUF~CHARGE PLf'r(,! ,CHECI< FEE FT.. F"Yi:N: FT PI.. liECI"1 ';UF~ . pel< I"',"D LC T4B,~ PADU. 10.00 . , ,i . ~ . t 111 b .~ 4%. " EST. COMPLETlbN DATE TOTtlL FEElf')" 10.')0 CI( . o o . . 5 5 . . ,C(;TG: APr:' ;{H! LI : . "AI<EN BY 1',:[-1,,1 F~ (., , Ff:' SDS S'I PCI< OTH i 'IS'S , o j .