HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 02 19 AIS PC MainMcVay SAG Membership CategoriesAGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 2/19/2014 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: David Reesor DPW Staff Phone No: 541-726-4585 Estimated Time: 15 Minutes SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION Council Goals: Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities ITEM TITLE: SPRINGFIELD MAIN MCVAY IMPROVED TRANSIT FEASIBILITY STUDY STAKEHOLDER ADVISORY GROUP (SAG) MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES ACTION REQUESTED: The Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) is requested to review and comment on the Main McVay Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) membership categories. ISSUE STATEMENT: Staff seek Planning Commission input, acting as the Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI), on determining membership categories for the Main McVay Improved Transit Feasibility Study Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG). The general purpose of the SAG is to advise the Project’s Governance Team (GT) during certain project milestones. The CCI is asked to review and comment on SAG membership categories. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) Membership Categories DISCUSSION: The purpose of the Main McVay Improved Transit Feasibility Study is to analyze the need, technical viability, and public support for potential Main Street transit improvements. There are four related projects occurring in the Main Street corridor (Smart Trips, Downtown Street Lighting, Main Street Vision, Pedestrian Crossings) that have been closely coordinated with the Main McVay Improved Transit Feasibility Study to date. To date, these projects have been coordinated through a three-tiered management structure that includes project direction provided by an ad hoc Governance Team (GT) that includes Mayor Lundberg and Councilor Woodrow, and staff project management coordination and project oversight. A well-coordinated project team including City, LTD, and consultant staff has worked closely with City and LTD elected and appointed officials on the GT to develop draft SAG membership categories. The SAG will serve exclusively on the Main McVay Improved Transit Feasibility Study and will offer project input to the GT at certain project milestones. The GT reviewed the draft SAG membership list at their last meeting on January 23rd, 2014 and provided direction to staff. Attachment 1 includes the full SAG membership category list with GT edits incorporated. Springfield’s Goal 1 Citizen Involvement program requires input from the CCI on forming this type of Project Committee. Staff request the Planning Commission, acting as the CCI, to review the draft SAG membership category list and provide input. Staff will then conduct final recruitment for the SAG and the GT will conduct final committee appointments. Staff will be available for questions during the work session. DRAFT Main McVay Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) Membership Categories Representative Category Number of Positions Name(s) Citizens-at-large 6 (geographically dispersed along the Main-McVay corridor) Main-McVay Corridor Businesses / Property Owners 4 (geographically dispersed along the Main-McVay corridor) Our Money Our Transit (OMOT) 1 (Springfield resident or business owner) Better Eugene- Springfield Transit (BEST) 1 (Springfield resident or business owner) Senior and/or Disabled 2 (Springfield resident or business owner) Trucking industry/freight & delivery 1 Bicycle/Pedestrian interests 1 Lane Community College 1 Springfield School District 1 ODOT staff 1 TOTAL 19 Attachment 1, Page 1 of 1