HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015 05 19 AIS RS DPW Glenwood PFSP AmendmentsAGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 5/19/2015
Meeting Type: Work Session/Reg. Mtg
Staff Contact/Dept.: Mark Metzger/DPW Staff Phone No: 541-726-3775
Estimated Time: 30 Minutes
S P R I N G F I E L D PLANNING COMMISSION Council Goals: Mandate
The Planning Commission is requested to review proposed amendments to the
PFSP and make a recommendation to the Springfield City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners to adopt, adopt with revisions or to deny the
proposed amendments
ORS 197.712 (2)(e) requires cities to “develop and adopt a public facility plan
for areas within an urban growth boundary containing a population greater than 2,500 persons. The public facility plan shall include rough cost estimates for public projects needed to provide sewer, water and transportation for the
land uses contemplated in the comprehensive plan and land use regulations.”
The PFSP is a refinement plan of the Metro Plan that contains the project lists, maps, estimated costs and timing for significant water, stormwater, sewer, and
electric infrastructure. As significant new infrastructure projects are identified, the PFSP must be amended to show these projects.
ATTACHMENTS: 1. Staff Report
2. PFSP Maps 3 and 4 (current and amended) 3 Amended PFSP Project Lists (Tables 6, 8, and 18)
The City of Springfield proposes to amend the Eugene Springfield Metropolitan
Area General Plan by amending the Public Facilities and Services Plan (PFSP) to: 1) add three stormwater outfalls; 2) relocate a planned electric substation; and 3)
add transmission lines connecting the substation to the Alvey Substation in Goshen and the Laura St. Substation in Springfield. The planned facilities shall be added to the applicable PFSP Maps 3 and 4; and project lists found in Tables 6, 8 and 18.
Each of the proposed new facilities is intended to fulfill the Council goal of preparing Glenwood for planned future development.
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Staff Report and Recommendation
Public Facilities and Services Plan Amendment- Type IV
Project Name: Glenwood amendments to the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Public Facilities and
Services Plan, a refinement plan of the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan).
Project Proposal: The City of Springfield proposes to amend the Eugene Springfield Metropolitan Area
Public Facilities and Services Plan (PFSP) to: 1) add three stormwater outfalls; 2) relocate a planned
electric substation; and 3) add transmission lines connecting the substation to the Alvey Substation in
Goshen and the Laura St. Substation in Springfield. The planned facilities shall be added to the
applicable PFSP Maps 3 and 4; and project lists found in Tables 6, 8 and 18. The proposed amendments
also amend the Metro Plan as “the project lists and maps in the Public Facilities and Services Plan are
adopted as part of the Metro Plan.” (Page III-G-2 Metro Plan) The planned stormwater and electrical
facilities that are proposed as part of this amendment are located in Glenwood.
Case Number: TYP415-00002
Date Initiated: September 15, 2015, Additional projects added by the Director on April 24, 2015
Application Submitted Date: April 10, 2015
DLCD Notification Date: April 10, 2015
Referral Notice to the City of Eugene: April 9, 2015
Springfield Planning Commission Hearing: May 19, 2015
Joint City Council and Board of County Commissioners Hearing: July 14, 2015
Oregon state land use law (Goal 11, OAR 660-011-712 2. E.) requires all cities with a population over
2,500 to develop and adopt a public facilities plan for the area within the city’s urban growth boundary. The public facilities plan is a support document or documents to a comprehensive plan. Certain elements of the public facility plan also shall be adopted as part of the comprehensive plan; these
elements include a list of public facility project titles (excluding the descriptions or specifications of
those projects if so desired by the jurisdiction); a map or written description of the public facility projects’ locations or service areas; and the policies or urban growth management agreement designating the provider of each public facility system (OAR 660-011-0045).
Chapter II of the PFSP states, that Chapter II of the plan “recommends text amendments to the Metro
Plan which are adopted as part of, and are incorporated into, the Metro Plan. The project lists and
maps in Chapter II are also adopted as part of the Metro Plan but are physically located in this
refinement plan” (Page 1, Introduction, PFSP).
Since PFSP amendments are also adopted as Metro Plan amendments, this application is being
processed as a Metro Plan and a refinement plan/functional plan amendment. The approval criteria
for refinement plans/functional plans amendments include the criteria of consistency with the
Metro Plan and applicable state statutes and administrative rules, while the criteria for Metro Plan
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amendments requires consistency with statewide planning goals and internal consistency. Since the
refinement plan cannot be amended unless consistent with the Metro Plan, i.e. Metro Plan criteria
for amendment, findings developed to address the proposed PFSP amendments simultaneously
address the Metro Plan criteria.
Proposed Amendments to the PFSP
The City has proposed amendments to the PFSP to update planned stormwater and electrical facilities
project lists and maps for Glenwood. The proposed projects are needed to support future development
as envisioned by the 2014 Glenwood Refinement Plan. Springfield proposes to: 1) add three stormwater
outfalls; 2) relocate a planned electric substation; and 3) add transmission lines connecting the
substation to the Alvey Substation in Goshen and the Laura St. Substation in Springfield. The planned
facilities shall be added to the applicable PFSP Maps 3 and 4; and project lists found in Tables 6, 8 and
18. The proposed amendments also amend the Metro Plan. The planned stormwater and electrical
facilities that are proposed as part of this amendment are located in Glenwood.
The map amendments (Maps 3 and 4) and project list amendments (Tables 6, 8 and 18) are shown
below. The proposed amendments are intended to modify the PFSP maps as they apply to Glenwood.
Amendments to PFSP Map 3
Planned Stormwater Facilities
#124, #125,
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Amendments to PFSP Map 4
Planned Electrical Facilities
Table 6.
City of Springfield Stormwater System Improvement Projects
Number Project Name/Description
Stormwater Facility
Master Plan
Project Number
104 Jasper Slough outfall n/a
105 20th Street Outfall n/a
108 Mill Race Enhancements, including new intake n/a
110 Highway 126/I-105 drainage improvements n/a
112 Glenwood Channel & Pipe Improvements 1
113 Gray Creek Channel & Pipe Improvements 2
114 Jasper/Natron Channel & Pipe Improvements 3
115 Channel 6 Detention Pond, Channel & Pipe
Improvements 4
116 59th & Aster and Daisy Street Parallel Pipe 5
117 Irving Slough Channel Improvements 6
118 North Gateway – Sports Way Flood Control Water 10
Glenwood Electrical
Substation #12
Planned Transmission
#17A Alvey Substation
to Glenwood Substation
#17B Laura Substation
to Glenwood Substation
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Number Project Name/Description
Stormwater Facility
Master Plan
Project Number
Quality Facility
119 McKenzie Forest Products Mill Pond Water Quality
Facility 12
120 Central Over-Under Channel & Pipe Improvements 15
121 Island Park Water Quality Facility 16
122 69th Street Open Channel 18
123 Lower Mill Race Water Quality & Riparian
Enhancements 21
124 Glenwood Outfall #1 [emphasis added] n/a
125 Glenwood Outfall #2 [emphasis added] n/a
126 Glenwood Outfall #3 [emphasis added] n/a
200-F Cedar Creek: Diversion System
200-G Cedar Creek: East Thurston Road/Hwy 126 Outfall
and Associated Piping
201 Thurston Road Interceptor n/a
202 Highway 126 and 87th Interceptor and Outfall n/a
203 South 79th Street System n/a
204 Rocky Point Drive System and Outfall n/a
206 Borden Outfall Upgrade n/a
210 Jasper Slough Improvements n/a
211 Hayden Bridge Road Interceptor n/a
212 42nd & McKenzie Hwy Pipe Improvements 24
213 I-105 Channel Improvements 26
214 Jasper Slough Culvert Crossing Improvements 27
215 Q Street Channel Riparian Enhancements 28
216 I-5 Open Channel Riparian Enhancements 29
217 Q Street Floodway East of 28th Water Quality 31
218 28th Street Main to North Water Quality
Temperature TMDL 32
219 Open Channel Improvements North of Riverglen
Subdivision 33
220 Chateau St Outfall 34
221 Clearwater Lane & Jasper Water Quality 37
222 42nd Channel Improvements 42
223 Maple Island Slough Channel Enhancement &
Water Quality Improvements 43
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Table 8.
SUB Planned Electrical System Improvement Projects
Project Name/Description
12 Glenwood Substation
13 Marcola Road Substation
14 East Springfield to Thurston Transmission Line
15 Thurston to Marcola Road Transmission Line
16A Jasper Road to 10th Street Extension (alternative A)
16B Jasper Road to 10th Street Extension (alternative B)
17A Alvey to Glenwood to Springfield Transmission Line [emphasis added]
17B Laura to Glenwood Transmission Line [emphasis added]
18 28th Street to Laura Street Transmission Line
Table 18.
City of Springfield Stormwater System Improvements, Estimated Costs, and Timing
Number Project Name/Description
Facility Master
Plan Project
100 Sports Way Detention Pond 400 2008-2013
104 Jasper Slough Outfall 210 2008-2013
105 20th Street Outfall 350 2008-2013
108 Mill Race Enhancements, including new intake n/a 7,800 2008-2013
110 Hwy 126/I-105 Drainage Improvements n/a 640 2008-2013
112 Glenwood Channel & Pipe Improvements 1 4,670 2008-2013
113 Gray Creek Channel & Pipe Improvements 2 4,650 2008-2013
114 Jasper Natron Channel & Pipe Improvements 3 2,800 2008-2013
115 Channel 6 Detention Pond, Channel & Pipe
4 1,250 2008-2013
116 59th & Aster and Daisy St Parallel Pipe 5 2,100 2008-2013
117 Irving Slough Channel Improvements 6 2,150 2008-2013
118 North Gateway – Sportsway Flood Control
Water Quality Facility
10 520 2008-2013
119 McKenzie Forest Products Mill Pond Water
Quality Facility
12 60 2008-2013
120 Central Over-Under Channel & Pipe
15 2,500 2008-2013
121 Island Park Water Quality Facility 16 60 2008-2013
122 69th Street Open Channel 18 2,500 2008-2013
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Number Project Name/Description
Facility Master
Plan Project
123 Lower Mill Race Water Quality & Riparian
21 60 2008-2013
124 Glenwood Outfall #1 [emphasis added] n/a 350 2015-2020
125 Glenwood Outfall #2 [emphasis added] n/a 350 2015-2020
126 Glenwood Outfall #3 [emphasis added] n/a 350 2015-2020
200-F Cedar Creek: Diversion System n/a 2,100 2010+
200-G Cedar Creek: East Thurston Road/Hwy 126
Outfall and Associated Piping
n/a 350 2010+
201 Thurston Road Interceptor n/a 570 2013-2018
202 Hwy 126 and 87th Interceptor and Outfall n/a 570 2010+
203 South 79th Street System n/a 1,425 2013-2018
204 Rocky Point Drive System and Outfall n/a 420 2013-2018
206 Borden Outfall Upgrade n/a 140 2013-2018
210 Jasper Slough Improvements n/a 500 2013-2018
211 Hayden Bridge Road Interceptor n/a 500 2013-2018
212 42nd & McKenzie Hwy Pipe Improvements 24 300 2013-2018
213 I-105 Channel Improvements 26 1,610 2013-2018
214 Jasper Slough Culvert Crossing Improvements 27 200 2013-2018
215 Q St Channel Riparian Enhancements 28 500 2013-2018
216 I-5 Open Channel Riparian Enhancements 29 500 2013-2018
217 Q St Floodway East of 28th Water Quality 31 200 2013-2018
218 28th St Main to North Water Quality
Temperature TMDL
32 60 2013-2018
219 Open Channel Improvements North of
Riverglen Subdivision
33 30 2013-2018
220 Chateau St Outfall 34 240 2013-2018
221 Clearwater Lane & Jasper Water Quality 37 350 2013-2018
222 42nd Channel Improvements 42 200 2013-2018
223 Maple Island Slough Channel Enhancements &
Water Quality Improvements
43 250 2013-2018
The Metro Plan is the basic guiding land use policy document for regional land use planning. As
indicated in the Purpose section, above, the region also utilizes: (a) city-wide comprehensive plans;
(b) functional plans and policies addressing single subjects throughout the area, including the Eugene-
Springfield Public Facilities and Services Plan (Public Facilities and Services Plan) and the regional
transportation system plan; and (c) neighborhood plans or special area studies that address those
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issues that are unique to a specific geographical area. In all cases, the Metro Plan is the guiding
document for regional comprehensive land use planning and city-specific plans may be adopted for
local comprehensive land use planning. (Metro Plan pg. I-8).
As mentioned above, the Eugene Springfield Public Facilities and Services Plan (PFSP) is classified as a
functional plan by the Metro Plan. The PFSP describes itself as a refinement plan of the Metro Plan
(PFSP page 1.). The introduction to the PFSP states, “This Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area
Public Facilities and Services Plan (Public Facilities and Services Plan) is a refinement plan of the
Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) (PFSP page 1.).”
Metro Plan Chapter V (page V-6) defines a refinement plan as, “A detailed examination of the service
needs and land use issues of a specific area, topic, or public facility. Refinement plans of the Metro
Plan can include specific neighborhood plans, special area plans, or functional plans [such as the
Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area Transportation Plan (TransPlan)] that address a specific Metro
Plan element or sub-element on a city-wide or regional basis. The apparent inconsistency between
the Metro Plan classification the PFSP as a functional plan and the PFSP describing itself as a
refinement plan is not really an inconsistency. The Metro Plan defines refinement plans to include
functional plans.
Chapter II of the PFSP includes project lists and maps. Chapter II states that the project lists and maps
are also adopted as part of the Metro Plan but are physically located in this refinement plan (PFSP
page 1). For this reason, an amendment to the PFSP is an amendment to the Metro Plan as well.
The procedural requirements for processing refinement plan amendments are described in SDC
Sections 5.6-100 and 5.1-140. As mentioned above, while the Metro Plan speaks of the PFSP as a
functional plan of the Metro Plan, it is also clear from the Metro Plan that amendments to the PFSP
project list and maps are also amendments to the Metro Plan Appendix A which contains those lists
and maps (Metro Plan, Introduction, page I-1).
SDC Section 5.14-120 C. states, “When a Metro Plan amendment also requires an amendment of a
refinement plan or functional plan diagram map and/or text for consistency, the Metro Plan,
refinement plan and/or functional plan amendments shall be processed concurrently.” For that
reason this amendment of the PFSP is being processed concurrently as a Metro Plan amendment.
Section 5.6-105 of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) indicates that the Planning Director,
Planning Commission, City Council or a resident of the City can initiate refinement plan amendments.
Metro Plan amendments are reviewed under a “Type IV” procedure (Section 5.6-110) and require
public hearings before the Planning Commission and the City Council. Type IV procedures are
detailed in Section 5.1-140 of the SDC. The proposed refinement plan amendment was initiated by
the City Council on September 15, 2015.
SDC Section 5.14-110 indicates that Metro Plan amendments are also processed as Type IV
procedures as specified in Section 5.1-140.
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SDC Section 5.2-115 (B) requires that legislative land use decisions be advertised in a newspaper of
general circulation, providing information about the legislative action and the time, place and
location of the hearing.
The Director shall also mail notice to the Department of Land Conservation and Development as
specified in OAR 660-18-0020.
Finding #1: The City of Springfield initiated an amendment of the PFSP to add the three proposed
outfalls on September 15, 2015. The Director initiated additional amendments to the PFSP, to include
the relocation of the Glenwood Substation an the location of electric transmission lines on April 24,
Finding #2: Refinement Plan and Metro Plan amendments are described as Type IV procedures by
SDC Section 5.6-110, and SDC Section 5.14-110. The PFSP amendment has site specific elements. As
such the mailed notice provisions that are prescribed for Type III quasi-judicial procedures were also
followed. Mailed notice was sent to property owners and residents on May 1, 2015. The content of the
notice was consistent with SDC 5.2-115.
Finding #3: A “DLCD Notice of Proposed Amendment” was e-mailed with mailed copies following to
the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) on April 10, 2015, alerting the
agency to the City’s intent to amend the Metro Plan and Public Facilities and Services Plan, Maps 3 & 4,
and Tables 6, 8, and 18. The notice was mailed more than 35 days in advance of the first evidentiary
hearing as required by ORS 197.610 (1).
Finding #4: Notice of the public hearing concerning this matter was published on Tuesday, May 5,
2015 in the Eugene Register Guard, advertising an initial public hearing before the Springfield Planning
Commission on May 19, 2013 and a joint public hearing before the Springfield City Council and the Lane
County Board of Commissioners on July 14, 2015. The content of the notice followed the direction given
in Section 5.2-115 of the SDC for legislative actions.
Finding #5: ORS 197.047(4) requires the local government to mail a notice to every landowner
whose property would be “rezoned” as a result of an amendment to planning policies that would limit
or prohibit land uses previously allowed in the affected zone. No properties will be rezoned by the
proposed amendments to the Metro Plan or PFSP; however property owners were provided notice
consistent with the provisions of SDC 5.2-115.
Criteria for Refinement Plan/Functional Plan Amendments
The 2011 Eugene-Springfield Public Facilities and Services Plan (PFSP) is a refinement plan/functional
plan of the Metro Plan. SDC Section 5.6-115 lists the criteria to be used in reaching a decision to adopt
or amend refinement plans. The Lane County Board of Commissioners and the Springfield City Council
shall each adopt findings that demonstrate conformance to the following:
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(1) The Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan)
(2) Applicable State statutes
(3) Applicable State-wide Planning Goals and Administrative Rules.
Criteria for Metro Plan Amendments
Amendments to the PFSP are also Metro Plan amendments. The criteria for approving Metro Plan
amendments are found in SDC 5.14-135. A Metro Plan amendment may be approved only if the
Springfield City Council and the Lane County Board of Commissioners find that the proposal conforms to
the following criteria:
A. The amendment shall be consistent with applicable Statewide Planning Goals; and
B. Plan inconsistency:
1. In those cases where the Metro Plan applies, adoption of the amendment shall
not make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent.
2. In cases where Springfield Comprehensive Plan applies, the amendment shall be
consistent with the Springfield Comprehensive Plan.
Finding #7. The criteria for approving Refinement Plan and Metro Plan Amendments overlap. The
criteria for approving Refinement Plans include those required for Metro Plan amendments and include
additional findings. The refinement plan criteria also require amendments to conform to applicable State
Administrative Rules and State Statues. The more inclusive criteria for approving refinement plan amendments also include Metro Plan consistency which includes the Metro Plan amendment criteria, therefore findings which address refinement plan amendment criteria simultaneously address Metro
Plan amendment criteria.
“Conformance with… (1) The Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan)” Finding #8. The proposed outfalls, relocated substation and associated transmission lines are
site specific, and are located both inside and outside the Springfield city limits. Metro Plan Chapter
IV: Policy (5.)(B.)(ii.) lists amendments that have a specific application between a city limit of the
home city and the Plan Boundary as a Type II Metro Plan amendment.
Finding #9. The proposed PFSP amendments are being processed as a Type II Metro Plan
amendment with a scheduled Planning Commission hearing and a joint hearing before the
Springfield City Council and the Lane County Board of Commissioners.
Finding #10. The project list found in Table 6 of the PFSP includes significant Springfield stormwater
projects. Significant projects are defined to include stormwater facilities …“with pipes 36-inches or
larger, detention basins, water quality facilities, or new outfalls,” in Metro Plan Chapter V—Definitions:
#37 c. Public facility projects, (page V-5). The PFSP maps show the general location or service area of the
projects. The proposed outfalls are considered significant facilities for the purpose of inclusion in the
PFSP project list.
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Finding #11. The project lists also include significant electrical facilities including planned substations
and transmission lines (Table 8). Significant projects are defined in Metro Plan Chapter V: Defintions—#
37 d. Public facilities projects, (page V-5) to include “Proposed Electrical Substations” and “Proposed
Electrical Transmission Lines” shown on Map 4 of the PFSP.
Finding #12. The proposed amendments add the three Glenwood stormwater outfalls, relocate a
planned electrical substation and show needed electrical transmission lines. These projects will be
added to the project lists found in Tables 6, 8 and 18 and on Maps 3 and 4 of the PFSP. The tables and
map are specifically adopted as part of the Metro Plan but are published exclusively within the PFSP.
Therefore, the proposed changes, as presented, will not create internal inconsistencies within the Metro
Finding #13. In addition to the foregoing, the proposed amendments are consistent with the
following Metro Plan policies:
“Extend the minimum level and full range of key urban facilities and services in an orderly and efficient
manner consistent with the growth management policies in Chapter II – C, relevant policies in this
chapter, and other Metro Plan policies” (Page III-G-5, Policy G.1).
“Use the planned facilities maps of the Public Facilities and Services Plan to guide the general location
of water, wastewater, stormwater, and electrical projects in the metropolitan area. Use local facility
master plans, refinement plans, and ordinances as the guide for detailed planning and project
implementation” (Page III-G-5, Policy G.2). [Emphasis added]
“Modifications and additions to or deletions from the project lists in the Public Facilities and Services
Plan for water, wastewater, and stormwater public facility projects or significant changes to project
location, from that described in the Public Facilities and Services Plan planned facilities Maps 1, 2 and
3, requires amending the Public Facilities and Services Plan and the Metro Plan…” (Page III-G-5, Policy
G.3). [Emphasis added]
“Use annexation, provision of adequate public facilities and services, rezoning, redevelopment and infill to meet the 20-year projected housing demand.” (Page III-A-6, Policy A.4)
“Endeavor to provide key urban services and facilities required to maintain a five-year supply of
serviced, buildable residential land.” (Page III-A-7, Policy A.7)
“Coordinate higher density residential development with the provision of adequate infrastructure and
services, open space, and other urban amenities” (Page III-A-8, Policy A.12).
“Coordinate local residential land use and housing planning with other elements of this plan,
including public facilities and services, and other local plans, to ensure consistency among policies”
(Page III-A-14, Policy A.35).
The foregoing policies address the redevelopment of Glenwood, specifically to enable land within
Phase I, the Glenwood Riverfront area, to have the necessary urban services and facilities in place to
provide for immediate development application. Such development readiness is consistent with
these policies.
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Finding #14. The Glenwood Refinement Plan is a refinement plan of the Metro Plan. It contains
more detailed policies for guiding development than those found in the Metro Plan itself. The
Glenwood Refinement Plan contains policies addressing the provision of stormwater and electrical
facilities. These policies were adopted into SDC Appendix 3 GLENWOOD REFINEMENT PLAN
following policies that are applicable to the proposed PFSP amendment:
E. Public Facilities and Services Chapter.
E.5. Stormwater Facilities and Services—Public Stormwater System.
E.5.a. Provide stormwater runoff management in response to a demand for urban levels of
development and adopted CIP priorities.
E.5.a.1. Provide treatment and conveyance of stormwater runoff for new public facilities.
E.5.a.2. Provide for conveyance of treated stormwater from private development to receiving areas, such
as the Glenwood Slough and the Willamette River.
E.5.a.3. Provide treated emergency overflow conveyance to receiving waters to meet Council Stormwater
Goal 1: Protect citizens and property from flooding (Springfield Stormwater Management Plan, Chapter
4) from large rainstorm events, where possible. (6279)
Finding #15. The proposed update of the PFSP adds three new stormwater outfalls to the planned
facilities maps and project lists for stormwater management. These facilities will provide conveyance of
stormwater for new public and private facilities. These outfall structures have not been submitted for
construction, but will be subject to the applicable policies listed in Appendix 3 Section (E) (5) at the time
of development.
E.6. Electric Facilities and Services—System Capacity.
E.6.a. Collaborate with the Springfield Utility Board (SUB) to increase the capacity of the electric system
to meet future development needs.
E.6.a.1. Evaluate potential locations for and construct a future substation in Glenwood in coordination
with expected development.
E.6.a.2. Locate and design the future substation and transmission, distribution, and service facilities as
specified in the Utility Placement and Adverse Environmental, Visual, and Health Impacts section.
E.6.a.3. Make electric service available as part of the Land Division and Site Plan Review processes.
Finding #16. The proposed update of the PFSP relocates the existing Glenwood Substation to land
recently purchased by the utility. SUB’s Glenwood Substation is shown on the current PFSP near McVay
Hwy. The amendment moves the location to the new site along I-5. Transmission lines are shown in the
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amendments that connect the Glenwood substation to the Alvey Substation (BPA) in Goshen and the
Laura Street substation in Springfield.
E.7. Electric Facilities and Services—Utility Placement and Adverse Environment, Visual, and Health
E.7.a. Coordinate with SUB to develop criteria for locating and obscuring electric facilities that consider
visual, auditory, health and environmental impacts; pedestrian mobility; operational ease; and initial
costs and maintenance costs in association with proposed development in the Glenwood Riverfront.
E.7.b. Consider views, visual pollution, public health, natural environment, and noise pollution in
locating and obscuring transmission facilities.
E.7.b.1. Follow natural landforms in aligning transmission lines while avoiding alignments along hillcrests
or steep grades that expose the facilities to views; and cross hills obliquely rather than at right angles.
E.7.b.2. Align transmission lines along edges of land uses to avoid scenic areas and to avoid dividing land
use patterns.
E.7.b.3. Utilize trees to provide a backdrop to minimize the silhouette of transmission lines against the
E.7.b.4. Reduce the length of visible segments of transmission lines by interrupting views with trees or
offsetting the location of segments behind trees and other topographic features where long views of the
transmission lines would otherwise occur.
E.7.b.5. Minimize the “tunnel effect” of long, straight, uninterrupted views along transmission lines by
only clearing vegetation that threatens the lines and by jogging the alignment at road crossings.
E.7.b.6. Minimize the number of transmission poles and consider color and materials in designing the
appearance of transmission poles and line attachments so that they blend harmoniously with their
E.7.b.7. Route and locate transmission lines to minimize or eliminate the need for vegetation
E.7.b.8. Route and locate transmission lines to minimize potential health effects and noise pollution on
Glenwood residents.
E.7.b.9. Route and locate transmission lines to minimize potential effects on avian migratory patterns.
E.7.c. Consider views and visual pollution in locating and obscuring distribution lines.
E.7.c.1. Coordinate with SUB to locate new distribution feeder lines underground as part of the Franklin
Boulevard and McVay Highway transportation facility upgrades.
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E.7.d. Consider views, visual pollution, and pedestrian mobility in locating and obscuring feeder lines,
transformers, junction boxes, vaults and equipment cabinets.
E.7.d.1. Locate or relocate service lines underground in coordination with proposed streets, driveways,
accessways, and paths.
E.7.d.2. Coordinate the routing or re-routing of service lines with private developers to minimize
potential detrimental effects on the layout of new development/redevelopment.
E.7.d.3. Locate transformers, equipment cabinets, vaults and junction boxes within buildings or
underground, where possible; where not possible, locate these facilities outside of pedestrian routes,
such as sidewalks, crosswalks, and building entrances, and utilize landscaping and public art to make
these facilities as unobtrusive as possible on the public realm/streetscape.
E.7.e. Consider views and visual pollution in locating and obscuring the future substation.
E.7.e.1. Locate the substation in an industrial or employment-designated parcel outside of the boundary
of the Phase I Glenwood Riverfront.
E.7.e.2. Obscure the substation and transformer from public view and attenuate the noise generated by
these facilities by means of plant materials, earth berms, or enclosure walls. (6279)
Finding #17. The location of the planned Glenwood Substation and the associated transmission
lines is shown generally on the PFSP maps as intended. The location of the Substation is outside of
the Phase 1 boundary for the Glenwood Refinement Plan. The transmission lines will take
advantage of existing freeway, street and railroad right of ways in Glenwood to minimize visual
impacts of the planned facilities. Many of the policies listed in Appendix 3 (E) (7) are specific to final
location and design decisions that will be addressed at the time of construction. The intent of the
PFSP is to show the general location of planned utilities. Design level details are not intended to be
provided in the PFSP nor is such detail a requirement of Oregon Administrative Rule Division 11
Public Facilities Planing.
Conclusion: The proposed PFSP amendments conform to the applicable elements of the Metro
Plan and the Glenwood Refinement Plan.
“Conformance with… (2) Applicable State Statutes”
Finding #18. ORS 197.712 (2)(e) states e) A city or county shall develop and adopt a public facility
plan for areas within an urban growth boundary containing a population greater than 2,500
persons. The public facility plan shall include rough cost estimates for public projects needed to
provide sewer, water and transportation for the land uses contemplated in the comprehensive plan
and land use regulations. Project timing and financing provisions of public facility plans shall not be
considered land use decisions.
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Finding #19. The PFSP was developed to fulfill this mandate for cities. The details for preparing a
Public Facility Plan as required by ORS 197.712 is found in the Oregon Administrative Rules, Division
Conclusion: The proposed amendments to the PFSP conform to applicable state statues.
“Conformance with…(3) Applicable Statewide Planning Goals and Administrative Rules”
Statewide Planning Goals
Goal 1 – Citizen Involvement
To develop a citizen involvement program that insures the opportunity for citizens to be involved in all
phases of the planning process.
Finding #20. Requirements under Goal 1 are met by adherence to the citizen involvement processes
required by the Metro Plan and implemented by the Springfield Development Code Sections 5.14-100
and 5.2-100 and by noticed public hearings prior to final adoption by the Lane County Board of County
Commissioners and Springfield City Council.
Finding #21. SDC 5.2-115 states that “where required, notice of a public hearing will be sent by
mail at least 20 days before the date of the hearing. If 2 public hearings are required, notice may be
sent 10 days before the first hearing. The mailed notice will be sent to: the applicant and the owners
of record of the subject property; all property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the subject
property; the appropriate neighborhood association; and any person who submits a written request
to receive notice. In addition, the applicant shall post 1 sign, approved by the Director, on the subject
Finding #22. The proposed PFSP amendments require two hearings: the first before the Springfield
Planning Commission and the second before the Springfield City Council and the Lane County Board of
Finding #23. Notice of a joint public hearing before the Planning Commission and the Springfield
City Council and the Lane County Board of Commissioners was mailed to property owners and
residents within 300 feet of the locations of the planned outfalls, substation and transmission lines on
May 1, 2015, more than 10 days in advance of the May 19th, Commission hearing.
Finding #24. Notice of the May 19, 2015 Planning Commission hearing was published in the
Register Guard, a newspaper of general circulation, on May 5, 2015, more than 10 days in advance of
the meeting.
Finding #25. A “Notice of a Proposed Change to a Comprehensive Plan” was filed with the Oregon
Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) on April 10, 2015. The notice was
provided more than 35 days in advance of the first evidentiary hearing before the Planning
Commission on May 19, 2015.
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Requirements under Goal 1 are met by adherence to the citizen involvement processes required by the
Metro Plan and implemented by the Springfield Development Code, Chapter 5 and Lane Code Sections
12.025 and 12.240.
Goal 2 – Land Use Planning
To establish a land use planning process and policy framework as a basis for all decisions and actions
related to use of land and to assure an adequate factual base for such decisions and actions.
Finding #26. Part I of Goal 2 requires that actions related to land use be consistent with
acknowledged comprehensive plans of cities and counties. The Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area
General Plan (Metro Plan) is the acknowledged comprehensive plan that guides land use planning in
Springfield, Eugene and Lane County.
Finding #27. The current version of the Metro Plan was last adopted on December 1, 2014
(Springfield Ordinance No. 6332; Eugene Ordinance No. 20545; and Lane County Ordinance No. PA
1313) after numerous public meetings, public workshops and joint hearings of the Springfield, Eugene
and Lane County Planning Commissions and Elected Officials.
The Metro Plan is the “land use” or comprehensive plan required by this goal; the PFSP is a refinement
plan of the Metro Plan; the Springfield Development Code and the Lane Code are the “implementation
measures” required by this goal. Comprehensive plans, as defined by ORS 197.015(5), must be
coordinated with affected governmental units. Coordination means that comments from affected
governmental units are solicited and considered.
Goal 3 – Agricultural Lands
To preserve and maintain agricultural lands.
Finding #28. The changes do not affect Metro Plan or PFSP consistency with this goal and this goal
does not apply within adopted, acknowledged urban growth boundaries. None of the proposed
projects are intended to provide urban stormwater management service to properties outside the City
limits or UGB (although management of drainage originating from and discharging to watercourses
outside the UGB is considered).
Goal 4 – Forest Lands
To conserve forest lands by maintaining the forest land base and to protect the state’s forest
economy by making possible economically efficient forest practices that assure the continuous growing
and harvesting of forest tree species as the leading use on forest land consistent with sound
management of soil, air, water, and fish and wildlife resources and to provide for recreational
opportunities and agriculture.
Finding #29. The changes do not affect Metro Plan or PFSP consistency with this goal and this goal
does not apply within adopted, acknowledged urban growth boundaries. None of the proposed
projects are intended to extend urban stormwater management service to properties outside the City
limits or UGB (although management of drainage originating from and discharging to watercourses
outside the UGB is considered).
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Goal 5 – Open Spaces, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Natural Resources
To protect natural resources and conserve scenic and historic areas and open spaces.
Finding #30. The City has finished all work required under Goal 5 during the most recent Periodic
Review (completed in 2007). The three proposed outfalls, Glenwood Outfall #1, Outfall #2, and
Outfall #3 are located adjacent to the Willamette River, a locally significant natural resource site.
The City will obtain any necessary permits for each project from appropriate jurisdictions, as
required, prior to construction.
Finding #31. A 75-foot wide development setback from the Willamette River was adopted as
part of both the City’s Goal 5 program of protection (SDC 4.3-117) and the City’s response to the
Federal Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act (SDC 4.3-115). Both of these subsections
allow for the installation of stormwater management facilities within the development setback.
Finding #32. The proposed stormwater outfalls and electrical facility projects were not designed
nor intended to allow urban development to occur within a protected resource site; the presence of
urban services does not invalidate Goal 5 inventories or protection measures even if the new urban
service becomes available to any of these sites; and, these Goal 5 sites were identified and protected
because they qualified under city, state or federal laws, not because of a lack of available services.
The changes do not adversely affect the City’s acknowledged Goal 5 inventories, nor are the
provisions for compliance with the Federal Clean Water Act or Endangered Species Act
compromised, so this proposal does not create an inconsistency with the goal.
Goal 6 – Air, Water and Land Resources Quality
To maintain and improve the quality of the air, water and land resources of the state.
Finding #33. This goal is primarily concerned with compliance with federal and state environmental
quality statutes, and how this compliance is achieved as development proceeds in relationship to air
sheds, river basins and land resources
Finding #34. The Federal Water Pollution Control Act, P.L. 92-500, as amended in 1977, became
known as the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.). The goal of this Act was to eliminate the
discharge of pollutants into the navigable waters. ORS 468B.035 requires the Oregon Environmental
Quality Commission (EQC) to implement the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. The primary
method of implementation of this Act is through the issuance of a National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) permit prior to the discharge of any wastes into the waters of the state
(ORS 468B.050). Among the “pollutants” regulated by the EQC are temperature (OAR 340-041-0028)
and toxic substances (OAR 340-041-0033).
Finding #35. Previously, the PFSP was amended to ensure that the Metro Plan and the PFSP
accurately reflect stormwater management system needs as imposed by Federal and State
regulation. The PFSP states, “Existing policies and plans in the Eugene-Springfield area support water
quality and quantity improvements through site planning for new construction, public education, use
of natural systems, preservation of natural drainageways, and reduction of street- related runoff
problems. To summarize, stormwater management policies developed through local plans:
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Establish and support stormwater administration and management programs that include
natural resource protection;
Protect significant natural resources to serve multiple objectives, including stormwater storage
and conveyance;
Use constructed wetlands, wetland enhancement, and waterways for stormwater
treatment, storage and conveyance;
Create and protect a connected natural stormwater system;
Use a comprehensive wetlands mitigation program to guide planning future
stormwater systems;
Create a comprehensive stormwater monitoring and maintenance program to serve multiple
stormwater management objectives; and,
Develop a plan for financing the stormwater management program (PFSP page 147).”
Finding #36. The proposed amendment is intended to update the planned stormwater and
electrical facilities found in the PFSP Maps 3 and 4; and project lists found in Tables 6, 8 and 18.
Goal 7 – Areas Subject to Natural Disasters and Hazards
To protect people and property from natural hazards.
Finding #37. The Metro Plan and the City’s Development Code are acknowledged to be in
compliance with all applicable statewide land use goals, including Goal 7. The proposed outfalls are
located within mapped floodplain areas, but their presence does not have any adverse effect on
existing policies or procedures adopted by the City of Springfield for application in floodplain areas.
The City will obtain any necessary permits for each project from appropriate jurisdictions, as required,
prior to construction.
Goal 8 – Recreational Needs
To satisfy the recreational needs of the citizens of the state and visitors and, where appropriate, to
provide for the siting of necessary recreational facilities including destination resorts.
Finding #38. All of the proposed outfall projects are intended to improve stormwater management
in the Glenwood are that each serves. These outfalls will not displace or remove any established public
recreational facility. Glenwood Outfall #1 will be part of a planned park blocks as shown on the
Glenwood Refinement Plan. In that specific case, the outfall will have a direct benefit to a new
recreational facility. The planned electrical facilities will not impact existing or proposed recreational
facilities within Glenwood.
Goal 9 – Economic Development
To provide adequate opportunities throughout the state for a variety of economic activities vital to the
health, welfare, and prosperity of Oregon’s citizens.
Finding #39. The Metro Plan cites the provision of adequate public facilities and services as
necessary for economic development. Objective 10, at page III-B-4 states: “Provide the necessary
public facilities and services to allow economic development.” As previously stated in these
findings, the redevelopment planned for the Glenwood Riverfront cannot occur without these
stormwater outfalls or electrical substation. Redevelopment is the targeted economic
development archetype in Glenwood.
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Finding #40. Metro Plan Policy B25, at Page III-B-6, states: “Pursue an aggressive annexation
program and servicing of designated industrial lands in order to have a sufficient supply of
‘development ready’ land”. Policy B26, at page III-B-6, states: “In order to provide locational choice
and to attract new campus industrial firms to the metropolitan area, Eugene and Springfield shall
place as a high priority service extension, annexation, and proper zoning of all designated special
light industrial sites.” The Glenwood Refinement Plan designates much of the Glenwood Riverfront
for Commercial and Employment Mixed Use. The proposed PFSP projects are intended to meet
future demand generated by population and employment growth in the Glenwood area as planned
for in the Glenwood Refinement Plan.
Finding #41. It is the provision of key urban services that typically determines suitability of land to be
converted from rural to urban and to be annexed into the city limits: “Land within the UGB may be
converted from urbanizable to urban only through annexation to a city when it is found that: a. A
minimum level of key urban facilities and services can be provided to the area in an orderly and
efficient manner; b. There will be a logical area and time within which to deliver urban services and
facilities. Conversion of urbanizable land to urban shall also be consistent with the Metro Plan” (Page II-
C-4, Metro Plan). The planned PFSP projects will serve areas within Glenwood as they are annexed to
the City.
Goal 10 – Housing
To provide for the housing needs of citizens of the state. Goal 10 Planning Guideline 3 states
that “[P]lans should provide for the appropriate type, location and phasing of public facilities and
services sufficient to support housing development in areas presently developed or undergoing
development or redevelopment.”
Finding #42. OAR 660–008–0010 requires that “[S]ufficient buildable land shall be
designated on the comprehensive plan map to satisfy housing needs by type and density range
as determined in the housing needs projection.” Goal 10 defines buildable lands as “…lands in
urban and urbanizable areas that are suitable, available and necessary for residential use.”
660–008–0005(13), in part, defines land that is “suitable and available” as land “for which
public facilities are planned or to which public facilities can be made available.”
Finding #43. Similar to Goal 9, adequate public facilities are necessary to accomplish the
objectives of this goal and applicable administrative rules (OAR Chapter 660, Division 008).
The purpose of the proposed Glenwood stormwater outfalls and electrical facilities are to
provide the capacity for future development of residential (population) and commercial and
industrial (employment) use consistent with the comprehensive plan (Glenwood Refinement
Goal 11 – Public Facilities and Services
To plan and develop a timely, orderly and efficient arrangement of public facilities and services to serve
as a framework for urban and rural development.
Finding #44. OAR Chapter 660, Division 011, implements Goal 11. OAR 660–011–0030(1) requires
that the public facility plan list the proposed projects and identify the general location of the project on
a map. PFSP Maps 3 and 4 and the project lists found in Tables 6, 8 and 18 will be amended to show
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planned stormwater and electrical facilities in Glenwood. The tables and map are adopted as part of
the Metro Plan, but are published in, and are a part of the PFSP.
Finding #45. OAR 660–011–0035(1) requires that the public facility plan include a rough cost estimate
for sewer public facility projects identified in the facility plan. In conformity with this requirement, Table
18 includes rough cost estimates for all 3 proposed stormwater outfall projects. These costs are derived
from the work performed during the preparation of previous stormwater master plans, and further
refined by the recently adopted Stormwater Facility Master Plan.
Finding #46. OAR 660–011–0045 requires certain elements of the public facility plan to be adopted
as part of the comprehensive plan. These elements include the list of public facility project titles
(Tables 6, 8 and 18); the map or written description of the public facility projects locations or service
areas (Maps 3 and 4); and policies or urban growth management agreements designating the provider
of each public facility system. No policy amendments are proposed in this action. The notice of
proposed amendment sent to DLCD, the notice of the hearing on these amendments, and the
applicable criteria are consistent with the provisions for a land use decision and the post-
acknowledgment procedures of ORS 197.610.
Goal 12 - Transportation
To provide and encourage a safe, convenient and economic transportation system.
Finding #47. The proposed outfalls will supplement the minimal stormwater facilities that currently
serve the Glenwood area. The planned electrical facilities will provide needed capacity to support
urban development. Improvements to Franklin Blvd. and future development of the density
envisioned by the Glenwood Refinement Plan will depend on the further development of infrastructure
capacity, including new stormwater facilities and outfalls into the Willamette River.
Goal 13 – Energy Conservation
To conserve energy.
Finding #48. The proposed outfalls will have little or no impact on energy use. The proposed
amendments to the electrical facility maps and project lists will show planned service facilities but will
not in and of themselves conserve or waste energy. The changes do not affect Metro Plan or PFSP
consistency with this goal.
Goal 14 – Urbanization
To provide for an orderly and efficient transition from rural to urban land use, to accommodate urban
population and urban employment inside urban growth boundaries, to ensure efficient use of land, and
to provide for livable communities.
Finding #49. The amendments do not affect the existing City limits or UGB. They will support the
development of additional stormwater infrastructure that will serve planned development within the
Glenwood area. Glenwood is located within the current UGB; however, development that will rely
upon these facilities must be located within the Springfield City Limits. The changes do not affect
Metro Plan or PFSP consistency with this goal.
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Goal 15 – Willamette River Greenway
To protect, conserve, enhance and maintain the natural, scenic, historical, agricultural, economic
and recreational qualities of lands along the Willamette River as the Willamette River Greenway.
Finding #50. The three stormwater outfalls proposed by this amendment are in close proximity to
the Willamette River. Construction of these facilities will allow planned development in Glenwood
to occur, but not at the exclusion of any other rules or standards that govern development within
the Greenway. The City will obtain any necessary permits for each project from appropriate
jurisdictions, as required, prior to construction.
Finding #51. Riverfront development will be subject to the established Greenway Setback Line
and to overlapping protections offered by the 75-foot setback established in response to the Federal
Clean Water Act and to Statewide Planning Goal 5. The changes do not affect Metro Plan or PFSP
consistency with this goal.
Goal 16—Estuarine Resources, Goal 17 Coastal Shorelands, Goal 18 Beaches and Dunes, and Goal
19 Ocean Resources
Finding #52. These goals do not apply to the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area.
Conclusion: The proposed amendments to the PFSP conform to Oregon’s Statewide Planning Goals.
State Administrative Rules
Finding #53. Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 660-011-0000 (Division 11) provides direction to cities in preparing public facility plans. The PFSP was developed in conformance with Division 11 and was
acknowledged by the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) in 2001. The
PFSP has been updated (most recently 2011) to reflect new policies and to make additions or deletions to
the project lists and maps found in the plan. Finding #54. 660-011-0045 (4) states, “Land use amendments are those modifications or
amendments to the list, location or provider of, public facility projects, which significantly impact a public facility project identified in the comprehensive plan and which do not qualify under subsection (3)(a) or (b) of this rule. Amendments made pursuant to this subsection are subject to the administrative
procedures and review and appeal provisions accorded "land use decisions" in ORS Chapter 197 and
those set forth in OAR Chapter 660 Division 18. Finding #55. The proposed amendments are considered required “land use amendments,” which in
this case, amends the list and location of stormwater and electric facilities in the PFSP document. The
PFSP is being amended in conformance with the administrative procedures and review and appeal accorded to land use decisions in ORS 197 and those set forth in OAR 660 Division 18.
Staff has compared the proposed amendments to the Eugene-Springfield Public Facilities and Services
Plan (PFSP) against the approval criteria for making Metro Plan amendments and refinement plan
amendments found in SDC Sections SDC 5.14-135 (Metro Plan amendments) and 5.6-115 (Refinement
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Glenwood Public Facilities and Services Plan Update
May 19, 2015 Page 21
Plan amendments). The conclusions in this report find that the proposed amendments satisfy the
applicable criteria with respect to consistency with the Metro Plan, applicable state statutes, and
applicable Statewide Planning goals and administrative rules.
The findings contained in this report provide a substantive basis for Springfield Planning Commission to
recommend approval of the proposed PFSP amendments to the City Council and the Lane County Board
of Commissioners.
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Attachment 2, Page 1 of 4
124 125
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Attachment 2, Page 3 of 4
Attachment 2, Page 4 of 4
Table 6.
City of Springfield Stormwater System Improvement Projects
Number Project Name/Description
Stormwater Facility
Master Plan
Project Number
104 Jasper Slough outfall n/a
105 20th Street Outfall n/a
108 Mill Race Enhancements, including new intake n/a
110 Highway 126/I-105 drainage improvements n/a
112 Glenwood Channel & Pipe Improvements 1
113 Gray Creek Channel & Pipe Improvements 2
114 Jasper/Natron Channel & Pipe Improvements 3
115 Channel 6 Detention Pond, Channel & Pipe
Improvements 4
116 59th & Aster and Daisy Street Parallel Pipe 5
117 Irving Slough Channel Improvements 6
118 North Gateway – Sports Way Flood Control Water
Quality Facility 10
119 McKenzie Forest Products Mill Pond Water Quality
Facility 12
120 Central Over-Under Channel & Pipe Improvements 15
121 Island Park Water Quality Facility 16
122 69th Street Open Channel 18
123 Lower Mill Race Water Quality & Riparian
Enhancements 21
124 Glenwood Outfall #1 [emphasis added] n/a
125 Glenwood Outfall #2 [emphasis added] n/a
126 Glenwood Outfall #3 [emphasis added] n/a
200-F Cedar Creek: Diversion System
200-G Cedar Creek: East Thurston Road/Hwy 126 Outfall
and Associated Piping
201 Thurston Road Interceptor n/a
202 Highway 126 and 87th Interceptor and Outfall n/a
203 South 79th Street System n/a
204 Rocky Point Drive System and Outfall n/a
206 Borden Outfall Upgrade n/a
210 Jasper Slough Improvements n/a
211 Hayden Bridge Road Interceptor n/a
212 42nd & McKenzie Hwy Pipe Improvements 24
213 I-105 Channel Improvements 26
Attachment 3, Page 1 of 4
Number Project Name/Description
Stormwater Facility
Master Plan
Project Number
214 Jasper Slough Culvert Crossing Improvements 27
215 Q Street Channel Riparian Enhancements 28
216 I-5 Open Channel Riparian Enhancements 29
217 Q Street Floodway East of 28th Water Quality 31
218 28th Street Main to North Water Quality
Temperature TMDL 32
219 Open Channel Improvements North of Riverglen
Subdivision 33
220 Chateau St Outfall 34
221 Clearwater Lane & Jasper Water Quality 37
222 42nd Channel Improvements 42
223 Maple Island Slough Channel Enhancement &
Water Quality Improvements 43
Table 8.
SUB Planned Electrical System Improvement Projects
Project Name/Description
12 Glenwood Substation
13 Marcola Road Substation
14 East Springfield to Thurston Transmission Line
15 Thurston to Marcola Road Transmission Line
16A Jasper Road to 10th Street Extension (alternative A)
16B Jasper Road to 10th Street Extension (alternative B)
17A Alvey to Glenwood to Springfield Transmission Line [emphasis added]
17B Laura to Glenwood Transmission Line [emphasis added]
18 28th Street to Laura Street Transmission Line
Attachment 3, Page 2 of 4
Table 18.
City of Springfield Stormwater System Improvements, Estimated Costs, and Timing
Number Project Name/Description
Facility Master
Plan Project
100 Sports Way Detention Pond 400 2008-2013
104 Jasper Slough Outfall 210 2008-2013
105 20th Street Outfall 350 2008-2013
108 Mill Race Enhancements, including new intake n/a 7,800 2008-2013
110 Hwy 126/I-105 Drainage Improvements n/a 640 2008-2013
112 Glenwood Channel & Pipe Improvements 1 4,670 2008-2013
113 Gray Creek Channel & Pipe Improvements 2 4,650 2008-2013
114 Jasper Natron Channel & Pipe Improvements 3 2,800 2008-2013
115 Channel 6 Detention Pond, Channel & Pipe
4 1,250 2008-2013
116 59th & Aster and Daisy St Parallel Pipe 5 2,100 2008-2013
117 Irving Slough Channel Improvements 6 2,150 2008-2013
118 North Gateway – Sportsway Flood Control
Water Quality Facility
10 520 2008-2013
119 McKenzie Forest Products Mill Pond Water
Quality Facility
12 60 2008-2013
120 Central Over-Under Channel & Pipe
15 2,500 2008-2013
121 Island Park Water Quality Facility 16 60 2008-2013
122 69th Street Open Channel 18 2,500 2008-2013
123 Lower Mill Race Water Quality & Riparian
21 60 2008-2013
124 Glenwood Outfall #1 [emphasis added] n/a 350 2015-2020
125 Glenwood Outfall #2 [emphasis added] n/a 350 2015-2020
126 Glenwood Outfall #3 [emphasis added] n/a 350 2015-2020
200-F Cedar Creek: Diversion System n/a 2,100 2010+
200-G Cedar Creek: East Thurston Road/Hwy 126
Outfall and Associated Piping
n/a 350 2010+
201 Thurston Road Interceptor n/a 570 2013-2018
202 Hwy 126 and 87th Interceptor and Outfall n/a 570 2010+
203 South 79th Street System n/a 1,425 2013-2018
204 Rocky Point Drive System and Outfall n/a 420 2013-2018
206 Borden Outfall Upgrade n/a 140 2013-2018
210 Jasper Slough Improvements n/a 500 2013-2018
211 Hayden Bridge Road Interceptor n/a 500 2013-2018
212 42nd & McKenzie Hwy Pipe Improvements 24 300 2013-2018
Attachment 3, Page 3 of 4
Number Project Name/Description
Facility Master
Plan Project
213 I-105 Channel Improvements 26 1,610 2013-2018
214 Jasper Slough Culvert Crossing Improvements 27 200 2013-2018
215 Q St Channel Riparian Enhancements 28 500 2013-2018
216 I-5 Open Channel Riparian Enhancements 29 500 2013-2018
217 Q St Floodway East of 28th Water Quality 31 200 2013-2018
218 28th St Main to North Water Quality
Temperature TMDL
32 60 2013-2018
219 Open Channel Improvements North of
Riverglen Subdivision
33 30 2013-2018
220 Chateau St Outfall 34 240 2013-2018
221 Clearwater Lane & Jasper Water Quality 37 350 2013-2018
222 42nd Channel Improvements 42 200 2013-2018
223 Maple Island Slough Channel Enhancements &
Water Quality Improvements
43 250 2013-2018
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