HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015 02 03 AIS CCI Stakeholder Working GroupAGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 2/3/2015 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Linda Pauly / DPW Staff Phone No: 541-726-4608 Estimated Time: 20 Minutes COMMITTEE FOR CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT (CCI) Council Goals: Encourage Economic Development and Revitalization through Community Partnerships ITEM TITLE: COLLEGE VIEW UGB STUDY AREA VISIONING PROCESS ACTION REQUESTED: The CCI is asked to appoint a stakeholder working group (SWG) to participate in a visioning process. The group will provide input to inform the development of Urbanization policies for Springfield’s 2030 Comprehensive Plan. The CCI is requested to review and approve or direct modifications to the proposed participant categories and participants (ATT2), consistent with Springfield’s adopted citizen involvement policies and with Statewide Planning Goal 1, Citizen Involvement. ISSUE STATEMENT: At the September 8th work session, Council directed staff to form a group of neighbors and other community members/stakeholders to discuss and develop a vision for the College View area. The visioning process will address, among other things, appropriate and realistic industrial and commercial development types, preservation of farm land and natural resources, accessibility, sustainability, environmental quality, and partnerships with LCC. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Memorandum 2. Proposed stakeholder working group 3. Volunteers sign-up sheets DISCUSSION: Staff proposes to conduct a series of conversations with Seavey Loop area neighbors, College View/Franklin businesses, stakeholders and interested parties about the City’s proposed College View UGB expansion area that will: Acknowledge and respect peoples’ concerns Identify key issues of concerns and ways to address them Identify desired outcomes and ways to achieve them Facilitate dialogue between the stakeholders to increase mutual understanding of the issues Invite and encourage participation in policy development (land uses, zoning, land use buffers, water quality protection, etc.) Staff conducted a visioning workshop on January 14th, 2015 to kick off the visioning process and to provide an open invitation to all workshop attendees to volunteer for the working group. Over 125 people attended. Workshop input was posted on the city’s webpage http://www.springfield-or.gov/dpw/2030Plan.htm Links to the documents are under Project News and Updates - Visioning Process for College View/South Franklin Corridor - Materials and Public Input from Workshop #1, January 14, 2015. There is considerable opposition to the City’s proposed College View commercial/industrial land UGB expansion from Seavey Loop area residents and stakeholder groups. M E M O R A N D U M City of Springfield To: Committee for Citizen Involvement From: Linda Pauly, Principal Planner (541) 726-4608 Date: February 3, 2015 Subject: Approval of Stakeholder Working Group - College View Visioning Process (Planning File No. LRP2009-00014) Action Requested Review and approve or direct modifications to the proposed citizen involvement activities, participant categories and participants (ATT2) and appoint a stakeholder working group (SWG) to participate in an area-specific visioning process for the Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan and UGB study - consistent with Springfield’s adopted citizen involvement policies and with Statewide Planning Goal 1, Citizen Involvement. Background At their September 8, 2014 Work Session, the City Council directed staff to conduct a visioning process for the College View Study Area to address appropriate and realistic industrial and commercial development types, preservation of farm land and natural resources, accessibility, sustainability, environmental quality, partnerships with LCC, etc. Input from the visioning process will be reported to the Council at a future Work Session. Purpose of this visioning process Identifying key issues of concerns and ways to address them; identifying desired outcomes and ways to achieve them; involve potentially affected stakeholders and members of the public in policy development for the Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan related to the proposed UGB expansion in the College View UGB Study Area (e.g. land uses, zoning, agricultural buffers, water quality protection, etc.). Recruitment for stakeholder working group (SWG)/ Visioning Workshop #1: Sharing Your Concerns and Ideas Staff invited potentially affected stakeholders and members of the public to a Visioning Workshop on January 14, 2014 to kick off the visioning process, encourage community discussion, seek input on the proposal, and to identify potential working group participants willing to commit their time to a SWG. Staff mailed an invitation to the workshop to all property owners and residents within the College View study area boundary to encourage participation by potentially affected land owners, businesses and residents. Staff emailed the invitation to the entire College View/Seavey Loop study area email list, a large email list of Seavey Loop area neighbors, stakeholders and concerned individuals who have participated in previous neighborhood meetings and/or have submitted letters and emails regarding the College View/Seavey Loop UGB Study Area over the past several years. The list includes individuals who provided testimony about this study area to the Springfield and Lane County Planning Attachment 1-1 Commissions at their 2010 joint public hearing on the Springfield 2030 Plan and UGB expansion concepts (Planning File No. LRP2009-00014). Staff also recruited/is recruiting agency staff, service providers and other individuals to serve as resources to the working group. These individuals have agreed to share information, maps, etc. to the support the working group process. Workshop invitees were given the opportunity to volunteer to serve on the stakeholder working group. Interest groups were asked to appoint representatives to participate. Volunteers were told that the final makeup of the group is subject to the level of interest and commitment and that the City will appoint a group to ensure balanced perspectives, consistent with Oregon Statewide Planning Goal 1 Citizen Involvement. In addition to property owners and businesses within the study area, staff encouraged participation from: Seavey Loop area residents Farmers and agricultural businesses in the Seavey Loop area Commercial and Industrial Businesses in Study area Rural Residential Property Owner in Study area Lane Community College Service providers (e.g. Willamalane, EPUD, LTD, Willamette Water Co., Fire District) Real estate professional Buford Park/Mt. Pisgah Main-McVay Transit study SAC member Volunteers for SWG visioning process An estimated 125 people attended the January 14th Visioning Workshop. 18 individuals signed up to indicate their interest in serving on the SWG. 4 individuals signed up to share info with the SWG (ATT 3 Volunteers sign-up sheet). Role of SWG The SWG will be a group of neighbors and other community members/stakeholders who will meet 3-4 times to discuss and develop high level vision statements for the College View area. Participants will be asked to provide input on the City’s UGB amendment proposal and plan policy development related to the proposed UGB expansion in the College View UGB Study Area, including but not limited to: Land use policies applicable to new land added to the UGB Springfield Development Code urban transition zoning standards that will be applicable to land if and when it is included in Springfield’s UGB. Stakeholder Working Group Workshops Workshop #2: Sharing Your Visions Workshop #3: Shaping the Future through Comprehensive Plan Policies Workshop #4: Shaping the Future through Development Code Standards Attachment 1-2 PROJECT STUDY AREA: Springfield’s proposed expansion of the UGB includes lands along College View, South Franklin and Twin Buttes Road that are already zoned and developed with Public Facilities (EPUD), Rural Industrial (Walsh Trucking, Johnson Crushers), Rural Commercial (e.g. gas station, Latus Motors, storage facility), and Rural Residential uses, as well as larger agricultural land parcels east of Franklin Boulevard. The proposed expansion area is shown in the map below and can be viewed in more detail on the City’s website. PROJECT WEBSITE: www.springfield-or.gov . Scroll down to “In the News” and click on link: Learn more about the Springfield 2030 Plan & Urban Growth Boundary Study STUDY AREA MAP Attachment 1-3 Proposed Categories of Representation and SWG volunteers: * indicates staff is currently recruiting participants Category # of volunteers as of Jan. 15th Staff recommendation Names Seavey Loop area residents 5 3 John Helmer Rob Castleberry Normandy Helmer Farmers and agricultural businesses in the Seavey Loop area 0 farmers 1 ag business owner 1 ag land expert 3* Farmer TBD Gayle Landt, Ag business Ross Pennhallegon, OSU Extension, Agriculture expert/Springfield Groundwater Guardians Study Area ag property owner 1 1 Jim Straub Commercial and Industrial Businesses in Study Area 1 3* Jeff Schwartz, President Johnson Crushers Dan Kuske, Latus Rural Residential Property Owner in Study Area 1 2* Tom Scates Lane Community College 1 LCC rep (Note same individual is Main-McVay Transit study SAC member 1 LCC student 1 SWG 1 SWG Resource Group Corbin McBride Real estate professional 1 1 Betsy Schultz, Springfield Board of Realtors Buford Park/Mt. 3 1 SWG Tom LoCascio Attachment 2-1 Pisgah 1 SWG Resource Group Willamalane 1 1 Nicole Ankeney Lane County Planning Staff 1 1 Keir Miller DLCD staff 1 1 Ed Moore ODOT staff 1 1 David Helton/David Reesor Total 19 15 SWG Resource Group/Guest Speakers/Experts/Info Share Lane Community College rep Main-McVay Transit Study SAC rep Brett Rowlett Lane County Transportation Planning staff Lydia McKinney/Becky Taylor Friends of Buford Park Chris Orsinger, Director Willamette Water Company Dan Terrell, Attorney Lane County sanitarian Economic development Oregon Water Resources Watermaster/Springfield Groundwater Guardians Mike Mattick Springfield ESD staff Springfield Engineering and Transportation staff Springfield Economic Development staff DSL Wetlands/Waterways/Economic Development Kirk Jarvie LEGEND Names in Bold font = invited and committed to participate as needed = category not yet filled Attachment 2-2 Attachment 3-1 Attachment 3-2 Attachment 3-3