HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017 06 06 AIS for 395 W Centennial Church ExpansionAGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 6/6/2017 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Mark McCaffery, DPW Staff Phone No: 541-736-1003 Estimated Time: 20 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D PLANNING COMMISSION Council Goals: Promote and Enhance our Hometown Feel while Focusing on Livability and Environmental Quality ITEM TITLE: 395 W CENTENNIAL BLVD CHURCH FACILITY EXPANSION WITH ASSOCIATED INFRASTRUCTURE: CASES TYP317-00006 AND TYP217-00013 ACTION REQUESTED: Conduct a public hearing and deliberations, and approve, approve with amendments, or deny a proposal by Arbor South Architecture, PC to construct a 1,240 square foot addition to an existing 1,196 square foot one-story church facility on a Low Density Residential property at 395 W Centennial Boulevard. The addition on the north side of the building is proposed to provide office and storage space. The addition on the south side of the building is proposed to provide a community room, kitchen, bathrooms and nursery spaces. ISSUE STATEMENT: The applicant has submitted Discretionary Use and Site Plan Review applications for a church facility expansion in the Kelly Butte neighborhood. The subject site is addressed as 395 W. Centennial Blvd. in Springfield, Assessor’s Map No. 17-03-27-44, Tax Lot(s) 02000 & 02100. The proposed church expansion includes a proposal to establish new parking and landscaping infrastructure and associated stormwater facilities. Section 3.2-210 of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) requires Site Plan Review and Discretionary Use review for churches to be established in Low Density Residential (LDR) districts. The public hearing for this application is scheduled for Tuesday, June 6, 2017. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Staff Report and Recommendation for Discretionary Use 2. Staff Report and Recommended Conditions of Approval for Site Plan Review 3. Arbor South Architecture, PC Application and Exhibits 4. PC Final Order - Discretionary Use Request TYP317-00006 5. PC Final Order - Site Plan Review Application TYP217-00013 DISCUSSION: The proposed church facility expansion is located at the corner of W Centennial and Kelly Boulevards. The subject property is owned by Springfield 1st Christian Church and is zoned LDR in accordance with the Springfield Zoning Map. Properties in the immediate vicinity are zoned LDR. Church facilities are allowable in the LDR district subject to Discretionary Use approval, Site Plan approval, and adherence to specific development standards for churches in residential districts. Staff has prepared a staff report and recommendation based on the review criteria found in SDC Section 5.9-120 (Attachment 1). Staff has also prepared a staff report with recommended conditions of approval for the Site Plan Review application, which is based on the review criteria found in SDC Section 5.17-125 (Attachment 2). The findings presented by staff provide a substantive basis for conditionally approving a church facility at the subject property. The public hearing for the proposal is scheduled for June 6, 2017. As a result of public notification for this development proposal staff has received three written comments, which are included as an attachment to the Staff Report and Recommended Conditions of Approval for Site Plan Review. Staff recommends approval of the Discretionary Use and Site Plan Applications subject to the findings and conditions contained in the staff reports and, to this end, draft motions have been provided herein for the Planning Commission’s consideration. Staff Report and Findings Springfield Planning Commission Discretionary Use Request (395 W Centennial Church Expansion) Hearing Date: June 6, 2017 Case Number: TYP317-00006 Applicant: William Randall, Arbor South Architecture, PC, 380 Lincoln Street, Eugene, OR 97401 Site: 395 W. Centennial Blvd. in Springfield, Assessor’s Map No. 17-03-27-44, Tax Lot(s) 02000 & 02100. Request The applicant proposes a 1,240 square foot addition to an existing 1,196 square foot church facility. The addition on the north side of the building is proposed to provide office and storage space. The addition on the south side of the building is proposed to provide a community room, kitchen, bathrooms and nursery spaces. Churches are subject to special development standards under the Springfield Development Code (SDC) Section 4.7-130. The proposed facility is considered a discretionary use that requires site plan review. A Site Plan Review application (TYP217-00013) has been concurrently submitted with the Discretionary Use application. The application was submitted on April 6, 2017 and staff conducted a Development Review Committee meeting on the Discretionary Use request on May 2, 2017. The Planning Commission hearing for the Discretionary Use request and Site Plan Review (Cases TYP317-00006 and TYP217-00013 respectively) is scheduled for June 6, 2017. Site Information/Background The property that is the subject of the Discretionary Use request is located at 395 W. Centennial Boulevard, a developed parcel containing a 1,196 square foot church facility. The 11,700 square foot property is improved with a 1,196 square foot 1-story church facility and small outbuilding located at the corner of W Centennial and Kelly Boulevards. A small improved gravel driveway surface is accessed through an existing curb-cut approximately 40 feet from the intersection of W Centennial and Kelly Boulevards. W Centennial Boulevard is functionally classified as an urban minor arterial roadway and Kelly Boulevard is classified as a local road. Both roads are maintained by the City of Springfield and feature curbside sidewalks. The subject property comprises lots 4 and 5 of Block 3 of the Sunny Side Addition which was platted in 1910. A 14 foot wide east- west alley way runs along the southern portion of the property. Overhead electric utilities are located along the western and southern portions of the property. A Lane Transit District bus stop is adjacent to the property along W Centennial and a fire hydrant is featured on the northern portion of the property. The site is zoned and designated LDR in accordance with the Springfield Zoning Map, the Kelly Butte Refinement Plan and the adopted Metro Plan diagram. Other properties surrounding the subject site are zoned LDR. See Figure 1 – Zoning Map Extract below. Attachment 1, Page 1 of 9 TYP317-00006 Discretionary Use – 395 W Centennial Church Expansion Photo 1 – Site Air Photo Photo 2 – Magnified Aerial View Attachment 1, Page 2 of 9 TYP317-00006 Discretionary Use – 395 W Centennial Church Expansion Photo 3 – Existing Development Looking East Figure 1 – Zoning Map Extract Zoning Map Legend Low Density Residential (LDR) Notification and Written Comments Notification of the June 6, 2017 public hearing for the Discretionary Use was posted on site on May 4, 2017 and a mailed public notice was delivered to neighboring property owners on May 18, 2017. Low Density Residential (LDR) Attachment 1, Page 3 of 9 TYP317-00006 Discretionary Use – 395 W Centennial Church Expansion Public notification was also sent to all property owners and residents within 300 feet of the site on April 28, 2017 for the corresponding Site Plan Review under separate cover (TYP217-00013). Three written comments were received and were evaluated by staff through the Site Plan Review. Please see the TYP217-00013 for written comments. Criteria of Approval Section 5.9-100 of the SDC contains the criteria of approval for the decision maker to utilize during review of Discretionary Use requests. A Discretionary Use may be approved only if the Planning Commission or Hearings Official finds that the proposal conforms with the Site Plan Review approval criteria specified in Section 5.17-125, where applicable. The Criteria of Discretionary Use approval are: 5.9-120 Criteria A Discretionary Use may be approved only if the Planning Commission or Hearings Official finds that the proposal conforms with the Site Plan Review approval criteria specified in Section 5.17-125, where applicable, and the following approval criteria: A. The proposed use conforms with applicable: 1. Provisions of the Metro Plan; 2. Refinement plans; 3. Plan District standards; 4. Conceptual Development Plans or 5. Specific Development Standards in this Code; B. The site under consideration is suitable for the proposed use, considering: 1. The location, size, design and operating characteristics of the use (operating characteristics include but are not limited to parking, traffic, noise, vibration, emissions, light, glare, odor, dust, visibility, safety, and aesthetic considerations, where applicable); 2. Adequate and safe circulation exists for vehicular access to and from the proposed site, and on- site circulation and emergency response as well as pedestrian, bicycle and transit circulation; 3. The natural and physical features of the site, including but not limited to, riparian areas, regulated wetlands, natural stormwater management/drainage areas and wooded areas shall be adequately considered in the project design; and 4. Adequate public facilities and services are available, including but not limited to, utilities, streets, storm drainage facilities, sanitary sewer and other public infrastructure. C. Any adverse effects of the proposed use on adjacent properties and on the public can be mitigated through the: 1. Application of other Code standards (including, but not limited to: buffering from less intensive uses and increased setbacks); 2. Site Plan Review approval conditions, where applicable; 3. Other approval conditions that may be required by the Approval Authority; and/or 4. A proposal by the applicant that meets or exceeds the cited Code standards and/or approval conditions Attachment 1, Page 4 of 9 TYP317-00006 Discretionary Use – 395 W Centennial Church Expansion Proposed Findings In Support of Discretionary Use Approval SDC 5.9-120 CRITERIA A. The proposed use conforms with applicable: 1. Provisions of the Metro Plan; 2. Refinement plans; 3. Plan District standards; 4. Conceptual Development Plans or 5. Specific Development Standards in this Code; Applicant Narrative: The Metro Plan clearly shows this parcel to be within the Low Density Residential (see Metro Plan Diagram, Exhibit A). The site is also within the East Kelly Butte Refinement Plan Area (see attached Exhibit B) also indicating the site to be planned for Low Density Residential use. Pertinent policies of the Metro Plan specific to this church use in this residential area are: Growth Management II-C, Policy 1. “The UGB and sequential development shall continue to be implemented as an essential means to achive compact urban growth. The provision of all urban servicese shall be concentrated inside the UGB.” The parcel is within the existing UGB and has all urban services already to the site. Residential III-A, Policy A.22. “Expand opportunities for a mix of uses in newly developing areas and existing neighborhoods through local zoning and development regulations.” The building currently on site was operated by the Salvation Army as a service delivery center. The church has been using the facility as a church worship building since 201x. The church use extends the similar use as the Salvation Army and continues the mix of uses within an existing neighborhood. Residential III-A, Policy A.24. “Consider adopting or modifying local zoning and development regulations to provide a discretionary design review process or clear and objective standards, in order to address issues of compatibility, aesthetics, open space, and other community concerns.” The Discretionary Use process it he regulatory means by which we are proposing the expansion of the existing facility. Environmental Design III-E, Policy E.1. “In order to promote the greatest possible degree of diversity, a broad variety of commercial, residential, and recreational land uses shall be encouraged when consisten with other planning policies.” A Church within an existing neighborhood adds an element of diversity to an otherwise hegemenous area. The open space requirement also adds to that visual variety. Finding 1: The site is zoned and designated Low Density Residential (LDR) by the Springfield Zoning Map and Kelly Butte Refinement Plan. The site is not within a plan district or a conceptual development plan. Churches in LDR are regulated by specific development standards of the SDC Section 4.7-130. These standards as they pertain to this development proposal are evaluated in the concurrent Site Plan Review under separate cover (TYP217-00013). Finding 2: The Applicant indicates the site formerly operating as a Salvation Army service center. Staff does not find record of the property operating as anything other than a church. The church use does not have prior site plan or discretionary use approval. Conclusion: The above finding demonstrates that Criterion A has been met. Attachment 1, Page 5 of 9 TYP317-00006 Discretionary Use – 395 W Centennial Church Expansion B. The site under consideration is suitable for the proposed use, considering: 1. The location, size, design and operating characteristics of the use (operating characteristics include but are not limited to parking, traffic, noise, vibration, emissions, light, glare, odor, dust, visibility, safety, and aesthetic considerations, where applicable); Applicant Narrative: …the facilty was used as a Salvation Army service center prior to the church use. The church use is actually less intense and less invasive as the service center with hours of operation just on Sunday mornings and occasionally on Wednesday evenings while the service center was a daily use. Aesthetically, we are proposing two small additions and updating the exterior of the building to better reflect today’s style. Finding 3: Size, design, and operating characteristics of the proposed uses were evaluated for compliance with Site Plan Review criteria and specific development standards for church facilities under separate cover (TYP217-00013). Finding 4: The church will nearly double in size with the proposed expansion but will not increase in overall height. Operating characteristics were evaluated for compliance with Site Plan Review criteria and specific development standards for church facilities under separate cover (TYP217-00013). 2. Adequate and safe circulation exists for vehicular access to and from the proposed site, and on-site circulation and emergency response as well as pedestrian, bicycle and transit circulation; Applicant Narrative: Sixteen automobile parking spaces are required. We propose 12 on-site spaces, two equivalent auto parking spaces along Kelly Street adjacent to the property (three actual with 50% credit per SDC 4.6-110(F) and a request to round 1.5 up to 2.0) and a shared parking agreement for the remaining required spaces on private property nearby (to be determined). A bona fide curb cut and driveway are proposed for a small parking area off the alley at the south and the existing gravel area accessed from Kelly. On-site sidewalks and access for physical-challenged people are being added. There are LTED bus stops at the site (immediately in front of the building on Centennial Blvd) and Centennial has painted bike lanes running east and west. Finding 5: The Applicant proposes two access points to a new paved off-street parking lot. The Applicant has proposed to meet the minimum parking requirement of 16 vehicle spaces by establishing a 12 space on-site parking lot, utilizing adjacent on-street parking on Kelly Boulevard, and executing a joint-use parking agreement with an off-site entity to be determined. Staff is recommending a condition that the parking lot to be modified to maintain vision clearance standards and required landscaped setbacks in addition to a joint use parking agreement to be executed prior to Final Site Plan approval. Access points to the site are to be built according to City standards as conditioned in the Site Plan Review staff report (TYP217-00013). 3. The natural and physical features of the site, including but not limited to, riparian areas, regulated wetlands, natural stormwater management/drainage areas and wooded areas shall be adequately considered in the project design; and Applicant Narrative: “There are no significant natural or physical features to this site, although the large group of trees to the east will remain for screening purposes and all services are available to the site. Stormwater will be collected on site and filtered prior to discharge in the City system. Finding 6: There are no riparian areas or regulated wetlands on the site. Stormwater management for the existing and proposed impervious surfaces has been proposed to be retained and treated on-site through the use of a rain garden facility. Operations and maintenance of the stormwater quality facilities have been proposed as conditions in the Site Plan Review staff report (TYP217-00013). Attachment 1, Page 6 of 9 TYP317-00006 Discretionary Use – 395 W Centennial Church Expansion 4. Adequate public facilities and services are available, including but not limited to, utilities, streets, storm drainage facilities, sanitary sewer and other public infrastructure. Finding 7: The site has an existing facility serviced by SUB utilities and City storm and sanitary utilities. Finding 8: Section 4.3-110.E of the SDC requires new developments to employ drainage management practices, which minimize the amount and rate of surface water run-off into receiving streams, and which promote water quality. Finding 9: A stormwater calculation report was submitted as part of the Site Plan Review. Any conditions pertaining to stormwater treatment quality are identified as part of the staff report and recommendations under separate cover (TYP217-00013). Finding 10: SUB Utility has an impending water line project that will affect properties along Kelly Boulevard. Through the Site Plan Review staff report (Case TYP217-00013), staff recommended a condition to coordinate with SUB Water prior to installing any street related improvements on Kelly Boulevard as they pertain to this project. Conclusion: The above findings demonstrate that Criterion B has been met. C. Any adverse effects of the proposed use on adjacent properties and on the public can be mitigated through the: 1. Application of other Code standards (including, but not limited to: buffering from less intensive uses and increased setbacks); Applicant Narrative: The site is subject to Site Plan Review and those criteria will be addressed in that application. Churches require a greater setback from adjacent uses. Specifically, in Section 4.7-130, churches require a landscaped front yard setback of 15 feet (along Centennial Bblvd) an dlandscaped side and rear yard setbacks of 20 feet. This may be reduced to 5 feet at parking lots and driveways at the discretion of the Director if they determine adequate buffering has been provided. We are able to meet the building setbacks at the North (front) and West and South property liens and are requesting the reduction to 5 feet for the parking setback due to the small size of the lot. While the East property lien would normally require a 20 foot setback, we are requesting a reduction to that setback. Our reasoning is the existing building, has a 46 foot length of wall currently just over 10 feet from the East property line. In order to increase the footprint of the church and maintain reasonable open space to the North, West and South, we are proposing two 18 foot additions located also at this 10 foot setback. The shape of the property (tapering smaller to the South property lien) adds to the difficulty in strictly meeting this setback requirement. There is an existing 6 foot sight-obscuring fence all along the East property line as well as vegetation and a full row of mature conifers. The building is small, under 2,400 sq ft including the proposed additions and is just one-story in height. Because of the residential character and scale of the building, we are requesting this reduction; a single family home could build to within 5 feet of this property line. Auto parking and pedestrian circulation will all be on the North, West and South sides, away from the single residential use to the east. We feel the proposed layout and design will adequately mitigate any adverse effects on neighboring properties. Also in Section 4.7-130, a minimum of 25 percent of the lot/parcel will be landscaped (see site plan and square footage tally) and churches shall abut an arterial or collector street (Centennial is a minor arterial). Finding 11: The Applicant’s site plan shows the existing church building and its proposed expansion to meet the front, rear and west side yard setbacks of this provision. Finding 12: The existing church building and its proposed expansion area have a landscaped side yard setback of 10 feet from the eastern property line. Attachment 1, Page 7 of 9 TYP317-00006 Discretionary Use – 395 W Centennial Church Expansion Finding 13: Staff finds that the existing church has a non-conforming side yard setback on the eastern portion of the property. The existing setback is 10 feet and the required setback is 20 feet. The preexisting non-conforming landscaped area is buffered by mature conifer trees and a 6 foot fence along the eastern property line. The proposed expansion does not increase the height of the building, the non-conformity of the side yard landscaped setback, or encroach upon any other required setbacks per the specific development standards for churches (SDC 4.7-130). Finding 14: Staff addresses the non-conforming landscaped side yard setback as part of the Site Plan Review staff report under separate cover (TYP217-00013) where the provisions of Expansion of Non- Conforming Uses standards (SDC 5.8-125) are evaluated for residential uses in addition to Site Plan Review criteria. The Planning Commission may wish to provide additional conditions as part of the Discretionary Use review under separate cover (TYP317-00006). 2. Site Plan Review approval conditions, where applicable; Finding 15: The applicant concurrently applied for Site Plan Review under separate cover (TYP217- 00013). The companion Site Plan Review application is intended to address the criteria and specific development requirements for the proposed church facility expansion. 3. Other approval conditions that may be required by the Approval Authority; and/or Finding 16: No additional land use approvals are necessary with this development proposal. 4. A proposal by the applicant that meets or exceeds the cited Code standards and/or approval conditions. Finding 17: The applicant’s submittals for the Discretionary Use and Site Plan Review were deemed complete on April 6, 2017. Staff finds the submittals for each application to be in substantial compliance of applicable Code standards. Conclusion: The above findings demonstrate that Criterion C has been met. Conclusion: Staff has reviewed the application and supporting information submitted by the applicant for the Discretionary Use request. Based on the above-listed criteria, staff finds that the proposal meets criteria sections A-C of SDC 5.9-120. Staff recommends support for the request as the proposal meets the stated criteria for Discretionary Use approval. Additionally, approval of the Discretionary Use would facilitate approval of the accompanying Site Plan Review application for a church facility expansion submitted under separate cover (TYP217-00013). Conditions of Approval SDC Section 5.9-125 allows for the Approval Authority to attach conditions of approval to a Discretionary Use request to ensure the application fully meets the criteria of approval. The specific language from the code section is cited below: 5.9-125 CONDITIONS The Approval Authority may attach conditions as may be reasonably necessary in order to allow the Discretionary Use approval to be granted. Staff has reviewed the Discretionary Use request and supporting information provided by the applicant, and recommends the following condition of approval: RECOMMENDED CONDITION OF APPROVAL: Conditions pertinent to the development of the site are listed as part of the recommended approval under the associated Site Plan Review application (TYP217-00013). Attachment 1, Page 8 of 9 TYP317-00006 Discretionary Use – 395 W Centennial Church Expansion The proposed church facility expansion has been reviewed and recommended conditions of approval are also described in the Site Plan Review application for this development submitted under separate cover (Case TYP217-00013). Based on the applicant’s submittal and testimony provided at the public hearing, the Planning Commission may choose to apply conditions of approval as necessary to comply with the Discretionary Use criteria. Additional Approvals The subject Discretionary Use request is the necessary first step for the applicant to proceed with development plans for the site. The companion Site Plan Review application (TYP217-00013) is intended to address site plan criteria and specific development requirements for the proposed church facility expansion. Appeals 5.3-120 Appeals of the Planning Commission’s Type III Decision A. Standing to Appeal. Only those persons who participated either orally or in writing have standing to appeal the decision of the Planning Commission. Grounds for appeal are limited to those issues raised either orally or in writing before the close of the public record. B. Filing an Appeal. An appeal application shall be filed with the Director within 15 calendar days of the Planning Commission’s decision. Attachment 1, Page 9 of 9 Type II TENTATIVE SITE PLAN REVIEW Decision & Conditions Project Name: 395 W Centennial Church Expansion with Associated Infrastructure Project Proposal: The applicant proposes a 1,240 square foot addition to an existing 1,196 square foot church facility. The addition on the north side of the building is proposed to provide office and storage space. The addition on the south side of the building is proposed to provide a community room, kitchen, bathrooms and nursery spaces. A Discretionary Use application (TYP317-00006) has been concurrently submitted with the site plan application. Case Number: TYP217-00013 Project Location: 395 W. Centennial Blvd. in Springfield, Assessor’s Map No. 17-03-27-44, Tax Lot(s) 02000 & 02100. Zoning: Low Density Residential Refinement Plan Designation: Low Density Residential – Kelly Butte Metro Plan Designation: Low Density Residential Overlay Districts: Drinking Water Protection Overlay Pre-Submittal Meeting Date: November 15, 2016 Application Submitted Date: April 6, 2017 Decision Date: Contingent upon Planning Commission approval Associated Applications: PRE16-00064 (Pre-Submittal), TYP317-00006 (Discretionary Use) APPLICANT’S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM Property Owner: Springfield 1st Christian Church 395 W Centennial Blvd Springfield, OR 97477 Applicant / Representative: William Randall Arbor South Architecture, PC 380 Lincoln Street Eugene, OR 97401 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD’S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM POSITION REVIEW OF NAME PHONE Project Manager Planning Mark McCaffery 541-736- 1003 Transportation Planning Engineer Transportation Michael Liebler 541-736- 1034 Development Area Attachment 2, Page 1 of 23 TYP217-00013 Page 2 of 15 Site Information The 11,700 square foot property is improved with a 1,196 square foot 1-story church facility and small outbuilding located at the corner of W Centennial and Kelly Boulevards. A small improved gravel driveway surface is accessed through an existing curb-cut approximately 40 feet from the intersection of W Centennial and Kelly Boulevards. W Centennial Boulevard is functionally classified as an urban minor arterial roadway and Kelly Boulevard is classified as a local road. Both roads are maintained by the City of Springfield and feature curbside sidewalks. The subject property comprises lots 4 and 5 of Block 3 of the Sunny Side Addition which was platted in 1910. A 14 foot wide east-west alley way runs along the southern portion of the property. Overhead electric utilities are located along the western and southern portions of the property. A Lane Transit District bus stop is adjacent to the property along W Centennial and a fire hydrant is featured on the northern portion of the property. The property is either abutting or adjacent to Low Density Residential properties to the north, south, east and west. Site Visit – 395 W Centennial Blvd - May 4, 2017 DECISION: Staff recommends the Planning Commission approve the tentative site plan as conditioned herein. The standards of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) applicable to each criterion of Site Plan Approval are listed herein and are satisfied by the submitted plans unless specifically noted with findings and conditions necessary for compliance. Final Site Plans must conform to the submitted plans as conditioned herein. This is a limited land use decision made according to City code and state statutes. Unless appealed, the decision is final. Please read this document carefully. Public Works Engineer Utilities Clayton McEachern 541-736- 1036 Public Works Engineer Sanitary & Storm Sewer Clayton McEachern 541-736- 1036 Deputy Fire Marshal Fire and Life Safety Gilbert Gordon 541-726- 2293 Building Official Building David Bowlsby 541-736- 1029 City Surveyor DPW Chris Moorhead 541-736- 1011 Southeast corner facing east at W Centennial and Kelly Blvd Attachment 2, Page 2 of 23 TYP217-00013 Page 3 of 15 (See Page 13 for a summary of the recommended conditions of approval). OTHER USES AUTHORIZED BY THE DECISION: None. Future development will be in accordance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code, filed easements and agreements, and all applicable local, state and federal regulations. REVIEW PROCESS: This application is reviewed under Type II procedures listed in Springfield Development Code Section 5.1-130 and the site plan review criteria of approval SDC 5.17-125. The subject application was submitted and deemed complete on April 6, 2017 and this staff recommendation is being brought forth to the Planning Commission for review and approval within the 120 days mandated by the State. Procedural Finding: Applications for Limited Land Use Decisions require the notification of property owners/occupants within 300 feet of the subject property allowing for a 14 day comment period on the application (SDC Sections 5.1-130 and 5.2-115). The applicant and parties submitting written comments during the notice period have appeal rights and are mailed a copy of this decision for consideration (See Written Comments below and Appeals at the end of this decision). Procedural Finding: On May 2, 2017 the City’s Development Review Committee reviewed the proposed plans (submitted by Arbor South) and other application submittal information. City staff’s review comments have been reduced to findings and recommended conditions only as necessary for compliance with the Site Plan Review criteria of SDC 5.17-125. City staff’s review comments have been incorporated in findings and recommended conditions contained under Criteria of Site Plan Approval below. Procedural Finding: In accordance with SDC 5.17-125 to 5.17-135, the Final Site Plan shall comply with the requirements of the SDC and the conditions imposed by staff in this decision. The Final Site Plan otherwise shall be in substantial conformity with the tentative plan reviewed. Portions of the proposal approved as submitted during tentative review cannot be substantively changed during Final Site Plan approval. Approved Final Site Plans (including Landscape Plans) shall not be substantively changed during Building Permit Review without an approved Site Plan Modification Decision. Procedural Finding: The subject development proposal requires Discretionary Use review and approval and is subject to the provisions of SDC 5.9-120. A separate Discretionary Use application (TYP317- 00006) was submitted concurrently with this site plan review application and is being reviewed by staff in accordance with Type III procedure public notice requirements. Staff shall make recommendations to the Planning Commission on both applications which are to be reviewed by the Commission on June 6, 2017. WRITTEN COMMENTS: Procedural Finding: In accordance with SDC 5.1-130 and 5.2-115, notice was sent to adjacent property owners/occupants within 300 feet of the subject site on April 28, 2017. Discretionary Use public notification was posted on site on May 4, 2017 and a mailed public notice was delivered to neighboring property owners on May 18, 2017. Three written comments were received during the 14 day notice period. The three written comments are included as an attachment to this staff report. (SEE ATTACHMENT 1). Procedural Finding: Neighbors receiving public notice are directed to respond to the criteria of approval found in SDC Section 5.17-125. Staff’s responses to written comments as they apply to the criteria of approval are summarized below. Staff Response to Written Comments: Attachment 2, Page 3 of 23 TYP217-00013 Page 4 of 15 The written comments addressed several concerns pertaining to inadequate site parking for the church use, increased traffic, impacts on the surrounding residential character of the neighborhood, and on-site lighting. Please see ATTACHMENT 1 for the complete written comments submitted by each neighbor. Inadequate Parking The Applicant has proposed to meet the minimum parking requirement of 16 vehicle spaces by establishing a 12 space on-site parking lot, utilizing adjacent on-street parking on Kelly Boulevard, and executing a joint-use parking agreement with an off-site entity to be determined. Staff is recommending a condition that the parking lot to be modified to maintain vision clearance standards and required landscaped setbacks in addition to a joint use parking agreement to be executed prior to Final Site Plan approval. See page 10 of this document for details. Increased Traffic City staff reviewed the development proposal at a Development Review Committee meeting on May 2nd, 2017 and it was determined that the proposed expansion did not require a traffic impact analysis for this area. As referenced on page 9 of this document, in order to accommodate traffic concerns, the specific development standards for church facilities apply to this proposal and require the site to abut an arterial or collector street. W Centennial is functionally classified as an arterial street. Any additional concerns regarding traffic may be addressed as part of the Discretionary Use review. Residential Character Concerns of the expanded building proposal precluding views of both natural and residential features of the neighborhood were brought up in written comments. The maximum height for a residential building in the Low Density Residential zone is 30 feet. The proposed expansion to the existing church facility is to be 20 foot ridge-height and will not increase the height of the building nor encroach upon the required landscaped setbacks abutting W Centennial and Kelly Boulevards. Any adverse impacts to the residential character of the neighborhood may be vetted through required Discretionary Use review. Additional information can be found on page 11 of this document. Lighting The existing electric sign on the northern portion of the property received building permit approval from the City of Springfield in 2014 via permits 811-SPR2013-02573 and 811-SPR2014-00447. Please contact the City Building Division for details about this permit at 541.726.3753. Staff is requesting additional details on proposed wall pack lighting to ensure it conforms with on-site lighting standards of the SDC. See page 10 of this document for details. CRITERIA OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SDC 5.17-125, Site Plan Review Standards, Criteria of Site Plan Approval states, “the Director shall approve, or approve with conditions, a Type II Site Plan Review Application upon determining that criteria A through E of this Section have been satisfied. If conditions cannot be attached to satisfy the criteria, the Director shall deny the application.” A. The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram, and/or the applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Plan. Finding: The Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) is the adopted comprehensive plan that designates the location of intended land uses for Springfield. Metro Plan is implemented by the Springfield Zoning Map. The SDC details the permitted uses and base development standards for each zoning district. Finding: The site is zoned and designated Low Density Residential (LDR) in accordance with the Springfield Zoning Map, the Kelly Butte Refinement Plan, and the Metro Plan. The applicant is not proposing to change the zoning for the site. Attachment 2, Page 4 of 23 TYP217-00013 Page 5 of 15 Finding: SDC Section 3.2-210—Schedule of Use Categories identifies those uses in residential zones that are ‘permitted subject to the standards of the SDC,’ ‘permitted subject to special locational and/or siting standards as specified in SDC Section 4.7-100,’ ‘permitted subject to review and analysis under Type III Discretionary Use procedure (Section 5.9-100) at the Planning Commission or Hearings Official level,’ and ‘not permitted.’ Finding: SDC Section 3.2-215 is a table showing elements of the base zone standards such as minimum lot size, lot coverage, setbacks and other dimensional standards for development within the LDR zoning district. The proposed site plan complies with each of the base residential zone standards found in SDC Section 3.2-215. Conclusion: This proposal satisfies Criterion A. B. Capacity requirements of public improvements, including but not limited to, water and electricity; sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilities; and streets and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of development, unless otherwise provided for by this Code and other applicable regulations. The Development & Public Works Director or a utility provider shall determine capacity issues. Finding: Approval of this proposal would allow for construction of a 1,240 square foot addition to an existing 1,196 square foot church facility. The proposed development will result in a total of approximately 7,000 square feet of impervious improved area. Finding: For all public improvements, the applicant shall retain a private professional civil engineer to design the site improvements in conformance with City codes, this decision, and the current Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM). The private civil engineer also shall be required to provide construction inspection services. Water and Electricity Improvements Finding: Section 4.3-130.A of the Springfield Development Code requires each development area to be provided with a water system having sufficiently sized mains and lesser lines to furnish adequate supply to the development and sufficient access for maintenance. Springfield Utility Board (SUB) coordinates the design of the water system within Springfield city limits. The current plan proposal shows locations of proposed water lines. The applicant is required to coordinate with SUB Water to verify the design is adequate for the proposed development. Finding: All non-residential domestic and irrigation water services and all residential water services with lawn sprinkler systems require a Reduced Pressure Backflow Assembly (RPBA) and all fire services require a minimum of a Double Check Detector Assembly (DCDA) with a detector meter on a bypass. These assemblies are required to be installed above ground and adjacent to the water service. An RPBA is required for residential irrigation systems and a DCDA is required for fire sprinkler systems. Water services will not be activated by the Water Division until the backflow assembly has a passing test report. All backflow assembly design plans must be submitted to the Water Division for approval. For more detailed information on SUB’s Cross Connection Control Program Standards contact the Water Division Backflow Prevention Specialist at 541.726.2396 or refer to SUB’s website at: http://www.subutil.com/water/cross-connection-control-and-backflow- protection/. Conclusion: As conditioned herein, the proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion. Sanitary Sewer and Stormwater Management Facilities Attachment 2, Page 5 of 23 TYP217-00013 Page 6 of 15 Sanitary Sewer Finding: The existing building has adequate sewer service installed for the proposed expansion. Stormwater Quality Finding: Section 4.3-110.B of the SDC requires that the Approval Authority shall grant development approval only where adequate public and/or private stormwater management systems provisions have been made as determined by the Public Works Director, consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM). Finding: Section 4.3-110.D of the SDC requires that run-off from a development shall be directed to an approved stormwater management system with sufficient capacity to accept the discharge. Finding: Section 4.3-110.E of the SDC requires new developments to employ drainage management practices, which minimize the amount and rate of surface water run-off into receiving streams, and which promote water quality. Finding: To comply with Sections 4.3-110.D & E, stormwater runoff from the site will be directed into a rain garden prior to discharge into the public system. The public system is located at the intersection of Centennial and Kelly Blvd. Finding: The existing public stormwater system, to which the applicant proposes connection, has limited capacity. The applicant has turned in hydrologic stormwater calculations, consistent with the City’s EDSPM, showing that the proposed rain garden will limit the peak stormwater discharge rates to the pre-developed rates for both the applicable storm events, thereby limiting the flow into the existing system to an acceptable level. Finding: Under Federal regulation of the Clean Water Act (CWA), Endangered Species Act (ESA), and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), the City of Springfield has obtained a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. A provision of this permit requires the City demonstrate efforts to reduce the pollution in urban stormwater to the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP). Finding: Federal and Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) rules require the City’s MS4 plan address six “Minimum Control Measures.” Minimum Control Measure 5, “Post- Construction Stormwater Management for New Development and Redevelopment,” applies to the proposed development. Finding: Minimum Control Measure 5 requires the City of Springfield to develop, implement and enforce a program to ensure the reduction of pollutants in stormwater runoff to the MEP. The City must also develop and implement strategies that include a combination of structural or non-structural Best Management Practices (BMPs) appropriate for the community. Finding: Minimum Control Measure 5 requires the City of Springfield use an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to address post construction runoff from new and re-development projects to the extent allowable under State law. Regulatory mechanisms used by the City include the Springfield Development Code (SDC), the City’s Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM) and the Stormwater Facilities Master Plan (SFMP). Finding: Section 3.02 of the City’s EDSPM states the Public Works Department will accept, as interim design standards for stormwater quality, water quality facilities designed pursuant to the policies and procedures of the City of Springfield’s EDSPM and the City of Eugene Stormwater Management Manual. Attachment 2, Page 6 of 23 TYP217-00013 Page 7 of 15 Finding: Section 3.02.5 & .6 of the City’s EDSPM states all public and private development and redevelopment projects shall employ a system of one or more post-developed BMPs that in combination are designed to achieve at least a 70 percent reduction in the total suspended solids in the runoff generated by that development. Section 3.03.4.E of the manual requires a minimum of 50 percent of the non-building rooftop impervious area on a site shall be treated for stormwater quality improvement using vegetative methods and 100% of the area shall be pre-treated. Finding: To meet the requirements of the City’s MS4 permit, the Springfield Development Code, and the City’s EDSPM, the applicant has proposed a rain garden for all parking lot drainage. Finding: The vegetation proposed for use in the rain garden will serve as the primary pollutant removal mechanism for the stormwater runoff. Satisfactory pollutant removal will occur only when the vegetation has been fully established. Condition 1: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the Applicant shall provide an operations and maintenance plan to the City for review to ensure the long-term maintenance and operation of the proposed rain garden. The plan should designate maintenance responsibility for operating and maintaining the system, and should be distributed to all property owners and tenants of the site, and include a notice of Operations and Maintenance Plan recorded against the property. Condition 2: To ensure a fully functioning water quality system and meet objectives of Springfield’s MS4 permit, the Springfield Development Code and the EDSPM, the proposed rain garden shall be fully vegetated with all vegetation species established prior to approval of Final Site Inspection. Alternatively, if this condition cannot be met, the applicant shall provide and maintain additional interim erosion control/water quality measures acceptable to the Public Works Department that will suffice until such time as the rain garden vegetation becomes fully established. Conclusion: As conditioned herein, the proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion. Streets and Traffic Safety Controls Finding: Section 4.2-105.G.2 of the Springfield Development Code requires that whenever a proposed land division or development will increase traffic on the City street system and that development has any unimproved street frontage abutting a fully improved street, that street frontage shall be fully improved to City specifications. Condition 3: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the Applicant shall show the location of the existing driveway entrance to the site to be removed and replaced with conventional, full height curb, gutter and sidewalk and list the type of commercial driveway entrance to be used for the new driveway. Condition 4: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the Applicant shall show the existing cracked and heaved concrete panel on the driveway entrance to the alley to be replaced to the city of Springfield commercial driveway entrance standard. Conclusion: As conditioned, the proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion. C. The proposed development shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. Attachment 2, Page 7 of 23 TYP217-00013 Page 8 of 15 Finding: Criterion C contains three different elements with sub-elements and applicable code standards. The site plan application as submitted complies with the code standards listed under each sub-element unless otherwise noted with specific findings and conclusions. The elements, sub- elements and code standards of Criterion C include but are not limited to: 1. Infrastructure Standards in accordance with SDC 4.1-100, 4.2-100 & 4.3-100  Water Service and Fire Protection (4.3-130)  Public and Private Easements (4.3-120 – 4.3-140) 2. Conformance with standards of SDC 5.17-100, Site Plan Review, and SDC 3.2-200 Residential Zoning Districts  Low Density Residential Schedule of Uses (3.2-410)  Specific Development Standards – Churches (4.7-130)  Low Density Residential Development Standards (3.2-420)  Landscaping, Screening and Fence Standards (4.3-145.F.13, 4.3-145.F.25 & 4.4-100)  On-Site Lighting Standards (4.5-100)  Vehicle Parking, Loading and Bicycle Parking Standards (4.6-100)  Non-conforming Use Criteria (5.8-100) 3. Overlay Districts and Applicable Refinement Plan Requirements  Drinking Water Protection Overlay District (3.3-200) C.1 Public and Private Improvements in accordance with SDC 4.1-100, 4.2-100 & 4.3-100 Water Service and Fire Protection (4.3-130) Access Finding: SUB Utility has an impending water line project that will affect properties along Kelly Boulevard. Condition 5: The Applicant shall coordinate with SUB Water prior to installing any street related improvements on Kelly Boulevard as they pertain to this project. Please contact Ladd Boyce, Engineering Technician, at 541.736.3292. Water & Electricity Finding: There is an existing fire hydrant adjacent to the subject property at the corner of W Centennial and Kelly Boulevard. Conclusion: As conditioned, the proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion. Public and Private Easements (4.3-120 – 4.3-140) Finding: Section 4.3-140.A of the SDC requires applicants proposing developments make arrangements with the City and each utility provider for the dedication of utility easements necessary to fully service the development or land beyond the development area. The minimum width for public utility easements adjacent to street rights of ways shall be 7 feet. The minimum width for all other public utility easements shall be 7 feet. The Public Works Director may require a larger easement to allow for adequate maintenance. Finding: Section 4.3-140.A of the SDC requires applicants proposing developments make arrangements with the City and each utility provider for the dedication of utility easements necessary to fully service the development or land beyond the development area. The minimum width for public Attachment 2, Page 8 of 23 TYP217-00013 Page 9 of 15 utility easements adjacent to street rights of ways shall be 7 feet. The minimum width for all other public utility easements shall be 7 feet. The Public Works Director may require a larger easement to allow for adequate maintenance. Condition 6: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the Applicant shall record a 7 foot wide public utility easement along the subject property’s Kelly Boulevard street frontage and W Centennial street frontage. Conclusion: As conditioned herein, the proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion. C.2 Conformance with Standards of SDC 5.17-100, Site Plan Review, and SDC 3.2-200, Low Density Zoning District (LDR) Residential Districts Schedule of Uses (3.2-210) Finding: Churches require both discretionary use and site plan procedural approval when proposed in LDR. The Applicant has submitted for Discretionary Use approval under separate cover (File TYP317-00006). Conclusion: The proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion. Low Density Residential Development Standards (3.2-215) Finding: The subject properties meet the base zone development standards of the LDR district. Churches on residentially zoned properties are subject to specific development standards (SDC 4.7- 130) that are evaluated in the following section. Specific Development Standards – Churches (4.7-130) A. Churches shall have a landscaped front yard setback of 15 feet and landscaped side and rear yard setbacks of 20 feet. EXCEPTION: The landscaped setbacks for parking lots and driveways may be reduced to 5 feet when the Director determines that adequate buffering has been provided. Finding: The Applicant’s site plan shows the existing church building and its proposed expansion to meet the front, rear and west side yard setbacks of this provision. Finding: The existing church building and its proposed expansion area have a landscaped side yard setback of 10 feet from the eastern property line. The required side yard setback on the eastern portion of the property is not met and is addressed in the non-conforming use section below. B. A minimum of 25 percent of the lot/parcel shall be landscaped. Finding: The Applicant’s submittal shows approximately 38 percent of the site as landscaped area. This provision is met. C. Churches shall abut an arterial or collector street. Finding: W Centennial is functionally classified as a minor arterial road. This provision is met. Conclusion: The proposal does not wholly satisfy this sub-element of the criterion but will be addressed in the non-conforming use section below. Landscaping, Screening and Fence Standards (4.3-145.F.13, 4.3-145.F.25 & 4.4-100) Attachment 2, Page 9 of 23 TYP217-00013 Page 10 of 15 Finding: In accordance with SDC 4.4-100, all required setbacks are to be landscaped. Acceptable forms of landscaping include trees, shrubs, turf grass and ground cover plants. At least 65 percent of each required planting area shall be covered with living plan materials within 5 years of the date of installation. The quantity of plant materials is based on square footage of the planting area as defined in SDC 4.4-105[E]. Finding: The Applicant’s landscape plan (Sheet L1) includes a series of parking lot landscaping improvements including a rain garden and a series of sod lawn ground cover and dogwood and maple within the required building setbacks. Existing mature conifer trees and a 6 foot fence run along the eastern border of the property. Finding: The proposed landscaped setbacks from the front, rear, street side and interior property lines are addressed under specific development standards for churches (SDC 4.7-130). Finding: All plants for the planters indicated on Sheet L1 are on the City’s approved plant list. Finding: SUB power pole #62043 has an overhead power line that bisects the southeast portion of the property where a katsura tree is proposed to be planted. Recommendation: the Applicant may wish to consider planting an approved City tree with less height potential in order to avoid future complications with the existing overhead power line. The City has an approved planting list for trees that grow under power lines. Condition 7: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the Applicant shall show a separate plant schedule on Sheet L1 for the plants to be used in the proposed rain garden areas and update the plant schedule to read “slough sedge” as the common name for corex obrupta. Conclusion: The proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion. On-Site Lighting Standards (4.5-100) Finding: Section 4.5-110 of the SDC provides thresholds for illumination and height. The height of a free standing exterior light fixture shall not exceed 25 feet or the height of the principal permitted structure, whatever is less. The Applicant’s submittal proposes wall-pack lighting to be affixed to the new additions to the building. Finding: Section 4.5-110 of the SDC requires that all exterior light fixtures shall be shielded or recessed so that direct glare and reflection are contained within the boundaries of the property. Condition 8: Prior to Final Site Plan submittal, the Applicant shall provide lighting details to show conformance with the height and shielding requirements of SDC 4.5-100. Conclusion: As conditioned, the proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion. Vehicle Parking, Loading and Bicycle Parking Standards (4.6-100) Vehicle Parking Finding: Vehicle parking space requirements for religious institutions are based on square footage of floor area in the primary assembly area and gross floor area for the remainder of the building. As proposed, the minimum required parking spaces to serve the proposed church expansion is 16 spaces. Attachment 2, Page 10 of 23 TYP217-00013 Page 11 of 15 Finding: The Applicant is proposing twelve automobile parking spaces, two eligible roadway spaces and a shared parking agreement to reach their required 16 parking space minimum to serve the church use. Finding: The Applicant’s shows a parking space (identified on the plan as space 9) encroaching into the required 5 foot landscaped setback on the southwestern portion of the property. This parking space also abuts the intersection of the alley way and Kelly Boulevard. Finding: Vision Clearance standards (SDC 4.2-130) require all corner lots/parcels shall maintain a clear area at each access to a public street and on each corner of property at the intersection of 2 streets or a street and an alley in order to provide adequate sight distance for approaching traffic. As shown, parking space 9 appears to encroach in the vision clearance area of the alley way and Kelly Boulevard. Condition 9: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the Applicant shall modify the site and landscaping plan to remove or relocate parking space 9 from encroaching into the required landscaped setback area and vision clearance area. Finding: The Applicant’s narrative submittal does not include an executed shared parking agreement. Finding: There are several commercial parking sites that may be suitable for shared parking agreements along W Centennial Boulevard that are within a quarter mile of the subject property. Condition 10: Prior to execution of a signed Development Agreement, a shared parking agreement approved by the Director of Development and Public Works in accordance with SDC Section 4.6-110E shall be provided by the Applicant. Bicycle Parking Finding: Bicycle parking for religious, social and public institutions is based on fixed seating and sanctuary area and can be 100 percent short term parking facilities. The Applicant shows 10 short term bicycle spaces but the floor plan does not provide calculations to identify compliance with this bicycle parking space provision. Condition 11: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the Applicant shall provide calculations to show conformance with the bicycle parking space requirements of SDC Table 4.6-3. Conclusion: As conditioned, the proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion. Non-Conforming Uses – Expansion or Modification (SDC 5.8-125) An expansion or modification of a non-conforming use and/or the expansion of a non-conforming building or structure resulting in an increased impact upon adjacent properties is considered an expansion of a non-conforming use. Approval may be granted only when the Director determines that there will be no significant impact of the expansion upon adjacent properties. The Director may require approval conditions to mitigate a significant impact. The applicant shall demonstrate all of the following applicable approval criteria have been met: A. For residential zones, the expansion shall not lessen the residential character of the residential zone taking into account factors, including but not limited to: 1. Building scale, placement, and façade; 2. On-site parking placement; 3. Vehicle trips to the site and impact on surrounding on-street parking; Attachment 2, Page 11 of 23 TYP217-00013 Page 12 of 15 4. Buffering and the potential loss of privacy to abutting residential uses; and 5. On-site lighting. C. EXCEPTIONS: The following situations shall not be considered to be an expansion or modification of a non-conforming use: 1. An existing building or structure conforming to use, but non-conforming as to height, setback and other dimensional standards, may be expanded or modified, provided the expansion or modification does not result in an increased violation of this Code. Finding: Staff finds that the existing church has a non-conforming side yard setback on the eastern portion of the property. The existing setback is 10 feet and the required setback is 20 feet (per the specific development standards for churches of SDC Section 4.7-130). As proposed, staff has reviewed the Applicant’s submittal as it pertains to SDC Section 5.8-125A.1-5 above. Finding: The Applicant’s proposed expansions continue the ridge height of the existing church as shown below. The height of the building is not proposed to increase. Finding: On-site parking placement is proposed to be provided on the southwest corner of the property. Staff proposes this factor to be addressed in Condition 9 of this tentative decision. Finding: Vehicle trips to the site and impact on surrounding on-street parking have been evaluated through site plan criteria. Staff proposes this factor to be addressed in Conditions 9 and 10 of this tentative decision. Finding: Buffering and potential loss of privacy to abutting residential uses is addressed through specific development standards for churches (SDC Section 4.7-130). The Applicant’s proposed expansions would maintain a 10 foot setback from the eastern property line. The preexisting non- conforming landscaped area is buffered by mature conifer trees and a 6 foot fence along the eastern property line. The Applicant proposes additional landscaping on the northeast and southeast portions of the site. The proposed expansion does not increase the non-conformity of the side yard landscaped setback or encroach upon any other required setbacks. Finding: On-site lighting for the proposed development is required to meet on-site lighting standards of SDC Section 4.5-100. Staff proposes to address on-site lighting in Condition 8 of this tentative decision. Conclusion: As proposed, the Director finds the factors of non-conforming use modification or expansion for residential zones (SDC 5.8-125A.1-5) have been adequately met and/or conditioned through criteria of this Site Plan Review. The Planning Commission may wish to provide additional conditions as part of the Discretionary Use review under separate cover (File TYP317-00006). Proposed Expansion Areas Attachment 2, Page 12 of 23 TYP217-00013 Page 13 of 15 C.3 Overlay Districts and Applicable Refinement Plan Requirements Finding: The site is within the adopted Kelly Butte Refinement Plan area. The development site is zoned and designated Low Density Residential. Conclusion: This proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion. D. Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas; minimize curb cuts on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT access management standards for State highways. Finding: The Applicant has proposed parking ingress/egress points on Kelly Boulevard and from the adjacent alley way. Applicant shall meet this provision by fulfilling Conditions 3 and 4. Conclusion: The proposal satisfies this criterion. E. Physical features, including, but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil or geologic conditions; areas with susceptibility of flooding; significant clusters of trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map and their associated riparian areas; wetlands; rock outcroppings; open spaces; and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760, 358.905-955 and 390.235-240, shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federal law. Finding: The Natural Resources Study, the National Wetlands Inventory, the Springfield Wetland Inventory Map, Wellhead Protection Overlay and the list of Historic Landmark Sites have been consulted and there are no natural features on this site that warrant protection. No trees are proposed for removal from the site. Conclusion: The proposed development provides storm and ground water quality protection in accordance with SDC 3.3-200. The proposal satisfies this criterion. CONCLUSION: The Tentative Site Plan, as submitted and conditioned herein, complies with Criteria A-E of SDC 5.17-125. Staff recommends approval of the tentative site plan subject to Discretionary Use approval and the recommended conditions contained herein and as summarized below and as may be modified by the Planning Commission SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Condition 1: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the Applicant shall provide an operations and maintenance plan to the City for review to ensure the long-term maintenance and operation of the proposed rain garden. The plan should designate maintenance responsibility for operating and maintaining the system, and should be distributed to all property owners and tenants of the site, and include a notice of Operations and Maintenance Plan recorded against the property. Condition 2: To ensure a fully functioning water quality system and meet objectives of Springfield’s MS4 permit, the Springfield Development Code and the EDSPM, the proposed rain garden shall be fully vegetated with all vegetation species established prior to approval Attachment 2, Page 13 of 23 TYP217-00013 Page 14 of 15 of Final Site Inspection. Alternatively, if this condition cannot be met, the applicant shall provide and maintain additional interim erosion control/water quality measures acceptable to the Public Works Department that will suffice until such time as the rain garden vegetation becomes fully established. Condition 3: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the Applicant shall show the location of the existing driveway entrance to the site to be removed and replaced with conventional, full height curb, gutter and sidewalk and list the type of commercial driveway entrance to be used for the new driveway. Condition 4: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the Applicant shall show the existing cracked and heaved concrete panel on the driveway entrance to the alley to be replaced to the city of Springfield commercial driveway entrance standard. Condition 5: The Applicant shall coordinate with SUB Water prior to installing any street related improvements on Kelly Boulevard as they pertain to this project. Please contact Ladd Boyce, Engineering Technician, at 541.736.3292. Condition 6: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the Applicant shall record a 7 foot wide public utility easement along the subject property’s Kelly Boulevard street frontage and W Centennial street frontage. Condition 7: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the Applicant shall show a separate plant schedule on Sheet L1 for the plants to be used in the proposed rain garden areas and update the plant schedule to read “slough sedge” as the common name for corex obrupta. Condition 8: Prior to Final Site Plan submittal, the Applicant shall provide lighting details to show conformance with the height and shielding requirements of SDC 4.5-100. Condition 9: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the Applicant shall modify the site and landscaping plan to remove or relocate parking space 9 from encroaching into the required landscaped setback area and vision clearance area. Condition 10: Prior to execution of a signed Development Agreement, a shared parking agreement approved by the Director of Development and Public Works in accordance with SDC Section 4.6-110E shall be provided by the Applicant. Condition 11: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the Applicant shall provide calculations to show conformance with the bicycle parking space requirements of SDC Table 4.6-3. WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE BY THE APPLICANT TO OBTAIN FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVAL? The applicant shall submit five (5) copies of a Final Site Plan, the Final Site Plan application form and fees, and any additional required plans, documents or information as required by this decision to the Current Development Division within 90 days of the date of Planning Commission approval / Final Order. The Final Site Plan application form and fee information is available on the City’s website here: http://www.springfield-or.gov/DPW/Permits.htm#LandUsePermits. In accordance with SDC 5.17-135 – 5.17-140, the Final Site Plan shall comply with the requirements of the SDC and the conditions imposed in this decision. The Final Site Plan otherwise shall be in substantial conformity with the tentative plan reviewed and approved. Portions of the proposal approved as submitted during tentative review cannot be substantively changed during final site plan approval. Approved Final Site Plans (including Landscape Plans) shall not be substantively changed during Building Permit Review without an approved Site Plan Decision Modification. Attachment 2, Page 14 of 23 TYP217-00013 Page 15 of 15 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT: In order to complete the review process, a Development Agreement is required to ensure that the terms and conditions of site plan review are binding upon both the applicant and the City. This agreement will be prepared by Staff upon approval of the Final Site Plan and must be signed by the property owner prior to the issuance of a building permit. The applicant may submit permit applications to other City departments for review prior to final site plan approval in accordance with SDC 5.17-135 at their own risk. All concurrent submittals are subject to revision for compliance with the final site plan. A development agreement in accordance with SDC 5.17- 140 will not be issued until all plans submitted by the applicant have been revised. CONFLICTING PLANS CAUSE DELAYS. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The application, all documents, and evidence relied upon by the applicant, and the applicable criteria of approval are available for free inspection and copies are available for a fee at the Development & Public Works Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon. APPEAL: This Type II Tentative Site Plan decision has been elevated for review and approval by the Planning Commission and subject to appeal procedures of a Type III decision. The appeal may be filed with the Development & Public Works Department by an affected party. The appeal must be in accordance with SDC 5.3-120. In accordance with SDC 5.3-115.B which provides for a 15-day appeal period and Oregon Rules of Civil Procedures, Rule 10(c) for service of notice by mail, the appeal period for this decision expires at 5:00 PM on the 15th day following the Planning Commission’s decision. QUESTIONS: Please call Mark McCaffery in the Current Development Division of the Development & Public Works Department at (541) 736-1003 or email mmccaffery@springfield-or.gov if you have any questions regarding this process. PREPARED BY Mark McCaffery Mark McCaffery Planner Attachment 2, Page 15 of 23 Attachment 2, Page 16 of 23 Attachment 2, Page 17 of 23 Attachment 2, Page 18 of 23 Attachment 2, Page 19 of 23 Attachment 2, Page 20 of 23 Attachment 2, Page 21 of 23 Attachment 2, Page 22 of 23 Attachment 2, Page 23 of 23 Attachment 3, Page 1 of 11 Attachment 3, Page 2 of 11 Attachment 3, Page 3 of 11 Attachment 3, Page 4 of 11 Attachment 3, Page 5 of 11 Attachment 3, Page 6 of 11 Attachment 3, Page 7 of 11 Attachment 3, Page 8 of 11 Attachment 3, Page 9 of 11 Attachment 3, Page 10 of 11 Attachment 3, Page 11 of 11 BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON REQUEST FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW + CASE NO. TYP317-00006 + FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, + AND ORDER NATURE OF THE APPLICATION The applicant submitted a Discretionary Use Request for construction of a 1,240 square foot addition to an existing 1,196 square foot church facility at 395 W. Centennial Boulevard, Assessor’s Map No. 17-03-27-44, Tax Lot(s) 02000 & 02100.The site is within the Low Density Residential (LDR) District and the Springfield Development Code (SDC) Section 3.2-210 lists churches as a Discretionary Use in the LDR District. The Discretionary Use request requires action by the Planning Commission before the subject development can be approved for the site. 1. On April 6, 2017 the following application for Discretionary Use was accepted: Proposal for a 1,240 square foot addition to an existing 1,196 square foot church facility in the Low Density Residential district, Case Number TYP317-00006, William Randall, Arbor South Architecture, PC, applicant. 2. The application was submitted in accordance with Section 5.4-105 of the Springfield Development Code. Public notification and request for comments, pursuant to Section 5.1-130.B of the Springfield Development Code, has been provided. 3. On June 6, 2017 a public hearing on the Discretionary Use request was held. The Development & Public Works Department staff notes including criteria of approval, findings and recommendations, together with the testimony and submittals of the persons testifying at the hearing have been considered and are part of the record of this proceeding. CONCLUSION On the basis of this record, the requested Discretionary Use application is consistent with the criteria of Section 5.9-120 of the Springfield Development Code. This general finding is supported by the specific findings of fact, conclusions, and conditions of approval in the attached staff report (Exhibit A) attached hereto. ORDER It is ORDERED by the Planning Commission of Springfield that Case Number TYP317-00006, Discretionary Use application, be approved. This ORDER was presented to and approved by the Planning Commission on June 6, 2017. EXPIRATION OF APPROVAL This approval expires three (3) calendar years after the date of approval by the Planning Commission or upon expiration of the accompanying Site Plan Review approval, Case TYP217- 00013, whichever date is later. Attachment 4, Page 1 of 2 APPEAL Pursuant to SDC Section 5.2-155, this Type III decision is final unless appealed to the Springfield City Council in accordance with SDC Section 5.3-120. Only those persons who participated either orally or in writing have standing to appeal the Planning Commission’s decision. An appeal application shall be filed with the Director within 15 calendar days of the Planning Commission’s decision (ie. by 5:00 pm on June 21, 2017) to be considered valid. The appeal application shall be accompanied by the fee prescribed by the City Council ($2,420.00). The filing fee will be refunded to the appellant if one or more of the appeal allegations are upheld by the City Council, or if the decision is amended, remanded or reversed. _______________________________ Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Attachment 4, Page 2 of 2 BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON REQUEST FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW + CASE NO. TYP217-00013 + FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, + AND ORDER NATURE OF THE APPLICATION The applicant submitted a Site Plan Review application for construction of a 1,240 square foot addition to an existing 1,196 square foot church facility at 395 W. Centennial Boulevard, Assessor’s Map No. 17-03-27-44, Tax Lot(s) 02000 & 02100.The site is within the Low Density Residential (LDR) District and the Springfield Development Code (SDC) Section 3.2-210 lists churches as requiring Site Plan Review in the LDR District. The Site Plan Review application is being processed concurrently with a Discretionary Use request requiring action by the Planning Commission before the subject development can be approved for the site. 1. On April 6, 2017 the following application for Site Plan Review was accepted: Proposal for a 1,240 square foot addition to an existing 1,196 square foot church facility in the Low Density Residential district, Case Number TYP217-00013, William Randall, Arbor South Architecture, PC, applicant. 2. The application was submitted in accordance with Section 5.4-105 of the Springfield Development Code. Public notification and request for comments, pursuant to Section 5.1-130.B of the Springfield Development Code, has been provided. 3. On June 6, 2017 a public hearing on the Discretionary Use request was held. The Development & Public Works Department staff notes including criteria of approval, findings and recommendations, together with the testimony and submittals of the persons testifying at the hearing have been considered and are part of the record of this proceeding. CONCLUSION On the basis of this record, the requested Site Plan Review application is consistent with the criteria of Section 5.17-125 of the Springfield Development Code. This general finding is supported by the specific findings of fact, conclusions, and conditions of approval in the attached staff report (Exhibit A) attached hereto. ORDER It is ORDERED by the Planning Commission of Springfield that Case Number TYP217-00013, Site Plan Review application, be approved. This ORDER was presented to and approved by the Planning Commission on February 22, 2017. EXPIRATION OF APPROVAL This approval expires two (2) calendar years after the date of approval by the Planning Commission unless extended in accordance with the provisions of SDC Section 5.17-140. Attachment 5, Page 1 of 2 APPEAL Pursuant to SDC Sections 5.1-135 and 5.2-155, this Type II decision is final unless appealed to the Springfield City Council in accordance with SDC Section 5.3-120. Only those persons who participated either orally or in writing have standing to appeal the Planning Commission’s decision. An appeal application shall be filed with the Director within 15 calendar days of the Planning Commission’s decision (ie. by 5:00 pm on June 21, 2017) to be considered valid. The appeal application shall be accompanied by the fee prescribed by the City Council ($250.00). The filing fee will be refunded to the appellant if one or more of the appeal allegations are upheld by the City Council, or if the decision is amended, remanded or reversed. _______________________________ Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Attachment 5, Page 2 of 2