HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018 03 06 AIS Glenwood EDSPM to CodeAGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 3/6/2018 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Molly Markarian/DPW Staff Phone No: 541-726-4611 Estimated Time: 20 Minutes COMMITTEE FOR CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT (CCI) Council Goals: Mandate ITEM TITLE: CITIZEN ENGAGEMENT FOR RELOCATING GLENWOOD RIVERFRONT STREET DESIGN STANDARDS FROM EDSPM TO DEVELOPMENT CODE ACTION REQUESTED: Review and approve, or approve with modifications, the citizen engagement plan for the land use planning process to relocate the Glenwood Riverfront street design standards from the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM) to the Springfield Development Code. ISSUE STATEMENT: In accordance with Springfield’s adopted citizen involvement policies and Statewide Planning Goal 1, Citizen Involvement, staff prepared a Citizen Engagement Plan for the forthcoming proposed land use amendment to relocate the Glenwood Riverfront street design standards from the EDSPM to the Development Code. ATTACHMENTS: ATT1 Draft Citizen Engagement Plan DISCUSSION: In an effort to promote and enhance citizen involvement in the City’s planning processes, Springfield’s Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) reviews, evaluates, and approves proposed processes to encourage citizen involvement during the formulation and adoption of land use policies. The attached citizen engagement plan has been developed to build upon prior citizen involvement opportunities for Glenwood land use planning efforts and to encourage and maintain open channels of communication between the City and the affected parties for the forthcoming proposed land use amendment to relocate Glenwood Riverfront street design standards from the EDSPM to the Development Code. The draft plan presents background information on the project, the purpose of the citizen engagement plan, and proposed strategies and tactics to engage the public in this stage of the land use planning process. Page 1 of 2 Citizen Engagement Plan EDSPM Appendix 1A to Code Project Background In 2012, the Springfield City Council adopted amendments to the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) diagram, Glenwood Refinement Plan (GRP) text and diagram, Springfield Development Code, and Springfield Zoning Map for the Glenwood Riverfront (Phase I GRP). The Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) ultimately acknowledged the amendment package in 2014. To implement the GRP transportation policies, the Council adopted amendments to the City’s Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM), including specific design standards for the Glenwood Riverfront internal street network in 2012. These Glenwood-specific street standards comprise Appendix 1A of the EDSPM. The adopted and acknowledged Phase 1 GRP incorporated an extensive citizen involvement process over the course of the 6½-year work task, including an active Citizen Advisory Committee, mailed and newspaper notices, and numerous public hearings at the Planning Commission, Springfield City Council, and Lane County Board of Commissioners. The development and adoption of the EDSPM amendments to incorporate the Glenwood Riverfront street standards into Appendix 1A also provided opportunities for citizen engagement. Specifically, the EDSPM updates were posted on the City’s website, three emails were sent to nearly 50 members of the engineering and development community asking for input, and the Council held a duly noticed public hearing. On the recommendation of the City Attorney’s Office, the City is currently in the process of relocating all land use regulations from the EDSPM to the Development Code, leaving only engineering standards in the EDSPM. The Glenwood Riverfront Street Cross-Section Standards amendment is the first in a series of amendments to transfer regulations from the EDSPM to the Development Code that will come before the Planning Commission and City Council for review and deliberation. Purpose of Citizen Engagement Plan Statewide Planning Goal 1 – Citizen Involvement – calls for the opportunity for citizens to be involved in all phases of the planning process. Glenwood residents, businesses, and property owners, as well as the broader Springfield and regional community, have been given extensive opportunities to be involved in all phases of the planning process for the Glenwood Riverfront street design standards. Opportunities during the development and adoption of the Phase I GRP and the adoption of the standards into the EDSPM were described above. At this time, additional opportunities for engagement are proposed through the public process to incorporate these same standards into the Springfield Development Code. Citizen Engagement Strategies & Tactics This Citizen Engagement Plan outlines the proposed strategies and tactics for providing consistent, timely, and accurate information to the public about the project, thereby facilitating opportunities for Attachment 1, Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 involvement in this phase of the planning process. Citizen engagement strategies define how to achieve overall objectives by answering “what” will be done. The tactics answer “how” by identifying the specific activities that will be implemented to further strategies and overall objectives. The same tactic is often used to meet multiple strategies. Strategies Raise awareness of pending land use action and opportunities for public comment Provide accurate information to citizens who may be affected by land use action Provide effective two-way communication with citizens Assure that technical information is available and in an understandable format Tactics Mail public notice and responses to Frequently Asked Questions to all Glenwood Riverfront residents and property owners Provide information and answer questions regarding Glenwood-related projects at City Open House at Roaring Rapids Advertise public hearings in legal notices section of the Register-Guard Provide public hearing agendas and/or agenda packets to interested parties who have asked for such notification (including local media outlets and newspapers, local utilities, school districts and partner agencies, local state representatives, the Eugene and Springfield Chambers of Commerce, the Lane Homebuilders Association, and neighborhood groups and leaders) Post information concerning proposed amendment and dates of public hearings on City website Hold Planning Commission and City Council public hearings prior to deliberation Provide project updates on City social media sites Attachment 1, Page 2 of 2