HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018 02 06 AIS DPW Transportation System Plan ImplementationAGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 2/6/2018 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: With Lane County (Continued) Emma Newman/DPW Staff Phone No: 541.726.4585 Estimated Time: 60 min S P R I N G F I E L D PLANNING COMMISSION Council Goals: Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities ITEM TITLE: Transportation System Plan (TSP) Implementation Project ACTION REQUESTED: Continue the joint public hearing, deliberate, and make a recommendation to City Council with regards to the proposed TSP Implementation Project materials. ISSUE STATEMENT: The City of Springfield adopted the 2035 Transportation System Plan in 2014. Implementation of this Plan requires updating the Springfield Development Code, adopting the Conceptual Street Map, and making minor changes to the TSP Project List and Figures to further implement the existing, adopted policies. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Planning Commission Memo Attachment 2: Springfield Development Code Amendments Table 4.2-1 Update Attachment 3: Additional Street Supplement for Draft Staff Report and Findings Attachment 4: Updated Community Feedback Summary DISCUSSION: City of Springfield Planning Commission reviewed and discussed the TSP Implementation Project draft materials during the November 21, 2017 work session. The City and County Planning Commissions met in work session and then conducted a joint public hearing on January 23, 2018. Attachments 1-4 of this AIS are intended to be read as supplements to the January 23, 2018 Planning Commission packet. That packet and audio recording are available on the Planning Commission webpage at http://springfield-or.gov/dpw/PlanningCommission.htm. Attachment 3 is intended as an insert to the Draft Staff Report and Findings from the Jan 23, 2018 packet to provide additional information for specific conceptual local streets shown on the draft Conceptual Street Map, which were the subject of public testimony on January 23, 2018. In addition to these attachments, staff requests the Commissions to please review the public comments received between January 11, 2018 and January 26, 2018 posted on the project webpage: http://springfield-or.gov/dpw/TSP.htm. The Springfield and Lane County Planning Commissions will continue the joint public hearing on the evening of February 6th; deliberation and recommendations will follow the public hearing. COMMUNICATION MEMORANDUM Meeting Date: 2/6/2018 Staff Contact/Dept.: Emma Newman/DPW Staff Phone No: 541.726.4585 S P R I N G F I E L D PLANNING COMMISSION INFORMATION SHARE: Revisions to Draft Materials Springfield Development Code Amendments Table 4.2-1 Update (ATT2): A new version of the Table 4.2-1 section of the Springfield Development Code Amendments has been incorporated into the draft proposed changes, which adds footnote 5 to the table. Footnote 5 applies to the Major and Minor Arterial Street Classification sections of the table and states, “Arterials that are Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facilities are not subject to the standards in Table 4.2-1, but must meet ODOT design standards.” This amendment was presented at the January 23, 2018 joint Planning Commission work sessions and public hearing as a recommendation from staff to further clarify the role of Table 4.2-1 as it pertains to ODOT facilities, such as Main Street. Information in Response to Planning Commissioner Inquiries and Public Hearing Annexation Nothing in the proposed amendments directly affects the City’s annexation regulations, which are consistent with state law. However, some property owners in the urbanizable area are concerned that the amendments could lead indirectly to annexation, by enclosing unannexed areas in new City right-of-way and leading the City to involuntarily annex the enclosed area through a process called “island annexation.” For the following reasons, the proposed TSP amendments and Conceptual Street Map (CSM) would not directly or indirectly cause annexation of the urbanizable area. First, the City is prohibited by state law from forcibly annexing property based only on the fact that it becomes surrounded by City streets. Under ORS 222.750, island annexation is not available when more than 25% of the perimeter of the island area is public right-of-way that does not border the City on the other side. Second, neither the TSP nor the Conceptual Street Map require streets in the urbanizable area to be dedicated as City right-of-way. Jurisdictional transfers of roadways from Lane County to the City of Springfield are separate from the TSP, as are decisions to annex Lane County roads into the City limits. Should any streets be annexed in the future, the City is required to provide notice and an opportunity for adjacent property owners to testify before the City Council. All annexations, even those for right-of-way only, require notice to the owners and occupants located within 300 feet of the property proposed to be annexed. The City Council is required to hold a public hearing on proposed annexations, which is included in the mailed notice. Main Street A number of property owners and their representatives testified in opposition to applying the minimum right-of-way and paving width standards in SDC 4.2-105.C. and Table 4.2-1 to the Main Street corridor. Previously, City staff and legal counsel met with several Main Street property owners to discuss the code amendments’ impact on Main Street. The property owners were concerned that the minimum standards in Table 4.2-1 would apply to Main Street in the future if a joint planning effort with ODOT to adopt the Attachment 1, Page 1 of 5 currently on-hold Main Street facility plan fell through. During that meeting, staff further clarified that it was possible that a private development could be required to dedicate and improve right-of-way on Main Street, depending on the particular development, if there were no Main Street facility plan. However, after additional research, the minimum standards in Table 4.2-1 could not be directly applied to require dedication or improvement of right-of-way on Main Street because it is under ODOT’s jurisdiction and ODOT owns the right-of-way. The City is limited to enforcing ODOT’s standards. The Main Street facility plan would be enforceable, because it would be adopted by the City into the TSP and co-adopted by the Oregon Transportation Commission; however, at this time, that project does not propose requiring any adjacent property owners to dedicate or improve the right-of-way. To make clear that the City’s minimum right-of-way and paving standards do not apply on ODOT facilities, staff have proposed a new footnote to Table 4.2-1 stating that ODOT facilities (which are all arterials) are subject to ODOT’s standards. See Attachment 2: Springfield Development Code Amendments Table 4.2-1 Update. Goal 12 and Existing City Pavement Jim McLaughlin testified at the public hearing and submitted comments to the record regarding Statewide Planning Goal 12, Guideline B, part 2. Mr. McLaughlin urged the Planning Commission to consider the City’s existing pavement conditions before recommending approval of the Conceptual Street Map or changes to the TSP project list. Goal 12, Guideline B is advisory only, and does not limit the City to a single approach under the Goal (ORS 197.015(9)). It also applies only to “major transportation facilities” – and while not defined in the Goal, likely does not include any local streets as “major” facilities. The Goal’s Guidelines do not provide a direct basis to conclude that the TSP amendments or development code amendments are inconsistent with Goal 12. The Transportation Planning Rule, OAR 660-012-0010 et seq, implements the policies and guidelines of Goal 12 and contains mandatory requirements for TSP amendments and the adoption of land use regulations to implement the TSP. The Staff Report and Findings identify the TPR sections that are applicable to the proposed TSP and code amendments, and explain how the amendments comply with those provisions. Regarding the City’s existing pavement, the TPR states that the operation, maintenance, and repair of existing transportation facilities are not ordinarily subject to the TSP or to land use regulations (OAR 660- 012-0045). The City’s efforts to maintain and preserve the existing system fall under the City’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP), which is adopted through a separate process. The CIP is also the process used to prioritize planned projects in the TSP for actual construction. The scope of projects that are funded through the CIP primarily depends on the City’s street fund revenue, including system development charges for private development. No changes to the system development charges methodology and rates are proposed as part of this project. As relevant to the proposed TSP project list amendments, the adopted TSP currently states at page 3: “Transportation project development This Plan includes projects that will support expected growth in the City. While the Plan does not prioritize projects, the City will prioritize investments through annual updates to the Capital Improvement Program. Once the City identifies a project for implementation through the Capital Improvement Program and project development begins, the City will conduct project level planning, public involvement, and engineering to confirm the need, define the project limits and develop a design for the project.” Staff has not proposed any changes to this structure for prioritizing projects identified in the TSP through Attachment 1, Page 2 of 5 the CIP. In addition to prioritizing the construction of TSP projects, the CIP considers the maintenance and operational needs of the City’s existing transportation facilities. For that reason, Mr. McLaughlin’s comments regarding weighing the City’s need to maintain pavement in the City’s existing facilities against the need for new or improved facilities would be more appropriate for consideration as part of the next CIP update. The City’s CIP website contains more information regarding the CIP update process and public involvement opportunities: http://www.springfield-or.gov/dpw/CIP.htm. Sidewalk Improvements Springfield Development Code Section 4.2-105.G. governs the circumstances in which private development is required to provide additional right-of-way or street improvements, including sidewalks: Dedication of additional ROW (but not improvement): Required whenever a development area requiring development approval abuts or includes an existing street of inadequate width (i.e. not meeting the minimum ROW in SDC 4.2-105.C.). Street improvements: Required when a proposed land division or development would increase traffic on the City street system, and there is unimproved street frontage along the development area. SDC 4.2-105G.2.a. sets out specific improvement requirements: o Must fully improve property frontage when a fully improved street abuts the property line (i.e. the required minimum curb-to-curb elements in Table 4.2-1 or otherwise required under SDC 4.2-105.C.). o Must fully improve the property frontage when a fully-improved partial width street is opposite from the property, to provide a full-width street across entire property. o Must construct “the minimum level of improvements necessary to provide safe and efficient movement of vehicles and pedestrians” when property frontage is along unpaved street. o Must improve an unimproved street when multifamily, commercial, or industrial development sits at the intersection of an improved and unimproved street, and access is taken from the unimproved street. Improvement Agreement: SDC 4.2-105.G. also allows improvements to be delayed through an improvement agreement with the owner. This improvement agreement generally provides that in the future, if the City forms a local improvement district (LID) to construct street improvements and assesses the benefitted properties, that a particular property will not file an objection to the LID. The City frequently allows improvement agreements for sidewalks when there is no existing sidewalk in the area subject to development approval. These triggers for sidewalk improvements occur only when there is an application for development approval. Construction of a single-family home on an existing legal lot (i.e. not in conjunction with a partition) requires a building permit but not “development approval,” and therefore does not trigger dedication or improvement of ROW. In that case, the City can only require a setback from a future right-of-way location as determined by the minimum street standards. The City’s other option for requiring an adjacent property owner to pay for sidewalk improvements is through the formation of a Local Improvement District, which is governed by the Springfield Municipal Code. No changes to those code requirements are proposed by the TSP Implementation project, and nothing in the proposed amendments triggers an LID. A City Council decision to designate an LID is entirely independent from the TSP and the development code. Under state law and the Springfield Municipal Code, assessing private owners for the cost of an LID requires advance notice to the affected Attachment 1, Page 3 of 5 property owners via mail, newspaper publication, and physically posting in the affected area. It requires the City Council to conduct a public hearing, and allows property owners to file objections. Under Springfield Municipal Code Section 3.008, a public improvement under an LID cannot be approved if two- thirds or more of the property owners benefitted by the improvement file objections. This requirement is consistent with state law regarding LIDs. Conceptual Local Streets The draft Conceptual Street Map is intended to assist the City achieve a number of objectives of the TSP including street connections in support of access to and through infill and redevelopment sites, reducing out of direction travel, creating block lengths consistent with the goals of public safety agencies and the city’s development standards, and using the proposed layout of these planned local streets as clear and objective standards that meet Goal 10 requirements for residential development. In their absence, the City could apply the block length standards, dead-end street standards, and Fire Code. Please see Attachment 3 for responses regarding specific conceptual local streets. Planning Commission Changes to Staff Proposal The Planning Commission’s role in this Type IV legislative land use process is to review the information in the record, including the staff recommendations and public testimony, and make a recommendation to City Council whether to approve or deny the proposed amendment, or approve with modifications. A recommendation to approve the amendments must be consistent with the criteria of approval. For the proposed code amendments and TSP amendments, the Planning Commission can recommend and the City Council can decide not to approve amendments for policy reasons not directly related to the criteria of approval, because this decision is entirely legislative and not quasi-judicial. The City has a general obligation under the TPR to implement the Transportation System Plan through the adoption of land use regulations, but the City is not bound to adopt any particular set of regulations that meet those policies. There is no requirement, for example, to adopt the Conceptual Street Map’s depiction of local streets, or to adopt any particular provision in the Development Code. If the Planning Commission finds that their obligations to implement the TSP can be met without adopting a particular regulation, no specific findings would be needed to remove that regulation from their recommendation to Council. For TSP projects that have already been adopted and acknowledged and are not proposed to be changed, the Planning Commission should recommend findings to the City Council justifying removing these projects from the TSP under the criteria of approval for a Metro Plan amendment, including compliance with the TPR. The Planning Commission does not need specific findings to recommend removing a multi-use path from the Conceptual Street Map that is already included in the TSP, as long as no changes are made to the TSP Project List itself. The effect of removing the path from the CSM would merely be that it is not shown on that map – the City could still require dedication and improvement through the proposed amendments to SDC 4.2-150 because the path would remain in the TSP. Attachment 1, Page 4 of 5 Community Feedback Please read Attachment 4: Updated Community Feedback Summary and additional public comments received (see project webpage). Below is a high level summary of the total quantity and type of feedback received prior to February 26, 2018. 190 phone calls 104 contacts corresponded with via email >90 walk-in conversations with staff at City Hall >100 open house participants 31 Fairhaven Street petition signatures >220 public hearing attendees, 36 public comment testimonies (January 23, 2018 public hearing) Attachment 1, Page 5 of 5 Attachment 2: Springfield Development Code Amendments Table 4.2-1 Update 01262018 DRAFT Code Changes – TSP Code Implementation Project Page 13 Visit project website for more information: http://www.springfield-or.gov/dpw/TSP.htm . . . C. Minimum street curb-to-curb widths and minimum Sstreet right-of-way widths are as specified in Table 4.2- 1, unless otherwise indicated in TransPlan the Springfield Transportation System Plan, an applicable Refinement Plan, Plan District, Master Plan, Conceptual Development Plan, the Conceptual Local Street Plan Map, or the adopted bicycle and pedestrian plan;, or where necessary to achieve right-of-way and street alignment; or as needed to meet site-specific engineering standards, including but not limited to requirements for multi-way boulevard and/or modern roundabout designs. Example street layouts meeting minimum street standards are provided in Figures 4.2-B through 4.2-P for illustrative purposes only. These Figures are intended to demonstrate potential street configurations that meet the requirements. Table 4.2-1 Minimum Street Right-of-Way and Curb-to-Curb Width SpecificationsStandards Type of Street Minimum Right-of-Way Minimum Curb-to-Curb Major Arterial 100’ 76’ Minor Arterial 70’ 48’ Collector 60’ 36’ (3) Local Street <15 percent slope (1) 50’ 57’ 36’ >15 percent slope (1) 40’ 28’ (2) <1,200’ length and <1,000 vehicle trips/day 40’ 28’ Cul-de-Sac Bulb 83’ 70’ Alley 20’ 20’ (4) (1) i.e. the average slope of the development area. (2) 20’ streets are allowed with approved parking bays of 8’ x 24’ per vehicle (3) Additional right-of-way may be required to accommodate a center turn lane where significant volumes of left-turn traffic occur (4) Alleys do not have curbs, 20’ is entire paving width Fig. No. Street Classification Right-of- Way (1) Curb-to-Curb Width (1) Travel Lanes Travel Lanes Width Turn Lane Width (2) Bicycle Lanes (3) Planting Strip and Curb (4) Sidewalk 4.2 B-D Major Arterial (5) 100’/92’/ 84’ 76’/69’/60’ 4 12’ 14’ where required 6’ both sides 5’ 7’ both sides 4.2 E-G Minor Arterial (5) 76’/68’/60’ 52’/44’/36’ 2 12’ 14’ where required 6’ both sides 5’ 7’ both sides 4.2 H-J Major Collector 72’/64’/56’ 52’/44’/36’ 2 12’ 14’ where required 6’ both sides 5’ 5’ both sides 4.2 K-M Minor Collector 70’/62’/58’ 50’/42’/34’ 2 11’ 13’ where required 6’ both sides 5’ 5’ both sides Attachment 2, Page 1 of 3 Attachment 2: Springfield Development Code Amendments Table 4.2-1 Update 01262018 DRAFT Code Changes – TSP Code Implementation Project Page 14 Visit project website for more information: http://www.springfield-or.gov/dpw/TSP.htm 4.2 N-P Local Street <15 percent slope (6) 57’/49’/41’ 36’/28’/20’ 2 10’ N/A Not required 5’ 5’ both sides 4.2 Q-S Local percent slope (6) 48’/40’/32’ 36’/28’/20’ 2 10’ N/A Not required 6” curbs only 5’ both sides Cul-de-sac Bulb 83’ diameter 70’ diameter N/A N/A N/A N/A 5’ around bulb 5’ around bulb Alley 20’ No curbs, 18’ paving width N/A N/A N/A Not required Not required (1) Minimum right-of-way widths and curb-to-curb widths are listed in this order: Streets with parking on both sides of street/Streets with parking on one side of street/Streets with no on-street parking. Where indicated, parking width is 8’ per side of street. Minimum right-of-way widths and curb-to-curb widths listed above do not include additional right-of-way width and curb-to-curb width required to accommodate a center turn lane or center median. (2) When a center turn lane or center median is required to address a significant volume of left-turn traffic or other safety or site-specific engineering concerns, additional right-of-way width and curb-to-curb width is required to accommodate the turn lane and/or center median. Width of the turn lane will be not less than the standard provided in Table 4.2-1 above. (3) Bike lanes on one-way streets must be on the right side of the street, except in the case where a left-side bike lane would cause fewer conflicts, and people riding bicycles can return to the right safely. (4) The planting strip and curb includes 4.5’ planting strip and 6” curb on both sides of the street, unless otherwise indicated in Table 4.2-1. (5) Arterials that are Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facilities are not subject to the standards in Table 4.2-1, but must meet ODOT design standards. (6) Slope is the average slope of the development area per the calculation in SDC 3.3-520.A. Minimum curb-to- curb width for local streets includes 6” behind the sidewalk for property pins. D. Functional Classification of Streets. The City’s street system consists of streets that are classified as Major Arterial; Minor Arterial; Major and Minor Collector; and Local, consistent with the Springfield Transportation System Plan (Figure 2) and the Federally Designated Roadway Functional Classification map, contained in the Regional Transportation Plan. Local Streets include all streets not classified as Arterial or Collector streets. E. Dead-End Streets. 1. Dead-end streets shall must terminate in a cul-de-sac bulb, “hammerhead,” or other design that provides an adequate vehicular turn-around areas, Public Works access, and pedestrian and bicycle connections as may be approved by the Public Works Director and the Fire Marshal. 2. A dead-end street, excluding the bulb or other approved vehicular turn-around area, shallmust have a minimum length of 65 feet and shallmust have a maximum length of 400 feet as measured from the nearest curb line of the intersecting street. The right-of-way and paving requirements for cul-de- sacs, including the bulb or other approved vehicular turn-around area, are as specified in Table 4.2-1 of this Code, the Development & Public Works Standard Construction Specifications and the City’s Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. Attachment 2, Page 2 of 3 Attachment 2: Springfield Development Code Amendments Table 4.2-1 Update 01262018 DRAFT Code Changes – TSP Code Implementation Project Page 15 Visit project website for more information: http://www.springfield-or.gov/dpw/TSP.htm EXCEPTION: Where streets that are planned to be through streets are partially constructed during phased development, temporary dead-end streets with temporary vehicular turn-around areas will be permitted as specified in the City’s Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. In this case, the 400-foot maximum length standard shall not apply temporary dead-end street with temporary vehicular turn-around area will have a maximum length of 600 feet as measured from the nearest curb line of the intersecting street. 3. Where there is an existing dead-end street without a turn-around at the time of development that generates additional vehicular trips, the property owner shall provide for a turn-around area to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director and the Fire Marshall. Permitted vehicular turn-around areas may include, but are not limited to hammerheads, and partial cul-de-sac bulbs and private driveways. . . . Attachment 2, Page 3 of 3 Attachment 3: Additional street supplement to be added to the Draft Staff Report and Findings from 1/23/18 packet. Fairhaven Street Findings: The northern conceptual local street connection shown above will provide the residents and visitors from Fairhaven Mobile Home Park with direct access to the By-Gully Multi-Use Path. Attachment 3, Page 1 of 21 On the other side of the fence is a private road that is already stubbed out and planned to connect at some point. The By-Gully Path is shown to the right, which connects to the northern extent of Fairhaven. If the conceptual local street were to be built, direct access to and from the mobile home park to the By- Gully Multi-Use Path would be provided. This would support TSP Policy 3.7 which states, “Provide for pedestrian environment that supports adjacent land uses and is designed to enhance the safety, comfort, and convenience of walking by providing direct routes and removing barriers when possible.” Additionally, TSP Policy 3.4 states, “Provide for a continuous transportation network with reasonable direct travel routes to destination points for all modes of travel.” TSP Chapter 7 states that the implementation measures for the TSP need to address system connectivity (page 83, Springfield 2035 TSP). Attachment 3, Page 2 of 21 Delrose Drive Findings: 2680 Harvest Ln house is not located in alignment with the logical extension of right-of-way. Attachment 3, Page 3 of 21 Delrose Dr is too long without a turnaround to meet current dead-end street standards. The Delrose Dr dead-end was built without a turnaround, which would have been required if this were a planned dead- end street. No sidewalk connects at the current end of the street, anticipating a connection to Yolanda Ave in the future to complete the sidewalk network. The Delrose Dr to Yolanda Ave street connection would support TSP Policy 3.4 which states, “Provide for a continuous transportation network with reasonable direct travel routes to destination points for all modes of travel.” Additionally, TSP Policy 3.7 states, “Provide for pedestrian environment that supports adjacent land uses and is designed to enhance the safety, comfort, and convenience of walking by providing direct routes and removing barriers when possible.” TSP Chapter 7 states that the implementation measures for the TSP need to address system connectivity (page 83, Springfield 2035 TSP). Attachment 3, Page 4 of 21 Garden Avenue Findings: Right-of-way has already been dedicated at both ends of Garden Ave and the western extent of Richland St in preparation for the conceptual local street connections shown below. Attachment 3, Page 5 of 21 The conceptual local street connections could be accommodated without removing any approved structures. The roof shown to the western extent of the area indicated above is a barn. The conceptual local street connections between Kintzley Ave, 34th Pl, Dondea St, and Garden Ave provide the connectivity necessary to avoid dead-end streets that exceed permitted design standards for secondary emergency access, and achieve the smallest block length given the already built environment. The connectivity would provide residents with more direct routes to the 32nd and Jasper Middle Fork Path Trailhead, primarily along low volume, low speed, local streets as opposed to a higher volume, higher speed major collector. This supports TSP Policy 3.7 which states, “Provide for pedestrian environment that supports adjacent land uses and is designed to enhance the safety, comfort, and convenience of walking by providing direct routes and removing barriers when possible.” The street connections would support TSP Policy 3.4 which states, “Provide for a continuous transportation network with reasonably direct travel routes to destination points for all modes of travel.” TSP Chapter 7 also states that the implementation measures for the TSP need to address system connectivity (page 83, Springfield 2035 TSP). Attachment 3, Page 6 of 21 Don Street and Lochaven Avenue Findings: Attachment 3, Page 7 of 21 The gated barrier at Don St and Lochaven Ave separates two residential communities. The conceptual local street connection shown would provide more direct access from the Scotts Glen neighborhood to access Guy Lee Elementary School, the Shoppes at Gateway, and other destinations by motor vehicle. Additionally, TSP Policy 3.4 states, “Provide for a continuous transportation network with reasonably direct travel routes to destination points for all modes of travel.” TSP Chapter 7 the implementation measures for the TSP address system connectivity (page 83, Springfield 2035 TSP). Attachment 3, Page 8 of 21 Kintzley Avenue and Osage Street Findings: Attachment 3, Page 9 of 21 The Osage St to Kintzley Ave connection could be built without removal of the existing Douglas House. The conceptual local street could be adjusted to flatten out the corner to more clearly show that the house may remain if the property owner chooses to develop. Kintzley Ave currently is built anticipating extension to the north. The street light to illuminate the intersection already exists and sidewalk was not built, anticipating the future connection. The current Osage St dead-end was built without a turnaround, which would have been required if this were a planned dead-end street. No sidewalk connects at the current end of the street, anticipating a connection to Kintzley in the future to complete the sidewalk network. Osage Street was also named as “Street” instead of “Court” to indicate the future connection. The street connection would support TSP Policy 3.4 which states, “Provide for a continuous transportation network with reasonable direct travel routes to destination points for all modes of travel.” TSP Chapter 7 states that the implementation measures for the TSP need to address system connectivity (page 83, Springfield 2035 TSP). Attachment 3, Page 10 of 21 Aaron Lane Findings: 42 homes are currently built fronting 65th St north of Thurston Rd; only 30 single family homes can be located off of a single access without planned secondary emergency access. 2014 Oregon Fire Code Appendix D Section D107.1 states, “One- or two-family dwelling residential developments. Developments of one- or two-family dwellings where the number of dwelling units exceeds 30 shall be provided with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads, and shall meet the requirements of Section D104.3 Exception… 2. The number of dwelling units on a single fire apparatus access road shall not be increased unless fire apparatus access roads will connect with future development, as determined by the fire code official.” Attachment 3, Page 11 of 21 Even with the conceptual local street shown, the block length that would be achieved would exceed the proposed maximum block length standards by more than double. This connection is necessary to connect neighborhoods to the backside of the school so that people accessing the school on foot or bicycle from the neighborhood can avoid the only east-west major collector in the area. The street and accessway connection would support TSP Policy 3.4 which states, “Provide for a continuous transportation network with reasonable direct travel routes to destination points for all modes of travel.” Additionally, TSP Policy 3.7 states, “Provide for pedestrian environment that supports adjacent land uses and is designed to enhance the safety, comfort, and convenience of walking by providing direct routes and removing barriers when possible.” The connections shown above would also help implement Policy 2.3, Action 2, which states, “Coordinate with Springfield Public Schools to implement the solutions outlined in Safe Routes to School Action Plans.” TSP Chapter 7 states that the implementation measures for the TSP need to address system connectivity (page 83, Springfield 2035 TSP). Attachment 3, Page 12 of 21 Prescott Lane / Riverview Boulevard / Edgemont Way Findings: As shown above, the right-of-way has already been dedicated from Riverview Blvd to Prescott Ln and partially from Riverview Blvd to Edgemont Way. The conceptual local street connection between Edgemont Way and Prescott Ln would only occur if the property owner of 500 Edgemont Way chose to develop the property. Attachment 3, Page 13 of 21 Edgemont Way is a non-conforming dead-end street that was planned, as shown by the lack of sidewalk connectivity and the current dead-end having no turnaround. The street connections between Prescott Ln, Riverview Blvd, and Edgemont Way would support TSP Policy 3.4 which states, “Provide for a continuous transportation network with reasonable direct travel routes to destination points for all modes of travel.” Additionally, TSP Policy 3.7 states, “Provide for pedestrian environment that supports adjacent land uses and is designed to enhance the safety, comfort, and convenience of walking by providing direct routes and removing barriers when possible.” TSP Chapter 7 states that the implementation measures for the TSP need to address system connectivity (page 83, Springfield 2035 TSP). Attachment 3, Page 14 of 21 A and B Streets west of Water Street Findings: Attachment 3, Page 15 of 21 Future development which blocks the conceptual local street connection shown between A St and B St would eliminate the only secondary emergency access to the main entrance of Island Park, which is a park that consistently accommodates large public events. Analysis and determination of wetland areas has not been performed and is typically performed at the time of development and is the responsibility of the developer to delineate on the land use application. Given analysis and delineation through the development review process, adjustments to the street connection alignment could be provided based on findings to correlate with the proposed street connectivity standards provided in the Springfield Development Code Amendments, Section 4.2-105 Public Streets. Attachment 3, Page 16 of 21 Even if the local street connection was not depicted on the draft Conceptual Street Map, the development code street connectivity standards and block length would still apply. The block length standards would not be fulfilled without a connection between A St and B St. The appropriate time to address previous agreements, wetland issues, and traffic analysis in accordance with Section 4.2-105 is at the time of development proposal through the City’s development review process. The existing private connection is currently being used by the public to access Island Park, with the currently built road split between public and private property. As shown, the already adopted TSP PB-19 project that identifies a “Bridge between Downtown and Glenwood or modify Willamette River Bridges” would not have as many direct connection options to Island Park, City Hall, and Downtown Springfield. The conceptual local streets connecting A St and B St and B St and C St would support TSP Policy 3.7 which states, “Provide for pedestrian environment that supports adjacent land uses and is designed to enhance the safety, comfort, and convenience of walking by providing direct routes and removing barriers when possible.” Additionally, TSP Policy 3.4 states, “Provide for a continuous transportation network with reasonable direct travel routes to destination points for all modes of travel.” TSP Chapter 7 implementation measures for the TSP address system connectivity (page 83, Springfield 2035 TSP). The system connectivity to and from the park from Downtown, Washburne neighborhood, and City Hall relies on A St and C St for access to Island Park since B St is blocked between Pioneer Parkway East and 4th St. Attachment 3, Page 17 of 21 Tyson Park and 35th Street Findings: There are currently 108 single-family or duplex lots on 34th St, C St, and 35th St. Without a planned secondary emergency access this development would violate the fire code. Only 30 single family homes can be located off of a single access without secondary emergency access according to fire code. 2014 Oregon Fire Code Appendix D Section D107.1 states, “One- or two-family dwelling residential developments. Developments of one- or two-family dwellings where the number of dwelling units exceeds 30 shall be provided with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads, and shall meet the requirements of Section D104.3 Exception… 2. The number of dwelling units on a single fire apparatus access road shall not be increased unless fire apparatus access roads will connect with future development, as determined by the fire code official.” Either the 33rd St to 34th St conceptual local street connection would need to be provided triggered by development or the street extension of 35th St would need to be provided to fulfill Oregon Fire Code requirements. TSP Policy 3.4 states, “Provide for a continuous transportation network with reasonably direct travel routes to destination points for all modes of travel.” TSP Chapter 7 implementation measures for the TSP address system connectivity (page 83, Springfield 2035 TSP). Attachment 3, Page 18 of 21 Thurston Hills Natural Area Trailhead and S. A Street Findings: Willamalane provided input about the conceptual local street alignment during their review serving on the TSP Implementation project’s Technical Review Team. The draft conceptual street map reflects the adjusted alignment that is in accordance with the Annexation Agreement between the City of Springfield and Willamalane Park and Recreation District. Below is email correspondence that shows the adjustment was made. The street connections shown above support TSP Policy 3.4, which states, “Provide for a continuous transportation network with reasonably direct travel routes to destination points for all modes of travel.” TSP Chapter 7 implementation measures for the TSP address system connectivity (page 83, Springfield 2035 TSP). Attachment 3, Page 19 of 21 Attachment 3, Page 20 of 21 Attachment 3, Page 21 of 21 Attachment 4: Springfield Transportation System Plan Implementation Public Notice Comment Log (Emails, Letters, Phone Calls, Written Public Comment, Walk-In Comments) See copies of all emails, letters, open house comment cards, and written public comment submitted on project website at http://springfield-or.gov/dpw/TSP.htm Citizen Contact Date Staff Contact Date Format of Comment Address First Name Last Name Email PDF Action Taken/Comment or Question Received 12/20/2017 12/20/2017 Email Centennial Blvd Charles Eggen RE_ Proposed Land Use Regulation amendments & Street Improvements.pdf Replied with information about Mill Street maintenance 12/20/2017 12/20/2017 Email Connie Neuschwanger RE_ Norice of public hearing I recieved.pdf Replied back the proposed development code changes would not impact RV parking 12/20/2017 12/21/2017 Email Centennial Blvd Marjorie Rater RE_ Springfield Proposed Land Use Regulations - Centennial Blvd. 21st Street to 28th Street Five- Year Plan.pdf Replied with answers to questions sent 12/20/2017 12/21/2017 Email Centennial Blvd Marjorie Rater RE_ Springfield Proposed Land Use Regulations - Centennial Blvd. 21st Street to 28th Street Five- Year Plan1.pdf Follow up email 12/20/2017 12/21/2017 Email Yolanda Ave Jerry Ritter RE_ TSP updates.pdf Replied with answers to questions sent 12/20/2017 12/21/2017 Email Yolanda Ave Jerry Ritter RE_ TSP updates_Becky addition.pdf Becky Taylor with Lane County provided a follow up email to Mr. Ritter as well 12/20/2017 12/21/2017 Email & Phone Call Main Street Dani Wright RE_ What Conceptual Street map are you asking for approval on_ .pdf Emailed Conceptual Street Map and link to project web page; called to answer questions 12/20/2017 12/21/2017 Email Main Street Dani Wright RE_ What Conceptual Street map are you asking for approval on_ .pdf What street map is this meeting about? Haven't seen any designs. How will it affect me? Re:Provided links to maps. Re: heard about call and offered to call before vacation. Re: set up a time to talk after vacation 12/20/2017 12/21/2017 Email Main Street Dani Wright RE_ What Conceptual Street map are you asking for approval on1_ .pdf Provided follow up emails to clarify what the project is about 12/20/2017 12/21/2017 Email 31st St Lorena Young RE_ Can you please verify the change on 31st street and cost to property owners_.pdf Replied back with the proposed connections for the neighborhood 12/20/2017 12/21/2017 Email Centennial by 9th St Jim RE_ Public notice Centennial.pdf Replied with link to Conceptual Street Map and proposed connection for neighborhood 12/20/2017 12/22/2017 Email Centennial by 9th St Jim RE_ Public notice Centennial1.pdf Follow up email 12/20/2017 12/22/2017 Email Centennial by 9th St Jim Re_ Public notice Centennial2.pdf Reply back from Jim 12/20/2017 Phone Call No Name Didn't leave enough information to call back 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 Phone Call 922 M St Bruce Abbott Information 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 Email 601 63rd Street John Antone RE_ ORS 227.186(5) (a) ORS215.503(5) (a)..pdf Replied back with link to project web page and a list of main topics that are being proposed for amendments in the Springfield Development Code 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 Phone Call 442 S. 67th St.Juanita Bassett Went to website. Talked about Dogwood St.CSM. Owns 442 S. 60th, Father owns 460 S. 60th 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 Phone Call 5660 Daisy St. #45 Pat Brickfield Daisy & Bob Straub Pkwy. crashes 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 Email 241 S 32nd Street Cheryl Brownell RE_ Code amendments street map transportation system plan.pdf Replied back with link to project web page and a list of main topics that are being proposed for amendments in the Springfield Development Code 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 Email 241 S 32nd Street Cheryl Brownell RE_ Code amendments street map transportation system plan1.pdf Follow up email 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 Phone Call 1624 S. 60th Veronica Calnetts Information. 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 Phone Call Pleasant St.Mary Anne Craig InformationAttachment 4, Page 1 of 18 Attachment 4: Springfield Transportation System Plan Implementation Public Notice Comment Log (Emails, Letters, Phone Calls, Written Public Comment, Walk-In Comments) See copies of all emails, letters, open house comment cards, and written public comment submitted on project website at http://springfield-or.gov/dpw/TSP.htm 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 Phone Call 3570 Cherokee Dr.Roxanne Fernleave? What will you do to my property. No sidewalks - does not want them (waste of $'s and time). 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 Phone Call John Hammer Property owner. Wants to meet and see impacts. Coming to City Hall for SDC changes Questions about 42nd St. 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 Phone Call 589 Harlow Rd. #I Diana Hensley Looking at website; needs information. 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 Phone Call 1237 Island St.Donna Hodges Information 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 Phone Call 1222 30th St.Cheryl Hunter Information. No drastic changes fine by her 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 Phone Call Joann Jones Web error. Information 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 Phone Call 562 Pinedale Ave.Linda O'Rourk Information 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 Phone Call 2520 A Street Tracy Roak Information (brief). 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 Phone Call 540 E. Street Jonathan Siegel Former Planning Commissioner - terminology questions. E Street questions. 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 Phone Call Lesley Spence Information? Mobility impaired 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 Phone Call Mike Wayne Information 12/21/2017 12/22/2017 Email E 20th Kevin Biersdorff RE_ Transportation System Plan Project List.pdf Mr. Biersdorff stated - "I noticed your list does not include remedying the access to E 20th in Glenwood which is a public right-ofway but does not have any public connection or satisfactory fire ingress/egress to adjacent streets (Franklin or Nugget). There has been a standing verbal agreement with past planning staff that this problem will be corrected in the future. Please see the attached map and notes." 12/21/2017 12/22/2017 Email E 20th Kevin Biersdorff RE_ Transportation System Plan Project List1.pdf Reply back from Mr. Biersdorff 12/21/2017 12/22/2017 Email 1669 Sequoia Tim Christie RE_ TSP.pdf Replied with answers to questions sent 12/21/2017 12/22/2017 Email Janus Ct Bruce Jolley RE_ Public Hearing.pdf Replied with information about the why mailing the postcard was necessary, a quick explaination of what the project is trying to accomplish, and a link to the Conceptual Street Map and project web page. 12/21/2017 12/22/2017 Phone Call Nancy Jones Followed up in person on 12/22/2017 as questions related to Virginia-Daisy Project 12/21/2017 12/22/2017 Email 505 Kelly Blvd Christopher Logan RE_ Notice of Public Hearing_.pdf Replied with information about why mailing the postcard was necessary, quick explaination of what the project is trying to accomplish, a link to Conceptual Street Map and what the severability clause means and why it was necessary to include. 12/21/2017 12/22/2017 Email 505 Kelly Blvd Christopher Logan Re_ RE_ Notice of Public Hearing_.pdf Follow up email 12/21/2017 12/22/2017 Email 5967 E Street Tami Mesecher RE_ Changes in our street .pdf Emailed Conceptual Street Map and link to project web page 12/21/2017 12/22/2017 Email 6613 Main St Bonnie Mogstad RE_ Notice on proposed TSP projects.pdf Replied with Michael Liebler copied as Ms. Mogstad had questions about the 66th and Main Street Pedestrian Crossing Project. 12/21/2017 12/22/2017 Email 6613 Main St Bonnie Mogstad RE_ Notice on proposed TSP projects1.pdf Reply from Ms. MogstadAttachment 4, Page 2 of 18 Attachment 4: Springfield Transportation System Plan Implementation Public Notice Comment Log (Emails, Letters, Phone Calls, Written Public Comment, Walk-In Comments) See copies of all emails, letters, open house comment cards, and written public comment submitted on project website at http://springfield-or.gov/dpw/TSP.htm 12/21/2017 12/22/2017 Email Hayden Bridge Kenneth Phillips RE_ Hayden Bridge Road.pdf Replied with answers to questions sent 12/21/2017 12/26/2017 Phone Call Thomas Finney 12/21/2017 12/26/2017 Phone Call Paul Hasley Web error, Needs good information. Mark Rust gave info and explained project. 12/21/2017 12/26/2017 Phone Call 36460 Jasper Rd.Marilou Hickson Two lots (house, gravel w/gate for camper trailer. Need infor - no computer 12/21/2017 12/26/2017 Phone Call Virginia Keizer Went to website. Prefer call. 12/21/2017 12/26/2017 Phone Call Barbara Raley Information. LTD? Property take? Mark Rust returned call to answer questions. 12/21/2017 12/21/2018 Phone Call 6838 Main St.Robert Weinhold Doesn't like freight traffic and nois near 69th signal. J-brake prohibition signs/ enforcement. 12/21/2017 1/3/2018 Email 1736 Rainbow Dr.Connie Parsons RE_ notice of.pdf Re: notice of public hearning. Asked how this might pertain to her property. Explained the Springfield Development Code document and what it includes. Also the draft Conceptual Street Map and TSP project lists and maps show additional future street connections throughout Springfield and proposed changes to planned transportation projects in her area which including possible connection from Rainbow Dr. Included conceptual map attacments. 12/21/2017 Walk-in 2361 Dornach St Lucy Daugherty Provided FAQ sheet 12/22/2017 12/26/2017 Phone Call 16th St. & Hayden Br. Area Pat Greenwall We error. Mark called back - Mail box full 12/22/2017 12/26/2017 Phone Call 36460 Jasper Rd.Marilou Hickson Called before - awaiting call back. Bus line? Changes to us? Jasper already widened before. Mark returned call 12/22/2017 12/26/2017 Phone Call Desiree Jones/Jarvis?Information? 12/22/2017 12/26/2017 Phone Call 580 Hayden Br. Place Delores Kinbrack Information? 12/22/2017 12/26/2017 Phone Call 6700 blk. Dogwood Charlie McCalin Lives in Pleasant Hill - Info? Mark returned his call. 12/22/2017 12/26/2017 Phone Call N/A N/A N/A Broken leg - can not attend. 12/22/2017 12/26/2017 Phone Call Sheryl Reed Information 12/22/2017 12/26/2017 Phone Call 2833 Game Farm Rd.Beverly Reed Info. Impact? 12/22/2017 12/26/2017 Phone Call 65th & Thurston Rd.Kathy Stone 65th dead end? No longer? When? 12/22/2017 12/26/2017 Phone Call 6617 E Street Mary Taylor Information - confused. ASAP. Mark returned her call. 12/22/2017 12/26/2017 Phone Call Joyce 12/22/2017 1/3/2018 Email Main Street Dani Wright RE_ What Conceptual Street map are you asking for approval on_.pdf Proposed dates to meet with Dani. 12/23/2017 12/26/2017 Email Candace Higginson RE_ Notice of Public Hearing1.pdf Provided a link to the project web page as requested. 12/23/2017 12/27/2017 Email Main Street Jon & Ruth Heacock Re_ Main Street Update2.pdf Asked if TSP update influence will influence outcome of the Main Street Planning efforts. Explanined once a design concept is selected for Main St. it will require City Council approval. Another update to the TSP will be required after further public involvement for Main St. corridor planning.Attachment 4, Page 3 of 18 Attachment 4: Springfield Transportation System Plan Implementation Public Notice Comment Log (Emails, Letters, Phone Calls, Written Public Comment, Walk-In Comments) See copies of all emails, letters, open house comment cards, and written public comment submitted on project website at http://springfield-or.gov/dpw/TSP.htm 12/23/2017 12/27/2017 Email 310 33rd St Dave & Mary Jo Sanders RE_ 2035 TSP.pdf Replied back with information about the proposed future local street connection for 33rd and 34th Streets and what would trigger its implementation. Additionally, provided Ben Gibson's contact information as follow up for street maintenance questions. 12/24/2017 12/27/2017 Email Main Street Jon & Ruth Heacock RE_ Main Street Update.pdf Provided clarification that the Main Street Project and the TSP Implementation Project are two separate projects. 12/26/2017 12/27/2017 Email 935 Lochaven Ave Jeffrey Gordon RE_ Question_Comment on Proposed Conceptual Street Map.pdf Provided information about the proposed future street connection between Don St and Lochaven Ave and Lochaven Ave and Laura St. 12/26/2017 12/27/2017 Email 935 Lochaven Ave.Jeffrey Gordon RE_ Gate at Junction of Don Street and Lochaven Avenue.pdf Gordon wants to know what's going to be done on Don St. wehre it crosses Lochaven. Explained that future local street connection may be built at some point in the future connecting Don St. and Lochaven Ave. connecting currently blocked intersection. 12/27/2017 1/3/2017 Email 935 Lochaven Ave.Jeffrey Gordon RE_ Gate at Junction of Don Street and Lochaven Avenue.pdf Gordon against removal of barrier at junction of Lochaven Ave and Don St. plus other comments. Explained his comments are provided in the outreach summary to the Planning Commission and City Council. 12/27/2017 12/27/2017 Phone Call 832 D Street Lynn Brown D Street Alt project 12/27/2017 12/27/2017 Phone Call 234 10th Anita Browning 12/27/2017 12/27/2017 Phone Call 234 10th Anita Browning 12/27/2017 12/27/2017 Phone Call 918 66th St. Chris Davidson Has more questions. Placement of road. 12/27/2017 12/27/2017 Phone Call 7474 S st.Philys De 22 acres beyond my house has arrows pointed at it on the map. What does that mean? 12/27/2017 12/27/2017 Phone Call 1008 Oak Meadow Place Harold Freedman How will this apply to my property? 12/27/2017 12/27/2017 Phone Call P.O. Box 21255 Eugene Lea Menzel Fact sheet- send. Error in address, sent again 1/23/2018 12/27/2017 12/27/2017 Phone Call PO Box 21255 Lea Menzel Loralyn sent factsheet on 1/8/18 & again on 1/23/18 12/27/2017 12/27/2017 Phone Call 2680 C St Gerald Moller Interested in Virginia-Daisy Project. Mail Information 12/27/2017 12/27/2017 Phone Call Pheasant Blvd.N/A N/A Home imp. Project. Street widening - Malard going thru. Path? 12/27/2017 12/27/2017 Phone Call High Banks Rd.Lisa Rich EWEB prop? 12/27/2017 12/27/2017 Phone Call 834 N. 58th Street Ron Saurer 12/27/2017 12/27/2017 Phone Call 235 S D st.Richard Simmon web access issues 12/27/2017 12/27/2017 Email Wayside Loop Tricia Smith RE_ Springfield TSP Implementation Project.pdf She can't attend meeting so emailed her questions. Mark explained an additional opportunity to provide input at subsequent public hearing in front of City Council (hearing date not yet scheduled). Emma also included information re: TSP policies calling for system connectivity and supporting walking and biking. 12/27/2017 12/27/2017 Phone Call 29 Shady Loop Tina Starr Website doesn't work. 12/27/2017 12/27/2017 Phone Call Mike Watson 12/27/2017 12/27/2017 Phone Call Mike WatsonAttachment 4, Page 4 of 18 Attachment 4: Springfield Transportation System Plan Implementation Public Notice Comment Log (Emails, Letters, Phone Calls, Written Public Comment, Walk-In Comments) See copies of all emails, letters, open house comment cards, and written public comment submitted on project website at http://springfield-or.gov/dpw/TSP.htm 12/27/2017 12/27/2017 Phone Call Larry Wiser 12/27/2017 12/27/2017 Phone Call 246 S 51st Pl.Tony Wright 12/27/2017 12/27/2017 Phone Call Nina 12/27/2017 12/27/2017 Phone Call 1519 Delrose Sam Website doesn't work. 12/27/2017 12/28/2017 Email 6613 Main St Bonnie Mogstad FW_ 66th Street and Main Pedestrian Crossing.pdf Bonnie's email back to Michael 12/27/2017 1/3/2018 Phone call & Email Shady Loop Dean & Tina Starr RE_ City of Springfield Transportation System update.pdf Not happy with TSP update information. Explained there are no proposed changes to planned transportation projects in close proximity to their property. Attached link to draft Conceptual Street Map and TSP Project Maps. 12/28/2017 12/28/2017 Phone Call Karen Anderson 19th St. between Main St. and E St. Wants to know the impacts to this sector. 12/28/2017 12/28/2017 Phone Call Quinalt Barabara Perey Is considering buying a home at Cornault. Would like to know more about the project. 12/28/2017 12/28/2017 Phone Call Phil Ravineh Has property at 1045 Gateway :oop. What impacts will there be to my property? 12/28/2017 12/28/2017 Phone Call 10th St.Sherri Steinberger Would like more information. Lives in Salem but owns property in Springfield. 12/28/2017 1/2/2018 Phone Call 416 W D St.Josh Marean Asked about bike projects. Added to BPAC interest list. 12/28/2017 1/3/2018 Email 3 different properties David Beck RE_ Properties.Ref. ORS 227.186 (5) (a) and ORS 215.503 (5) (a)1.pdf Re: Public Hearing Notice that may impact his 3 properties in Springfield. Asked for other informaton regarding this ordinance. Explained project webpage has copies of the draft propesed changes to Springfield Development Code. Also attached draft Conceptual Street Map. and draft proposed changes to the TSP project lists and maps and explained the purpose of each. 12/28/2017 1/3/2018 Email 3220 Raleighwood Avd.Mark Cushman RE_ Notice of Public Hearing2.pdf Noted link to website on flyer did not work.Turns out he mistyped one of the words. Sent him link to website and directed him to FAQ sheet with copies of draft proposed changes to Springfield Development Code, draft Conceptual Street May, and draft proposed changes to the TSP project liss and maps and explanations. Included link to draft street map and TSP project maps. 12/28/2017 1/3/2018 Email & Phone Call West D Street Josh Marean RE_ TSP etc.pdf Looked at the website but felt daunted reading through some very long documents. Ask for a brief chat about the vision for the project. Spoke with Josh on the phone and sent him links to TSP Project List and Map with proposed amendments. Also added his name to the interest list for the Springfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee. 12/29/2017 12/29/2017 Phone Call 157 12th St.James Dancey How will my property be affected? 12/29/2017 12/29/2017 Phone Call Jeff Gates Called before and did not receive a call back/ 12/29/2017 12/29/2017 Phone Call Paul Ryan Is this related to the Main Street project? Curbs?Attachment 4, Page 5 of 18 Attachment 4: Springfield Transportation System Plan Implementation Public Notice Comment Log (Emails, Letters, Phone Calls, Written Public Comment, Walk-In Comments) See copies of all emails, letters, open house comment cards, and written public comment submitted on project website at http://springfield-or.gov/dpw/TSP.htm 12/29/2017 12/29/2017 Phone Call 25 Ann Ct. Jennifer Snyder Did not receive the public notice and would like a copy. PB-4 Question 12/29/2017 12/29/2017 Phone Call 3910 E 19th Ave Shannon Wilson Lives in Glenwood. How will this affect my property? 12/29/2017 12/29/2017 Phone Call 1890 Raubling Dr.Debbie Calling on behalf of some elderly neighbors. Haces the main rd. 12/29/2017 1/3/2018 Email Bill Chandos RE_ Transportation System Plan.pdf Bill had questions about what will be discussed at 1/23 meeting. Explained notice is regarding 3 items: SDC changes, Draft Conceptual Street Map, and TSP Project List and Map changes and a link to website where they are located was included. 12/29/2017 1/3/2018 Email & Phone Call 3154 Pheasant Blvd Ann Swartz RE_ public hearing1.pdf Since Pheasant Blvd is currently zoned a Blvd is the plan to chang that designation. Explained that further down on Pheasant Blvd from her property is an already adopted transportation Ped-Bike Project #3, however no planned transportation project on her section of Pheasant. It is listed as a 20-year opportunity project and no funding is dedicated to it at this time. 12/29/2017 1/4/2018 Phone Call 4631 Daisy St.Donna Brooks What will be done in my area- 46th-47th St and intersection 42nd? 12/29/2017 1/4/2018 Email S. 67th Street & Dogwood Terri Fackrell RE_ TSP.pdf Questions regarding some of the TSP and code changes as they might apply to property owner desire to build a home on the lot. Emma explained specific of proposed changes to SDC 4.2-105 and 5.1-110. 12/29/2017 1/4/2018 Phone Call Darglege Ave and Beverly St.Robyn Concerned about on street parkinh on Beverly St. and Hartman/Guy Lee Elementary School. Good bus stops at mall. 12/30/2017 1/3/2018 Email Pheasant Blvd.Kat O'Brien RE_ TSP.pdf Wants summary of proposed land use changes. Explained website has coies of the draft proposed changes and included links to the draft Conceptual Street Map and TSP Project Maps.Noted there are no proposed changes to projects or conceptual local streets along the unicorporated lportion of Pheasant Blvd. 1/2/2018 1/2/2018 Phone Call 1124 6th st Eric Biazi Looked at website. Information please. Confused about street classification colors- understoof explanation. 1/2/2018 1/2/2018 Phone Call 35 Ann Ct.Steven Brewer Information. Talked with Greg Mott. Does not want PB-4. Gave PH information. Shared PB-4 no changes proposed. 1/2/2018 1/2/2018 Phone Call 6875 B St.Linda Jankard Information please/ Can't see website or make sense of it. 1/2/2018 1/2/2018 Phone Call Hayden Bridge on 16th St- Lane Co Shandra Lozarks Information. What is it about? Looked at website, no web access now. Call after 4:30pm today and leave voicemail. 1/2/2018 1/2/2018 Phone Call T St.- 14th area Juanita Maybry Information 1/2/2018 1/2/2018 Phone Call Shelley St. Industrial Park.Leonard Stoehr Called to clarify conceptual street map local street connections and PB-7 alignment. 1/2/2018 1/2/2018 Phone Call 656 Laksonen Loop Steven Swift Went to the website and didn't know where to start. What is this project about? How will it affect me?Attachment 4, Page 6 of 18 Attachment 4: Springfield Transportation System Plan Implementation Public Notice Comment Log (Emails, Letters, Phone Calls, Written Public Comment, Walk-In Comments) See copies of all emails, letters, open house comment cards, and written public comment submitted on project website at http://springfield-or.gov/dpw/TSP.htm 1/2/2018 1/2/2018 Phone Call 1605 12th St.Melvina Uchroth What is the project about and how will it affect my property? Wants more good restaurants in Mohawk. N and 12th- terrible and breaking. Sit Empty. 1/2/2018 1/2/2018 Phone Call 431 52nd pl.Darrell Questions about land development and if the changes will affect his property 1/2/2018 1/2/2018 Phone Call Centennial Blvd.Nancy Public hearing notice and open house information. Went online. 1/2/2018 1/3/2018 Email Centennial Blvd Nancy Rarick RE_ Post Card Recv'd for_ Notice of Public Hearing -- 1_23_18 & 1_9_18.pdf Asked for maps and details for any updates/changes/proposals for Centennial Blvd. Emailed info re: the TSP Implementation project and draft Conceptual Street Map and explained there is no current planning underway for that project and community members along the corridor would be engaged if and when that study occurs as a separate project. 1/2/2018 1/3/2018 Email Lilly Shibou RE_ proposed land use regs_.pdf Asked if she provided address or lot number would staff respond with information as to whether and what impact this will have on her property. Explained more info would be provided if she provides an address. 1/2/2018 1/3/2018 Email 212 Q Street David Willis RE_ Land use regulations proposed changes.pdf David tried to access Ref. ORS numbs on line but couldn't figure it out. Explained ORS references and included link to project webpage that has copies of draft proposed changes to SDC, Conceptual Street Map, and draft proposed changes to the TSP project list. 1/2/2018 1/4/2018 Email DAVE JACOBSON IS A STAKEHOLDER SOUNDING BOARD MEMBER Dave Jacobson RE_ TSP Implementation - Additional Feedback Requested on Draft Conceptual Street Map.pdf He asked about the many streets that don't go all the way through and if emergency vehicles have gotten stuck and not be able to turn around. Asked Dave if her had any locations or examples in mind the City may have missed. 1/3/2018 1/3/2018 Email Bill Gabriel Questions regarding the Transportation Plan upcoming meetings.pdf There is a lot to cover. Will you be taking public comments and feedback regarding the individual projects and studies at the upcoming meetings? Will there be future events? Who should we address our concerns? Re: Listed the additional meetings and ways to comment. 1/3/2018 1/4/2018 Phone Call Barry Davis Ann Court attorney. Follow up PB-4 1/3/2018 1/4/2018 Phone Call & Email Barry Davis Public Notice Re_ TSP Implementation Follow Up.pdf He asked about Project PB-4. Responded that it is an acknowledged project the the Springfield TSP and no changes to the project are proposed at this time. 1/3/2018 1/4/2018 Phone Call 25 Ann Ct. Jennifer Snyder Vacant lot development- would it trigger PB-4 if house were built?Attachment 4, Page 7 of 18 Attachment 4: Springfield Transportation System Plan Implementation Public Notice Comment Log (Emails, Letters, Phone Calls, Written Public Comment, Walk-In Comments) See copies of all emails, letters, open house comment cards, and written public comment submitted on project website at http://springfield-or.gov/dpw/TSP.htm 1/3/2018 1/4/2018 Phone Call & Email 25 Ann Ct Jennifer Snyder Public Notice Follow Up - Ann Court Path Project.pdf Staff shared that PB-4 is an already adopted project and no changes to the planned project are proposed. Explained proposed amendments to SDC 4.2-150.A outline when dedication or improvement of private property for path would be required. Staff also shared that in general under SDC 5.1-110.G, construction of a single-family home on a lawfully created parcel or lot within City limits does not require development approval. 1/3/2018 1/4/2018 Email Main Street Dani Wright RE_ 10_45 Friday1.pdf Confirmed meeting date. 1/3/2018 Walk-in 1172 Delrose Dr Ken Scott Not supportive of Delrose conceptual local street connection shown on draft map. He understands the need for secondary emergency access, but bought property since he wanted to be isolated and is concerned about crime from river area at the end of Harvest Ln becoming more prevalent in his area. Explained role of Conceptual Street Map and documented comment. 1/4/2018 1/4/2018 Email 1496 8th St. Rory Donoho Transportation Citizen Concern.pdf Resident came in and talked with Toste. Couldn't get a hold of anyone from the project. Thought the city was taking their property. Wants to know closest impact on house. 1/4/2018 1/4/2018 Phone Call 1496 8th St. Rory Donoho Came to City Hall and talked with Toste. He was concerned City was taking his property. Emma called back and worries alleviated. 1/4/2018 1/4/2018 Phone Call Robyn Information. Received callback. Overview please. (See earlier entry) 1/4/2018 1/5/2018 Phone Call 72nd St.Mary Bowdy Information and impact. 1/4/2018 1/5/2018 Phone Call Carol Clifton Explain please. Explained and she is not affected. 1/4/2018 1/5/2018 Phone Call 2700 C St.Lorane Flattery/Flannery No internet. Direct impact? 1/4/2018 1/5/2018 Email GEORGE GRIER IS A STAKEHOLDER SOUNDING BOARD MEMBER George Grier RE_ TSP Implementation - Additional Feedback Requested on Draft Conceptual Street Map.pdf George Grier's response to additional feedback requested on draft conceptual street map. 1/4/2018 1/5/2018 Phone Call Thurston Jeff Plumber Information and will attend meeting. Directed to website. Not affected by changes. 1/4/2018 1/5/2018 Phone Call 544 Manfield St.Larry Sullivan Reviewed- has questions about impact to Manfield St. Lane Education Service District Superintendant, retired. Called with voicemail full. 1/4/2018 1/5/2018 Phone Call Raleighwood Revisiting openeing up former railroad tracks behind Gambird Village and Raleighwood? Bad. Gateway/Beltline? 1/4/2018 /2018- cannot con Phone Call 510 Pacific Ave Dana, Jesus, Trystan Donaeu, Quintin, McClain Does not understand terms. Please send additional information- larger format. 1/4/2018 Walk-in 1496 8th Street Rory Donoho RE_ Transportation Citizen Concern.pdf Citizen walk-in received flyer and thought it was a notification of the City claiming eminent domain on his property.Attachment 4, Page 8 of 18 Attachment 4: Springfield Transportation System Plan Implementation Public Notice Comment Log (Emails, Letters, Phone Calls, Written Public Comment, Walk-In Comments) See copies of all emails, letters, open house comment cards, and written public comment submitted on project website at http://springfield-or.gov/dpw/TSP.htm 1/5/2018 1/8/2018 Phone Call 343 5th St.Elsea Bergold Information. Asked if there were any changes proposed for immediate neighborhood- no. 1/5/2018 1/8/2018 Phone Call Irene Camlile Information about public hearing and land use changes. Asked if open house was drop-in format- yes. 1/5/2018 1/8/2018 Phone Call 5th St. property Jacqueline Reed Written copy please. Lives out of state. Asked for mailing address and provided link to website. Mailed written copy. 1/5/2018 1/9/2018 Phone Call 11635 34th Pl.Jeanette Froman Property south- are they going to be developed? Answered all her questions except if the 2 properties south of her are being developed. If you know the answer, can you call her back? 1/6/2018 1/9/2018 Email 936 Lochaven Ave.Stephen Reay RE_ Proposed Barrier Removal at Don St. and Lochaven Ave..pdf Against the barrier removal at Don and Lochaven. When Mayor Lundberg was on council she promised it would never come down. Wondering why neighbors got postcards and he didn't. There is no stakeholder on the SSB from the neighborhood. Re: Your comments will go to the Planning Commission to be heard. Agree that there should be traffic calming efforts. In 2002, council acknowlecged that another council may make changes at another time. Provided web links. 1/7/2018 1/8/2017 Email 1732 T Street Dianne Rush RE_ Public Hearing about ordinance amendment..pdf Cannot attend the January mtgs. Asked for emailed info regarding proposal and how it would affect their property. Emailed explanation requested and included link to website, draft Conceptual Street Map and TSP Project Maps. 1/8/2018 1/8/2018 Email 2525 Olympic Rhonda Stoltz RE_ Jan 23 public meeting1.pdf Rhonda unable to access website that is listed on the website. Emma sent link to website. Rhonda asked if anything specifically affects Jerry's Home Improvement Center or thar shopping center development on Olympic St. Emma responded the commercial location where Jerry's is located is not proposed to change as part of the TSP Implementation. 1/8/2018 1/9/2018 Phone Call 4380 Smith Dr.Tammy Carasoe-Suttlemeyer Proposing putting street through property owned by family for over 60 years. Heard from neighbor. Realtor in Bend. Contacted by phone and email. 1/8/2018 1/9/2018 Email Phil Farrington Comments- the deadline to submit written comments? Emailed back 1/9 1/8/2018 1/9/2018 Phone Call 1702 28th St.Bob Gresham (Cascade Automotion) Information. Interested in land use. Will attend open house to learn more about Springfield Development Code changes. 1/8/2018 1/9/2018 Phone Call 69th area Sue Hartman 1/8/2018 1/9/2018 Phone Call 3760 Cherokee Dr.Ron Keefoffer Email link to website? Call number is to working hours. 1/8/2018 1/9/2018 Phone Call 523 65th St.Fran Morris Husband uses wheelchair- would like ADA ramps in neighborhood.Attachment 4, Page 9 of 18 Attachment 4: Springfield Transportation System Plan Implementation Public Notice Comment Log (Emails, Letters, Phone Calls, Written Public Comment, Walk-In Comments) See copies of all emails, letters, open house comment cards, and written public comment submitted on project website at http://springfield-or.gov/dpw/TSP.htm 1/8/2018 1/9/2018 Email 204 N 19th St.Phillip Pirisino RE_ Land use regulations.pdf Will there be any changes to my area? What should I be looking at? Re: Every property owner within the UGB received this notice. The changes only affect you if you redevelop. Maps can be found online (provided links) 1/8/2018 1/9/2018 Phone Call Thurston Rd.Jeremy Shera 1/8/2018 1/9/2018 Phone Call 441 W. D St.Mariam West Call between 3-5pm.Busy Signal. Asked Molly yo call about Glenwood Refinement Plan. West D St. future, corporate planning projects. 1/8/2018 1/9/2018 Phone Call Virginia Daidy around 32/42nd/S.50th? Affect taxes? Traffic issues? Roundabouts- thinks they are dangerous. Interested in Virgnia Ave. Mailbox full. 1/8/2018 1/9/2018 Phone Call 472 S 71st St Ray Information. Shared information about Bluebelle Way and coceptual local street. 1/8/2018 1/9/2018 Phone Call 1147 Quinalt Yvonne Required to attend? Mother is spanish speaking only. 1/8/2018 1/9/2018 Phone Call Ron/Rob 1/8/2018 Email 935 Lochaven Ave.Jeffrey Gordon Jeffrey emailed in response from Emma on 1/8/18 with additional comments. 1/9/2018 1/9/2018 Phone Call Pacific Coast Real Estate Max Jordan Calling on behalf of property owner- East of 66th St, Noth of Thurston Rd. Looks like nothing in area. 885 66th St. Lots: 1702341102400, 1702341102401. Discussed Aaron lane connection 1/9/2018 1/9/2018 Phone Call 257 @. 47th St.Ed Paver Information/ Call between 9am-3pm 1/9/2018 1/9/2018 Phone Call 999 Old Orchard Ln.Charles Robert Open House- will there be specific project information or same as webpage information? Hayden Bridge Rd. is busy. Traffic has increased. 1/9/2018 1/9/2018 Email Westwinds Estates Daisy St and 48th Phyllis Robin RE_ REF. ORS 227.186(5)(b)_215.503(5)(a).pdf Is there impact where I live? RE: Is there a proposed change that you are concerned about? (provided project website) 1/9/2018 1/9/2018 Phone Call Phyllis Robin Westwinds estates- Daisy and @. 48th. Please leave detailed VM message. Thankful for call. Understands 1/9/2018 1/9/2018 Phone Call Joyce Summer Wants to come to Open House but can't make it at 4pm. Is that okay? 1/9/2018 1/9/2018 Phone Call Clearwater Ln and 23rd D St.Marie 2nd time called. Affect property? Cannot find information. Call two times or leave message. Emailed webpage. 1/9/2018 1/10/2018 Email Ron & Michelle Barth RE_ ORS 227.186(5)(a) and ORS 215.503(5)(a) comments.pdf Have concerns with proposed changes that don't require street parking. Explained this comments will be shared with the Planning Commission and City Council 1/9/2018 1/11/2018 Phone Call Scott Brown Information and affecting property value. Called and gave information. Not affected. 1/9/2018 1/11/2018 Phone Call Vickie Nelson Impact? Cannot attend open house. Called and gave information. Not affected. 1/9/2018 1/11/2018 Phone Call Rod Called and left message 1/11/2018. Rod called back and is not affected.Attachment 4, Page 10 of 18 Attachment 4: Springfield Transportation System Plan Implementation Public Notice Comment Log (Emails, Letters, Phone Calls, Written Public Comment, Walk-In Comments) See copies of all emails, letters, open house comment cards, and written public comment submitted on project website at http://springfield-or.gov/dpw/TSP.htm 1/9/2018 Walk-in Yolanda and 17th Property Owner Supportive of Delrose conceptual local street connection - would provide alternative to Hayden Bridge Road if it gets blocked up. Documented comment. 1/10/2018 1/10/2018 Phone Call Douglas House 33700 Sage St Joan Daley Phone call.pdf Attened open house. No web access. Paper copies please. Douglas House owner. Plans to contact wetland registry and Springfield Museum to attend public hearing. 1/10/2018 1/11/2018 Email Dani Wright RE_ Simple, I request Main St be Exempt from the TSP..pdf Wording needs to be added to TSP that Main St. from Mill to 21st including So. A and Main St. from 21st to Bob Straub is not included in the TSP. Emma ensured her comments were documented and provided to Planning Commission. 1/10/2018 Letter McKenzie Glass Joe Tokalty JT Ltr to Planning Commissions 0111018 Scanned.pdf Original letter to city staff. 1/11/2018 1/11/2018 Phone Call 4948 Main St. Linda Borsek Need Information and cannot attend meeting. Not affected but needs to be put on Main St. Interested parties. 1/11/2018 1/11/2018 Email Phil Farrington RE_ Conceptual Street Map testimony.pdf Phil asked that the attached written testimony to Springfield & Lane County Planning Commissions be forwarded prior to 1/23/18 public hearning. Emma will make sure attachments are documented and provided to Planning Commission. 1/11/2018 1/11/2018 Phone Call 561 Nth 37th Mary Flack Just wants information on effect. Called and not affected. 1/11/2018 1/11/2018 Email Mitch Hanan RE_ Public Comment on Proposed Springfield Development Code (SDC) Amendments.pdf Mitch provided additional public comments re: proposed amendments to SDC code. Emma documented and provided to Planning Commission. 1/11/2018 1/11/2018 Phone Call 111 S 47th St Mitch Hanan Mitch had some additional questions with regards to potential development impacts and said that he has been reviewing the proposed changes more since he received the copy of the proposed Springfield Development Code changes at the 1/9 Open House. Emma explained that Mitch can come into City Hall and ask questions at the Current Development front desk with a planner on duty to gain a better understanding of how the development review process works and to be able to discuss what he may want to do with a property he has in mind. 1/11/2018 1/11/2018 Email McKenzie Glass Joe Tokalty RE_ TSP Comments.pdf Joe delivered TSP comments. Emma will make sure they are documented and provided to Planning Commission. 1/11/2018 1/11/2018 Phone Call Carolyn Vike General information on impact to property. Called and not affected. 1/11/2018 1/11/2018 Phone Call Trying to send email and need help. Left message with correct email information 1/11/2018 1/11/2018 Phone Call Donna Wants information/ Called and provided information. Not affected. 1/11/2018 Letter Phil Farrington CDC ltr to PCs re Conceptual Street Map 011118.pdf Original letter to city staff.Attachment 4, Page 11 of 18 Attachment 4: Springfield Transportation System Plan Implementation Public Notice Comment Log (Emails, Letters, Phone Calls, Written Public Comment, Walk-In Comments) See copies of all emails, letters, open house comment cards, and written public comment submitted on project website at http://springfield-or.gov/dpw/TSP.htm 1/11/2018 Letter 401 N. 71st Street Mitch Hanan City of Springfield ODOT, LTD Main Street Project - Code Amendment Issue....pdf Original letter to city staff. 1/11/2018 Walk-in 111 S 47th St Mitch Hanan Mitch stopped by City Hall to drop off a hard copy of the additional comments he wanted submitted to the Planning Commissions. He asked some additional questions. Staff explained the adopted TSP Policies and project direction provided that guide the project proposes changes to the Springfield Development Code and adopting the Conceptual Street Map. Emma also explained the connection between the local conceptual streets shown and the Public Streets street connectivity section of the Springfield Development Code proposed changes. 1/14/2018 1/17/2018 Email 4912 Holly St.Sher Castro RE_ Planned street change for Holly St..pdf Answered questions about extending Holly St. and emailed conceptual street map. 1/15/2018 1/17/2018 Phone call Thurston Rd. past Weaver Rd.Sherry Southworth 3-lane cross-section w/sidewalks to UGB - how far? Zoning A? t acre parcel? Information please. 1/15/2018 1/18/2018 Phone call 2574 27th St. (near Yolanda)Don Woodskow Impact? Exact location. 3rd call. 1/16/2018 1/17/2018 Email 1505 Main St.David Clyde RE_ Transportation plan.pdf Answered questions. Provided link for sign up to receive project updates about Maint Street planning efforts. 1/16/2018 1/17/2018 Phone call & Email 1505 Main St. - listed for sale David Clyde Called and emailed caller. 1/16/2018 1/17/2018 Phone call & Email 1505 Main St. BJ Jones How will it affect Main St. Returned call and sent email. 1/16/2018 1/18/2018 Phone call 1530 T Street Laura Coffman Confused by website. Please call. 1/16/2018 1/18/2018 Phone call 12th & C, 23rd & Centennial Noran Hart Walkin. Would like like call back. Emma called back & shared informatio. No more questions at this time. 1/16/2018 1/18/2018 Email & Meeting 200 International Way, McKenzie Gateway Business Park, 950 International Way Connie Levine RE_ Springfield Transportation Plan, Street Concepts, and Development Code Changes2.pdf Emma Newman and Tom Boyatt met with Connie Levine and David Divini from G Group to discuss the proposed changes. They both were supportive of the plan and were appreciative of the meeting and being kept in the loop. They commented that it seems to align with the previously adopted plan and discussions and will benefit development in the Gateway area. 1/16/2018 1/22/2018 Phone Call 1217 R St.Erma Dieterly Lives in Illinois, info please. Emma left VM, cutout <10 sec. 1/17/2018 1/23/2018 Email Sher Castro Re_ Planned street change for Holly St.3.pdf Emailed Sher additional information about previious emails. 1/18/2018 1/18/2018 Phone call 2620 31st St. (north of Yolanda, south of Hayden Br.Jim Branch Woulk like to meet w/staff pre P.H. Set up meeting for 4 p.m. 1/18/2018 1/18/2018 Phone Call Dean Burkhart Opportunity at the hearing to present info? Talked with Emma @ City Hall 1/18/2018 1/18/2018 Phone Call Zach Cardo Information 1/18/2018 1/18/2018 Phone Call Royal Dell, Blackstone Street Marilyn Gude Affect? Info pleaseAttachment 4, Page 12 of 18 Attachment 4: Springfield Transportation System Plan Implementation Public Notice Comment Log (Emails, Letters, Phone Calls, Written Public Comment, Walk-In Comments) See copies of all emails, letters, open house comment cards, and written public comment submitted on project website at http://springfield-or.gov/dpw/TSP.htm 1/18/2018 1/18/2018 Phone Call 1435 W. Quinault St Chuck Mueller Looked at website. Doesn't look as if street is - would like to see Anderson Ln. connect through as shown on CSM 1/18/2018 1/18/2018 Phone Call/Email 4th & Main St. 3rd - 5th Jim Ronbach Public Notice Follow Up and Main Street Information.pdf Rec'd postcard 1/13. No planned construction, right? Website was pretty good. 1/18/2018 1/18/2018 Email 3245 Virginia Ave.Mike & Debbie Sweeney RE_ Contact on Friday 1_19_18 1.pdf Will meet with Emma on 1/19 @ 9 am. 1/18/2018 1/18/2018 Phone call 5881 Thurston Rd.George Wickheizer Area covered? Affect? 1/18/2018 1/18/2018 Phone call 7th north of Centennial Barbara P.H. notice. VM please. 1/18/2018 1/22/2018 Phone & Walk-in 733 54th Street Opa/Detzler Emma explained info . Opal said that answered her questions. 1/18/2018 Phone, Walk-in 1/22. 1/19/2018 1/23/2018 Email 918 66th St. Chris Davidson RE_ Springfield transportation plan updates.pdf Emma will submit his additional comments to the Planning Commission for their consideration. 1/19/2018 1/23/2018 Email Raymond Miller RE_ TSP Truck Route.pdf Raymond thinks roundabout at Marcola and 42nd and then another at 28th and Marcola is a bad idea. Emma ensured his comments are documented and shared with the Planning Commission. 1/22/2018 1/22/2018 Walk-in & Phone 1025 Kelly Blvd Wayne Baker Wayne came in and talked with Toste. He inquired about the flyer he received. Staff called Wayne back and answered his general project information questions. 1/22/2018 1/22/2018 Phone Call Glenwood Michelle Foxman Talked with Michelle and explained what was going on around the coffee plant. The coffee plant owner has been working with SUB on a private access road for SUB to get to its new proposed facilities and for the coffee plant owner to access some areas for security that he has had some issues with homeless camping. No public road is planned for up there. She appreciated the call and had nothing further in relation to the TSP code update. 1/22/2018 1/22/2018 Phone Call 551 Mallard Ave.Susan Kelley Where in City Hall is 1/23 mtg? Questions re: TSP. (Walk-in, phone follow up) Doesn't like R-8, PB-2 makes sense. 1/22/2018 1/22/2018 Phone Call 47th Street Ruth Rice Vela Scott on behalf of mother Ruth,. Ruth is puzzled and concerned. Cost? Impact? 1/22/2018 1/23/2018 Phone Call Carma Cockran P.H. questions. 1/22/2018 1/23/2018 Email Philip Farrington Re_ Springfield TSP Implementation Project Update1.pdf He plans to speak at 1/23 meeting. How much time will he have? 1/22/2018 1/23/2018 Email 936 Lochaven Ave.Kathy Reay RE_ Barrier at Lochaven and Fon.pdf Emma ensured Kathy her comments will be submitted to the Planning Commission. 1/23/2018 1/23/2018 Email 250 S. 32nd St.Eric Adams RE_ Springfield TSP Implementation Project Update.pdf He will be submitting written testimony at the hearing 1/23. 1/23/2018 1/23/2018 Email Eric Adams RE_ Springfield TSP Implementation Project Update3.pdf Resubmitted new attachment originally included with email he sent earlier this morning. 1/23/2018 1/23/2018 Phone Call 4949 Main Street Bill Boresek Questions re: 4949 Main St. not affected but need to be on MSSP IP List 1/23/2018 1/23/2018 Phone Call Rory Donohoe Meeting is about my street. Wen is the meeting?Attachment 4, Page 13 of 18 Attachment 4: Springfield Transportation System Plan Implementation Public Notice Comment Log (Emails, Letters, Phone Calls, Written Public Comment, Walk-In Comments) See copies of all emails, letters, open house comment cards, and written public comment submitted on project website at http://springfield-or.gov/dpw/TSP.htm 1/23/2018 1/23/2018 Email 2329 Dornoch St.Brian Ellison RE_ T.S.P plan.pdf Brian is opposed to the multi-use path that runs through the residential neighborhood from Laura to Dornoch. Emma ensured his comments are documented and provided the the Planning Commission. 1/23/2018 1/23/2018 Phone Call 1242 N Street Lavone Hamlin Called to ask about project. Questions answered. Would share info with elderly neighbors. 1/23/2018 1/23/2018 Phone Call Mitch Hanan Someone sent email about pause in TSP Code. Email wants to talk to Emma. Emma returned phone call and clarified Main Street planning efforts vs. TSP Implementation Project. 1/23/2018 1/23/2018 Email 111 S. 47th St.Mitch Hanan RE_ Main Street Update January 23, 2018.pdf Answered questions in Mitch's email. 1/23/2018 1/23/2018 Phone Call Sue Hartman Should I come to the meeting. 1/23/2018 1/23/2018 Email DAVE JACOBSON IS A STAKEHOLDER SOUNDING BOARD MEMBER Dave Jacobson RE_ Springfield TSP Implementation Project Updat2.pdf Emma provided Dave's comments regarding CSM to the Planning Commission. 1/23/2018 1/23/2018 Walk-in Larry Knight Don't quite understand what they are wanting to change. 1/23/2018 1/23/2018 Email SUB Jeff Nelson RE_ SUB comments on City's Transportation Plan.pdf Emailed SUB's comments on the City's Transp. Plan. 1/23/2018 1/23/2018 Phone Call 3501 Garden Ave.Laura Olds Wants to know about a road across property. 1/23/2018 1/23/2018 Phone Call 910 Nancy Ave.Chet Rob Is there anything we should bring. What is meeting about? Want barriers removed off at Don Street!!! 1/23/2018 1/23/2018 Phone Call 2727 20th Street Mark Roeman What is meeting about? 1/23/2018 1/23/2018 Email Richard Satre RE_ TSP3.pdf Emailed Rick link to the TSP Implementation project webpage for the most current project schedule. 1/23/2018 1/23/2018 Phone Call Mansfield St.Larry Sullivan Calling for info / clarify proposed changes close to Mansfield St. Reviewed material. Emma answered questions. May attend P.H. 1/23/2018 1/23/2018 Phone Call Nancy Waymeyer P.H. info please. Emma explained changes. 1/23/2018 1/23/2018 Phone Call 733 S. 68th St.Maria Is our property directly affected or not. Not affected. 1/23/2018 1/23/2018 Phone call to Toste @ SE Quad 3501 Garden Ave.Laura Olds 3501 Garden Ave - Objection to TPIP.pdf She is against project. 1/23/2018 1/23/2018 Petition & Letters Fairhaven Street N/A N/A Gentleman dropped off a packet of petition signatures and letters from 31 residents in the Fairhaven Street area. Staff scanned and uploaded the documents to the project webpage for review. 1/23/2018 1/24/2018 Email James McLaughlin FW_ Tonight's meeting.pdf His comments re: 1/23 meeting 1/24/2018 1/24/2018 Email Hayden Homes Shane Johnson Shane met with Gino and the Mayor and expressed concern about curb and gutter standards for new development and wants the City to consider alternative options. Emma and Michael left Shane a voicemail to try to better understand his concerns and suggestions.Attachment 4, Page 14 of 18 Attachment 4: Springfield Transportation System Plan Implementation Public Notice Comment Log (Emails, Letters, Phone Calls, Written Public Comment, Walk-In Comments) See copies of all emails, letters, open house comment cards, and written public comment submitted on project website at http://springfield-or.gov/dpw/TSP.htm 1/24/2018 1/24/2018 Phone Call 3501 Garden Laura Olds Laura followed up with Becky following the public hearing and had additional development questions that were outside of the scope of the TSP Implementation project. Emma and Becky suggested that she contact one of the City's current development planners to discuss potential development opportunities for her property and the current status of other developments she had questions about. 1/24/2018 1/24/2018 Email 672 Anderson Lane Bruce White RE_ Proposed Land Use Regulations.pdf Requesting additional information re: the proposed TSP Implementation Project items. Emma answered questions. 1/24/2018 1/26/2018 Email Menlo Loop Charlene Larison RE_ last nights meeting.pdf Questions re: her street. Explained unless she planned to develop property further proposed changes in SDC most likely not directly apply to her property. 1/24/2018 Email Michael Koivula Parking code.pdf Has additional comments re: last nights work session. 1/24/2018 Email Michael Koivula Sidewalk standards & flush mount utility covers.pdf Additional comments re: sidewal standards from last nigts meeting. 1/25/2018 Phone Call Gary Burnett Questions re: 1/23 P.H. 1/25/2018 Email 672 Anderson Lane Bruce White Re_ Proposed Land Use Regulations1.pdf Bruce said the plans makes sense and seems to be part of Springfield's continuing efforts to move in a positive direction on a number of fronts. He wanted to know if the proposal directly involves his street or affects his property in any way. Bruce and his wife have no plans to partition or develop property. They are particularly interested in transportation part of plan that affects roads & bike paths. 1/26/2018 1/26/2018 Phone Call 1750 Yolanda Sara L.Questions re: 1750 Yolanda, No real impact. 12/28/2017 12/28/2017 Phone Call Kristen Dyelly Lives in Donnelly. What do the changes nearby mean for me? Looks like intersection changes at 26th and Harlow? 1/29/2018 1/29/2018 Phone Call Hayden Bridge area Pearl Wedmore Pearl left voicemail. She had heard about the project from a neighbor and heard that some streets were trying to be pushed through. She requested information sheets. Staff returned her call and left a voicemail, offering information and copies, awaiting her direction. 1/4/2018 1/5/2018 Phone Call 1217 R St. (2 4-plexes)Erna Diederly Live in Illinois. Called and no voicemail. Goes straight to busy tone. 12/20/2017 Phone Call Vicky Mello Left voicemail on 12/20/17 12/21/2017 Phone Call 1575 West Quinalt Tom Aldrich 12/21/2017 Phone Call Don Dougdale 12/21/2017 Phone Call 7955 S A St Lesa Evans Provided information about the project 12/21/2017 Email & Phone Call 272 44th St Jeremiah Farish Draft Conceptual Street Map.pdf Emailed Conceptual Street Map 12/21/2017 Email & Phone Call 272 44th St Jeremiah Farish Re_ Draft Conceptual Street Map.pdf Follow up email 12/21/2017 Phone Call 1443 Centennial Blvd Thomas Finney Provided information on how the proposed changes could possibly impact his property if he developed 12/21/2017 Phone Call Virginia Keizer Called back and provided website addressAttachment 4, Page 15 of 18 Attachment 4: Springfield Transportation System Plan Implementation Public Notice Comment Log (Emails, Letters, Phone Calls, Written Public Comment, Walk-In Comments) See copies of all emails, letters, open house comment cards, and written public comment submitted on project website at http://springfield-or.gov/dpw/TSP.htm 12/21/2017 Phone Call 246 Hayden Bridge Way KC McVay 12/21/2017 Phone Call Corner of 6th & M Carla Patterson 12/21/2017 Phone Call 241 Seward Ave.Barbara Peery Requested hardcopy of project materials; called back to let Ms. Peery know it would be roughly 100 pages 12/21/2017 Phone Call 2055 Otto St Joyce Reilly Called back and answered questions about annexation and how it could impact a property owner in the future if they decided to develop or redevelop their property 12/21/2017 Phone Call Tina Sanford Provided information about the project and how it could impact a property owner in the future if they decided to develop or redevelop their property 12/21/2017 Phone Call 1632 Main St Jerry Tanten Provided more information about the project, how, if, it could impact develop in the future; additionally confirmed the project was separate from the Main Street Project 12/21/2017 Phone Call 47th & Main St - State Farm Kay Vargee? Called back and Ms. Vargee is out of town until January; questions about traffic flow and property value impacts 12/21/2017 Phone Call 21st & G Linda Woodland 12/21/2017 Phone Call 2563 I St Marilyn Woods 12/22/2017 Phone Call 918 66th St Dawn Craig Answered questions about proposed street through property on the Conceptual Street Map 12/22/2017 Phone Call Curt Switzer Emailed back 12/27/2017 Email 6613 Main St Bonnie Mogstad 66th Street and Main Pedestrian Crossing.pdf Michael's follow up email 12/27/2017 Phone Call 2174 N 11th St Henry Morales Letter to Henry Morales RE TSP implementation.pdf Requested hardcopy of project materials; didn't leave enough information to call back so instead mailed letter to let him know if would be roughly 100 pages - see attached letter 12/29/2017 Phone Call 4631 Daisy St Donna Brooks Left voice mail message. 12/29/2017 Phone Call 157 12th St James Dancey Provided information about what the project is, that no proposed changes to the Conceptual Street Map would impact that address or general neighborhood plus explained how it could impact a property owner in the future if they decided to develop or redevelop their property 12/29/2017 Phone Call Jeff Gates Provided information about what the project is, that no proposed changes to the Conceptual Street Map would impact that address or general neighborhood plus explained how it could impact a property owner in the future if they decided to develop or redevelop their propertyAttachment 4, Page 16 of 18 Attachment 4: Springfield Transportation System Plan Implementation Public Notice Comment Log (Emails, Letters, Phone Calls, Written Public Comment, Walk-In Comments) See copies of all emails, letters, open house comment cards, and written public comment submitted on project website at http://springfield-or.gov/dpw/TSP.htm 12/29/2017 Phone Call Main Street Paul Ryan Asked if the project was related to the Main Street Project and particularly curbs. Explained it is separate and confirmed he is on the Main Street project interested parties list. 12/29/2017 Phone Call & Email 25 Ann Ct Jennifer Snyder Springfield Transportation System Plan - Public Notice.pdf Provided a information about what the project is about. Jennifer owns a vacant lot directly behind her residence and the Conceptual Street Map shows a multi-use path on it. She has questions about how it was proposed. 12/29/2017 Phone Call 3910 E 17th Ave Shannon Wilson Provided information about what the project is, that no proposed changes to the Conceptual Street Map would impact that address or general neighborhood plus explained how it could impact a property owner in the future if they decided to develop or redevelop their property. Additionally, had questions about the New Franklin Blvd project, which were answered and confirmed he is on the project interested parties list. 12/29/2017 Phone Call 1890 Rambling Dr Debbie Debbie called on behalf of her elderly neighbor at the address provided; let her know what the project was about, that no proposed changes to the Conceptual Street Map would impact that address or general neighborhood plus explained how it could impact a property owner in the future if they decided to develop or redevelop their property 12/29/2017 Phone Call Darney Ave & Beverly Ave No Name Left voicemail on 12/29/17 asking for a call back with exact address 1/4/2018 Email E 20th Kevin Biersdorff RE_ Transportation System Plan Project List3.pdf Emma responded that after talking with other staff they agreed this is a location that was missed by accident during initial creation of the draft Conceptual Street Map and recommend to the Planning Commission to show local conceptual street connections at either end of E. 20th Ave. in Glenwood. 1/18/2018 Email Jim Rombach Public Notice Follow Up and Main Street Information.pdf Sent email address where Jim can sign up for email updates about ongoing and future Main St. corridor related planning efforts. 1/18/2018 Email 675 S. 2nd St.Steven Schultz Springfield Transportation Open House Follow Up - S. 2nd and F St.pdf Answered questions & senr link to website. 1/18/2018 Email Amberle & Josh Springfield Transportation Open House Follow Up - Fairhaven.pdf Emma sent their comments to Planning Commission for review. Attachment 4, Page 17 of 18 Attachment 4: Springfield Transportation System Plan Implementation Public Notice Walk-In Counts Date Number of People City Hall re: Public Notice 12/20/2017 9 12/21/2017 11 12/22/2017 13 12/26/2017 2 12/27/2017 3 12/28/2017 1 12/29/2017 0 1/2/2018 2 1/3/2018 5 1/4/2018 5 1/5/2018 3 1/8/2018 2 1/9/2018 6 1/10/2018 3 1/11/2018 3 1/12/2018 2 1/16/2018 4 1/17/2018 2 1/18/2018 1 1/19/2018 2 1/22/2018 4 1/23/2018 2 1/25/2018 5 TOTAL:90Attachment 4, Page 18 of 18