HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN 7/3/2008 1:11:03 PM Permit Building 15684 ~ .. .Y POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE, '.-j .-;:1 _ _ ~"V---<''-' _ _ . JOB ADDRESS: '1994"":Iiilana~Way, 'Springfield',' Oregon CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # LC-1902-79-MIl -.- .....__.--.___ J TRS, TL: 18-03-2.:3,3 ..Ii' G <,/ tJtJ Subdivision: Filbert Grove, 4th add, Lot 17, Block 6 This permit for the referenced property is,hereby approved. Setbacks and other conditions of'approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result'in revocation of this 'permit, citation under provisions of Lime County's Infraction Ordinance,and/or other remedies allowed by law. r.onstructi6n'appro~ed ,by this permit:, CONSTRUCTION" Type of Constrj,lction:, " Group:' MIl Fire Zone: '3 Use Classification: SFD/MIl . PERMITS/INSPECTION Instructions: Provide footings and piers to comply with state foundation requirements. for mobile homes or ,DIVISiON as recommend<:d. Ly d.<: mfg. that are attached ,to the inside of the mobile home. Also, provide skirting as required. See reverse side for required inspections. Your site is located within a flood harzard area. A min. finish floor elev. ,of '449.0 shall be secured,& certified as reguired by_~t,he enclosed flood plain mgmt letter. MIl frame tiedowns arerequired'F perl enClpure... ifi\1e' ground elevt tli, at. Bee MIl w~1td?n Rtaced on Is below the required 1st floor elev. . or pans Intormallon g 7-3760 be ween ~: a.m, an ,: a. ", RA.lnh H h For inspections (see bac oTthls permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00a.m. and 5mlfp.rrr?ug ',' . . ~ne county ~--= Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS # Water Supply: : Community PLANNING DIVISION, WATER POLLUTION CONTRO,L DIVISION , Setbacks . .'f~terior property Fnes . '- ~'li:lge of road right-of-way BUilding foundation .Wells, other'water source,s , . . ' , Directions to Site: Robert same same / F; Miller, 2026 Westwood Way, Eugene, ,Oregon 686-8353. same, same Telephone:' Telephone:. Telephone: 97401 , Total' Construction Value:,' / 1978 Fuhrman, 24 x '64' double wide~bi+,.e:-,~~~.,rep~~~Eii!te.nt. -.,:/ Structures'now on property: mobile liome , ' '-'. ", " '. # Bedrooms': # Plumbing Fixtures: # Employees: 2 2 na' ,Zoning: RA-MIl ' Pilrtitioning # na . Parcel #' Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road. front: side exterior: ria,'; interior property lines': 5" ;rear'property line: Special I nstructions: Greenway OK per TJ . for.information call 687-4394, Susan Keller na, Parcel Size:, 45' ; centerline of road,. . 7' PUE 58 x 123. Site Inspection # na Installation'specifications: 'exists . gal. min., septic tank capacity; existiSleal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: . na '. , Special Instructions: This' 2 bedroom MIl replaces. the two 'bedroom MIl which was connected ,to the existing system previously. New MIl placed in the same spot as the old MIl so no interference wit,h the septic system. The existing 'system appears to be'. functioning'properly'with no problems reported by the owners. MIl placed prior to permit issuance. . Septic Tank .10' 10' .5' 50~ .. Drainfield 10' 10' 10', 100' Fa; information call 687-3960 between 8:00. 9:00a.m., Kathi Wiederhold Date Issue'd: South'2nd '~~:t~ Dave White/ly C55.13 street to'Dorris to' harbor 'drive to Inland I'a}'. By: ' DEPARTMENT OF'ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EIJGFNF' nRFGnN Q7401 , ., ,., 1 , . .~ o' . l.. .JOB ADDRESS:1994 7~.1""ill ~l1Y~ SrJl."iEl:;7!cl.a. . "- j.f ~ </' tJtJ TRS, TL: i8-Oy'~3,~ ~ ',-,,- ''i' POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE o~:::- CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # ',fl-U32-19J..2 Subdivision: '7g~ ,- .;(;o,~ <i:ll.b C1ld. l'.Gl: 3.70 lllock 6 This permit for the referenced property is hereby OllP~."';". Setbacks and other conditions of approval must b,e strictly observed;, Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation unger provisions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Owner/ Address: Contractor/ Address: Contractor's OS # 'f'..obart 110 IZiUer, 2026 HI'Uil'!:<"rocd t:-::lYo Po~z;:z. (l:;:(~~ 914111 = 0= I Total Construction Value: I' Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: 6$6~3S1) OC!!;j. CCt::dl, Construction apprbvedby this permit: o ' , Water Supply: l;:y,"""",i~ For information call 687-4394, , 1~76 il'nt.""""". 24 s 64 dool.1>1e ,Jll.dc =11>:11" ho;oo ~ne~. ."4 '. ~'I' . ....i:.r'Oetttteo l!D'J an v~y: ~:Ue h.."':leZ' . ~' # Bedrooms:., # Plumbing Fi_xtur-~s: .~ :..1- na c, U' Parcel Size:. 45~ ;,~:~ni~~line of road, " 10(." 10- l'lm~" :~' . ~'C:!ft. \ /.t .ry '. '"t. ~ / ir , . ., # Employees: PLANNING DIVISION , Zon.ing: llt1;=I'1!t Partitioning.# =.. ' Parcel # Minimum required structural setbacks, from:, centerline of road, front: , side exterior: D1l ; interior property lines: 0;0 ;rear property line: Special Instruct, ions:, ... "" ..,.".. "'Y, - .. ~..\t...I~UCl..l"""''"~..a....J sa :II W "...".,.-,"_."","-"I~ WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site Inspection # . Installation specifications: eltf.a 'gal~inin. septic tank capacity; OlI13t~,neal feet of a?ainfield re.quired; max. depth of trenches: 'un tG,.. .:; , , Speclallnstructlons:Th1s2 ~ tm ruv:;:e~-1tbo 1:ml.be1rClriU L<U,,~ I1:'CV ~cil '1:0 ~,r.mfl.s~g syr.tel:l pr.'pV:wlil81y. -~ W"'v1a.t::ed 111 th;l ~ oPt; ~ eba aid ill!. sa 'wi.'ttctfeTeI\ee udth 'the c3ptie, r.yst~"'''ih~ enio!:S\Ds /3Ylilte;:l c~n:roto ,be f"'metio~~l:y mth ~', P~~l~~ ~'GFi~\:ed b,. too G1IIse.ao ~m'p12zed ' ,r:1ol:" ,to ~t i$sucnca.. . ,J" . Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' For information call fm,7_W"O between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.,,..':'..h4 n4~"~_,'A :' ~.. Setbacks 'SepticTank,' .rl'iteriorproperty lines .' 1~ <~ age of road right-of-way 10' _.'" l3'uilding foundation , 5" Wells, other water sources 50' CONSTR,UCTION Type of Construction: Group:, MH Fire Zone: 3 ~ U.se Classification:, SJi'l}/~ PERMITS/INSPECTION Instructions: ~e iaQt;mr;a end plaza to eo::ply mea Btat:l.'l.fOl!l!daelon ~rcm~.ta for,"embUa ~ or "'DIVISION as r<!c~...J'\ld r,y t't1lil crfcr"thnt fire 3tU;;cllail ~ tho ~"''''lcle of t:h2 ::::o3:li1e l!ll;6a. Moo. pr0vi<!2 skUtitig ne ~oo.. Se2~"".,..,,,,.... 13id.e fmr r~rcl inC'.""pi>fous. ,Ylf= oitato !ClCS~ tl':lI:~ n fIca:! b-==d area. A ~f1.ai.ah f100r cllP'.. of 44!'l.O Bll.a1.!'~ ~~r.d.J> ~&Uff!:'d ~ (:~~~ b',Y. e~,iJ;~~ g:l,c"d lililin ~ bl:tel;~,~ f;....t I':wd;=;;;no En'e raquit:'oo;FoPpla~nstin'formatloW calle 64~",,"t.! W6etween~8:00la,m! and;9:00'a'.'mC)Cer/ Cil. ~,a.lj,,,-~,,,,C1 tf>.s l':a!>q'l1:u:~ lOt ,,:l.oorClwo For inspections (see b~i~k'76Ftlir~ permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. anq;5:00~p.m~ ' , , ~CO~ ..~ ,'....., .~ ,':;~t &n~ b<1 otreat: to I10rrw tQ Mr~ dzivo to Ialcad Uay. ""m""'-7'" '. By: ..~ " DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT . COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING . 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE. EUGENE. OREGON 97401 I;;!.":70 fJ'aZ!l,o/ly .- , .:..:...._-/~l .,'"l~" " , .J "". /' SLAB FLOOR PLUMBING'GROUNOwORK .. '. .",: ApP'ROVED / :/ ;..DlsAPPRovEo .C/" DATE , p' REMARKS ,', ApPROV~D < '/ / GAS, PIP I NG GROUNDAORK, DISAPPROVED I 'I DATE . REMARKS " F I N~L' PLUMB.! NG , ApP_RDVED ~ : . REMARKS FIN~LGAS PIPING ,.~ .", , ' 'r. INSPECTOR I NSPE.CTOR I'NSPECTOR . I NSPtCTOR DISAPPROVED,.C/ DATE,jl- ~~ iNSPECTOR .. '.;'~-':"':. ...-o-~______ ~_ . . ~~. ',~~ I, -~~~~ ~ .,.. ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED .;---7 DATE REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE .C/ NOT READY TO ISSUE I / DATE REMARKS <. .- INSPECTOR , ~).L ""1 '- ' - /- ~~" INSPECTOR ,,' ", rl', " '. .' (IlL ,> .' " J :J ~./ OEPARTIIENT OF ENVIRONI1ENTAL't1ANAGEMENT . y, , ," ,'. ' PS~UGi~L E~~~G~~Hg~~.6~UE .'~ Job Address Iff'! J..~~~/'1f '.'.ti.ti( H~:tl 1~111~ltlit~lr9i?~i"~iB~~-:,~~t9#i '-7 ajack &, ' Appllcation for }('Q~"n "':'~'1J;;;;;:z.~ ~ Structures now on the property <1 ...~~ /I.Av a 1)- , . l1ill\]:!O$OO. u$ei~lt"p!vPIl"ty" ~. lilr,ii . tflil[ . n Coi1lwmia}: :. 0 ]oou,,f~llfl , (:1 ilWHliliiJi , '. .' Affidavit: I, ~~./ herebi.' certi'fy ,that this info~mat;on is true and accurate. , : :i!l!l~~!!..tiijt. .' . , . "., ' . If this application is fpr an agricultur?' building it will be, used for purpose? allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code' Chapter 10 (zoning.) a'nd for no other purp6se~ I 'have the fOllow,;nglegal inter,est in the property: "X' owner of record; 'contract purchaser; .. .. lessee; ~: holder. of ,an exclusive option to :purchasej duly author;~ t'f1actJ~~, wner,.wh ;s knowledgeable at th~l'i,71, tion.' T"" ,.' ,a Signature/Address ~'P. ~ '}/J.1.!." !//u~At,. /::~ (zio)J 7'16./ Telephone . -Q;~),'f or' '/Oate ~,:J.J..),J<j79 When perm>>:Js#e~d.Jl' n~y,: _ fL!,~l icant Ji?!.. Owner CI Contractor. 91.: () maif ' J&'Phone' '. " Owner #r~;:r+' ~ ';'. (zip). Phone ' ~~t-R.~,,3 Contract~r'~~ 'if;', (zip) ,Pho'ne' Contractor's OSR#- ,. . . Plumbing by. . .I: , iAt\~ji{ii~l:,{&H!llil" J.C -7rO~':7?j;$1I i8~~j~ft~~ji'N~m~~E~: If Commercial:. Residential: DU NUl WKI1I BELUW [HIS LINE' .' # of employees iiTl#i:\iHliil' . 'd- ,'$Q$lf~Existing. ~I. tes,t holes ~eady. , '. ~,pr9P,os~.d. j'R ~p1~~ J)!~~I~t'~ ~ '1111 D .h:l11IY1U AN\..... ~U.12l \2..M~,I..~I~7'X . '-.. ;;;1.4- )( (,A... \ >'2:.1 ,j uQ 7/ " l _ ...' , - -~ BP # ' SI #.LJUf-S7-71*_~L ,.., , '~w~r-~. . Valuation 'Fee Cf , :Filei~ CO<!e $ $ . $' , $ . ~!~~1!::i~:~ /" . '. ,. . Water Supply '~A1~" ~roposed ______' EXiS!inJCI~ .Year Inst~,lled .'. . T6tal Va,luation: $' II~III~~~IIII:; . ~ S'ubtota 1 , '~1U $ 'each $ each. $ $ $ $ $ Ply 0-0 $ &vI~ /2/; 'l~, ;:~;:;' ...SY ie- / ~.3~ rea r 7',r:; #' /f" A%: State surcharge". . , . Pl ans check fee":. ' ~.L~, v'l 3,;"~"!.';~;5 JJS , TOTAL' .. ;. PERMIT. PROCESSING' 'Zone If /I-..,./l1 H Minimum setbacks: 'i., front ,41,c;-1 \~mmen~s ~~ AA~ ~.-U To b~ ,type~ on permit, /J J7 Pa rt. # Parcel # 'i.. side " /'Y;'}- Pa rce 1 S i.ze . int.' ,~,,.. CP&F To be' Type...lf.1-f- ' . typed on permi t Grou p -H..f:f: fU'A / ~;. '. ' ' ,By ~ Date h -d.S--7C/ Use Classificati'on'5fa)/J.il.~ :'.' . :3 Fire' Zone By clu} Date ~?_ For plans info'rmation caJl {area &:;~eltor) 11.". " .', ,i./(X-li!b Phone. ~?I'_/") Directions tOSi~M--1~Q-f.~ E ~--:AU0.'Zf;.J-(.L-PL/~ . Plans to:- CP&I set(s) Date Hold Sl.ip Date Date to ,,'--,- "WPC set(s) Required to PCC' Completed PCC -CI. SlFO lp.<~ ii::r"W PC rl'Planning I~blic Works' - ~evatiOri 'JJ '2" (:1 n/a~) '. , CI o Address .Faci.lity Permit //-~ . ,; ',' /~I Envi,ronmenta 1 Hea.l th . ~ ' -1fJ FOR 'INFOR~1ATION about progres's of your'appl i,cali.on call: C74-171 '101 flI~ S' e "". ',;.1: pef;m;.t".9ont~o-l Center '. 687-HEl~. (6B7-4~57) "J: . " ~ 1:;.- . Name 1Yl" I J., ... · Phnnp '. Application ii-LPO,j. -79lJ1.11for ' 'D'1 0\ M J.J WORK SHEET Construction Permits & Inspection M H Type of Construction ~ Group ~ Fire Zone , !1 F=' D Use Classification NQTF-: ATfA-C-/-LA C()Pt( OF TI-IF. PUll PLA",} '-0 TI-\r= I N6Pt:irTnR',,", GRFI;;\) PER M I"T' UJPI./. J:Q..R~ H'PL.!) CA} etRM IT: e.Ro\)IOe r-OOTJNGtJ AN]) i2LE.RS To {'.nM,PL~ ullTH ;<,TATF; [::.DllNDATlo!V R1=.QIIIf<.EMeAJT.5 ~R ,MOP-ILl:: l-\-Q !..u=.'" 0 ~ A."" RE=;ct"JM M (::'.^' ~t;. D ~T I-It: M,AAJUi=f)I'ToQ fR lJiATAtl2(:: ,ATIAc..l-IE:D To THF;: If\Jt)/Dr: 0;;' THt=: M()~iI ~ I-If\M6... Al.so P~I"'\\}I I'll"': ,.,.KI'RTIN(;r Ll,..... i<S::'r.JI)'I~i=:l"'), ,~~r-" f?t:-U~~F 6l0f 0~ (,A,LI.t==-D ~!LS.Op.""''CLO.^)~. -+ 'i()[)R 61TS:: IS Loc.An:;.c.... lJJITt+/tJ ,A F' ,rv'\D a.-IA3AR D 412~,A, A MIAJIMIJM >=/A)/'''I:-' E1...OQ,ti.___EJ .r::; "A TIClN ~ j:: 11CJ.O i= E F-T ,"",H-- AI 1_ ~r::;"'G L()~(:;D AND rr:;Q'T\ r-:lfD A:e.. Q!=:f.)(ll~.6P E2'1l.) TI-t~ f,JJ{_IL)SGD .rLC?OD PLAIN M.AAJAM.F-Mt:=:-AJT 1.F.?TTF'I2... M()p...IL~. I.:\OM."=; E.&A.M F '1lS::, T)()ItM).<i Ae.r::. (2.cQU I RF;D OF=.12 6..AJr,(J?""'1 )fE.~ , , , l ~ -r Ht=:, q,,a,u UD ~l ,c::::. \JATlokJ TH AT '~l::lli-,uO Po. \ I .~ Hi') ro...t B._____ ~l' 11./. ~c: Dr' Ad.r::, D O~I ~ R,F-, (")\J. ~ THE-I< f:': (;)1 I 1..&fZ..D M/JIlIMUM CIr2~T PI,ooR ~/.~\)ATIt"\A\. Date ti~ 74-164 ~1J. /lkJ 1igna ture ....!." . ' . , , . , 3 ' c! , . <, . <'.;... . .' '.'.;. " , " .~ ":;", -~,- " . ,'~ , ~:. . ,.; .$ ,< "'} "."- i 2. - p ,', .~. . . . :.,~ , ',I ,.", 1. 1.; ~ 'I ';1' ,.:- / 1. "'~j, . , " .. , " . !! , .', " ',' ..-. , ~.' ,,' " " , , " 16 ",;' !--,"", l ,L ;" .... " , 'f- . 'I "I. +" '. '. 20, ,< ," , " . ~ , . " c' -. .~ ',~ ,:',. ~ '..1. " . .' -, , ~ " < -;1 ,. " " SO: -,'": ~ T~ .r] ''', - .,.-' '1': " " J:. " !! 'LA'NE' CC;lJl~TY DEPT .ENV toj;:;r ,F:EC:EIPT: ~, 1 90279 DATE':,062~579 I~PPLICANT M ILLE~:, ROBEF~T' F- ' AD DR, 2026'WESnJDOD WI~Y, EUGENE," ORE , Tlj'l El0302000000()' SUBDIV ,FILBEfn 'GFWVt' ,4'THADil ~, " " LOT 17 BLK 6 ~, . NEW BLDG TYPE, MH " USE R NO BDRMS 0'2 NO ,UNITS 001 NO,SnmIES NO BLDGS 0(11 ,CODE AF'F'l" NC)' ~ich:H)N'DESCRJ:.F'Ti:ON ,',SQ.F'T':, UN)T COS,T VALUATION "FEE DAYS ~ BF' t. ~:... '''',' ~ " ~. .' BF' " BF' " BF' 12 ,~F.' .. BF' " " MH' LC 190279' MH MHPl.. NO,. FIXTURES:, 16 MECH ' SUR:" '!. pp< , SDS'>_ !! '", " ,( '., .,: '. , , ;1) t;~.. N~ .24 ,x 64' f 97Ei ' '.....'- ." , NO. CONNECHmS: , . MEC'HANICAL I~EE' STinE ~'Uf\CI~flRGt', ,~ ,,, f"lAN 'f'LIE'C'K Ff"f" , ~'." ~, .~...r ~. _.' " ~ ~ :.," j 4.00 E?lCH -~ ',.39.90, . 1'6.00 , '~~. . ~'. " .. 4-% ,0% '2:00 . ....> o o , (, , SDSC' "!; '-' 2S-A00 ;. " ;.,",,;' " r-t': , " '- ", (.) .; o : - ~:, c 3 .;0 ,~ ,...... ~'i2 J '''~ 7t;.:90, CK 11 ~ 10 < " 't '~ , . ~ _ c-~ " " .' ~ .... ~ .' , . ,', ., " " SIFO'CPI TAKEN' BY SI< 'WPC,,' PLAN ELEV ADDF:' ,"1:;1" " , COMPLE'TElj'~B:;"" ,ENVH TOJAL FEE~* , ~, . 'jo ." ", .- " " , ~ , , . ..' , ' " . , ,. " ~'. ~ 1, i2 ..; . " -.1 , , " " z " '. .. .'~ . ~ . -,' ~ ~.';. '1.~. .~. , ,,' . " . r' ,,~.. . - '. ~'\ o . o ~ ~. " ~ ': \. ~ .1. , . ," ,,,.. ~ '~': ,..". . '~'. t": -:-. ,......./"., ,\,"'-; '.... " , .;h' ,~ o ,'. ,','~ o ~ < , . t FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT Department of Public Works 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 687-4195 TO: v PERt~1T NUMBER I CJO'L'_ - .., C) M 1-1 PARTITION NUMBER SUBDIVISION OTHER SITE ADDRESS \C)C')4- Tt--.\LAND 'NA..--( PERMIT PROCESSING PLA;mING PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT VALUE IS A SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT. YES V NO SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA YES l,./' NO SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA PRECAUTIONS MAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUILDING SITE WILL BE REASONABLY SAFE FRat1 FLOODING, MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED. I~ SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA. 1. MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF SEF F'-€lb-.N, U1.S.L.) REQUIRED. 2. MINIMUM FOUNDATIQN ELEVATION OF (M.S.L.) REQUIRED. 3. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT MOBILE HOME WILL BE PLACED ON IS BELOW THE REQUIRED MINIMU~1 FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION. 4, SITE LOCATED WITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOODWAY CHANNEL, BUILDING PROHIBITED. ~ "0 RECO~~MENDATIONS: "':>L.I;;z..,DIV\<:""I('H....\ \2.Ec~TRIC\\OW. I2.E:QW\t7E::.c., MIW, ;:::LCY"T2. E:L~"A::rI('d c.~ 44.C').a' M.C'.....L. "^ b 1-\. -"I \ E:.. t:::>OVoJfo-..l'"", 1L.t=:,C~U 1l2.E: b Wto-lLI='_r.,'"""':' C",('ZC"u\....\b }l , ") ,~ u :) ,~ , , I . ELE:.'.J~\()"""\ \"-::;, Cb(Z,\\\=,\E::b ,0 "\1,~ t:>..lf:t:r\......I~ 44<:)." 1\1\<'.1 , ~ -l :>0> >< c- o -l DATE (,-, -'l'A-il BY Cc,r1'1 l l' ,~ 3 C9 9 - 21 r ~" > ),' / '0'" "DEPA,RTf'<ENT OF EflV I ~0~11EiHAL flANAGEHEIH'O' ",' , ~ .~, .,,' I '. PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVEnUE". y' '", EUGENE, OREGON 97401 ' ,~,' '~:::dress jqqt./ _lL L.~ ../ /~~d City k~d~:/"j Township, Range, Section, Tax Lot" . /f?-~"z-If, A - I' fl Subdivision ~.k;r ~AL1J. - i./C1i~ Lot J -, Block /_ Appl ication for Q.o I ,( Ii" I' - A j "".,/i.'), , "- VI~, 0 Structures now on the 'property -A:'-- ~ Jr...::.. :;;f;Y-.. - U",-- (j, Proposed use of property: iYl R~;d~e.ntia-l "j::/ Commerci~l. - /~I Industrial I' L-; Public Affidavit: I. R-t.7:;f' >n..:I'AA ~ 1'1 '(please printf - r If this application 1S for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property: V owner of record, contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive opUon to purchase; . -. duly authorized to.actjfor .th: owner~ who is knowledgeable of this application. ~ Signature/Address ,$> ""Z..:#' ~ m.YA_, ") ~ "1/. II J~...L,___1JI/~~ X........~ (zio) 971iLl/ -/' Teieph;n~ '~'&-/..~oic;-'f""'- ;r- ~- - -- . - /Oate- IL'--., ::2.", J97"'1 When pennbtJi~ready. noti.fy.: /~/ Applic:nt v~~: Owner /~/ Contractor Qt.: . ~mai" !--,: h.-.ne Owner 1N-"r~: 'I ~Yn.jA_ , ~/"l'l~/ ~ lA/a,... 5;1-#1)) ~jl//7 Phone /-, pL.-9,'vr:=? Contractor .~--:"--:"_ ~__ t7 (Zip) Phone Contractor's OSR# Plumbing by , Application #. .' J.C -ICJ()::) -?,!~4!1I Assigned Numbers I , I 1 . hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. If Commerc i a 1 : Residential: # of stories of bedrooms 00 NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LiNt' # of employees -"'- ~ # of units SDS: !~"Existing, /j;';' Proposed. 7" Unit Cost BP # SI # Subtota 1 ,/J,1J.-I-" C;;-,7 - 7.1:1- f!.. ~,..(... w:;-c ~4 Valuation Fee 0 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $dC:;-;cn:; $ &vi 0;<1::1 "7./, ,.e;....., each SI test holes ready Fee Code Sq, Ft. or {/ Description ,#;, # of Sites /IC.--f,~~e.--;.'J".1'/'21~- '/I'Jtp-(U/c.L ~~"7"<:--' _"4..h...."""'7T.^ ....."..J...,.<~A^..l 10l7Q , '?4- it" (--d- - -:J,.." 0..:, $,.,.n So , ~- '-F / / Cash - /. // /;;/ Check # /117 '-f Received by J./, _ ,:-_.., ... c~---- - f Water Supply f AYWi-/ntf / f AA/.t;.i Proposed Exi'stin{l ~ Year Installed -,- Total Valuation: $ Plumbing fixtures at $ Sewer/water conn. at $ each 4% State 'surcharge Plans check fee Ghange-of_Occupancy 5 JJS &-d1 U. TOTAL ' '. PERMIT PROCESSING Minimum setbacks: Zone I? If.-. A1 H Pa rt. # 1.. fr~nt 0 ,LL e:;-; 1.. side Parcel # .I'V' ,4. into Parcel Size .::- " ...sF)( 1,;;l3 rear ?' P;:::Y F Comments ~.h ,(J j),/'W "A J--r2.AA /I' .. //-oJ' A " .J rr M.PA V .... -t:.--r- /7 I By ..j:,.... A.......,~ -" Date h - :::2,- 7CJ , WATER POLLUTION 'CONTROL }.,( H 3 ::::,F:(~/~A ,+ . , Instal~ation~pecifications: ~1(Ji~ gal, tank; :ewiur.'1 ft, of drainfield: max.' depth of trenches: , To be typed on P~it '1Jvt.. Z'b4nAil'\mtl.JH-rlarl!l~... .flAm ~~ mN.I,VA.trJ IMI.)), rtML\Polorl "'" ~ ~ .(1,oc,(Jm.,.,,, 5'1i1nm ,/)I1UAIl61.<~ h}~JI If1.lH- :-p1(]'(14/~Ai ' . --W~ !~;~ ''If.~:~.:::;''~;;~ ':~~~~~~~ ...-tJ ...{;'..In.,, ' ' ~Q9:..::t, ~"I1.iJ)"J I~y ~~ Vvi"iiAi" ate', < I D' . ..'.. '"", +tt;J...L~. -;j -. ~, J f ,..//j"....,~ fJ""'-:'1 f).~) \(~ t J 1r ,o.c , ",.c .' -" ~AT ?'.) J/A-'I.AJ~. :r.... fO.k<., .. 'AJ,AJ './.A'.... . . p_~L//:.h....<> " ., ' . . -.' - ~ ~ . (j' To be typed on permit C/ SIFO /,/.-cP&1 c:. /' /Jc/"wpc 1_-/ P1anrdng I.=/....Pub 1 i c Works - -"- 1~/""El eva tion /~I nja Plans to: CP&I WPC setl s) set(s) Date Requ ired Hold S1 i P to pce Date Compl eted Date to PCC ;')/':2.., .. { - -;;J ::<. () Address I~/ Fac i 1 i ty Permit Environmental Health . , - ~ ~ ~W\At tS5UWvtU, FOR INFORr.1ATION about progress of your appl ication call: Permit Control Center 587.HELP (687-4357) l' I, " - ...l 1 . \ , 76.9'0 ~"'o.Oz. - /"-6...,;;:,. ..-,.,..;1', ..'.; -- - I en 4 IcdA wJ.. (,0a~ _..... .-....J_;_ ~ /000 - ~ R.E~ 0\ \M\V\~ S2,vJ~ (L)S~ ~ocl~Vli\<; ~w -3/1~1-:t\ L- .. \.. J J - - TRS, : Tl /'6 -c'';. n -.JJ T L ;;; Y'c'c.' Job Location Permit II Permit Ii Permit If PBot Plan SUbdivisionX'~~/ A\-'-<2- Lot /7 Block &: " ; 'iJ C;J , ; - } ~, ~ * ~ -'; 'L:. ~ I? ----?>- epfJ} ~ ~ , $5 blel1;,Llod-. Vk'.k, :.~\ ~\' ':',;:<:;74,.150 (Address) For For For /99'/ Jhu:Z~ WOA<, Permit II 0 ,Permit II Permit IJ _ ~9J' g' , I I I 1 'o..",..,J. \ I p'-"'J I '11 DfC,( I\jl , , I , I I 10 N ~'~ c0. IV , \)v~ v'\ \ \ ~' ,58/ //f/ LA!.)!J ~ . \ ,t, , I--~ " ~ f'J " , h 2 't\f;~;~V '0 sepTic.. , -rANI'( . ~I.."-::;' ~ """ , I ! \ t Cv 'V r , ~S"_ '9 I)) A- Y :f~~~/:' For For -- ~ '0' , , Job Location (Address) /991/ Permit U For Permit # , For Permit # For ~J:b~ P~rmit n (/ Permit II Permit II " TRS, 'TT ~ -O~- ,,~ -3.3-'TL-~VLJt::> SU;d~i~~t~L Lot /7 Block & " il Vi , 199f~~ /MA=~ /JtlRRIS ~T~ P7(--) ~ t1 Iii bI,""',J_ ...."" Ms, ~ \. N' \ epfJJ ,C74-150 } ~ ~ ~ ~ 'H~ ~ I?---,;> ,~~ Frof t/' ' I For For ')., -.." ~':N...?\ ""', . .. JOB ADDRESS:19!lt, Z~ Way; 'TRS, TL: 18-03-2 ~ POST THIS PERMIT ON ;MAIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # Sp-:!'l1.ngficJld. Oro8cm !.c;..lOO2-79--~m Subdivision: lilb3z-t GrOl1o. 4th add, Lot 17. Block 6 This permit for the referenced property,is hereby a...... ".ad. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed, Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractoi/ Address: Contractor's OS # Telephone: Telephone: , Telephone: Rooort P. Hiller, 2026 U..........."d Uay, ~. Ol/:'OScm 97401 e= se:za / Total Construction Value: / '~nstruction approved by this permit: Water Supply: l"_." , "...ft." PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Setbacks lterior property lines Edge of rqad right.of,way Building foundation Wells, other water sources ""!~ GlJ6-33S3 0= o=e --- 1978 !!uhmc.:n, 24 x 64 double uida CD!Jilo 11= Eeplace:wnt.... St1:u........~o flOW em ),.......-~.l'. 1!lGb1lo hocle ' # Bedrooms: # Plumbing Fixtures: # Employees: ') ') Zoning: BA-Nll Partitioning # no , Parcel # Wi ,Parcel Size: S{l n 123 Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: 45' ; centerline of road, side exterior: D!1 ; interior property lines: 5' ;rear property line: 7' I'W Special Instructions: C",,-,-,,"G.l' lEt psr 'ii'J For information call 687-4394, <>.._~ V'~!~,~_ Site Inspection # . Installation specifications: ea:is2: gal. min. septic tank capacity; e:nstU.neal feet of ~}\infield required; ma~. depth of trenches: 1Ul' S" , Special Instructions: 'lbia 2 bedroom tM roi,)1.accs the ttlO bodrooc tm which t7tlS' ~l:0d to the, edsting eyDtcl:1 previously. I1(?iW im', ,plGc:ed in the 13= spo1: at;} the old k1l!l so IlO :interference uith the aept:ie system. ,The exiottng a:s;'ateD appeare to be f1m.etil:m1Ds ...."........1y witb 00 pro!>1.e=ls reported by l:ha u.mero. ~:;:a ploecd prior to pemit ia"""ft"g. ' '. ' Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' For information call AA7_,\Qlin between 8:00 . 9:00 a,m"JI',,""~ nfMa_V, CONSTRUCTION Type of Construction: Group: 1m Fire Zone: 3 Use Classification: sm/tom, PERMITS/INSPECTION Instructions: I'lrovida footings and pi.em to eomply mth state foundation requiremants fOl<'mobUe I1c:l:ea or DIVISION aD ra~ded by tlJe mg. that are attached to the 1nsiI:ie of th0 mobile boma. Also, provide atdrt.1ng ao req-aired. See ...........a side for required inspections. Vcmr lJite is located tdtb1n a flDod hm:zaN &'00. A ciln. fiDioh' flcGr elel7. of 1W9.0.::~"~ ,~~~4~.~ cettllf!a.r1 ~ r~~ b~ ~,~ fJ.co:'l D1a!t:l ogot lcttcr~ tm fh:illq Kadouas are reqnired'For'plans{informatlon calle b"........d e1~l5etweent8:00?a!.m ani:l'9:00Iarm~ Oll is bel.oY the requ:Lzed 1St flOOr elw. For inspections (see ba'ifk7oflt'ti'i~ permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and S:00!-p,m:>Ush ','.. ~ne county . Septic Tank ,10' 10' 5' 50' South 2nd street (}S-(l5c. 79 nava UMto/ly to DlJrri.o to ~&' uive U) 1nl.and t:1sy:- By: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 " .I ~ /. .; "f!',~~ \ SITE I NSPECT I ON , ApPROYED .Cl DISAPPROVED .Cl DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS , \ FOUNDATION'INSPECTION ApPROVED / / 01 SAPPROVEO L-/ DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FRAMING INSPECTION ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED /7 DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION Ap,PROVEO L-/ D'SAPPROVED I / DATE I NSP[~TOR REMARKS FINAL INSPECTION ApPROVED lB' DISAPPROVED .Cl DATE ~ .;2~INSPECTOR~ REMARK 5 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE / / NOT READY TO ISSUE I / DATE INSPECTOR REMARK 5 '~ - ,-.,. ';'" . ....r.-...,.'...- . "-:;",N..l.'" ":: ",' ,'J, ", ,.--,..--, ',' . .,::,.\ ",/'~ ... '0';''', ". . O' , , ~ ,-;~~ ~ \. .. 1..\ _ . ., t, "" FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT Department of Public Works 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 687-4195 TO: / v'"' PLAimING PER~~IT NUMBER l~o'2. -lC) MI-l PARTITION NUMBER SUBDIVisION PERMIT PROCESSING PUBLIC WORKS OTHER SITE ADDRESS \ '")'/4. It--.\U--\..\I...lD VVA..--( PERMIT VALUE IS A SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT. YES V NO SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA YES V NO SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA PRECAUTIONS MAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUILDING SITE WILL BE REASONABLY SAFE FROM FLOODING. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED. ~ SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA. 1. MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF SEE. f"-:Ev::.-N, (~1.S.L,) REQUIRED. 2. MINIMUM FOUNDATION ELEVATION OF (M.S.L.) REQUIRED. 3. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT MOBILE HOME WILL BE PLACED ON IS BELOW THE REQUIRED MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION. 4, SITE LOCATED \~ITHIN A DESI,GNATED FLOODWAY CHANNEL, BUILDING PROHIBITED. ~ "0 RECOM~~ENDATIONS: "::>WI?,CI\-./Ir"Ar~t-....\ \2.E' ,Tf..I("'\\(,\....\ \2~W\\Zt=-..!.'> 1,^It-.\, 1= U-:-,r...,rz. E:.\...~:-.JA::'\Ir. )1--\ <::\1= 44.C). (') \ ,M. C\. L , ,~-, ! N\. 1-\, ',1 E:.. t::x)v-J t-..,\.... --' \ZE::G.U \ Q E b LI t-.l U::,,Sr , ", L~ 6 I~ c-,(2.::->u ..\b . r\'" I '- A A" ,...., . 4\""","\_~ }'l, }. t" r:l. '~J ~ i, E'Le'-./t::::.T' I 0 "-., \ "_ c, \,;;-IZ\' \ r:: \ 1(7 b ',- ("\ \?:.:>\""'- A.,\:f\'-./ c=.. -I :P >< ,- o ,-I DATE en - .Z~ - .'J C') BY C"::-nIC S' .p. 3 C99-21 c. " ''', ' ~ ~., ' .:~... ".:~.~ ,':-'--:,.':';':',. ._-~;-, ';~ ~:.i'.i: . ~:_ '~_". . ,,:I': .\, _f"' ,_;',_" Ll"'; ,"'".-,;. ..," i'~>"'.." to,' . TRs.. TL If? -:C') - c-'J. -,331 L 'c; "".fe.' .. . Job Location (Addres~.)_~. Permit U For Permit U For Permit U For /v'/i/ J!nL2z,"~Lvr:'2-4 Permit iI (j Permit IJ Permit (J Plot Plan SU~diViSion~~~t~ Lot /7 Block &- "- 'YJ C;J " j)~'RRI5 :iT } ,~ ~ s( ~ ? ~ ~/?---;>- 199t~~ j.NJ,,4ND wt~ 1IM73t.;{J PR fjprJJ "1\ ~ ~ blel1())OoJ ~ "dn"y Map ~\ T' .. ;:XC74-150 ' 3 ....-.....-'"" , I I I I , I. ,..1 "~\ ~1' Dlo."( '" "I , 'I' . , , I ( I /0 N (.,'7.' '\ , ':I-.. f'J /, tl ' EJIS1//Vv, '0 sepTiC , ,'TANt'( " . ~/.;J'--=" (, ? ''\. ~ <;;-''7 ;j'- . ~~~e/ F~ ' For For -' ,