HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DIM PLANNER 7/3/2008 Cl1Y OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING DISTRIBUTION DATE July 3, 2008 TO: Current Planmng Staff, G, Karp, J Donovan, L Paul ones L DaVIs, M Metzger, L Miller, A umblrd, D Reesor, S Hopkins M Markanan Jeff Paschall, Supervising ClVfl Engineer, Public Works Department Ken Vogeney, City Engineer, Public Works Department Matt Stouder, AlC Englneenng Supervlsmg CIvil Engmeer, Public Works Jesse Jones, Public Works, Englneenng Knsll Krueger, CIVIl Engineer, Public Works Department Bnan Barnett, Traffic Engineer Jon Dnscoll, Transportation Planning Engineer, Public Works Gilbert Gordon, Deputy Rre Marshall, Rre & Ufe Safety Department Melissa Fechtel, Fire & ufe Safety Department Greg Ferschweller, Mamtenance, Public Works Department Pat French, Planner, Willamalane Park and Recreal:1on Dlstnct Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald Peoples Ul:1l1ty Dlstnct (EPUD) Tamara Johnson, Spnngfield Ul:1l1ty Board (Electnc) Bart McKee, Spnngfield UtIlity Board (Water) Amy Chlmtz, Spnngfield Ul:1l1ty Board Mike Wilbur, ODOT Bill Gnle Dave Puent, Bulldmg OffiCial Dan Brown Will Mueller, L TO Norm Palmer, Quest Commumcatlons Tom Boyatt, Public Works Denms Ernst, City Surveyor Cella Barry,(Shashl BaJracharya) Lane County TransportatIon Jim Henry, Central Lane Commumcations 911 Dave Shore, Northwest Natural Gas Tom Henerty, Comcast Cable Jerry Smith, Police Chief Chuck Gottfned, Water Resource Coordinator, ESD Susie Smith, Public Works Director Len GoodWin, Public Works Steve Barrett, Springfield School Dlstnct 19, Supenntendent Joe Leahy, City Attorney George Walker, Stormwater FaclIIl:1es Planner, ESD John Tamuloms, Economic Development Mgr Courtney Gnesel, Planner 1 (EDM) A Development Issues Meetmg Will take place on Thursday, July 24, 2008 @ 1 30- 2'30 p m In the DSD Conference Room 616 @ Spnngfield City Hall. Please review the enclosed Information, and come prepared to diSCUSS thiS appllcal:1on With the Planner and applicant. Should you have any questions, please contact Steve Hopkins @ (541) 726-3649, ~ -7 7' 7" RECEIVED JUL 032008 By: D I t'J\ p(Lcke.-tn~. ReVIsed 4-16-08 DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT SPRINGFIELD CITY HALL 225 FIFTH STREET DSD Conference Room 616 Meeting Date: July 24,2008@ 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.. 1 DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING #lON200B-00030 CANCEUSWEETBRIAR Assessor's Map 17-02-34-24 TL 3901 Address 6100 "E" Street EXlstfng Use Sweetbnar ReSfdentJal Care Facrlity Apphcant submrtted plans to discuss partltlomng one lot Into two parcels Planner Steve Hopkins SPRINGFIELD 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726,3689 WWWCI springfield or us July 3, 2008 DaVId Beckman AtelIer Arcmtecture, PC 151 W 7th Ave, Ste 405 Eugene, OR 97401 RE ZON2008-00030 (17-02-34-24 TL 3901) Development Issues Meetmg - ApplIcant sublUltted plans to dIscuss partltlomng one lot mto two parcels Dear Mr Beckman Thank you for your Development Issues Meetmg sublUltta1 The followmg meetmg has been scheduled TYPE: DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING PLACE: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT CONFERENCE ROOM 616 225 1'11' U1 STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 DATEfITME: Thursday, July 24, 2008 at 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. CONTACT PERSON: Steve Hopkins If you have any questIons, please call me at 541-726-3649 Smcerely, Steve HopkIns Urban Planmng CC: Jim Branch Branch Engmeenng 310 FIfth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Lmda Cancel McNulty Cancel Pwy".;.es 6135 "E" Street Spnngfield, OR 97478 :City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 anginal SubmIttal Development Issues Meeting (DIM) Date Received, JUL 0 2 2008 Required Project Information (Applicant: complete this section) Prospective Applicant Name: David Beckman Icompanv: IAddress: I I Prospective Applicant1s Rep.: Jim Branch, PE, PLS Icompanv: Branch Engmeenng,lnc IAddress: 310 FIfth St, Spnngfield, OR 97477 I ~ __ I Property Owner: Lmda Cancel McNulty Icompanv: Cancel PropertIes, LLC IAddress: ~13~1O St, Spnngfield, OR.~74~~".. IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-34-24 I ~L,~T I Property Address: 6100 E St, Spnngfield, OR 97478 ISize of Prope_~: 298 Acres 0 SCluare Feet D I "'" 'I ct",,,,<C --'Y \J1>..' - , "",_ ( I Description of If you are filltng In thiS form by hand, please attach your proposal deSCription to thIS appltcatlon Proposal: This proposal IS to create a 2 parcel partll10n I Existing Use: Resldenl1al Care FacIlIty I":f:t,~f_ ~o~~!,~~_~~~ls: .1. _ I ~~'_ Lot/Parcel Prospective Applicant: ) ~ ~.-U Sign'atur Phone (541) 343-9694 Atelier Arclutecture, PC Fax: (541) 687-1356 151 W 7th Ave, Ste 405, Eugene, OR 97401 I ~hone I Fax: (541) 746-0637 I I I I ~;- ~ I I I I I I I (541) 746-0389 , I ~hone I Fax: (541) 225-0200 3901 64,581 s I Density ~ _ 14 du/acre Date: -Yr&~ '. . h print!'- ~~~~ . , - ~ Case No.: ~7.&J<6~ ~3'D o Application Fee: $ 5J..\ ce Date: f/?,-:;/-7jo ~ I Technical Fee: $0 I Reviewed by: ---I--?A/1/A I PostaQe Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: $ ~->2-(. D--Q PROJECT NUMBER: PRj~bog- 0004-1 ~~'Si!I~~~~~~~~~":~~'::-',"":"".:~~.i1fl~a!iJJ1L';".;;:'_,.':,,~~_~ 3--(yJ -nb 1- c%t:J '2:::j- (0 \ tV\. Jl-t c< cU.) ReVIsed 1/t/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 3 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP ZON2008-00030 6100 "E" Street rrr- ' 'l~ --;-1 lL1JJT~ ---tj 1'1- 'g - ~ -1. ~.J:I ~, 1 li;_.iTl ~.-'~ illLl n U iVillE-STJ ~~' I w-__. H-01= J U(T) - co" ~ , .'-... -.-~ Date Received: JUL 0 2 2008 Orlgrnal Submittal SITE Map 17-02-34-24 Tax Lot 3901 North + ., Development Issues Meeting QuestIOns for Sweetbnar Villas June 18, 2008 Proposed Parcel 2 abuts -nght-of-way that contains a bike path Would the City allow frontage along thiS nght-of-way for a future development plan of a future subdivIsIOn? 2 At the !tme Sweetbnar was onglnally developed there was no formal drainage system to the north Since then, there has been development to the north and a drainage system has been constructed There IS an eXisting retentIOn pond on-site The proposal IS to revise the retentIOn pond to a linear detentIOn pond and would be contained Within a drainage easement servICing both parcels It IS an!tclpated that the maintenance responSibility will be shared between Parcels I and 2 Are there any Issues with the revised pond and/or shanng the maintenance between the two parcels? 3 Are there any Issues with emergency access or street connectivity? '4 Would there be any public Improvements reqUired With the par!ttlOn? We would an!tclpate public Improvements to be constructed With the development of Parcel 2 5 If a Cluster SubdiVISIOn IS proposed for Parcel 2 In the future, can the pond area be used as open space? , , " Date Received \ \ JUl 0 2 2008 Onglnal Submittal /' i." r, ~ -"'0 ....... DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING AND TENTATIVE PARTITION FOR SWEETBRIAR VILLAS S.E. 1/4, N.W. 1/4 SEC 34, T.17S, R.2W., W.M SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON JUNE 17, 2008 SCALE 1 H=60' L" I I "" I' 'I' 'I ' : , ------i~ III' .~ [if --~---J ili,_---~~---J___~~__~'I___ ~!! ! ."" ! \1 ~--~--______1-1 ...1 ~ I "'-1 I I I f' I ~I ~ , I' t' I I 'L I . I,' l: I ' : "''' ;Ii' i <J>'-' I ~ 'I ~I l'fP dill fC'----- ------ '\'- I to I .p 'I '\" I eel l..oJ1P .fP' I 1 I l..' 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I \ I 9" = 1 ,-, -L' - C ~-;:~- ' : tXt. -= ' r;~,[i r-:J I / ;'~oCf;; II ~ ;;1 D = =-tS ~ " ( < n ffi- - WI i i11 I I 'c_ I ;\\ - -1 -~ - - l~ I I 1--------.,,,_ I ~ .~ ~ 'rEJ" POPOSEo~j II ::1: / "1"1'" - ---,I \ I -".l~I'i", ,,:1":'1 -rl,_ ~ /y' _ _ i-EX/STiNG R[TENT/ON POND.TO 'BE / .~ \ ,!K.-"" --LLL-' I '___'1,1 J~ I CONVfRTED TO A D[TENT/ON POND ~ 'l / I'~ - "~---I ----- _~:;_,.i:-___ '--~'T~---~-:::--j.-i_~-. L' -~----I~~ """"'", ---.-----~.- -Ltl'llIJl \ -[ I<"Tlll -ll'I.' _(~ PROPOSeD Ff)l"Lt' ~~ ~~ 5 _ _____ I~ " lp. "---- --- --~ 111:1 VARIABLr WIDTH ' > II r , I " OCrEHTION POND CASlIIIEHT ,;i' " ~-- !I \ 6100 'E' STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR, 97478 TAX MAP 17-02-34-24, TAX LOT 3901 ~ iii ~i[[J I VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE I I ) . 30 , I....... I o 60 ~ Branch Engmee!mg, Ine, ~1 310 FIfth Street Sprmgfleld, Oregon 97477 (541 )746-0637 FAX (541 )746-0389 branchadmm@branchengmeermg com CIvil. Structures. TransportatlOn . SurveYIng PROJECT No OB-OB3" -11irr LAFLEUR Karen Subject. Location ZON2008-00030 Development Issues Meeting - Cancel Properties - Steve Hopkins _SP _ConfRm616 Start End, Thu 7/24/2008 1 30 PM Thu 7/24/20082 30 PM Recurrence' (none) Meeting Status MeetJng organizer ReqUired Attendees' LAFLEUR Karen, HOPKINS Steve, DRISCOLL Jon, VOGENEY Ken, GORDON Gilbert, Engmeerlng Group (DIMs) _SP _ConfRm616 Resources A Development Issues Meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, July 24, 2008 @ 1 30 - 2 30 p m In DSD 616 The planner assigned to thiS application IS Steve Hopkins The applicant submrtted plans to diSCUSS partltJonlng one lot Into two parcels @6100 "E" Street (Sweetbralr Residential Care Facility) Please confirm your attendance at thiS meeting Thanks Karen RECE lVE) JUL 082008 By: 'rrudt' ~ ....J 1