HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding House Move 2008-6-17 ,r.;' --' MEMORANDUM CIty of Spnngfield June 17,2008 TO PolIce Department FIre Department Spnngfield UtIlIty Board FROM ~ LIsa Hopper, BUlldmg Safety COnIrnunlty ServIces DIvIsIOn BUlldmg Safety SUBJECT Structure Move Attached IS an applIcatIon for a structure move scheduled for Sunday, June 29, 2008 The structure IS to be moved from 1053 Harlow Road to'475-0akdale, Spnngfield, Oregon ThIs move will occur on Sunday, June 29, 2008 begmmng at 6 00 a m and IS scheduled to be completed by 9 00 a m on that same date The route wIll begm at the current site and travel west on access easement to Beverly Street, north on Beverly, east on Harlow Road to Pheasant, North on Pheasant to Oakdale to sIte The structure IS 48' m movmg length, 40' m movmg wIdth, and 30' total heIght on movmg dolly ThIs IS a one sectIOn move A foundatIon permIt IS bemg revIewed and will be Issued pnor to Issuance of thIS movmg permIt (C8-816) All County and State, when applIcable, shall be provIded pnor to Issuance of thIS permIt If you have any concerns, please phone me at 726-3790 as soon as possIble so I can eIther get you the mformatlon that you need, or dIrect you to the al'l'wl'"ate person Thank you" cc Sanlpac US West Comcast 911 DIspatch US Postal ServIce NW Natural Gas at! Ih ,~ 01/25/1995 06 28 5413448833 ri _. ._ . .... .............111101... SCHOAPBUILDINGMOVER ~... U~ ~~J~~F1FJjD PAGE 03 ~(Jf'U ~ I Cl0B~~~~\1BFR 22$ Fdlb SlrNI SptO~ OJ. 'T14T1 CITY OF SPRlNGflJiU) BUT.LDlNG MOVJN(/ PER.\flT COMMUNITY SUV1CES 01V1510)\l Fax 141.726-3676 Phone 341.726.P51 1,-lloIql\OollMp-._ (0'53 If4eltJuJ ~()!:t~___ c,~ ~/lJcA?t..D !L"'~:, ". NalIlIIr ntJ39:11.1....- I'DLulN'll:IlboJ_ OJ:11[;:()._ ___ _ !s_..."...r.. At\Cb Gl-lC-.l)q-LL-__ 1I..--J.Tl---- __, Iw.. C-W_., ~, " \l b3,) n.. '\"1- ru l.ot', .1., Q. ua .v BIliId'",o- ~I &'1Z-/tfhkLWANS J'h_N__ '7:(~ 8"5~~._ NIlfllll~ }rr1 \ ~\rU.Ll.O\ Ceu"-",,,-_ ,... ~~'-{\tvih~~ '., . ~: n\L. ~. a~~~ --- ~~, , -',~ lMoVl"'~ ~~ ~ &t{,.O(I!6~ P........_ g,# &3) I~...c_. ..... __ 3, 7...o"!,C, ~_ ExPl"",---1i/Oc; /Molblll"'- fO~ a7h8 ___ (AUP!IoIIoN"",be< _ q9/ tfgc,c,_ (.tty' [~ . s.... _~_ ___ _Zp 2.?::/L Pbdon8C"... ,,,,,. PIloa. N....bor ~tlo II ,"....1" ,I,.""".. ~'~'!. .- . Do""'Pti"" ot8uUdmeto ~ ~ SIl.....,....N-.toeath t81 ____~VJO&WIl!llt ~O' .......Dolly !:.O' ..ors..-.!lalIlJMo.... I 1'ypo.fCcnorrfR.~_ ~f........ l.mDsVollr V_oUlnlCllll-<.)_____ _ ~n..,,~ ~/2fi 10& '-""lit 4. ~ CompI&OllD...f....., ~/if /(!(~~ EodIo.1l 9! <9pm , I re~~~7J/~t7...fC~mbl _' I I \~\~._(~l) '-- (' ,'\. \(' ,J,~.',\_ J , . ~ , 't't' ! '\ ' 'J'-I,\~.J \) ,. ',. ". ~ '~D ! .J If. .-5/0 ~, \'i"(~ ::;"J ;'1 ....~ \ ......j. '...., ( ~.j , .-~r",\ ....... .I f',/> (\ r. " -'-1[" I ........ ,....\..... \ C .. ) j J... r" .-, .^_,,:1 t, i,G ;71)/! ! rc ~ ... 'h "f~.......\ r\/~ "',. ., /) (, 1/\'f",U II '/'If , , ~ I ' .... . ! 01/25/1995 06 28 5413448833 SCHOAPBUILDINGMOVER PAGE 04 ~f)li' ...., "'; J"'.', ",. ,Col..v : olll\lull1w S_~.......... POlO 2 , NOJtPK:ATIOlIOfIolOVl!: ",.,.."""",..,I)'s..l<:..Dt."'.......U~ ...."otllril.....~onll>d1 '9p'..p"'. ~."..o.. I d~. .. ...' .,,,. ad '." . ,01 ,...,......u.app~ttlmtCOlll1ad~ owam tftreclllhl JDvoh.red In;,e prot_':1W\e ,f ! Iddlh~, tt'..IppIiaat;r:ait teOlUle'dulpprOWlotal, "'.''''"Ir.' "'" rrND.W:lpI.l. county Ed IlllteaadOt'l~JC3llloujd m-t. 'W"c unJUl&.le or ....._.lIlI/do...Cl\y ofSpllaat\*. or 110.. Ul) _ __ Ioy !ho..... o"he ''''''''> ""Ill.. ;!>> ( Il\~ bollGCi.lo.. Ipl.AN5. FE&8, AND~ 1'Pl...1O..........l*'ldt..._.I>uiJ~lnc '"..~...Cil)'or5;>nDJ1\.I~,lloellpp ,,.,,, ..~.." ..", "",....1ilol1 I. lIoInallMQ>... of.... Of plot ,_&or....... :. Bub1Iil_ (%).... 01''' r." " ", .. ..... fOr _ ~""iWl... i. ""..,I. ,..I'-I__-'~I""_"~.nor""~lDO"d t. AnY ..,~..... _I~ ~ "! b IIDiCanr """~or NDdc IIWl1tt lad fit II, l1lY '''I'' "" ....IOlIIIlYllIoIdIe....lII.''''"..." 10_ ""'_ll1lt atl <<mlrcd...,1Il<IIhe..h... ....1. <Ild ~........ 11100 ," , '" 11bo'1bo___1>Il<O....thl.prm" _.f'her.\IIll06 ',log..".. no, ..oc =~(1rt1 ~.."" ~;lit.€ . FO)l. OFFICI UlIIlIUVI!W Glt.. \ Ie I I IfOlllldall4o:lSlIIPIIB I :Movllllr"" I,;,,,, I I : haBoulaa DMIIla..,...., Owno,(.) AND Co_lal(o) ... 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""",JII'Ol*l)o, M,yduhq....'IlIAIfmlclIo..orllle_."...I._ lho l""topo....o ..,...<<1.".1) \0 I ,S_T~II3e40301'o-~MI"_S1ll'.........."99!.J66? : I I l~l'1omlt^".....\nl'" ____.___ I HIItoIteGI...... , . ---~ l~ \~fk~'fL) !)au on. \0 .j)l fY) - 01/25/1995 06 28 5413448833 SCHOAPBUILDINGMOVER tU~\~ ~ff 'b.,,(.,/.)(/'x' I/nJI.tJ 3>'N lS~:S~ /9~Cf 8'(60 I.{co~ ~ f~D9v::;6..t) ftJrL &1(\).01\<{ ~NE.- -z-q'fl.- /fARi '1 AtfI (D"S.:s JfN:.LCW 1<040 ~ff:.-( M'fl-{L-:j t.~O ~ 10 A-M ~kIY\(i. ~rWUN 9t{fAY\NT AM) C::AML f~ 'j<()4o J/fJfc}(T ()J I Off( f..,L-tfJ (ffl-t ?;i)' '101 'f~' ~ 7 ( , ~' \ I ~ /00 :::.--:--- ---- ~K~ -. , ~t fpA\tW{>I"( I i .I ~ J\~p.f-Jr I' (?1"4A" ^ /lflRI.,(k..) tDAD ~ r . l' ~ - I'J. )&:1~cj "I .6-, I 10'53 , \ btv f.g.l, t. 'i at'": \ .;YIf.D1 ~ I I I , PAGE 02 1 . "-J J - ,r.;' +, MEMORANDUM CIty of Spnngfield June 17,2008 TO PolIce Department FIre Department Spnngfield Utlhty Board FROM ~ Lisa Hopper, BUlldmg Safety COnIrnunlty ServIces DIVISIon BUlldmg Safety SUBJECT Structure Move Attached IS an applIcatIOn for a structure mov~~cheduled for Sunday, June 29, 2008 The structure IS to be moved from] 053 Harlow Rgad to'Cl75-0'lk_dltle, Spnngfield, Oregon ThIs move Will occur on Sunday, June 29, 2008 begm/lIng at 6 00 a m and IS scheduled to be completed by 9 00 a m on that same date The route Will begm at the current sIte and travel west on access easement to Beverly Street, north on Beverly, east on Harlow Road to Pheasant, North on Pheasant to Oakdale to sIte The structure IS 48' m movmg length, 40' m movmg wIdth, and 30' total heIght on movmg dolly ThIs IS a one sectIOn move A foundatIOn penmt IS bemg revIewed and wIll be Issued pnor to Issuance of thIS movmg permIt (C8-816) All County and State, when applIcable, shall be provIded pnor to Issuance of thIS permIt If you have any concerns, please phone me at 726-3790 as soon as possIble so I can eIther get you the mformatlOn that you need, or drrect you to the appropnate person Thank you" cc Sam pac US West Comcast 911 DIspatch US Postal ServICe NW Natural Gas at! Ih 01/25/1995 06 28 5413448833 _ -. ~_ u ..................IlI... SCHOAPBUILDINGMDVER l.'!' ut' ~t'tCjM,FlF"..LD PAGE 03 it (IO.J ~ C1QB~~~ ~\1BFR 22$ flftb s_ SptO~ OJ. 'T14T1 CITY OF SPRlNGflJiU) SUT.LDlNG MOVlNO P1R.\fIT COMMUNITY SERVICES OIV 1510)\1 Fax 141-726-3676 Phone 34).726.J'~1 i-....-..p- (053 If4eltJuJ ~()!:tp .. c,~ ~/lJcA?t..D !L_c..a.tJRollnM. ..". n~?::tL1___ r..-LulN'':~~ OJ:11[;:()._ .___ _ !s_-."...n., 't"\Cb - Gl-lC-.l)q-LL- __ . __ _____ Iw..Coomlyt:' '. -., j1h3,)...'l.~ . ruloot~ O'L1d'V BIliId'",o- ~ I &-ri./M1kL WANS J'h_N_ 7:(~ liS;?:' :fllll~-&;~~. ~~-~ n ~c'~':""'--a~4~=1~=~ \ \.~ ' - iMoVl"'~ ~~ ~ &t{,.O(I!6~ P........_ g,# &3) I~...c_..- ....- 3,2D"!,'L_____~ExPl""'-2j{)c; 'MolblllA44Noo: fO~ a7h8 ."^_ (AUP!IoIIoN"",be< Q9/6'Ht;,c;.;,_ (..Ily' l.~ s... _9!!::_ ___ _Z,L..:t ?::/L I'bdIols _....... ". Plloa.IIo....... ~C.;."...,.",... "lII~ EuINII . Doeonpdotl otllulldmelflO lie Mo.td. 511..... f..,.. . N...... L.... _ 't 81 ____ MoV1D& WIlIdl f./o I 1l.....00lIy 30' *of-"Ba..MoY.cl. I 1'l'I"'ofConoa-R2.~_ Sqo.eF....... LmnaUailr "._ v_Orslnl<lln(s)______ ""-d~ofMooo ~/lR /l)~ '-""'.1' c;. @or C_LollOllDaloofUotoo, ~ Irl(=~' iDdIo.... C}! .gpm ~e~t;7~I/;~uQPC;;rmbl ---, f$I f, ..' , I \ 'II" \" I' f' ~~, \~} '-. r"\. ) .' I ',{', i\. "'j \...J\..~~\..)\. '\-, . 'V" '0,]-l).j \) (t'/v'}) . S)(J ,hJ ~ -'J"'~ ,--- ,-', \.'\ (....' It j .....~...,....). ~ IJ' - ,:.:0 "',\ ...... If } f' . /t f\ ' --J' r-,t , '1"1\ C I I ...... .......... I j' .. ,_ 1 .-. /. . r-(' ( UO) }A,~Jf .1..., )', ('" I\,\ rv}' ~"....;) I Ii ~!""Ai J JII If ) ~ I . ..... . I , 01/25/1995 06 28 5413448833 SCHOAPBUILDINGMOVER ....61 ~; ..JJ L~" ",. ,c.t..v PAGE 04 41U(. , :~ Nuober s_~.. P8IIllI p... 2 NfJTtI'JCAT\QHOl'MOVE: Tbo e ,ol"ll's...... Dl....OIIl""U ro.... '.,.tlottI1IU""U-onIOln ;pp....p.... :10""0", , d~"",,,,.,,,,_,... ,," C',. .,tbelpflhClDtmlllte4lUtad~0\VUfI1rtreea"Jnvoh'edln:!1eplOr:'0If'::\U\e ,f , ..ddat..tIlI, frlI.. ",." \. ""EIUt 1CClIUe1tul1lllPf'O'fl1ot.n ","""!r'.'" ImIn1t'~l. county u.4lCDllf..aot1t.lC3ll:ould m... '1l"'''c: onJUJ"le or ,ollllidldloQlyotSllnnltlIld. otala",""lIUeOt_ ~yfho_o"ho<"".1} ""Ill.. Jlt(IM "".......... jpl.ANs, F&S, AND....,,- f1iorlll_........-"''''_nblliI41.. .n" '!loC'll'ol'S-.r.ol#''''.npp ,,.,,, ..~.." ""'_lIlI..1IlIl1 I, Malk. (2).,...,. ar plcI ploa lbr """" ollO. :' Bumll_(2)......or..I.."",.. .....10<"'"....", :,buiItU.. , I' Ad" ,g,." ~............"'-....obalIboJlll1ll......to..)_..4 I- ArrY~-s.;~L,,;,:,,:,:,:;,:'" fbrlaliCarv"""'WDortCOde~l1Idpn lJo"r "" ,." ....llOIIllYlIlallli..llo..m...".",." Ia_ ""'_ tbatat\ fOntrecleco.1111elJha..h... ",,1..,.j 1IUIIIon_ obrII.wI. 10lio " "... "",.1hr lllio:........" ""'....lht. I"'"'l'J' _... of... """,lof r,tO""<I" not "eo: :=ot71Y~" daY! .Otte ~j; :Y~- 'U ~FOROFFlCI!\JlIEIUVlEWONI-\. c , " " 1IeoIDaI...... ........ I '.....llol:IllllaPlaf ,,,,." \ ^~. A~~. : fF~O'i'\~;ma: __ l'fr. ., P;~li : MoviIV '-;."...,.4 ." \ ~\)'l)Q \\ >.. \ ~ \ I \ 0 r J\ S:1~__ I l 1 I I : E......NS ~........ o-o(.).+.NO CoIlln:CIaI(a) ... bola _1110 rOT OI>y --. 10 ptlVllIIor pIlOl" property MDvoIa..... 'n-...411T ~tiliy ~\G~ S Duo \ 0 -8--') oQ -- i bIIlk DIoWoo.lo9wl=.o: L__ ~ "'" " ".J~u -lie, 1I/ll",,,,,..1Gcoll<ln openl."" All .lll'\fl.y...m....t' ". """,~re<llo -dloy..." ,.. ..,.., ,''''l'''',' AzII'dunqato or",""".. .:.." ofdlo _. "...1.,....., ,iIa I be ..po.otod '''''Mltt(1) to I ,'- TodlaloIaD.lII344ln ora-1hllIml\oId, M'''-Slll'_..999.1667 : I -... Pomlt^-""dlly> II........ ...... ...l:)au _ _______ : . A\I - n -) ~'-fA"""".,.\ \ ~ \~)"l_ \'~_t-/ .Ilato . \0 :2LL[P) 01/25/1995 06 28 5413448833 PAGE 02 SCHOAPBUILDINGMOVER ~~\.) ~f{' 'bJ,~Dt~ I/,aJltJ 3.'N ~~:s~ /q~<.( 8'tbfo ikD~ ~ f~D~V) ft;tL &J(\J.o~ ~.'jv1NL -z-'f1l- ?'fARi <1 AM (06-S J{p.,eLCW 'i<00/.J ~ff:-( fJ6f/-lt..-::J [NO ~"]C AM ~kIY\{f- ElfWUN 9t{fA~AJr AM) CAML f-1!fl.tV\. 'jCJQO J/fJfcJ(, ()J 10111 t.,t-ttJ trt.t ~' l/O I Lf~' 7 ( , ~' \ ~ ~ /()(J . :::--. o --- l CAJc..~ -- ....) ~ ~t 0A"{LWA"( p'f!.tA5f>tfJ( \ ^ )/ARI.-OiAJ ~DA.o ~ ~ ~j . l. _.- - )tA~cJ 1:- ~ \ . 1053 jY1fL)1 '-41- 'btv u'l,[.'"f at": \