HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 5/7/2008 " '" City of Spnngfleld Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfleld, OR 97477 Land Division Tentative Plan Partition, Subdivision PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 7 2008 J Applicant Name. \company: IAddress'1I01 1C.-!;!,. STree+ IAPPlicant's Rep.: ~(>I" Wa.-r,.1 Company: VJa....J No-rih 'w'e5+ lllle, Address: f. 6 B,,)<. lb.s- - F I e>('e.\IICe. , I Property Owner: SClIM'l!! Q,.~ A ool"I:!4.JI\+ Icompany: IAddress' , !ASSESSOR'S MAP NO' 1l-03-~'t'~ 3/ I Property Address. 171/2. Del..-ose ISize of Property: 1'1,4 /.f I IProposed Name of SU~dlvlslon. N/A , Ja-W1e,,> S Coit Mr kee.. Phone: SlfJ-l.<JE-')../ 80 IFax. S~/- LJ8S"-7J $3 - 5~f',.,,~+jelJ.., 6P- 97~77 , Iphone: S'fI-'l97-'TJ-PJ I IFax:51f1- <J"I7-3~r'l' I DR- 971./3'1 I Phone: Fax: ITAX LOT NO(S) 1'300 live - 5m-j ~crl; ~ lJ. . t)f<. I \J ' Acres D Square Feet 'I pa....iit;;:JVI 97'177 ~ I Description of If you are filling In thiS form by hand, please attach your proposal descrrptlon to thiS application Proposal: .see. a.-tta.eL,I'!J I Existmq Use Orle e.xist/VI'" hDme.. 1# of Lots/Parcels. 2 1Avq: Lot/Parcel Size: 97'- 0 sf I Density: *.~S du/acre Si natures. Please Sl, nand nnt your name and date In the appro nate box on the next pa e '.. _ .' _.. .".' . :- I. ~ ,. I ,..,..... .; "," --~ "~ I '. ;L , . II. ~I ': _ .1., I o. _ ,I, ; Associated Applications. CfY' 26De.- G$DI1- COIM") Slqns: Ipre-sub Case No' \\c.2OD<Cl- CObz,'01 Date: Z:;/1! DE, I Reviewed by: ~ Icase No.: I Date: I Reviewed by' IADPllcatlon Fee: $ ITechnlcal Fee: $ !postage Fee' $ TOTAL FEES: I PROJECT NUMBER: 1ft=?) '2({Yt:r (]jt;z.z "",,,,,,,-,,,,~--,,,.~ - '.~~~-. ~=--,. Rev,sed 1/1/08 Molly Markanan ~d fY\ <; /'b 10'0 1 of 10 Owner Signatures This application form IS used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal Owner signatures are required at both stages In the application process An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the Information In this application 1$ correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting Owner: ~~ s \'(\C-,~ Date: '5" \ ~ Jo~w>e<; Print s l"~tr M c.keR_ Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the informatIon IdentIfied by the City as necessary for processing the application IS provided herem or the information will not be provided If not otherwise contained wlthm the submittal, and the City may begin processing the apphcatlOn with the information as submitted ThIs statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requIrements of ORS 227 178 pertaining to a complete application Owner: ~~ "3 'S C\;)~ Print s N'\ !.-, L.. Date: s-l 1/0"6 \'(\t..,L- PRE.SUBMITTAL REeD MAY 7 2008 ReVIsed 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 2 of 10 225 FIfth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone CIty of Sprmgficld OffiCial ReceIpt Development ServIces Department Public Works Department RECEIPT # 2200800000000000608 Date" 05/07/2008 2 12 OIPM Paid By SCOTT MCKEE Item Total Check Number Authorization RecClved By Batch Number Number How ReceIved Amount Due 336 00 $336 00 Job/Journal Number PRE2008-00028 Descnptlon CTY PartitIOn Tentative Plan Payments fype of Payment Check Amount Paid tJ 1099 In Person Payment Total $336 00 $336 00 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 7 2008 cRecclOtl Page 1 of 1 5/7/2008 City of Spnngfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned PRE2008-00028 Date SubmItted, 5/7/2008 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 7 2.008 Prolect Name' MCKEE PART 1742 DELROSE AVE PrOject Descnptlon Pre-SubmIttal for Tentative Partition to create 2 parcels NW corner of Grand Vista and Del Rose ApplicatIOn Type: Job Address: PartitIOn Tentative 1742 DELROSE AVE Assessor's & Tax Lot #, 1703243101300 DISCLAIMER ApplIcalions Will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the time of the Pre-Submittal Meetmg and Submittal of the ApplicatIOn for Development Review Please contact our office at 54]-726-3753 wIth any questIOns or concerns A Planner Will be aSSIgned the followlOg buslOess day and Will contact you to confirm the meetlOg date and lime PlanJobPnnt rpt 5/7/2008 21019PM Jre- S u'- Jmi tta~" Yleeting Development Services Department Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE- Friday, May 16,2008 1 PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2008-00028 (PART TENT) McKEE Assessor'sMap 17-03-24-31 TL3100 Address 1742 Delrose Avenue EXlstmg Use Residential Applicant submitted plans to partitIOn one lot mto two parcels Meetmg Date/Time Friday, May 16, 2008 DSD 616 11:00 - noon Planner: Andy Limbird PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO MAY 7 2008 LAFLEUR Karen Subject Location" PRE2008-00028 Pre-Submittal Meeting (Part Tent) McKee - Andy _SP _ConfRm616 Fn 5/1612008 11 00 AM Fn 5/16/2008 12 00 PM Start End Recurrence' (none) Meeting Status Meebng organizer RequIred Attendees- LAFLEUR Karen, L1MBIRD Andrew, Pre-Submittal Group A Pre-Submittal Meeting for a Partition Tentative has been scheduled for Fnday, May 16, 2008 @ 11 00 - noon In DSD 616 The planner assigned to thiS application IS Andy Llmblrd The applicant submitted plans to partition one lot Into two parcels Please confirm your attendance at thiS meeltng Thanks Karen PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 7 2008 1 LII i OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRE2008-00028 1742 Delrose Avenue " .~~-.I_ .- -- -~-'..-o-""~ Cl ~ PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 7 2008 SITE Map 17.03-24-31 Tax Lot 1300 + North . Land DivIsion Tentative Submittal - City of Springfield - 5/01/2008 Landowner / Apphcant James S McKee and Kathleen C McKee 110 I 16th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Agent for Apphcant PRE.SUBMllTAl REC'O MAY 7 2008 Rob Ward LS Ward NorthWest Inc POBox 105 Florence, OR 97439 ph 541-997-920 I Assessor's Map No 17-03-24-31 Tax Lot 1300 NarratIve The purpose of thiS apphcatlOn IS to seek approval for a land partitIOn of the subject property The Land DIVISIOn Tentative Plan IS mcluded and shows the proposed partitIOn A Site Assessment map IS also mcluded The subject property was created by Land PartitIOn Plat Number 93-P0441 All street and utility Improvements were completed m the mid 1990's See Grandvlew Estates Pubhc Improvements Plan prepared by Ray Walter Engmeenng, whICh IS on file with the City of Spnngfield I have mcluded an aenal photo which shows the locatIOn of the subject property and the surroundmg area When the GrandvJew Estates Improvements were mstalled, they mcluded dry sewer lines It was the understandmg that when the sewer lines could be connected to a sewer pump station, the lots that are now on septic systems could connect to the sewer system and m turn the properties would be ehglble for further diVISIOn The sewer hnes are now active and the land owner deSires to decommissIOn the eXlstmg septic system, connect to the City sewer system and complete the proposed land partitIOn A 6" sewer lateral was extended to the subject property as part of the ongmal constructIOn The Site Assessment Map show a proposed "Y" to be mstalled with sewer hnes bemg extended to both proposed parcels The Spnngfield Utlhty Board - Water, has mdlcated that the property IS bordered on the south and east by a 6" PVC mam-hne Also as part of the ongmallme mstallatlOn, a lot service Ime was extended to the property at the northeast corner as shown on the Site Assessment Map A Development Issues conference was held on 4/24/2008 With the City of Spnngfield At that meetmg It was detenmned that the followmg Items would not be reqUired as part of thiS apphcatlOn, Page ] of 4 . A Right-of-way Approach Permit would not be reqUired . A Stormwater Management System Study . A Traffic Impact Study PRE-SUBMI1TAl REC'O MAY 7 2008 ApplicatIOn Fee - Check for $336 00 attached to this applIcatiOn Land DIvIsIon TentatIve ApplicatIon Form - Completed Land DIvIsiOn TentatIve Plan mcluded NarratIve - see above Copy of Deed - copy of Warranty Deed recordmg number 2001-015904 attached Copy of a Prellmmary Title Report - Copy of PrelImmary Title Report attached whIch IS dated wIthm the last 30 days Copy of the Land DIVISIon Plan - A copy of the Land DIVISIOn TentatIve Plan reduced to 8- 1/2" x 11" mcluded With this applIcatIOn RIght of Way Approach PermIt - not reqUired per Development Issues conference A dnveway permit will be reqUired at the tIme a bUlldmg permit IS applIed for Stormwater Management System Study - not requued per Development Issues conference Traffic Impact Study - not reqUired per Development Issues conference Seven (7) CopIes of Site Assessment of EXlstmg CondItIons - Seven (7) copies of Site Assessment Map mcluded on a 11" x 17" format and folded to an 8-1/2" x 11" size The Site Assessment Map mcludes the locatIon and dimenSIOns of all eXlstmg features No eXlstmg Improvements are planned to be removed as part of this partitIOn applIcatIon except the eXIstmg septIc tank WIll be decommiSSIOned as part of the sewer extension to the property An applIcatIOn will be made to Lane County DEQ for the decommlsslomng process There are no watercourses affectmg the subject property The subject property has been determmed to be outSIde of the 500-year flood zone, See FIRM Map Number 41039C1153, Commumty Number 415592, Post - FIRM Date 1985-09-27 The subject property IS clasSified as a Zone ofContnbutIOn for a well head at 16th and Q Street This mformatIOn was provided by the City of Spnngfield Physical features whICh are eXlstmg Cherry Trees have been IdentIfied on the SIte Assessment map No trees Will be removed as a result of this partitIOn applIcatIOn Two dnveway approach Page 2 of 4 options have been Identified for proposed Parcel 2 Neither approach Will Impact the eXlstmg Cherry Trees The subject property IS composed of sOlis type "MALABON SILTY CLAY LOAM" Per the sOils type map, 100% of the property IS made up of this sOlis type Per the Development Issues conference, a Geotechnical Report IS not bemg reqUired for thiS partitIOn applicatIOn Seven (7) Copies of the Land DIvIsIOn Tentative Plan - Seven (7) copies of Land DIVIsIOn Tentative Plan are mcluded on a II" x 17" format and folded to an 8-1/2" x II" size The subject property IS wlthm the city lImits of the City of Spnngfield and IS zoned Low Density Residential (LD) The subject property IS also wlthm the followmg Service Dlstncts, · Lane Transit Dlstnct Service Area - Lane Transit Dlstnct Ride Source . SOli Water ConservatIOn Dlstnct IS East Lane No easements are bemg proposed as part of this partition An eXlstmg 7' PUE was created as part of Land PartitIOn Number 93-P0441 ThiS easement IS shown on the Land DlvlslOn Tentative Plan and on the Site Assessment Map The subject property IS almost flat The Site Assessment Map mcludes spot elevatIOns, which confirms the contour of the property Not cut or fill slopes Will be created as a result of the proposed Land Partition An eXlstmg street lIght IS m place at the mtersectlOn of Del Rose Avenue and Grand Vista Dnve No additional street lights are bemg proposed The Aenal Photo Map shows the locatIOn of street lIghts m the general area All streets which will service thiS property were constructed m the mid 1990's Refer to the aenal photo mcluded With thiS applIcatIOn Per the Development Issues conference, no traffic control deVices are reqUired Proposed Parcel I has an eXlstmg home With power commg from a utility pole located at the southwest corner of the property A power transformer IS located near the northeast corner of the property and power for proposed Parcel 2 will be extended to the property via the eXlstmg 7' PublIc UtilIty Easement (P U E) The locatIOn of eXlstmg fire hydrants are shown on the Site Assessment Map The locatIOn of the eXlstmg dnveway IS shown on the Site Assessment map The Site Assessment map also shows the proposed locatIOn for dnveways that would serve proposed Parcel2 The proposed dnveway locatIOns have been reviewed by Jon Dnscoll of the City of Spnngfield Public Works Department Per the Development Issues conference, no transit facIlIties are bemg proposed to be mcluded With thiS Partition applicatIOn Also no additional sidewalks, sidewalk ramps pedestnan access ways or bike trails are bemg reqUired for thiS PartltlOn applicatIOn Page 3 of 4 PRE.SUBMllTAl RECTO MAY 7 7008 - No additional plantmgs or street trees are bemg proposed as part of this applicatIOn The subject property has been fully landscaped See Aenal Photo, and additional photos of the subject property mcluded as part of this applicatIOn The Site Assessment map mdlcates the locatIOn of all utili lies which will sqvlce the two parcels to be created by this partitIOn applicatIOn No areas are bemg dedicated or reserved for public use as part of this applicatIOn Once the partll10n of the subject property IS completed, no additional parcelizatlOn of the property will occur Stormwater Management Plan The eXlstmg home has gutter system that transports stonnwater to the eXlstmg street through weep holes m the curb lme The locatIOn of all weep holes IS mcluded on the Site Assessment Map The eXlstmg stonn water system constructed as part of the street constructIOn that occurred m the mid 1990's IS designed to handle any stonnwater runoff from the subject property Per the Development Issues conference, no additIOnal stonn water mfonnatlOn IS reqUired for thiS applicatIOn PRE-SUBMIITAl REC'D MAY 7 2008 Page 4 of 4 o 0_ ,-a--o - - ,?1i7~ 702 .j ~f ~C i " l '!7~n-- --- . aft ..... -." ~"',.~~~ -. , 4400 ......... 0.18 IC. 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UNE I we SPENCER OLe 50 4 AJo/() elL YOLANl)A ST I~ ,- 1\ d\meriCRlJ 7ide Qroup Escrow No 00012096 WARRANTY DEED (INDIVIDUAL) TIMOTHY K BOSS and DELANEA K BOSS, Husband and Wife as Tenants by the Entirety, herem called grantor, convey(s) to JAMES S MCKEE and KATHLEEN C MCKEE, Husband and Wife as Tenants by the Entirety all that real property SItuated m the County of Lane State of Oregon, descnbed as See Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 7 2008 and covenant(s) that grantor 15 the owner of the above descnbed property free of all encumbrances except CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD and wIll warrant and defend the same agamst all persons who may lawfully claUD. the same, except as shown above The true and actual conslderatton fOf thiS transfer IS $370,000 00 . Dated March 19,2001 TIMOTHY UOSS IJd4Jt//l Y DELANEA K BOSS ~ STATE OF OREGON, County of LANE) 55 On th",_~~ :-.'? _ \ personally appeared the above n~ TIMOTIlY K. BOSS and DELANEA K. BOSS and acknowledged the foregomg mstrument to be bJs/her/~oluntary act and deed (I) OFACIALSEAl. KAREN ROSE IJOJARV PUSUG - OREGON COMMISSION NO 313603 IlVCOMMlSSIONfJO'Il!SJUNE "lOO2 . The dollar amount should mclude cash plus all encumbrances eXlstmg agamst the property to which the property remams subject or whIch the purchaser agrees to payor assume WARRANTY DEED (INDIVIDUAL) STAT-I2..O~Dru::ca~ Division 0' Chi.' Deputy Clerk Lane County D..ds .nd Records TIMOTHY K. BOSS and DELANEA K BOSS Com I 2001.015904 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $31 00 00159208200100159040020026 03/22/2001 02 57 27 PM RPR-DEED Cnl=1 Sln=3 CASHIER 07 $10 00 $11 00 $10 00 recOI TO Send Tax Statements to JAMES S MCKEE and KATHLEEN C MCKEE .742 DEL ROSE AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 page W Tltle By Oeputy After Recordmg Return to American Title Group 560 Country Club Pllr"kway #llO, Eugene, OR 97401 'i..~ ,1" SI5 Vi!;O)n FQI'TT1 SOOO30R Rev C/1123J97 -, .- ~'IO'...;;'~ ..~ ; '" .. ExhIbIt A Parcel n of land PartItIon Plat No 93-P0441, as platted and filed III OfficIal Records of'Lane County, Oregon (aka Lot 14,GrandVlew Estates) EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portIon dedIcated as Del Rose Avenue by that lustrument Recorded January 13, 1994, ReceptIon No 94-02975, Lane County OfficIal Records. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 7 2008 First American FIrst American Title Insurance Company of Oregon 600 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 Phn - (541)484-2900 Fax - (541)484-7321 FOR ALL OUESTIONS REGARDING THIS PRELIMINARY REPORT. PLEASE CONTACT Michael SilVIS, Title Officer Phone (541)484-2900 - Fax (541)484-7321 - Emall mSllvls@flrstam com Ward Northwest Inc PO Box 105 Florence, OR 97439 Order No 7199-1225595 April 30, 2008 Attn Rob Ward Phone No (541)997-9201 - Fax No (541)997-3546 Emall rob@wardnorthwest com Re PRE-SUBMITTAL REeD MAY 7 2008 Preliminary Title Report ALTA Owners Standard Coverage Liability $ Premium $ AL TA Owners Extended Coverage liability $ Premium $ ALTA Lenders Standard Coverage LiabIlity $ Premium $ ALTA Lenders Extended Coverage LIability $ Premium $ Endorsement PremIum $ Govt Service Charge Cost $ Other Report Only Cost $ 200 00 We are prepared to Issue Title Insurance PoliCY or PoliCies In the form and amount shown above, Insuring title to the follow,ng described land The land referred to In this report IS described In Exhibit A attached hereto and as of April 24, 2008 at 8 00 am, title vested In James S McKee and Kathleen C McKee, husband and wife, as tenants by the entirety Subject to the exceptions, exclusions, and stipulations which are ordinarily part of such Policy form and the follOWing 1 The rights of the public In and to that portion of the premises herein deScribed lYing Within the limits of streets, roads and highways This report 15 for the exclUSive use of the parties herem shown and IS prelimrnary to the Issuance of a tItle Insurance policy and shall become VOid unless a policy 15 Issued, and the full prem,um paid Prelimmary Report Order No 7199-1225595 Page 2 of 5 2 Easement, Including terms and provISions contained therein Recording Information May 14, 1965, Reception No 3301, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon In Favor of Ray Warner For drain tile 3 Notice of Annexation Agreement, including the terms and provIsions thereof, recorded July 11, 1994, Reception No 94-50896, OffiCial Records of Lane County, Oregon 4 Waiver of Time Limit on Consent to Annexation An Addendum to the Consent to Annexation Document, including the terms and provIsions thereof, recorded July 11, 1994, Reception No 94- 50897, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon 5 Consent to Annexation for UF-I0 Urban Fnnge Overlay Dlstnct Properties, including the terms and provIsions thereof, recorded July 11, 1994, Reception No 94-50898, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon 6 Covenants, conditions, restnctlons and/or easements, but deleting any covenant, condition or restnctlon Indicating a preference, limitation or dlscnmlnabon based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status, or national ongln to the extent such covenants, conditions or restnctlons violate Title 42, Section 3604(c), of the United States Codes Recording Information December 06, 1994, Reception No 94-84126, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon 7 Easement as shown on the recorded plat/partition For public utilities 8 Covenants, conditions, restnctlons and/or easements, but deleting any covenant, condition or restnctlon Indicating a preference, limitation or dlscnmlnatlon based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status, or national ongln to the extent such covenants, conditions or restnctlons violate Title 42, Section 3604(c), of the United States Codes Recording Information Apnl 03, 1995 In Reel 2052R, Reception No 95-18410, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon 9 Deed of Trust and the terms and conditions thereof Grantor/Trustor James Scott McKee a married man and Kathleen Celeste McKee a married woman, JOint tenancy with full nghts of survivorship Grantee/BenefiCiary Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc , "MERS" solely as a nominee for McKenzie Funding Trustee Evergreen Land Title Co , Eugene Amount $333,70000 Recorded February 05, 2004 Recording Information 2004-007920, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D 'MAY 7 2008 First Amencan T7t1e - Preliminary Report Order No 7199-1225595 Page 3 of 5 10 Line of Credit Trust Deed, including the terms and provIsions thereof, given to secure an Indebtedness of up to $112,000 00 Grantor James S McKee and Kathleen C McKee, husband and wife as tenants by the entirety Beneficiary JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA Trustee OR Stewart TItle Guaranty Co Dated June 21, 2005 Recorded July 11, 2005 Recording Information 2005-051043, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon - END OF EXCEPTIONS - NOTE Taxes for the year 2007-2008 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount $6,675 59 Map No 1703243101300 Property ID 1532777 Tax Code No 01900 SituS Address as disclosed on Lane County Tax Roll 1742 Del Rose Avenue, Spnngfield, OR 97477 THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING FIRST AMERICAN TITLE! WE KNOW YOU HAVE A CHOICE! cc cc James S McKee and Kathleen C McKee PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 7 2008 FIrst Amencan Title ., Prellmmary Report Order No 7199-1225595 Page 4 of 5 ~." '""'0, , , "" 'L@ ~ , First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE ALTA LOAN POLICY (06/17/06) The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this poliCY, and the Company Will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys fees, or expenses that anse by reason of 1 (a) Any law, ordinance, penmt, or governmental regulatIOn (Including those relating to bUilding and zoning) restricting, regulatmg, prohibiting, or re!atlngto (I) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the Land, (II) the character, dImensions, or location of any Improvement erected on the Land, (III) the SUbdIVISion of land, or (IV) environmental protection, or the effect of any VIOlation of these laws, ordmances, or governmental regulations This Exclusion l(a) does not modify or limIt the coverage provlded under Covered Risk 5 (b) Any governmental police power This Exclusion l(b) does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered RIsk 6 2 RlQhts of eminent domain TIus ExclUSion does not modify or limit the coverage proVided under Covered Risk 7 or 8 3 Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claIms, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed, or agreed to by the Insured Claimant, (b) not Known to the Company, not recorded In the Public Records at Date of Policy, but Known to the Insured ClallTlant and not disclosed In wntlng to the Company by the Insured Claimant prH)r to the date the Insured Claimant became an Insured under thiS pOliCY, (c) resulting In no loss or damage to the Insured Claimant, (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Pohcy (however, thiS does not modify or limit the coverage proVided under Covered Risk 11, 13, or 14), or (e) resulting In loss or damage that would not have been sustained If the Insured Claimant had paid value for the Insured Mortgage 4 Unenforceabllity of the hen of the Insured Mortgage because of the inability or failure of an Insured to comply With applicable dOing buSiness laws of the state where the Land IS situated Invahdlty or unenforceablllty In whole or In part of the lien of the Insured Mortgage that arISes out of the transaction eVidenced by the Insured Mortgage and IS based upon usury or any consumer credrt: protection or truth In lendmg law 6 Any claim, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state Insolvency, or Similar CreditOrs nghts laws, that the transaction creating the lien of the Insured Mortgage, IS (a) a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer, or (b) a preferential transfer for any reason not stated In Covered Risk 13(b) of thiS policy 7 Any hen on the Title for real estate taxes or assessments Imposed by governmental authonty and created or attaching between Date of Policy and the date of recording of the Insured Mortgage In the Public Records This ExclUSion does not modify or hmlt the coverage proVided under Covered Risk l1{b) ALTA OWNER'S POLICY (06/17/06) The follOW"lng matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of thiS policy, and the Company Will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys fees, or expenses that anse by reason of (a) Any law, ordinance, permit, or governmental regulation (Including those relating to building and zomng) restnctlng, regulating, prohibiting, or relating to (I) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the Land, (II) the character, dimenSions, or locatIon of any Improvement erected on the Land, (III) the SUbdwlslon of land, or (IV) environmental protection, or the effect of any Violation of these laws, ordinances or governmental regulations This ExclUSion l(a) does not modify or limit the coverage proVided under Covered Risk 5 (b) Any governmental pollce power This ExclUSion l(b) does not modify or limit the coverage proVided under Covered Risk 6 2 Rtghts of emInent domain This ExclUSion does not modify or limit the coverage proVided under Covered Risk 7 or 8 3 Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed, or agreed to by the Insured Claimant, (b) not Known to the Company, not recorded In the Public Records at Date of Policy, but Known to the Insured Claimant and not disclosed In writing to the Company by the Insured Claimant pmr to the date the Insured Claimant became an Insured under ttllS policy, (c) resulting In no loss or damage to the Insured Claimant, (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy (however, thIS does not modify or limit the coverage proVided under Covered RISks 9 and 10), Or (e) resulting In loss or damage that would not have been sustained If the Insured Claimant had pard value for the lltle 4 Any clarm, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state Insolvency, or Similar creditors rights laws that the transaction vesting the Title as shown In Schedule A, IS (a) a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer, or (b) a preferential transfer for any reason not stated In Covered Risk 9 of thiS poliCY 5 Any lien on the litre for real estate taxes or assessments Imposed by governmental authonty and created or attaching between Date of Policy and the date of rerordlng of the deed or other Instrument of transfer In the Public Records that vests Tft~ as shown In Schedule A SCHEDULE OF STANDARD EXCEPTIONS The lien of Real Estate Taxes or Assessments Imposed on the title by a governmental authOrity that are not shown as existing hens In the records of any taXing authOrity that levies taxes or assessments on real property or In the publiC records 2 Any Facts, RIghts, Interests, or Oalms that are not shown 10 the publIC records but that could be ascertained by an IOspectlon of the land or by making inqUIry of persoos In possessIOn of the land 3 Easements, Claims of Easements or Encumbrances that are not shown 10 the publIC records 4 Any Encroachment, Encumbrance, Violation, VariatIOn, or Adverse CtraJmstance affecting the title Includmg discrepanCies, confhcts In boundary !lnes, shortage In area, or any other facts that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the land, and that are not shown In the pubhc records 5 Unpatented Mlmng Claims, Reservations or Exceptions In Patents or In acts authoozmg the Issuance thereof, Water RlQhts, Claims or litle to Water 6 Any lien, or RIght to a lIen, fOf Services, Labor Of Material theretofore or hereafter furnished, Imposed by law and not shown In the publIC records NOTE A SPECIMEN COPY Of THE PQUCY FORM (OR fORMS) WILL BE FURNISHED UPON REQUEST TT 149 Rev 6-1706 First Amencan Title PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 7 Z008 ,- Prellmmary Report Order No 7199-1225595 Page 5 of 5 Exhibit IIA" Real property In the County of Lane, State of Oregon, described as follows PARCEL II OF LAND PARTITION PLAT NO 93-P0441, AS PLATTED AND FILED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS OF LANE COUN1Y, OREGON (AKA LOT 14, GRANDVIEW ESTATES) EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION DEDICATED AS DEL ROSE AVENUE BY THAT INSTRUMENT RECORDED JANUARY 13, 1994, RECEPTION NO 94-02975, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF LANE COUN1Y, OREGON Tax Parcel Number 1532777 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 7 2008 Arst Amencan Title Aerial Photo James S, McKee Map 17-03-24-31, Tax Lot 1300 Springfield, Oregon ~ * J No Scale PRE-SUBMITTAL REe'D MAY 7 2008 Ward NorthWest, Inc, Fl..ORENCE, OR 97439 FAX: 541-997-3546 ~ I~ I' " dlmericAn 7ide qroup Escrow No 00012096 WARRANTY DEED (INDIVIDUAL) TIMomv K BOSS and DELANEA K. BOSS, Husband and Wife as Tenants by the Entirety herem called grantor, convey(s) to JAMES S MCKEE and KATHLEEN C MCKEE. HUlband aDd Wire as Tenants by the Entirety a111hat rea1 property sItuated m the County of Lane State of Oregon. descnbed as I See Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof and coven.ant(s) that grantor is the owner oflhe above descnbcd property free of aU encumbrances except ....Ul'UJ.I.I.VI"i8. RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD and WllI warrant and defend the same agam$t all persons wbo In1Y lawfully claun the same, except as shown above The true and actuoJ cODSldera.hon for thJs transfer IS $370,000 00 .. Dated March 19, 2001 TIMOTHY K.BOSS lJeLalf//1 y ~u DELANEA K. BOSS STATE OF OREGON, County ofLA!'fE) as On tin, '3 -I q - D \ penonally appeared the .bove n9l"'i> TIMOTHY K. BOSS and DELANEA K. BOSS and acknowledged the foregomg mstrument to be h1s1ber/~oluntary act and deed. I) ClFf1CV<SEAL IWlEN ROSE _PUBUC-_ _....~,.f<<)3136Q3 lIY_fJlWS""lllII ~ ~otaIy Public for Oregon My conumSSlon exp~ . The dollar amoWlt should Include cash plus all encumbrances ex1StUIg agaInSt the property to wblch the property mnams subject or wh1cb the purchaser agrees to payor assume WARRANTY DEED (INDNIDUAL) ST A p..LU:.L_ ----" DivA.ian of Chi.' Depuly Clerk COw Lan. Counly D..d. and A.corda I 2081.e1~04 111II111I11111111111111111111\1ij1lllllllll~ In $31.80 001592082001001!9040020026 03/22/2801 02'57'27 PIt RPR-DI!ED Cnhl Sln.3 CASII1ER e7 lie 00 $11 ee lie 90 TIMOTHY K. BOSS aad DELANEA K. BOSS recm TO Send Tax Statements to JAMES S MCKEE and KATHLEEN C MCKEE 1742 DEL ROSE AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97471 page Vi Title By neputy After Record1ng Return to Amnku Tide Group 560 CODntry Club Parkway #110, [DlCat, OR 97401 PRE-SUBMIllAL REC'D MAY 72008 _ V1!1an krTn SCOO3OR Aw D1/2J1ll7 . . ~ . ExhIbit A Parcel II of land PartItlon Plat No 93-P0441,.. platted and filed In OfficIal Records of Lane County, Oregon (aka Lot 14.GrandVlew Estates) EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portIon dedIcated as Del Rose Avenue by that Instrument Recorded January 13, 1994, ReceptIon No 94-m975, Lane County OffiCIal Records PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O ,IAV _ onnq I i i 7 ....t I "'::.-(,7-.. J.... """'.4..f.jLl.'.J.",!::,,~'-""'~~ .. t..-L.... ~lL JAN1JI994 rqlaR 6~l~...~,t~l" ,.... I ._.. --~~ 6~ tot ?~ .J. - 44' ORIGINAL '1~ 9402975 OBDIon:C2f OJ' A JOIILIC IQN) DPIID'I' 'lAIlT T. M~gUIIlNT ..nt! CHRI~TRJI." Mr.lrTXY'f ~gNNrg L WARTF.NHKK and n~LORES J v&~E' OJlAN1"QR3, grant -nd ~o;1J.c.t.. t.o u.NB cotmTY GRANTK& a poHcical eu.bcU'ri.1a:I ot the Sl;al;o of: Or.gon, a public road ....-0.1; 011 cd Cl'Y'er thoI tollCl'lfi.DlJ d..cdtled prcpe~ A par~l of land lying in the South_at. on..~t.C' of Section 2.. I Towruhip 17 Scuth, JIang. J "..e of tile Wi n_t.ee ..ndian and. be1.ng' .. partiOD of the tZ'aet: of land .". '.. CO .arl L MCElhany and O1rhtina' lkilbADy. DemUa 10. w.naab8a and Ce10r.. J waruD.t*a by that certaJ.n DrM4 hcorc!ed on Rael 1720 R Racordu' a Racapt:l.OIl 1IUzIbe1' n.,sn. I.u1o CQ\Wty Ore9OQ Deed IttC:Ol'dJI, Aid parcel be!.Dg .. IIt.rip of land '0 hat. W1de deacr:t.b.d .. toll~ Beg1J:ming at eha Lana Ccunty Bra.. Cap lMZJdng the Sou.dnl...t Cortar of Uia Fehx SCOtt, Jr DoI1&t:iOl1 L&n4 ClaiA 1IUabar 51 1ft Sec::dcm;l5 Town.hip 1'7 South, Rang. J ...t ~ tM Wi.llametta Meridian thane. Itorth O. OJ' 43- ...~ 2"1 1.1 t.e~ ~D an lron rod Wlth an alUlll1DWll c.p _rked ....~ 101M Spenc.r. thence ~Qrth O. 30' Z.. a..~ 1'~ 11 t..t to . 5/' :Loeb lroo rOd wlth a pl..tlC c.p mark.d .Re.. PLI '11-. thUlCO North ". tZ 12" V..t 57' '7 t.et thea~ ~ 0- 0' 11. W..I:. 1J.. " t..t to the ~. ~iat of a.9iJuU..a91 - thance North '7- .2' 12. V..t 111 11 t..t ~ ~ a- 05 0." W..t '0 00 t..t thence So\lth at. .2' 1.2" kat 1'1 U f..t thence South O. 06 11" aut '0 00 t..t to eM Tru. Point of aegllminq and th.re .nd.iag. .U in Laao CicNlaC)". ""-- Tb.r. u DO oCllud.daratica tor thi. adieat.iOll ~. deacdpdOD u..d h.rda h baud on . .urvoy to be tilocl in U- Otfi~ a1 tlW I..sne County .:,.~ . # ~~ It being the :i.Jltoatlt h.rdD to cnato a 60 tocc ride publ.lC r04ld axt..n.1.or& of Delro.. Avoauo, Councy Road lfUzIber no.. .men h. pe.... thrOU9b the GRANTOR' 5 prDpllrty s..id parcol beia9 forewr 4a4icat..cS t.o dMt \m. at the public f= ra&d, "'," acd grantillg a public: road ....-a.t. Dod.icadc:a Public; ao.d IDelre.e A-.me) Att.er ncard1Dg r.tUJ:D t.o Lane CCNDty ""'~ _. _~, PD, ~, ca ,7.0J, SJ/.-.l, .... 1 a1 2 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 7 2008 ~ ~....... . ..-- ._(-........ . "............ ,....~a....-_. ,- .....,...~J". -",->-, ~. - -"." -.., -l~......., n":..",_.-: '.I....uJ..;I~_~h..."C"",.. JAN131994 IQI'd.R \ , I 9402975 ORIGINAL D.l.td thh I..../~y ot 2)~.Gwd~ 1J11~ -W/M'ut1 Qh"A{.:. ~ ZLL-./ (2~ ;O~~ /J.L..jlv~ sn:ra o. c:a.xw ) Q:101I't"t or u.q }.. ClD. ~"".~"" <II? /~ , 1"3, penonal1y app..nd t.hIi abo-re-1l.Ulie'CI ~..?,c(. ~ .....,.,.~,..-:.!'........"....7;. CH',e;J.r/.vAl r .,;"?e.c", ::... :,~. /JE..-'.-'<f L /0,,,z71!A/.,/.:E ~ k"~"?e::r r /v'A"=A/~.:<E and admovhdlled the tor.going lnatrument. to be .. ;~tary .~ ~~ 7 @J ""lClAl...... '-4...d:/".I4-?L ~~ NOl~~' W QUlll Noc&ry Public tor OngCZl . /. -z .- COM""\SSIC~~O:'~~ lIy CClllftiulon expir.. N/ Z$ ~.s lO'CO~E.CPnuHOV Z!.l_ STATB or ouoc.w ) CClV1ft'1' OJ' 1.UI I.. 00 U'l ~r.aully app..red tiw ~-DNIed and ackeevlodged tho tor.golDS l~t~nt to be .. voluntary .~ blto~ .. Rotary Public lor Or_SQG Hy ~..ioa expire. DEPARnGNT or PCDLIC lIORXS LAND MANAGE2UH1' DIVl:SION The Board ot CCIDIIli..ionera her.by aeeept:a tJu.. ded1.c:.tlCl11 .. o:1oecr:i.be4 ben1A Appro..d. 1'"):,_ ".d.-.. 1'" :~"~'~ By De4icatiCG Public Road lo.l~ A~) SJ/_7<l, Page .2 of 2 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 7 2008 ~ ,~ \...,- r " Lp - . JAIl 13 1994 J q JaR ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT SectIOn 24 T.175. R3 W.W,M. LANE COUNTY NO SCAlE 9402975 --- ~...", ...- . 1_______ I :N , t / . l l . I ;f' :1 t I h ~l . '" tl . .1 . II ~ ~ . ...J,' ~ ' ~!. a{ I ;.\ lOBE -W DEDICATED -'! , ' /, ._..-;:..,~~___...-J I " - ' ~I ~OS~ AvL;V'v4' 1____~.1'__... ~ tl H _I 'j ~ \, \.... -',-.-::::',--- _rt :.1~ -- :Y PRE.SUBMITTAl RECIO MAY 7 2008 ..;. ,-- JUll1 1994 I 1910R S450896 STATEMENTOFOWNDIS NOTICE OF ANNEXATION AGREEMENT ATTA~,.....:...... 1 The (ollowmg Indmduals and moly own lao-A o{the property propot,kd III the atta.ebod annexaoon aErcc:ment WIth the City of Spnngfidd Earl L &: Chn.suna F McEl.hany 2600 Nonh J 1 St Spnngfidd OR 97477 /fd/,n ~ 4.......- -l... -'-~._ /~..~./ ~ZZ==> tt:'..-f I~ J,..;:!b.)", , 2 Denna L "Delores 1 Wartenbec 2742 Lo<:wl Spnngfidd, OR 974n J Development Resource Corporal/on 975 WllligJJlesple Road Eugene, OR 9740 I DW<I~''''''''l ~.J...<a 61~~_ 1....... r~ ~jA'f/~ . ptt;.r,u....,.- In WITNESS WHEREOF the above owner tw set theu Iund and seal tfu.s t1':!::. ~'~ 1994 STATE OF OREGON, Coun1y orUne) ",,_ , Personally appured befofe me thu J""':'- day of a.ll~ ,1994. thewn1unnamed ?, "',f'\.S- //;:/'7""7("(" 01 whoacknowiedged the foregoing lOslrurnent. 10 be thOt voidntary act and deed day of W CFFICIJoLSEAl -"': I JCnPII1HlA.LtMOroo t':--. ~ 1'"''/1'1''' PU8llC OREGON ""'-_r: I - l\1I~"tO'" NO" ~!t:O tl~,.... _ ICl!URE5JiJN[ze,i'iIJ 4, r ,/,f1~~ (J.;;(__"",k-\v\o---- :It - - l\$1aiy1>>utjIC of Oregon My cornrru.ss/on expucs (, 1?f.=3/ q Lr The above owners 0\1.11 rea.! property Idenu.ficd IS foOOWl Map 17-0].24..0.0 Tu lot 706 Tax lot 101 and the southern poMJon of Tax lot 105 WIthin Ihe Urban Gro'Nlh Boundry See attached dn.Wtnglt1d1.caung annex area. Leg.J deSCt1puon s.ee attached E.xhilnt A PRE.SUBMITIAL REC'D MAY 7 2008 , ",01-... Jr: ~"r, .... ~ ~ ~Cn --~ ~ ~~ ~r-- ~~ ti I III ~ ~ ....?'~ .S'"T.ceET . ~aQ.o.QtI'_ 4.s;.,,.s.:: ,....",- '$01...-1 _co I ;C~.,. I l )... d .\ L j. ~ II, "'..."" ~l \ It: ~ ,'\ " I' ", \ ~ ~I ~ :a~ ~ ~ 'I I I '~" , 1 ~ I' I i \Jl1\~ ~ ...... .. ,-..... _,..1 ~ ~ ~ ""-,,,~;;\ 1'13 I "'-~ I ~' " . ,~~ - _.'m_;*_.m_~ '.,::.. _ t'}. ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~~::~-~-~=-.-----i ---;~.-ml ~ \ 'I"Z., I h~Z ~ r ~ G ~...-o _ ;..., .s ~~/4$ d$7$Qo ~ ~ K \ ,~. -. - GRANOVIEW ESTATES No 17Ih Placo & D.l Ros., Sprlngfiold, OR hilL McElhany O'lWll W.n'l"Ib.. " to .l> U\ 0 (I) to t:l <- ~ ~.,. - , , ---- 'Ii -- ~ -;c h \ \~ \, ~ \ ~ ' I \ ~~; ~ ~ ~ ~ .s! .,1 .1 N ,,s'!:' \ II I ' · 1 ~~N~' ~,/ r '" -\, .. !,,~! -~ f.~ I, #:; ~ J ~ : ~-;::;..-:.. l" ............,.- i r...."~....._- --:- -\~ : II I \ ]~ -" ...~- ...... \, -, -^- 48.4-&&113 Yv1l 747 t&89 Hen "&S~2e.'M.74HI27Hl:n L- c::: r- ... .- <0 <.&> ... .D -J o :;:p " - " 9450896 JUl111994 ICJ10f ,I ,'w , . .... , , B-=s..th.r..n. COtllltYB....C.P In 0 men""""" cue_sthe ~ _A.. -. co",."o!th. F<& SeDlak Doostl.. Land OumNo 51.1D Scaum 25, TowusInp 17 SoUlb, lUngo 3 Well o! 1beVJiIluDc:tte Mc::cd1.m.. tbca.co Nom 0- 03" 4J.We:;t2!93 19 feet to &a.It'01Irad \Wb.JD 1 mdl .........,.copmukod"UstLme Sp='.m=Ncmh" 30 Z"uct 162.16=",,0518mth """,od...... 0 p1amc c:p...m.a"NESS PLS 881', thal\,oNonh 89" 4Z' !TWos< 39] 03 10<< to tho llUJE I'OIlIT OF BEGINNING- thclll:e _ Nonh ll9" 42' 12" W... 365 05 feet.- NorlhO' 06' OS-W",lOIOOOr..t. thma:Nom,1" 5S 51'"",, 377 78foet,thc= SooUlhO" G6' ] S' E.., 11S0 00 foot to the TIllJE POIlIT OF BfGI1',"N!NG.,. Uno CAlmtty, Oaq= Conuolmg 922 acrIL (.:l en Q) o 1Il ~ :n . H. ~>l .2i~ 1-=0 "~1 .. ~~t ~ 0: c! r ~.b'~ r3 ~~ ~ ~ t: 0;; ~.,;;: <f. 0') ....,,-t::1 ,.. ~ ~ ~~~ i ltlU _u..!:::: il: . -. ..tJ;~ ~ 'J L . ! PRE.SU~Mm~\. REC'O MA'! 1 2008 - . ~~ ou H ii u" n ~~ ;; I I t::~T-('1'H. 7 9450897 91-/1P 9$ - 'f.lf I ~3-4-ifL JUl11 1994 I 1170R ~("~ ,I I' I J I VAlVER OF TIlt!: UJHT ON CONSENT TO .uoca&TION AN ADD1!'JfDUK to 11Ut CONSENT 1'0 AlQfUAnQH 00CUKIXt VHERtAS. the Ovner has executed a Consent to Annexation docu.cnt (0 (h. ett)' on the _ day ot .~Jt<;~ ._' 199~. ~nt.ud into an qr~t lovernin( an annexatIon to tne ~lty ot re.~ ~~~perty identified .. Tax Lot . Assessor', H..p 1'.(1'(# zc",_~_!, . . hrd description of VRlen IS attached as Exhibit A-ana-lncorporatco 0)' rctereace, hareln and I. attached he n (0 I and lli:iJI1. 11 941O:REC J~ 00 VBEaEAS, tor the purpose of authorlz1nr an ann~tlon under OR$ 222.170 or under a proceeding Initiated by ORS 199 490, only Itat...nt. of Consent (0 ADnCX8tloa which ace filed within any onc year pertod shall b. effective, unle.. a .eparat. a vritten Valvee of Time Limit doc~ent forgo tn. the one-y..r period or prescrlbine :::=.... sOlie other pedod ot tille hilS been .nter~ into bet"".n aa ovner of J~nd and the Ci tYT U1d -!-~1A..l. 94MO::Yf1.H) ~ ;3 i :: 1000 VHEREAS, the Ovner, by 11enine this V..lver of Tl~ Li_it, viII c~Iy witb the terDS of the Consent to Annexation docu~nt so that the Consent to ~tion document viII be .ffective vlthout reiard to the one year li_itatlon under Or~on bv 2 NOV THEREFORE, in consideration for the City's agree~ent th.t tbe Ovner's z Property ~y receive municipal serviees from the CIty and the Qvner Oily undertake _~ development of the Property 1n accordance vith ~he SOC and other applicable City _ pI..ns. policies and standards and vitb the r~uireaents of Lane County, the Ovncr g:; hereby agrus to valve the one year period. pursWlnt to ORS 222 173 rids V.ivu of Tille Liait 1S b1nding upon the Owner. the Ovner's heirs, assi(ns and successors ia Interest to the Proper~y possessed by the Ovuer O\lner OVner has set th~jW'ld 199_ (" V' ,/ 'y ,-(fl'v ' and sw this Gay of In V!TNtSS YHEREOf, the By Ovner ~~ STAir Of OREGo~~ounty of Lane ) .. Personally iilppeared before.. this ....lthln nallled acknovledged the toreio1ni Jnstru~ent to oe tnelr VOL~[~ry "aaress A(lllress act Ana . 199 . the ...ho - ..... day of ~Ol&ry YUDllC tor ureron "y Co~i~$lOa Expires , This Vdver of Time Lilllit shall be recorded by the Ower in the Deed:!; aDd Records Oepartment at the L..me County Courthouse Th~ OdglW of thi$ OOCUlltilt shall be returnt>d to the Development Services ~part!lent, elf) of Spr1niheld. 225 Fiftb Street, Sprin(!leld, OR 97477 VAlVER OF tDlE UKIT 2908 ~~ I PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 7 2008 .' " 94SOS9? JUL ll1994 1970R STATEMENT OF OWNERS WAIVER OF TIME LIMIT ON CONSENT TO ANNEXATION AN ADDENDUM TO THE CONSENT TO ANNEXATION DOCUMENT AlTACBMENT2 The follOW1ng Indlw:luaJS and enlll)' own 100";' oflhe property propossed In the 1Iuc.hed 'gr=- w.th the CRY ofSpnnglidd EArl L "Clm"", F McEIt!any 2600 Nonh 31 SL Spnngfidd, OR 'T1477 2 Demus L II Delores J Wartenbec 2742 Locusl Spnngfidd, OR 'T1477 J:,jL~~~ 1'J1","~ ' la~;1 ta~, 'J.,) ,~ ,) 11 h . f:_.b.u.. r) 3 I:~. ~~r~' .... Resource Corporation ~..........c,.,o~~'!'''J'.n ,.n...ar,~ 97S WdligI1Jc:spICRoad ~,. f, I I M '(17 I'~~ Eugene; OR 97401 . ~ I fn WTTNESS WHEREOF the above owner Iw set then hand and $C&! tJus 11t ~l,^ r:; ,1994 day of STAn OF OREGON, County of Lan. ),,~ Personally appeared before me ttus \i- the W1thln named ~ -"-,, " the foregOing Instrument 10 be thc:sr voluntary act and deed ~ o""e........... l :::::: JlJS!~I.f ....L IllDltlU ~ HOT! flY PUBLIC OREGON CO' '>41SSION uo O'~ IIT~'" 5CIQNElPlFlfSJVH(2S 19')0 The above ownen owo real property Ide:ntJfied as follows dayer ~'"\~.;:; 1994 who acknowledged <Y'l-' ", I~, _p_ () >i- SL-h,{c, !\'6tary ~bhc ofOregoll My COmtTUSSlon cxplr~ ,_" \~,\t:\'-o Map 17_03.24-0-0 Tax lot 706 Tax lot 701 and the southern portion orTu lot 70S Wllhullhe Urban GTowth Boundry Leg3l des<npuon. _ amchod ExhibIt A -;ozr.- "~ ,," - . ~ -'" PRE.SUBMlTIAl REC'D MAY 7 2008 --, I ., :i - JUL 1 t 1994 9450897 ~ Ii the Uno Comzry Brau Cap m.. monumm1 cue marlcDs: the Sou&hwest ClOI'Ut afthc Fcb SeoUl< ~""Lmd CJumNo ll,m S-2:l. TOWllS!up \1 S<lUI!I. Roop3 Weal <tf tbe~Mt:Dlhm.tbma Nonh<Y07 43.West239319fu:1 to&l11Rn1rod.1fJidI._l mdI. _cop.".,bd -Eaglmo S....,.....tb=N_ 0"30' 24"u..162.16l<c<",. 518_ _rod~' p1smc ap ~"NESS l'LS 881", u=aoN=h 89" 42' I2"W... 393 03Jloc 10 !he UUJEl'OlNT OF B"""u~,G; 1hel= _Nmh 89" 42' 12" W... 36.1 0'-'_ Nd r:t' OS 08" W"" 105000 6:et. dIalco Nanh 14" 56 '1' Em 317 78 feet, thc= Soadl" gq lS. Eut 115000 feet to the TROEPOnIT OF B~l."""'o. JU.I..m.e Caauty, Olq;aa.. c....-s 9.22...... . .. 2f' ~~l . ~ -; - 1 1.-=; .- . !;; ~~1 - :"; a: < , ~ ...~ 2-f III .. .L_ ~ .... M . . "'f. S; 0 t'.J .:::""J t"" Vl o. ..:; - ;l: ii ~ >. 0 ... .5 ...~ =l .... vu :1l ~; ..<:2 .. n .i~ :i.. = ~~ . _~.5 . . -~ " ..... " .< ,t, I 1~-;'0A I PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 72008 ,~~ )0 (1- 3'd~ ~~-+. 9/-/~ F." /, /'/l'f-7 t; J. - 1,1.'1 J 9j...4t/.~ " JUll1 1994 S450898 OJNSENT TO ANNEzATION fOR UP-tO lIRBAR l'IUHCE OVEIU.AT DIsnIcr nonzrus: TOI The City of Sp~lnlfl.Id. a aunJclpal corporation of the St.r. of Ore,on. herein.tter r.f.rr~ to .. City This 1. .. Consent to Annexation by 5<. .........,""".... ::t ,I ht!ce1nattlu' reterred to u ovnar RECITALS I The Ovner r.pr..ents the lollovIPC' Z~~JLL 11 9Illf02R(C 8 ~ ~2 ! 13 The OVner pO$$esses real property, hereinafter referred to as Property, DOre particularly described In Exhibit -A., attached hereto and made a part hereof, located outside City Ihits. but vi thin the adopted Urban Crovf'h Boundary depicted In the Eu,ene-Spr1nrfleld Hetropolitan Are. Ceneral Plan The UF-I0 Urban FrJnie Overlay District d.s~rlb.d In Article 29 of the Sprln,fJeld Development Code. hereinafter relerred to a. SD,. h.. been .ppli~ 10 Property ~Jl.IL II '9'HIll2Pf1.NJ By the lerlllS of SOC, Section 29 070(l){..), this Consent to AnneqUOD, hereinalter referred to as this Doc~Dent, is required .s a precondition to alloy of the land use 4lctivity or developlllent desired by the Ovner o ~GR&EHENT The Ovnu con.untl .. [ollovs ~I The Ovner irrevocably consents to annexation of the Property to the City in consideration tor the allov&nce by the City at a land use activity or developllen t 2 The DYner consents that the City Council. in its SGl.. discretion, nov or at any Ollie hereaher, may adopt a resolution inuuting annexation under ORS ORS 199 490 and 222 170 or any other applicable lav or statute The Ovner consents to lncludlng 1n such proceeding any other land the City Council may direct or vhich the OVner has petitioned and consented to the annexation 3 The Ovner understands and consents th.t thb Oocut:lent ...y he used by the City to lIIeet the requIrements of ORS 199 490 and OKS 222 170 4 The OVner also irrevocably authorizes tbe City to present this Document to the Lane County Local Covernlllent Boundary COmlllis~ion to inltiate any minor boundary chang~ under QRS 199 490(1) as ~n interim measur@ to provide service to the Property pel or to ~nneXat1on to the City 5 The Owner consents, pursuant to OKS 222 115, that the Ovner a.nd any and all he~[s. Successors ana .ss~gns with an interest in the Pro~rty shall ~ bound by thls Document which shall run with the Property CONSENT TO ANNEUnON - 'PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 7 2008 . :> -" I - . 1970f 1500 10_00 J JUl111994 1970f 9450898 -,' 6 The Ovne~ shall obtain the City's approval for any nev l.nd u.. activity or davtllop"enf, than Ie ot land us. activity or developllent. or intensification of land use activity or develop.ent of the Property The City Jill crant approval of the land use activity or development if it 1s In cOllpliance vltb applicable plans. pollctes. and Itandard. as interpreted b7 the Clty In consideration for this Oocu~nt. the City ~rree' th~t the Property ..y receive municipal services froa the City and the OUn.' cay undertake the davelop..nt of the Pr~perty in accordance with Clty plans. policies and standards and with the applicable requlrement~ of LAn<< County 8 As used herein, th<< .in(ular shall include the plural and the plural .hall include the sinlular Contemporaneously wltb the execution of this Consent to Annex.tlon. the owner I. executinl . separate V.iver of TIDe Li~ltation fora, pursuant to ORS 222 173_ attached hereto .nd ..de part of, as . condition of silnlne this DocuAeDt In VITNESS VHEREOf. the Ovner has set their hand and se.l this ,_ 199 - 7'1"'5 I._ f-rflAlf'" /'~ STATE of OREGoN, County of Lane ) 5S PersonallY appeared before me this ______ day of W1 thin named acknowledged tne torego1nC lnstru=ent to oe tnelr VO!untary act ana da)' of 'y Oy Ovnu Owner Mdress Adoress . 199 the who - ..... ~otarJ rU011C tor urclon l1y Coc:uuion ExpHes In \UrNESS \/HEREOF, thc Director or Oesllnee has set their band and seal this '( dJ.Y of -h.J. L..-. 0' 199!i. .y ,'/-w_clr-d AM.,db1'1t!J oeve!op~ent t?rvlces Ulrector CJ STATE Of OREGON County of Lane) U 0 d PersonallY appeared before lIle thlS I day of U,,? . lo/1~, the V}thln nallted ~u. SQ..of"'\ It Dtl f (U1(1 U 0.'1...",( WO acknovledged t/'le raregol/'lg ~nstrUClent to' 6i ;b{u V01~nt~ary. ana d~ ~ CFFCI..l!:<:....l ~/,t1 ~ -';''1 J.t.HICEI....IAr.r.lSON hZurJ i'ub1ic to reion -- ~ /. NOT..~Y"~"'..C OItEGON COClission Expires -- CC' ~~~rl "" 'Jl~ IolYCC'JMlSSI(" ,,,,Il(....cC.l..'. CONS~~ TO ANNEXATION . 2 2907 ~ PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 7 2008 - - .. 9450898 STATEMENT OF OWNEIlS JUll1 1994 I 19,OR . CONSENT TO ANNEXATION FOR UF-IO URBAN FRINGE OVERLAY DISTRICT PROPEIUlES The followmg IndiViduals e:nd cntJry Q'WTl 100-1. (lCthe pr.operty propossed 10 the attached Igrecmenl 'Nab the Clt)' of Spnngfidd wI L & chn~..' F McElhany 4: J i"., 'U 1..- 2600 North J 1 St ~ l.k-. ~ l. (1J z:.v spnngt;cId. OR 97477 / lJennt,L & Ddoresl W"'cnbo: L:..";,, /<~ 2742.I...ocusl 1 <L,.....u (/ u~I'..,r""k Spnngt;dd, OR 97477 (/ Development Resource Corporat.lon ~~f),.,.r,^,r th.~"d:P?~~tN 97S Will1giUe5plcRoad ~ f-. t /#'~( __"_~r ~ Eugene. OR 9740 1 ,- In WITNESS WHEREOF, the above owner has set theu' hand and seal thas n-...f:. ....-r;.~A...',-:: .1994 .ATTA,....u..,~... J 2 l , clay of STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ) $I ..,.L. Penonally ap~ed before me this /7 - the wlttun named ?,....<.. II. <--:;; S the foregomg Instrument to be: tOOr voluntary act and deed @:4"" II\S~:i~l~~~~llU C)..-,~_.r_w...~_.. n 7' ~k~~ ~-r: "O~....flY PuBliC ~EGOH ?-..btary Pl.lbhc of Oregon COM'-lISSIO"'NOCl'~ MycomnuSS1onexplrcs ~ ..\, ~ IQ~ I,n COUI.'ISS1QN El?\JlE5 JU"'" za I'M . dayo(~"','':; 1994 . who ackno.....ledged The above owners own real propcty Idenufic:d as f.oUows ~ Map 17-03-24-OJJ Tax lot 706 Tax lot 707 and the southern OOnlOIl of Tax; lot 70S Within the Urban Grow1h Boundry Legal descnpllon see attached Exhibn; A . ~> Ji1li ~~'g Ii: i :;;~~ . .- ;T~ .. -" ~ .:! ;fE ~_~ 1.1,:= D. -: ~: J Co l..oc ~ o~ u.e-~~ ~ ~ ~]C? ';;;1..1 _v.s;- 0' r:l 0' C L1 ~ -, I PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 7 2008 c: .... ...... m .... , . i i~~ . r, ~ < . ,- .~ c_ ,,~ il I "" q . .:3- . . /- '=>-:' ~r) , . ~ I t I ~.- :,) , ~ -~- ~::1S1<j ) 7 - 3;)-S DEe 061994-7..0/8/1 I;} fl../~ '1.1.1/4/ + 4~ DEClARATIONOFCOVENAHTS ,,4- .-tI,~ CONDmONS AND IU:Sl1ucnONS ._ roR ~W~ CRANDVIEW ESTATES DEVELOrMnrr IN LANE COI1NTY, OREGON 9484126 mrs DEC'L\RA nON 11 made oa the dAte hc:rcmaltcr set tonh by 0eveI0prnc:ac: R<>o.n:e Cotpont.m, _" rdcmd 10 u 'Dodanm . RECrrALS ;::~ .:: :0 ~~~. ~C .-- .....J_~ ~.J 9..1O."4iJi) "'00 1000 1 8 g ~ :; r ~- ~ ~ 0cdaratIt lJ lbc owncrotllJC propc:ny known IS and heremaftc:r refet'rl:d to u eIlANDVIEW' ESTATES UlUne Counly Oregon, and more partlCU arIy dtsaibed tn.Exh1bd -A. attached hereto and made a part bereofby tfus reference IT ~ GRANoVIEW ESTATES IS .r'eSldc:nuaJ development afunglc-f,amdy Iou occupytng thai real propc:rty more paruc:uJarly descnbo:! In Exlublr '"A" .lIached hereto and by tba reference made. part bc:reat Nodung heran lJ tntcndcd to restna the Nlure cUvtSlon of S&ld lots 10 tons IS wd diVISIon IS COrws.!ent W1th the muumum su:e reslnctlons oCthesc restnc!.Ions and applicable land use reguluwas. In. Dcdara.ttr: deems It dcsuable lQ Iiut.bennee of the pu.rposc:s sel out hereur to estab1uh these covmants and restnctJons wfuch sIWllpply to all raf propM}' W1th1D the bow1danes of GrmdY!cw Eswes IS CW'TCIUly or hereafter dJv:tdcd InCa UldMdu~ Iou. IV Declarant deans II dcsnblc l.D tUnhc:rancc of lhe purposes set out beRua to create -nw: Qnndv:tew .EstaJ:e:s Ardutc:dunl Rmew Comnuu<<. .. hc:rcllwl:er ealled -nc Commznce. . to admwster and enforce these covenants Stncrally and, IIJ panlCUlat, 10 te'YreW platts and speafiCatJOns ol'buddings, fences. walls, landscaptng and platuung as 10 loculon and atmor dCSlga of Imp... _. -..J "",.tun GrandVlew EsI.1tes.. SUB1\fiSSION OF PR.....-&.A.... NOW l'B1:Rf:FORE, Declarant hereby dcd.aces ahal all otthe PropertlCS dcscribcd above shall be hdd. sold and COnveyed subject to the (olloWIng euetnents, restnaJOns. covenants and conditions wtuc:h ....c for the purpose of prottdUlg the value and dClIrabdll)' ot: and wtuch shaJllUn WIth,. the real propc!rt)' described UI Exhibit . ^. hereto and sha.ll be bUlchng on aU patt.lcs havmg any ngha., l1lIe or Inlct"CSI ttI tbe desenbcd propcny or any pan therttlt; thetr hen, SUCCC:ssotS and USlgnJ, and shaIJ lmJre to the bt-ndit of eadI owner lhcreof Gnadrinr Esta'a Dedanlioa ot Coad.tiollJ, Co\oeaaatl ad RatnctJoas PaCC _ 1 -~ " f PRE'SU~MlrrAL REC'D MAY 7 2008 . , ..1'.1 " _ L,.. J. ~". . - otr" , ,... .J, ,'-.....,... q- - jl . , I~ . - " ..... _ . II DEe 06 1994-7.018 9484126 ARTICLE { DdJnllloM S<<tion I .. "OwaCT'" Shall mean the owner or record. wbetbcr one or more pet10ns or entule:S. Indudmg Ihc declann1 whale owner of lI'Iy '01 or loll thcrea. or.. fee sample bllo to &rf'J Lol wsdun the properue:s. lnduchng but not n::unatd 10 <<lntnct 1dJe:ra. bllgns. ban. ltullees or -Bents. bul excluding lhosc baWlS such U11Crest merdy as JCCUf11y Cor the perfonnanoc 0( aa obUgatlOn.. For VOlinB PWPOscs OwnusNp shan be baied upon lade at tho tamrI th.Ic the VOCel.f 1&Ic... Sectioa 1.. "Propenlu" Shall mean and rc(cttothalccrumrealpropeny~sIy desaibed u Exhillll A. and aU unpro\'C:menls. rea! propcnyand fixtures wtucb b<<.ome IUbjoc:t to Ihls Dedant&OQ under the (emu hcn:ot Stc1ioa 3.. OOLot" Sh.a.Il mean . dil:lma pared c(real propc:ny deslgnated IS.. Lot on any final and rceorded subdiVISIOn or pattlllon map and JO(.Iled 'Ndhan the boundanes or Grandv.ew EsuICl. S<<IIOQ 4.. "I..nd" Shall mean the lots W!tlun Grand\1CW Eswcs whetMr roc:rred to lJldJytdua!ly OIlG the aggregate St-ctlon 5. -Al"t"blltttural Revlrw Commlllrt" sha!J mean the comrruttce {ormed pursuMlllO Anldc II below and shall fSc refcncd 10 as the Commu:tee.. ARTICLE D A,..,.hdH"lunJ It"'" f"n."nd,-,"'t S<<tloa I .. Approval No Slruc:tlU'1L\ whc1her reswtence. leeess.ory bwldul& Ic:nnas c:oun. $WImtnmg pool. Oag poles, (cnc:a. walls,. extenor lighll1tB or othQ- ImpfOvancnls. sha1J be conslruacd or DWnUIned upon my lot and 110 aJrenuon 0( rq:wrtlJnS to the cxtcnor o1a SUUctun: sfuU be nwfc and no landscapmg performed unIeu complete plats. spcafiauODS and 10 p!ms therefore, show1ng lhe extenor dcslgn. heIght bwJding nwcnal and colot sdteme thereof. shoWIng I.he SUUClw-e planed honzontaJly and vcrocaIly, the IoeaUOD and SIZe of drrveways. (he general plan of landscaping. fenCIng. walls and wmdbreab, and the gradl.ng plan shall have been subnuued to and approved In wnllng by the Comnuuee and a copy of SlJc:b plans and spcaficatJons as fitl.alIy approved depo$.lted Wllh the Commattee. Wbeu fUnushcd. cmJy thoac house awnben. and nwlboxes 'Ilttuch are approved by the Commauee shall be: used &ad m&uStaIDCd Iftlbc,,~,_.._ S<<tJoa :I. COUJllulfee MembttshlP There wn be foor members o(the Commmee. ... The uuuaJ members ofthr: Commruee sha1J be. Earll. McEIhmy Oonla PJae DenmsL W_ R1c1c.Prodea Grudricw Eatatts Declandoa or CoddlllOlU, Covauatt aod 1la1ricdo... P.ce. 2 '. . , ~ PRE.SUBMI1TAL REC'D MAY 7 2008 . , ~ ~- ....-J. .~::. -",',. ~,-,<(j:"'I'Y::"~ ..-, ......~/~... - - .. , .,... ':,""._'~'" !".'.,..... , " , .. l- . : i: ~ , e . " , .,. . -, :, " ---- ----- j , ~ ---- DEe 06 1994-7..018/1 The dcczSlOa of any three membcn o((he ComnuU('C dWl be bll1dLng. however .pplM:aUOOI may be re:submaued Upon f.ulute o{thc Comnullee or u, dOlSlUlcd represenulive 10 take IClIOII OQ . completed .ppbcatlOtl \lr'ItbJn 4S d.ays OflUbl1llwon.lhc .pplialloa......u be decmc:d ~ ~vc been "'p'ovod. 9484126 MembcnoCLhc CorntMtCC shall servo until they ratgn or arc n:p~ by YOIcofthe> Comnutlcc or the owners.. A comnuUee member may be repl.aced by \'Ote ottbe ownen repreKlllmg severuy.6vc pc:rc;enI of the lots ILIbJca lO these: conchlJonl,. cove:nanu and rCSInCUOM In any sucl\ vole cath lot shall' rCCC:lvc onc vote Lot owners by ~c ahall rcpta.co any committee member so removed A CQmrrunce mmlbcr may be replaced by lhe vot:c of the olher 1hree rnembc:n orlbe:: COrnrl1.lltce lfa vacancy IS treated on the ComnultCC due to I'CSJgnauon Of other cause. the wrwnms CC1mtn1ttce members shall select . replacc:menl Stellaa 3 _ ApphatwD for AppronJ Each owner dewmg to make SIte or IU'UCtUlaI ImprovcmenLs on Ius or her lot shall pnor (0 rcqUCSUI1S I bwldmg pcrnul from the City or Spnngfidd. subrrut to the comnuncc for approval. the folJowuls.. t.. Two IdS ofptans. one ofwtuc.h shall be maaned by the ComnuUce. conll1t\Ulg L Pial pJ.u showutg location of proposed unprovements on the lot, and ltlcludlng . dcwlod landsap"'8 pIaa. _ Il. AU dcvatJoca. ill.. Floor plan ofanlc:vds. rY Fanab floor grw;Ics on all levels. mdudmg park.\ng strudUrtS and ptliCS- b O~ $tl of Spcc;WcaU041 or matcna1s desc:npuoa 1m, e. Sample oC proposed extenot suhns. WIth swn appucd sample or tompoJlUOD roof awenal color<< wood macenal. AD plans. speCIficatiOns and samples W1D be teVtewed by the: ConllUlttec talong the Reqwn:mc:nu and Cnlcnl (Atude IV) lhen Ifl effect wo corwdcratwa ,nd. shall DOuty the owner 1ft wntIng of approval or dJSapproval wtth1n 45 days of sublNUlOQ.. Arr1 notICe of dlsapprovaJ sba1l SWe the areas oC cl1sapprova! and" Ii praetltable. corrective I'De&SIJteI COftSlSlerd 'Mm d~ llcqwtemeDtS ID4 Cntena. Section 4.. Scope Iu addluon to the .bove authonry the Commlttcc shall also have the authonty to make reasonable Interpreta(lons 1114 prospecttve Nle:s concmung manc:n governed by me.. ~ The Commi:ttec shall exCQ:1.SC Its bcstJudgmcnt to see thai aIlltl'.I"w _.._-.1.. c:onsU'UCtJon, landscaptnS and alterauons on lots wurnn lhe ptoperues eorUorm to and hatmonw: With WstU18 ~8' ODd IlN<lURS. The Comttuttcc shaD DOl be llablc 1ft damage to &11)' penon subm.tung reqUCSll for approval ex to aD}' owner wrthu:l: t.he prDpcrlll::S by rcuon of any IdIOa, WIW'C to ICl. approval or disapprcrn.l or WIun:l to approve or duapprovc= With regard to sudl requests Gnadvfcw Eatata l_~-. ... .,'.. or CoadlLiou, Conaaats lad RertnctlOIlS ".ce" 3 " -,. PRE-SUBMllTAL ,REC'D MAY 7 2008 . , "'~'-'.. .~, . <~. , ....... ..-... ,.,', I" ~ ~~ .r,,~ - j~-...l.~__ ~, ~. .Ar ... 'Ill .. ~ - ,'." . "~. .;:;,'.. - . _--........--~ { '. ~ , I . j , ~ ~- ., DEe 06 1994- 2018, 9484V=6 ARTICLEm "n .nd M_inlrn.n,.p 'i!rtlrktfo"l Seetloal . ResidtllUaI Use Alllats u shown ad the pI&t oI'GnndVICW Estates ahaD be used only for pnVMe resadezu&al purposes. No trade. buslt~U or profesllOn ahalI be c:cnductcd cw pncuc<d - Only one pnvau: SU'lsJe fanuly dwcltU'lg. not clctec:hng two stonct tn bcght. together 'M1h the CUSlonwy outbuw:hngs tneludu1g & pn~te garage for not less thatI two (2) can or more than three (l) W'S (whu:h may be: UICOI'pORIed mlO lhe mam rdldenc.e) sJWJ be erecced or ' ",.." ".J on any lot No carports shall be allowed NOllung In 1M sectiOn shall proIubst (i) &CUYtbCS related 10 the sale or renlal otbome:s and 101S In GrandvtC'W Estates (u) the nghl ofDcdan.na or any 10& ownct. upon approwl by the Comnunec. to engage LQ lhe nomW ICUVltles and storage &nClderu to construCtion. nwntcnanc:e, repaJr. and replacement or homes and other structures pmnIued by these rcsUlctlons" 01' (Ill) the nghl of any owner to rrwrtltln. prnonaJ profewona! library handle busaness or profes5lona! tdqthone calls or c.onfcr Wl.tb busmess or profewona.l assoaatcs. cl.cents,. or Q.lstomers IIllhe owner's resKletluaJ umt The Co 'Nnluce &hall approve sudI Kt1YllY unless It finds dw the lCUV1ty or rdared acuvrtJeS will . urvoIve . regular Qftollle ~atazniJy ~,.,/, # ..; b be observable outsade or take place m whole or put ouwdc the resadcnce. C IOvoM: nonceable bussnes.s..re1alcd vchacle lnVd or ~ d olhcrw&sc be antompalib1e wtth the rt:Sldenual cfw'ac:ter peace. and ttanql.ldlny of tbeDCll:,:.. ,:... i $KhOD 2 _ Lot aDd Dwdliftl $.u Any future Lot dJV1S1OG shaD not create & 101 SmaLler than. 9,000 sq ft. Wlthoul the approval o{tbe Comnuuce AnY tuwre lot under 9,000 JQ fl sha1I be ONy from an ongmaJ lot of20,OOO sq fl or leu and shall be ulc:ast 7.soo III Ii III cz.e. The door atea aCtbe IIWIl SUUClure. excIUSlVC oCone slory open porches and praia. shaD be: DOt leu than one \bousaNlelght bundled (1 100) sqlW'e feel far a one story house and not Ic:ss dwl twO t.bousand (2.000) square feet toW llvmi arel for I ~5lOry bou.se. A split-level dwelling may be COI1SIdered . one slaty dwelling for the purpose of quaW'ytng {or lhc rmmmwn door area bcran. Any 5lNCtUtcs under 2,000 squue fed of lMna space shall have an "ladIcd _ (3) caz....... Seedoa 3 _ Eascmeab E.asemeDts for tnS1&UaIKm and maU1Ienanc.e ofuulroes and dramage faalWes an: rc:servcd u shown oa the rcc:ordcd plat. ~lOD" _ Electne Dutnbadoa Eleclne dlstribuuon {&cilJoes sbaII be \L...~.:r - . ,1 and subjec:lto me pollaes and procedures oCme Eugc:nc: Watet and Elc:ctne: Board DOW 10 e:osIcnce. 01' be:taftcr ameadcd. Seelloa 5 _ AcceJlOl'7 Slruclura No structure or. tcmponry dwactc!" trailc-. buemcnl. panty finssbcd bousc. sbadt. ~c. bam or other outbwldmg shall be: U$cd oa any lot Cnadvfew 1:su1Ct DcdandotI of Coadido.... CcrYaaaab &ad JtatricdoaI Pap. 4 -,. 1 PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO MAY 7 2008 . , -,.....- - ~~ ~ ~. 'H":.AJiiIIIiII"'-., h' -\"'1 ., .."~'III. c_ "'... -f .'., '.' "'I '."~ ...iLl ,~- IJJ ( , " ;, {' j f I ,-- ~ ~ DEe 06 1994-7..0/8/ 9118412(; .II any tunc u. I"CSIdC.tJ(e. ather Icmporiray or pctm.lnCTltly nus $C'CIlon s1uJI nol be construed 10 prolublc collSuueuon 0(. pnvatc gr<<nhousc" scarage: W\II, pnvale Iwunnung pool or other pnvale athletIC Ca.c:Wty or spea.aI garage for. tecre-allonal bo&l or vduclc u long as the IfIIprOvemcnt: has been approved by the Comm.l1lC'C and IS olh<<w1se tn eanfomwx:e WIth (bas dcdarauon and app1K:ab1c laws and rcgulmollS,. 10 long as the SlU, 001101\ and dcslgn has fint beaI.pprovcd by Ihe Comnutlee. Sect.. , - Aaltan.. .nd olhC'r ~UlpmtDt ExtemaJ IdevcSlOfl antenna. radio anlcnna or lOwer, sale:Uue l"eCCVd" duh. other a.nlenna and soLar collec:tor, shall be approved by the ComnulttC and shall be placed OUI ofYleW as dC1emuncd by the Comrrutlec. SK1IOD 7 . Animab Uaultd No kcnnds or lV1anes arc allowed W1thout lhc approva1 of lhe COlMUl1ce No dauy, Slable. bam, hutch. or warren shall be ttect<<! or nwntau'led on ury IoL nus restnCCIOl'l shaU not be constnlcd 10 protubll orduwy household pets thle arc kept 1ft fWI eomplW1Cc W1th lJIappl,cable laWI and regulations and that do not COMmute any nuu.anu.. annoyance, objectionable noIse or odor Ewry penon bMgtRg or keeping an anunaJ 1D Grandvlew Estates .sha.U be laable ~ the laws o(the Sl<Ite of QregoD to uch and aU pcnons for any UlJUIY Of damage to persons or propeny caused by such 1tIlrrW All anm\&ls nwnJ&:ne:d In . Loe shall be kept olher W1thm an enclosure. yard or patlo or on. leash ~ng held by. penon capable of contrallutg lhe anurw and OwncfS lhalI promptly remove aU &nlma.l wutes The CommltlCC may csublub rules 6utbct detUung owner rc:sponsWIlltles cancenung pelS and lU'rutUlg the number and types of pets allowed Scctloo . - Trus All trees a4Jacent to the Streets are to be nwntazncd by the tot owner and pruned to standards set by the Comnuttee Such trees slaU not be removed wuhout approval of the Commatee. Sccfioa ,. NUISance No noXlOUS or offensIVe uadc or aconly shaLl be c.amcd upon any 101, nor shaD anytfung be done thereon wluch may be or become an annayance or nwsance to the ...gbborl1ood. 5<<tioa 10 - SIZIUI Unless wntten approva.lls (ItS( obL1lncd from the COmmltttc., no SIgn of any Iund shaU be displayed to the public from any IOl except 1) profes.stonal szgn of not more than IS" x 36'" advertiSing the lot for sale or SIgns used by Ihe developer to advcruse the 101 dunng coasuucuon or sale pcnod Cunng construction of the rC'Sldmce, the gencnJ contractor may display $Ipgc COnsulc:ru wuh thes.e CO'ienants and the Spnngfield City Sign Code 5<<lloa 11- Drain_It! Each owncr thelr hClrs. successon and. US1gns oC,Jot &II wd devclopmc:nt agree thai they wtIl not 10 any way Ultcrferc With the established dnu\2ge over thelr lot and we !bey will make adequate prOVISIOns for propeny dr.un.agc far the benefit of all atrcacd lots For thc pupose hereof: -estabhshed drainage IS defined as the drainage which occurred &I the tunc: the ovcnll gndmg ofSlld dcvdopmem was compleccd by the underSIgned dccJarant . SectMlD 11- ReCuse No Iou shaJI be used or rrwntllncd as a dumpUlg ground [or refiae Trash. garbage &ad other was1e sha1I not be kept except m SlJUtary I;Ont.l1ners empued weekly All mancta1ors. p:bage cans or other equipment for the storage or or disposal of such mltcna1s shall be kept ID a dean and wuwy GOndmon enclosed by fences thl( sa'1:CJ1 them from S1gbL All Gnacmew EIuta Dedaradoa o( Coadllloas, Cavaaaau aad RalnclJOllI Pace - 5 I. I PRE.SUBMITTAt REC'O MAY 7 2008 . ,..-. ,~'Y ,": ~ .. '. , ,"'1\,..--- _.,.~'~.- r DEe 061990o/SR conlraaon must m....nam . dean and orderly construchan SJle Dunng 1M pc:nod or eonstt\lcslOtl and dcvdOpmcnl o(thc pb:1 lhis prO\1SIOn lN1.U not .apply to lhc ~ant. 91&1126 5<<150. I.J. Vrh.cks These coYerWUs hereby IlIClude. reltne-lIon on parLna (or more than. 24 hour penod on the dcdl~cd WedS 'NIlhut the ptOpertll:l Outdoor parking. aonge. and DWnIc:rwJCe ofboafs. c:atnpeB. trallcn. RVs and sundar personal properly shaD be RStncIcd to paved; lieu. shall noc be closer to the street than S {eet bdund lhe front o(lhc pnge. and &haD be mumy blocked from otf'-101 VlcW by . SWlable screen or (cnu Stonlg~ or&I'IJ Iund or soods. men:hllidl.sc" nwenaJ., Net. suppUes or JDA.C:1v.nay sJWJ be wulun wall. o(lfM; bud<hn& or cndosed by lJgN (cnca lJw complctdy JO'eens It &om Slgtd Sffl'n .". LaadSC'apln. Yards shall be landsaped BOt more than 60 days after Gna! UlSpealOQ ClUpt wbaJ occ:upaney occurs aftcrOaobcr I and before ~uy 1 Yards ddivc:rcd to OCC\lpancy dunng LnCltmcnl wuthet stull be land$Qped not morc than 60 days after May I Yuds shall be nwnt.med 111" neat and dean c.ondlUOG and grass shall be walctcd and QIC tq{UJarly Landsc.apng IhaU be apprcwed by the Comauuce.. 5eell08 IS BUllnlaad Ai,. Condl.,oniae ExtenQt &It condmorut1S or heaung UlUts including wmdow mounted &U' c:ondUlonttS shall noc be \tlSlble from the street. and may IlOl be 111$1&1101 Wlthoullhc: pnot appro...aI of the Comm.tttc:e.. S<<hoa 1'. Propn1y m.IQCen.QCf: Each ownet-and OCQIpant shan be responsible for matnl3uung and kecplllg 1I1 Soad order and rqnu the extenOl oflhat owner or occupants dwelling. mdudll18 any praSe and yard wltlun JOIIIl1eS Requited mauncnancc shalt lndude., but not be IUNted to (I) m3uIlenance of all patlong areas. pn1fate doves. a...,bs and walkways III a dean UId safe condltJOft, IIKhuhllg clcarung. rep~g and restIJplllg u often as neceuuy fa) nwnlC:tWkC oflandscapms UI an UlIaCII\C neat. ord~y uunmed. and cut condltlon at.o tunes. free ofbnuh. weeds" and dcbns. (w) de&nutg. m3mtt:mne.c. and rdampltlg ofany a1mW hgbwlg fixtures, and (iv) maunenance of roofs. w~ls. wtndoW$, and cxtenors ofbulldlnss 50 an aUtaalVt, neat, and fiday NacuOnaJ condiUOn at all tunes 5m:waD ]1- Col1StndiOQ Coanruc:uon ofthc pnnwy rCSldcno.e shall bcg.a not l&ccr than Ihree (3) years from purdwe of Jot from lhc: ~t Once the construcuon perIOd ofany ~enee or .ddJbOns bas started tI must be completed Wllhi.n eight (8) months Any delays DUSt be .pproved 1Q wntm, by the Comnuctcc.. SectiOQ 11 .. Otber When Ibcsc covenants do not cover . Sl:tuatIOn. rWe:s ~ rcgu.b.uons of Lane County, If then applicable., or lbe regul.a1lOns of the CIIY of S pnngfteld, If then appficable., shall gOVUD. In a.lJ eases where there arc confh...'1ll8 rules sboWlllS JI difference m reqwccmem.s., the more stnct ofthc rwo IS to be used The deQS.lon of the Commmcc shall govern lD dctctmulZlll wbacb NIc IS more SUla... Crudricw Elutes Dedarado. of CoadlcJoQ, Cow-maD" aad RatncdoltJ Pap:.. , ~...-~ 7' ,.; I PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 72008 " , 1/ " ~ ~- ~ ' " ~,.-:..~- 'l)--...,....~ .. .-. ..~ 0' , " ( i '1 ~ --~ DEe 06 1994-'1il18R ARTICLE IV 94841Z6 q.........,...."'''",'1 and Cnrrrl. Upon subtru.s.uon Df plans to the ConuruUcc by aQ Qwnd" U lei tanh 1ft Nude 11. approval or cbsapproval wdJ be based upon lhe Col1o\lM& rcqwrcmctlll &ad c:nrena. $<<1104 I _ DC'IChl All buildlfigs ihal1 be one 1I01'y. twO 5t0f)' ot splt.t lcYd. .nd the rrwumum betgi1t shaD be subJcd to approwl by the ComauUee. Sec1l0a % . Sldllle aad Roolin& All dCV3tlons oroomes arc to have double-wall consU'UdlOn Uldwng wood SJdIns. ,nth lap ~Jfi8 on all W1Ils Of othc:r approved Sldang maJcn&1s. New or rcpta.cement roorlllg rrwc:nals sh.\Il be lunlled 10 concte!C ulcs or cerU1n 30 plus yQr muumum 325 lb. comPOSlUOa. Wood $hakc:s., meW or olber II\I.fioal roofing ate protablted Scc1lon 3.. E:r.I~nor Colon. WlGdon All cxtenor pamt colon and slams shall be subJ(:l;t to approval by the Cocnnuttoe. to be b&scd upon the style Or the unprovemc:nL All wmdoW1 shall be vutyI. anodiud or pauncd Sectloa.... Feaaac No feoang s!WJ prouudc past the (ront of the rCSldence and shall be of.. :sl~d wood d~gn. approved by the ComnuUee Jnlettor fenc1ng shall be of.. -good netghbor"' dC$gtf. whereby bolb S&dcs o(~ fc:ncc arc the ume Sec1lOD 5.. Brick Each te51denu.al buddIng shalllt1cludc some muumal bnckwork. lD the front or such dwcllutg. to be approved bY the Comaulue. Section 6.. Boult Nambrn aad Vard ulhtJ Each resldenllal dweUllIg shall bavc a standard yard light WIth a three (3) fOOl bnCk base and standMd brass I1gbl fixture WIth au10lDWC pholO cdI on/of! SWItch. A SWJdard brass p1.&tc wnh stred number shall be anacbcd to the base. ~ctlaD 7. Sdbacks aad Lot Covrncc ~cl1 heme sh1U be SCltw:k ,awumum or II feet from the nearest pow oflhc SUffi suiew2lk. 10 feet from the rear and five feel 00 each Dde. The rrwamum. bwldll1B SIZe wcWdu1g covc:red pordtes. pauos and decks. as wd1 as garages. shaD be 50"A orlc:uo(thctot&lloc. area.. S<<IioD I. Accen aad MallllrOJlftCr of Eatr:ywa,. The respecuve owners of cads lot are _ -....".)':.le (01 the rcpau and ftWIllc:nanec 14 a first class condiuon oftbc dttveways. $edJOa ,. W..O'C'r The Ccmnuuee shall h.a:ve the sole and exc1usrve naht US rt.I dlsattJOD 10 waiVe. 111 whole or III put. any proVlSJon, CQvenant. conditiOn,. rcstrJ(:tIoa Of I"C$d'\'alIOd he:rc:m. d'ut JlS d1sc:rcuon lS dC1emuned ttut such 'aCtIon IS necessary to avoid batds1up to vry property owncr.lnducbng the unduSlgncd. and wdl not mllcnally detnc1 from the vall.1e of adJowng propertIes. Any ansuumcat duly acknowledged by the undersigned and recorded ad the Pubhc Records ofI..anc Co OR.. shal..I be conclu.sNe ~dence of such dClcmunatlon and acuoa.. CnadY1cw ElUtes DcdarU>>oIl orCoadWOU,C,." ".. aadlt.cstnc1tOush&C-1 I PRE-SUBMIITAl REC'D MAY 7 2008 - -- ----- ".1.....--.-- .r:;-:;. , - ~ ,,_...:..., ..-Jt:.A:~ ~~ ~ ...... -,... .'1-,' " " ., DEe 06 ~94-~lgf\ ARTIOL v 94&1126 l"A'ftft'lll "-wk5o.l SuCioIlIl. Ea(Of'CcaH'ot The.Drc:clarul.lhe ComtnzttCC or my Owner. shaD haw 1ba nghl to enforce. by any r" .,.-1-. ..1 allaw or ID cqwry. aD restJ'lClSOCll. co~ W' ." .... rese:tValIOnf. beDS and chargeI now or hereaftC7 anposed by the.. . ," ". otth&t I)cda:ntaoa. Fadure by the Cornnunee or by any Owner to enforce any c;OVc:nant or I'C$lnCUOII herem CI.'IIUIZXd shalll'llOf. an any cYCn1 be deemed a wuvcrof\hc: ng.ht to do 10 theraftc:r Ncrthc:r[)cdanlll DOC the Comnullee nor any officer or the CocM>>Uce &hall have atr'/ pcnonalliabWry for aams or wbtig to acL Tlv.s qua1i&atJon stWllJOl hmal the: nghl of uq Owner to cnforoe lbcsc n:stnaJOIIS by speg& pcrt'onaancc or to fCCO'JU" any damages caused by any otha' QwQCt III . ~, ... or &bcsc c;oYCOAdU or logta C1- ScctIOD 1. RIebl of Eat".. I)ec:larvd. the eomnun.ee. 01t thCIt rcpracnw.rvcs shaD baYc the ngb! to eruer upon the unf'cncc:d ex!m<)r of an)' Lot cfunnS dayfighf: houn (i) to deal or dWRWn Landsaputg. parlans areas. dnveways. CX1cnor bghUng fixtures. and buiJdlnp aDd (ii) to enforce the provwons 0( this [)cdaraboa If the Owfter of the Loc bas Cadcd to do SO after .....-ble ""'"'" oM__ S<<tkta 3. Sevcr1IbiJiry Jnva1jd.nI9D many one oC\hcse (OYCSWIUOI" ratnl:UOOS by JUdgment or eoun order shall m no way affect: any other provwons whl.l:h $haD rc:m&lIllII fu.D fOrce oM dI'_ Sed&oa 4. Tillie- Tbc covenanu and restnalOns oCtfus [)cdaraboa shaD tuD wrth ami bmd the Land. Cor. term of twentY (20) yean from the date ttus 1)edaratJ0D IS RCOI"ded.. after wtuch wnc they sbaIl be automauca1ly be extended Cor suc;c.es.srve pcnod.aoCtCQ (10) ycan. Tbas Il<:danI>oO moybe...-led by.............. agncd by 15% .rthe owncn oM..... be RCO<daL $eCbOD 5. AmmdRlc:lll Subject to UI'J ruruutJOGS SoCl forth dscwhefe herem or Ul Ul' ."'.."u laws and regulations. tIus.DcdatatlOll maybe amended at ury tune by ad I~ II;ned by 1S-1i. oew lOcal numbcrOCVOICS oClot QVo1ICt'S bued upon one '+'Ole pel' IoL Graactvww Ealala: J)cdancioe OrCOQdluOas"Coweuau_R~'."I.'~' ,..,.-a Ii J 1 PRE-SUBMllTAL REC'D MAY 7 2008, . , ~ ~ -- ~ n .1.-.__ J.,-', ~~~' ._ ~,,"~_'<~H' D . '.~ " ',', ..1 .' ~ _ "I~' .. ~,~ I I" ( . ''J <' ~ , ; c . ~ . , . . . ~ : f, ~ r~ Ii $ ~ , ~ DEe 061994.7..0/gfl IN WITNESS WHEIIEOF, D<cbnnl has .._ed It.. ,..., -'. oalho ~ 40y oC Qeeraber ~ 1994 .9484U6 Dr ~d/..-1 tfL Earl M~,r>r~ SUle oCOnaoa ) )oL <:ouaoy oC ....... } On ltu _U~ day 0( l"I.-....-t"'.... 1994. before me appc:and E.atI L A((:fJbaay.IO me personally known. who bang duly swam., dad say tha1 he. \be sau! PrcstdCDI. olD - ~. '.I ". -".. Rc:sourc.e COrpo....uoa. 1ft Oregon CarporalKm. and thai the IUd IllSUUIDCId ..... Slped ad oa behalf of wd Corpora1lOh by authonty of 11$ Board o{ D&rcc:con. and ,: -.. . ~:tJJ" .... m.sw:meas. \0 be the tiee act and deed oIl&1d c... ~ .'''- IN TESTIMONY WHEIIEOF,I bave"""""'" "'Y band 1M dlxed my olliaol scollho 4oy....,.,...... .--- !~., ...-.....'" ,.-:-. ~U"Dl~ i ~ ../J IIOTJ..HI'.....':: CW!.CGcn , CO!V"':...:.u1loO .:.-. ec.oMlIoo<!C"'-, ......""~ _. _ .~...... rO"J._ 'h'.' ... '_a~ ,_..~, .... 1,,_.,~~~~ ~~ PubIJc (or Orqoa Myc:orntnWJOftcxpRS J'u.ly 5. 1:H7 " c,:,.,-- of<;o.dllloas. c..au.. ...IR ." , .. , ' Pop., ~ I -- . PRE.SUElvilITAL REC'D MAY 72008 - , 1__''';., ".,' ,,'....._ . .'...,'.., l :... ,.S:; . '. ...).,/;"' ~~'j'" '. . ,""."..,.,..,~~"'J'V 1 ~ ~ _ ~ --- - DEe 06 1994-~1Sf f EXHIBIT -A- P~OPERTY DESCMI~YIO' 9484~6 8.91nn1n9 a~ the Lane Coun~y Br... Cap Honuaent in . Hoauae"~ ca.. ..rkLnv ehe Southwest cornar at ~h. relLz aco~~ Jr_ Donation Land Claia No 51, 1n 'ectIon 25, ~own.btp 17 Soutb. Raava 3 Wa.t of the Mtllo.a~~a HerldLanl thence lortb.- .] 43- We.t 2893 ly feet to an iron rod with an 1- alu.inu. cap in a .onu.ent ca.e a_rked ~E..t Lin. Spencer~a thence Mortb e' 30 2.- E.st 162 tb feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with. pl..tiC cap ..rked ..... PLS eBl-l thence Morth 89 42 12- We.t 2' 78 fa.t to an 1/2 inch iron ptpa .arkin9 the Mortha..t Corner 01 Lot 1. BLock 5 Flrat AddittoD to Yolanda '.rk, a. platted aad racordad 1n Book.e Page 14. Lane County Or_90ft Plat R*cordal ebanca con~inue Moreh 8' 42 12- West 3G3 25 t.et to tb. iaitial point ..ld point belnv .arked by an .xi.tinv 5/8 incb Lron rod with a pla.tic c.p .arked -Mes. 'LS 881-1 thanca continue .orth 69 42 12- Me.~ J~S 05 teetJto a 5/8 inch traP rod OD ~b. .o.~ Ea.tarly boundry ot Sect10n Addition to Delro... .. platted and recorded in Book 55 ~aq_ ~d. Lane County OravOn Plat Records. thance along .ai4 easterly boundry, North 0 06 .8- .aat 430 13 teat to ~ 5/d inch iron rod ..rking the Northea.t corDer of Lot 3 Block 7. Second ~ddttlon ~a De\roae. thonce conti~ua .ortb e e& ea- Ve.~ ,4' 14 feee to a 5/8 inch iron rod with . plastic C4P ..rked -Roberta PLS 1039~l thence continua Jortb · 06 ~8- Weat 6~S '7 teeL to .. 518 inch 1ron rod vl~h -RobertS Cap-I thenca North 80 15 44- C..t 183 02 teet to . 5/8 inch iron rod with -Robert. Cap-. thenca HorLh e e6 e8~ Veat 59 9' faet to a 5/8 1ncft tron rod on ~ha Southarly rigbt of v.r 1ia. 01 Harveat Lane County Moad No 6981 thence alon9 s.i4 Southarly 11no. Morth a.' 15 44~ Eaat 51 22 feat to a 5/8 inch lron rod with . pl~atlc cap .a%~od -~an. Couney R/V-l thence along! the ta.terlY .nd ot ..14 County Road. Mortb ,- 50 ... Waat 26 .8 f.et to a palnt on the lett bank ot the HcEenzl. Rlver. ..id point belnv referenc.d by a 5/8 inch lron rod wltb a 1 1/2 inch aluainu. cap ..rked ~CL PT- South " ~. 48~ E.at 6 e0 feetl thenee a10nv .aid b~nk up.tre.., Mor~b 15. 56 44- Ea.t 1.2 61 leat to . poiat which 1. reterenced ty a 5/8 incb rod SOUth .- 86 18- Ea.t . 00 teet; thence sou~h e- 8' la~ ...t 2144 ee fe~~ to the initlal point being!n Section 24. 'ovnab1p 17 Soutb. Rang. 3 We at of tbe ~111a..tta Ker141an. Lane County Oceqon Except1n9 th.refroa all that portlon of tba above d.acr1bed reoperty ly1nV _Qc~h of the UrDan ccowtb Boundary Lina .a aet tortb by Land Partition Plat.o 91-P81Se ~ PRE-SUBMI~l REC'O MAY 7 2008 -j. . r i . :- -:.~]. '" '~ ~ - --- -- -.-.. :.' '-- .' ~ ,,~.~I...II'''''-'''''''''''' "._. ,l"" - . . o 0- . If) c>> ~f ~~ (')~ u t ll..-Ji~ -<'E~~..q.PY;:l~ t!:',p,q~7'lr/t:u.J .P~-"1'""r 9~-PoI'40 FINAL PARTITION PL~T FOR ,>,PPROVALS, SPRIItCFIOJJ PLANNING C01'91ISSIONl ~11.t fy.Hj ItMACEI< ..~ ..,... EARL L ~ . I " z ~ " ~ Z o H " H " ~ ( ~ Q Z ( " S=4' I' _,$= McELHANY & DENNIS L ~ ~ ~ WARTE:NBEE:; NO 9'2_09_1.7!5 "!ekr aw 1.1'4, 5PRING~XELD JOURNAL 'r1.7B, I \1 ! i t i i d 1i J ~ I :~,'~;:. I :~' ~ ~i l I A : , ~!. I'" I Y1 Iq \ ~. ' ~ C\:~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I; , Ni "" ~ .... '>,).l ~~~~~1-1 !~H', ,. f Ij I'l- r: I ~ "ll'~:V j $8?#~/Z&4'/"'/P \\n r ~ I d~~/" ~~ / ~~~~ I \ ! . . / I q ~ \l ~ / I I ( \ :____uu_n____________1 I r . 7<:>'-Vd' t T~b..?$#--r\ \ I (h\S4'9'"42I'2E~N ) l ~ sr~~D-'="P'~ ! ~ 'l '" .r__..a..l€/fI!V// ." \Ii ~ I ~--;;:-;;;_v~--'K l i ~~TEFlRlliHTSOl'lnUSP'llOPE:RtYDONtlTEXlS'r 1lE:ERlD./!103,N i-------~- --------?f " ~ USTR~ NO ".3.,~go [.AI(! COUJn'Y OREJ;;ON DU:D RrCOROS , " I ~r= ~ i .I \) :' ~ $. ..Y /J<f"..:'li~li'9/ ,l~~ \ I ~ I tJi' y, _9-',,,,,, .s.eCiy.,l.s~~,h.1i (~~ .::::::.::--.< ml\r! i lit" ! ~ ~"""'JlO~19'''' Z4~__"'__=-n:.6 ':.i; l:! I ~, fJ ~ ~ ~ ~ - -- ~ t>.~ r'.t ; I ~.,..,) 1&:_&-'''0 CZ_o&/;) Ji:1' .r$ ~8~J C.;ll""1..rs)~~"'''}1 ~~.. N \J - /:S.i!79" ~ 34'Z$ -11/' li: 0 .$lFrs.er'<~~A:#D ~ - - .- I Ju/YE.!.Lt:JJVFZ4S17C ~,.. ""-<:rT'I'Z,,__~,;// - ~89.~"ZIV~~97 - Q\ " ---- I "'_C~.."!:~47~ ~~_ ~w '[ ,L/4'i'~"z_ 754""" ~I \. 0_$/4 ....~~ ~"......ft!Z~ "-"894<:: "z Jv ?:54a6 '" l\ P~J! _ ~.::/c: L<'T>'L....ry .:-s.r~94~89~.n,,", '?SII~ ~J F.I _j_e,u>'" .... 84's'$ -- I ~ ~ C:> D_ co~~ N _,," ~ ~ ~U~_~~ * '-",0::_ .-L:C~ti::.~~l. '/ < t'lj l.J\HOSUft'l'UQR ,YO.c::,~ -.......~__ ST~ccr -4 ,;.. ./.v 4.J \~__,__W~~_ ~':.j OtIIU$,cr.... f~l"lMN:L~.~2.~ J ~d -Z~.e~;.-?~~A! I &AISOCIAtn........,/lhh'" -~~' __CIl ~-=uur)'_$5-=_"" ~~ """QU~~4S_~ ~ 0If-1I"':: t!~~~ 0 ytl2k.'/~'h' ..AIlE: COUNTY SUIIn.-YOll ~/1..-~ v.r,~~_~, _~U;: /f>9J OA74 $%/B,u/rr4'O r_-< Lor 7.",,.: ""","0 ~4 .<.",ue/ J2-2il-'3 5i.'TE Wl:THJ:N THE I' ZONJ:NO 1 ~ - -r-_----=-~ ~J""--7 I. _ ~ .s.!r7#W!/zE Z/,5(;1O /' '.) vE.eq ~ .~~~ 7" ~ \ I ~ .sr~~~;U.k.i~____, 'y.=-:-_=-_.?_~~.:-L__________, S&QD , , , , II, ,,' C~ ~ , l 1 ~ ~ , 0' V i j ,r> i \ ! " ........,.~L.zrr i \ .4V...-9'a:.Sq-'r77Dr~ .t- ~~ ~l "I "~ ,q ~~l ~!~ ., , I \~ 't f~ ! ~ l i , ~ 7-'_ 5nr.E.5T&I6._._...._ ..4q~oI!:EL .zr l ! , Jr#.JS?,S.s>v,r77""",," "1{'~s...~~ ~~ " -~- -~. ~~~)o ~~~:!I: ~ Y<:::,L/?,A./D;Q copy or na: FlKAL PLAT AS SHONN flEllE(ll'l d A 4~ ~W~ CliAAr.z;3 If 1;iUIu.: rta 4H MA-P :WO J.7-03-'24 TAX t:,.OT 706 SECTION '24, R3W, WM NO ~O WILLIAM C SPENCER DLe LANE COUNTY OREGON LOW DENSITY RESIDENTJ:A~/URBAN NOVEMBER 30 1993 L PARTITIOHDlS AND OIil'lElUlI URL L JoIcELHMll ..nd CHRISTInA r O!:NJIa L N,lJfTI:NBEE and DELORES J H!l MtLU,CtLU:SPIE ~OJ.D .tucDlE OR 91401 , , Mc.EUlAJllY h' w WJ!1'EJBEr h & .. j ~ CMNERI DF1:LARATIOll, STI'.T!: 01'" allEGON ) '" COUKTY Of' LM'I!; I ~NOI4 .>.LL MDI 'I'HA'l' E.1JlL L I'IcELHANY AND CHlIIS'I'IU. r McELHANY flU8!W1D MIl "In: MD DEnNIS L KAllT'EIf8E!: MD DELOROI J WARTEJfBE'E IIU!lIWID AND WIFE ARE THE OWNERS Of" 1NE: UNO OE3Cl1IBED HillEn" AHD DID CAUSE tlll!: SNlI!: 'I'D lIE: PAR'I'ITIONEJJ AND PLAT'rl':D "'8 SHOHII HDl.EOH AHo mE:"!' 00 HEREBY nmlCATE TO THE PUBLIC THE 7 00 roOT ~&t.IC \nIt.ITY !:ASDa:IfTS A..S SHOtllI' HIllEO. IN ACCORDAl'lCl: TO CHAPn:R H OREGON jlEVtSED STA'lVl't:!I h.#~_ &-....L~ l"l rAA",'JJ.u~ tARt Hc[;(..HAJf CHRJstlllA,. McE[HANY (l, _.-~<d. ~_. d t.l..1-'J1.... 1!1' L BD: 01l~A7 IoWlTDI EE SUIlSCRIIlfI) MIl SHOR" TO 1I01lR!: ~ bns / ~ ef- LJ.." D~Y or 2)~ ~e.+?.ae..e. .,93 18~~=, ~~~~, f'r !' /(/ .&/...;.4' ~~f";f,,,~- NARRATIVE, tm: PURPOSE 0,. nus SUJlVEY WAS TO SIJlIlVEY AIID DIVIDE 0\111 l;~iDfTS f'ROPDlTY AS !;HOHN IlDlEON PEll nlE CONDIT10llS Of' APPROV~L roR A t.AIIO PARTITION B!':IIfG BPRUIGf'JELD !l JOURNAL NO 9~ 0' 17' nns PARTITIOIf IS Of" PARCEL '2 Of" A PREVIOUS PARTITION !liICH H.U 5Pl1t11tCP'IELD 5 J011llNAL JIfO 91 10-178 BEING t.MfD PARTITION PU,T H\JKBDl 'n 1'0180 LANE: COUN'I"l' OIlEGON PLJt.T RECORDS AHD 101.50 B!':tfIC u.JfE COUNTY atrllll'E"fORS P'lL!': HIrE( IfO es,. )OHO "LON!; HITH nns P.\llTITIOH "PARCEL LINE AD.l11!l'ntE:lfl' 13 DEIlle ootfE: AS 0DlOT!D S1 na: au) PAACEL LIN!':S AItD na: Ja:H PARC!L LIIfD no:: IIA519 Of' BUJlIl'IGS 19 tlAS!J;I ON nu: SAID SURVI:J PLAT """ m::IIKi CS,. 30190 AS 51iOHII 1fDlE01I' ALL BEMlltG ARD OISTAlfCl: S nOM nfE 9 11 CORND 0,. na; fU.IX SCOTr JR DLe NO 51 NORTH MIl NEST TO 'nil!: S01ln6ft;ST CORREll 0" nus PARTITION AlII!: na: aA.I'IE: All REP'OR'ITIl 01 'I1iE SAID CSf' 30~'0 "'''''' 51J1l:l7t1'ORll CDl.TlrICAt'E;, I CHARLES Ii( GUILE REGlSTOlEIl l.AIfO S\.1RV!;'(OIl llElH'.< f"lRST oot.Y SWOM Olt 0Anl SAY DiU' I Ji.\VE CAl7SEIl T!l B!: SlJJJVn.tD A.IlD J1ARK.tD HInl noPER ..._.~._., THE P'OLLOli'IJ<<; PARTITION PU,T, BEG~"'IIIIIC AI' THE LAIrt. COUJrrY SIlASS CAP U A 1't:l1i'UKDl'I' CUE: IWlIUHC nl!: SOI1'l'KWEST CORIIDl Of' 'Il!E F'ELIX SCC'IT JR I)()IUTIOIf LUm CUlM 110 5L III SECTION 15 TOtGISHIP 17 SOU'I'H RAIle!: 3 NEST OF '!.'HE Wlr.u.ru:rn: /'lD.IDIAIiII niDfCE NOIl'I1l O. 03 4] Kf:ST n'l 11 fU'I' TO l\IlI IRON ROO KITtI AR 1 INCH M.UMI/tUl'I CAP MARKED D.S'T LIN'E SI'DCDl:, ~CE: NORTH 0 30 H tA.ll'T 161 l' n:rT TO' A 5/B INCH IRON ROD MITH A PU,STIC CAP I1AAuJJ ItElIS PLS BU, THDI'cr NOR'l't( no 4] U NI:ST!ln" n:n TO na: tlUl'IAL POIIIT SAID POINl' EINC I'\ARXEIl BT A !lIS :0,:]0 tllOI ROD, 'I'tIDl'CE: CONTIlR.IP: NORTH 890 4~ 11 W!'.S1' 1St II n:r.I', nu::NCE !l0Rl'H O. or. OS ME:ST 6154 Sri ra:t, 'I'HEIIct. B01m{ B'. n 12 UST 'H!I 00 ~I nbcr. SOlmi O' or; l8 EAST 31i1l 34 nrrl 'niDICE ALONe na: AlIC OF A 75 00 roQ1' RADIllS tuRv!: RtGHT l'I'Ht CHORD Of' IIiICH 1ILARS SOIlTH U;' n 2!1 wtsT 43 ]] nrI'1 A DIST.ut:E or H 3I n:r:r, nmtCZ: ALONG l'ME ARC Of' A 12!1 00 I'OOT RADIUS CITRV!: U!7T ITHE C)lOllO 01' IIiICH B.EAAS SOl1IJ.l 1'. 49 ~5 IiES'I' 7] 79 nrT, A tlI!TAJlCE OF 73 86 n:E:r na:NCE !I0\tl'H O. 06 18 E:.UT 1 H as rttT T'O nlE tlUl'1AI. POIN'l' lit L.UE COU1lTY OIlEGON MAY 7 2008 II ~ /' ~ I~ . t. , {}.o I is! ! H~k U J 1395 JOSd-R 9518410 TITLS NO ESCJl,OW NO TAX ACC"r NO ILT- U744 5P9,,-1515. U14UO wAJUt.UlT't aaaD stATOTOIlY '0" (INDIVIDUAL or CORPORATI01U !2;:W R OJ 9:;It08REC 1000 DJUo L KCJlLIUJIY/eMaITIJIA' xca.a.urr. h\labu4 &ad ..U.. Graacor. convoy. and .arraato to !2iY:;; J3 ~!$08PFiJr() 10 III T~ & 10.. &Ad oaLANIA K ao.. h\llbaad &ad ~f.. Q~&Q~'. tho tollow1rt9 d..cri~d r.al property tr.. of encumhranc., except .. lpecl!lcally .et fortb bar'La PARCEL II 0' uuro p,MTITION PLAT NO IN OFFICIAL RECORDS or u.NB COUNTY 93-5'OU1, AS PLATTED AND PrLBD 0"""'" AJtA LOT U GRANDVIEN ESTA'I"BS !2~~~ JJ 9'.AOSA& T F1JH.) 2D \D Thia lnltrwMQt. will not. .11_ \Ul1 of tho propert.y d.le: ibId. in tbJ.o ~t~t:. in ~iQl.tlort of .ppll~~l. land 1.1.. l.~. and r.qulation_ aatoro liguln. or Ice.pt.loi' Usi. 11lltrulMDt tho pIC-lIOn .c~1r1D9 t.. t.itle to eh. property .bo\lld cblc. witb tho appropriate cit.y or co~ty pl&aAl~9 d.p.r~~ to ..rity approved \10" &ad to d.t.~D. ~y l~t. 00 1...~1~. .,aLaae fara1D9 or for.s~ pr.c~Lc.a .. 4.fine4 1D 011.30 '30 Encumbrance. Covenants condltlona re.trlctlona.nd e..emen~s ot record And subJec~ to Oeed Re5trlct~ons as per attached ~xh~bit -A- The true consideration tor thlS conveyance ia $70 000 00 {Kere ~ly with ~h. Toqulr.-eate of oas 91 010.' Dated: this ;.1:;' ~( day of it has caused It. name to De (1tlA.Rrrl uJ.L i.! s corporate gTantor algned by order ot ita bo.~d of directors ;; 1'"" 'ut1"1- EAAL-L HCB~ ~!-picrA <'1 d,l. (l~.... CHRISTINA P MCKLHANY ~ - STAn OP OR.SGON COWlty of ~p ,.. This In.trurMn~ ..,.s aCAAowledged before !'lie on ~A.2L tt .1.J-- by 2AJI:L L MCE...JUUfY and CKRt5TtNA P MCELHANY " ..2L.. ~~ '/i"I (!iM{4.-L , I Notary Public for or~on My COlmIua1.0n explr.. ..s~q-., Iff:, L- r ...... "'/ OFF1Cr.....1. 5EAol.. lY F ~ c\.OUSI ...,. Jill ~ j P-GQtI eel,. '" >-",,,,,o,,,~ l r _ . J!l rl I ~ _l u.IU. L ~Euu.NY 2&00 N 11S~ STRErr SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 GRANTOR S N.AMX AND ADDRESS Untll . change ia reque.tad all tax .t.te~ent. ahall b4 .ent to the folLow1n9 addre.. SAME AS aRAln'EB ... TIMOTHY X BOSS 2610 CAL YOUNG ROAD ~~EHB OR 97401 GRANTU S NAMB .um .-.cOOSS After recording return to E\l'ERGREEN u.NP t'ITLB COM"ANY OP OREGON 1510 HOKAWJl: BLVD SPRINGFIELD oa ,~.~7 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 7 2008 i g ~ I( U J 1395 JOSd- EXHIBIT -A- 9518410 Deed Restrictions TIle propcl1y owner shalll>ay for ,Illd cOllnccl 10 Clly s,uulal'Y sewer when sewer becomes aVilll<ll>lc (wIIJUII 300 feci of property) 2 Slllllg of dwelhng UlIJt sl1...11 be COllSlstent wllh proposed re divIsion lot lilies shown onlhe future Develo)llllent Pklll (fOJ') covcClng said property or Wllh IOlllllcs changes to the FOP illlowed by Ihe CIty of Springfield planlJllIg department J No accessory Slnlctures shall be sited on fulure 10ls unless It can be shown that the future dwcllmg UllIt also call be <;lled 011 that parcel It. 0 !!l 1 ... !- ~ L a: E" ~ sil C\l i8 ... I " ~ as c ~i'~ "' lI) t.3 ~~ =l 0 f" ... ~-ia I!> C\l 03 G l' v.c-i ~ ! B ~~ :h . ~ . ~- ~ 1 '....!; PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 7 2008 Division of Chi.' Deputy Clerk Lan_ County aeads and Records ~.oo1m $6500 111111111 1111/1 11111 mill 1111 111111 1111 IDI II III 00!542!542B0400079280090094 Al'R-llTR Onb! Sln=6 CASHOfJ.5'J.004 11 26 54 ~ $45 00 S10 00 111 00 8 ~ ~ i ! l" '" a E " After Rocording Retura TOI FLAOS'rAlt .... 5151 CORPORA1'B DRIVB TRO~, Ml 48098 rIHAI. ~. MAIL STOP w-530-3 PRE-SUBM\TIAl REC'O MAY 7 2008 '<~ ylf>Y3 Bscrow 80 I 51'04-16597 VI MBCD ~ t 999869957 (SpaceBelo\llThlaUMFar.... DEED OF TRUST I MIN 100052599986995740 DEANITIONS Words used In mulbple sections of thIS document are delined below and other words are defined In Secbons 3 11,13 18 20 and 21 Cortaln rules regarding the usage 01 words used In thiS document are also provldQd In Secnon 16 -4 (A) -security Inotrument'" means this document, whICh IS dated JABUARY 30. 2004, together WIth all Alders 10 thiS document (8) "Sorrowor" IS J_.. Scott: 1(cK.. A Jllarr.1tld Men and J(athleen Celesta McKee A Married WOIIan , JOlft TEJlABCY WI'l'B PULL RIGHTS OF SURVIVORSHIP Borrewet' IS the trustor under thiS Security Instrument (C) "Lendor'" Is MCltEJIZIB 7U1rOUIG Lender IS a SOLB PROPRI2'1'OR ORBGOIl 6PRIBGPIBLD, OR 97417 orgamzed and elUStmg under the laws of Lender 5 address IS 1101 16'1'J1 57, (D) '"Trust.... IS BVERGRED 1JUID ort't'LB CO , EUGE.E (E) -MERS"IS Mortgage ElectroniC Reglstrabon Systems Inc MERS IS a separate corporation that IS acting solely as a nomll"lee blender and Lender S 6uccessOl'Sand assigns. MERS '* lh_ benenclary underlhls Soeurffy Instrum.nt. MEAS LS organIZed and eXlStlng under the laws 01 Delaware and has an address and tefephone number of POBox 2026 Flint MI 48501 2026 tel (888) 679-MERS (F) "Not." moans the prom~sory note signed by BaTower and dated JABUAR'I' JO, 2004 The Note statesthatBorrowerowesLender THREE 8UIIDRKD 1'8IRTl' TBREB TBOUSAJlD SEVD KUliDRED AIID !lO/IOO .**. ..*... *..****.....* ...*..**..*.. .*........... .........* **........ Dollars (U S $333,700 00 ) plus lntef'Ml: BorTOwef has promised to pay thIS debt In regular PQrlocllc Payments and to pay Itle debt " full not laterthan FEBRUARr 1, 2034 OftEGCJN....&ng'-F.my-F..,..M~JMcUHlFORMINSTRUNENT ,._30381/01 lniti.lll~ '( ~ C lQl>>.200:2 OniMo 000::umer1tIl. In<:. Pege 1 of 9 OREDEED 0211 01-30-2001 15145 - Vi WBCO LOAB , 999869957 BY SIGNING BELOW Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained lfl thIS Secunly Instrument and In any Rider executed by Borrower and recorded With It c;ntJ of LAD ~"""""..'.d5cro "l" g)!. nnuC{rv1 ?x5J ;yyJ:\ < lA.~, {--<t- [".<or<=<> '-- ) 1/,,-w.[P.p~ ""7-'"' ~p~ ~ .. ~.J Si atu.r:-. of .otar"ial' Officu ~~ ?1{(lC-fv Title (.00 RAnk)- State of OREGOB' 7bi. ~n.truDent w.. by j i) Of",,,,,,^, , '~. 01." IE MOGSTAD ~ HOTAAYPUlIlJCOREGO/II Ul' COMMlSSIONHO.345138 CCiMMlSSlOH00'lIlE5.1lM. 2~ 2\m ~..~ , ~., ~ 'Sc-<>J '(V\.'--'-~o1) ~l!IB Scott MCJt_ t<~ CJ.J-.. (VI < \~.l) KntbleeD celeste McKee My C~1:UU.OD expJ.r.1I1 b 740~ OREOO~"'glll Fllmiy-Fannle ....tl'redd.. ""e: UNIFORM INSTRUNEIa Form 303. 1m C11~O~00cu"*,,,1n:. Pdgegof9 OREOEEO 01-30-2001 15 ..5 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 7 2008 PRE-SUBMITIAL REel) MAY 7 2008 vI WHCD LOAD I "9869957 (G) "Proporty" means the property that IS descnbed below under the heading "Transfer of Rights In the Propertv . (H) 'loan" means the debt eVIdenced by the Note plus Interest any pre1J3yment char9~ and late chargtls due under the Note and all sums due under thlS Secunty Instrument plus Interesl (I) 'RldClrs" means an Alders to thIs Secunty Instrument that are ex@culed by Borrower The followmg Riders are to be executed by Borrower Icheck box 8s....!E})lIcable] o Adlustable Rate Alder L..JCondomrnmm AlChu C.=JSecond Home Alder CBalloon Rider CJPlanned Unit Development RIder DOther{s) [speedyJ C 1-4 Family Rider D Brweeldy Payment Rider (J) "Appllcabte lAw" means all controlling applicable federal state and local statutes regulat!cns ordinances and admll'\lslrabve ruIK and orders (that have the effect of law) as well as all applicable nnal non appealable JudICial opinIOns (K) "Communtty Auoclatton Duos, FCHHIi, and A&a08I&n'lCll'lt8" moans all dUes fees assessments and other charges that are Imposed on Borrower Of the Property by a condcmlllum association homeowner.; asSOClabon or surul'ar orgaruzatlon (L) -Electronic Funds Transfer" means any transfer of funds other than a transacbon onglnated by check draft, or similar paper Instrument, which IS Initiated through an elQCtrotllctermlnal telephOniC Instrument computer ormagne'bc tape so as to order Instruct, or authonze a frnanclallrlsbtutlon to debit or credrt an account Such term Includes but IS not Umfled to potnt-of sale b'ansfets automated teller machine transacllOns transfers Inlbated by telephone wire transfers and automated cleannghouse transfers (M) 'Escrow Items" means those Items that are descnbed 1ft SectIon J (N) "'M18Cenaneous Proc09d8" means any compensatton settlement, award of damages or proceeds pald by any thud party (other than Insurance proceeds paid under the coverages desCribed In Sectlon 5) for (Q damage to or destruction of the Property IIQ condemnation or other taking of all or any part of the Property (llQ conveyance III IleU of condemnabon or (IV) mrsrepresentabons of or omISSions as to the valUe and/or oondltlon of the Property (0) "Mot1gago Insuranco" means Insuranco prot9Cbng Lender against the nonpayment of or default on the Loan (p) uP.rlocUc Paymont" means the regularty scheduled amount due for {Q pnnclpal and Intarest under the Note plus (Ii) any amounts under Section J of this Secunty Instrument (0) -RESPA" means the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (12 Use 92601 et seq) and Its Implementmg regulation RegulatIon X /:24 C F R Part 3500) as they might be amended from bme to time or any addrtJonal or successor Ieglslabon Of regulation that governs the same subject matter As used In ttus Secunty Instrument, "RESPA- refeB to all reqUIrements and ,"'~u,_.......,3 that are Imposed In r~ard toa "foderslly related mortgage loan" even dthe loan does not qualfly as a "federally refated mortgage loan under RESPA (R) "'Successor In Interest of Borrower" means any party that has taken IltlClto!he Property whether or not that party has assumed Borrower s Obligations under the Note and/or thIS SClCunty Instrumenl lRANSFER Of R\GHTS IN THE PROPERTY The benefiaary of thIS Secunty Instrument IS MERS (solely as nomsnee lor Lender and lender's SlJCCeSSOl'S and assigns) end the successors and asmgns of MERS ThIS Securrty Inslrumentsecures to lender (i) the ....w.... ",.~ of the Loan and all renewals extensIOns and modlflcabons 01 the Note and (i) the performance of BoI'TOWef s covenants and agreements underltllS Secunty Insttumentand the Note. For thIS purpose Borrower Irrevocably grants lIl1d conveys toTruslee In trust WIth power a1 sale the foIlcwl1lg desDlbed property located lfl the COUll'J:Y {Type 01 R<<:o<<:Ill'lg Jurladldlonl of UUIB {Name 01 RecordU'1gJl.n!IddlCrl] LEGAl. DESCRIPTIO. AT'1'ACHBD 8.RRETO UD MADS A PART HEREOP APD 'I 1532777 a Parcel II Land P<1rtltlQn Plat No 9J-P0441, ns pJlttcu al1d file.uln Of/lclal Records of Lane County, Oregon EXCEPTfJ'JG THEREFROM that portion dedicated as Del Rose Avenue by thUI Instrument Recorded January I] 1994 ReceptIOn No 94 02975 Lane County Officml Records whICh currently has the address of 1742 Delrose AW, Spnngfield. [SlMtl {City] On!gon 97471 rProperty Addressj (ZlpCod.] TOGETHER WITI-!all ttJelmprovements noworhereattererected on the property and all easements appurtenances and fudur(!s now or hereafter a pat1 of the property All replacements and addloons shall also be covered bythrs Securrty Instrument AA at the foregOing IS referred to In thIS Secunty Instrument as the "Property Borrower understands and agr&e$ that MEAS holds only l&gal trtle to the Interests granted by Borrow",r In thiS Secunty Instrument but dnecessary to ComplyWlth law or custom MEAS (as nommee for Lender and Lender s successors and assIgns) has the nght to exerase any or aU of those mterests Includrng but nolllmlted to the nghtto foreclose and sell the Property and to take any acoon required 01 Lender lflcludlng but not limited to nlleaslng and cancehng thiS Secunty Instrument BORROWER COVENANTS thal8orTower IS lawfully seISed of the es13t<, hereby conveyed and has the right to granl andcorweylhe Property and IhatthePropertylS unencumbered except for encumbrances of record Be.. _ ,,_ ....rrants andwlldefend generally tho 1I1kt tathe PrOpErty aglllnst all d81ms and demands subJect to any encumbrances ofrecord THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for nauonal use and JH)n undonn covenants WIth 1lmll:ed vanatlons by lunsdlctlon to constitute II unrform secunty II"Istrument covenng real property UNIFORM COVENANTS Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as fellows 1 PaymQnt of Princlp.8I, Intor.st, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and lste Charge.. 8orrowershall pay when duethe prrnclpalof and Interest on the debt eVidenced by the Nots and any prepaymenlcharges a~ late charges OREGON-SIngle FlIIl1Ily-F.,...~" Mac UNIfORM INSTRUMENT Fonn 3038 t/a1 In1tials I~ 'i- u...-r C 1~2002 Onlln. Oocum.ms. Inc. pago 2 of 9 OREDEEO 01-30-2004 15145 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 7 2008 I~~i~n 1IIIllllllmlmlllllllllilllUlllm 4071749+2 00496490007665 MCKEE JAMES DEED OF TRUST I MORTGAGE ~ DivlslO; ~r(i,l.'-D.po.It.y ct.,.k Lat'l. County D..ds and Records $51 00 WHEN RECORDED MAil TO JPMorll." Cln. BlII1k N A ReuIllGefl Semclng KVi 1606 PO Boll 1'606 Lexington XY 406761606 '<;PACE A8nVF THIS LINE IS FOR AFCOAnFR S USE ONl.V. LINE OF CREDIT INSTRUMENT llNE OF CREDIT DEED OF TRUST lAl TI'ws Deed of T.USl IS a UNE OF CREDIT INSTRUMEtiT IB) The rT\.~,mum prinCipe) atTIovnt to be .avanclld IN''''uant 10 the C,e-dft Agreement ,s $112 000 00 reI n... tllrm at lhe Cled,! Agreement comm.ncu on the date at thLs Oeed of TnJ$1and."Cl, on Junll21 2020 THIS DEED OF TRUST IS dated June 21 2005 among JAMES 5 MCKEE AND KATHLEEN C MCKEE HUSBAND AND WIFE AS TENANTS BY THE ENTIRETY whose add,ess IS 1742 DELROSE AVE SPRINGAELO OR 97477 I"Granto'~1 JPMorgan Chase Bank NA who.. address IS Home EqUity and Consumer lending DIVIsion 1111 Polaris Parkway Columbus OH 43240 (referred to below sometimes as Rlender" and sometImes .. "BeneficlaryRI and OR Stewart Titl. Guaranty Co whose address IS On& Center Pornte Dr SUIte 300 lake Oswego OR 97035 (referred to below e. ~Trusteeftl eocn.y.nc;. DI1d G..nt Fa. va....bt. ca..sldantlon G._ canwy. to T~.. In t.ust with paw.r al.... fOf' m. ~rrt of ........, .. aentfkwy .u ot G,arrto. S "\1M uti. am:! Int..".sl In aM 10 Ihe lollowlng descnbed 'nl p'op.rty 10llelhe. Wlln all UIII.ng 0' subS8QlJ8nt1y lIfect.d 0' Iff,xed llI.llldlflQS Imp/ovemlnlS and IixtlJ'll$ III uumentS rlghlS of way and eppul1enlnces all ....ate' water "lIhlS alld allcn rights llroeludlng stock In utd'I"'s wlm dltcn QI' lTrlganon rlghlS) 1I0C1 all Othll rights royaltlU IInd pro"ls ,eUlung 10 the real propeny Including wrthour limitation all mlnll'tals Oil gn glKlthermal and $Imll..., milne's lthe ~ReilJ Propertyft) located In LANE County State of Oregon Parcel 10 Numbet' 1532777 PARCEL II OF LAND PARTmON PLAT NO 93 P0441 AS PLATTED AND FILED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY OREGON IAIA LOT 14 GRANDVIEW ESTATESI EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION DEDICATED AS DEI. ROSE AVENUE BY THAT INSTRUMENT RECORDED JANUARY 13 1994 RECEPTION NO 9402975 LANE COUNTY OffiCIAL RECORDS Tho Reol Property or rts address IS commonly known liS 1742 DEL-ROSE AVE SPRINGFJEl.O OR 97477 The Reol Property tax Id8nttflcatlon number is 1532777 Revohrft; Un. of Cr_drt Spt<;I~1Iy In addlt!orr w tf'N! _mounl. '~c;,,",d In the Indobl..m... o.firuhon .nd wlth....t r.mrtatlon dll. D_d of Trvu .~r:urn . ....olvlng Qn. of <;rodlt whkh ohlgM.., land.. 10 ma.. edvancn 10 G"nfot '0 long at G'lnto, c;ompMI wnh .1 th. 1IIrm1 of tIM Clotdlt All''''....nt Sud1 .ctvanClla mey IN mad. r.pald and.emiIde from tim. to time subject to the nmltatllU1 tn. m. fatal ~g b*1IIC1' owlng.t any _ time fM;Itlncludong flnance charge. on IUCh be....ce at I ftx~ o. variable '111 or.um.. proV'lded I" the C,edit All"l'mf"t Iny IImporary o...,alJlS olher c:harlles lInd any lmour'lt:s eJlllanded M advanced as prOVided 111 eIth.. ttl. IndebWdnen paragrlph o. thb pa'811r.ph Ih.... not .,.".ad I"" C,-.flt l.Jmrt II provlded In tit" eMit Ag'Mm'rlI II b It.. Int"'llon of Grllntor and lend., I....! d11s 0"..:1 of T'U$I SICUfI'. the b..11C8 outI;tandlnll under m. Credit Agl.ement from tlntl to 1lme from uro u.p to th. Credit limit lIS prollllh!d In this Dnd of Truel end ,ny Inte'lMdlat. bal.~o Grantor presently an'llns to lender [also known a aeneflcrarv In rt1IS ~ of nusll .. of Grantor. "91'11 mle ana Imeren In and 10 all p.uent and lu!UI" 10..... altha Property and aU Rents Iiom Iho ProPflrrv In addlllon Gral'ltor grlnll 10 lend", a Un,lorm Coml'Mrc.a1 COOllnCuflty mterest 111 Ihll Personal Propenv and Rents THIS DEED OF TRUST INClUDING THE ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND THE SECURITY INTEREST IN THE RENTS AND PERSONAL PROPERTY IS GIVEN TO SECURE III PAVMENT OF THE INDEBTEDNESS AltO [21 PERFORMANCE OF EACH OF GRANTOR S AGREEMENTS AND OBUQATIONS UNDER THE CRECIT AGREEMENT THE RELATED DOCUMENTS AND THIS DEro OF mUST THIS DEED OF TRUST IS GIVEN AND ACCEPTED ON THE FOu..OWlNG TDlMS P.ynwnt and Perlonnance E.o:cept as otherwise provided In tot! O~~d 01 Trust G'anto' shall plV 10 lend~f all amQ~n" seC\.lled by !I',S DHd of Trus! as they bacome due and shaG strlClly arod m I timely mofVlll't perlQ,rn oil 01 Grantor S obhgatlOns under the C'ed't Agreement this Cead 01 T....51 and lhe Relaled Documents Po...ulan end ...",ten.ne. 01 \:he p,."p.ftV Grantor aglees Ihat G'antor 5 POSSl:lSSIon and use 0/ lhe Praperty shaU be gO~I'ned by fho fonOWI"OPfoVlslOns po...nlon and U.. Urlltl tho occurrel'!l;e 01 an EVlltlt of Da'lIult G,anlo' mav (al rema'" on POSSelS'On and cannol 01 !he Ptapeny (bl use ope,ate 01 manage the Property alld ICI collect Iht Rents from tfle Property The lO'II0w'''g prOVISIOnS ,e1ale 10 the use 01 the P'operty or 10 O!!>e, limitatIOns On lhe P'OP1lrtv THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE pqOPE'lTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPliCABLE LAND USE lAWS AND REGULATIONS BeFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT THE ?ERSON ACQUIRING FEE TlfLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOUlO CHECl( WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY QR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO Vf:RIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON lAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30 930 c.nv to Uelnul'" G.lnto, Ihail ml.nra." the Property In good condition and l)tomptly perfo,m III rlpaln .epl,,:,menIS and mlIlntenanc, l>e<:lI1IUrvlO ~re5'er",""v"UL Cornplllnee WIth : II laWI G.alflor .eprenms end wa.fllnts to lander thet (al Dun.... tl1e pe,"'" 01 G'anlor s Qwner5h,p 0' the PtOPlll1y lt1e'ehlls been no US. generaoon. manulettu'e storage treatment d,sOO$aI felea,..o, lt1tealenedreJen.e0' any Hu',doul Subslance by 1I'lY !)et'Son on l,Rjer llbol.rt O' lrom the PrOptlrty (b) G,antor I\n no knowle.:lga 01 0' reason 10 be.e~e t!>allh"al'1astteen e~ce"tasP'ev~dISClQsedlo.no;tac.nowledge.:lbyLendorlnw"IIng 1.1 anybreaC;I'1O'VOOllllonofany EnVlronmef\tal laws (nl .nv <.1$' gone.aoon manufact...e sl....ago I,ealmerrt disposal 'elease a. Ih,elllened 'ot..s& 0' any H....uroou. Substance on unda, aoou1 1)1' Irom the f"rope'ly by any prlo, owners 0' occupants 01 Ihe P'op",ty 0' 1",) lIf\y ",en.al or 1ht...tot\Od I(UglltlOn 0' cl..ms 0' any kind by any lIelS,," 'ai, mQ 10 suc;h mailers and (c/ hcalll U 1l'~Vloulty d~closa<:l 10 and ItCknowledged by lende, In ....nllllg {II neothw Grarrto, no' anv I"nanl cOnt'ilCtO' agem or athe. auth{]fl~ed use, or rt18 Pl'opetl;y shllll lISe genlllllto m.n~fllCl.....e no'o tr...r dJlpOs. 01 Of r..IOalle any Hallfdoua Substanca on under about O' Itom the !'top.nty end liil My Iuc;h eclM1V Il'1all b. c;onclUCIIJd In complrMlCe .....,th atl Ippi",.ble /~"'al "et.. end localldws r~utalJanl at1d o,d narcu 1I1(11.I(hng Without bmllatlon all Envlfonmenllll Laws Granto, aUlhorlzes lender and lis IIgents to enter upon me P'operty 10 me.. suen lf1I~ellOns Ind testl al Grantor S ll_pense lIS Lende, m<ly deem allP'op"at' to delerm",e c;omphance 01 lhe Pl'Ope'l.. with thiS :wcuonoltl1eOeedol j'usI A.ny mspecllons or te3IS mllde by lender sh"lI be lor lende,s purpeses only and s h,,1Inot bor:onst,....,d ~RF-<:II~MmAl ~EC'D MAY - 7 20t8 Loan No 496490007665 DEED OF TRUST {Contlnuedl Page 5 neaf ml blglllnlr\9 of 11'", Qee.d of Trust A,,~ pe.son mav chilllQOl hIS or her adorus for m:I1'ces ...ndl' th", Oe~ at "'rust bv 9'y'ng fll,mil wntt.n nouce 10 tM olher pllllson O' peI'lQ'" tP"'Cltv~ thll\ \~ jNl{lQ!oe 0\ the nonce S 10 Cl'lll"Qll the person 5 addrus For 0011<::11 putl)OSeS GraOl:OI ag....., to kelll Lender ,nformed M all times of Gramor s current addrllss Unless othefWISe prOVIded or rellu"ed r:r., f...... ~ ther. '$ motl t!'lan OM Grantor iny nollee lIIVen I).,. UlI<Hf to any Q.III'IIO' ,. dlHlmed to be nollee \I,ven 10 all Grantors It WI~ be Graotol'S fIlSpGM.b1I,ty to lall the ome,s of the notice from Lander NotwIthstandIng thfIloraQolng tile address for notlcl for Lenoer IS JPMoro-n Ch". Bank III A ? 0 Boll 901008 Fort Wcrttl TX 761012008 IDENTITY OF LENDER Lllro::ler 's JPMorg.n ClllSe a..k III A a natIonal banbng nsoc.allOn olg~n,lfll &nd el<lstm\J unde< the taws ollha U....ted States 01 Amonca WITh Its m&ln OtfH:U 1000~ted m Columous OhiO Non-W....... A w.,ver by any peny of a b.each ot ~ p.ov.SIOn of Th,s Deed 01 nun sl'lillll"lOt <;onstllUle a wa,ver at or p,,,,<.IdlCethe party s light otherWISe to demand ~"ct comphnce With that p'OVlSlOn or any omer prOVISion Sup~ tr:l Plr-.l Property Oefinrden II IS the ontannon of LInder only to Ta~e a security Interen In end "~lIm a lien on tflat PBrSOl'\&1 property CCltUlld.,.d Ilnures under the Un t(l,m Co",marc,el Codl as adOPTed In thll fllflSdoctKln where Ihl!l Oeod 01 Tn"t 's flIed 01 racord as sa"" mlY be emerded ham lime to tvne or such othe. slatute 01 SlIen IUflSdlcTlon that dlhn.. ptOPlrtv (lNI.ad to real ntate and no Other p<<so""pr~ DUE 0111 SALE CONSENT BY LENOER Lender mllY at Linder s OptIOn declare Immedoatdy dUll and plyaDl1 III ,"ms s~ured by II'lIS Deed of T.ust upon lhe sailor trlnste. wllIIllllt Llnd.l S pUlll wllttan consent ot lIll 01 illY pert 01 tl'la Rell Property 0' an" ,"lel1l5t '" tllB Real ProP"rtv A "Ie or Illnstar m<!a~ Iha co,weyanc. ot Real P'OpellV or IflV r.qht t,tl8 Of "'terest '" the Real Propert" whether legll beneflelll 0/ eq..tabte whetl'ler vOlunt..y O' Involuntlry whether by OIJtI'9ht nle deed ,nstillment ule conl'Kl I.nd conlfaCT conlract lor dead leas8hold Interut with. tarm g.eater tllln tl'..e 131 yellrs lease ollt,on ..oot.tet.. or by nll! nS>gl1mf1nt or transle, at any blneficl..,nte'Nl In O' 10 any land "USt hcldong title 10 tne Reel P,opertY or by any 01'- method oi eonVlly.nce 01 an Inlernt In Il'le RUI Pt'ope/'tV However this opuon sh.U not be .urClsed by Lend.r II such ell..t;ISfI IS llroMJ'tld by allfJlocabJe lederal Of 5tallll.w ~ !>ro.....kJn. T~e follow.n~ miscellaneous proYls,ons au~ a pa<1 oftl1l3 Deed of Tlusl A . . Whel 1$ w"u.n LI"l INS Deed of T,ust and In tile Rel.led Documenls IS G..nlQ/ s enllla Igreement wlth Lenda. C!lnterning the m.nlNs cove,ed by Ih.. Oeed 01 Trust To be eltllctlve Inv _I'laoge or amendment to :hIS O"d or T'U51 mu51 be In WI'rtlng and ml,.lSt ~ signed by ,..hoe".r w,1l be bo\.lnd Of Obligated by he chlltlQ8 0' emflndmellt Cllpdon H...lIng" CelJTlon l"f1adl"IJs ,n tl'l,s Oeed 01 Trust arl lor convlln,(tnce purllo~ only and .,e root 10 be \.Ised 10 ,ntelpret 0< dlllnethaprOVlSOOnslll-hlsOelldol Trust MIl';er Thele shall be no me'ge. 01 the IOte'..st or estlle C'fIated Ily tl'llS Oeed 01 TrusI w,tl'l an" Other ..,terest or estate In the Propertvatenyllmeroeldbyorlot he oene!,t 01 Leodef '1 ,nyClIllecrty wnnoutIl'levmnen eOn$enlol Lenda. GowmIng L.aw ThIS 89'U....."1 Will be governed by and ,melpleted In acco,dance ..."" tedlllullaw aI"ld thlll laws of the State at OflltllOn 'kcept to< maners lalated 10 (11 ontelest .nd he uportatoon 01 ,nternl whlCh.....1I be governed by and InterO'llted '" accoldance wnh lederal law l'l"lCludlng but I'Ot IImlled 10 statutes .egulal'Ons Inlalo"tatlons and oponlon., ond the laws 01 the Stlltll 01 Dl'rlo ard 121lhe v.lldlty and enlorcemerlt of Lender s secufltv Int(trlSt In lIIe PJOpef"tV whICh w~1 be \lovernad by the laws oi the Statl whlllre !ba Property IS located Howeller 'I the.e ever IS a llUIISIlOf'\ About whether any prOVISIOn Of tile agreement IS lIaid 0' ,,,'orca.tlle tha prOVISIO" that's Quest'on!'d "",II ba gOllemed bV whlCheyer 01 tht \JOII8l'n1fl\1 Slate Of lederal l/tws tllat ....0t.I1d rood the provlSocn to be v,l>d .nd Inlorceable The loan uansaction whlch.S evlder>ced lJy 1m" and Olher ",Latlld document! has been approved made end f\>l"lded and aM neee"e", o'oeURlenu 1\lve billn accetltt'd by Lendellr'l the State ot 01\'0 JoInt:...4 S....r.ILJebrlty All obllganon! of (jramor \.Ind., Ihls Oeed ot Trl,lSt !h'lI be /O,nt and _fa! ,nd all relerences to Gr'''tor shan moaen teeh ,ori eV1lry (j,ento, ThIS me,ns that eIId'l Gr,nlO' 519n"'1I bllOW >s .eapon:ilb14 10' at obllgellon. on tl'llS Oeed 01 T,ulI No Waive. by lend.' Gta~ot \If'\~11t'r.m lenae' w,t not \l,ve up any of Landel s nghts undel this Cllld of T'ust urness Lender does ICl) on ....lIt....~ The lectlhat Lende, delayS Of am IS to eu,f(;I$Il any light w,1I nOt me.n that Lend" nas given Ul/ tllat oghl If Lende, doet 10'" on wfllIng to 9''0'8 up Of'l<l of Ler>daf ~ flgl'lts that don not me.n u,.nlOl Will fIOt h..... 10 C;Ofnl/ly w'tn tl'le Othe. p,ovls,ons 01 hS Deed 01 T.ust Graf'lto. also UndarsUMs 11\at .f Lender dOli COnSenT to I re<lve5t thet does nol "'/Ian IhaT Granlo' Will root he...... 10 get lend" $ t;onserrt age.n II the s,tuatlonhappens ag..." G.antor lurthel IIl'lderstends 1,!'Ie1 1\151 beca\l58 Lender CO"5'ln15 10 one Of mora Of CfI"tor I 'eQUIletS that dO/ls nol mean Lender Will bt reQtII'ed 10 consent 10 ~ny 01 GrltfllO' 1 luture reQuests (;rllnlOr W'N" plesentment demand lor p.yment prol.St ~nd notl" ot dlShono, S.__iIlty It a coun. Ilnds that any prOYISlOn 01 thIS Deed 01 Trust I. NJI v/Jll,d o. shoukl oot t;e IO'llorc!'d thatllct by ItSltU WII oot mea... !hit the "It of this Oead 01 T.IIS! W 11 nol be lIatld or enforCed The.elo'll . COUl"l will enlorca mlt r8'$t 01 the praV<S>Or'l1 01 It'l" Oe.d of Tf\lSllllYen of . prov'SlOn of thIS Deed of Trusl may b8 lound to tle Ilwl'lod or ur'\enfllrceeble Successor. end Asalt". Subject 10 any hmnatlont stlled In thIS Oead of T,u!t an U.ansler 01 Gf.&nIOt S nterest this Deed of T.ust IlI'talI be blndir'lg "pon .nd ""'M to tho ben.frt 01 the ~rtJes the" succa"OIS end aUlg", 11 own"shoo of II'lIl Property beC!lmes Yl'$11Id In I person Othe. thltn Gllmo, Llf'IdIl. wltholJt notlca 10 Grantor ,"av alii wl1h Granlo. ~ suc~ors With lell!rance to th" Oe.d 01 Trost .nd the lndebtedneu by wly of lorbearance or e.teMlOn w,thout ,e!easu-.g GrantOf hom the obl.gatlons 01 tl'llS Dead ot T'usto".ebllnyu"derthtllndlbte<:lnIl!lS r-.. of the E"'''''I T,ma 's ot the euence '" ttla pa<IOfm.~e 0111'1.. OtiC 01 T""I W_ 01 . Ex.mption GranTor !>eleby 'ella..s aod wllvoS ill ''IInu and benel,u or 1.1>1 homes.ead e:oemphon law5 at In.. Stat.. of Oragon as TO ,lll"dabtednou SIC"otd by this Oeel! of TrU$t Deflnltklrtl The 1001owI"9 word. shllll have tt>e fcllowong melnll'l\JS when used ,n th.S Deed 01 T,uSI e.nefldery Ttle word QenefOC:lery mnnS Jf'Morgan Chs$e Bank NA and 015 sucClSsms and assogns Bono..... The \/fO.d aor.ow., means JAMES S MCKEE otnd KATt'lEEN C 'ACKEE .1Id aM Other parsons and antilles SllInlng Ihe Cred<tAgreeme~ CrIIdJt A",..~ Ttle words Cred,l Agreemenl mean the ered't agree,""'" dated June 21 2005 In the artgmal pnnclp.al .mount of $ 1 1 2 000 00 from uranlar TO Lender tOf)ether WITh all re_wals of ..te~'ons 01 mod,loc:atlol'\$ 01 rellnanclngS 01 consoltdatJOns of .nd $ub~nUlIO/l' fo, the Pf\lf\'lISSOrv note or agreement Tt>e m.t~ty dlte of me Cledlt A8.aemenllS JU"I 21 2020 DMrI of TNIt- The words Deed 01 Tr"S1 mlln II'lIS lInl 01 CrediT I""uume"t among Granto. lender and Trustee and '1"lC1udlS wlthou!llIn,Ullon aUuSlgnmll!'f\t IIndSec:ur,ty onterest p,ovlSlOns.ejatlng 10 11'1 eP.rsonaIP'oP"rTV.....R8ntS En_antalla.S The wo,ds Enwonm.lntal Laws maen any and a~ state ledefaj and local $MIS le1julaIlOr'lS and ordtlUlnces relating to Ihe prOlect'On Of l'1uman hta It! O' lhl e"vllonment ,nCl\l"'1\O ....nhour hm'UltlOO the COmp.hlns....e Enw1fonmtlntal RelpaMe Compel"l$at>Or\ Ind lIab"'I" Act 01 1980 as amen.cled 42 use Seenon 980 I eI !eq l CEflCLA I ttoe S"poer!...nd Amendment, IInd AIlVfhonzttlon Act of 1986 Pub L No 99499 r SAAA 1 I,.,. ,",atarao.... Mall"al, Tr.IlSl/Orta".,., Act.. 49 U S C Secuon 1801 .t seq the Aasourc. Coou"'etJon and RecDve'" Act 42 US C SectIOn 6901 el 'lfIQ Or Olher ~pplrcabltr 5131" Of led....alla""s rule. orn=guI.llcnsaoopted\llJr'Ulnltlte,etoor,nlendedtoPfOIlClhumanhealthoftlMtenVlfOnrTlenl E_ ot Defau/t The ...ords EVlnl 01 Defaun mean .ny 01 llle ~ven[S 01 dlllOtl sat forth 'flna Deed of Trust III the avenlS 01 d,fault HC'foon of this Dledo! Trust Exladno lndeobted_ Thl words E.'Stlng Indebtednes1 mee" tit" Indebledflln des.cnl)ed In !he EJII.tllng lJef'lS prOVISIOn of Ihl$ Oftd 01 Tr<.oSt Gf_ 1Mword~GllnICr. means JAMES S MCKEE and KATHLEEN C MCKEE Hez.-doul Subslancn The words HazardOUS Substances mean matertell lttlll l)fl(:IIUSt 0' th&Jr QUtfl\lt)o conctlf"llrlltlon 0' phys,cal ch.rr"cal or InlettlOu$ Charette"SI'C' mlY eausa o. pose, pr.5IIInt or potantlalhlla,d 10 I'lum..l'lealthor tha InVlronmentwhen ompl'09'rly I.IHd uuted S10red dllpOSed 01 ge....ratad mtnvllClUr.d transp<)rted or otllefWlse hal'ldlelf The wof(fs Hau.dous Substeol:as all used on the" v"v brOlOe~ !en.. lIod lodlJde w,tl'l<Jut 'Im,tano" I!II'l'Y end all ",~arOgus O' \O:OIC substance~ ma18nal.t Of ....Ult IS aafined by or r.slad under the EnvlfonmenTl1 Laws The Te,m "1"uaOU! Subl;tanclS at1ioO ,ncludes ....'tho"ll,m.tat.on petroleum 'nc1oo'"llcr(.ldao<laod ,nV IllC 10nlh@ffotaodasMslo, The .....o'd lrrprollemem, "'8ans ~H ,.,Slng ana luture ,mp,ovefflantS bu,ld..-.gs structures mobll. homes ,"o..a on Loan No 496490007665 OEED OF TRUST (Contmuedl Page 6 the R"tPIOptfty facllllles o(lchtlo". r..plac.."",nUVll1otn.rCOn5uUCllononlh.. Real Prop..rty . . "Tn. worl1 tn4ebtlldnosa melns &II POnclplt lI1tere5t and ott1er amounts COlIts and e~pensls pavablll "rldoe. me CredIt Agr..ement Of Reilted OoGumems togemer w.th aft ,enewels of e..len510n5 of modlhcat,on5 01 consorKllltK)tls ot and SUbllltUllOnll for thl CredIt Agr..m.nt gr ReI.ted OoGuments and IIny amoun'ls e.pendad Ol' adv;lnced by Leoder 10 dlSc!>a.qe Grantor S obllgiUOnS or expenses ,ru;ufTed by Truste. or Lend.r Ig enlorce Grantor s 0llhgel10ns unoe' ltll5 Deed of TrusI logett'te, ~rt/'llnlerest on such amounts IS prOVIded In Ih" ~d 01 T.ust In IIddlthm Ioftd wltholrt lllT1n.tkH\. Ihe lerm ~btedn.... ..<;Iud.. ... .rnallntl idoIontlfied In me RevtllYlnv line of Credit P'll'e.gr!lPh of mil Deed of Trust Howeve' tne lerm lnd,lltedn'"~" lubjeet to th.lImlta1k\ne rderrtrf\ed In tho Lftf 01 Dedrt Ofld of Tron pedgn of Ihls o.ed of Trlln Lend... The WQfd Lendef meaM JPMOll)lIn Ch'llse 8.ank NA liS s"..;:ceSlofl and ass.;ns The words succeSSOrs or assIgns moan lilY perlonorcompanythataCquII8IIInytnte<esttnlheCredltAllrl!{l(nen'l ""011111 Pr0gerty The words PersOt\al PropertY m~n alt equIpment fixtlJfes and olhe< artIcles 01 personal propertY now or IMreln.., OWl'l-.cl by G"nlo, fMd roow or hereafter IttllChed O' afhed to tM Rul Property [~l!ther wllh all acceulons paOls and "ddrtlons 10 IllI ,etllecements 01 .line:! all S.ub.stntrtIOIlS 'or iJ<lV of such propertv 1(\(1 together WITh aft P.CCetlOs ttnclucl'"9 ....rthOUl ~""tltion all ,Ilsurance proceedS arid refund. of Pll!m'umsl f.om IrlY sa" or 011111 d,sPosltlOn of 1M Pro~r1V PrOpflttY Tn. word ProptrtV m(tln. conectlvely the Reel Prapeny Ind the Penon.l Praperty RnI Ptop..-ty The wotds ~Re.l P.oPl!rtv mean the rell property Intelests and lights as 'urllter deSCribed on t\1'1 Deed of Trust fl:1Ilaa.d Documeltls The words Relaled DocumrtlllS mean 1M promISSory notes cr&<lrt agreement~ loan IlIr..rnents enwonmenl8( -ora_nu QUarllnllU secunty IIIlreements moftllllleJ deeds 01 trust S"::UfI[y deeds coUBleral mortgage3 and an ObI "'\SIromenls agreemerrts.m:! dor;umeots whather now or here.ttlll a",slIng executed In CO<108Cl'0n wrrll me tndebllt'dness RemI The ""Old RentS means IU prelim IIlCl IUI..e ,oenu revenue. .ncom, ,ssues revalues profits and other ool'lelllS deflved tromtI'leP'l)pe<lV Trust'. The word T/'USlee lnCIellS OR SteWlrt Titkl Guaranty Co Wllolll addrass " One Cent"r POlf'lte Dr SUrfe 300 Lake OswegD OR 97035 itnd eny substItute or successor trust"". EACH GRANTOR ACKNOWLEDGES H.AVtNG READ ALL THE PROVISIONS OF THIS DEED OF TRUST AND EACH GRANTOR AGREES TO fTSTERMS ThIS notice IS required by Oregon Law Contrary to the Notice however you Will net be charged a pe'lalw for repaymg the loan pner to the date prOVided for repayment You may prepay your Credit line Account without paying a fee as long as you do net close your account You will be charged an account clOSing fee If you close your CredIt une Account Within three {31 years of the date of thIS lean NOTICE TO THE GRANTOR 00 not Sign this loan agreement before you read It ThiS loan agreement pro\nde. for the payment of a penalty rf you WIsh to repay the loan prIor to the date prOVIded for repayment In ttle loan 89'"",ent GRANTOR X"illii>'~~ ~ \(\t..L x ~~~ 1['> ('(',C IL . KAT11U:EN c MCKEE IodtvlllU8llV INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF o rea on. <..i I.l)i"\p, I I ss I ""'CI>lSUL _ DIAJlA_G;,,~,J. MOT-.m.............. 359356 w~;:::JD2!l.2(Xft COUNTY OF On thr8 day befcte.... the undersllIned Noulry PubtlC pen:onally Ippe..ed J.AMES S Me THLEEN C f,tCKEE 10 me .nown 10 be the ,ndl""du&ls dlllCllbod In and who eKIClI1ed me 0el!Id of Tn.lSt, and lIC~nowtedg(ld that they SlQned the Deed of T]'\Ist.s Ihlll free ancl volunlllV act8nddeBd lottl'wr usn and purOOslls!hlll8tnmefl"Ofllld GlYIn undll""''' Mnd end offkt.l sed thl.s 21 s+ 8., (l~A.tI1, ,6 lY2ni.""~~/-r------------ N~PutlIt:tnandtoltheStat.of (()....~ day of 3uT'l.1'" 200S Reelcl"glt vy."'(fJ-"P..I a My<=O.....,.uon."PI... rt,~9~~O/... REQUEST FOR FULL RECONVEYANCE ITobo!usadonlywhenobt.gahOn,havebllllnIl810rnfull1 Trustee ::e U:::~~P:~ ~~e~:;rso;::' ;: :kI~~r:'" ~,~r::edlln~~s: ~=t ~~ ~~ ,Df'ed._',', :r:.~s,t All s,ums secured ~! thiS Deed 01 Trust 01 Trusl 0 Ie ,...~n ,~ nr ........ WIng 0 you untler "'" terms of thls D0e<3 lOgeltwr ';rf~~u<<l6. tod "7/PPt~.eb d IIIIll1Il 10 clIOCel mil Credll Agfeement setU"ed by rhIs Deed ot Trust IwhlCh 1$ dal,,,,e,e(j 10 you atlll. now t>eId.... yo: .::.oe,";.,t ~ ~ ';""orwe'Y" ..."hout ...lrrlSntv 10 me parl,eS de"'Il""led by the I...",,, of tn" OlNld of Trust Ihe '" , S 15 ru:Jt ease ma. thl! reconveyance and Releted Documenls to T, o.u a.n.ndll"f 8, "' .....--- ~"''''''_--'--'''- .._~-- - ...--.............-....-.. PRE-SUBM/1TAL REC'D MAY 72008 ..J SITE ASSESSMENT MAP FOR: JAMES scon MCKEE MAP NO, 17-03-24-31 TAX LOT 1300 SPRINGFIELD, OR LANDOWNER: JAMES seen MCKEE SURVEYOR: ROB WARD WARD NORTHWEST INC. P.O. BOX 105 FLORENCE, OR 97439 ZONING: LD (lOW DENSITY) (Jl m o lllO 0i!5 0> "0 "'0 "'- - ... ,,- >0 C)Z mO ~m ",r- ;a o (Jl m LEGEND :-: STREET LIGHT !ill WATER METER -0- UTILITY POLE o EXISTING CORNER . PROPOSED CORNER o IRRIGATION VALVE m WATER VALVE 8 CHERRY TREE x SPOT ELEVATIONS o PHONE RISER FENCE LINE . CURBLlNE weEP HOLE ) tll/ i't.OBERT B~. WARD 1R", J .JULY lC, Ult Ul 1~91 I!:KP!ll.A'UCN nAtr.: 6110/08 r ~EGlST&~r.D tllOn55lOllAl. LAND SURVEYOR r~ll.t.NAMt: 07.QS.TRY I~-;~ ~" 07.95 U^,t: 5-1.2OCle t'Ct:v.::.1VI'\I UttAWN"" RBW ;>Mt:t:l '" - PARCEL III PARTITION PLAT NO. 94-P0549 6"PVC.WATER--\ , , , , I I I I I f , I I I I I I f, , , ; \ , , / ' , ' / I N16'''8'4g"e , LC>S8.23' R"100.00' '-""59.09' r.30.43' D"33051'18" S4-21'S5"W LC=11.89' R-75.00' A=11.70' '-. 1"'5.86' ...... Orfl'5672" f ........ WATER SERVice - -".1 45;1,0 N89042'12"W N89"42'12"W EXISTING "I. ': l:,~,::"",,,,1' : ,..,. X~" x~,. ,~" x"','.." ~~'{;.;'''' /- i. ['~:::;;" "w,,~'" '3:..., /1- ~ :i!~~;~::m!;:i;~ - ....., ".". _ PROPOs::O;~:ON It' ~ ! ill~illll!1 r DEe:"" ~'ij'! :". LINE ~u /F ~ i~i~;ii;riJ ro ~ X;/ : ~:m:~ii~:l r~g~~6~t<K I? . &~::':Wi!1M HOUSE 10.00' ~ TO BE DECOMMIS$IONEC / " ~ . ~i;;~01~ - / ,'~. :~I:!~i;~~i~ or:J I : ~1J28'~ ~ x..S2) I I I $'"'''' if " "" .w;;,{> h . r , - - - , 1-' , }i;' )" n~, " ",.. t.==. I FENCELlNE\ ,. : ~;~iiiZ:;;:;::;I;~::;:'W,,;;J'd''';';;;'[H;:;~ :: ~ ___\. -",/' I 'J ~ ~: :i~~::; ~:~:~'~!~i- - - T~E.~ ~:~!f'Nsr;:LL- ; - '---=--=---i----- ------ _I ,<"v~<,u<,<<_.~~'X^""~, ,., Y / TPUE -(", \~i. '* ~ ' W~ W.~l~ ~~ 4Y.<h~' S89042'12"E 8 ~ ~ ~ I / S890472TE 1668' . --4-~~-~-----~--T---~--------------~~"?--~-----------------------7---y~ f.'N~'~~'i"..."~"..~'v" ~0443 11~'" S"PVC.WATER-- I ~~i;~^iil~P;S.W~~d~' \.:.J lril" Y 8 8 I r"';<''':<<w,,''~~,~#.~~~, ~~. I . ___..D~~A~~ .___~___ _/__ ;_ SIDEWA~ -< .~""--~~~ICAP ~I~ g --1 I-S" SEWER LATERAl "!I~ CURB FACE PER TV RECORDS I ~ CLEANOUT~ I UD El" 451.05 I I~(~~; =...4~~:5 g 9~iid=e--- - - - - - - -B"SEWERlINE- - - - -- - - -- - - --- -- - -S8go-4n~-j-t I 6---~ ----.------DELROSEAVENUE.-----18i..;;,---------____________---6--25.00-- I SEWER I I MANHOLE: I I I I / , /!;! 'ii: ; Q ,,, If? I"'~ Ii', I " I !'.." ~ N1S"49'2BOE ... lC=>58.2J' I "_~;~OO: I To30.43' I 0=33'51'15- 1 I I f 1 o 1S' I"-....-....l NOTE -BENCHMARK IS SEWER MANHOlE RIM WITH ELEVATION OF 451.45' PER GRANDVIEW ESTATES PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS DRAWING DATED 4/5J!l5 8 g CURB FACE ~ 'z NI~ ~ ~ --......... /HANDlCAP~I~ ,,( RAMP I~ I f S89'42'12'E 181.11' " ii:.' Ward NorthWest, Inc, ~.""x ". "ORENeE,OR'"'' ~ -, PR -SlJBMI1TAl REC'D MAY 7 2008 " LAND DIVISION TENTATIVE PLAN FOR: JAMES SCOTT MCKEE RE-PLA T OF PARCEL II, PARTITION NO, 93-P0441 NE1/4 SW1I4, SECTION 24, T17S, R3W, W.M, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON STReET CENTERLINE POINT 5/8~ REBAR WITH CAP MARKED -GUILR PLS 472- PARTITION NO. 93-P0441 PROPOSED CORNER 518- X 30- REBAR WITH CAP MARKED -LS 1091. "* o 20' ~--- '" m n tIlO OZ 00 ,,~ "'0 "'- - ... ,,- )>0 "Z mO _m ",r- " o '" m INITIAL POINT SW CORNER PARCEL 11 PARTITION NO. 93-P0441 518" REBAR WiTH CAP MARI(ED "GUILE PLS 472 LEGEND '" o . .....i"ILt: NAMt: 07-95.TRV -::.~ 20FlIln -,JUtI ...01-95 UAII: 5-1-2008 KI:VlblUN I I~ i! 1 I Gl J 00 ,is 'Ul ~~ o " ~ I t I ~ I I I ~ (, "'-3262' I , r-18.57' / ' [)-2."55'02" , , / I '" I / , / N16""9'2S"e I \ Lc-72.79' l ,-R=125 00' Aa7J 86' I r-38.()04' ......... D'"33"S1'1r I .......... I " I I 1 1 '2 ~lq "i; O! ~ 1:1 b----_ _DElR6O'OSREo-AVWENUE__ _ _ _ _~~1~ __ ______ __ _ _ ____..,......:>~.~~ I . 181.11 25.00' 4 12 Nlq ",8 ~ ~ ,:1 t )'1 S' DRAIN TILE EASEMENT l PER EASEMENT RECORDED i MAY 14, 1965. RECEPTION NO. I 3301,lANE COUNlY, OR. ! l!ji 8 !il! a ~! m! i I I". NOTE: HI PUE CREATED PER LAND PARTITION NUMBER 9J...P0441 .....I...;..~.~:~~~..=<............... ......................... ..-........................... - T P.U.E. PER SECOND ADDITION TO OELROSE c. /'--. 1 UKAWN ~'j I Raw J '''_'''__IMAIItoH~pc''_ ::)Ht:t:1 1/1 LAND PARTITION PLAT No, DOCUMENTS OF RECORD AFFECTING THIS PROPERTY: COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AND/OR EASEMENTS RECORDED DECEMBER 6, 1994, RECEPTION NO. S4-&4126 COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AND/OR EASEMENTS RECORDED APRIL 3, 1995, RECEPTION NO. 95-1M10 PARCEL III PARTITION PLAT NO. 94-P0549 N89"42'1TW 104.39' N89'42'12"W 109.71' i .I NEW PARCEL 1 10440 SqFt ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ NEW PARCEL 2 9001 SqFt .......................! S89'42'12"E 104.43" S8\:IJ1" " i BASIS OF BEARING. SII9"42'12"E PARTITION NO 93-P0441 w o " q PARTlTIONER: JAMES SCOTT & KATHLEEN C. McKEE 1101 16TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 974n APPROVALS cnv OF SPRINGFIELD CASE NO: .::~~c:~Q..-{ 1 LAND SUR~ /.il. l~'f;:::; ':,"':;'ARD JR, J .JULY l~, lP76 1.5 lOt. [)[J'lIlATIOll DA:'(;:: 6130/U CITY OF SPRINGFielD PlANNING DIRECTOR OATE r CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SURVEYOR DATE DATE LANE COUNTY ASSESSOR ,I 1 , I , I I I I I I~ I:;: '0: 1:1 N16'48'49"E LC=5823' R"'100.00' ~A-59.09' T-3O.43' 0-33'51'18" N16"49'26'E LC>:58.23' R"100.00' -A-59.09' T"3O."3' 0:33'51'15' LANE COUNTY SURVEYORS OFFICE e.s. FILE NO. FILING DATE: -I RECORDED DATE: BY: ~~~~~~tt~~~~~"~RED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR, 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THA.T I HA.VE CORREC1L Y SURVEYED A.ND MARKED, WITH PROPER MONUMENTS Tl-lE HEREON DESCRIBED PLAT, THA.T THE IN1T1A.L POINT IS A 518" REBAR WITH CAP MARKED "GUILE PLS 472" AND IS LOCATED A.S SI\OWN HEREON AND I HA.VE A.CCURATEL Y DESCRIBED THE TRACT OF lAND UPON WHICH THE PARCelS OF THIS PLAT A.RE LAID OUT ON AS FOllOWS: PARCEL 11 OF LAND PARTITION PlAT NUMBER 93-PO<<1, AS PLATTED AND FILED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON ROBERT B. WARD JR. LS 1091 ~~~E OF THIS SURVEY WAS TO PARTITION AND RE-PLAT THE PROPERTY AS SHOWN HEREON. AlL CONTROWNG MONUMENTS WERE FOUND TO BE IN THEtR RECORD POSITION. THE BASIS OF BEARING FOR THIS SURVEY IS THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF PARCEL II AS SHOWN HEREON. THIS SURVEY WAS Pf:RFORMED USING A NIKON TOTAL STATION_ DECLARATION KNOWN AlL PERSONS, BY THESE PRESENT, THAT JAMES S. MCKEE AND KATHLEEN C. MCKEE, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS TENANTS BY THE ENTIRETY, ARE THE OWNERS OF THE HEREON DESCRIBED PROPERTY, AND DO CAUSE THE SA.ME TO BE RE-PATTED AND PARnnDNED AS SHOWN HEREON ACCORDING TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE OREGON REVISED STATUTES, CHAPTER 92. JA.t.AES S. MCKEE KATHLEEN C. MCKEg--- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF OREGON ) COUNTY Of lANE ) S5 ON THIS DAY Of ,2008 THERE APPEAREOBEFORE ,.41;: THE HEREON NAMED JAMES S. MCKEE AND KATHLEEN C. MCKEE AND 00 A.CKNOWlEOGE THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT TO BE THEIR VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED. NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON ~ Ward NorthWest, Inc. ~. BOX '05 FLORENCE. OR "'" (541) 997.9201 FAX: 5041-997.3546 ~ PRE )UBMIITAl REC'D ,,!AllY .., ?nnR A - ~WARD NORTHWEST LAND$URVEYING . LAND PLANNING I FORESTRY ,~ PO B~x 105 . Florence, OR 97439 . Phone 541.997.9201 . Fax 541,997-3546 ~ 5/1/2008 City of Spnngfleld Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfleld, OR 97477 RE Land DIvIsion Pre-Submittal Enclosed IS the completed Partition Tentative Pre-Submittal I have Included pnnted copies of the maps on an 11" x 17" format which are folded to be 8-1/2" x 11" In size have also Included one copy of each map pnnted on an 18" x 24" format (full size) Please give me a call If you have any questions concerning this application Sincerely, 41dL Rob Ward PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 7 2008 A - -. .$wARD NORTHWEST U,NOSURVEYING . LAND PLANNING . FORESTRY ,~ PO Box 105 . Florence, OR 97439 . Phone 541.997.9201 . Fex 541-997-3546 ,.:2. 5/1/2008 Scott McKee 1101 16th Street Spnngfleld, OR 97477 RE land DIvIsion Pre-Submittal Dear Scott Please sign page 2 of the land DIvIsion Tentative Plan application When you deliver the application package to the Development Services Department for the City of Springfield, be sure to Include the application fee of $336 00 This IS the fee for what they call a pre-submittal meeting Once we go through the pre-submittal meeting, then we submit the actual application and t~le required fee at that time Will be $4,729 00 I am follOWing the process that the City requires which IS to first have a development Issues meeting, then a pre-submittal meeting FollOWing the pre-submittal meeting the actual partition application IS submitted Please do not ask me to Justify this process The City IS anticipating a change In the fee schedule starting this JUly If we can get this to the pOint of an application before then, we can avoid the rate Increase I Will follow- up With you next week to make sure the application gets turned Into the City Sincerely, # Rob Ward PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 7 2008