HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 2008-7-1 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit ~t,ltu~ Issued PERMIT NO. COM2008-00953 ISSUED. 07/01/2008 APPLIED. 07/01/2008 EXPIRES: 01/01/2009 VALUE' 225 F,fth Str eet, Sprmgfield, OR 541-726- ,753 Phone 5~ 1-726-3676 Fax 541-726- ,769 InspectIOn Lllle SirE ADDRESS 3178 W ST A 55ESSOR'S PARCEL NO 1702193400610 Spnngfield TYPE OF WORK Healing System TYPE OF USE New Resldentldl PRO.JEC 1 DESCRIPTION Heat Pump & AIr Handler O\\nel BRINCEFIELD BILLY J Addle" 3178WST SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 Phone Number 541-726-6407 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I ContJ actol Type l\lcch.lnllJI Contractor MARSHALLS INC License 25790 , BUILDING INFORMATION I ExpIratIOn Date 12123/2009 Phone 541-747-7445 # of lJllIt... Pllln31 y OClupancy Group ~l'cor](I,1I y O,cupancy Group PIIIllJI' ConstructIOn Type ~{'cond~lJ '" Construction Type # of Bedrooms # of Stones HeIght of Structure Type of Heat Water Type Range Type Energy Path Spnnkled BUIld 109 Lot SIZe Sq Ft 1st Floor Sq Ft 2nd Floor Sq Ft Basement Sq Ft GaragelCarport Sq Ft Other Occupant Load n/d I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I REQUIRED PARKING Total Hdndlcapped Compdct FI ontY,1I d Setback Overlay Dlst !'oHle I Sctb.lck # Street Trees Rqd 5HIc 2 Sctl,,"k Paved Dnve Rqd Rc,lrv.lI d Setbdck % of Lot Coverage ~ol.1I Setb,lck~TTENTION Oregon law reqUires you to 1..11. . __ _--'__~_--' '- .....___ .....H____IU,.I...... .- - - - -- -, -- .-} - - -'.=.-,.::"..: ::-''';'-) Nol:flcatlon Center Those rulei9'<llBI>K:f4JmROVEMENTS , ~ I m OAR_952-001-001 0 through l,,-.n '",,-vv ,! tr eet mpr o~e~sn~bu may obtam caples of the rules by Stolm S"'CI A<V,"lallht'1e center (Note the telephone ~pl'll.11 In'tl ufllMil~er for the Oregon Utility Notification Center IS 1-800-332-2344). SIdewalk Type Downspouts/Drams Notes I ValuatIOn DescrmtlOn I NOTICE: Til'/": r-- , ,lJ l.n'vJ/ I ~HALL EX AUTHORIZED UNDER THPIRE IF THE WOR < COMMENCED OR I IS PERMIT IS NO . Square FootageANY 180 1:1,^)' "'ER S ABANOON1=D mR B d A t 'via u. 100 Date C';lcul~t'l!d' or I moun Dcsu IptlOll 1 vpe of ConstructlOu $ Per Sq Ft or multiplier Paee I 01 2 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit St,ltus Issued PERMIT NO ISSUED. APPLIED. EXPIRES VALUE' COM2008-00953 07/01/2008 07/01/2008 01/0 I /2009 223 Filth "tl eet, Sprmgfield, OR 5~1-726-1731 Phone 341-726-1676 Fax 541-726-1769 InspectIon Lme Total Value of ProJect fees PalCl I IIIII Fcc Dc~u IpllOn -Mech.lIIH...t1 Issu.lOce Fee- + lOlXJ AdmllJlstratJve Fee + 12tX, ",Llfe Surcharge + 5(};) I cdlllo1ogy Fec All 11.1Ildllllg Ulllt Up to 10,000 lIe.lt Pump 1\1 1I11muml AdJustment Mechalllcal Amount PaId Date PaId ReceIpt Number $20 00 $500 $600 $250 $900 $1400 $2700 711108 711108 711108 7/1108 7/1/08 711108 711108 3200800000000000451 3200800000000000451 3200800000000000451 3200800000000000451 3200800000000000451 3200800000000000451 3200800000000000451 1 otal Amount PaId $83 50 I Plan Reviews I Tn Rcquc~t an IlIspectlOn call the 24 hour recordIng at 726-3769 All InspectIOns rcquested belore 7:00 ,I III \\')11 bc made the same workIng day, InspectIOns requested after 7 00 a m WIll be made the folloWIng \VOl k daY I Re(lUJred Insnechons I 111.111111111 Rough Mechnmcal Pnor to Cover flll.,1 Mechamcdl When all mechamc.tI work IS complete Il\ "gnatu. e, I state dnd agree, that I have carefully exammed the completed applicatIOn and do hereby cerl1fy thdt dll Inlol rIIdtlon hereon IS true .md correct, and I further certify .hd' any and all work performed shall be done III dccorddnce With Ihe O"lIu.luces of the CIty ofSpnllgfield dnd the Laws 01 the State 01 Oregoll pertallllng to the work descnbed herem, and th.11 NO OCCUPANCY WIll be made of any structure WIthout permissIon of the Commulllty Services DIVISIOn, BUlldmg Safety 11111 the. clltIfy thdt 0111) contr.lctors and employees who are m compliance WIth ORS 701 005 WIll be used 011 thIS proJect I 1111 thcl .lgl ee to cn,ul e thdt dll reqUIred mspcctlOns arc I equested dt the pI Oller tIme, that each dddre;; IS I eddable flom the 'II crt, thJt the permIt card IS located at the front of the property, dnd the dpproved set of plans WIlli emam on the site at all tIIncs dUlll1g constructIOn 0\\ lie. OJ Contractors Signature Date Paee 2 of2 CIty of Springfield Mechalllcal Authorl73tlOlI To Beg," Work E-m'llled fo clvm@m.1I3hallsmc com ReceIpt # EC533111 6/3012008 3 52 10 PM Subtotal $2300 I MinImum fee used Instead ofSublolal $5000 Stale Surcharge (12% of perm II lee) $600 CIty Of Spnngfield fees * $2750 TO fAL PlRMIl }< l- ~ $83:::.0 10% Local Admin Fee 5% 1 OCt) Technology I ee Check on status of permit By Pholle (541)726-3753 or Lrnall perlllltcenter@L1spnllgfield orus TYPE OF WORK FEE SCHEDULE )u~LrlpllOl1 Qt) Heating/cooling appliances Furnace lip to 100000 STU Furnace l1bove 100000 BTU IL] Nc\\col1~trll(,.1I0n o Addlllon/alterallon/replacemellt CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION l~J I or21,111111\ d\\elllllg o ACLeSSOl) BUilding o Mllltl family JOB SITE INFORMATION ANP LOCATION lob 110 IJoh ltldre~.!l 3178 W $T 1~~\I"t lllllll' .':.PRINGllELD OR 97477 7904 !<"UIIL/hldl!./lpt no i Proll cl II lrlll BRINCCFIELD Elet.tnc Furnace Duct alterations and additIOns Gas heater unnsl m \Vdlt In duct SusDt.l1ded ctcl Vent flue Imer for above AlrCondltlOner ( I ()~~ ~tlllt/dlll{'tlon~ to Job ~Ite Hlat Pump Air Handler Other fuel burnmg ..pphanccs Water heater Gas hrcplacc/msertlstove Gas log! log hghter Gas clothes dryer Gas stovtJrange Pool or spa heater ~lln Wood/pellet stovelinsen Wood fireplace Chlmney/lmerlflue/vcnt w/o appl1ance EnVironmental exhaust Ai"'JD ventdatlOn ILot no i....llhdn "1011 I 111\ llllp/p IfeLl no 1702193400610 i DESCRIPTION OF WORK IN" lAr I AI10N OF A HfAT PUMP AND AIR HANDLER I I SITE CONTACT 1'\ Hill.- 8111 ARINCErIEI D IPhone {~'ll) 726 6407 I I ~ 11\ 111 I( (B III no 2'>790 I BII',llll~~ J'\' IlTlL MARSHAl I "i ]NC ,- i(ulltnt (v,Il1Whlte Il<ax Range hood Clothes dryer exhaust Single-duct exhaust (bathrooms tOIlet compartments utility rooms) I AlIIc/crawlspacefans I Fuel plpmg UplO first 4 outlels(enterQty=l) IIl.aCh addltlOnal oUllet I I MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES II II I I I . City OfSpnngfield $10 Issuance ~ec CONTRACTOR I\ddll~~ 4!IOOLYMPICSl i (11,/5tall/l..ll' )PRING! ILLD OR 974785620 Il'hOlll {5ill )7'177445 f Fax (541 )74] 0821 ;111111] Llvrn@llldrshallslnccom I \!llra III.' llO , I ( Ity hl no CCB 25790 Upon review and approval by your local JUrisdiction, your permit Will be e-malled or faxed wlthm one bUSiness day, With InstructIOns on how to schodule your inspection NOTE ThiS AuthOrization To Begm Work expires wlthm 180 days If a permIt IS not obtamed ',,,., <;;.- - OOQ53 COllA',,--,Iu v 0 RCPT # -$2.. QLl ':5- - 4 S ( DATE PROCESSED ;- I ~() 9 PRoc",{;;,.vf' '7--- ThiS AuthOrization To Begin Work must be posted at the Job site Intil rePla~ed by a The local bUlldmg department may determmo that an AuthOrization To Begm Work IS null and VOid If It does not meet applicable land use laws and local ordinances LI $1400 $900 Permit I 10t,.1 I I I I I I I 1 I $14001 $9001 I I I I I I I 225 F,fth StJ cet Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phonc City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Scrvlces Department PublIc Works Department Job/Journ.11 Number COM200S-00953 COM2008-00953 COM2008-00953 COM200S-00953 COM200S-00953 COMJOOS-00953 COM200S-00953 Pa\ mUlts I vpe of P1ymcnt ONLINE CHGS LReLuntl RECEIPT # 3200800000000000451 Date 07/01/2008 DescnptlOn Air Handling Ulllt Up to 10,000 Heat Pump Mllllmuml Adjustment Mechalllcal -Mechalllcallssuance Fee- , 5% Technologv Fee + 12% State Surcharge + 10% Admllllstratlve Fee Paid By ONLINE PERMIT CHGS Item rota I t:heck Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number I-Iow Received NJM ONLINE MarshaUs Onlme Payment Total Page I of I 801 21AM Amount Due 900 1400 2700 2000 250 600 500 $83 50 Amount Paid $83 50 $83 50 7/1/2008