HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2008-7-1 \!~)/ '1 fI ( , /,j~{/ '1}r CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit Status Issued PERMIT NO ISSUED. APPLIED EXPIRES VALUE' COM2008-00952 07/01/2008 07/01/2008 01101/2009 22'; F,lth Stleet, Spnngfield, OR 541-726-1753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fdx 541-726-1769 InspectIOn Lllle SITE ADDRESS 3750 E ST A~SES~OR'S PARCEL NO 1702311300600 Spnngfield TYPE OF WORK Electncal Work Onh TYPE OF USE New ReSIdentIal PRO J rCT DESCRIPTION Replace eXlsltlng 100 Amp 0\01 head servIce WIth nen 100A underground servIce O\\nCI Addlc" JOHNSON JENNIFER M 1249 D ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 Phone Number 541-556-2143 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Con II actor Type IICClllt,11 Contractor JOHNSEN ELECTRIC INC LIcense 38497 EXpIratIOn Date 01/1012010 Phone 541-461-0291 BUILDING INFORMATION I # ot IJIllt, Pllln,H," Oecup.mq Group Suond.lI' Occupancy GI QUP PI IIn.lI '\ ConstJ uctlO" Type ~(,\.olld.)1 V ConstructIOn Type # of Hulr oom~ # of Stones HeIght of Stl uctUl e Type of Hcat Water Type Range Type Enel gy Pdth Sprmkled Blllldlllg Lot S,ze Sq Ft 1st Floor Sq Ft 2nd Floor Sq Ft Bdsement Sq Ft G,lragelCarport Sq Ft Othcl Occupant Load nla I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION' FI ont\,lId Setb,lck SIde I Sctb.llk SIlll 2 Setback Re.1I \ ..rd Sctback Sol.lI Sctb.lcks Overlay Dlst # Street Trees Rqd Paved Dnve Rqd % of Lot Coverage REQUIRED PARKING Total Hdndlcapped Compact ~t, cet I mpl ovements ATTENTION Oregon law requires you to follow rUles aoopleu uy II Iv ~l O':::t"'ill :";~.:. ~J'- I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I Notification Center Those rules are set forth In OSidfwii'Ik1fr'yW10 through OAR 952-001- 0090. You may obtain caples of the rules by ca\l~PJ''I.~O?Jal,\$:ote the telephone number for the Oregon Ultlity Notlflcalion Centel IS 1-800-332-2344) StOI m ~C\H'I Av.ulable Specl,'lln\!loctlOnNOTICE: ;\Iote, THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT A~~';v~~~~~~ ~E~:~;I~~'I~I~~r~~ ~~SCrlDtlOn I D(3UlIltIOIl Tvpe of ConstructIOn $ Per Sq Ft or multIplier Square Footage or BId Amount Vdlue Ddte Calculdted Paee 1 01 2 ~t.ltus Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-00952 ISSUED: 07/01/2008 APPLIED' 07/01/2008 EXPIRES. 01/01/2009 VALUE: 22, FIlth St. eet. Spnngfield, OR 5~ 1-726-1753 Phone 541-726-1676 Fdx 541-726-3769 InspectIOn Lme Total V dlue of PI oJect Fe~s Paid I rl'l' DescllptlOn + 100;;1 Adnlllllstrdtlve Fee + 12"/', SI,lle Surchdrge + 5% felhnolog) Fee Pe. III ~el' Irdr 200 dmps or less Amount PaId Date PaId ReceIpt Numbel $700 $840 $350 $70 00 7/1/08 711108 711108 7/1108 3200800000000000450 3200800000000000450 3200800000000000450 3200800000000000450 Totdl Amount PaId $88 90 I Plan Revtews I To Reque~t an IIIspectlOn call the 24 hour recordlllg at 726-3769 AlllllspectlOns requested before 7 00 ,I m wtll be made the same worklllg day, IIIspectlOns requested after 7:00 a.m. WIll be made the followlllg \\01" day I Ren~lred InsnectlOns I Rough Electnc Pnor to Cover 1'111,11 Electnc When dll electllcdl work IS complete Bv slgn,ltll' e, I state dnd agree, thdt I hdve larefully e>ammed the completed applicatIOn and do hereby certify thdt all Inlol IIMtlO1I hel eon IS true and correct, llnd I further certify that any and all work performed ~hall be done III accordance with the O.dm,lIIces of the CIty 01 Spnngfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertammg to the work de,cnbed herem, and th,1I NO OCCUPANCY WIll be made of dny structure wIthout permISSIOn of the Commulllty ServIces DIVIsIon, BUlldmg Safety 1111' thc. lei tIfy thdt only contrdctors and employee, who are m comphdnce wIth ORS 701005 WIll be u,ed on thIS proJect 11111 ther .lglee to ensure that..1I reqUired IIlSpectlOlls are requested at the proper time, that each address IS redddble trom the vII eel Ih.lt the pernllt cdrd IS located dt the front of the property, and the approved set of pldns WIll remdlll on the sIte at dll tllntS dUllIlg constructIOn 0" !lei ()f Contractors Slgndture Ddte P d2e 2 01 2 (:'ty of Sprmgfield Electrical AuthorlzatJon To Begm Work E-malled 10 KELlASEN@ATTNET Receipt # EC533106 6/30/2008 3 16 26 PM Check on status of permit By Phone (541)726-3753 or Emall permltcenter@clsprlngfield orus . ell\ 0' I.,nr"~."r;,,H COM ;::) (SD(( ~ [DC) S~ "3L<SV~- ({50 RCPT # DATE PROCESSED ;- / - Jrf" TYPE OF WORK 10 NC\\lomtlllltlOn ~ AdditIOn/alteratIOn/replacement CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION 15] 1 or 2 fdrmh dwellmg I o MultI famtly o CommerCia] I Industrial ( ro~" 'Intl/dlnl tlOn\ to Job site ~ r RFLI IN BrTW[EN 36TH; T & 38TH S r ON E \uhlll\l\IOII 111\ J1J Ip/parol no 1101 no 1702311300600 I DESCRIPTION OF WORK RI PLACI I XII) lING lOOA QVLRHfAD SI::RVICF WITH NI W ]ooA lJNDI R(JROUND SLRVICE SITE CONTACT I"llml il'hUilC I ~ 111 III BrN JOIIN~LN ()41) 5..,62143 ll<lI'\ (541)4612340 CONTRACTOR II-I hl llO 20-'\3C I BII'lIll'" j\, IlIIt JOHNS] N fI EC [RIC INl ICOUIIII 20-53C IAdtlll'" 2<;~5 ROO<)LVFLT BLVD 101\/\1 Lhl/II' 1 UG[NcOR 974022<;00 Phoill ("'11)46[0291 lI-m,HI "'1 [ [^~I N@AfTNET J \It tlO he nn I "lIpen l'rng e!t.clnCllIn's he no 3485$ I "lIrrnl"mJ.., dulncllIl'" n'lme GARY E JOIIN'iFN 'CCO he no 38497 Ih' ()4])4612340 IClty he no Upon review and approval by your local jurisdiction. your parmlt Will be e-malled or faxed Within one bUSiness day, With Instructions on how to schedule your inspectIOn NOTE ThIs AuthOrization To Begin Work expires Within 180 days If a permit IS not obtained The local bUilding department may determine that an AuthOrizatIOn To Begin Work is null and VOid If It does not meet applIcable land use laws and local ordinances This AuthOrization To Begin Work ml sf II II Description Qt) ~ a I ReSidential SIN(.ll- OR mulh-funuly duellmg UOlt Includt.'S I dttdchcd gdr.tgL 1II000sq n o']m I I II a addl 500 sq ft or portIOn ! I Limited ~ Ilergy I I - Limited energy reSIdential I (\\llh above so ft) I-LImited energy mllltlfamll\ I resldenttal (with above ~q ft) I I LImited energy comllH..rctaI (\\lth abovt.. so n) I Stand alone limited em.rgy re~ldcntlal I - :,tand alont.. tlmltl..d ellt..rgy mulll-fdmlly I - ~tand alone hmlted energy commercial I Service" OR feeder:. m\tnllaholl. nltrraholl, A~ O/OR rcloelltlon I 1200 amps 0' less $7000 $7000 I 1201 amps to 400 amps I 1401 amps 10 599 dmps I I TEMPORAllY SenlCel> OR feedeJ"\ lII\tlllllltlOn. alteration. I AND/OR relocatlOlI I 200 amps or less I I 120] amp>!o 400 amps I I 140] amp"o 599 amps I I I Branch CircUits - NEW, lltef'dtlon. OR. u:tenslOlI, per panel 1 1 A ft..e for branch C1rcUlh with senlceor fLcder fee eath branch CIrCUli I B Fee for brant..h CIrCUits without ~erVILe or feeder fLL first branlh ClrCUlt I each addl branch CIrCUit ll\-hscellaneoul> I ~crvlce reconnect only I Fach m<lnllfactured or modular d\\eltmg service andlor feeder I Pump or IITlg<ltlon Circle I SIgn or oullme lightmg I Signal ureun(s) or limited energy panel alteration or extension FEE SCHEDULE lotal I I I I I I ~ubtotal $7000 I State Surcharge (]2% ofP:rmlt fee) $840 I City OfSprlngfit..ld fees. $1050 I IOlALPJ.I~l\lIl n~ $8890 I lnol. 1 nn_1 . ~ Fce 5% I oed] leehnolog\ Fee not offered onlme at thIs JUrisdIctIOn ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES \I~rnll replaceo] by a Permit v 225 Fifth Strcet Sprlngficld, Orcgon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone ~AINQ"'EU> tt4 'h &~ City of Sprlngficld OffiCial Receipt Development Services Department PublIc Works Department Jobl Journal Number COM2008-00952 COM2008-00952 COM2008-00952 COM2008-00952 P,l)m<.-nh I \ pc of Pa, mcnt ONllNJ: ClIGS l.Rect"lOtl RECEIPT #. 3200800000000000450 Date. 07/01/2008 DescriptIOn Penn Serv/Fdr 200 amps or less I 5% Technology Fee r 12% State Surcharge + 10% Administrative Fee Paid By ONLINE PJ:RMIT CHGS Item Total Check Number AuthOrizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number lIow ReceIved NJM ONLINE JOHNSEN Onlme Payment Total Page I of I 7 40 58AM Amount Due 7000 350 840 700 $88 90 Amount Paid $88 90 $88 9U 7/1/2008