HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 2008-6-30 Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO. COM2008-00948 ISSUED 06/30/2008 APPLIED' 06/30/2008 EXPIRES 12/30/2008 VALUE 225 rllth Sheet, Spnngfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIon Lme SITe ADDRESS 6888 SIMEON DR ASSFSSOR'S PARCEL NO 1702341108100 Spnngfield TYPE OF WORK Heatlllg System TYPE OF USE AlterdlIon ResldenlIdl PROJECT DESCRIPTION Instdll Heat Pump O\\nel MOORE WILLIAM S & SUSAN C Add,es; 4652 HAILEY CRT SPRINGFIELD OR 97478 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor Type Mechanlc,ll Contractor EUGENE HEATING & COOLING LIcense 149452 ExpiratIOn Date 10/22/2009 Phone 541-726-7654 BUILDING INFORMATION I # ot Ul1It, ('lImal y Ottupancy Group SeconddlV Occupanty Group Pnmal) COllstruclIon Type Setollddl) Constl uctlOn Type # of Bcd, ooms # of Stones HeIght of Structure Type of Heat Water Type Range Type Energy Path Spnnkled Bulldmg Lot SIZe Sq Ft I st Floor Sq Ft 2nd Floor Sq Ft Basement Sq Ft GaragelCarport Sq Ft Other Occupant Load nla I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I rlontH,d Setback SIde 1 Scth,ICk Side 2 ~eth.lck Re,1I y,1I d "etbdck "old' SellJ.ltks Overlay Dlst # Street Trees Rqd Pdved Dnve Rqd % of Lot Coverdge REQUIRED PARKING Total Hdndleapped Compact I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I Street Improvements SIdewalk Type 5tol m Senel Available DownspoutslDrams '...r-rl....'....... r I t "pect,ll I ,,,tl uctlOn '"OllOn aw reqUires you 0 , , , 4"Jl-'teQ by the Oregon Utility Note~ ,"I.", C8nter Those rules are set forth ';1' <"f-!8b:? 001-0010 through OAR 952-001- NOTICE: vv;~lln';th'~'~~~t~~~"iN~;;;clh~; t~;;~~~'tuatlon DescrlD~I~ ~zv~;6 ~~~~~ ~~~;~~~~I~[I~ '~b; number for the Oregon Utility NOtlfl#L " lJUIVITvlENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR Center IS 1-800-332-2344). $ Per Sq Ft SqwOI"""tn""^V PERlon. DCSCIIIJIIOII Tvpe of COllstructlOn It I J 'A- rO\rvt,/,\! '"'(alue Date Calculated or rou Ip ler or I moun Paee I of2 ~tatus Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO' COM2008-00948 ISSUED 06/30/2008 APPLIED 06/30/2008 EXPIRES 12/30/2008 VALUE' 22'; fIfth S!I cet, Spnngfield, OR 5-11-726-3751 Phone 5-11-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectlOlI Lllle Totdl Value of ProJect Fees PaId I ree Dc.!tu JpllOn -Mechalllc.lI Issuanlc Fee- + ]00/0 Adll1lOlstrahve Fee + 121% '5..ttl' Surchdrge + S'Yu TedlllOlogy Fce All HdlHlhng Umt Up to 10,000 Heat Pump Mllllmum/AdJustment Mechamcdl Amount PaId Date PaId ReceIpt Number $20 00 $500 $600 $250 $900 $1400 $2700 6/30/08 6/30/08 6/30/08 6/30/08 6/30/08 6/30/08 6/30/08 2200800000000000989 2200800000000000989 2200800000000000989 2200800000000000989 2200800000000000989 2200800000000000989 2200800000000000989 fotal Amount PaId $83 50 I Plan ReVIews , To Rcqucst an inspectIOn call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769 All inspectIOns requested before 7 00 <1 m WIll be made thc same working day, inspectIOns requested after 7 00 a m WIll be made the follOWing work day I Reolllred I nsnechons I Rough Mechamcal Pnor to Cover FIII.I1 Mechamcdl When all mechamcal work IS complete III slgn,llul c, I state and dgree, that I have carefullv examllled the completed applicatIOn and do hereby certify that dll Inlol 01.\tlOlI hereon IS true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done III accordance With thc O,dlll.lI1ces of the Clt} ofSpnngfield and the Laws of the Stdte ofO.egon pertamlllg to the work descnbed herem, and that NO OCCUPANCY WIll he made of any stl ucture WIthout permISSIOn of the Commumty ServIces D,VI>lOIl. Bmldmg Safety I fIll thel ccrtlfy that only conti dctors and employees" ho dre III comphance WIth ORS 701 005 WIll be used on thIS proJect I fill the. ,'g' ee to ensure that dll requIred IIIspeetlOns are requested at the proper tIme, that each dddres; IS readable from the ,trect, th,ll the permIt card IS located at the front of the property, and the approved set of pldns WIll remalll on the sIte at all t101C/ii <Ill! mg constructIOn 0" nel 01 Contractors Signature Date Paee 2 of 2 City of Springfield MechanIcal AuthOrIzatIOn To Begin Work E-malled To mschlllmg@automatlcheatco com ReceIpt # EC533066 6/30/2008 10 30 54 AM Check on status of perm It By Phone, (541)726-3753 or EmaII permltcenter@cl spnngfield or us f~: TYPE OF WORK- "- - ~ IX.] AddltlOnJaltl.-ratlOn/replaceml.nt ~_: -I I _, :" .!'FEE SCHEDULE -~~ ~r ~k.- I Qly 1 ~ - A " f. ';';:CATEGO,RY QF CONBRUCTION~o-;-" ' I ~ ~ (J] 2 1<l11111) d\H"lhng D MU]tl.fallllly D Accessory BUlldmg I jcift,'},j,lI, ',_~9B,SITEIN~ORMATl6NJ>.ND LOCA,TION' f Job TIll IJOb addrc!ls 6888 SIMEON DR I Llt)fSlatC'/IIP <"PRINGIIELD OR 97478~2104 l'-JUltt/bldg /"[llno ProJlll ndllll MOOTl 5 I DescriptIOn f\He~~~Eoollng apP,!!J,!lcC! I Furnace up to ] 00000 BTU II furnace - above 100000 B ru '" I I Eler.tTlc Furnace I I Duct alterations and addlllOns Gas hldter unltsl In wall In I duu sllsPl.nded clcl I Vent flue Imer lor above I I Air CondltJOner I Heat Pump I Air Handler 19th~ri~l-b~~inmg~ appljances /"r;i!p4>~~f: 1 I Water heater I I I Gas fireplacehnserVstove '_I I Gas log/log light" I I Gas clothes dryer I I Gas stove/rangl.. I r Pool or spa heater kIln I I Wood/pel]et stoveltnsert I I Wood fireplace Chlmney/lmer/flul../vcnt W/O aPDllance )fllvlroii1D~ntal exhau~t AND ventilatIOn - _-x-"''' ~ __ , 1 Total I -'I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 $14001 1 , 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 Range hood \ I Clothes dryer exhaust I I Slllg]e duct exhdust (bathroom" I t01lcll.OmpartmLnts utlllt) rooms) I AttH.Jcrawlspace fans I I FUll piping {,,\'Si"-'=''' ....1'... 0. ~',\-':.!f~- :.r ,-<, I Ii upw'fi<rsI401111C1S(CmerQtV=l) I I I I each additIOnal outlLt I I I k - 0 ~;Z;;-i~MECHANICALteEJl!-lJT-EEES~~i';_ - ~ 1 I Subtotal $ I 400 I I I MlIllm~I_~}ee used lIlstedd 01 Subtotal $5000 1 ~tdte Surcharge (12% of PWnlt fee) $600 I I CIty Of Sprlllgfield fees * I $27 50 I I 1 OTAL PFRMIT FEE I $8350 I * City OfSpnngfield ]0% I oca] Admm rCl.. 5% Local Technology Fee $10 Issuance Fee Ea ID NL,\\LOllstruLtlOl) ( ro~... ...tl edl<IIrutllH1S to Job Sltt $1400[ l'-lubdl\l"lOll II,IX m,lp/p lrlli no I ""'~~ I~ "lJ~l~ ''>rel 7" J Lot no 1702341108100 """ ~_"'F", ~ ~ ___ ~ ,F'''-= ;#: ,>,. , 'DESCJ~!f1TIPf':l.OF,WO~K.s~?-~~_ ' -;,~< lmtdll hLat pump :':;f\,\ ~~~" ~_SIT~ <:;ONlACl,:r;.;-.: , ' -, j i\.lI11e ~ll~dn Moore I PholJt (54]) 741-2848 ILmlltl I, 1 Fa< Ft''''j-j!C~Li: ~ It;r:#k(' ~:~ ... " ~,,~ ~~ 1 '" _;<- , ~ f j _~ONTRA_CTOR~ -.-i '" ~ ~":;g;" I LLll he no Il9452 I BUSlnt~~ N Inn l~UG[N[ II[AlING & COOLING COMPANY 1 Coni leI MH.hm.1 ",Lhllllllg !Addre.... 16,0 Nr I OMBARDSr 1(lt}/~tlltL/IIP rOI<rLAND OR 97211 I PhollL ('41)726765'1 II m.1I1 11l'>d1lI1I1lg@dutollldllLhedtco com /I\leh 0 II(' no 1 Fax (541)7267657 I CIty lie no Upon review and approval by your local JUrisdiction, your permit WIll be e-rnalled or faxed wlthm one bus mess day, With instructions on how to schedule your inspection NOTE This AuthOrization To Begm Work expires wlthm 180 days If a permit IS not obtamed The local bUilding department may determme that an ALlthorlzatlon To Begm Work IS null and VOid If It does not meet applicable land use laws and local ordinances \ This AuthOrization To Begin Work must be posted at the Job site until replaced by a Permit 225 FIlth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 54.1-726-3759 Phone Job/loUI nal Number COM2008-00948 COM2008-00948 COM2008-00948 COM2008-00948 COM2008-00948 COM2008-00948 COM2008-00948 Paynll'nts fYPl of I'u\mcnt ONliNE CHGS cRlcemLI RECEIPT #: 2200800000000000989 DeSCriptIOn Air Handlmg UnIt Up to 10,000 Heat Pump Mlmmum! Adjustment Mechamcal -Mechanical Issuance Fee- + 5% Technology Fee + 12% State Surchdrge + 10% Admmlstratlve Fee City of Springfield OfficIal ReceIpt Development ServIces Department Pubhc Works Dcpartment Datc 06/30/2008 Item Total Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Paid By ONLINE PERMIT CHGS ddk Page I of I ONLINE EUGENE Online HEATING Payment Total 2 28 27PM Amount Due 900 1400 2700 2000 250 600 500 $83 50 Amount Paid $83 50 $83 50 6/3012008