HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 5/29/2008 Page 1 of 1 L1MBIRD Andrew From Sent To Su bJect Attachments Mark Vukanovlch [mark@suntrustland com] Thursday, May 29, 2008 9 07 AM DONOVAN James, L1MBIRD Andrew North Cluster Site Design Letter 5-29-08 doc Gentlemen, Thank you for meeting with me yesterday to discuss our application Your understanding and outlook on our particular situation IS appreciated and thank you for your willingness to attach the appropriate fee to our final leg of planning approvals I have attached an offiCial letter of request for the Type 2 Site Plan Base Fee to be utilized and to limit the amount of information to be submitted and reviewed to those Items not yet reviewed and approved Of course, I will submit whatever you feel IS necessary But as I mention In my letter, I would hate to over submit Info that staff has already previously reviewed and waste their time and energy Thanks again for everything and I look forward to our meeting next week Mark Mark Vukanovlch SunTrust Land Company, LLC 61878 Bunker HIli Court Bend, OR 97702 Office 541-330-2309 Fax 541-330-2389 Mobile 541-350-1060 5/29/2008 Date Received.~J.:.~/2tx>f Planner. Al vhv ---- ~ SunTrust LAND COMPANY LLC May 29, 2008 Planmng Department City of Sprmgfield Mr Jim Donovan Mr Andy Llmblrd Via EmaIl RE North Cluster ApphcatlOns of MountamGate Dear Jim and Andy, The MountamGate SubdiVISIOn received master planned approvals m 1998 In 2007, Sun Trust Land Company received a TentatIve Cluster SubdlVlslOn approval for the North Cluster portion of the MountamGate SubdiVIsion These approvals as well as future approvals are under the gUldehnes and cntena of what was m place at the tIme the Master Planned approvals were obtamed My understandmg IS that we would normally receive a site design approval with the TentatIve Cluster approval Many of the components of the site design cntena were reflected with our TentatIve Cluster apphcatlOn In additIon, the overall net effect of the ImpervIOus area had been reviewed and paid for With the TentatIve Cluster apphcatlOn and approvals I may have been mlssmg other Items for our Site Design at the tIme of the Cluster apphcatlOn, but the mam Items that we wanted to address at a later date were as follows I Exact bUlldmg pad locatIons, based on actual designed bUlldmgs 2 LocdtlOn of pavers we discussed to help IdentIfy crosswalks and the entrance to the HOA park area 3 A better Idea of height and design ofthe retammg wall along MountamGate Dnve 4 Though not reqUired, the buIldmg designs/elevatIons that would better represent the overall feel of how the North Cluster site would look upon completIOn 61878 Bunker Hill Court, Bend, Oregon 97702 (pl541-33G-2309 (f) 541-330-2389 Date Received Planner. AL S/2Ji/7cOK , I I have submitted for a pre-submIttal meetIng wluch IS scheduled for next week Fnday and antICIpate that upon comments receIved I WIll submIt for a Type 2 SIte Plan I cordIally request that some of the Items already revIewed prevIOusly WIth the TentatIve Cluster approvals allowed to be omItted from our Type 2 SIte Plan applIcatIOn Everyone IS busy and I would hate to have us package up InformatIOn and have staff review those tlungs that have already been reViewed and approved Due to the extensive pnor reVIews, the lImited review that we are now finallZIng for the North Cluster and that I have already paId for a revIew and approval of the ImpervIOUS area reqUIrements, I ask that the fee be lImIted to the Type 2 SIte Plan Base Fee Your understandIng and consIderatIOn are apprecIated and I look forward to finalIZIng tlus last leg of planrung applIcatIOns for the North Cluster SIncerely Yours, Mark Vukanovlch .. '- ,1 61878 Bunker "tit Court, Bend, Oregon 97702 (p) 541-330-2309 (f) 541-330-2389 , I