HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 6/26/2008 \ City of Spnngfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review Date Received. JUN 2 6 2008 Ongmal submittal Site Plan Review Pre-Submittal: IJ Site Plan Review Submittal: ppli . n Type I (Applicant: check one) Major Site Plan Modification Pre-Submittal: Ma"or Site Plan Modification Submittal: r .,.,.-Y=.~ f C"", ,,\.(> M"\-=>" " Description of If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application Proposal: <;:'6 \c* - 5'"'""- \),....." Or-.. \..... Q...e..c,0 IExisting Use: ~..,,I.,l1A,",'.J INew Impervious Surface Coverage (Including Bldq. Gross Floor Area): Si natures: Please 51 nand nnt our name and date In the a nate box on the next . -. Applicant Name: c:..,,,,i0:r..,,.c,,,,,: ~ (''""''''~.....,,'' I? t\ ~ Company: ~ t-'\o..,."-. '-.\. .~o."UG'd..... IAddress: 6\~1-~ 'h,,,'i....-,, \\..,\\ G, , IAPPlicant's Rep.: Icompanv: IAddress: , I Property Owner: Icompany: IAddress: , IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: ~1.-o1-. 0:'> - ~\ I Property Address: ~~ Phone: ,Fax: ~ "\"\+D'). ,LLL Phone: Fax: I Phone: !Fax: <. n..'-'\ s:. I \SO'" TAX LOT NOeS): l ~". \~o Size of Property: -:l..'"'I-~ Ac Acres ~ Proposed Name of Proiect: \\..-,. , . - . <;;1.\\- .:)~o- \Ol,D I I I I I , I - u::J'~ K~c........~.....,,~~ ! I I j I J sf I Square Feet 0 f'RT ;).007 -000107 Associated Applications: D.e.~ 2-vol(' f)oo3'1 Siqns: I 5.....b $OD7 .W )'11 Pre-Sub Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Icase No.: 1Y<..c :200 g - DOQI...-I.o Date: (., 16)(,; IJro ~ I Reviewed by: ACt_ IAPPlication Fee: $ Lf,'f5CO,Cj5 ITechnical Fe~: $' :JO'f,q S- !postaqe Fee: $ JsS-- ITOTAL FEES: $ j PROJECT NUMBER: P R;J :JOOrfJOCh r l\lrl"'f~<1 "-~ ;l'-i"~:trk'- l.;;'~~';;;'"~~J~::':~"":l""f'''''Z,,.t>{'''''~~''..D;Y~<:;'M$>~<>---,;:~~'''~'_l<"'''~;;''''''-;>''''"''-..,,J?"'''''-4'~,~~~..~:'~-,,4J:-, "it'''''''''1-~ ~''''I-V-'''''''''' ~"'::' -4 ;-~ ,,"'lc ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 10 t Owner Signatures This application form IS used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages In the application process An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information In thiS application IS correct and accurate for schedUling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting Owner: - -'-Signature Date: Print Submittal I represent thiS application to be complete for submittal to the City Consistent with the completeness check performed on thiS application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the Information Identified by the City as necessary for processing the application IS provided herein or the information will not be proVided If not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the Information as submitted This statement serves as wntten notice pursuant to the reqUirements of ORS 227 178 pertaining to a complete application Owner: ------- "~ - S~ature t-J\o..<:- ~ ........L \<...n. ~"., \ (' ~ Print ~ --. Date: Co I ;l..bl5b. r f)iJt~ R@~el\f(:ld: , -. JUN 2 G 2008 Original Subrrlllt~1 ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 2 of 10 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP DRC2008-00040 Vacant - Lor 130 Mountaingate West Date Received: JUN 2 6 2008 Original Submittal SITE Map 18-02-03-21 Tax Lot 1500 North + i I I Date Received: I June 23, 2008 JUN 2 6 2008 Ongmal Submittal SIte Plan RevIew ApplIcatlOn/NarratIve for The Cottage CollectIon at The HeIghts SunTrust Land Company has already receIved a TentatIve Cluster approval for tins project and IS close to receIVIng ConstructIon DraWIngs ,"pp.v/al At the tIme that we receIved TentatIve Cluster ,"pp.v/al, we dId not have speCIfic detaIls on the homes to be bwlt TIns SIte Plan RevIew IS reqUIred to address such Issues as the extenor elevatIOns of the l"uPV..;,J homes, the retammg wall along MountamGate Dnve, landscapmg, crosswalk type and locatIOns and addItIOnal detaIls on the open space area We belIeve that the plans SUbffiltted along WIth tins narratIve WIll gIve staff the ,"pp>vpuate mformatIon to approve thIS SIte Plan reVIew One slIght modIficatIon has been done elumnatmg the first hammerhead closest to MountamGate Dnve and changmg the second hammerhead from the west SIde of the pnvate dnve to the east SIde Through dISCUSSIOns WIth Planmng and the FIre Marshall's office, It was decIded that the first hammerhead was unnecessary smce those homes have drrect frontage from MountamGate Dnve. In additIon, the second hammerhead really should be cut mto the htllslde versus bOOdIng a very large wall structure to S\.ppun a hammerhead TIns helps WIth costs, future safety ISSUes and gomg away from a VIsually unappealIng road structure TIns narratIve WIll attempt to gIve InformatIon that may not be on the subrmtted plans and/or c1anfy certaIn InformatIon. A sIte plan reduced to 8 Y2 x II, a copy of the deed and a prehrmnary tItle report was preVIously SUbffiltted along WIth other Items that were preVIously reVIewed through the TentatIve Cluster applIcatIon and ConstructIOn draWIngs that have been deemed not reqUITed as part of tins "modrlied" SIte plan reVIew The attached SIte plans reflect all InformatIon requested under the SIte plan sectIon of the Pre-Subffilttal Checkhst except as follows ! Solar Access: The SIte IS heaVIly treed and IS on a hIllSIde There IS a landscape easement along the northerly l"up';'.;y lme and ,the rear oflots 1- 16 whIch IS mtended to try and mamtam eXIstIng trees. Due to the current heaVIly treed condItIons and that our Invl',..;j has a hIgher elevatIon than the p.up".;j to the north, the condItions would not allow us to meet any solar access standards But m fact, It IS antIcIpated that more lIght may be achIeved smce we are cuttIng down a number of trees TransIt Center: There IS a transIt center located at the corner ofMam Street and Bob Straub Parkway winch IS a.-p....JlIIlItely I mIle from tins sIte Phased Development Plan It IS antIcIpated that the project wIll be bUIlt out m two phases Lots 23-26 and lots 29-53 Will be phase I and the remammg lots Will be phase 2. Due to the recent sIgnIficant market changes, we would lIke to have the flexibilIty ofbUlldmg out whatever lots m however many stages we feel comfortable domg so so long as we meet Fire Marshall reqUIrements and are able to get approvals from the PublIc Works department. Given our current market, we really need the abilIty of not haVIng too many lots slttmg out there for too long of a time ThIs allows the project to have a greater opporturnty of success Dollars spent on too many vacant lots are much better spent on the mtenor and extenor firnshes of the homes and Site.. those thmgs that the customer sees as value Landscape Plan See attached landscape plan The traIlhead path easement IS for the benefit of the general publIc and allows access from the HOA's Tract A to ' the mam trall system of the lullslde Each lot will be reqUIred to have at least one tree m both the front and back yards Due to the tIght constralnts of the site, It IS intended that the bUIlder of the homes wtIl mclude full front, SIde and rear landscapmg With ImgatJon on each lot The large Oak Tree located along MountamGate Drive towards the rear of lot I IS to stay, unless a tree arbonst deems It to be hazardous. ExIstmg trees WltIun Tract A, WltIun the landscape easement area In the rear oflots 1-16 and the Side oflots 36, 37 and 53 are to stay, unless a tree arbonst deems any to be hazardous All other trees Wltlun the ~'"'......;., and lots are to be removed dunng development. I A small monument reflecting the neighborhood name may be Included at the NW corner of lot 29 and/or the SW corner of lot 28 Said monument wtIl be no larger than 45 mches In height and eIght feet m length and Will comply With any Site VISion clearance "t'l"V led by the Tran.,l'v.,,,,l1on Department The dark grey areas shown on the SIte plan are three S<.l'.....;.e crosswalks and the entrance to the open space. These are to buIlt usmg a stamped concrete approach to gIve a mcer look and to be able to IdentIfy crosswalks and the open space entrance m a more elegant way Painted lInes will not be used for these areas : We have put together engmeenng for The rockery wall along MountamGate Dnve The exact rock and color has not been selected... we want to make sure that It conforms With the overaIllullsllle and blends mcely with the vanous pamt colors of the homes to be built. It Will also be easIer to IdentIfy the rock to be used Just before haVIng It bUIlt based on what matenallS avmlable at the tune EIther way, the wall will be of attractIve stone With landscapmg planted to cascade over the wall There IS no lIghtIng proposed for Tract A. We feel that it may encourage people to be out there after hours and provide a sense of perceiVed security that Just Isn't there Tlus area really should not be lIt. Date Received JUN 2 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal Arclutectural Plan All extenor elevatIOns are meluded and are shown at scale Floor plans are not mcluded Each plan type mcludes mformatIon such as percentage ofwmdows, percentage of garage f~ade facmg streets and porch square footage We meet the deSIgn detaIls of 16 1003(G) Our site plan mwcates an average of 1,616 square feet of ImpelVlOUS area, Wlder our approved 1,880 square feet as approved m our Tentative Cluster approvals We request that we have the flexlblhty to SWItch plans from lot to lot, so long as we do not exceed the average approved 1,880 SF of ImpervIOUS per lot We would also hke the fleXlblhty of addmg some elevatIOns to the current plans so as to allow for less repetItIOn Any elevatIOn changes WIll revolve aroWld roofImes and matenals, a normal process that bwlders do m the field to reduce repetItIon and create an overall better curb appeal In general, the proposed site plan IS consistent WIth our approved Tentative Cluster The landscapmg, home elevatIOns, common open space, stamped concrete and retaImng walls WIll all be done m an appealing fasluon We have a large mvestment m The HeIghts development this IS an Important component to the overall development and we have great motIvatIon to do a mce Job on tins Site We look forward to fina1Jzmg our last leg oftlus approval process If you have any questions, please do not heSitate to contact me at 541-350-1060 Smcerely, ( ~ Mark Vukanovlch SWlTrust Land Company, LLC Date Received JUN 2 6 2008 Onglnal SubmlttaL______ __ . o . o ~ . o z VIEW FROM SW . o / / . o I I / / \ \ , \ . o . o . o VIEW FROM NW . o . o 3 . D3te Received: . JUN : 6 2008 Original SubrnlltcL o o ~ " ~ " ~ (Jl o OJ o I I ~ " " 6 g; '"I II THE COTTAGE COLLECTION AT THE HEIGHTS for THE REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT GROL:P. LLC RENDERED PERSPECTIVES ELlg~l1.e. OR IiJIi IlII!1 HARRY R. SMITH. NCARH, PC. ARCHITF:CT 715 SW MORRISON STREE'I'. SUITE 909 Portland, OR 9Tl05 503.295.62Gl 0 5O'J 229 0626-1 barryiJIbillT)'l':imithcom 225 Fifth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number DRC2008-00040 DRC2008-00040 DRC2008-00040 Payments Type of Payment Check cReccml1 RECEIPT # Description Cl Y Site Plan RevIew + 5% Technology Fee Postage Fee Type II - $155 PaId By THE REAL ESTATE DEV GROUP 8PRA:a~;~ ~- C -, of Sp'rmgfield Official Receipt L _ lelopment Services Department PublIc Works Department 3200800000000000431 Date 06/26/2008 3 24 24PM Item Total Check Number AuthOrization ReceIved By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 4,09900 20495 15500 $4,458 95 Amount PaId acl $4,458 95 3089 In Person Paymenl Total $4,458 95 Date Received' JUN 2 6 2008 On9lnal Submittal Page I of I 6/26/2008