HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice CMO 3/8/2007 . rtU-U f1r ~ cYY ;f1fr ~ fHRfdlt !lfq. (b ~YK/;' 11:67 UIot-- PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL CASE NUMBERS: LRP 2006~0027 and ZON 2006~0054 APPLICANT: Rick Satre, Satre Associates Representing SC Springfield, LLC NATURE OF THE APPLICATIONS: LRP 2006~0027 is a Metro Plan Diagram Amendment from Campus Industrial (56 acres) to Community Commercial (11) acres, CommerciaUNodal Development Area (26 acres) and Medium Density ResidentiaUNodal Development Area (19 acres), ZON 2006~0054 is a Springfield Zoning Map amendment from Campus Industrial (56 acres) to Community Commercial (11 acres), Mixed Use Commercial (26 acres) and Medium Density Residential (19 acres). AUTHORIZED USES: Uses in the Medium Density, Community Commercial and Mixed Use Commercial Zoning Districts are regulated by SDC Articles 16, 18 and 40 available in City Hall or on line at htto:llwww.ci.sorinofield.or.us/dsd/Pla nn inal, APPLlf.ABLE CR.1:TERlA: SDC Section 7.030(3) contains the approval criteria for Metro Plan amendments and SOC Section 12.030 contains the approval criteria for Zoning Map amendments. The specific criteria are available in City Hall or on line at htlo:llwww.ci.sorinafield.or.us/dsd/Planninal. SUBJECT PROPERTY LOCATION: The subject srte, fonnerly known as the "Pierce Property" is located north of Marcela Road, west of 31" Street, east of Mohawk Marketplace Shopping Center and south of the EWEB bike path (Lane County Assessor's Map 17-02-3()'{)O, Tax Lot 1800 and 17-03-25-11, Tax Lot 2300). DATE, TIME, PLACE AND LOCATION OF THE PUBLIC HEARINGS: Planning Commission: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.; City Council: on Monday April 16, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. Both public hearings will be held in the Council Chambers of Springfield City Hall, 225 Fifth Street. Work sessions will be held prior to each public hearing on the same date. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The applications, all documents and evidence submitted by or on behalf of the applicant are available for inspection at City Hall at no cost and will be provided for a reasonable cost. The staff report will be available 7 days prior to each hearing date, CONTACT PERSON: Gary M. Karp at (541) 726.3777. Send written testimony c/o DSD, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield OR 97477, or attend the meeting and state your views. The hearings will be conducted in accordance with SDC Article 14. FAILURE TO RAISE AN ISSUE: Failure of an issue to be raised at the hearing, in person or in writing, or failure to provide statements or evidence sufficient to afford the decision-maker an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals on that issue. 1- . 03/08/07 THU 12: 12 FAX 5417263689 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ~001 ********************* **. TX REPORT ... ********************* TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID ST. TIME USAGE T PGS. SENT RESULT 4300 96876668 03/08 12:10 01'40 2 OK SPRINGFIEL.D . I'. ~j_.'r I '. I , i .' i I, Cit!j Ot Springfield Development Servic~sDepartmcnt F :csimile C~v:~-F age. 'I fax: (541) /26-3.689'~ . ' -. \ I ';1 I 1 I . ! i F ' I T 0'.41/;;'111, '4!f11r '>, 1Jit7;rp(.h V. Compan~: -411IA ~~ .1'1J1l1p- From: JwA.iA-.(\yMff . -'1Ue-.7J(,,/O V \ 'I , ; j' i ! I f Message: I :1 , I' i 'Cj:'~:I(P'~~ ~H.ui' /J/. / 1i.D.- '(!;~~" I , I 'j .' I I I I.