HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice CMO 2/8/2007 a 1 Notice of Proposed Amendment TillS FORM MUST BE RECEIVED BY DLCD 45 DAYS PRIOR TO THE FIRST EVIDENTV\RY HEARING PER ORS 197610, OAR CHAPTER 660 - DIVISION 18 AND SENATE BILL 543, EFFECTNE JUNE 30, 1999 ell A 'll !:;: s ;;' A W, E" For DLCD Use Only JunsdlctlOn City of Sorinafield Local file number ZON 2006-00054 Date First EVidentIary heanng 3/27/2007 Date ofFmal Heanng 4/16/2007 Date thIS NotIce of Proposed Amendment was maIled to DLCD 2/8/2007 Is this a REVISED Proposal prevIOusly submItted to DLCD7 DYES IZJNO Date Submitted D ComprehenslYe Plan Text Amendment D ComprehenslYe Plan Map Amendment D Land Use RegulatIOn Amendment IZJ Zomng Map Amendment D New Land Use RegulatIOn D Other Bnefly Surnrnanze Proposal Do not use techmcal tenns Do not wnte "See Attached" (lImIt of 500 characters) Amend the Sorinafield Zonina Mac from Camcus Industrial (Cn to Communltv Commercial (CCl. Mixed-Use Commercial (MUC) and Medlum-Densit\f Residential (MDRl. Note. The attached materials will still contain the "LMI" desianation. but should be reviewed with "cc" in mind for the home imorovement center site. Plan Map Changed from Zone Map Changed from CI LocatIOn Marcola Road and 31st Streets Specify DenSIty PrevIOus MDR 10-20 to to CC. MUC and MDR Acres Involved 56+ New MDR 10-20 ApplIcableStatewldePlanmngGoals + 12 Is an ExceptIOn Proposed 7 DYES C8J NO Affected State or Federal AgenCies, Local Governments or SpeCIal Dlstncts ODOT, DLCD, DSL, Wlllamalane Parks + Rec., School Distnct 19 Local Contact Gary M Karp Address 225 Fffth Street Fax Number 541.726-3689 Phone (541) 726-3777 CIty Spfd ZIp 97477 Qkarp@ci.sprinQfield.or.us Emall Address ExtensIOn --. DLCD File No SUBlVlITT AL REQUlREMENT~ This fonn must be receIved by DLCD at least 45 davs onor to the first eVldentl31"V hearmg per ORS 197 610, OAR Chapter 660 - DIVISion 18 and Senate Bill 543 effectIve on June 30,1999 1 TIns for must be submItted by local JUrIsdIctIOns only 2 When submItting, please pnnt thIS fonn on green paper 3 Send thIS Fonn and TWO (2) Comes of the ProDosed Amendment to ATTENTION: PLAN AMENDMENT SPECIALIST DEPARTMENT OF LAND CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT 635 CAPITOL STREET NE, SUITE 150 SALEM, OREGON 97301-2540 4 Unless exempt by ORS 197610 (2), proposed amendments must be receIved at the DLCD's SALEM OFFICE at least FORTY -FIVE (45) days before the first eVldentl3ry heanng on the proposal. The first eVIdentiary hearmg IS usually the first Dublic heann!!, held by the JunsdlctlOn's planmng COITUmSSIOn on the proposal 5 Submittal of proposed amendments shall mclude the text ofthe amendment and any other mfonnatlOn the local government belIeves IS necessary to adVIse DLCD of the proposal Text means the specific language bemg added to or deleted from the acknowledged plan or land use regulatIOns A general descnptlOn of the proposal IS not adequate 6 SubmIttal of proposed map amendments must mclude a map of the affected area show1Og eXisting and proposed plan and zone deSIgnatIOns The map should be on 8- 1/2 x 11 mch paper A legal descnptlOn, tax account number, address or general descnptlOn IS not adequate Text of background and / or reason for change request should be 10cluded 7 Submittal of proposed amendments whIch 1Ovolve a goal exceptIon must mclude the proposed language of the exceptIOn 8 Need More Copies? You can copy thIS fonn on to 8-1/2xl1lITeen DaDer onlv. or call the DLCD Office at (503) 373-0050, or Fax your request to (503) 378-5518, or emaJl your request to mara.ulloa@state.or.us - ATTENTION PLAN AMENDMENT SPECIALIST J \pa\paa\fonns\forml word.doc revised 07/07/2005 I SATRE! ASSOCJ}IESi Satre Associates, P C 132 East Broadway SUite 536 Eugene, Oregon 9740 I Phone 541465 4721 Fax 541 465 4722 I 800 662 7094 W\VW satrepc com February 7, 2007 CIty of Spnngfield Development ServIces Department 225 FIfth Street Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 Attn Gary Karp Re The VIllages at Marco!a Meadows Metro Plan Amendment (LRP 2006-00027) Dear Gary, The above appllcatlon was submItted to the City of Spnngfield on December 21, 2006 and deemed complete on January 9, 2007 In revlewmg our submItted matenal we would Ilke at thiS tune to request a change m our appllcatlOn Our appllcatlOn as ongmally submItted proposed MedIUm DenSIty ReSIdentIal, CommerCIal and LIght MedIUm lndustnal deSignatIOns WIth a MIXed Use Area Overlay applled to some of the proposed CommerCial deSIgnatIOn Per tlus correspondence, we would hke to change our request and propose a combmatlOn of MedIUm DenSIty Resldenna1, Commercial and Mlxed- Use Commercial deSIgnatIOns With a Nodal Development Area overlay applled to the reSIdentIal area and some of the commercIal area Ongmal Request Plan DeSignation Medium DenSity ReSidential Commercial Campus Industrial Light Medium Industrial Total 1M/xed Use Area Overlay ReVised Request Plan DeSignation Medium DenSity Resldentlal/ND. Commercial CommerclallND. Campus Industnal Total IND = Nodal Development Area Acres EXisting 357 86 560 00 1003 00 Proposed % Change 547 53%' 308 258% 00 .100% 148 100% 1003 260 100% Acres EXlstmg Proposed % Change 35 7 547 53% 86 196 128% 00 260 100% 560 00 -100% 1003 1003 807 Thank you m advance for your consIderatIon of thIS request AddItIOnal matenal more fully modlfymg our appllcatlOn Will be submItted m the near future We look forward to workmg With you on the project Smcerely, 'R.~d,M So..trlZ/ RIchard M Satre, AICP, ASLA, CS1 PreSIdent, Satre ASSOCIates, P C Planners. Landscape 4rchztects and EnVIronmental SpeCIalIsts ; KARP Gary Subject Marguerite NABETA [Marguerite Nabeta@state or us] Wednesday, February 07, 2007 2 02 PM KARP Gary METZGER Mark, Gloria GARDINER, Thomas Hogue, Darren Nichols, r satre@satrepc com, MOORE Ed W (OR) I RE Home Improvement Center Question From Sent To Cc thank you :or g~v~ng us a ~eads up and co~t~nue for LS as avallable certalnly appreclate havlng beg~n,~ng of the p=ocess ~nstead DO t~e end to provlde crafts of sal18nt materlals lnforrnatlon and dlSc~sslon at the , M >>> "KARP Gary" <gkarp@Cl spnngheld Dr us> 2/7/2007 8 4' AM >>> Thapks for your response I have not sent the Metro Plan dlagram and ZO~lng Map amendment package to DLCD yet T~~s w~ll occur later today Dr tomorrow R~ck Sacre based h~s L~ght ~edl~~ I~dustrlal (LMI) ln~ent on tbe Clty'S lnterpretatlon last yea= to allow home ~mprove~erI centers lD lndustrlal dlstrlcts Mr Satre lS amendlng hlS sub~lttal to =emove the L~I request ana change It to CommuDlty Commerclal nlS letters wlll be lPcluded lD t~e packet Due to the short turn-around t2me, the mater2als you rece~ve w2ll st21l conta~n the term "LMI" but should be rev~ehed wlth "CC" ~n m~nd -----Orlglnal'Message----- From Marguer~te N~BET~ [ma~lto Marguer~te Nabeta@state Dr us] Sent Tuesday, February 06, 2007 6 31 PM To YARP Gary , Cc ~ETZGER Mark, Glor~a G~RDINER, Thomas P,ogue, Darren N~chols, r satre@satrepc com, MOORE Ed W (OR) SubJect Re rlome Imp~ovement Center QuestlOn Ga=y -old YOu supply me w:th a wr1tten draft proposal? I don't seem to have- but I do rememoer that you l~sted many potent~ally val~d reasons why the s~te would be more v~ab~e as retall co~~erc~al than Campus Industr1al ooth DLCD a~d ODOT have suppl~ed Mark Metzge=/Spr~ngf~eld pla~n~ng comm~ss~on w~th ~n~t~al respo~ses to the category/use cnange PAPA tnat may De of lnterest to you ~n your dec1s1onmak2ng Thougn we can certalnly understand 1ptent of the SDC plan amendment proposal ---rnaklpg the Spr1ngfleld lndustr~al dlstr1cts de facto rnlxed use dlstrlcts seems an l~dlrect and dlfflcult way to proceed u~aer the current cornp plan and developrrent code and also try to ~alntaln goal complla!ce In tne larger p1cture, I am sure staff can reaclly ldentlfy from the remalnlng lndustrlal lands lnve~tory whlcn s~tes are more vlable for retall cornrnerclal and WhlCh ones clearly should be ma1ntalned as 1naustrlal and process the approprlate plan amenament5 We belleve the Clty has a~ much ~nterest In long range plann~ng for f~duc~ary responslbll~ty/efflclencles and ma~ntalnlng transportatlon fac~l~ty capab~l~ty and ~mportant ~ndustr~al lands as tne State I ' ' If thls slte 15 as you descrlDed - factually more vlable as retall co~~erclal than campus lndustrlal - you have the tools at hand-substa~tlve flndlngs 1n tpe eXlstlng plan amendwent process, to make that zone change proposal We understand that Sprlngfleld w1ll advlse as you flnd - but you have asked for our oplnlons-whlch have not changed rad~cally from the work sess~on op the 22d M >>> "KARP Gary" <gkarp@o spr~ngheld or us> 2/2/2007 9 05 AM >>> H_, I'm Gary Karp, a Plapner from Spr"ngf~eld On January 22, Mark Metzger and I met w~th you, Thomas hogue, Ed Moore and Glor~a Gardner (by phone) to a~scuss the proposed "Home Improvement Ce~ter" amenament to tne Spr~ngf~eld Development Code (SDC) Dur~ng that d~Scusslon the tOplC of whether allowlng a Horne ImpEovernent Cepter use on land deslgnated and zoned lndustrlal was a conver51on of lndustrlal uses We argued that ~t was not, based upon the Plannlng Comrnlsslonls 1nterpreta~lon ~n July '06 to allow the use ln 1 ~ndustrlal olstrlcts The Plann~~g Co~~_ss_on's oeC1Slon was based _n pa=t o~ t~e fact that wholesale con~erc~al uses nave.been al~owea In both co~~erclal a~d l~dustrlal dls~rlcts for MarY yea~s Tre dlSCUSSlO~ above pr_~~=lly concerned ~he proposed SDC arne1Ument ana ~he need to have certalnt~ ~he~ respo~dlng to developer's questlons Powever, I at~ended the meetlng beca~se I a~ processlng appllca~lons for a Met=o Plap dlagrarn and ZO~llg ~ap amendments wnlch lnclude the conve=S10P of Camp~s Inoust=lal land to L~gnt-Medlum Industrlal (L~I) fo~ the purpose of Sltl~g a porne lrnprovement cente= Tpe appllcant chose LMI oased on the Plal~~~g CO~~lsslon's l~terpretatloP referelced above I w_ll be sendl~g tne OLCO 45 day notlce for these appllcatlo~s ~ext wee~ The converSlOl 0: Ca~pus I~austr~al land to Mlxed Use Comrne=clal and LMI wlll be a maJor polley _sswe that the Clty COUDCll ~ust conSlcer a~d should not be clouded by OLCD's concern about s~t~ng home lmprovement centers o~ lndustrlal s2tes I: you are aware that DLeD w~~l not support ~he app12cant's proposal as wrltten, please let me k10W so trat I can advlse nlm to look at a dlfferent alternatlve Please respond DY February 6th so t~at I may lnclude t~e appl~cant's adaendum, If ~ecessary Tnank you for your prompt attentlon to thlS matter 2 UI 9 52 Fec:l.E:x., US Alrblll Express 8558 fodE>< TfI<~,"~ Numo., FromPIN'.pmf,ndproSSh01l1. 0,,, 2/8/2007 0671 6073 SelldersFedEx ~ K 4 6 Account Number'-'ary arp 105 - 085-6 Seflder's r.IT" Naml! - , OF SPR INGFI ELD 'ho,,15411726-3753 Com""CITY or SPRINGrLD/DEV SVC,S '" M M M M = "" o o ro Address 225 l\I 5TH ST State OR em. SPR! NGF I ELD x ~ ~ ~ ~ o '" o o ro 2 Vour Internal Blllmg Reference Fir>t24<o""Olef.W11I,w,arOOOllo'0100 3 To ~~~ent's Plan Amendment SDeclal,.c;:t Pho,' 1 "011 171-0n'i0 E a u x Q) "0 Q) - o.pt/Ro<Jr/Su~ ZIP "7477-4671 J;omDanvDeDartment of Land ConSerV.8.tlon ann Dpvp 1 nnmen:t :~~~:;~t'S 635 Ca-p1tol Street NE~ SU1tp 1 'i0 W...nn.lil.l...'loI'Pb.....,PD11Pcod.<- Address To r.qu.... j>I.<k.~. b. h.ld ar. 'p.cLhc r.dE> loo.non P""l r.dE>: .d~r... bo,. Cm. Salem Slale OR . ~--- ZIP 97301-2540 0330112084 Ship and track packages at fedex com Slmphfy your shiPPing Manage your account Access all the tools you need ~~-~~ /3t ,I..,r,\~~ if. ~...'jj~,;lt' ~ ~ "t ION~' '( - "-~'" 4a Express Package Service fl/lFedExpnontyovernlght o FedExStandardOveml!lht Nil>t",,","O$$~fndoy N"lbuawtsso/lillTlOllll. ctnprnetlllwillb.d.eWor.donMand,v SOlIJrdoyO'......NOTI'I.lblo LII'lII..SA1URO"'YO.lrvory...oI,Clod. Packagf13 upto '50lbs. 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