HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice CMO 1/9/2007 (7) CITY/COUNTY PLANi,~NG DEPARTMENT AFFIDA VIT (10 be cuowleled by local plal1nll1R officral) * I have revIewed the proJect outlmed m thIs apphcatlon and have detennmed that o ThIS proJect IS not regulated by the comprehensIve plan and land use regulatIons [JTlllS proJect IS consIstent WIth the complehenslve plan and land use regulatIons 00 ThIS proJect WIll be consIstent WIth the comprehensIve plan and land use regulatIons when the followmg local approva1( s) are obtamed p. DCondJtlonal Use Approval o Development Penmt ~Other NQrB !-1il,n;e. /.-/IV ~c,4<.- i SH01.hO /Z,& I<~ r2'flllS proJect IS not consIstent WIth the comprehensIve plan ConsIstency reqUIres a p. rgplan Amendment [ZZone Change [gather fi/14ST"S'l? "'A-'J LlIp2.oO'G-OOCi2.7 2."~2,,06 -000-'1: -s';f7i'- (J",,trN + Su&tJiV,SloN An applrcatlOn 0 has 0 has not been file~ ~p,:als check<;4 above 'r GA12'-f /VI kM.f / LA /L rLflJJ~l7R -4 ~fI2IN6FIGL.(J 010907 Local plannmg official name (pnnt) - SI~e . TItle. CIty / County Date Comments l-ll fVf!.,L,;( I-iGA-r2.llJh F<>(2 pc(jt;J A/V1aJf);14avT /2 eN"" CI-l~e; 02.? ('07 (8) COASTAL ZONE CERTIFICATION * If the proposed actlVlty described m your permit applIcatIOn IS wlthm the Oregon coastal zone, the followmg certificatIOn IS reqUired before your applIcatIOn can be processed A publIc notice Will be Issued With the certificatIOn statement, which Will be forwarded to the Oregon Department of Land ConservatIOn and Development for Its concurrence or objectIOn For additIOnal mformatlOn on the Oregon Coastal Zone Management Program, contact the department at 635 Capitol Street NE, SUite 150, Salem, Oregon 9730 I or call 503-373-0050 CERTIFICATION STATEMENT 1 certifY that, to the best of my knowledge and belIef, the proposed activity deSCribed m thIS applIcatIOn complIes With the approved Oregon Coastal Zone Management Program and Will be completed m a manner conSistent With the program Prmt /Type Name TItle Applrcant SIgnature (9) Date SIGNATURE FOR JOINT APPLICATION ApplIcation IS hereby made for the actIVItIes deSCribed herem 1 certifY that 1 am familIar With the mformatlOn contamed m the applIcation, and, to the best of my knowledge and belIef, thiS mformatlOn IS true, complete, and accurate I further certifY that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed actiVItIes 1 understand that the grantmg of other permIts by local, county, state or federal agencies does not release me from the reqUirement of obtammg the permlls requested before cornmencmg the project 1 understand that payment of the I eqUlred state processmgfee does not gum anfee permlllssuance The fee for the state applIcatIOn must accompany the app/u..atlOn for completeness Amount enclosed $ . Jeff Belle Pnnt /Type Name TItle Apphcant SIgnature I certIfY that I may act as the duly authOrized agent of the applIcant Bnan MelermQ Pnnt /Type Name Date EnVIronmental Soeclahst Satre ASSOCIates. PC TItle AuthOrIzed Agent Slgndture Date I certifj; that the applicant has my permiSSIOn to conduct the pt oJec! on my property .- Prml /Type Name Tt/le Properlv Owner SIf{llGIUl i Dale 2 If the proJect ~s on a state-owned waterway, you must contact the Land Management D~v.J.sl.on of the Department of State Lands for approva~ to proceed w.J.tl1 th.J.s appl.J.cat.J.on See www oreqonstatelands us for a ll.st of state-owned waterways * ItalJClzed areas are not reqmred by the Corps/or a complete applIcatIOn, but may be necessary prlOr to final permIt deCiSIon by tile Corps , ' .'M'I prl'.' I" Joint Permit Application Form ., US Army Corps Of Engineers (Portland DIstrict) DAIl' tAMf AGENCIES WILL ASSIGN NUMBERS Corps Actton ill Number Oregon Department of State Lands No SEND ONE SIGNED COPY OF yOUR APPLICATION TO EACH AGENCY (1) ApplIcant Name and Address West of the Cascades State of Oregon Department of State Lands 775 Summer Street NE SUite 100 Salem, OR 97301-1279 503-378-3805 SC Spnngfie1d, LLC Attn leff Belle 5440 LOUIe Lane, SUIte 102 Reno, Nevada 89511 RIchard M Satre Satre ASSOCIates, P C 132 East Broadway, SUIte 536 Eugene, Oregon 97401 (same as applIcant) AND OR East afthe Cascades State of Oregon Department of State Lands 1645 NE Forbes Road SUlIe 112 Bend Oregon 9770 I 541-388-6112 Busmess Phone # (775) 853-4714 Home Phone# FAX # E-mail Busmess Phone # (541) 465-4721 Home Phone# FAX # E-maIl Busmess Phone # Home Phone# FAX # , E-maIl (775) 853-4718 Dlstnct Engmeer ATIN CENWP-OD-GP PO Box 2946 Portland. OR 97208-2946 503-808-4373 Authonzed Agent Name and Address (Signature reqUired In Block 9) [;] Consultant G Contractor Property Owner Name and Address (If different than apphcant)l (54l) 465-4722 r satre(a)satrepc com (2) I Street, Road or other descnptlve locatIOn Legal DescnptlOn (attach leu 101 map.) lOne-quarter mIle north ofHwy 126 at the northwest Quarter/Quarter I SectIOn Township I Range mtersectlon of Marcola Rd and N 28th St nw/nw&ne/ne 30 and 25 17S 02 and 03 I In or Near (CIlYor TO"TI) I County Tax Map # Tax Lot # SprIngfield Lane 17-02-30-00, 17-03-25-11 1800 2300 I Wetland Name (PIC. one) I R1ver MIle (lflillo"TI) Latitude LongItude Marcola Meadows N/A 44' 4'0 90"N 122059'11 19"W I Do you cOl1senllo a/low Corps or Dept of 51 ole Lands stafflo enter InIO Ihe above-described properly? 1 x I res 1--INo , (3) I Type [Xl FIll I BnefDesenptton 1 n R1prap Wetlands PROJECT LOCATION PROPOSED PROJECT INFORMATION n Rock n Gravel n Sand I Total FIll (ey) I 6136 cv Impact Area In Acres 1 1 06 I Waters Total FIll (cy) I 1222 cv below OHW Impact Area In Acres I 0 26 1 I R ExcavatIon (removal) R In-Water Structure I Cornmerclal and ReSIdentIal Development FIll n Silt n Clay I Pennanent (cv) R Mamtam/Repalr an E'Jstmg Structure n Rlprap Wetlands n Organics 6136 cv Dnnenslons (feet) I Pennanent (Cv) 1222 cy DnnenslOns (feet) Removal n SIlt R Clav n OrganIcs i Pennanent (cv) n Other on-site SOlis Temporary (ev) L I I w' T emDorary (cy) L'I I w' I H' I 1- 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I H' I I Pennanent (ev) n Other __~ -0._ Temporary (cy) DnnenslOns (feet) L' I I W' Temporary (cy) DnnenslOns (feet) I L' I I w' I ImpervIOus surface created? [J <I acre? 1 H' 1 n Rock R Gravel 'I Total FIli (~y) I I Impact Area In Acres Waters Total Fill (cy) I below OHW I Impact Area In Acres I Is the dIsposal area upland? n Yes n Sand I H' I RNo Q>l acre? I If applicant IS not the properh 0" her, permISSIon to conduct the work must be attached It Itabuzed areas are not reqUITed by the Corps/or a complete appllcallOll, but may be necessary przor to fillal pernut declSlon by the Corps Are you aware of any state or federa( ~ 1dangered SpecIes on the proJect sIte? D..o 0 No" Are you aware of any Cultural/Hlstonc Resources 011 the proJect sIte? DYes 0 No ; Is the proJect sIte wlthm a natIOnal WIld & Scel11c River? DYes 0No Is the plo/eet site wlthm a state ScemG Waterway?' RYes 0No (4) PROPOSED PROJECT PURPOSE & DESCRIPTION Project Purpose and Need : Plovlde a descriptIOn of the publze, soezal or economic benefits of the project along wzth any supportmgformal actIOns of a publzc body (e g czty council, speczal dlStllCt board), as appropl zate ' If yes, please e"plam m the proJect descnptlOn (m block 4) ThiS type of development WIll benefit Sprmgfield and surroundmg COmmUnitIes by provIdmg various housmg, shoppmg and recreatIOnal needs by deve10pmg land zoned for such purpose The goal of the development IS to mitIgate unpacts to waters of the state and U S on- site by creatmg functtonal wetlands along a npanan corrIdor The future uses for the subject site mclude small lot smgle-famIly detached dwellmgs and townhomes (to be developed With the cluster development standards, SDC 16 100(3)), apartments, a congregate care faCIlIty, cottages for semors, a day care faCIlIty, commercial and office bUlldmgs (mam street retail neighborhood retail and profeSSIOnal offices) and a home unprovement store Appropnate zonmg for the proposed development under the Spnngfield Development Code mclude MedIUm-DenSIty ReSidential, Commumty Commercial, Mixed-Use Commercial and Light MedIum Industrial , WIthm Marcola Meadows a SUIte of eight VIllages WIll eXIst Four reSidential Villages compnsed of smgle famIly homes, apartment homes, townhomes and an assIsted IIvmg faCIlIty WIth semor cottages WIll occupy the northern extent of the Site, buffenng eXlstmg reSIdential developments to the northwest, north, and northeast One office Village, conslstmg of profeSSIOnal offices, Will occupy the southeast area Three retaIl VIllages, general retml, neIghborhood retaIl, malO street retaIl Will face 28th Street and Marcola Road The overall Meadows theme Will appear throughout, With the use of meandermg waterways, nal1ve plants and generous open space Wlthm each Village, PaCific Northwest deSign aesthetiC Will prevail, supported With the generous use of stone, wood and steel It Will be easy to get around on foot All streets Will have WIde Sidewalks, many of them setback from vehicle traffic The enlIre commumty Will be connected With all.weather multi-use off street pathways It Will be convement, and safe, to walk ITom one Village to the next It WIll be a great place to be outdoors, WIth meadow-flavored open spaces, natIve plant commumtles, IIghtmg bndges, seatmg, and overlooks to support walkmg and relaxmg A network of blOswales, shallow seasonal ponds, and a meandenng dramageway wlll be Incorporated to capture and cleanse storm water Fonnal actIOns ofa pubhc body (City ofSprmgfield) Will begm upon the completIOn/completeness review offonnaJ zone change applIcatIOns Upon completeness reVIew, CIty council Will meet and dISCUSS the plan and proVIde fonnal comments Ultunately, fonnal actions and diSCUSSIOns "Ill take place upon completeness review which could be a few months from December 2006 * No endangered or threatened species were located dunng mullIple VISitS to the site A query executed by Oregon Natural Hentage 1nfonnatlOn Center (November 2006 sohcltatlOn) found 16 hlstoncal records ofrare, threatened and endangered plants and ammals wlthm two miles of the Marcola SIte None of these records appear to occur on site Most records were for spnng run Chmook salmon (Oncorhyncus tshcrnytseh) wuhm or near the McKenZIe and Willamette flvers Other records mclude Bull trout (Sa/velmus confluenta<;), Oregon chub (Oregomchthys cramen), TOYmsend's bIg-eared bat (Corynorhmus townsendll), Northern PaCIfic pond turtle (Actmemys rnarmorata mal morata), Bradshaw's lomanum (LomatlU1J1 bradshawll), Wlllamette Valley daISY (Engeron deGumbens var decumbens), Tall bugbane (Cmllcifuga ela/a) and Shaggy horkelIa (Horkeba conges/a ssp Conges/a) I Accordmg to a letter ITom DSL on July 15, 1993, ODFW has sampled the stream and found no food or game fish (See AppendiX D) Accordmg to Goal 5 mventones of Irvmg slough," Mmnows, cal p, ducks, geese, Blue heron and BluegIll were recorded as other Wildlife obser;ed" The goalS mventory also noted the documented presence of a state and federally lIsted specIes m the "general vlcmlty" oflrvmg slough It IS assumed that thiS statement IS correlated With records obtamed from ORNHIC, and no exphclt species details were proVided m the GoalS document * ItaliCized areas are not requued by the Corps for a complete applicatIOn, bllt maJ be Ilecessal} priOr to filial pernut declSlon by tlte Corps Project Descnptoon Include the followm!; _ _,onnatlon o V olumes and acreages of all fill and removal actIvItIes m waterway or wetland separately o Penn anent and temporary Impacts The proposed proJect would result m the converSIOn of I 32 total Acres (Sheet 1) A) 071 acres ofPalustnne emergent wetland m the north field mto a reSIdential development and, B) 034 acres of Palustnne emergent wetland wlthm the Prerce channel wIll be converted to support development of a cOIll1nerclal center C) Another 0 26 acres of Impact would occur below the ordmary Ingh water mark wlthm the Pierce ditch and IS dIrectly related to (but not part of) the 0 34 acres of palustnne emergent wetland Impact area mentIOned above Please see sheets 1-5 and Attachment C for pennanent Impact locatIons and estImated volume There WIll also be temporary upland Impacts to 0 84 acres of the PIerce DItch WIth the goal of retentIon at the southwestern portion of the sIte (Sheet 6) The goal of thIs wIdening downstream of the mitIgatIon sIte IS to retam more water for Ingh flow events The wldenmg downstream WIll create more wetlands on sIte and WIll be deSIgned to aVOId Impacts to current wetlands and waters of the U S The plan IS to WIden the dItch beglnnmg at an upland pomt dIrectly above the wetland boundary, creatmg a bench whIch wIllmcrease the capacIty of the channel When the wldenmg occurs, HImalayan blackberry and other mvaslve/exotlc specIes WIll be removed and an opportul11ty arIses to seed the area WIth natIve wetland and upland species ThIS has not been mcluded as mItIgatIon due to 1) the use of the area as detentIon/retention and 2) the unhkely success of thIs area for enhancement due to spht ownershIp ofthe PIerce dItch along the lower stretch Other temporary Impacts mclude the removal of approxllnate1y 300 feet of approXImately 64 ' diameter pIpe from the upper reaches of the sIte (Sheet 7) The removal of thIs pipe IS aImed at treatmg more water vegetatIvely and estabhshmg a more aesthetIcal, natIve plant C0111l11Ul11ty wlthm an otherwIse highly dIsturbed system ThIS task IS mcluded as part of the proposed wetland mltogatlon sIte and therefore WIll be treated and mOnitored as deSCrIbed wlthm the wetland mItIgatIOn and restoratIon plan The potentIal Impacts to the wetlands and waters of the US due to thIS task would be 11111lted to temporary SiltatIOn TIns WIll be somewhat unaVOIdable due to the pIpe bemg an m-water structure The total estImated Impact area from removmg the pIpe IS 0 04 acres o Types ofmatenals (e g, gravel, sIlt, clay, etc) The maJorIty of gradmg and fill on sIte wlllmvolve the use of on sIte soIls WIth the exceptIon of the proposed wetland mitIgatIon SIte, all areas WIll be filled WIth local SOlIs conslstmg mostly of SIlty clay loams and gravelly SIlt loams ApprOXimately two feet of clays are proposed to be amended to the wetland mItIgatIon sIte WIth the goal of reducmg mfiltratlon and mcreasmg the goal of a successful wetland mItIgatIOn sIte o How the proJect WIll be accomphshed (I e, descnbe constructoon methods) The proJect WIll begm WIth mass gradmg m the first year Heavy eqUIpment WIll be used to grade the sIte and fonn channels for blOswales and basms for stonnwater detentIOn and treatment The wetland mitIgatIon sIte WIll be graded dunng thIS Il11tlal process DUrIng thIS tIme, wetlands WL1, WL2 and WL3 WIll be filled Wetland SOlis WIll be stockpIled by removmg SOIls at a depth of one foot m WLl, WL2 and WL3 (AvOldmg deeper SOlis due to cobbles) WL4 WIll remam flowmg untIl the wetland mItIgatIon sIte meets CrIterIa for the final grade and contams the Imtlal p1antmgs, seedmg and erosIon control BMPs After the Wetland mItIgatIOn sIte has been prepared, water WIll be diverted from the PIerce dItch as soon as pOSSIble TIle pIpe WIll be removed and the gap between the current charmel and the new charme1 WIll be brIdged WIth as httle disturbance as pOSSIble Most of the dIsturbance WIll be accomplIshed out of water by removmg as much soIl surroundmg the pIpe before the pIpe IS hfted from the ground All pIeces of pIpe WIll be removed from the constructIon sIte o For work m waterways where fish are hke1y to be present, complete and attach a plan to Isolate the work area from the flowmg water (See the SectIOn A ofthe Resource Plan GUIdance Document) Please see the wetland dehneatlon ADDend IX D for past correspondence regardmg lack offish m tIns system * ItallClud areas are lIot reqUired bv tlte Corpsfor a complete appltcatlOn, but may be necessary prior to final permIt deCISIOn by the Corps o If natIve mIgratory fish are present (or were hlstoncally present) and you are msta1hng, replacmg or abandonmg a culvert or other potentIal obstruction to fish passage, complete and attach a statement of how the FIsh Passage ReqUIrements, set by the Oregon Department ofFIsh and WIldlIfe WIll be met (See SectIOn B of the Resource Plan GUIdance Document) o For fish habitat or wetland restoratIOn or enhancement actIVItIes, complete the supplemental Fish HabItat or Wetland RestoratIon and Enhancement fonn PrOject Drawmgs 'Please refel to co>el letter for dl awl11g a~d attachment detmls State the number of proJect drawmg sheets mcluded WIth thIS apphcatIon A complete applIcatlOn must mclude a locatIon map, sIte plan, cross-sectIon drawmgs and recent aenal photo as follows and as applIcable to the proJect o LocatIon map (must be legIble WIth street names) o SIte plan mcludmg o EntIre proJect site and actIvIty areas o EXlstmg and proposed contours o LocatIOn of ordmary l11gh water, wetland boundanes or other JunsdlctlOnal boundanes o IdentIficatIon of temporary and pennanent Impact areas wlthm waterways or wetlands o LocatlOn of stagmg areas o LocatIOn of constructIon access o LocatIon of cross sectlon(s), as apphcable o LocatIOn of mItIgatIon area, If applIcable o Cross section drawmg(s) mcludmg o El>.lstmg and proposed e1evatlOns o Ordmary high water and/or wetland boundary or other JunsdlctlOnal boundanes o Recent Aenal photo (1 200, or Ifnot avaIlable for your SIte, the ll1ghest resolutIOn avaIlable) WIll any constructIon debns, runoff, etc , enter a wetland or waterway? DYes 0 No If yes, descnbe the type of dIscharge and show the dIscharge locatIOn on the sIte plan EstImated Project Start Date EstImated ProJect ComoletlOn Date (6) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AdJOlmng Property Owners and 111eIr Address and Phone Numbers (ifmore than 5, attach prmted labels') Attachment D Has the proposed actIVIty or any related actIvIty receIved the attentIOn of the Corps of Engmeers or the Department of State Lands 111 the past, e g, wetland delmeatlOn, VIOlation, permIt, lease request, etc ? 0 Yes [J No If yes, what IdentIficatIon number(s) were asSigned by the respectIve agencIes Corps # 2001-00466 State of Oregon # (WD#1993-0i97), (Det 98-0064) Has a wetland delmeatlOn been completedfor thiS site? 0 Yes If yes, by whom' Smah Marshall. Satre Assoczates. PC (2006) Tllnothv A Acker. ADvlzed TechnoloP1J Wetlands and Forestrv Consultant, (]993J Has the wetland delmeatlOn been approved by DSL or the COE? 0 Yes (If yes, attach concurrence letter)' DNa ONo? .. ItaliCized areas are not reqUIred by the Corps for a complete app/lcatlOn, but may be necessan priOr to final permIt declSlon by the Corps , . Supplement: Fish Habitat and"" dland RestoratIOn and Enhancet..~llt Activity Plan * This mfonnatlOn IS requHed for all fish habitat and wetland restoratIOn and enhancement proJects that are elIgIble for the SPGP ThiS project mvolves activIties that will provide D Fish Habitat Enhancement D Wetland RestoratIOn and Enhancement D Both Fish Habitat and Wetland RestoratIOn and Enhancement 1. ACTIVITIES (complete applicable sectIOns) FISH ENHANCEMENT QUANTITY ACTIVITIES 3 CUBIC YARDS EACH Removal FIll TOTAL CUBIC YARDS Removal FIll I FIsh Rocks I Deflectors I Rock or Log Werrs I Gravel Placement I Pool/Pond ConstructIOn I Back/SIde Channel ConstructIOn I Channel Construcl1On I BarrIer Removal I Woody Matena! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WETLAND RESTORATION AND ENHANCEMENT ACTIVITIES 4 II DItch Pluggmg I Water DIverSIOn I Dram TIle Removal or DestructIOn I Dike ConstructlOn/RelocatlOn I Water Impoundment Structure I Bank ExcavatlOn/Contounng I DIke RemovallBreachmg I Surface Gradmg I Other (descnbe) QUANTITY CUBIC YARDS EACH Removal Fill TOTAL CUBIC YARDS Removal FIll 2. FILL AND REMOVAL VOLUMES AND ACREAGE AFFECTED total cubiC yards of fill below ordmary hIgh water or wlthm wetlands total cubiC yards of removal below ord1Oary high water or Wlthm wetlands G Restore D Create G Enhance D Convert acres of fonner (dra1Oed or dIked) wetland acres of new wetland acres of eXIsting wetland acres of wetland to upland 3 Below ordmar} high water hne or \HthIn wetlands * ItalICIzed areas are not requIred by tlte Corps/or a complete appllcatlOlt, but may be necessary prIOr to final permit deCISIon by tlte Corps 3 REQUIRED ATTACHl\_~NTS (on 85 xlI or 8 5 X 14 paper) , For proJects that Involve Wetland Restorahon and Enhancement achvlhes o ProJect sIte located on NatIOnal Wetlands Inventory map o Aenal photograph shOWing proJect boundanes o ProJect Site located on SOlI survey map (If aVaIlable) o LocatIOn of all proposed constructIon, mcludlng dikes, water control structures, spOils placement, etc o LocatIon & approximate boundanes of eXlstmg wetlands and wetlands to be restored and/or enhanced 4. ODFW REVIEW' I have evaluated the above project and find It \\ III be constructed m a way that mmlmlZes Impact to aquatIc resource values The recommended m-water work perIod IS to ODFW BIOlogIst Signature Date 5 By slgnmg the removal-fill applIcatIOn the applIcant certIfies that they WIll complete the project accordmg to the General AuthorIZatIOn for FIsh HabItat Enhancement Rules (OAR 141-089-0100 through -0130) and General AuthorIZatIOn for Wetland RestoratIOn and Enhancement Rules (OAR 141-089-0205 through -0240) and the attached plan and drawmgs. htto lIorenon nov/DSUPERMITS/docs/lomt oermlt aDD v2 1 doc * Italicized areas are not reqUIred by the Corps/or a complete appbcatto1J, but may he necessary prIOr to filial permIt decISIOn by tile Corps ["0;-, '.\SS=-~,:::; 1,['1- ~f\lrl T....I;- T:,') 1\) :"f'Ll SEC 3D T 17S R 2W W M LANE COUN1Y -8 11'02 3D & INDEX NAn 83/91 ~ seAL!: I _ 400 I ~ Jf""'" 24'9 1800 -.,-!,~ " " [-~, ..~ c~- (,1 / \ " .-';.:~{.. Ir...~. 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