HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting CMO 4/17/2007 SPRINGFIELD CITY HALL * CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS * 225 FIFTH STREET * 541 726-3753 Tuesday Apn117,2007 7 00 pm REGULAR SESSION 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - 2, APPROVAL OF MINUfES- March 27, 2007 - Work SessIOn and Regular SessIOn 3, REPORT OF COUNCIL ACTION - 4, BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE- 5 ,OUASI-.nJDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING - -' Contmued from March 27, 2007 PublIc Heanng a. APPLICATION Metro Plan Diagram Amendment Spnngfield Zomng Map Amendment APPLICANT(s) NAME: Satre AsSOCIates, ApplIcant - Representmg SC Spnngfield, LLC CASE NUMBER LRP2006-00027 ZON2006-00054 Metro Plan Amendment Spnngfield Zonmg Map Amendment PROJECT SITE: Property formerly known as "Pierce" property, west of3l ~ Street, east of Marcola Marketplace Shoppmg Center and south of the EWEB bIke p~h -- PROJECT PROPOSAL' The applIcant IS proposmg to amend the Metro Plan dIagram from Campus Industnal (Cl) to CommerclaVNodal Development Area (NDA), Commumty Commercial (CC) and MedIUm DenSity ReSIdential (MDR)/NDA and to amend the Spnngfield Zonmg Map from CI to CC, Mixed Use CommercIal (MUC) and MDR. Gary Karp CONDUCT OF QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNER: . Open Contmued PublIc Hearmg no testimony WIll be taken . Summation by the Staff . Close of the publIc heanng . Planmng CommIssion diSCUSSIon (poSSible questions to staff or applIcant) . MotIOn to recommend approval or approval With condItions or demal of the request based on staff report and/or oraVwntten testImony . Recommendation SIgned by ChaIr mc~, t'~.,.tmg findmgs and reasonmg to support deCISIon The meetmg /ocatlOn IS wheelchair-accessible ~For the hearmg-lmpQlred, an mterpreter can be prOVided wzth 48 hours notlce prIOr to the meetIng For meetmgs in the Counczl Meetmg Room, a "Personal PA Receiver for the heanng-lmpOlred IS avazlable To arrange/or these services phone 726-2700 PC Agenda - Brenda Jones Page 1 Apnl17,2007 6. LEGISLATIVE PUBLIC Bl'.ARlNG- Contmued from March 13,2007 PublIc Heanng a. Subject Proposed Amendments to ArtIcle 26 of the Spnngfield Development Code - Htllslde Development Overlay extendmg the potential use of Cluster Development Proposal The proposed amendments to Article 26 - Hillside Development Overlay Dlstnct (HOOD) I) extends the abilIty to locate cluster development to all-facmg hIllsides With slopes between 15 and 25%, 2) adjusts the formula for computmg the acreage for denSity transfers to aVOId double countmg of elIgIble land, and 3) allows the CIty to requrre the payment of fee necessary to conduct a peer revIew of certam engmeenng and geotechnIcal reports Location, Any property wlthm the HIllsIde Development Overlay DIStnCt (HOOD) ApplIcant City of Sprmgfield Staff: Mark Metzger CONDUCT OF LEGISLATIVE PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION . Open contmued PublIc Hearmg for addItional testimony . SummatIon by staff . Close of publIc testimony . DISCUSSIon of polIcy Issues and complIance With adopted plans (possible questIOns to staff or publIc) . MotIOn to recommend approval, approval WIth modification or not to adopt the proposal based on staff report and/or oraVwntten testtmony and dlTectmg of ChaIT to SIgn RecommendatIOn to the City CouncIl 7. BUSINESS FROM THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR 8. BUSINESS FROM THE COMMISSION 9. ADJOURN REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSIONERS frank Cross, ChaIT Bill Carpenter, Vice ChaIT Steve Moe Lee Beyer Gayle Decker DaVid Cole Johnny Krrschenmarm The meetmg toea/lOn is whee/chair-accessible For the heanng-Imparred an mterpreter can be prOVIded With 48 hours nohce prJOr /0 the meehng For meetings in the Councli Meeting Room, a "Personal PA Receiver" for the hearmg~lmpQlred IS available To arrange/or these servIces, phone 726-2700 PC Agenda - Brenda Jones Page 2 Apnl 17, 2007 MEMORANDUM CITY vI" SPRINGFIELD DATE OF PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Apnl17, 2007 FROM Spnngfield Planning Commission Gary M Karp, Planner III (; ~ PLANNING COMMISSION TRANSMITTAL MEMORANDUM TO SUBJECT Metro Plan Diagram Amendment - Case Number LRP 2006-00027 Spnngfield ZOning Map Amendment - Case Number ZON 2006-00054 Satre Associates, Applicant - Representing SC Spnngfield, LLC ISSUE At their March 27'h public heanng, the Planning CommiSSion was asked to hold the record open to consider additional wntten matenal concerning the proposed Metro Plan diagram and Spnngfleld Zoning Map amendments On Apnl 17th, the Planning Commission Will deliberate on thiS matter and forward a recommendation to the City CounCil DISCUSSION The subject Site, formerly known as the "Pierce" property IS located north of Marcola Road. west of 31" Street, east of Mohawk Marketplace Shopping Center and south of the EWES bike path The Planning CommiSSion held a work session and conducted a public heanng on March 27'h on the proposed Metro Plan diagram and Zoning Map amendments Two letters were entered Into the record and nine persons spoke at the heanng Two people requested that lhe wntten record be held open The Plann'f,g CommiSSion complied with these requests Four wntten comments were submitted to staff by the specified date of Apnl 3"' (Attachment 1) Responses to Issues raised are found In Attachment 2 The applicant submitted formal rebuttal wntten matenals by the specified date of Apnl101h (Attachment 3) All Issues related to the effecls of the proposed development on nelghbonng properties are Issues that Will be addressed dunng the Master Plan review process The requirement for a Master Plan IS a condition of approval of these applications The Master Plan Will be reViewed by the Planning CommiSSion at a future public heanng The Master Plan Will contain mitigation requrrements that Will allow the Planning CommiSSion to positively respond to the Issues raised by the neighbors Rescheduling the Planning CommiSSion action 10 Apnl 17'h requrred revIsing the City CounCil work session and public heanng onglnally scheduled for Apnl16th as follows The City CounCil work session has been changed to May 7'h The City CounCil public heanng onglnally scheduled for Apnl161h Will be opened and continued until May 7'h No testimony Will be heard on Apnl161h A reVised notice was mailed adVISing property owners and Interested parties of the schedule change RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the proposed Metro Plan diagram Spnngfield Zoning Map amendments, as conditioned, based on the attached findings, In bolh the staff report and the addlllonal attached Information ACTION REQUESTED AdVise the Clly CounCil, by motion and signature of the attached order and recommendation by the Planning CommiSSion Chairperson, 10 approve these applications, as conditioned, at their public heanng on Apnl16, 2007 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 Wntten Commenls Submitted by Apnl 3"' Attachment 2 Responses to Wntten and Oral Testimony Attachment 3 Applicant's Rebuttal Submitted by Apnl101h Attachment 4 Draft Minutes - March 27'h Planning CommiSSion Work Session Attachment 5 Draft Minutes - March 27'h Planning Commission Public Heanng Attachment 6 Order and Recommendation '-... ATTACHMENT 1 WRITTEN COMMENTS SUBMITTED BY APRIL 3RD " ATTACHMENT 1-1 .. -0- .. _..- KARP Gary From G Wagenblast [gngw@comcast net] Sent Tuesday, Apnl 03, 2007 5 59 PM To KARP Gary Subject Case #LRP 2006-00027 and ZON 2006-00054 To Spnngfield Planning CommisSion Re Public Heanng Testimony I would like to address some concerns regarding the rezoning of the site on Marcola Road, formerly known as Pierce Property I think It IS Important to address these concerns before making a recommendation to the city counsel First, and I think foremost, IS the Issue of the medium density residential zone I recognize that In the onglnal zoning, there was an area of medium density residential that was Included In the Metro Plan However, Increasing this area would add approximately 200 more residences than were onglnally Intended This would have a significant effect on the local region I have based these numbers off an average of 12 5 homes per acres With the nodal development However, at the public heanng, the planner mentioned that the master plan could Include up to 20 homes per acre That would be catastophlc to the nPlghborhood I would Implore you to consider this when making your deCISion The first effect that this would have IS the significant Increase In traffic pattern In an already busy region, adding an enormous amount of cars would put an undue strain on the road system that has been established This IS also a concern In the medium denSity residential. as the lot size IS so small that children In this area will almost certainly need to walk somewhere to play The Increased traffic Will be a nsk for these children The second effect would also Involve children That would be the Increase to the school system In that area Although the Metro Plan did Include some medium denSity residential, an additional amount of medium denSity residential would definitely overpopulate already crowded schools The addition of 435 dwellings would certainly bnng children to the area Yolanda Elementary School has large class sizes now and Bnggs Middle School has children doubled up In lockers currently With this Issue In mind, the planner also needs to be cognizant of the fact that the school yards should not be considered open spaces for the future medium denSity reSidential I feel that either a new school, or outbuildings Will have to be considered to handle the additional Influx of students which would drastically change the school grounds The third thing that I would like the counsel to consider IS the drainage Issue The land In question IS currently a fairly major wetland Although the planner has addressed changing the drainage ditch to a seasonal creek, that drainage ditch IS already In eXistence and we stili have flooding Issues associated With that piece of property I feel that the planner would have to be very aware of water runoff and the direction of runoff The neighborhood behind the field IS often affected by the rainwater and thiS results In boggy yards from winter to early summer Many of the aforementioned Issues could be resolved by changing to a lower denSity residential Instead of a medium denSity residential ThiS would decrease the Influx of both people and cars to a much more manageable level ThiS would also address the need for children to have space to play The 1-2 4/4/2007 - --~- - --- development of extremely small lots Just contnbutes to a stagnate society We should be advocates for children to be outside Instead of sitting In front of televISions A larger lot size would make an aesthetically pleasing neighborhood that could be considered an asset rather than a hindrance I appreciate your consideration In thiS Issue Slncerely- Greg Wagenblast FREE Ammatlons for your email - by IncredlMall' -- c,,"ck-Here'j /\;1, - ,:~:\1'.!..... ,....,'-_....<~~ ,..... ~-..-...... r- ('"-,-:;1 "\ '-';-," ---t~ ~\.,:J \J~ 1-3 4'4/2007 ~~' f7'rl~T\ Tr:-'~ .I' t'",_ ~:- '1 7Yl",u/t/ $-<nJ 7 ,~PR a 3 Z007 0"t 11;...-1 "'~, ' ~ / ,~ ./ 0/. . 7..pv! ~ A/V1 //1./ /~'J '< -1 wv, 71 . <<. /./::"~{fl:'</Y'1 L/Z' '/ z,/ '" ~..:AA' ....- , ,., ~ /;;- .1 I:r- r .7' '" ':; d,' / f?V /o"J./{/c-rd-r... /' I} x)jc' 11A/>7vc~jit7c' I ;, /~-(1r1::/ '/7 /'or 71 't / .I~vV c!oJiJM:X:VJAtV;~ 4 JU /~ ~ ~1~v'- cln~ ;f-1t d! ~ A/, ~r, , I (; / rJ..Lt<.-' 1/ ~v kU /)1A'~ .Ai-./--c:--!~)-"./: o ;# )vU'J /~ ;tI-1PYk"1 ~-y)/Vt~ 1~~vbY7f /1 ry' .-/-! 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CHANGE OF ZONING ~FTER ATTENDING LAST TuESD"Y NIGHTS PLANNING COM~ISSION YEETING, I AY NOW MO~E CONVINCED T~AT YO~E INFORMi'TION AND A "FINAL "1.'1STER FLAN" FROM Sl'TRE AND ASSOCI~TE SHOULD BE REQUIRED PRIOq TO ~NY ZONING Ch~NGES ~OR: QuESTIONS ~RE BEING RPISED ~ITnOuT ;NSWE~S TUURSTON ~'1S HUND~EDS OF NEW HO~ES APpqOVED "OMES AMBLESIDE DEVELOPMENT WILL rAvE ~~NY NEW TCESE ADDITIONS wILL ALREl'DY T~~ OuR LI~ITED RESOURCES SUCh AS POLICE/CRI~E ?REvENTION (OUR CARS rAVE BEEN BROKEN INTO SEVEP~L TIMES AND ONE ~CTU~LLI STOLEN), E~ERGENCY SE~VICES, ~ND MOST IMPORTANTLY NO W~ERE FOR ThE CHILDREN LIVING IN TriESE rlOYES TO GO TO SC"OOL I ALRE'IDY PAY WAY TOO MUCh IN PROPERTY T'lXES AND FOPESEE T~AT TrIS WILL, WIT~OUT DODBT, INCREAS: WIT~ BOND MEASURES TO PAISE ~ONEY FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO ThE ABOVE S?RINCFIELD wILL GROw, IT IS INEvITABLE NO MO~E POUSING S~OuLD BE ~??ROVED WIThOUT SOLUTIONS TO T~E PQOBLEM WE ~ILL ALR~;DY S~ORTLY FFCE I FORESEE MPNY DEvELOPERS ~AKING A LOT OF YONEY FROM T~ESE DEvELOPMENTS I '1LSO FORESEE SPRINFIELD WELCOYING THE GROwTH AND REVENUE WH~T I DON'T SEE ARE THESE PEOPLE BEING FO~CED TO FIN~NCIALLY CO~PENSATE ThE CIT; FOR THE NEG~TIVE I~?ACT THEY WILL ~~VE ON OUR COMMUNITY ~T TUESD'IY'S MEETING, S~TPE FINALLY ADMITTED THAT TPE "MASTER PLAN" COULD INCLUDE UP TO 20 UNITS PEP o.CqE I FEEL TH"T Wr~T IS ".V,EADI BEING PLl\NNED IS FAR TOO MP.NY I LIVE NEYT DOOQ. TO ~vL.!l.T wILL BE THE "PIERCE PFRrC" AND !l._/'.1 CO~CE?NED FBODT T!-lE P1PhCT Tt{LT T!-.IS WILL "AvE ON MY PROPERTY ~S f~R -"S EVEN MOPE CPIME ~S wELL -"S T~E V~~UE O~ TrE PRO?EPTr IF ~P.SS/MEDIUM DENSITY (LET'S FACE IT, SUBSIDISED OR LOW INCOME) PROPERTIES IN T~E POSSIBLE PPO?ORTION ~~LOWED -"P?qOv~L OF THE ZONING C""NGES WIT rOuT ~ DEFINITIVE - FIN'IL ~'ISTER PLrN wOULD BE IRRESPONSIBLE ~T BEST WIT~OUT ADDRESSING ThE INEvITABLE OUTCOME PLEASE CONSIDEP MY CONCERNS ALONG WITH MI NEIGriBORS BEFORE ~GREEING TO SEND TrlIS MATTER TO ~HE CITY COUNCIL TBANK YOU, CL~.YTON "JOE" WILLILS 2476 OTTO ST~EET SPRINCFIELD, OP 97 '17 I~t~rest Rates Fall Aga~n; $430,000 Mortgage for $1,399/mo - Calculate new payment ~ttp //www lOWe~~jDlllS co~/lre/lndex Jsp?sourceld=lrnb-9632-18679&ffiOld=7581 1 1-7 ATTACHMENT 2 RESPONSES TO WRITTEN AND ORAL TESTIMONY ATTACHMENT 2-1 RESPONSES TO WRITTEN AND ORAL TESTIMONY Since both the applicant and staff did not have an opportUnity to rebut each tOpiC of testimony before the March 27'h Planning Commission public heanng was closed, It will occur here These responses are Inlended 10 address all of the Issues raised at the public heanng and the additional wntten comments received by staff as of Apnl 3'" The applicant prepared most of these responses Staff concurs with the applicant's responses In some cases staff has either completely answered or reVised the applicant's response - these responses are marked as follows" The applicant submitted formal rebuttal wntten matenals by lhe Apnl1 Olh date which can be found In Attachment 3 The following people submitted wntten testimony entered Into the record at the March Ih 27 Planning Commission public heanng Jim and Brenda Wilson 2541 Marcola Road, received March 23, 2007 Darlene Houck 2595 Marcola Road, received March 26, 2007 Rick Satre', received March 26, 2007 'This was a response to Issues raised by the Department of Land Conservation and Development In a letter dated March 12'h The Satre response stands on ItS own The following people presented oral testimony at the March 27'h Planning Commission publiC heanng Karen Boden, 2187 N 32"" Slreet Peggy Thompson, 2777 Marcola Road Gayle Wagenblast, 2457 Otto Street Chen WilliS. 2476 Otto Street Robert Lind, 2359 31 st Street Nancy Falk. 2567 Marcola Road Laun Segal. representing Goal 1 Coalition. 642 Charnelton Street, Eugene Jennifer Batbs, representing the Ambleslde Homeowner s Association, 2287 351h Street Karen Clearwater, 2361 31st Street The follOWing people submitted wntten testimony by the Apnl 3'" deadline granted by the Planning Commission after two persons requesled the wntten record to be left open for seven days Gayle Wag en blast, 2457 Otto Street Nancy Falk, 2567 Marcola Road Chen Wtllis, 2476 Otlo Street Wesley Swanger 2415 Marcola Road For ease of review all neighbor testimony, both wntten and oral have been combined In thiS format which responds to each question andlor loplc Karen Boden Gayle 2 The Impact on Bnggs and Yolanda schools Yolanda Response With the lnp cap, there IS no Significant difference In the number of dwellings or the traffic that Will result from these changes For properties directly abutting, zOning of the project site Will remain the same for all but seven lots, for a total distance of approximately 630 feet on the penmeter The school system as a whole has suffiCient capacity for additional Name Karen Boden Gayle Wagenblast Summarv of TestImony 1 The Impact to the established nelghbonng homes and the quality of the proposed homes 2-2 Wag en blast Chen Willis Jennifer Bates Karen Boden Kathy Boden Gayle ~ Wagenblast Kathy Boden Gayle Wagenblast Kathy Boden Peggy Thompson Jim and Brenda Wilson Wesley Swanger Peggy Thompson Gayle Wagenblast Chen WilliS Nancy Falk Jennifer Bates Karen Elementary School has large class sizes now and Briggs Middle School has children doubled up In lockers currently 3 If the proposed development would reqUire annexation of nearby properties 4 What would happen to wildlife that live In andlor use the open field? 5 Drainage Issues There IS flooding to abutting properties the west and to the north 6 Mapping error - 23~ Streel should be Bonnie Lane 7 Increased traffic caused by the developmenUdlfficulty backing onlo Marcola Road from eXisting houses across the street 8 Asked If a round-about could be constructed at 28'h Street and Marcola Road 9 Medium DenSity ReSidential denSity questions - If the minimum denSity IS 10 dwelling Units per acre, why are they reqUired to have 12 dwelling Units oer acre and why can't 2-3 students Districts can be redrawn to aVOid overcrowding Despite the 19- acre Increase of MDR land, the maximum number of dwellings under the amendment's proposed trip-cap will be only 16 more than permitted under the current deSignation and zone The school district uses an estimating ratio of 39 students per 100 new slngle- family homes and 21 students per 100 new multi-family dwelling At maximum denSities, the estimated Impact of the amendment will be only 6 additional students See also the letter from School District 19 In Attachment 3 "No The subject site IS entirely Within the current city limits The City does not have a policy to force annexation of properties that are adjacent to the city limits The City'S annexation process applies when new subdiVIsions are proposed on land outside the city limits The Issue raised here will be the same whether or not zoning IS changed It IS better dealt With dUring the Master Plan phase where site planning and drainage will be addressed "Grading and drainage plans will be reviewed With the Master Plan and later applicalions They must be prepared by Oregon licensed engineers and the" work reviewed by the City's PubliC Works Department IncreaSing drainage to adjacent properties IS not permitted "The mapping error has been resolved for future maps The application has been reviewed by traffic engineers from State and the City for compliance With all of the statutory reqUirements As proposed, the amendment will not result In any more traffic than would be produced by development under the current deSignation and zone At this lime, the TransPlan does not anticipate a round-about for lhls intersection TransPlan Identifies the site as a potential Nodal Development Area The proposed amendment would Implement the Nodal Area deSignation raising the minimum denslly to 12 du/acre, and help the City meet State Clearwater Chen Willis Clayton" Joe" Willis Robert Lind Robert Lind Nancy Falk Nancy Falk Wesley Swanger Laun Segal they rezone to a lower densltylat the public heanng the planner mentioned that the Master Plan could Include 20 homes per acre 10 Extra persons on the bike path and cnme (houses and cars broken Into) 11 Wanted to have the two and three story apartments placed In another spot 12 How IS 31" Streel gOing to be Improved and will this cost be placed on the current property owners? 13 This IS a special piece of property and that a number of developers have tned to locate on this property without success 14 The Planning Commission should not amend the Metro Pian/Rezoning or departure from the current Metro Plan will only encourage addllional conversion to commercial and set a orecedent 15 There are Internal inCOnsistencies with Type I. II, III and IV review processes 2-4 transportation reqUirements With or Without Nodal Area deSignation, the MDR maximum remains 20du/acre Rezoning to a lower density will make It more difficult for the City to meet the Metro Plan's target overall density and comply With Statewide Planning Goals The Issue raised here will be the same whether or not ZOning IS changed The pnnclples of Cnme Prevenlion Through EnVIronmental Design (CPTED) suggest encouraging persons or activities to maXimize surveillance possibilities Improvement and maintenance of the bike path Will Increase natural surveillance and ~osslbly reduce CrIme "Apartments could be bUilt there loday The Issue raised here IS the same whether or not zOning IS changed The SDC allows a maximum bUilding height of 35 feet In the MDR Dlstnct The height Issue IS better dealt With during the Master Plan phase where design standards, site planning and landscaping Will be addressed "There are Improvement Agreements thai encumber a number of properties on the east Side of 31st Street 31" Street IS a Collector Street City poliCY has been that If a Local Improvement Dlstnctls reqUired, then properties would be assessed as If they fronted a Local Street No deCISion Will be made concerning street Improvements and possible assessments until the Master Plan application IS submitted 10 the City Past proposals have been piecemeal The proposed amendment Will bnng 100 acres under a comprehenSive Master Plan Future proceedings to approve that Master Plan and specific site plans Will afford neighbors many o?portunltles to express their concerns The Sprmgfield CommercIal Lands Study found a senous shortage of commercially zoned property Conversion to commercial zoning IS exactly what IS needed to achieve the overall goals of the Metro Plan regarding, egUltable land supply "Although the terminology IS confUSing, the application and staff report are correct In staling the Laun Segal Nancy F alk Laun Segal Laun Segal Laun Segal 16 Goal 2 was not adequately addressed/Goal 2 states that reVISions to the Metro Plan should not be made more often than every two years Just recently Spnngfield made major revIsions to the Metro plan for Peace Health at River Bend 17 Goal 5 - The City's Natural Resource Study was not an update of the City's land Inventones, the loss of land Involved small acreages pertaining to the 25 foot setbacks 18 Goal 9 - Staff cited an outdated version of the OAR 19 Recreational needs were not adequately addressed 2-5 , proposed action IS a Type II Metro Plan amendment, subJecl to a Type IV review process The Type II process IS one that was adopled by all three local Junsdlctlons which reqUired similar language for Metro Plan amendments In 1987 The Type I-IV review process was Unique to Spnngfleld at that time "The applicant has addressed lhe Goal 2 question (see Attachment 3 - correspondence from James Splckerman) In addition review procedures In SOC has no limitation on the number of Metro Plan amendments that may be submitted Each application stands on Its own Specifically, SOC 7 010 states that Metro Plan amendments can be " initiated al any time" Additionally, the Rlverbend Metro Plan diagram amendment was Initiated In 2002 and was approved by the City CounCil January 10, 2005 The adopted and acknowledged Sprmgfield Natural Resource Study Report Included an analYSIS of how proposed Goal 5 actions would affect land Inventones ThiS analYSIS reqUired updating estimates of land supplies These updates conSidered only deSignation changes and other actions that were adopted and acknowledged They are, therefore, the most recent and accurate land supply estimates available Because the Sprmgfield Natural Resource Study Report IS acknowledged by the OLCO, It can be used "The application was submitted In September 2006 prior to the effective date of changes made to Goal 9 by OLCO A portion of the Pierce property was already deSignated Park and Open Space In a prevIous City action (95-02- 36) and dedicated for a public park Park development fees Will be assessed With bUilding permits The applicant has met With EWEB and Wlllamalane Parks offiCials to diSCUSS coordination of planning and development The proposed Master Plan Includes extensive open spaces Goal 8 reqUirements are fully addressed In the proposed findings Recreational needs have been and Will Jennifer Bates Karen Clearwater , Nancy Falk Clayton "Joe" WilliS Claylon "Joe" WilliS Gayle Wagenblast Jim and Brenda Wilson Wesley Swanger Jim and Brenda Wilson 20 Safety Issues for children crossing 31 $I Street at V Street 21 We (homes on the south side of Marcola Road) will be lhe most adversely harmed by this proposed development with intrusion of streets wllh traffic signals and the backs of retail stores on and parking lots directly across from our homes 22 Peopl~ should be forced to financially compensate the City for the negative Impact they will have on our communll\~ 23 A "Final Master Plan" should be reqUired prior to any zOning changes 24 Change the Medium Density ReSidential to LOlh Density ReSidential to resolve lhe density Issue, the Impacl on schools and the drainage Issues 25 Big trucks would be delivering freight at all hours of the nlghUnolse In general 26 Our View of the Coburg Hills would be almost completely blocked off by unsightly buildings Anything over one story high along Marcola Road would be considered 100 high I would like to see the bUSinesses spaced at an appropriate space so they would be aD<:>ealing 10 our eyes 2-6 , be adequately addressed PubliC Improvements (including streets, crosswalks, traffic signals and VISion clearance) are addressed dUring the Master Plan, Site Plan ReView and SubdiVISion process The Issues raised here Will be the same whether or not zoning IS changed They are better dealt With dUring the Master Plan phase where deSign standards, site planning and landscaping Will be addressed Developers and bUilders are reqUired to mitigate traffic Impacts and pay system development fees based on the maqnltude of their Impacts "*Master Plans, Site ReViews and SubdiVIsions can only be based on eXisting ZOning These applicatJons require the zoning to be consistent With the Metro Plan deSignation The proposed denSity IS no greater than under the current deSignation and' ZOning ReZOning to a lower denSity Will make It more difficult for lhe City to meel the Metro Plan's and Trans Plan '5 target overall denSity and comply With Statewide Planning Goals The Issue raised here Will be the same under the current deSignation and zoning Operating hours can be dealt With dUring the Master Plan phase **The Issue raised here Will be the same whether or not zoning IS changed In fact, SDC 21 080(1) states the maximum height In the CI District (current zoning) IS 45 feet The bUilding height Issue IS better dealt With dUring the Master Plan phase where deSign standards, site planning and landscaping Will be addressed ATTACHMENT 3 APPLICANT'S REBUTTAL SUBMITTED BY APRIL 10TH ATTACHMENT 3-1 S~ATRI Satre A~SOclates, P C 132 East Broadway Swte 536 Eugene Oregon 97401 Phone 541 4654721 Fax 541 4654722 I 800 662 7094 wwv. satrepc corn " ' - ! _ l Apn110,2007 I .\Pk'" /1111 I I..j' :-, -trte,,'f'tf3pm l--l r , ~-=-. - - ~ - I City of Spnngfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 Attn Gary Karp Re The V lllages at Marcola Meadows Metro Plan Diagram Amendment (LRP 2006-00027) Spnngfield Zomng Map Amendment (ZON 2006-00054) Dear Gary, Please accept thiS letter and the enclosed rnatenals for the pubhc record as the apphcant's rebuttal to wnnen and oral testtmony presented dunng and followmg the March 27, 2007, Planrung COIDllllSSlOn pubhc heanng regardmg the above amendment applIcatIOns The enclosed matenals are as follows . School Dlstnct 19 letter, dated Apnl 10, 2007, documentIng suffiCient school capacity . Gleaves Sweanngen letter, dated ApnllO, 2007, regardmg cornphance With statewide Goal 2 . Why Marcola Meadows m NOT Like Home Depot, dated Marcb 28, 2007, outlmmg select fmdmgs for Home Depot demal and how they either do not apply to the Marcola Meadows applIcatIOn or are no longer vahd Smcerely, 1< L.chcLr~ /vi 5 Cl-tY(!/ Rlchard M Satre. AlCP, ASLA, CSI President, Satre ASSOCiates, P C Caples to Bob Martm. The Martm Company Jeff Belle, JHB, Inc Planners, Landscape ArchJtects and EnVironmental Speclallsts 3-2 ;:f>-..~" . - . ~ (:..," DISTRICT .., ,li=t;Jf SPRJl;U3FJELa.i ~.}-::; 7t'-"'-l:..;;-t ~ "1 1- JJd.'f:k,Jj J'UDllC SchoDls . r-r---:~ 1--.-;:-'----:;.... - Admlmstrat.on BUlldmg Budget & Fmance . "'JI ;., 1-'11 i oj I ul , '5 ,... P 1>\ 525 Nl111 S[:.eet . ~ }f-Q~gf:eAl~~Y?~7~': 5.41 726-3206 Ii II-AX) 541 726 3386 '-fJG"'~o- . Apnl 10 2007 Satre ASSOCIates, P C 132 East Broadway, SUIte 536 Eugene. Oregon 97401 I\ttentlOn Robm G Dehnert Subject Student Enrollment and Marcola Meadows Dear Rob, Thank you for the opportumty to dISCUSS the potential Impact of "The VIllages at Marcola Meadows' with regards to enrollment and the resultIng Impact on the Spnngfield School Dlstnct The Spnngfield School Dlstnct utilizes several resources for makIng adjustments to ItS Infrastructure, creatmg for the abIlity to accommodate new housmg developments and student needs Each elementarv, mIddle and hIgh school faCIlity wIthIn our Dlstnct has a functlOnal capacIty Functional capaclues help mform the Dlstnct the level of servIces requIred to accommodate student enrollment levels If student enrollment at any faCIlity should mc! ease to levels above the functlOnal capacIty, the Dlstnct would begIn a process of adJustmg emollments accommodatmg for the new mlgratlOn of students AddItionally, we are well aware of the potentIal Impacts of an Increased student mIgration based on the ll1formatlOn you have supplied to us regardmg 'The V1l1ages at Marcola Meadows' AccOldmg to the mformatIon you've shared, the dlstnct has adequate capaCIty to meet the needs of any additIOnal students from a development of thIS SIze We appreciate bell1g engaged m these diSCUSSions dunng the early steps of the planmng plocess If you have fUlther questions or need additIOnal mformatlon please contact Wilham LeWIS at 726-3258 Thank you agam for mvolvmg the Spnngfield School DIStllct 111 vour ongoll1g diSCUSSions Smcerely, Brett M Yancey Du ector of Fmance Spl mgfield Pubhc Schools byancey@sps lane eel,} 1f'~ 0~:h<. vJ.~nsl l .'Ul'lJ S;J' Lan':.' t'CL. --- -- ------------ ----- (I j r ,-"J :"'/1 'II OI~lrjll 3-3 [!J I 1..1 ! UpportWtl[1' L1HpILi\er E-Matl Correspondence Apn110,2007 Robm G Dehnert, AlCP - r dehnert@satrepc com 'Satre Associates, P C 132 East Broadway, SUIte 536 Eugene, OR 97401 Re Goal 2 Issue The VIllages at Marcola Meadows Dear Rob ~ I thmk the comments on page 5 of the March 26,2007 subrmsslOn to the CIty correctly pomt out the coordmatlon called for by the Metro Plan I would only add that the coordmatlOn process as part of the Metro Plan has, of course, been acknowledged as consIstent Wlth the StateWlde Goals, mcludmg Goal 2 The language m Goal 2 GUldelmes has been cIted as a lumtatlon on reVISIons to the plan Part 1II E 1 contams the language " major reVISIons should not be made more frequently than every two years, 1f at all possIble" The fact IS that the second paragraph of the mtroductory sectlon of Part 1II - Use of GUldelmes, descnbes the guldelmes as "suggested dlrectlOns that would aid local governments ill actlvatmg the mandated goals" The gUldelmes are sunply suggested approaches that local government may use m aclllevmg compllance WIth the goal, they are not reqUIrements Wlth whIch local governments must comply ORS 197015(9), Churchill V Tlllamook Count", 29 Or LUBA 68 (1995) In Chapter IV of the Metro Plan, entltled "Metro Plan ReVlew, Amendments and Refmements," pollcy 4 d states "d The governmg bodles of the three metropolltan Junsdlctlons may mltlate an amendment to the Metro Plan at any tune CltlZen mltlated Type II amendments may be lnltlated at any~trrne " 3-4 Phone (541) 686.8833 Fax (541) 345-2034 975 O.\k Street SUite 800 Eugene Oregon 97440 1147 M.lllmg Addre~s PO Box 1147 Eugene Oregon 97440 1147 Em.1l1 mfo($glc1vesl<lw com Web SIt!.. ww..... g1eaveslaw com Fredenck A Batson Jon V Buerstatte Joshu:J A Clark DJntel E Elhson AJ Gzustma Thomds P E Herrmann. Dan Webb Howard Stephen 0 Lane Wtlhaml-l Mdrlln- WalterW Miller Laura T Z Montgomery- Tanya C 0 Nell SUlndlee G Potter Martha J Rodman Robert S Russel! Dougl;)!> R Schultz Malcolm H Scott James W Splckermnn Kale A Thompson JaneM Yates "'Alsoadm!tted tn Washmgtol1 Robm G Dehnert, AlCP Apnl 10, 2007 Page 2 Of course, tins polIcy of the Metro Plan has been acknowledged at LCDC as conslstent Wlth Goal 2 As I mdJ.cated to you m our conversauon, I do not beheve I can add anythmg further on Goal 9 Let me know what else I mlght be able to proVlde you Very truly yours, James W Splckennan sOlckermanw. zleaveslaw com, Jca 3-5 0609 Marcola Meadows March 28, 2007 WHY MARCOLA MEADOWS IS NOT LIKE HOME DEPOT Selected demal findmgs for Home Depot Metro Plan Amendment 00-12-254 and responses regardmg current applIcatIOn Home Depot Fllldlllg 34 cItes Economic Element Policy #B 16. Utzlzze processes and local controls. whIch encourage retention of large parcels of zndllstrzally or commerczally zoned land to faczlztate theIr use or reuse In a comprehensIve rather than pzecemeal fashIOn Marcola Meadows ApplIcatIOn The Marcola Meadows Master Plan WIll replace the eXlstlllg Conceptual Development Plan whereas the Home Depot applIcatIOn sunply asked to break off a pIece WIthout addressmg the whole The Home Depot proposal was to remove approXllTIately 8 acres from an approved 56-acre Conceptual Development Plan That plan was created, m part, to unplement PolIcy #B 16 By contrast, the current proposal WIll bnng 100 acres under a Master Plan Home Depot Fmdlllg 5 Cites Economic Element Policy #B 6: Increase the amount of undeveloped land zoned for lzght zndllstrzal and commerczal uses correlating the effectIve supply In terms of sUltabllzty and avazlabzlzty WIth the prOjectIOns of demand Marcola Meadows ApplIcatIon: The fmdmgs subnutted WIth the Marcola Meadows proposal establIsh a quantified correlatIOn between the supplIes of mdustnal, commercIal, and reSIdential land based on the adopted and acknowledged projectIons of demand These findmgs also diSCUSS thoroughly the SUItabIlIty of the SIte relative to other CI propertIes m the Illventory The proposal WIll be an Important ImplementatIOn ofPohcy #B 16 Home Depot Fmdmg 7. "The CouncIl fmds that there are other mdustnal zones SUItable for bUlldmg supply uses Warehouse CommerCial/ RetaIl uses, espeCIally bUlldmg matenals, are permitted m LlghtlMedmm Industnal and Heavy Industnal zones (Spnngfield Development Code 20 020(6)) " Marcola Me.adows ApplIcatIOn The CIty ofSpnngfield Plannmg CommISSIon approved ZON 2006-024, whIch formalIzed the assertIOn made III Metro Plan amendment 00-12-254 Fmdmg 7 that Home Improvement Centers are penmtted m LMl and ill zomng dlstncts However, the Oregon Department of Land ConservatIOn and Development ruled that tills actIon dId not comply WIth state and local requITements for such amendments Therefore, Fmdmg 7 IS no longer valId Home Depot Fmdmgs 10 and 11 10 "There IS nothing ill the record to suggest that Spnngfield has an excess mventory of Campus Industnal property The Metro Plan as It stands IS mtended as a coordmated, comprehensIVe 3-6 actIOn that supports a vanety of pol1C1es These polIcIes are denved from compl1ance wIth statewIde land use goals, admmlstratlve rules, and what IS m the best mterests of the cornmuruty for a balanced econorruc, SOCIal and envlIorunentally responsIble future" 11: "There IS nothmg m the record to warrant the conversIOn of tlus Campus Industnally zoned property to commercIally zoned property " Marcola Meadows ApphcatlOn. The Metropolitan 1ndustnal Lands Polley Report dId not project demand speCIfically for Campus lndustnalland The nearly 1,000 acres ofland recommended for CI desIgnatIOn m the adopted and acknowledged MetropolLtan IndustrIal Lands Polley Report was deemed sufficIent till at least the end of the planrung penod Smce the mventory was completed, the net result of desIgnation changes has mcreased the supply of CI land by over 160 acres Tills IS documented m the applIcatIOn and supplemental matenals The table below documents these changes The applIcatIOn also documents the tnlbalance ofland mventones and presents sound econonuc reasons for reapportlOnmg mdustnal, commercml and resIdential land supphes as proposed A coordmated and comprehensIve effort to tnlplement the polIcIes of the Metro Plan cannot fall to acknowledge the tnlportance ofbalancmg land supplIes Mamtammg eqUllIbnum between the vanous land supplies IS m the best mterest of the commuruty Current and 199~ MILPR Proposed Cllnventory MILPR DeSignatIons 2004 MetroPlan DeSIgnatIons Reqlon Slle 1993 Recommended acres Current acres Flle# 1 29 LMI CI 672 LDR -672 MA 92-002 2 37 P&O, SLI' CI 180 CI 47 LMI CI 488 LMI -488 nol converted 84 SLI CI 215 CI 4 2 UR UR" 462 UR 5 1 SLI CI 763 CI 2 SLI CI 303 CI,C'" -10 MA 02.009 3 SLI CI 28 CI 7 5 SLI CI 861 CI 25 SLI CI 243 CI MILPR recommended Cllnvenlory 9957 MILPR Sites not recommended for CI mventory 2 29 LMI, SLI, NR LMI, NR 43 SLI N/A 51 LMI, NR LMI, NR 5 NIA" Non-Indus!"al NJA CI 448 CI 103 CI, NW 632 CI 77 MA 91-001 Adlustments to Cllnventorv Current Adjusted Metro Ci IOventory 162 1158 The MILPR estimated only 180 of 326 acres were developable ~ University Research IS thought synonymous with Cl "' ApprOXimately 10 acres of onglnal 30 3 deSignated Commerclal ~ 11 acres of the angInal 74 3 are deSignated NR ** ApprOXimately 75 acres of CI 'Here aoded adjacent to Site 1 RegIon 5 WAP adoption The 1993 study was based on 1989 Inventory The Metro Plan SLI descnptJon became Cl via MA 92-001 (adpt 10/9 3-7 ATTACHMENT 4 DRAFT MINUTES _ MARCH 27TH PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION ATTACHMENT 4-1 DRAFT MIN -~-TES Ites approved by the Spnngfield t ~,mmg Commission CIty ofSpnngfield Work Meetmg MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGIELD PLANNING COMMISSION HELD Tuesday, March 27, 2007 The CIty of Spnngfield Planmng CommIssIOn met m Work SesSIOn m the Jesse Mame Meetmg Room 225 FIfth Street, Spnngfield, Oregon on Tuesday, March 27, 2007 at 5:30 pm, wIth Frank Cross as Spnngfield PlannIng COlmmsslOn ChaIr ATTENDANCE, Present were Chmr Frank Cross, Plarmmg CommIsSIOners Lee Beyer, Gayle Decker, Dave Cole, Steve Moe and Johnny Klrschenmarm Also present were Development ServIce DIrector BIll Gn\e, Plarmmg Manager Greg Mott, Plarmmg SupervIsor Mark Metzger, Plarmer III Gary Karp, Plarmlllg Secretary Brenda Jones, and CIty Attorney Joe Leahy ABSENT . Blll Carpenter APPLICATIONS 1 METRO PLAN DIAGRAM AMEMDMENT-CASE NUMBER LRP 2006-00027 SPRINGFIELD ZONING MAP AMENDMENT-CASE NUMBER ZON 2006- 00054 CommIsSIoner Cross called the meetlllg to order He bnefly noted the apphcatlOns at hand Mr Karp made the staff presentatIOn, explammg that the property III questlon was known as the PIerce property was sold last year and the new property owners wanted to develop the property to allow constructIOn of a phased mIxed use resIdentlal and commercIal development wIth nodal attnbutes to be known as the VIllage at Marcola Meadows The property located north of Marcola Road and west 001 '" was about 1 00 acres m SIze The current Eugene-Spnngfield MetropolItan General Area Plan (Metro Plan) deslgnatlOn for the property was Campus Industnal, MedlUm-Denslty Resldentlal, and Campus Industnal Mr Karp smd the apphcant was requestmg a Type II Metro Plan amendment to change the Campus Industnal portlOn of the sIte (56 acres) to CommerclallNodal Development Area, Commumty Commercial, and MedlUm-DensIty ResldentlallNodal Development Area, and an amendment to the Spnngfield Zomng Map from Cmnpus Industnal to COlmnumty CommerCIal (11 acres), MIxed Use C01mnefClal (26 acres), and MedlUm-Denslty ResIdentlal (19 acres) - I - 4-2 DRAFT Mil - JTES Mr Karp said the applIcatlOns were the first step m the process of obtalllmg development revIew approval Submittal of a master plan regulatmg development on the entIre parcel would reqUIre approval of the PlannIng CommISSIon and mdlvldual sIte reVIew and subdlvlslOn applIcatlOns Future applIcatIons would mclude publIc notIce Mr Karp reported that the applIcant held a public meetmg at Bnggs Mlddle School on March 14 to dIscuss the proposal WIth resIdents and SOlICIt theIr questlOns and concerns About 40 people attended, and concern was expressed about the effect of dramage from the SIte, whether adjacent reSIdents would have to partiCIpate m street improvement costs, and bUlldmg heIght Most of those issues raIsed were related to the master plan approval process, where such issues would be addressed He said If such Issues were raised at the publIc heanng they would be mcluded m the publIc record, but they were not related to the cntena governmg the applicatiOns Mr Karp spoke to StatewIde PlannIng Goal 12, TransportatlOn The PIerce property was lIsted m TransPlan as a potentIal node and was conSIdered by the CIty CouncIl for formal deslgnatlOn as a node The applIcant submItted a request for a tnp cap, to be llnplemented through a tnp momtonng plan to demonstrate complIance WIth Goal 12 Spnngfield staff Gary McKenney and Ed Walker of the Oregon Department of TransportatlOn (ODOT) revIewed the apphcatlOn for comphance and recommended a condItiOn of approval to be Imposed dunn3 the master plan revIew process The conditIon called for lamp Improvements at the Mohawk/Eugene-Spnngfield HIghway mterchange Mr McKenney spoke to the traffic analysIs, saymg Spnngfield and ODOT staff were satIsfied that the analYSIS was accurate and adequate In regard to the zone change, traffic engmeers must make assumptlOns about the type of development that would occur, and they focus on the mtenslty to be expected m a "reasonable worst case development scenano" The result was measured agamst the Goal 12 cntena and compared to what had been assumed would take place Mr McKenney Said the engmeers looked at the tnps antIcIpated m the "reasonable worst case scenano" and bUIlt a structure mto the land use approval process that precluded further development after the traffic generated by the proposed development reached a certam lId He remmded the commiSSIOn that was the approach taken to the Peace Health plan amendment Contmumg, Mr McKenney Said one concern about such an approach was that the first phases of a development could take up all the capaCIty under the hd, miling later phases more problematIc and potentIalleavmg empty land He Said the condItIon of approval recommended took a dIfferent approach Staff recommended that wlthm each zone m the proposal, the number of umts of development, whether thousands of square feet of commerCIal or number of umts of reSIdentIal, be hmited Mr McKenney Said that another Issue that staff addressed through a condltlOn of approval related to the Impact that would result from development under the proposed rezonmg The draft analYSIS IdentIfied one faclhty that would be Slgruficantly affected If the development proceeded as proposed, the Mohawk mterchange WIth the freeway, - 2 - 4-3 - DRAFT Mil, JTES partIcularly the eastbound off-ramp The apphcant proposed to mIll gate the Impact through some lane restnpmg Slaffwas comfortable wIth that conceptually, but at thIs pomt lacked a detaIled desIgn that could be analyzed He recommended as a condlllon of approval that the applIcant demonstrate to ODOT, the faclltty owner, that the mltlgallon measure could be accomphshed meetmg the apphcable ODOT hIghway standards CommISSIoner Cross asked when mIll gallon would occur Mr McKenney said It would be reqUIred to be m place pnor to the occupancy of any new bUlldmg on the sIte The restnpmg would create an addItIOnal turn lane No changes were needed at the other on- ramp Respondmg to a follow-up questIOn from ComrlllsslOner DecJ...er, Mr McKenney mdlcated that the analysIs looked 15 years mto the future Respondmg to a quesllon from CommissIOner Cross, Mr McKenney said the mterchange to the east was not expected to handle most of the traffic commg from the east The 42nd Street mterchange was not as close and was not the pnmary route people chose to use Staff beheved that most people would choose to the use the Interchange closest to the sIte, and the Mohawk exchange was closest He confinned, m response to a follow-up questIOn from Comrllls~lOner Cross, that the center turn would be able to go both straIght and left today one could not go to the left There would be two lanes from whIch people could make a left turn Mr Karp spoke to the Issue of complIance wIth StatewIde Goal 9, EconomIc Development He saId that In 2001, the CIty Council demed a Metro Plan amendment to change 7 79 acres of Campus Industnal to Commumty Commercwl to accommodate a Home Depot He noted the apphcant submItted the apphcatlons In September 2006, pnor to the effecllve date of the recent changes of Goal 9, CommercIal and Industnal Lands Study from 2001, are sllll the ones m effect today The recently adopted Natural Resource Study fine tuned the COIlli11erc131 and lndustnal Land Inventones What we haven't had IS a complete revIeW of the mam Inventones There may be a future Commerclal/Industnal BUIldable Lands Study, which will be outSIde the realm of thIs project There are sllll only two Campus Industnal sItes In the commumty, one IS at Gateway and the other IS the PIerce property The draft Jasper-Natron SpeCific Development Plan proposes to add to the Campus Industnal Inventory, but It was yet to be adopted Mr Karp dIscussed what had changed since 200 I, saymg that m regard to the Campus Industnal zone, there appeared to be growmg demand for business park uses The zomng dlstnct was pnmanly Intended to be an mdustnal zomng dlstnct, and In 2004 the CIty made some changes to the mix of uses to ensure that 60 percent was dedIcated to mdustnal/research and 40 percent could accommodate bUSiness parks That apphed to the PIerce sIte However, most ofthe demand happening on the Gateway Campus Industnal sIte was for commercwl office uses Mr Karp said thIS staff report mcluded a hst of 20-25 uses currently at that SIte There was one mdustnal use, Shorewood Packagmg, and the remainder was developed In such uses as call centers or bUSiness parks - 3 - 4-4 DRAFT Mil', JTES Mr Karp beheved there was a change m the nature of the demand smce the adoptIon of the Campus Industnal desIgnahon The Sony plant sltmg was an example of the type of use that was contemplated, that use lasted about five years and became obsolete The Sony bUlldmg was now m use for medIcal research Mr Karp suggested the lack of Campus Industnal development on the PIerce sIte was due to the relatJVe proXImIty ofthe Kmgsford Charcoal plant, the raIl lme, and electnc hnes He SaId the Home Depot applIcatJOn was for a pIecemeal development and the proposal m questJOn was for the entJre property Mr Karp saId the COmITIlSsJOn's decISIon needed to consIder whether the CIty would be better served by the apphcatJOn He beheved that a quahty development would be constructed m hme COmlTIlSsJOner Beyer beheved the commlSSJOn faced the quahtatJVe decIsJOn of whether It was better to put the SIte mto more commercIal use He recalled hIS past arguments for Campus Industnal zomng on the SIte, but dIsagreed wIth Mr Karp's assessment that there had been no mterest expressed m locatmg an mdustnal use on the property He had worked wIth several people, some of who went so far as to develop SIte plans, who tned to locate an mdustnal use on the property but they had dId not have a wllhng seller However, he thought the commISSIon needed to focus on the best use of the propeliy Mr Karp SaId he dId not dIsagree wIth ComnllsSJOner Beyer's assessment COITIlTIlSSJOner Cross recalled that there were other Issues related to the sUltabIhty of the property Mr Karp noted the plevJOusly mentIoned proxlInate uses, whIch were not acceptable for some uses such as hIgh tech mdustnal uses because of nOIse, vI~ratJOn, and pollutJon Mr Metzger agreed wIth ComrlllssJOner Beyer, and SaId that other Issues, partIcularly the Kmgsford plant, worked agamst the SIte as hIgh tech 10catJon CommlssJOner Beyer thought there was also a perceptIon of transpoftatJon problems at the SIte and agreed about Mr Metzger's assessment of the Kmgsford SIte He thought there was also a perceptJOn related to power I1nes and the vIbratJOn from raIl lInes, but pomted out that many hIgh tech SItes m Oregon were m located on ~lITI1larly hampered SItes and whIle It was a concern, It dId not preclude such uses from bemg located on those sItes I CommlssJOner Cross asked If the proposed use could be srted at another locahon Iflt was , not to be accommodated at thIS SIte Mr Mott saId the State, through the penodlc revrew process, dId not order the CIty to evaluate rts mdustnalland from eIther the demand or supply SIde, and no one had analyzed what the commumty was able to offer that sector of the economy, makmg It dIfficult to compete for those busmesses Over tIme, Spnngfield had expenenced a / -4- 4-5 DRAFT Mil :JTES change m what types of bus messes were attracted to the commumty, and the CIty CouncIl had not yet dIscussed how to pOSitIOn Spnngfield for those busmesses The State reqUIred the CIty to have a 20-year mventory, but did not stipulate m the past the type of analYSIS that would legltllmze the mventory m tenns of both quantity and the usabIlIty of the sItes for dIfferent sectors of the economy Mr Mott suggested a manufactunng busllless might not be as concerned WIth a supply of developable acres as It was WIth the qualIty of lIfe, hIgh educatIOnal qualIty, and better medIcal facll1t1es, and mIght compromise on the qualIty of the sIte It selected for those factors Spnngfield staff expected to engage m a dIscussIOn of that tOpIC WIth the councIl and the commumty at the start of the next fiscal year At thIs pomt, he belIeved the CIty was operatmg under antIquated notIOns about the mdustnal sector was and what It could be expected to be m the future, and had done no analYSIS or planmng outsIde of a few discrete actIOns, such as the ImplementatIOn of the urban renewal dlstnct m Glenwood and the draft jasper-Natron SpecIfic Development Plan Mr Mott saId the law was clear as to the need for a 20-year mventory, but It was not clear that the expectatIOn was that the 20-year would be a rollmg mventory, that IS, there would always be a 20-year supply WhIle It was 1I11practlcal to thmk there would be, he belIeved the CIty needed to evaluate what was needed, perhaps on five-year cycles PenodIc deletIOns of the mventory had some affect, but he dId not thl!y< the overall signIficance of that could be detenmned untIl a cyclIcal e\ aluatlOn occurred Mr Beyer suggested that CommIssIOner Cross' questIOn was, If not here, where, wlthm Spnngfield, and was that a concern He SaId he both agreed and disagreed WIth Mr Mott He saId III realIty, commumtles do not count umts and then factor In projectlOn growth and denSity factors to detenmne how much land was needed, Instead, realIty was opportumty-based He hoped that staff C0l11l11lSSlOned some commerCIal and Illdustnal brokers to reVIew the eXIstIng Inventory and how It related to reglOnal demand, dS he belIeved that demand was more reglOnalIll nature than local Mr Beyer also hoped that staff talked to the State EconomIC Development Depmiment to learn what kInds of requests for land It was receIvmg It was C0l11lmSSIOner Beyer's perceptIOn that the metropolItan area had no land, even for local growth He offered as an example the glOwth occumng m Coburg, whIch he attnbuted to a lack ofland m the metropolItan area He pOInted out that 3,000 to 5,000 people were workmg each day III a town WIth a population of 800 only 1-1/2 mIles from Spnngfield's border That was where the land was, and the metropolItan area was now grapplmg WIth what to do WIth the sewer from the growth Coburg expenenced He saId the Issue was where were the sItes avaIlable that people wanted to use, addmg 11 was questIonable whether the SIte m questIOn was a good mdustnal site and perhaps better used for housmg However, C0l11lmSSlOner Beyer questlOned whether the City should change the zone because of a lack of need for the land, and questlOned If the commlSSlOn had the mformatlOn It needed to make that judgment - 5 - 4-6 DRAFT Mll'~, ,JTES Mr Mot! clanfied he was not suggestmg that he and Mr Metzger were gomg to commence on an mdustnaJ lands study on July I, the budget allocatlOn he antJclpated would be used to hIre professionals He said the commISSIon dId not need to substItute the SIte for another SIte, It was not an approval cntenon or a reqUIrement of Goal 9 However, the cOlmmSSlOn needed to respond to the effect ofthe proposal on the mventory, and the effect on the mventory would be reductIon of 56 acres of Campus Industnal from the mventory CommIssIoner Cross questIoned how the commlSSlOn could'JustIfy the proposal as beneficIal to Spnngfield If It was unable to understand the true benefit behmd It Mr Mot! noted that the commlSSlOn had yet to hear all the eVIdence He pomted out that any time the City made such a change anywhere It was replacmg one deSIgnatIOn for another He suggested the saine questlOns WIth respect to the appropnateness of the sIte for the mtended use, not Just the eXlstJng use He saId the commlSSlOn had to assume, because It lacked eVIdence to the contrary, that the CIty made the nght deCISIon at some pomt m the past to deSIgnate the SItes as they were, as It had all worked out m the past and the mfrastructure was deSIgned around what was mtended for the SIte As time passed and pohcles became dated or the appropnateness of the sIte passes by for what ever reason, there was an Il11twtlve to change the property's deslgnatJon and the developers made that argument to the CIty The cOlmmSSlOn had to weIgh the facts and whether the polICIes m the plan supported the actlOn Mr Mot! reIterated that the con1l111SSlOn dId not have to make up the reductlOn m the deslgnatJon somewhere else, although that mIght occur through anot?er process Mr Metzger reported that Department of Land ConservatJon and Development staff had mdlcated ItS preference that the CIty's staffreport be based on adopted mventones that were currently part of the record The most recent mdustnal mventory was done m 1992, and It had suggested that there would be 1,500 to 2, I 00 surplus acres beyond the 20-year supply The State duected the CIty to evaluate the reductIon agaIDst the surplus, rather than the 20-year supply Itself, and suggested that If the CIty "l11bbled away" at the surplus It should theoretically be okay The findmg was that 56 acres could be accommodated agamst the surplus Mr Metzger recalled Spnngfield's 2000 Con1l11ercwl Lands Study, whIch found the commul11ty short of supply by about 356 acres The CIty had added to the projected shortfall through other actlOns, reducmg It to about 172 acres He saId staff beheved that Spnngfield mIght have a shortage of commercIal land and surplus of mdustnallands Mr Metzger emphaSIzed the need to update the BUIldable lands mventory and noted the recent CommercIal and Industnal BUIldable Lands Study, whIch mdlcated that more work was needed to detenmne what the mventory was He SaId that demand was another I factor, and the study dId not address that Issue Mr Metzger belIeved that the I commISSIon could trust mtUltJvely that Spnngfield needed more commercIal land I - 6 - 4-7 DRAFT Mil JTES " Comn1lSSlOner Beyer believed the study mentIOned by Mr Metzger lacked a qualltatlve aspect as It treated every square foot ofland the same, and there was a dIfference There were many smaller sItes wIth an acute shortage of large sItes ChOIces were narrow Mr Metzger emphasIzed the draft nature of the Jasper-Natron SpecIfic Development Plan He said the Jasper extensIOn had a good chance of gomg through, and If It was constructed the CIty would need to examme and rearrange the development patterns m the vlcmlty He noted the draft plan called for about 178 acres of new Campus lndustnal land m that area Mr Beyer asked about capacIty m the sewer Ime, Ifthe Ime would have to be moved, and If the desIgn proposed functIOned wIth It Mr Karp saId the lme would not have to be moved The Issue of capaCIty would be addressed at the master plannmg stage Mr Beyer recalled Issues related to sewer capaCIty m thIS area, and thought the CIty had done somethmg to address that However, he noted the added resldentlal umts bemg proposed and asked If the system was able to handle the addltlonalload Mr Karp saId yes Mr Beyer detenmned from Mr Karp that the dItch would remalll an open dItch and would be relocated Mr Metzger Said the dltd, was manmade and the Army Corps of Engmeers had no Junsdlctlon and the DIVISIOn of State Lands had no objectIOn to the relocatlon Mr Beyer asked If the dItch was a Sot! al1d Water ConservatIOn Dlstnct facIlity Mr Karp Said the dItch was part ofthe CIty'S stann sewer system COImmsslOner Cole asked If the CIty was "playmg favontes" gIven that he perceIved the CIty Mr Karp suggested that depended on whether one thought the sltuatlon had changed over tune He pomted out the change m the use of Campus lndustnal and the fact the development proposal coveled the entlre sIte as changes m cIrcumstances Mr Mott recalled that the commISSIOn had recommended to the councIl that It approve the Home Depot proposal, and the CIty CouncIl decIded agamst It He saId the commISSIOn needed to conSIder whether any of the uses bemg contemplated were unacceptable tradeoffs m companson to the potentIal uses that could be located under the current plan deSIgnatIOn and zone I I Mr Karp explamed that the area IS a proposed Nodal Development ~rea, WhICh calls for a mIxed-use development ThIs proposal IS the type of Imxed-use development that would occur at thIS property : \ I I CommISSIoner Cole asked If the proposed development was conSIdered by staff to be nodal development or a partIal nodal development Mr Mott responded that there IS no standard bluepnnt for a Node Staff understands why CItIzens may thml that IS the case The gUIdance that the TPR prOVIdes IS that a Node has certam elements to It It mIght be on a major transportatIOn Ime or comdor, there's transIt servIce aVailable, the development WIll allow blke/ped throughout the type of uses that are attracted to It, - 7 - 4-8 DRAFT MTI JTES wIthIn the Node there IS never more than 1. mIle dIstance between the transIt faclhty and the activIties whether It be somethmg specIal, commercIal or office wIthIn the Node Theoretically you could say the largest a Node can be IS about 160 acres Eugene has desIgnated one SIte that IS slgmficantly larger than 160 acres Spnngfield has desIgnated two sItes that at e much smaller CommISSIOner Cross asked If the proposal IS more Nodal than Just a standard development Mr Mott responded that the plan desIgnatIOn there IS 9 acres of commerCIal, 36 acres of medIUm denSIty reSIdential and 55 acres of campus Industnal There IS no mUl.ed-use zomng, no nodal overlay, so there IS no reason to beheve that under the current plan and zomng that anythlllg approXImatmg a Node would develop There IS the potential that a developer could proVIde bIke and pedestnan connectIOn through-out the campus mdustnal over to the reSIdentIal One of the pomts ofhavmg a Nodal deSIgnatIOn and receIVIng dIrectIOn from CouncIl IS to apply the Nodal deSIgnatIOn on certam sItes So that we are guaranteed that certam attnbutes of a pedestnan onented or transIt onented Nodal development wIll occur COImmsslOner Beyer, asked that the apphcatIon m front of the CommIssIOn tomght IS for the zone change, plan change Mr Karp responded that the handout of development rendenngs was submItted to show pOSSIble scenano ThIs IS not what the development would look hke, the Master Plan wIll make that detenmnatIOn CommiSSIOner KlTSchenmann asked Mr Karp about the letter receIved from DLCD He asked If 56 acres represent 29% of the eXlstmg CI, as oftoday There IS a paragraph m the letter WhICh calculate; It to about 194 acres deSIgnated CI nght now Mr Karp responded that the COImmssIOners can look at the IllfonnatIOn m a couple of dIfferent ways Gateway has 275 acres, some of that IS m the CIty, some IS m the UGB, and you have the 56 acres at the PIerce property, so there IS probably more than what DLCD IS statmg m the letter Mr Karp went on to say that m relatIOn to DLCD's conunents, there IS gomg to be a letter submItted mto the record tomght, from Satre and ASSOCIates Satre went through the DLCD letter and responded to all of theIr questIOns and concerns CommIssIoner Cross asked IftheIe where anymore questIOns of staff There was none 2 ADJOURN CommISSIOner Cross adjourned the meetmg at 6 45 P m (Recorded by KImberly Young) - 8 - 4-9 ATTACHMENT 5 DRAFT MINUTES _ MARCH 27TH PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING , , ATTACHMENT 5-1 DRAFT Ml1\ JTES 11nutes approved by the Springfield >Ianmng Commission City of Spnngfield Regular Meetmg MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SPRINGIELD PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, March 27, 2007 NOTE' The recorder malfunctioned. These mmutes are preparedfrom written notes taken by several Development Services Department Staff. The City of Spnngfield Planrung COIllilllssIOn met m regular sessIOn m the Councll Meetmg Room, 225 Fifth Street, Spnngfield, Oregon on Tuesday, March 27, 2007 at 700 pm, With Frank Cross as Spnngfield Planmng COIllilllsslOn Chau ATTENDANCE Present were Chair Frank Cross, Planmng COIllilllsslOners Lee Beyer, Gayle Decker, Dave Cole, Steve Moe and Johnny Krrschenmann Also present were Development Service Director BIII Gnle, Planrung Manager Greg Mott, Plarmmg Supervisor Mark Metzger, Planner III Gary Karp, Transportatlon Plarmer Gary McKenney, Planmng Secretary Brenda Jones, and City Attorney Joe Leahy ABSENT . COIllilllsslOner Carpenter PLEDGE OF ALLE;(!IANCE . The Pledge of AlIeglance was led by Chau Frank Cross COUNCIL ACTION . Dave Cole revIewed the prevIOus everung's dISCUSSIOn on the ODOT replacement bndges BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE . None ,aUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING Metro Plan Dia'?x~,m ,A,mendment. Journal Number LRP2006-00027 Sonnrlield Zonl!,,? Man Amendment. Journal Number ZON2006-00054 Satre ASSOCIates, ~.J:ll)hc~J.lt - Renresentml!' SC Sormrlield. LLC There was no COnfliCt of mterest or ex-parte contact - I - 5-2 DRAFT Mn~JTES Mr Mott revIewed the cntena of approval for the two apphcatlOns fOlmd m the Spnngfield Development Code SectIOns 7 070 and 12030 Mr Mott stated that any comments should address the cntena of approval and that the Planmng CommIssIOn IS not the decIsIOn maker on these apphcatlons The Planrung ComnusslOn WIll make a recommendatIOn to the CIty Council to approve, approve WIth condItIOns or deny these apphcatlons CommlsSloner Beyer asked Mr Mott to explam that the reason for tills heanng IS not to approve a smgle use, but that a much broader range of development that can be SIted and that the scope of public testunony IS not lumted STAFF PRESENTATION' Mr Karp presented the staff report Mr Karp began by entenng the staff report and wntten testImony sent to the Planmng COmmIssIon mto the record Wntten testunony was from Brenda WIlson, receIved March 23, 2007 Darlene Houck, receIved March 26, 2007 RIck Satre, receIved March 26, 2007 Mr Karp went on to state The subject SIte, formerly known as the "PIerce" property IS located north of Marcola Road, west of 31 st Street, east of Mohawk Marketplace shoppmg Center and south of the EWEB bIke path The subject sIte IS 100 3 acres m sIze The current Metro Plan desIgnatIOns and zOlling are Campus lndustnal, MedIUm DenSIty ReSIdential and Commumty CommercIal The appltcant requests approval of a Type II Metro Plan dIagram amendment to change the Campus Industnal deSIgnated portIon of the subject sIte (currently 56 acres) to Commerclal!Nodal Development Area Commumty CommercIal and MedIUm DensIty ResldentlallNodal Development Area, and amendment of the Spnngfield ZOlling Map from Campus Industnal to Commumty CommercIal, MIxed Use CommerCIal and MedIUm DenSIty ReSIdential The apphcant's mtent IS to obtaIn the proper Metro Plan deSIgnations and zomng to allow the constructIOn of a phased Jll1xed-use reSIdential and commercIal development WIth nodal attnbutes called the VIllages at Marcola Meadows Mr Karp referred to a handout that explamed the three step revIew process that IS reqUIred before development can occur I) Approval of the Metro Plan DIagram and Zomng Map Amendment ApphcatlOns, 2) Approval of a Master Plan for the entIre property, and 3) Site Plan Revlewand SubdIVISIOn Approval Mr Karp stated that all these apphcatlOns requIre pubhc notice Mr Karp stated that staff recommends approval of Metro Plan Amendment and Spnngfield Zomng Map Amendment, WIth condItIOns -2- 5-3 DRAFT Mn~JTES APPLICANT PRESENTATION: Rick Satre WIth Satre and Associates, pc, 132 East Broadway, SUIte 536, Eugene, Oregon 97401 Apphcant's representatIves Mr Satre remmded the Planrung CommIsSIOn that the queStIon torught IS about Planrung and Zorung Nonetheless, there has been substantIal effort mvested m developmg a VISIOn Mr Satre referenced the Master Plan process and the plans underway Mr Satre mformed the Planrung CommIssIOners that he WIll be m front of them agam when he presents the Master Plan applIcatIOn, and then there WIll be a conversatIOn m more detail about what the commuruty can expect at Marcola Meadows Mr Satre stated the property m questIOn has been known for years as the "PIerce Property" The sIte IS now known as the VIllages at Marcola Meadows Marcola Meadows IS envIsIOned to be a lIvable, walkable, human scale, connected SUIte of villages The proposal does mclude a home Improvement center, but the home rmprovement center IS only 13 6 acres of the 1003 acre SIte, and the proposed open space IS also about 13 acres However, the home Improvement center IS the econOIIllC engme, It WIll be the draw wluch will allow smaller commercIal to survIve, and mdeed thnve Mr Satre descnbed the proposed Metro Plan DIagram and Zorung Map amendments Mr Satre pomted out that the proposed Nodal Development Area v/1ll be apphed to 80 7 of the subject property's 100 3 acres wluch WIll help Spnngfield comply WIth TransPlan and the TPR regardmg tnp reductIon Mr Satre also stated that the l"vpvsed MIxed Use CommercIal zone WIll requue bUlldmg deSIgn standards that w1l1 be applIed to the future commerCIal uses frontmg Marcola Road to buffer the Commuruty CommerCIal uses from the reSIdences across the street Mr Satre stated that there are three key questIOns 1 Has the demand for lIght mdustnal manufacturmg uses ongmally mtended for the Cl dIStrICt not matenalIzed? Yes The PIerce property has been "shovel ready" for some 30 years, yet there have been no CI development proposals The SLVCI deSIgnatIOn was ongmally adopted to asSISt m the dIVersIficatIOn of the metro area's economy m the transItIOn followmg the wood product mdustry's declme However, there has been, and contmues to be, a change m market forces regardmg the "lugh-tech" mdustry For example, SONY manufactured CD's for only 5 years and closed due to "new technologIes", and has been replaced by a medIcal research faCIlIty Ifmanufactunng uses are m demand, why IS there only one manufactunng faclhty m the Gateway Cl dlstnct? Because demand for "manufactunng", the tradltIonalmtended use for CI, Isn't there 2, Does the proposal satIsfy Goal 9 and DLCD's concerns? Yes Followmg receIpt of DLCD's March 12,2007 letter, we met WIth CIty staff and DLCD representatIves and revIsed our Goal 9 fmdmgs These are mcluded m your staff report and are the basIS for staff concurrence that we meet Goal 9 cntena SpeCIfically (See letter dated 3/26/2007 submItted at the meetmg) - 3 - 5-4 DRAFT Mf 'UTES ~ DLCD Issue I and 3 QuantitatIve AnalysIs Industnal supply IS low Usmg acknowledged mventones there IS over 100 acres of vacant CI land (In the Gateway area alone) There wIll be a surplus of mdustnalland at the end of the plan year 2010 ~ Issue 2, 4c and e, 8 and 11 acknowledged mventones Fmdmgs now rely solely on acknowledged mventones :>> Issue 4b ConsIstency WIth the Metro Plan The Metro Plan acknowledges that mconslstencles may at times occur between varIOUS pohcIes and that tlus IS okay, leavmg It to local JUflsdlctlOns to sort out The staff report, documents we are consIstent WIth EconoITllc Pohcy B6 and others m the Sprmgfield CLS :>> Issue 5, 6, 7 Nodal Development The home Improvement center IS not proposed for a nodal area As noted m the staff report, the proposal apphes the nodal area deSIgnatIOn to the commercIal area outsIde of the home unprovement center locatIOn The surroundmg nux ofresIdentlal and nuxed-use commercIal deSIgnatIOns serve qUIte well as a transItion between proposed and eXlstmg land uses, and our proposal meets all adopted nodal and nuxed-use standards ~ Issue 4a, b, d, r and h Inventory EqUlhbnum The three land mventones are econonucally mterdependent Improvmg the balance between the three, as our proposal does, llTIproves eqUlhbnum of supply whIch spurs orderly and proportIOnal growth m the others 3, WIll Spnngfield and ItS cItizens be better served by convertIng CI to CommerCIal? Yes Acknowledged land mventones document that there IS a surplus of mdustnalland and shortage of commercIal land TIus proposalmtroduces eqUlhbnum m the supply, thus asslstmg With market forces and economIc development Even WIth tlus proposed change, there WIll stilI be over 100 acres of vacant CI zoned and deSIgnated land m Spnngfield Mr Satre thanked the Plannmg CommISSIOn for the consIderatIOn of theIr request Mr Satre made lumself aVaIlable for questIOns from the Plaruung CommISSIOn TESTIMONY OF THOSE IN SUPPORT . None TESTIMONY OF THOSE OPPOSED- . Karen Boden, 2187 N 32nd Street had the followmg concerns o The unpact to the establIshed neIghbonng homes and the quahty of the proposed homes o The Impact on Bnggs and Yolanda schools o If the proposed development would reqUIre annexatIOn of nearby propertIes o What would happen to wildlIfe that lIve m andlor use the open field o Dramage Issues o Explamed there was a mappmg error - 23rd Street should be BOnnIe Lane -4- 5-5 DRAFT MlK'TTES . Peggy Thompson, 2777 Marcola Road had the followmg concerns o The mcreased traffic caused by the development o Could a round-about could be constructed at 281h Street and Marcola Road . Gayle Wagenblast, 2457 Otto Street had the followmg concerns o Where the new ch11dren would go to school, the schools are already full o The cost of homes vs the homes that are already bUIlt o MedIUm DenSIty ResIdentIal denSity questIons - If the mlmmum denSity IS 10 dwellmg umts per acre, why are they reqwred to have 12 dwellmg umts per acre and why can't they rezone to a lower denSIty o There were mCOllSlstencles m what Mr Satre presented tomght and at neIghborhood meetmg o The ammals that use the property would be dIsplaced o Wetland floodmg o Not apposed - Just wanted to be re-assured that the development would be a quahty development CommIssIOner Beyer asked If Ms Wagenblast preferred the current zornng or more warehouse and mdustnal up front COmnllSSlOner Cross asked If they would hke to see thIs stay as a vacant parcel . Chen WIlhs, 2476 Otto Street asked to keep the record open and had the followmg concerns o MedIUm DenSIty housmg o The number of chIldren needmg to go to school and who pays for the new schools o Extra persons on the bIke path and crone . Robert Lmd, 2359 31 st Street had the followmg concerns o He was not opposed to the project, but wanted to have the two and three story apartments placed m another spot o How IS 31 st Street gomg to be Improved and will thIs cost be placed on the current property owners . Nancy Falk, 2567 Marcola Road had the followmg concerns o ThIs IS a speCial pIece of property and that a number of developers have tned to locate on thIs property WIthout success o The Planmng ComrmsSlOn should not amend the Metro Plan o The reSidential denSity IS too much . Laun Segal, representmg Goal 1 CoalItIon, 642 Chameiton Street, Eugene asked to keep the record open and had the followmg concerns o There are mternalmconslstencles WIth Type I, II, III and IV review processes o Goal 2 was not adequately addressed - 5 - 5-6 DRAFT M:E "'UTES o GoalS - The City'S Natural Resource Study was not an update of the CIty'S land mventones, the loss ofland mvolved small acreages pertammg to the 25 foot setbacks o Goal 9 - Staff cited an outdated versIOn of the OAR o Recreational needs were not adequately addressed . Jennifer Bates, representmg the Ambleslde Homeowner's ASSOCIatIOn, 2287 35th Street had the followmg concerns o Moe Mountam SubdIvIsion WIll also unpact schools o Residential denSIty o Safety Issues for cluldren crossmg 31 st Street at V Street . Karen Clearwater, 2361 31st Street had the followmg concerns o ResidentIal denSIty o Why nodal? Can we skip nodal? o Strongly recommended a traffic Signal at V and 31 st Streets for lads crossmg the street Mr Mott responded to the densIty questIOn by statmg the MedIUm DenSIty ResidentIal ranges from 10-20 urnts per acre and that Nodal Development Area reqUIres a mlIumum of 12 dwelhng urnts per acre The densIty could be lugher m one part of the property, but the 12 dwellmg urnt per acre standard must be met TESTIMONY OF THOSE NEUTRAL- None PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION A motion was made by Lee Beyer and seconded by Gayle Decker to hold the record open to consider additional wTltten material and to reconvene on ApTlI 17, 2007 deliberate on thIS matter andforward a recommendatIOn to the City CouncIL The vote was 6- 0, wIth 1 absent. The wntten record WIll be kept open untIl Apnl 3, 2007 The Apphcant has untIl Apnll 0, 2007 to respond to the wntten record The Planmng ComrmsslOn WIll reconvene on ApnI 17, 2007 to delIberate and make their recommendatIOn to the City CounCil Mr Mott stated that the CIty Council work sessIOn and pubhc hearIng dates WIll change and a new notice WIll be sent, pnor to tlus meetmg CommiSSIOner Cole, Decker thanked the audience for commg forward 'REPORT OF COUNCIL ACTION . None -6- 5-7 DRAFT M~ uTES BUSINESS FR01\i T~ AUDIENCE . None BUSINESS FROM Tf!F DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR. . Apnl 9, 2007 - CouncIl WIll be heanng a presentatIOn for Glenwood and the directIOn they see these project BUSINESS FROM THE COMMISSION, . None ADJOURNMENT, . The meetmg was adjourned at 9 00 Mmutes recorded Brenda Jones - 7 - 5-8 ATTACHMENT 6 ORDER AND RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENT 6-1 ~EFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ORDER AND RECOMMENDATION FOR A METRO PLAN DIAGRAM AMENDMENT ] AND A SPRINGFIELD ZONING MAP AMENDMENT ] CASE NUMBER LRP 2006-00027 CASE NUMBER ZON 2006-00054 NATURE OF THE APPLICATIONS This IS a consolidated application for the above referenced case numbers The applicant IS proposing to amend the Metro Plan diagram from Campus Industrial (CI) to Commercial/Nodal Development Area (C/NDA), Communtty Commercial (CC) and Medium Density Residential (MDRlNDA), and to amend the Spnngfleld ZOning Map from CI to CC, Mixed Use Commercial (MUC) and MDR The applicant Intends to obtain the proper Metro Plan designations and zoning to allow the submittal and approval of the appropriate applicalions (including, but not limited to Master Plan, SubdivIsion and Site Plan Review) In order to construct a phased mixed-use residential and commercial development Implementing TransPlan nodal regulations which will Include design elements that support pedestnan enVIronments and encourage transit use, walking and bicycling, a transit stop which IS within walking distance (generally Y. mile) of anywhere In the node), mixed uses so that services are available within walking distance, public spaces. such as parks, public and pnvate open space, and public facilities, that can be reached without driving, and a mix of housing types and residential densities that achieve an overall net density of at lease 12 Units per net acre 1 The applications were Initiated and submitted In accordance with Seclion 3 050 of the Spnngfield Development Code on September 29. 2006 and accepted as complete on January 11, 2007 The applications were further revised on February 28. 2007 to change the requested LMI designation and zoning to CC due to Issues raised by DLCD ' 2 Timely and suffiCient notice of the public hearing and changed heanng dates caused by the written record being held open has been prOVided, pursuant to Section 14030 of the Springfield Development Code 3 On March 27'h, the Planning CommisSion held a work session and public hearing on the proposed amendments The staff report and wntten comments were entered Into the record Dunng the course of the public hearing, the Planning Commission was asked to hold the written record open until April 3"', allow the applicant to submit rebuttal malerlals by April 1 Oth and to deliberate and make their decISion on April 17'h 4 Four people submitted written correspondence by the April 3'" date 5 The applicant submitted rebuttal matenals by the Apnl10lh date 6 On Apnl 171h, the additional matenals were entered Into the record and the Planning Commission deliberated and forwarded a recommendation to the City Council based on the additional matenals. the Original Development Services Department staff notes and recommendation together with the oral testimony and wntten submittals of the persons testifying at the March 27'h public hearing CONCLUSION On the basIs of this record, the proposed amendments are conSistent with the cnterla of SDC Sections 7 030 and 12030 This general finding IS supported by the speCific findings of fact and conclusion In the Staff Report and Findings and the additional Information submitted for the Apnl 1 ~th meeling ORDERlRECOMMENDA TION It IS ORDERED by the Springfield Planning CommiSSion that approval, with conditions', of CASE NUMBER LRP 2006-00027, and CASE NUMBER ZON 2006-00054, be GRANTED and a RECOMMENDATION for approval, with conditions, be forwarded to the Spnngfield City Council for their conSideration on May 7th Plannmg Commission Chairperson ATTEST AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN 6-2