HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting CAO 6/18/2007
m JUN 1 8 07 --'
ORDINANCE NO 6196 (General)
WHEREAS. Article 12 of the Spnngfield Development Code sets forth procedures for Spnngfield
ZOning Map amendments, and
WHEREAS, on September 29, 2006, the applicant initiated the follOWing Spnngfield ZOning Map
Rezone 56 acres of land from Campus Industnal to Community Commercial (11 Acres), Medium
Density ReSidential (19 Acres), and Mixed Use Commercial (26 Acres), Case Number ZON 2006-
00054. Tax Lot 01800, Assessor's Map 17-02-30-00 and Tax Lot 02300. Assessor's Map 17-03-
WHEREAS, on January 9, 2007, staff determined to consider the application to be complete, and
WHEREAS, on March 14.2007, the applicant held a neighborhood meeting to explain the
proposed development to the nearby reSidents and
WHEREAS, on March 27, 2007, the Spnngfield Planning Commission held a work session and a
public heanng to accept testimony and hear comments on thiS proposal A request was made to hold the
wntten record open for 7 days The Planning Commission closed the public heanng and voted to hold lhe
wntten record open until Apnl3, 2007, allow rebuttal by the applicant and staff by Apnl10, 2007, and to
reconvene on Apnl17, 2007 to deliberate and make the" decIsion, and
WHEREAS, on Apnl17, 2007, the Spnngfield Planning Commission accepted the wntten
matenals Into the record, deliberated and voted 5 In favor, 2 opposed, to forward a recommendation of
approval, With conditions to the City Council, and
WHEREAS, on May 7, 2007, the Spnngfield City Council held a work session and a public
heanng (first reading) to accept teslimony and hear comments on thiS proposal A request was made to
hold the wntten record open for 7 days The City Council closed the publiC heanng and voted to hold the
wntten record open until May 14, 2007, allow rebuttal by any person submitting wntten matenals by May
21,2007, allow rebuttal by the applicant by May 29, 2007, and to reconvene on June 18, 2007 to conSider
the wntten matenals and deliberate
WHEREAS, on June 18, 2007, the Spnngfield City Council conSidered the additional wntten
testimony and IS now ready to take aclion on thiS proposal based upon the above recommendation and
the eVidence and teslimony In the entire record In the matter of adopling thiS Ordinance amending the
Spnngfield ZOning Map
SectIon 1 The above findings, and the findings set forth In Exhlbrt A and Incorporated
herein by reference are hereby adopted
Section 2 The Spnngfield Planning Commission and City Council added the follOWing
Conditions of approval as allowed under SDC 12 040
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ill JUN 1 8 0'1 .J
Condition of Aooroval #1
The submittal and approval of a Master Plan application pnor to any development on the
subject site shall be reqUired
Condition of Aooroval #2
Submittal of documentation from the Department of State Lands andlor the Army Corps
of Engineers with the Master Plan application demonstrating the eXisting drainage ditch IS
not a regulated watercoursel wetland, and If necessary, submittal of a wetland delineation
for other wetlands that may be on the subject site
ConditIon of Aooroval #3
Submittal of a Master Plan application that Incorporates the relocation of the eXisting
drainage ditch and conversion to a major water feature that Will be an Integral part of the
proposed development area shall be reqUired The construction of the entire water feature
must be completed as part of the Phase 1 development'
. The applicant has stated that Phase 1 will Include the home Improvement center This
means that this and all other conditions referenCing 'Phase l' must be Incorporated Into
proposed Master Plan Phase 1 development
Condition of Aooroval #4
Submittal of a Master Plan application that addresses compliance With the Drinking Water
Overlay District standards In SDC Article 17 and how these regulations Will be applied for
each proposed phase
Condition of Aooroval #5
Submittal of a Master Plan application that addresses the relationship of the proposed
development to Wlllamalane's future park on the north Side of the EWEB Bike Path and
an explanation of any coordination efforts With Wlllamalane concerning the timing and
development of the future park
Condition of Aooroval #6
Submittal of a Master Plan application that addresses coordination With EWEB to
deterrmne If any easements are reqUIred In order to cross the EWEB Bike Path to access
the future park
Condition of Aooroval #7
Submittal of a Master Plan application that shows the proposed home Improvement
center bUilding exterior deSign Similar to the eXisting bUilding In Scottsdale, Arizona as
depicted In the photographs of the extenor of the Scottsdale Center In the record, or a
bUilding deSign that complies With the current bUilding deSign standards In SDC Article 21
ConditIOn of Aooroval #8
Submittal of a Master Plan application that demonstrates that residential development Will
occur at not less than 12 dwelling Units per net acre
ill JUN 1 8 01 .
Condition of Aooroval #9
Submittal of preliminary design plans with the Master Plan application addressing the
proposed mitigation of Impacts discussed In the TIA The plans shall show the proposed
traffic control changes allowing left-turns from the eastbound ramp center lane at the
eastbound ramps of the Mohawk Boulevard/Eugene-Sprlngfield Highway Intersection
The Intent of this condition IS to have the applicant demonstrate to ODOT that the
proposed mlbgatlon IS feasible from an engineering perspective and will be constructed
on a schedule that IS acceptable to ODOT Provided that construction of the proposed
mlbgabon IS determined to be feasible, then dUring Master Plan review and approval a
condition shall be applied reqUiring the mitigation to be accomplished pnor to the
temporary occupancy of any uses In Phase 1 of the development
Condition of Aooroval #10
Submittal of a Master Plan application that Incorporates a "Development Phasing Plan"
shall be reqUIred In order to comply With SDC Section 37 030(12) The Intent of this
condition IS to
a) Address the "Internal trip" Issue by reqUiring a certain percentage of the residential
portion of the site to be developed with a similar percentage of the commercial
portion The specific percentages will be made part of the approved Master Plan, and
b) Ensure that, for each type of land use, the amounts proposed do not exceed those
shown In Table 4C of the TIA
Condition of Aooroval #11
Submittal of a Master Plan application that shows the entire length of the collector street
from Marcola Road to V Street being constructed as part of Phase 1
Condition of Aooroval #12
Submittal of a Master Plan application that shows the construction of all streets serving
the CC and MUC portions of the subject site being constructed shall be required as part
of Phase 1
Condition of Aooroval #13
Submittal of a Master Plan application that shows proposed connectivity between the
residential and commerCial development areas
ConditIon of Aooroval #1~
The Master Plan shall be submitted wrthln one year of the City CounCil approval of these
Section 3 The Springfield ZOning Map IS hereby amended from Campus Industrial to
Community CommerCial, Medium DenSity Residential, and Mixed Use Commercial, as more
particularly deSCribed In Exhibit A and Incorporated herein by reference
SectIon 4 The legal descnptlon of the entire property IS specified In Exhibit B The
proposed zOning IS shown on the map In Exhibit C The precise boundaries of the zOning districts
descnbed In Exhibit A shall be determined as a condition of approval of the required Master Plan
ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield by a vote of ~ for and ~
against, this 1Bthday of June ,2007
APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield, this IBtltlayof June ,2007
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City Recorder
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JUN 1 8 01
Engmeers . Planner~ . Surveyors
Legal descriptIon
"Marcola Meadows" Comp Plan and Zone Change
1 wo (2) Parcels orland located ill Spungfield, Oregon that ale more Pal, ']' ,it (ii:l ~ 0 m ~ -,
descn bed as follows ~ U; ~ U;; I'.J U;;
JUN 1 8 01
Pal cell
Beg1nn~ng at a po~nt on the North marg1n of Marcela Road, sa1d pOLnt be~ng North 89
57' 3D" Bast 2611 60 feet and North 00 02' ODD West 45 00 feet from the Southwest
corner of the Felix Scott Jr D L C No 51 ~n Townsh1p 17 South, Range 3 Weat of the
W~11amette Merld1an. thence along the North marg1n of Mar~ola Road South 99 57' JO"
West 1419 22 feel to the Southeast corner of Parcel 1 of Land Part1tion Plat No 94.
P0191, lhence leavlng the North Inargl.n of Marcola Road and runnJ.ng along the East
boundary of said parcell and the Northerly extensl.on thereof North 00 021 00" West
516 00 feet to a po~nt on lhe South boundary of NICOLE PARK as platted and recorded ~n
File 74, Slides 30-33 of the Lane County Oregon plat Records, lhence along lhe South
boundary of sa~d NICOLE PARK North 89 571 30G East 99 62 feet to the Southeast corner
of said NICOLE PARK, thence along the East boundary of said NICOLE PARK North 00 02'
Don Weat 259 82 feet to the Northeast corner of said NICOLE PARK, thence along the
North boundary of aa~d NICOLE PARK South 89 SBr 00" West 6 '0 feet to the SouthedDt
corner of LOCH LOMOND 'tERRACE FIRST ADDITION. as platted and recorded ~n Book 46. Page
20 of Lhe Lane County oregon Plat Recordsr thence along the Easl boundary of sa~d LOCH
LOMOND 'lERRACE FIRST ADDITION North 00 021 00. West 112 BB feet to the Southwest
corner of AUSTIN PARK SOUTH as platted and recorded ~n F~le 74r Slldes 132-134 of the
Lane County PIaL Recorda, thence along thp South boundary of sa1d AUSTIN PARK South
North 09 S8' COn EaDt 260 00 feet to Lhe Southeast corner of suld AUSTIN PARK South
thence along Lhe Eaet boundary of sa~d AUSTIN PARK south North 00 021 00" West 909 69
feet to the Northeast corner of sald Aust~n Park South, said po~nt be~ng on the South
bounddry of LhaL certaln tract of land dcscrlbed in a deed recorded July 31, 1941, ~n
Book 359, page 2BS of the Lane County Oregon Deed Records. thence along the South
boundary of aUld last descr~bed tract North 79' 41' 54" Cost 10B3 15 feet to the
~nteraection or the Sourh l~ne of the last descrlDed tract and the East Ilne of that
certa1n tract of land conveyed to R H P~erce and El1zabeth C Pierce and recorded In
Book 23B, Page 464 of the Lane County Oregon Deed Records, thence along the Cast Ilne
of Ba~d last described trac...t South 00 02' DOll Cast 1991 28 feet to the po~nt or
beglnnlng, all ~n Lane County, Oregon
, .
276 N W HIckory Street. POBox 725. Albany. OR 97321 . (S41) 928.2583 ' F.x
Page 1 of 2
(54l) 967.3458
Engmeers . Planner; : n &ry~~ 0 ill !1: ~
JUN 1 8 01
Parcel 2
Beginnlng at a pelnt ~n the c~nter of County Road No 753. 3470 24 feet South and
1319 9 feet Bast of the Northwebt corner of the Felix Scott Oonat~on land Claim No
82, 10 TOWDSh~p 11 south, Range ~ West of ehe wl11amctte Mer~dlan. and be~n9 066 feet
South of the Southeast corner of tract of land conveyed by The Travelers Insurance
company to R 0 Kercher by deed recorded 1n Book 109. page 260, Lane County oregon
Deed Records, thence Mest 131.0 teet to a p01.nt ].S~ links East at Lhe West 11ne of the
Fcl~x Scott Oonatlon Land Claim No 82, Notlflcaelon No 3255, 1D Township 17 South.
Range 2 West ot the Wl11amette Meridian, and running thence south parallel wlth and 15
l~ks d~Dtant fro~ said Hest I1ne of said Donation Land Cla1~ a distance of 2304 76
feet to a p01nt lS links East of the southwest corner of sa~d Donat1pn Land Claim,
thence East following along the center line of county Road No 278 a distance of 1310
feet to a po~nt 1n the center of sa~d County Road No 279 due South of the place of
beg4nn1ng, thence Nortb following the center Ilne of Baid county aoad No 753 to the
peint of beginning, all ~ Lane county. Oregon.
EXCEpr the right of way of the Eugene-Weodling Branch of the Southern Pdc~f~c
ALSO EXCBPT that port10n descr~bed 1n deed to The City of Eugene, recorded 1n
Book 359, Pag~ 285. Lane County OregoD Deed Records.
ALSO RXCEPT beginning at a pOLnt w~ch is 1589 47 feet South and 1327 33 feet
East of the southwest corner of Section 19, TOwns~p 17 South, Range 2 West,
Wlllamette Her1dlan. Lane county, Oregon, Bald point also belng oppo81te and
20 feet Easterly from Stat~on 39~S9 43 P 0 S T , sa1d Station being In the
center line of thc old route of County Road No 142.5 (fOrMerly 8753), thence
South 0 11' West lBJ 75 feet to the 1ntersectlon wlth the Northerly Ra11road
Right ot Way !1oe, thence south 84 45' West 117 J3 feet, thence SouLh 79 301
Heat 48 37 teet to the J.l1tersection of Scud Ru.lrcad R1ght of Way 11ne Wl.th
the Southerly Right of way l~e of the relocated sal.d County Road No 742.5,
thence along the arc of a 316 48 foot rad1US curve left (the chord of Wh1Ch
~bearB North 39 OJ I JS' East 261 SJ feet) a dUita.nce ot 269 94 fe.et to the
place of beg1nning. in LaDe County, OregoD,
AJ~O EXCEPT that portl.on described l.n deed to Lane County recorded October 19,
1955, Recept~on No &8852, l~ne County Oregon Deed Records,
ALSO EXCEPT that portl.on described in deed ~o Lane county recorded January 20,
1986, Reception No 860221" Lane County Offl.cl.al Records,
ALSO EXCEPT that portion descn.bed in that Deed \.0 Willamalane Park and
Recreation Oistrl.ct recorded December 4, 1~92, Receptlon No 9~687t9, and
Correct1on Deed recorded February 9, 1993, Recep~ion No 9308469, Lane County
Offlclal Records,
ALSO EXCEPT thnt port~on descr1bed in exhlb~t A of that Deed Lo the City of
Spr~ngfield, recorded September 22, 1993, Receptlcn No 9360016, Lane County
Offlc~al Recor~
ALSO EXCEPT Marcola Road !ndustrlal Pa~k,
Slldes 697, 898 and 899, Lane county Plat
aD platted and recorded 10 File
Records, Lane County, Oregon
Page 2 of2
276 N W Hlckury Strcet. PO Bux 725 . Albany, OR 97321' (541) 928.2583' Fax (541) 967.345i
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low Density ReSidential
r~_ J Mixed Use Resldenbal
t:."1:~ N rh C aJ
....... leghbo ood ommeTCI
r:?"~ light MedIum Industnal
~ Campus Industllal
_ Heavy Industnal
III Public land & Open Space
r.n..-: SpnngfieJd
............ CJtyllmlts
'I Exlsung
L-J Parcels
CI Subject
E HIgh DenSity ReSidential
~ Medium Oen<y ReSIdentIal
Zonmg Dlstnct Boundanes
III Community CommefClal
11111111 Major Retad CommemaJ
ta MIXed Use Commeraal
The Villages at Marcola Meadows
Proposed Zoninq
o 300 600 1,200
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