HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous APPLICANT 4/15/2007 'lsltles are- an mvest- e"pense The message I through to Oregon's Idget makers They can ui to figure out where 'n dnd grandchlldren ng cted wnve/ Slt!('S) ses Percent of 003 Increase 0,166 56 3,604 428 3,223 175 ;,564 430 7,422 495 6,755 124 2,Ol9 373 1,064 825 2,662 337 5,786 33 5,822 718 5,679 244 3,994 1240 3,299 293 \,685 286 2,719 398 7,214 475 Illlt'TSlt\ ufFlurrdll. Gamt~\dle) , fwain dure , heroes are not heroiC dmary, even less than IS caught up m the ma- ents beyond their con- tnS are not evlldoers - 'S of history that push )clety m Inhumane dl- 're's nothmg ongmal l detenmmst outlook, 's genIUs was to make I laughter, even when ,llows varIety always I mnegut dId nnp01 tant the lIterary held as a YISt, an opponent of Id a defender of cIvil e activIties were con hiS fictIOn In hIS llie .vels, he stood agall1st lies and IgJ101 ance, al e weary smile of one he's on the Iosll1g side )ntentment m an after- anet of hiS ll1venllon, / -- - o~ ~~~ .- ....-~.t'....."- b~""""'" .... '-'................. pestIcIde applIcatIon should result 111 drill of no more the 10 feet, a back 'pack SpI ayer no me ~ --<, lan Inches A green, weed free yard represents a more lIkely source of exposure than om farms Lack of exerCIse and bad dIet are most certaInly longer term health nsks SB 20 will lead to more regIOnal aIr pollution InvaSIve weeds will spread from one untended field to the next Some farmers will choose to qUIt Your faVOrIte farm stand may grow a field of houses GEORGE GRIER SpringfIeld Extension services at risk V\'here III Lane County can you sllll get unbIased mformallon on - well, you ndme It" The Olegon State UmveI SIty ILane County ExtenSIon ServIce prOVIdes mformahon and ser vIces daily to people from all walks of hfe, urban or I ural, nch 01 poor, home bound or alter abled, young or old The need for mfol matlOn does not dIscnmmate Year Iound you can call or stop by the ExtensIOn offIce next to the Lane County FaIrgrounds for mformalIon on gardemng, pOIsonous plants, m sect IdentifiCatIOn, prunmg, compost mg commercIal farmmg, food pI eser vatlon, food safety, cookmg, cleanIng, nutntlOn, woodland mamtenance, and 4 H actiVItIes, mcludmg leader ship shills for children The county mcome tax does not dI I ectly go to fund extenSIOn servIces, though the servIces WIll be cut li the Income taX does not pass County funds are needed to keep the doors open, funds WIll be dedIcated from propeliy taxes for extenSIOn servIces after mandated publIc safety pro grams are funded by the proposed m come tax How do we get the word ou atli the Income tax measure s there will be repercussIOns t t will do more harm than good to the Cltlzens of Lane County? LINDA RENSLOW Eugene Bush doesn't support troops PreSIdent Busl" about to show hIS tJ ue colors, will once agaIn take ac tlOn agaInst our troops Bush has nev er supported OUl troops, although he has used that phrase to get others to vote to spend tax dollars on an endless war that produces huge profIts for HallIburton Bechtel, General Electnc and other war corporatIOns Bush was not supportmg our troops when he lIed about the weap ons of mass destructIon and ImagI nary connectIOns between Iraq and al Qaeda He dId not support our troops , , UleJll uu Ule LdUJt:' RICK VENTURI Eugene 1//rlv7 - Wounded vets face uncertainty In January of 2009, former PresI dent Bush will return to Texas WIth a genelous retIrement package fI nanced by Amencan taxpayers He and hIS famIly will have the most complete health plan available A per manent secunty detail aSSigned to hiS ranch will prOVIde a varIety of mCI~ dental servlees There Will be funds for an office and admInIstratIve costs of the future presldenlIal lIbrary He Will hve fmancIally worry free the rest of hiS llie In January of 2009, phYSIcally and mentally wounded veterans of the tragic Iraq war will still be faced WIth an uncertam future for themselves and theIr loved ones MedIcal and mental health services from the Vet eran's AdmllllstratIon will be made quate Those unable to work WIll have dIffIculty provldmg medIcal coverage for theIr familIes Veterans' benefIts and dIsabilIty pensIOns WI]] not pro- Vide a decent standard of hvmg for theIr children nor prOVIde for college educatIOns Many will lIve WIth pam and uncertamty the rest of theIr lIves Shame on Bush' Shame on usl R C CROSS Eugene Why not use federal bUilding? Just a thought Why can't Eugene CIty Hall be moved to the old federal buildmg? Is It currently bemg used? Seems silly to build a new bUlldmg when the federal buildmg IS so close to downtown Eugene Vote no on Lowe's proposal I hope the Spnngfield CIty Council will not approve a Lowe's Home 1m rovement Center on the forme PIerct: iCiWll}' l-lJ Vl-ll;;!! lY UII Marcola Road ThIS would create too much traffIC congestIOn, whIch we don't need We already have a Jerry's Home Improvement Center now In Sprmgfleld, whIch IS servmg our com- mUlllty very well The Sprmgfleld CIty CounCIl turned down Home Depot's request to buIld on the PIerce property several years ago because of concerns about traffic congestIOn Sprmgfield also needs more mod erately pnced homes that young fanll lIes can afford When you have new subdiVISIOn, bUildmg homes startmg at $300,000, they're gomg to be out reach of most fromhes I would Ilke to ~~'-'U ........~u.t'....uJ', u.......... '-'"...... '-'...~........... ................~ accordmg to OffICIal state reports, b~ forces outSIde of Lane County, mclud mg stndent antl~government crusadeI Don Mcintyre and hiS Tlgard basec Taxpayers ASSOCIatIon of 01 egor ($2,000) rold by Salem based altorne; Nathan Reitman ($500) Two of the three petItIoners are lIsted as Morse Bros executives work mg m Harnsburg (Lmn County) - General Manager Loren Later and Truckmg Manager Bob Hookel (www morsebrospreslress com) Cam palgn actIvItIes at Morse Bros ' Har nsburg faCUltIes have been teleVIsed yet have not been reported as corpo rate rn krnd donatIons Each 1 ecalI campaIgn could cost taxpayers between $40,000 and $50,000 - a total of nearly $150,000, WIth an addlllonal $150,000 for campalglls to fill the vacanCIes, that's $300,000 that could go to arrestmg cnmrnals, treat mg kIds' dl ug addIctIOns and provld mg veterans' servIces Enough's enough! DIANA ROBERTSON Eugene A sin too vast to comprehend It doesn't take new math to sort through the abysmal facts on the ground m Iraq A medIan eshmate of the number of IraqI men women and children who've dIed VIOlently m the four-plus years of Amencan occupa lIon IS half a millIOn CI edIble reports place the number at tWIce that Do the math The popuIahon of the Umted States IS 10 plus tunes that of Iraq SO It'S as If 5 millIOn to 10 millIOn of our people had been killed as a re suIt of Civil VIOlence Imagme 10 mil lIon to 20 millIon external refugees and an equal number mternaIly dls placed That's the eqUIvalent unpact The scale of thiS evil adventure of o warfs all other sumIar dIsasters m the p 60 years With the exceptIOn of the Vie am War We are COlmmt tmg a sm ost too vast to compre hend WI no end m SIght The de1u slOn ather of the admInIstratIOn wIthstandmg, a cessatIon of com bat and the speedy Withdrawal of our soldIers IS the only responSIble course open to us The Olily losers will be those whose d1 earn IS for war to con tmue and expand even beyond our lliehmes PAUL PRENSKY Eugene ~!!itMIIIj''''IJI'I..ill!I,~.''UI'':IL~ l The Register Guard welcomes letters on tOPICS of general mterest Mail letters to Mailbag, POBox 10188, Eugene, OR 97440 21B8 Fax, 338-2828 E-mail rgletters@guardnet Com J ~' . .' THE REGI>TER-GUAltD . SUNl 'u>RIL 15, 2007 Ef)rrORIALS & LE'l"l'ERS llarb. 982 EdItOrIal Page EdItor ASSOcIate EdItor ASsocIate EdItor ts news pages of all r thelr opmIOns on o be cand,d but/mr ~umty polley VITY SLIDE There art research If Oregon had one esearch unIversIty, les, It would stand ,kmgs Both Wash ~ona, for mstance, , mstItutlOns m Se- that brmg m $300 millIOn m research y But OSU and the ,tch eIther even If bmed Meanwhile, , and ArIZona State "pectable 10 year 3mg on OSU 'S who are propos to scale back state Oregon UnIVersIty t grasp the connec m actIOns and the ,rch gI ants They ,ve the unlVennt18s r own budget prob- g mOl e federal re tate that bUIlds the ,arch UnIversIlIes os to build faclhtles ITchers, creatmg a ,llectual mfrastruc IlIon, dIscovery and lccessful research ly brmg m tens or lIons of dollars ill ) support theIr UnI "r states, they al,o 1 new bus messes - "185 ~T r=::=- 1 ~"-"E.lC:> - - - @= \~ ~'n'""".""- -mwIlf-N/i(M~1lM LETTERS IN THE EDITOR'S MAILBAG No-spray zones unnecessary Senate Bill 20, lauded by Lisa Ar km ill her April 6 guest Vlewpomt, IS akm to kIllmg a mouse WIth a nuclear bomb The suspected problem mIght be solved, but wIth enormous unm tended consequence::. Arkm fails to pOlllt out that the no-spray bulIel zone estdbl1shed m SB 20 IS fwe mIles around schooh. From Leaburg to Co burg and Creswell to JunctIon CIty, evel y farm IS wlthm fIve miles of a school Unfortunately, the lIst of noxIOUS weeds ill Lane County contiliues to grow Many of these can only be elIec lIvely controlled by JUdICIOUS herbl Clde applIcalIon SWltchmg to me chanIcal control not only doesn't work ill some cases, but IS much more expenSIve and results m 13 trmes as much fuel consumed and 13 tImes the aIr pollution My farmstead IS over 100 years old, the school next to It IS 60 I have fmmed next to the school for more when he sent them olI to battle WIth out the proper armor bulletproof vests or eqUIpment Nor dId he sup- port them when he cut the benefits and pay for milItary personnel 1Il combat and for theIr famIlIes, or when he cut the budget for the medI cal care vetelans receIve when they return from combat Now Bush threaten6 to veto fund mg for the troops because Congress mcluded a prOVlSlOn keepmg them from flghtmg on mdefmltelv The Baker HamIlton comrmSSlOn - and almost all admmlshatlve ffilhtalY personnel and experts - agree that thIS IS a CIvIl war that our mIlItary cannot wm ThIS preSIdent has always acted m the best mterest of what he calls hIS "base," the top 2 percent of wealthy Amencans Perhaps he belIeves some of hIS base do not want hIm to end thIS money makmg endeavor If he refuses to lIsten to the voters and experts and InSIsts on vetomg support for our 11 oops m order to end see more moderately priced homes put on the PIerce property and not crammed so close together Agalll, I urge the councLlto vote no on the proposed Lowe's Home Im- provement Center JEAN FRAGA Eugene Recall effort IS vindictive ElIorts to CrIpple Lane County gov ernment by launchlllg recall carn P31gns are dIVISIve and a huge waste of hard earned taxpayer dollars I I The recent county mcome tax re- peal referendum effort was legIlImate and resulted ill the county comIDIS SIOners puttlllg the tax proposal on the May ballot For these same referen dum supporters to now demOnIze our hard workmg commISSIOners and illl tIate recall WItch hunts IS dIsappomt mg, destructIve and vmdIctIve! I have seen no mention by the me- dIa that the three repeal pelItlOners, ~1l _~_... n~~ On~ 1-.1 ,..n... ..............1~ ......n ~.;: