HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 5/15/2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007 7 31 AM
'LaurI Segel'
RE Marcola Meadows PAPA comments
The attached comments wlll be 10 the record and part of the CauDell packet for thelr June
18th meetlng
-----Orlglnal Message-----
From Laurl Segel [mal1to laurl@goall org]
Sent Monday, May 14, 2007 4 50 PM
To KARP Gary
SubJect Marcola Meadows PAPA comments
Importance Hlgh
Please enter the attached comments lnto the record of plannlng actlon LRP
2006-00027 and ZON 2006-00054
Please conflrm recelpt of these comments as well
Thank you
Laurl Segel
Communlty Planner
Goal One Coalltlon
642 Charnelton, SUlte 100
Eugene OR 97401
Page 1 of 1
JONES Brenda
Tuesday, May 15, 2007 11 16 AM
MOTT Gregory, KARP Gary
RE Stu Burge Records Request
That's great news Thanks Brenda
CBrenda Jones
p{annl1lg Secretary
225 'Fiftli Street
SpnnEIfieY, Oregon 97477
541-726-3610 'FflX 541-726-3689
If you wourd u~ to see wliat J new at tlie Oty of SpnnEIfieY, go to www aspnnlJfjgU nr 11<
From' SOWA Amy
Sent Tuesday, May 15, 2007 10 59 AM
To: JONES Brenda
Subject: Stu Burge Records Request
I spoke with Stu Burge this morning and he has dropped hiS records request that was on the emall he sent to Dave Ralston on
May 14 regarding the Pierce Property
MAY 1 5 2007
2595 MaIGOla Road
Spnngfield, Oregon
[ would like to oppose the plOposal to devclop MaIcola Meadows
The additIon of435 two and three StOlY dwelhng~ would hou~e 500
mll1nnally and wIth Just 4 per household 1740 adchtlOnal people ThIs type
of hIgh density housll1g WIll have unfavorable consequence~ impacting the
sUlTounding neighborhoods and ~chooh
The avel dge home has 2 vehlcle~ occa~lOndlly 3 01 4 which 1I1Clea~es the
dally traffic by 870 +/- vehIcles multlphed by thc number of tllpS taken
each day Il1 an aIea whele tIaffie conge~tlon IS alIeady at an uncomfortdble
level Thele arc many tlmc, when I must walt [01 10 CaIS 111 each clnectlOn to
pa~~ befOle eXltll1g my dllveway on Malcola Road with the current
clIcumstances The ploposed tlaffic llnplOvement~ wIll not lelIeve the
cunent conge~tIon and wIll easIly add an addItIOnal 1000 vehicle tllpS dally
to this equatIon
I am concelned about the dl ainage and sewage ,y~tem with this type of
Il1CleaSe That alea already expellence~ pOOl chall1age I would reel mOle
comfOliable If an evaluatIOn from Splll1gfield UtIlIty BOaId wa~ perfol111ed
and made avaIldble to the pubhc lea~~ul1ng us thdt tIllS plOposal wa~ actually
feaSible and development IVould not be at the tcnpayel '.\ expense
I am also concerned about the qualIty of educatIOn the cl1l1dlen 111 tlm
plOposed development would have access to There could potentially be ovel
1000 chIldlen 111 the plOposed development What ~chools would the~e
chIldren be assIgned 01 dzstlzbuted to? WIll the commul1lty plovlde
transportatIOn at the taxpayer's expen~e? Would adchtlOnal schools be
requlled and Iho why aren't they Il1cluded Il1 tlm proposal? I cmrently have
chIldl en attendll1g school ancllt IS no secret that the teacher / student ratIo
IS already dangelOusly excessIVe andll1adequate without the additIon of
another 1000 student~ I would lIke to see finn documentation avaIlable to
the pubhc flOm !>everal members of the school board confil mll1g that the
additIOn of potentially 1000 students Il1 thIS Immechate dlea wIll not fmiher
comprOlnIse or Impact the education of the CUITent commul1lty enrollee's
, .
. "
FUlihel mOle, what Impact wIll this hdve at the commumty collegc level that
IS currently elllnInatmg classes due to a lack of funds?
Where \Vl1I these chIldlen play? They have plOpo~ed one pmk fOl
potcntwllylOOO chIldren? Most PI'opo,ed lots have I11l1umal or no yal d
The open alea plOposed although "attlactlve" I~ not "usable" You could
most cel tamly anticipate the ~hop pal kmg lob wIll be used a~ thell
lecreatlOnal drea for 100tenng, bIke and skatebomd dctlvltles
What wIll thiS "ant hilI" type ofhousmg do to my plOpelty value? How wIll
thl~ "change" affect ploperty taxe~? I know I celtamly would not want to
live next to tl1lS type ot development so most likely thele wIll be little
mtelest trom buyels for my home IfI were to t1y to sell andlelocate
especially with such a poor real e~tate mmket
Last but ceiiamly most IInpOl tant IS why would a proposal tor an dddltlOnal
435 residences be apPlOvedllght now when there IS I/O need fOl that level of
additIOnal housmg? All of the above consldelatlOns would most likely have
consldeIable Impact on the ~urrounchng nCIghbOl hoods even If the plOposed
al ea wa~ developed with the current style of ~mgle level home and lot ~Ize as
the ~ulloundmg nelghbOlhood~ and celtamly evclyone IS awale thdt the
elln ent I'eal estate mal ket " already ~atUlated with homes for sale fOl all
mcome levels that no onc IS mtelested, able 01 qualified to pUlcha~e
I am not m fdvor of developmg thl~ area and destroymg the habltdt that It
cUlIently suppOlis although 1 a~sume that the 100 + geese that spend most
mghts thcre wIll, out of nece~slty, find another place Perhaps not, perhap~
they will Just Sit m the parkmg lots aftel they me developed Watchmg
everyone shop and Sip coffee from yet dnothel colfee 01 shoppmg
establishment thIS community ~Imply could not do Without I also ~u~pect
that It won't ~top people flOm dlOppmg off theIr unwanted pets, the shops
and tra~h bm~ will allow the lucky ones that don't get hit by a cm due to the
mcreased traffic adclItlOnal sUlvlvallesources
Thank you fOl glvmg the above neIghborhood concel11S YOlll conSideratIOn
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