HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 10 04 RSThe meeting location is wheelchair-accessible. For the hearing-impaired, an interpreter can be provided with 48 hours notice prior to the meeting. For meetings in the Council Meeting Room, a “Personal PA Receiver” for the hearing-impaired is available. To arrange for these services, phone 726-2700. PC Agenda – Brenda Jones Page 1 10/4/2005 SPRINGFIELD CITY HALL * CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS * 225 FIFTH STREET * 541 726-3753 Tuesday October 4, 2005 7:00 pm REGULAR SESSION 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – May 3, 2005 – Work Session July 12, 2005 – Regular Session 3. REPORT OF COUNCIL ACTION – 4. BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE – 5. QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING – a. Metro Plan Diagram Amendment; Redmond/Kast – LRP2005-00020 The applicants, Dale Kast and Jim and Kris Redmond have initiated a Metro Plan diagram amendment to change the Metro Plan designation of a 3.6 acre property located at the southwest corner of South 32nd Street and the Booth-Kelly Haul Road from Light Medium Industrial (LMI) to Low Density Residential (LDR). The subject property is within the Springfield City Limits and outside of an adopted refinement plan area. Planner: Colin Stephens Presented by Mel Oberst 30 Minutes b. Request for Vacation of Right-of-Way; LRP2005-00021 – The applicant, Troy Fore, is requesting the walkway vacation. The subject right-of-way consists of a 10- foot wide by 180-foot long walkway that was created with the Adams Plat. There is a 7-foot wide Public Utility Easement on the eastern end of the walkway which would not be vacated. Willamalane Park and Recreation District which owns the property on the east end of the walkway has no objections to the proposed vacation. The vacation right-of-way would be given to the owners of the adjacent properties. Lots 57 and 58. That determination is made by the County. Planner: Sarah Summers 20 Minutes c. Zone Change request by Massey Properties ZON2005-00037 – The subject property is located east of Fifteenth Street on the south side of Main Street, in an area designated CC on the Metro Plan Diagram. The current High Industrial (HI) zoning is inconsistent with the Metro Plan Community Commercial (CC) designation. The proposed change would eliminate the “plan/zone conflict” and make the zoning consistent with the Metro Plan designation. Planner: Jim Donovan 10 Minutes AGENDA OF THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION The meeting location is wheelchair-accessible. For the hearing-impaired, an interpreter can be provided with 48 hours notice prior to the meeting. For meetings in the Council Meeting Room, a “Personal PA Receiver” for the hearing-impaired is available. To arrange for these services, phone 726-2700. PC Agenda – Brenda Jones Page 2 10/4/2005 CONDUCT OF QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION Staff will explain procedural requirements mandated by State Law Commencement of the hearing Declaration of conflict of interest or “ex-parte” contact Staff report Testimony from the applicant Testimony of those in support Testimony of those in opposition\Questions from the Commission Summation by the Staff Rebuttal from the applicant Close of the public hearing Planning Commission discussion (possible questions to staff or public) Motion to approve or deny request based on staff report and/or oral/written testimony Final order signed by Chair incorporating findings and reasoning to support decision 6. LEGISLATIVE PUBLIC HEARING – a. Proposed Amendment to Article 40 of the Springfield Development Code – Mixed-Use Zoning District - Article 40 is the primary element of the Development Code that implements mixed-use and nodal development. In the wake of Eugene’s experience with implementing nodal development in the Spring of 2004, the Springfield Council directed staff to review Article 40 of the Development Code to determine if it contains policies that might inadvertently be a stumbling block to desired development. In work session, staff will brief the Commission on proposed amendments to Article 40. In regular session, the Commission will conduct a public hearing concerning these amendments and will make a recommendation to the City Council concerning their adoption. Planner: Mark Metzger 20 Minutes b. Proposed Metro Plan and Downtown Refinement Plan diagram amendments, Downtown Refinement Plan text amendments, and zone changes to Nodal Development/Mixed-Use LRP2005-00026; LRP2005-00027; ZON2005-00040– The City is proposing to redesignate the Downtown Mixed-Use Area to Nodal Development/Mixed-Use on the Metro Plan diagram, and the refinement plan diagram. The text of the refinement plan also is proposed to be amended, and the property within the nodal designation is proposed to be rezoned to Mixed-Use Commercial (MUC) and Mixed-Use Residential (MUR) consistent with the new designation. Planner: Greg Mott 20 Minutes c. Metro Plan Diagram Amendment – Case #LRP2005-00028; Springfield Zoning Map Amendment – Case # ZON2005-00041; City of Springfield, Applicant - Metro Plan Diagram Amendment LRP2005-00028 proposes to change the current Mohawk area land use designations from Major Retail Center, Low Density Residential and Medium Density Residential to Nodal Development Area, Low Density Residential and High Density Residential. The meeting location is wheelchair-accessible. For the hearing-impaired, an interpreter can be provided with 48 hours notice prior to the meeting. For meetings in the Council Meeting Room, a “Personal PA Receiver” for the hearing-impaired is available. To arrange for these services, phone 726-2700. PC Agenda – Brenda Jones Page 3 10/4/2005 Springfield Zoning Map Amendment ZON2005-00041 proposes to change the current Mohawk area zoning from Low Density Residential, Medium Density Residential, High Density Residential, Major Retail Commercial and Community Commercial to Mixed-Use Residential and Low Density Residential. Planner: Gary Karp 20 Minutes CONDUCT OF LEGISLATIVE PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION Commencement of the hearing Declaration of conflict of interest or “ex-parte” contact Staff report Testimony of those in support Testimony of those in opposition Testimony of those neutral Questions from the Commission Summation by Staff Close of public testimony Discussion of policy issues and compliance with adopted plans (possible questions to staff or public) Motion to recommend approval, approval with modification or not to adopt the proposal based on staff report and/or oral/written testimony and directing of Chair to sign Recommendation to the City Council. 7. BUSINESS FROM THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR 8. BUSINESS FROM THE COMMISSION 9. ADJOURN REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSIONERS Steve Moe, Chair Bill Carpenter, Vice Chair Frank Cross Lee Beyer Greg Shaver Gayle Decker David Cole