HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 3/22/2007 642 Charnel ton, SU1te 100 Eugene OR 97401 I (~ ~ ~ ~ Phone Fax 541-431-7059 541-431-7078 -----Or~glnal Message----- From KARP Gary [ma11to gkarp@c1 spr1ngf1eld or us] Sent Thursday, March 22, 2007 7 48 AM To Laur1 Segel Cc LAFLEUR Karen SubJect RE Marcola Meadows - Plan Amendment and Zone Change I spoke to Karen about rev18wlng the flle You need to conflrm the 9 a rn tlrne wlth her (744 3387) I can ma11 you the staff report, you can p1ck 1t up tomorrow when you reV1ew the flle, or I can Just leave It at the front counter today Let me know what you want to do about the staff report -----Orlglnal Message----- From Laur1 Segel [ma11to laur1@goal1 org] Sent WedDesday, March 21, 2007 6 18 PM To KARP Gary SubJect Marcola Meadows - Plan Amendment and Zone Change Gary Can you please send me a copy of your staff report for the March 27 publlC hearlng on the MM plan amendment and zone change proposal? I stl11 have not rev18wed the fl1e, It became lncreaslngly dlfflcult to flnd a tlrne to 'meet' wlth Karen (or to come 1n at a tlme when she was 11nl) for some reason she was unable to leave the fl1e for me to look at when It would have been convenlent for me If that was at a tlme she wasn't avallable Can you do sornethlng to faCllltate my reVlew of the flle thlS Frlday mornlng around 9 am? Thank you for your help Laur1 Segel Communlcy Planner Goal One Coal~tlon 642 Charnel ton, SU1te 100 Eugene OR 97401 Phone Fax 541-431-7059 541-431-7078 2 --' \ .....l KARP Gary From Sent To Subject KARP Gary Thursday. March 22. 2007 9 39 AM 'Laun Segel' RE Marcola Meadows - Plan Amendment and Zone Change Attachments STAFF REPOR2 doc ~ STAFF REPOR2 doc (1 MB) See Attached -----Or~g~nal Message----- From Laur~ Segel [ma~lto laur~@goall org) Sent Thursday, March 22, 2007 10 36 AM To KARP Gary SubJect RE Marcola Meadows - Plan Amendment and Zone Change Can you please ema11 me the verS10n that doesn't have the attachments? Thank you Laur~ Segel Communlty Planner Goal One Coal~t~on 642 Charnel ton, Su~te 100 Eugene OR 97401 Phone Fax 541-431-7059 541-431-7078 -----Orlglnal Message----- From KARP Gary [ma~lto gkarp@c~ spr~ngf~eld or us] Sent Thursday, March 22, 2007 8 32 AM To Laur~ Segel Cc LAFLEUR Karen SubJect RE Marcola Meadows - Plan Amendment and Zone Change The "e-rnaJ.l verslon" does not have all of the attachments report w~th the f~le I'll leave a copy of the staff -----Orlglnal Message----- From Laur~ Segel [ma~lto laur~@goall org] Sent Thursday, March 22, 2007 10 31 AM To KARP Gary Cc LAFLEUR Karen SubJect RE Marcola Meadows - Plan Amendment and Zone Change Gary Can you ema~l me the staff report? If not I would l~ke to p~ck ~t up tomorrow mornl.ng Karen I would llke to reVleW the MM flle tomorrow rnornlng, 9 am, please conflrrn your ava~lab~l~ty at that t~me Thank you Laun Segel Commun~ty Planner Goal One Coal~t~on 1 r-~uart\ . Inside B 11SmeSS NYSE B2 '\ Mutual funds B3 :H 22. 2007 Nasdaq B3 leAleshlre Business Beat B4 ~guardnet com Economy · Jobs · Development EFLY nON irst-quarter replaces CFO J., ill - Motorola lIef financial offic t slashed Its fIrst ,ast, blamIng cted revenue from umt .lth. 56, was uamed ::lal officer, effec places DavId De- will retire from the ~xpects first , 2 bIll10n to $9 3 bil January forecast iles of $10 4 billIOn arnings decline lEx Corp. m - FedEx Corp nt drop In thIrd ,vednesday. blam gely on an econom :ested the compa~ ;kiy adJust costs ompany saId It also :Ie to keep up WIth lf 10 percent to 15 {ear In per share :uhves expressed ~nomy would Im- ~ company IS well advantage of It , ended Feb 28 o $420 mIll1on. or lm $42B..nllll1on. or Springficldwci~~sdevclopment Metropohtan Area General Plan to I- allow commercIal and resIdentIal de- velopment on about 56 acres now set aSIde for campus mdustnal use "It IS a htUe more techmcal than most applIcatIons," Karp saId JHB Inc InternatIOnal. based In Reno, Nev. bought the property from the local PIerce family last April for $8 millIOn The MartIn Company of Albany will develop the property through a hmIted habIhty corporatIOn. SC SprIngfield. set up by JHB If all goes as the developer hopes, constructIon could begm thIS sum- mer, Eugene plannmg consultant RICk Satre has saId Lowe's could open there as soon A proposal that mcludes homes, shops, offices and a Lowe's store reqUlres zomng and plan changes By JACK MORAN The Regrster-Guard SPRINGFIELD - A bIg new de velopment In northeast SprIngfIeld that would Include the area's fIrst Lowe's home Improvement store could get a thumbs up or thumbs down wlthm a month CIty planners have gIven theIr ap proval to th< proJect, called Villages at Marcola Meadows Plans call for homes. apartments. stores and office bmldmgs WIth a 170.000 square foot Lowe's store as the anchor The SprIngfield PlannIng Com mISSIon will hold a publIc heanng Tuesday on a developer's request to change eXIstmg government plans for about half of the 100 acre proper ty near 28th Street and Marcola Road The panel w1ll1ssue a recommen datIon to the CIty Council. WhICh IS expected to vote on the applIcation durIng ItS April 16 meetlllg, CIty planner Gary Karp saId The fInal deCISIOn will hInge on whether the councll IS willIng to amend the CIty's development code and the Eugene SpringfIeld NO MORIE FREE BAGS (lUAU. Y!r ~ REUS hw: ~ioi ... 8lGSLUI ft..:r. .._ . Please turn to LOWE'S, Page B4 Lowe's lot? The Springfield City Council will deCide next month whether to approve a plan calling for a commercial/residential complex that would Include a Lowe's store \ ~ Springfield / , A ,i~____~~~~D~ ~ .;f<<l ~I~~ OlYMPIC". ~ ~ ~ STEPHANIE Ru.R.OW / The RegISter Guard I;; ~ ~ '" Stronglite shutters; 17 workers lose jobs 84 THE RI:GISTER-GUARD BUSINESS THURSDAY, MARCH 22 2007 Price dispute ~eeps trawlers (ioc'k~(l ~ Fzshermen want a guaranteed mZnlmum przce per pound THE AsSOCIATED PRESS ASTORIA - Most Pacllc Coast trawlers have stayed m port smce March I m a dIspute over groundfish pnces and mm Imum pnce guarantees wIth processors Trawlers tow large nets along the sea floor to catch fISh such as black cod. petrale and Dover sole but also routmely come up wIth a large catch of unmtended and sometimes pro tected specIes The FIsherman's Marketmg ASSOCIation says about 100 trawlers are tIed up 111 Oregon, Washmgton and CallfOffila. m- cludmg 23 m the Astona Warrenton area "The sltuahon began m Feb ruary when some of the fish compames umIaterally decIded to lower the pnce they were paymg to U S boats:' saId Pete Lelpzlg, executive director of the aSSOclatlOn "In some cases thIS occurred while they were out fishmg," he saId "They'd go to the dock and fmd they weren't gomg to get paId what they thought "The fleet reacted by saymg enough IS enough" The FIsherman's Marketmg ASSOCIatIOn, an organIZatIOn of trawlers deSIgned to bargam collechvely. has requested mlll- rmum pnce contracts but says none of the major processors has agreed OffICIals at Astona facilIty of Bornstem Seafoods, a major Pa CllC Coast groundflsh proces- sor. dId not unmedlately return phone calls seekmg comment Kevm Dunn of Astona. who operates the Iron Lady, jomed the aSSOCIation when the pnce for petrale sole. the most valu able sole, went from more than $1 per pound to 65 cents "You can see the posItIOn we end up bemg m If we don't use our lunlt - we lose It - and If we don't sell It. we don.t get anythmg, so the processors get the fish cheap:' saId Dunn FIshermen say that wIth priCIer fuel and lI1surance, they need a mInImum pnce guarantee Bob W1ll1ams. dll'ector of the aSSOCiatIOn's Astona dlstnct and operator of the Plky fishmg vessel, ~ald the vessels stand to lose about $80.000 apIece by not fishmg durmg the March and April flshmg penod He saId there are 29 trawlers on Oregon's north coast. four of WhICh are employed or owned by local processors and two of whICh have notjomed the FMA The authonzed catch for groundfish has been reduced sharply m recent years to allow overfished stocks to replemsh "The regulatlons are sUl.h that they're allowed only so much fish for a two-month pen- od," aSSOCla hon dIrector Lelpzlg saId "When they've caught It, they're done Some of the boats that have been fishmg for the past few weeks will meet thell' tnp lunlts Some compa Ules have no product" LelPZlg saId some companIes may get fish from Canada to re place local supplIes "We have not had a tIe up Ilke thIS m many years:' he saId "We haven't had contracts at all for the past fom years " The bIggest processors on the West Coast are part of the Pacllc Group. whIch mcludes Paclflc Coast Seafoods In 2003. the group stopped negotIatmg wIth the FMA for mmlInum pnce contracts, accordmg to Lelpzlg "In the past tunes when the Issue was the pnce and fisher men would tIe up, It would sometrmes go for a number of weeks." he saId "Now we're Into three weeks I'd lIke to see thIS over wIth I want to get people back to work" lowe's: Development would require traffic upgrades Continued from Page BJ as early 2008 WIth the home Improvement center as Ih centerpIece, the de velopment also would mclude 229 smgle famIly homes, at tached townhouses and neally 200 apartments MedIcal and general office buIldmgs would be built. along wIth neIghborhood focused re tali spaces Satre was unavaIlable by Winrlo telephone Wednesday after noon HIS fmn, Satre ASSOCI ates. IS handlmg the project's preconstructIOn Issues WIthout gammg approval on the requested zonmg and metro plan changes, the mIxed use prOject cannot proceed In a letter sent earlIer thIS month to the cIty. state Land ConservatIOn and Development offICIals questIOned the pro posed changes, pOIntIng out that campus-mdustnal land IS m short supply m Sprmgfield Under state gmdelmes, cltles should have enough buildable commercIal, mdustnal and res IdentIallands to sahsfy 20 years of growth In a separate letter. state De partment ofTransportahon om ClalS told the CIty that the Mar cola Meadows developer would have to pay to upgrade the m tersectlOn of HIghway 126 and Mohawk Boulevard before con structIOn could proceed The property at 28th Street and Marcola Road has long been conSIdered a prIme spot for a home Improvement center In 2001, Home Depot sought to build there. but that plan was shot down by the CIty Council. whIch ruled the land should be preserved for campus style ill dustnal development UnlIke the proposal now un der reVIew, the Home Depot plan dId not mclude surround mg commercIal and reSIdentIal BUSINESS BEAT PLANNING HEARiNG The Springfield Planning Commission Will dISCUSS a large planned development :. When. 7 p m Tuesday , Where City Council Meeting Room, City Hall, 225 Fifth 5t development spread over the entrre property , Ba~s: '11~,.1 WI 1 u( proc€ to chi: Continued from j J eUVlronmentall) soap m the dISh, fax co~va , to buy wm WalM selll ficlent lIght bult major grocery cl thell' bags Ikea offiCIals home-funllShm! away 70 millIon Umted States I.., hopes to cut the half thIS year by them The cham proceeds from S~ clear bags to AIr ests, the natIOn': zeus conservatlc Ikea expects to r lIon for the char To make SUrE got th!lthl ployed cu actor, all lue blue Afro WIg, n Ikea's reusable 1 pmgbag-mad, plastIc and now cents mstead of' other, all m whl the store's clear pmg bag No one seeml paymg for the pi "We are very a natIon and tha me," saId MIldrl Baltunore "We enough people s lIke thIS and ene rest of us to do t thmg" MJll"HIT.nrC\tt