HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 3/16/2007 Blank . . . Page I of I I KARP Gary From JONES Brenda Sent Friday. March 16. 2007 12 09 PM To HOWE Kent. GARDNER Lisa A Cc KARP Gary Attachments 2007 March 16 Letter to Plannrng Directors doc rJ<!ferra{ of Proposea :Metro pran !J)lagram)lmenament Dl{,P2006-00027 arso ZOm006-00054 IS a Spnn&fieU[ Zonl1lg :Map )lmenament If you (lave any questIOn pfease contact qary 'Kflrp at 726-3777 )lhara copy lias arso 6een llla/fea (f3renaa Jones pranlllllg Secretary 225 'Fifth Street Spnn&fieUf, Oregon 97477 541-726-3610 'F)lX 541-726-3689 6jOlleS@Cl sp.l1JJ{Jj1efd or /L' If you wouU[ lilis to see what's new at tIW CIty of SpnngfieUf, go to www CL'PJJ.11fJftdif_O.I~US 3/16/2007 . till SPRINGFIELD. L~ ~.,~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 225 FIITH STREIT . SPRINGFIEID, OR 97477 . PH (541)726-3753 . FAX (541)726-3689 March 16,2007 Kent Howe Lane County Plannmg Director Lisa Gardner Eugene PlannIng Director Subject Referral of Proposed Metro Plan Diagram Amendment LRP 2006-00027 from Campus Industnal (56 acres) to CommunIty Commercial (II) acres, CommefClallNodal Development Area (26 acres) and MedIUm DenSity ResldentlallNodal Development Area (19 acres) ZON 2006-00054 IS a Spnngfield ZOnIng Map amendment from Campus Industnal (56 acres) to CommunIty Commercial (II acres), Mixed Use Commercial (26 acres) and MedIUm DenSity Residential (19 acres) The proposal will Implement a portion of Proposed Nodal Development Area 7C The subject site, formerly known as the "Pierce Property" IS located north of Marcola Road, west of 31 st Street, east of Mohawk Marketplace Shoppmg Center and south of the EWEB bike path (Lane County Assessor's Map 17-02-30-00, Tax Lot 1800 and 17-03-25-11, Tax Lot 2300) "Notice of Proposed Amendment" was mailed to the Department of Land ConservatIOn and Development (DLCD) on February 8, 2007, alertmg the agency of the City's mtent to amend the Metro Plan diagram and Spnngfield ZOnIng Map The notice was mailed more than 45 days m advance of the first eVidentiary heanng as reqUired by ORS 197610 Due to the applicant's deCISIOn to modify the ongmally proposed LMI deSignatIOn and 20nIng to CC for the home Improvement center portIOn of the subject site, reVised documents reflectmg these changes were mailed to DLCD on March 6, 2007 The mltlal public hearmg on these proposals IS ,cheduled for March 27,2007, and IS to be conducted by the Spnngfleld Plannmg ComrrusslOn The City Council IS scheduled to hear the matter on Apnl 16, 2007 If you have any questIOns regardmg these proposals or schedules, please contact me at your convenIence Cordially, 1 Gary M Karp Planner III, City of Spnngfield