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Satre AssocIates, P C
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Eugene, Oregon 97401
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March 23, 2007
Dear NeIghbor,
Thank you very much for JomIng us at our March 14th evemng
presentatIOn of The VIllages at Marcola Meadows
Your quesllons from the meetmg were recorded, and although some were
answered there, we are followmg up on others that seemed to reqUIre
more We hope the attached quesllons and answers provIde most of the
mformahon you are seekmg
The upcommg PlannIng CommIssIOn hearmg IS Just the first of a senes
reqUIred to approve tlus project The 1I1IIIledlate Issues concern the
general land use deSIgnatIon and zorung, the more specIfic Issues of
layout and deSIgn wIll be decIded later We encourage you to stay
It was a pleasure meetmg all of you Your questIOns and concerns are
Important to us We wIll contmue to share mformatlOn, and encourage
you to contact us WIth further questIOns
ard M Satre, AICP, ASLA, CSI
PresIdent, Satre ASSOCIates, P C
Planners, Landscape Archztects and EnVIronmental Specrallsts
Wednesday, March, 142007
QuestIons we dIdn't hear, but that you mIght have wondered'
. What IS the upcommg heanng really about?
There wIll be several steps to the revIew process for Marcola Meadows Most of the
Issues we talked about Wednesday mght are detaIls of desIgn and constructIOn that wIll be
determmed later The upcomIng publIc heanng wIll decide If the zomng on the southeast portIOn
of the PIerce Property wIll change Currently, 56 acres IS reserved for Campus Industnal
development The amendments we are proposmg would change that to II acres of Commumty
CommelcIal, 26 acres of MIxed-use CommerCIal, and 19 acres of MedIUm DensIty Resldenllal
The Metro Plan and Zomng amendments aren't about the detaIls ThIS IS the vIew from
30,000 feet, so to speak, and mostly about what broad category of development IS allowed south
and east of the extensIOn of V Street to Marcola Road Currently, that area IS zoned for Campus
Industnal, meant for 'clean" lIght mdustry, and lImIted areas for busIness parks We are askIng
the CIty to change that to commerCIal and resldenllal uses The detmls of street layout, bUlldmg
lot arrangements, fence matenals, plant specIes, and bUlldmg facades wIll be reVIewed With the
Master Plan, the PrelImmary SubdIVISIOn, and SIte Plans
· If the detaIls won't be decIded now, why talk about them?
FIrstly, changIng the land use of 56 acres IS a bIg decIsIOn, you and the City should know
what the developer Intends to bUIld Secondly, the City thmks It'S Important to have a plan for
the enllre site They don't want It developed In a pIecemeal fashIOn ThIrdly, the developer
needs to know what may be pOSSIble on the site If the zone change IS approved
. WIll thiS be a baIt mld SWitch?
Absolutely not Undoubtedly, some thIngs about the Master Plan wIll change between
now and the Master Plan revIew However, we have put a great deal of work mto thIS It's not
Just a throwaway ThIS IS what the developer Intends to butld
QuestIons from the neIghborhood meetmg.
. Why apartments and why there?
· Why such small lots? Isn't that for low-Income housmg?
Zomng on the northern part of the sIte Isn't changmg, It'S been zoned MedIUm DensIty
Resldenllal for some lime MedIUm DensIty Resldenllal does not necessanly mean apartments
Resldenllal zomng regulates density, not dwellIng types The developer of Marcola Meadows IS
tryIng to bUIld as many SIngle-famIly dwellings as pOSSIble, and sttll meet the Metro Plan's
mlmmum density reqUIrements That's why the lots are small, and that's why, even WIth small
lots, we sllll need to bUIld some apartments We've hopIng to avoId havIng them up agaInst
anyone's backyard We're also propOSIng a small change on the east sIde where the folks lIvIng
between V Street and Short Streets WIll have resldenllal development across 31st Instead of
Industnal development The layout ofthe proJect, and the mIX of houses, townhouses, and
apartments, wIll be determIned by the Master Plan Your best opportumty to affect these Issues
wIll be at that later revIew
The Vlllages al Marcola Meadows
March 14. 2007 NelQ:hborhood Meeting ~ QuestIOns and Concerns
Page 2
There are no plans to buIld subsIdIzed housmg anywhere on the sIte Who the
homebUllders wIll be has not yet been determmed, but we have spoken to a local bUIlder who has
seen the prelImInary plans, and he belIeves the market pnce for the detached smgle-famlly homes
wIll be $275,000 to $350,000
. The schools are already full How will they accommodate the mflux of school age
chIldren that wIll result from thIs proJect?
. Pierce park, can It be developed?
The Sprmgfield School Dlstnct and the WIllamalane Park and RecreatIOn Dlstnct base
thelf long range plans on the Metro Plan land use desIgnatIOns and growth proJectIOns ThIs
proposal mcreases the proJect site's resldenllal area by about 50%, but doesn't Increase the total
number of dwellIngs, so there shouldn t be much dIfference In the antIcipated needs of the
commumty The dlstncts are notified of such proposals, and can submIt comments Into the
publIc record
The WIllamalane Capllal Improvement Plan, Phase 1 (2004-2009) mcludes a budget of
$550,000 for development of the 'YolandalBnggs/Plerce School Park ApproxImately one-
quarter of the Phase I budget comes directly from system development charges on developments
such as the proposed Marcola Meadows The new development wIll also mean hIgher tax
revenues that may be shared With these dlstncts If the governIng bodIes so decIde We encourage
you to stay Involved With publIc processes, as you are WIth our proJect, and let your School
Board and Parks CommIssIOn representatIves know your pnontIes for publIc expendItures
. How wIll thIS affect the bIke path along EWEB COrrIdor WIll It be accessIble from the
south? WIll It be maIntaIned? It needs fixIng
Our plans mclude several pedestnan connectIOns to the future park north ofthe EWEB
COrrIdor Accordmg to our best mformatlOn, the bike path was bUIlt (on EWEB property) With
State funds and the County agreed to maIntaIn It Later, there was a rulIng that County road
funds could not be used for bIke paths that aren't adJacent to roads - no more County money for
maIntenance As a good neIghbor, the CIty has tned but fatled to get grants for Improvements
and maIntenance EWEB considers maIntenance a County responsIbIlIty
- 0 WIll the new on site park be open to the North?
Yes As we dIscussed m our answer about the EWEB COrrIdor, there wIll be several
pedestnan connectIons to the north We want to have as many connectIOns as practIcalIty and
EWEB allow
. WIll the pedestnan connectIon to Lomond Street be retaIned?
. Wtll the concepts and pretty pIctures be carrIed through? Who makes sure It to looks lIke
It does on the slIde show?
. What IS the tIme lIne for constI uctlOn?
The Master Plan wIll Include a conceptual layout and deSIgn gUIdelInes SImIlar to what
you have seen, but m more detaIl The land subdIVISIOns, speCIfic sIte plans, and bUIldIng
permIts that follow wIll all be reviewed by the CIty for complIance WIth the Master Plan If
The Villages at Marcola Meadows
March 14.2007 NelQhborhood MeetmQ - QuestIOns and Concerns
Page 3
anyone asks for a change to the Master Plan, the CIty determmes how slgmficant the change IS,
and what the review process should be Slgmficant changes will go to a publIc heanng
Phasmg (tImmg) IS also part of all Master Plans, and the approval will expIre If a
specified level of progress Isn't achIeved by the deadlIne The developer hopes to begIn
constructIOn later thIs year Our Traffic Impact AnalysIs IS based on a 2015 tentatIve date of
completIOn for the entIre proJect For the assumptIOns In the TIA to rem am valId, the maJor
work on the proJect needs to be fimshed by that tIme
. Street ImplOvements 28th & 31 st, what and who bUIlds, extra Lane?
Curb to curb, the eXlstmg streets on the penmeter of the development are already bUIlt to
TransPlan standards The only exceptIOn IS 31 st Street, for whIch the developer would be
responsIble to Improve on the west sIde
. What wIll the traffic Impact be In the northeast
. WIll chIldren have problems crOSSIng the 31 st Street to get to school?
Only 2% of the reSIdentIal tnps and 2% of the commercIal tnps generated by thiS
development wIll use 31 st Street north of V Street To be on the safe sIde, the Traffic Impact
AnalysIs used a much higher number of dwellIngs than IS proposed, predICtmg much more traffic
than there wIll actually be under the proposed plan Even wIth thIS very conservatIve approach,
the TIA esllmates the 'peak hour" vehIcle tnps on that portIOn of 31 st Street wIll mcrease no
more than wIth future developrnent under the current zonmg
. Should there be a traffic sIgnal at 'V Street?
. More stop lIghts on Marcola wIll slow traffic
The Traffic Engmeer performs what IS called a . signal warrant analysIs" to determIne If a
traffic sIgnal IS needed They are mstalled only If traffic IS heavy enough to warrant a sIgnal lIght
and wIll help the flow of traffic The TIA proposes sIgnal lIghts only where they are warranted
. Where wIll the Marcola Road stop lIght be relatIve to houses? I
The precIse locatIOn won't be determmed untIl later A look at the sIte overvIew on the
cover page of the matenals handed out at the meetIng will give a rough Idea of where the new
streets rnay be relatIve to eXlstmg homes vIsIble In the aenal photo Traffic engmeers WIth the
Spnngfield PublIc Works Department wIll take a very careful look at thIS Issue before the Master
Plan receIves final approval
. WIll the 2-story houses look down Into our backyards?
. What wIll the setbacks and bUIldIng heights be on Marcola and 31 st Streets?
The setbacks and heIghts wIll be set later when the Master Plan IS revIewed and the
deSIgn gUIdelInes are wrItten The Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) mmlmum rear-yard
setback for sIngle-famIly resIdentIal developments IS 5' DIfferent setback reqUIrements can be
Imposed at the pen meter of the proJect The SDC rules for bUlldmg on a northern property lme
are more complIcated, but WIth the 60' -wIde EWES cOrrIdor on that sIde, the Issue doesn't come
mto play The tentatIve plans have bUlldmgs on 3151 Street set back 10' to 15' from the new
sIdewalk, planter stnp, and wIdened street On Marcola, we are planmng a 30' setback from the
The V lllages 01 Marcola Meadows
March 14.2007 NelQhborhood MeetmQ - OuestlOns and Concerns
Page 4
. WIll the bUIldIngs block our VIeW of the hIlls?
Any development on thIs sIte, whether under the current zOlling or under the zomng we
propose, wIll change your vIews To get an Idea of the way thIngs wIll look along Marcola, look
at the sIte overvIew on the front of the matenals we dlstnbuted at the meetIng The actual
pOSItIOn of the bUIldIngs wIll be determIned later, but you can get an Idea of the relatIve densIty
or sparseness of trees and bUIldIngs on that sIde
. WIll the common areas - penmeter tences, alleys landscapIng, creek and wetland
features - be maIntaIned?
A property owners aSSOCIatIOn wIll be created and ItS bylaws and CondItIOns, Covenants,
and RestnctlOns (CC&Rs) wIll establIsh these responsIbilItIes
. Will the ditch be paved or vegetatIon maIntaIned?
. How much water wIll there be. throughout the year?
. Will the blackberrys be cleaned out of the dItch?
. How wIll wIldlIfe be handled?
Virtually all of the dItch wIll be reshaped Into what we call WIllow Creek It WIll be
vegetated and mamtaIned to accommodate stormwater treatment and landscape aesthetICS There
WIll be a lIttle more water In It than there IS now, because a larger area WIll draIn mto It Even In
the wet season, the ponds are designed to be no more than one foot deep, less than that most of
the tIme DurIng heavy raInS, certaIn storm water detentIOn areas may be deeper .
Whenever the wetland mItIgatIOn areas are disturbed, they WIll be" reseeded and replanted
wIth natIve, non-Invasive specIes The banks ofthe channel WIll be much less steep than now
Because nutna prefer steep banks for their burrows, they won't find the new creek as InvitIng If
you're haVIng problems wIth nUIsance ammals, you can consult with ODFW regardIng ways to
control Nutna
The wetland mItIgatIOns WIll be a boon to many waterfowl specIes Overall, the
development WIll not be the best place for foxes, although reasonable accommodatIOns WIll be
made to aVOId any eXistIng dens untIl kIts are able to dIsperse Oregon Departrnent ofFish and
WIldlIfe and other applIcable agencIes WIll be contacted regardIng the best alternatIves for
WIldlIfe that IS known to use the area
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