HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 07 27 RSThe meeting location is wheelchair-accessible. For the hearing-impaired, an interpreter can be provided with 48 hours notice prior to the meeting. For meetings in the Council Meeting Room, a “Personal PA Receiver” for the hearing-impaired is available. To arrange for these services, phone 726-2700. PC Agenda – Brenda Jones Page 1 July 27, 2004 SPRINGFIELD CITY HALL * CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS * 225 FIFTH STREET * 541 726-3753 Tuesday July 27, 2004 6:30 pm REGULAR SESSION 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – June 1, 2004 Regular Session June 15, 2004 Work and Regular Session 3. REPORT OF COUNCIL ACTION – 4. BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE – 5. QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING – a. APPEAL OF A DIRECTOR’S DECISION – ZON2004-00028 - TOLBERT – The applicant has received tentative approval for a 2-parcel partition. Since there is not enough room for the required 26’-wide panhandle due to the location of an existing house, staff conditioned the approval with a 26’-wide easement. The applicant proposes a 26’-wide panhandle for the first 10’ (after the 5’ ROW dedication) which would gradually be reduced to 20’ thereafter. If this proposal is permitted, there is no need for Conditions 7 and 8 which require easements for utility lines. The applicant is also appealing Conditions 2, 4 and 5 which require the installation of a sidewalk and curb cut for parcel 2, and a curb cut and paved driveway for Parcel 1 prior to Final Plat approval. Planner: Sarah Summers 30 Minutes b. APPEAL OF A DIRECTOR’S DECISION – ZON2004-00027 - MCDONALD – The applicant has received tentative approval for a 3-parcel partition. The applicant is appealing Conditions 3. 4, 6, 8 and 9 which require installation of the panhandle driveway and utilities including sanitary sewer and storm water management facilities prior to Final Plat approval. The applicant states that there is no code section cited by the City as a basis for installations being done prior to Final Plat approval. The Director’s decision contains findings which demonstrate that the conditions of approval are based on SDC 34.050 Criteria of Approval 3. The applicant also indicates that he believes that bringing utilities to the property line along the street of panhandle parcels is sufficient to accommodate the proposed development as specified in SDC Article 31 and 32. Based on experience, City policy is to extend the services and driveways to each of the buildable portions of the new parcels. Planner: Sarah Summers 30 Minutes AGENDA OF THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION The meeting location is wheelchair-accessible. For the hearing-impaired, an interpreter can be provided with 48 hours notice prior to the meeting. For meetings in the Council Meeting Room, a “Personal PA Receiver” for the hearing-impaired is available. To arrange for these services, phone 726-2700. PC Agenda – Brenda Jones Page 2 July 27, 2004 CONDUCT OF QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION Staff will explain procedural requirements mandated by State Law Commencement of the hearing Declaration of conflict of interest or “ex-parte” contact Staff report Testimony from the applicant Testimony of those in support Testimony of those in opposition\Questions from the Commission Summation by the Staff Rebuttal from the applicant Close of the public hearing Planning Commission discussion (possible questions to staff or public) Motion to approve or deny request based on staff report and/or oral/written testimony Final order signed by Chair incorporating findings and reasoning to support decision 6. BUSINESS FROM THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR 7. BUSINESS FROM THE COMMISSION 8. ADJOURN REGULAR