HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 2/28/2007 .. - SATRE ASSOCIATES ~~._~~ .,-<.,' ~~_~,==-,_",,,.~__N~~~~_'~' CIty of Spnngfield Planmng DIvIsion 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 A TTN' Gary Karp TRANSMITTED TO' -~"" SATRE ASSOCIATES, P.C. Planners, Landscape Archltccts and Emlronmcntal Specialists 132 East Broad;"ay, SUite 536, Eugene, Oregon 9740 I (541) 465-4721 . Fa, (541) 465-4722 . 1-800-662-7094 www satreoc com TRANSMITT AL "" '~"'__~_'"""""'__~'*"'~'."""~cV^",,"-=__N'___~'''_=''''''<.'''4 DATE PROJECT February 28 2007 The Villages at Marcola Meadows CLIENT PROJ #, r SATRE PROJ #, 0609 .:;;r"-""'--"'~""""-"----""'~ ~ Herewith x DISPOSITION For Your Approval ror Your Infonnatlon/Use x Separate Cover Other For Reply _..,,=,~~,. -~_. ----~-_., :~--N---"iiilllrd---- "e.. -----"--,, ,,,,- TRANSMITTED: # Caples Item 7 7 5 I REMARKS Dated No Pages (In adclttloll to thl"i LOver page) ReVised Metro Plan Amendment Matenals ReVised Zone Change Matenals ReVIsed Traffic Impact AnalYSIS CD of the abovc February 28,2007 February 28 2007 February 28,2007 -'''"fIiiIW~,.,'''e_~-- Gary, enclosed herem are revised mdtenals for the Marcola Meadows Metro Plan Amendment (LRP 2006-00027) and Zone Change (ZON 2006-00054) applicatIOns As always please do not heSitate to contdct us If there IS anythmg else you reqUire at thiS Juncture Thank you for your contmued assIstance ~ COPIES TO File Owner Agency BY, :If' -~-,,"""'- ~4Y--- Richard M Satre, AICP AS LA, CSI '-I X Consultant Olher