HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments APPLICANT 4/10/2007 SATRJE ASSOCiATES Satre Associates, P C 132 East Broadway SUite 536 Eugene, Oregon 9740] Phone 5414654721 Fax 541 4654722 I 800 662 7094 www satrepc com , ApnllO,2007 . RECEIV~D ' Il,PR 1 0 2001 ~.tf3pml ,BY. U-" City of Spnngfield Development Services Department 225 FIfth Street Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 Attn Gary Karp Re The Villages at Marcola Meadows Metro Plan Diagram Amendment (LRP 2006-00027) Spnngfield Zonmg Map Amendment (ZON 2006-00054) Dear Gary, Please accept thiS letter and the enclosed matenals for the publIc record as the applIcant's rebuttal to wntten and oral tesl1mony presented dunng and follawmg the March 27, 2007, Plannmg CormmsslOn publIc heanng regardmg the above amendment applIcattons The enclosed matenals are as follaws . School Dlstnct 19 letter, dated ApnllO, 2007, documenl1ng suffiCient school capacity . Gleaves Sweanngen letter, dated ApnlIO, 2007, regardmg camplIance With stateWIde Goal 2 . Why Marcola Meadows m NOT Like Home Depot, dated March 28, 2007, outlInmg select findmgs for Home Depot demal and how they either do not apply to. the Marcola Meadows applIcatIOn or are no longer valId Smcerely, 'Richat-tL M Scm-l?/ Richard M Satre, AICP, ASLA, CSI PreSident, Satre ASSOCiates, P C Caples to Bob Martm, The Martm Company Jeff Belle, JHB, Inc Planners. Landscape ArchItects and EnVironmental Speclalzsts ni SPRINGFiELD it. Public Schools REC, ....I'TFD APR 1 0 ZOOI '5 1'"1 P f>1 i 525 Mill Slreel . S ~~f~477. 54~'~6'3206 . (FAX) 541-726,3386 AdmlDlstratlon BUIlding Budget & Fmance Apnl 10, 2007 Satre ASSOCiates, P C 132 East Broadway, SUite 536 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Attention Robm G Dehnert Subject Student Enrollment and Marcola Meadows Dear Rob, Thant.. you for the opportUntty to diSCUSS the potential Impact of "The Villages at Marcola Meadows' wtth regards to enrollment and the resultmg Impact on the Spnngfield School Dlstnct The Spnngfield School D(stnct utilIzes several resources for makmg adjustments to ItS mfrastructure, creatmg for the abilIty to accommodate new housll1g developments and student needs Each elementary, middle and high school facIlIty wtthll1 our Dlstnct has a functional capacity FunctIOnal capacities help lI1form the Dlstnct the level of services requtred to accommodate student enrollment levels If student enrollment at any facIlIty should lI1crease to levels above the functIonal capacity, the Dlstnct would begll1 a process of adjustll1g emollments accommodatll1g for the new migration of students AdditIOnally, we are well aware of the potentIal Impacts of an mcreased student migratIon based on the mformatlon you have supplIed to us regardll1g "The Villages at Marcola Meadows" Accordmg to the mformatIon you've shared, the dlstnct has adequate capacity to meet the needs of any additIonal students from a development of thiS size We appreciate bemg engaged m these diSCUSSions dunng the early steps of the plannmg proccss If you have further questIons or need additIOnal mfonndtIon please contact WIllIam LeWIS at 726-3258 Thank you agam for lI1volvmg the Spnngfield School Dlstnct 111 your ongomg diSCUSSions Smcerely, ~ J5~hz. Brett M Yancey Dllcctor of FlI1ance Spl mgfield PublIc Schools byancey@sps lane edu Webslte wwwsps lane edu Spnngfleld School D1Stnct IS An Equal Opportunity Employer ~JrailConnespondence Apnl 10, 2007 Robm G Dehnert, AICP - r dehnert@satrepc com Satre Associates, P C 132 East Broadway, SUite 536 Eugene, OR 97401 Re Goal 2 Issue The Villages at Marcola Meadows Dear Rob I thmk the comments on page 5 of the March 26, 2007 submissiOn to the City correctly pomt out the coordmatIon called for by the Metro Plan I would only add that the coordmatIon process as part of the Metro Plan has, of course, been acknowledged as consistent WIth the StateWIde Goals, mcludmg Goal 2 The language m Goal 2 GUidelmes has been cited as a hrmtatIon on reVISions to the plan Part III E 1 contams the language " major reVISions should not be made more frequently than every two years, if at all possible" The fact is that the second paragraph of the mtroductory sectIon of Part III - Use of GUidelmes, descnbes the guidelmes as "suggested dIrectIons that would aid local govemments m actIvatIng the mandated goals" The guidehnes are srmply suggested approaches , that local government may use m achieVIng comphance WIth tpe go.al, they are not requIrements WIth wluch local governmentslmust comply ORS 197015(9), Churchill v Tillamook County, 29 Or I LUBA 68 (1995) I I In Chapter IV of the Metro Plan, entItled "Metro Plan ReVIew, Amendments and Refmements," pohcy 4 d states "d The goverrung bodies of the three metropohtan JunsdictIons may imtIate an amendment to the Metro Plan at any time CitIzen imtIated Type II amendments may be mitIated at any tIme" , .- ,-'-1-;;~"-,~ _ ~~~J - -~:'':$-':'';~ ~ ,,;::., ~",.~"):;r>- ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~, ~-" I ''":~J1'4~<-< ~ : >:;'i].. t:-~b~ - If..~~ffrt:"""'- =~~~~~?-. ~''''~l\>~''' ~~~"'\C'- Xl ---.~~.p.-'<.- -~ '''---~->~4~ "':-- ",-t'\.~<;!- ~'''"_~ ,r ::<--,_ Phone (541) 686,8833 Fox (541) 345,2034 975 Oak Street Suite 800 Eugene OrLgon 97440,1147 Mailing Adcfres<; PO Box 1147 Eugene, Ql'Lgon 97440-1147 Ematl mfo@gll.aveslawcom Web-Sill www p;leaveslaw com Fredenck A Bdlson Jon V Buer:.talle J(l~hua A Clark D.mlcl E Elh<;on AJ1GIU\tlOa Thomas P E Herrmann'" Ddn Webb Howdrd Stephen 0 Lane Wilham II Martin'" WalterW MIller Laura T Z Montgomery'" T .Inya C 0 Nell StdndiLe G Poller Martha J Rodman Robert S Ru!>'>cll Douglas R Schull..! Malcolm H Scott Jdmes W Splckcrman Kdtt. ^ Thomp~on JaneM Yate" *Abo ddmJtted III Washington c Robm G Dehnert, AICP ApnllO,2007 Page 2 Of course, thIS pohcy of the Metro Plan has been acknowledged at LCDC as consIstent WIth Goal 2 As I mdIcated to you m our conversatIOn, I do not beheve I can add anythmg further on Goal 9 Let me know what else I mIght be able to proVIde you Very truly yours, James W SpIckennan sOIckermancG2e:leaveslaw com Jca