HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 05 06 RSThe meeting location is wheelchair-accessible. For the hearing-impaired, an interpreter can be provided with 48 hours notice prior to the meeting. For meetings in the Council Meeting Room, a “Personal PA Receiver” for the hearing-impaired is available. To arrange for these services, phone 726-2700. PC Agenda – Brenda Jones Page 1 5/6/2003 SPRINGFIELD CITY HALL * CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS * 225 FIFTH STREET * 541 726-3753 Tuesday May 6, 2003 7:00 pm REGULAR SESSION 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – April 1, 2003 Regular Session; April 15, 2003 Regular Session 3. REPORT OF COUNCIL ACTION – 4. BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE – 5. QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING – a. Request for a Gateway Refinement Plan Amendment from Medium Density Residential (MDR to Neighborhood Commercial (NC); Continued from April 1, 2003 – The applicant has requested approval for a Gateway Refinement Plan Diagram Amendment, to re- designated property located at 433/449 Harlow Street, Assessor’s Map Number 17-03-22-44 Tax Lot 7200 from Medium Density Residential (MDR) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC). The subject property is designated MDR in the Gateway Refinement Plan. The site is 1.2 acres in size. The Planning Commission opened the public hearing and took testimony. The hearing was continued to May 5, 2003. Planner: Kay Bork 15 Minutes CONDUCT OF QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION Staff will explain procedural requirements mandated by State Law Commencement of the hearing Declaration of conflict of interest or “ex-parte” contact Staff report Testimony from the applicant Testimony of those in support Testimony of those in opposition\Questions from the Commission Summation by the Staff Rebuttal from the applicant Close of the public hearing Planning Commission discussion (possible questions to staff or public) Motion to approve or deny request based on staff report and/or oral/written testimony Final order signed by Chair incorporating findings and reasoning to support decision AGENDA OF THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION The meeting location is wheelchair-accessible. For the hearing-impaired, an interpreter can be provided with 48 hours notice prior to the meeting. For meetings in the Council Meeting Room, a “Personal PA Receiver” for the hearing-impaired is available. To arrange for these services, phone 726-2700. PC Agenda – Brenda Jones Page 2 5/6/2003 6. LEGISLATIVE PUBLIC HEARING – a. Natural Resources Inventory; Continued from April 15, 2003 – The Planning Commission held a public hearing on April 15, 2003 concerning the proposed amendment to the Metro Plan that would add the Springfield Inventory of Natural Resource Sites to the Metro Plan’s Natural Assets and Constraints Working Papers. The Working Papers were adopted by reference when the Metro Plan was first adopted and contains a rudimentary inventory of significant vegetation and wildlife habitat. With the changes in Statewide Planning Goal 5, communities must inventory and decide how to protect their important natural resources. The Springfield Inventory of Natural Resource Sites serves to update the old working paper to meet current Goal 5 requirements. At the public hearing, several citizens and interested parties testified for and against the proposed Inventory. Staff was asked by the Commission to address some questions about the “Standard Process” for processing the Inventory compared to the “Safe Harbor” process. The bulk of the information contained in this packet tries to describe, analyze and compare the time, cost and protection levels offered by safe harbor and the standard process. The Planning Commission closed the public hearing, but kept the record open until 5 pm on May 5, 2003. Planner: Mark Metzger 40 Minutes CONDUCT OF LEGISLATIVE PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION Commencement of the meeting Staff report on information submitted to the record Questions from the Commission Close of public testimony Discussion of policy issues and compliance with adopted plans (possible questions to staff or public) Motion to recommend approval, approval with modification or not to adopt the proposal based on staff report and/or oral/written testimony and directing of Chair to sign Recommendation to the City Council. 7. QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING – a. Modification of Provision – Lane Transit District – Journal Number DRC2003-00013– The applicant is requesting a Modification of Provision (reduction of code standards) in order to reduce the sidewalk width on several blocks of Main Street and South “A” Street in Springfield, in connection with the LTD Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Phase 1 alignment. Planner: Susanna Julber 20 Minutes 8. BUSINESS FROM THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR 9. BUSINESS FROM THE COMMISSION 10. ADJOURN REGULAR