HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 05 04 RSThe meeting location is wheelchair-accessible. For the hearing-impaired, an interpreter can be provided with 48 hours notice prior to the meeting. For meetings in the Council Meeting Room, a “Personal PA Receiver” for the hearing-impaired is available. To arrange for these services, phone 726-2700. PC Agenda – Brenda Jones Page 1 8/17/2018 SPRINGFIELD CITY HALL * CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS * 225 FIFTH STREET * 541 726-3753 Tuesday March 4, 2 003 7:00 pm REGULAR SESSION 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – January 7, 2003 Regular Session; January 22, 2003 Regular Session; February 4, 2003 Work Session; February 4, 2003 CCI 3. REPORT OF COUNCIL ACTION – 4. BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE – 5. QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING – a. DEMOLITION OF HISTORIC LANDMARK STRUCTURES - Journal Number DRC2002-12433, Applicants: Rebecca Stenzel/Martha Cockerline – The applicant has requested demolition of the Cockerline House. It is located on Tax Lot 7200, Assessor’s Map 17-03-22-44. The parcel is a 1.2 acre rectangle. It has 204 feet of frontage on Harlow Road. The Lane County Historical Museum’s Metzger Atlas stated that the land was originally part of the donation land claim No. 58 and No. 71. The County description card show that the property first changed hands in 1960 from Crockett to Weber, then to Cockerlines in 1967. The Oregon Inventory of Historic Properties Historic Properties Resources Survey Form states that the Cockerline House was built in the 1930’s. The structure is a bungalow style, gable rood, wood-framed, clapboard dwelling with an enclosed front porch. The dwelling was listed as a Contributing Historic Resource because it was over 50 years old and located on the historic 1853 land claim. The dwelling does not have any architectural significance and has been significantly altered over the years. (Gale) CONDUCT OF QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION Staff will explain procedural requirements mandated by State Law Commencement of the hearing Declaration of conflict of interest or “ex-parte” contact Staff report Testimony from the applicant Testimony of those in support Testimony of those in opposition\Questions from the Commission Summation by the Staff Rebuttal from the applicant Close of the public hearing Planning Commission discussion (possible questions to staff or public) Motion to approve or deny request based on staff report and/or oral/written testimony Final order signed by Chair incorporating findings and reasoning to support decision AGENDA OF THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION The meeting location is wheelchair-accessible. For the hearing-impaired, an interpreter can be provided with 48 hours notice prior to the meeting. For meetings in the Council Meeting Room, a “Personal PA Receiver” for the hearing-impaired is available. To arrange for these services, phone 726-2700. PC Agenda – Brenda Jones Page 2 8/17/2018 6. BUSINESS FROM THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR 7. BUSINESS FROM THE COMMISSION 8. ADJOURN REGULAR