HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 3/6/2007 v r ' , ~ " ..,. I""'~ AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE ~~@~OW~J' Jl : MAR 6 () 7 ~ 1>l.CO BYI\JtJtrA.t.-~ ~i~o-f~ STATE OF OREGON } }ss. } County of Lane I, Brenda Jones, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows 1 I state that I am a Secretary for the Planning DIvIsion of the Development Services Department, City of Spnngfield, Oregon 2 I state that In my capacity as Secretary, I prepared and caused to be mailed copies of Notice of Amended Proposed Amendment to DLCD- LRP2006-00027 I Marcola Meadows (See attachment "A") on March 6. 2007 addressed to (see Attachment "B"), by causing said letters to be placed In a U S mall box With postage fully prepaid thereon ~~4 Brenda Jones U Planning Secretary STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ~ ' fo , 2007 Personally appeared the above named Brenda Jones, Secretary, who acknowledged the foregOing Instrument to be their voluntary act Before me f.-..-.... ----oFFiCiAL~'"L----~~ j ~ NOTA~~~~~,~RfeGON : j . COMMISSION NO 385725 I j MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOV 12,2008 , .1,;<.-___________________... ~M,a-t My Commission Expires 11/;2-/200 15 f I AMF' 'OED NOTICE , -~ Notice of Prop~,~~~ Amendment THIS FORM MUST BE RECEIVED BY DLCD 45 DAYS PRIOR! TO THE FIRST EVIDENTIARY HEARING PER ORS 197610, OAR1CHAPTER 660'- DIVISION 18 AND SENATE BILL 543, , . I EFFECTIVE JUNE 30, 1999 I ' 51 c D A "Il" Ie S T A i1/l Jl> ] ~ @ ~ D W ,~ ~) I MAR 6 .J By FOT OLeD Use Only JunsdlctlOn City of Sorinafleld Local file number lRP 2006-00027 Date First EVidentiary heanng 3/27/2007 Date of Fmal Heanng 4/16/2007 Date thiS Notice of Proposed Amendment was mailed to DLCD 2/8f2007 Is thiS a REVISED Proposal prevIOusly submitted to DLCD? ~YES ~NO Date Submitted D Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment ~ Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment D Land Use RegulatIOn Amendment D Zomng Map Amendment D New Land Use RegulatIOn D Other - Bnefly Summanze Proposal Do not use techmcal terms Do not wnte "See Attached" (hmlt of 500 characters) Amend the Metro Plan Diacram from Camous Industrial (Cn (56 acres) to: Community Commercial (CC) (11 acrest Commercial/Nodal Develooment Area (C/NDA) (26 acres) and Medium Densitv Residential/NDA (MDR)/NDA (19 acrest Note: The attached revised materials no lonaer reauest the Liaht-Medlum Industrial (lMn for the home imorovement center site. to CC. C/NDA and MDR/NDA Plan Map Changed from CI Zone Map Changed from LocatIOn Marcola Road and 31st Streets to Acres Involved 56+ Specify DenSity PrevIOus MOR 10-20 New MOR 10-20 ApphcableStatewldePlannmgGoals + 12 Is an ExceptIOn Proposed? DYES ~NO Affected State or Federal AgenCies, Local Governments or SpeCial Dlstncts OOOT, OLeO, OSL, Willamalane Parks + Rec , School District 19 Local Contact Gary M. Karp Address 225 Fffth Street Fax Number 541-726-3689 Phone (541) 726-3777 City Spfd Email Address u DLCD File No 001-07 SPRINGFIDEhD ExtenSIOn Zip 97477 qkarp@cl sprmqfield or us { " -SUBMITTAL REQUlREMENT~ I I '1 . , ,ThIS fonn must be receIved by DLCD at least 45 davs Dnor to the first eVldenharv hearIng :' I ", " per ORS 197610, OAR Chapter 660 - DIVISIOn 18 and Senate BIll 543 effectIve on June 30, 1999 \,~~~~G\'D~]~ \ill MAR 6 '- ThIS for must be submItted by local junsdictions only 2 When submIttIng, please pnnt thIs fonn on green paper By_ __- -- 3 Send this Form and TWO (2) Comes of the Pronosed Amendment tQ ATTENTION PLAN AMENDMENT SPECIALIST DEPARTMENT OF LAND CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT 635 CAPITOL STREET NE, SUITE 150 SALEM, OREGON 97301-2540 4 Unless exempt by ORS 197 610 (2l, proposed amendments must be received at the DLCD's SALEM OFFICE at least FORTY-FIVE (45) days before the first eVldeot13ry heanng on the proposal. The first eVldent13ry hearmg IS usually the first lJubhc heano!>; hcld by the junsdlctlOn's plannIng commISSIOn on the proposal 5 SubmIttal of proposed amendments shall Include the text of the amcndment and any other InformatIOn the local government beheves IS necessary to advIse DLCD of the proposal Text means the specIfic language beIng added to or deleted from the acknowledged plan or land use regulatIOns A general descnptlOn of the proposal IS not adequate 6 SubmIttal of proposed map amendments must Include a map of the affected area shoWIng eXIstIng and proposed plan and zone deSIgnatIOns The map should be on 8-1/2 x II Inch paper A legal descnptlOn, tax account number, address or general descnptlOn IS not adequate Text of background and / or reason for change request should be Included 7 SubmIttal of proposed amendments whIch Involve a goal exceptIOn must Include the proposed language of the exceptIOn 8 Need More Copies? You can copy thIS form on to 8-1/2xlllITeen DaDer onlv, or call the DLCD Office at (503) 373-0050, or Fax your request to (503) 378-5518, or emaIl your request to mara.ulloa@state.orus - ATTENTION PLAN AMENDMENT SPECIALIST J \pa\paa\fonns\fonn I word doc revlSuI 07/07/2005 " V~,_K _.;;: ~ I "~ -;; ...~~J.,/~ ~~ ~'f~1;r:~",.J'" \ ~f~~~~~}:(- 0- 1r-~!;:.~'iI_...~ ~ ,>r~I'"",,-" :;:f_t ,,-' Access Engineering ~~~M~R ~ ~ W ~:J 76i1fii."'" ..."...., \..~- ~ {JY~~~~:;.,t~_,'" j ~ ff-'-&1f <- ~~ :;b-"--{ ~~ ~ ~ ..,..~ """~~t;; _~, "3 J'~__,rr!~F.,,"-:t:--1'~, 't-~, "'~1.~~'!b~J'J.~ ~ ~ " - ~ 1);--",- '" '1 ~.. r , BI/ , , ' ":-l' Marcola Meadows Zone Change Traffic Impact Analysis _, '0.. __._ ,.h. __ ~ Springfield, Oregon .-' ~: ~fi<' ,:'-~' ;:-_ '! *'" r r ''jo,..~'!,- ~ '- ~t ~-;.v..-rt,,'i -.,-;r; -- <"'::';.:?J/tri::t';:;., - .,Il"'f",~~~iftl' '!- )r. ;:~ ~:i.j~U~':'- ~n ;-;J,,~!';.;.::'';;'C,I! 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I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I IW~ ~ lli Q W \rl'~ \ill MAR 6 ~ ,-- By - SATRE '''\ ~_l \ I ' " THE VILLAGES AT MARCOLA MEADOWS lVlli'lKO PLAN AlVlliNDlVlliNT LRP 2006-00027 REVISED APPLICATION Lane County Assessor's Map 17-02-30-00, Lot 1800 and Map 17-03-25-11, Lot 2300 Open Space Marcola Meadows Site and V1CInlty Main Street RetaIl Village . Townhome VIllage SC Spnngfield, LLC 5440 LOUIe Lane, Suite 102 Reno, Nevada 89511 February 28, 2007 ( = '" '" '" '" = ... ( 0 0 = J:i ~ w ~ 0 CO 0 0 = E 0 u X OJ -c OJ - 1- 52 FedEx. US Alrb1l' Express 6051 If::l~Z 8 5 5 8 Numb" 0671 From ftoa..pmrB/ldpn<!iShorrl Dale March 6. Sender's FedEx 2007 Account Number KARP 1054-6085-6 ~~::::" CITY OF SPRINGFIELD phoool541 1 726-3753 Comoo", CITY OF SPR INGFLD/DEV SVC.S Add"" 225 N 51H Sf ~--- c", SPR I NGF I ELD State OR 2IP 97477-4671 2 Your Internal Blllmg Reference First2~t"a.r.cta"wiI'PI""ran."".IC" OPltONAl 3 To ~~~~enrrplan Amendment Speclallst Phoool 503) 373-0050 Comoanv Department of Land Conservatlon and Development ReCIpIent's 6 Address 35 Ca~ltol Street NEt Woc,nna,d.I"""wPO ba..oorPO ZIPco~.. Sulte 150 o.ptJAOO\/SuIIeIRoom Address To,.quo.,. p.t~.g. b. hold It. 'l'Otlfic fodElcloc,oan plln! 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