HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 2/8/2007 T ~ , h 1?M1f " /' AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON } } 55. County of Lane } I, Brenda Jones, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows 1 I state that I am a Secretary for the Planning DIvIsion of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon 2 I state that In my capacity as Secretary, I prepared andl caused to be mailed copies of Notice of Proposed Amendment sent to DLCD- LRP2006-00027 Metro Plan Amendment See attachment "A") on February 8, 2007 addressed to (see Attachment "B"), by causing said letters to be placed In a U S mall box with postage fully prepaid thereon ~n.~ Brenda ~ones U Planning Secretary ~ ~ @ ~ 0 W ~ 'I 1 FEB 8 D1 , N~~ to -' By Oc..e..t:l-PIOjlD~ , STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ~~r> , 2007 Personally appeared the above named Brenda Jones, Secretary, 0 acknowledged the foregOing Instrument to be their V~luntary act Before me I --------------------J' r,. OFFICIAL SEAL SANDRA MARX " NOTARY PUBLIC OREGON " , COMMISSION NO 385725 I , MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOV 12 2008 , .---------.---------.--- My Commission Expires ~61\ aN? I /1!J7_/;!,OOt:l I 7 5 1 Notice of Proposed Amendment THIS FORM MUST BE RECEIVED BY DLCD 45 DAYS PRIOR TO THE FIRSTEVIDE"lTIARY HEARING PER ORS 197610, OAR CHAPTER 660 - DIVISION 18 AND SENATE BILL 543, EFFECTIVE JUNE 30,1999 s !J;. 'r' I~~@~O\)]~>> , ,;;; s FEB 8 07' _ 'ir ;;:.. By_ PJ1 I"- For DLCD Use Only JunsdlctlOn Cltv of SPrlnafleld Local file number LRP 2006-00027 Date first EVIdentiary heanng 3/27/2007 Date of Fmal Heanng 4/16/2007 Date tills Notice of Proposed Amendment was mailed to DLCD 2/8/2007 Is thIs a REVISED Proposal prevIOusly submItted to DLCD? DYES r;g]NO Date SubmItted D ComprehenSIve Plan Text Amendment r;gj ComprehenSIve Plan Map Amendment D Land Use RegulatIOn Amendment D lOlling Map Amendment D New Land Use Regulation D Other Bnefly Summanze Proposal Do not use technIcal terms Do not wnte "See Attached" (hmlt of 500 characters) Amend the Metro Plan Diaaram from Camous Industrial 'CI) to Commumtv Commercial ICCt Medium Densltv Residential (MDR) and Nodal Development Area (Node) Note: The attached materials will still contain the "LMI" desianation. but should be reviewed WIth "cc" in mind for the home Imorovement center site. to CC. MDR and Node Plan Map Changed from CI lone Map Changed from Location Marcola Road and 31st Streets SpecIfy DenSIty PreVIous MDR 10-20 to Acres Involved 56+ New MDR 10-20 ApplIcable StatewIde Planrung Goals 1. 2. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. + 12 Is an ExceptIOn Proposed? DYES r;g] NO Affected State or Federal AgenCIes, Local Governments or SpeCIal Dlstncts ODOT, OLCO, OSL, Willamalane Parks + Rec" School Olstrict 19 Local Contact Gary M. Karp Address 225 Fffth Street Fax Number 541-726-3689 Phone (541) 726-3777 ExtenSIOn CIty Spfd IIp 97477 Emall AddressQkarp@cLsprinQfieldor.us DLCD FIle No SUBMITT AL REQUIREMENT~ This form must be receIved by DLCD at least 45 davs DrlOr to the first eVldentIarv hearm~ per ORS 197610, OAR Chapter 660 - DIVlSlOn 18 and Senate Bill 543 effective on June 30, 1999 1 TIus for must be submitted by local JUrIsdIctIOns only 2 When submlttmg, please pnnt tlus form on green paper 3 Send this Form and TWO (2\ Comes of the ProDosed Amendment to ATTENTION' PLAN AMENDMENT SPECIALIST DEPARTMENT OF LAND CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT 635 CAPITOL STREET NE, SUITE 150 SALEM, OREGON 97301-2540 4 Unless exempt by ORS 197610 (2l. proposed amendments must be received at the DLCD's SALEM OFFICE at least FORTY -FIVE (45) days before the first eVIdentIary hearing on the proposal. The first eVIdentIary hearing IS usually the first Dublic hearmg held by the junsdlctlOn's planmng commiSSIOn on the proposal 5 Submittal of proposed amendments shallmclude the text of the amendment and any other mformatIOn the local government believes IS necessary to advise DLCD of the proposal Text means the specific language bemg added to or deleted from the acknowledged plan or land use regulatIOns A general descnptlOn of the proposal IS not adequate 6 SubmIttal of proposed map amendments must mclude a map of the affected area showmg eXlstmg and proposed plan and zone desIgnatIOns The map should be on 8-1/2 xII mch paper A legal descnptIOn, tax account number, address or general descnptlOn IS not adequate Text of background and I or reason for change request should be mcluded 7 SubmIttal of proposed amendments whIch mvolve a goal exceptIOn must mclude the proposed language of the exceptIOn 8 Need More CopIes? You can copy this form on to 8-I12xll lITeen DaDer onlv, or call the DLCD Office at (503) 373-0050, or Fax your request to (503) 378-5518, or emml your request to mara.ulloa@state.or.us - ATTENTION PLAN AMENDMENT SPECIALIST ~~ @ ~ n \Vl ~1n)1 FEB R tj1 , , By revlsed 07/07/2005 J \pa\paa\forrns\forml word doc 7 :;- SATRE ASSOCLAJLS, Satre Associates, P C 132 East Broadway SUite 536 Eugene Oregon 97401 Phone 541 465 4721 Fax 541 465 47U I 800 662 7094 www satrepc com February 7, 2007 CIty of Spnngfield Development ServIces Department 225 FIfth Street Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 Attn Gary Karp -~ ~ @ ~ G \TI ~ ~~ W FEB 8 01 J By_-,., , -- Re The VIllages at Marcola Meadows l\Ietro Pldn Amendment (LRP 2006-00027) Dear Gary, The above applicatIOn was submItted to the CIty ofSpnngfield on December 21, 2006 and deemed complete on January 9, 2007 In revlewmg our submItted matenal we would like at thIS tune to request a change m our applicatIOn Our applicatIOn as ongmally submItted proposed MedIum DenSIty ReSIdentIal, CommercIal and LIght MedIUm Industnal deSIgnatIOns WIth a MIxed Use Area Overlay applied to some of the proposed CommerCIa] deSIgnatIOn Per thIS correspondence, we would like to change our request and propose a cOmbInatIOn of MedIUm DenSIty ReSIdentIal, Comme,claI and Mlxed- Use CommercIal deSIgnatIOns WIth a Nodal Development Area overlay applied to the reSIdentIal area and some of the commercIal area I I Thank you In advance for your conSIderatIOn of thIS request AddItIOnal matenal more fully , modIfyIng our applIcatIOn WIll be submItted In the near future We look forward to workmg WIth you on the project angInal Request Plan DeSignation Medium Oens,ty Res,dentlal CommerCial Campus Industnal LIQht Medium Industrial Total 1M/xed Use Area Overlay ReVIsed Request Plan DeSIgnation Medium DenSity ReSidential/NO" Commercial CommerCial/NO' Campus Industrial Total IND = Nodal Development Area Smcerely, 'R. u;J-u;u.-d" f.1 S oxnv RIchard M Satre, AICP, ASLA, CSI P,esldent, Satre ASSOCIates, P C Acres EXisting Proposed % Change 35 7 54 7 53';; 8 6 308 258% 560 00 -100% 00 148 100% 1003 1003 00 260 100% Acres EXisting Proposed % Change 35 7 54 7 53% 86 196 128% 00 260 100% 560 00 -100'1, 1003 1003 807 Planners, Landscape Architects and EnVIronmental SpeCIalists KARP Gary -1' olD) ~ @ ~ D Ii!J ~ "1 \ ~ 1 FEB S 0"1 J From Sent To Cc Marguente NAB ETA [Marguente Nabeta@state or us] By Wednesday, February 07, 2007 2 02 PM KARP Gary i METZGER Mark, Glona GARDINER, Thomas Hogue, Darren Nl~hols, r satre@satrepc com, MOORE Ed W (OR) I RE Home Improvement Center Question ' Subject thank you for glVl~g us a heads up and contlDue to provlde drafts of sallent materlals for us as avallable certa~nly appreclate havlng lnformatlon and dlSC~SSlO~ at the beglnp~ng of the process lDstead 0: the end M >>> "KARP Gary" <gkarp@Cl sprlngfleld or us> 2/7 /2007 8 44 AM >>> Thanks for your response I have not sent the Metro Plan dlagram and ZOD_ng Map amendment package to DLCD yet ThlS wlll occur later today or tomorrow R1ck Satre based h.s L1ght Med_um Industc1al (LMI) _ntent on the C1ty'S 1nterpretat1on last year to allow home lmprovement centers lD lnaustrlal dlstrlcts M= Satre ~s arnendlng ~lS submlttal to remove the 1MI reques~ and change It to ComrnuDlty Commerclal H1S letters wlll be lDcluded In the packet Due to the shor~ turn-around tlrne, the materlals you rece~ve wlll stlll contaln the term IILMI" but should be revlewed wl~h~IICC" In mlnd , , '. -----Orlglnal Message----- From Marguer1te NPBETA [ma11to Marguer1te Nabeta@state or us] Sent Tuesdaj; February 06,_2007 6 31 PM To KARP Gary Cc METZGER Mark, Glor1a GARDINER, Thomas hogue, Darren N1chols, r satre@satrepc com, MOORE Ed W (OR) SubJect Re Horne Improvement Center Questlo~ Gary .d1d you supply me W1tP a wr1tten draft proposal? I don't seem to have- but I do remember that you 11sted many pote~t1ally va11d reasons why the s1te would be more vlable as retall cornmerclal than Campus Inaustrlal both DLCD a~d ODOT have sUPP"1ed Mark Metzger/Spr1ngf1eld plann1ng comm'SS1on w1th 1n~t1al responses to the category/use change PAPA that may be of 1nterest to you 1n your declslo~maklng Though we can certalnly Lnaerstand lntent 0: the SDC pla~ amendment proposal ---rnaklng the sprlngfleld lndustrlal dlstrlcts de facto ffilxed use dlstrlcts seems an l~dlrect and dlfflc~lt way to proceed under the current comp plan and development code a~d also try to rnalntaln goal cornpllance In the larger plcture, I am sure staff can read~ly ldentlfy from the remalnlng lncLstrlal lands lnventory WhlCh Slt8S are more vlable for retall co~~erclal and WhlCh ones clearly should be rnalrtalned as lndustrlal and process the approprlate plan amendments We belleve the Clty has as much lnterest In long range plannlng for f~duclary responslblllty/efflclencles and malntalnlng transportatlon faClllty capablllty and lmportant lndustrlal lands as the State If thlS slte 1S as you descrlbed - factually more vlable as retall commerclal than caMpus 1naustr1al - YOu have the tools at ha~d-substant1ve f1nd1ngs 1n the eX1st1ng pla~ arnenament p~ocessf to maye that zone change proposal We understand tnat Sprlngf_eld w111 adv1se as you f1nd - but you have asked for our op1n1ons-wh1ch have not changed rad1cally from the work seSS10n on the 22d M >>> "KARP Gary" <gkarp@c" spnngheld or us> 2/2/2007 9 05 A."1 >>> H1, I'm Gary Karp, a Planner from Spr1ngf_eld On January 22, Mark Metzger and I met wlth you, Thomas Hogue, Ed Moore and Glor1a Gardner [by phone) to d1SCUSS the proposed "Home Improvement Center" amendment to the Spr1ngf1eld Develop~ent Code (SDC) Dur1ng that dlScusslon the tOplC of whether allowlng a Home I~provement Center use OP lane ~e21gnaLed a~d zoned lndustrlal was a converSlon of lnoustrlal uses We argued that It was not, based upon the PlanPl~g Commlsslon1s lnterpretatlon In July '06 to allow the use l~ 1 ,! ",I I, , " lndustrlal dlstrlctsl 1 T0e P~an~lng CO~lSSlOnIS deC1S10n ~as based lD part on tne :act that wholesale cOrnITlerclal uses have been allowed In botp comrne~clal and lndustrlal Q~SLrlcts for many years T~e Q1SCuSS_on aDove pr_ma~~ly corcerned the proposed SDC a~en~~ent and the peed to ravE , certalnty wne~ respondl~g to developer's questlons However, I attended the rneetlng because I am processlng appllca~lons for a Metro P~an dlagram and ZODlng Map arnenQ~ents ~hlCh l~clude the converSlon of Campus Industr~al land to Llght-Medlurn Industrlal (1MI) for the purpose of sltlng a home l~provernent c8pter The appllcant crose LMI baseo on the Plan~~ng CO~~lsslon's lPte~pretatlon re:erencec above I wlll be send~ng the OLeo 45 day not~ce for these appllcatlons next week Tne convers_op 0: Campus Industrlal land to Mlxed Use Commerclal and L~I w~ll be a maJor polley lssue that the C_ty Co~ncll rn~st conSloer and should not be clouoed by OLeD1s concern about sltlng home l~prOvement cen~ers o~ lnd~strlal sltes I: you are aware that DLCD wlll lot s~pport the appllcant's proposal as wrltten, please let me know so that I can advlse hlffi to look at a dlfferent alrernatlve Please respond by February 6tp so tnat I may lnclude the appllcant1s aadendum, lf necessary Tnan~ you for your prompt atteptlon to thlS matter r;~:nn by 2