HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting CMO 4/16/2007 Apnl16, 2007 Regular Session Development ? Services f1 _ Staff Contact Gary M Karp '-.:::J' S P R I N G FIE L D Staff Phone No 726-3777 ~ C I T Y C 0 U N elL EstImated Time 5 Mm ITEM TITLE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN DIAGRAM AND THE SPRINGFIELD ZONING MAP Meetmg Date Meetmg Type Department AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY ACTIONS REQUESTED ISSUE STATEMENT ATTACHMENTS DISCUSSION Open and contmue the public heanng until May 7,2007 The applicant requests approval of a Type II Metro Plan diagram amendment to change the Campus Industnal portion of the subject site (currently 56 acres) to Commercial/Nodal Development Area, Community Commercial and Medium Density ReSidential/Nodal Development Area, and to amend the Spnngfield Zoning Map from Campus Industnal to Community Commercial, Mixed Use Commercial and Medium Density ReSidential The mtent of the applicant IS to obtam the proper Metro Plan designations and zOning to allow the construction of a phased mlxed- use reSidential and commercial development with nodal attnbutes called the Villages at Marcola Meadows There are no attachments at thiS time due to the Plannmg Commission deliberation and recommendation scheduled on Apnl17th A complete packet with attachments Will be available for a City Council work session and public heanng scheduled for May 7'h The subject Site, formerly known as the "Pierce" property, IS located north of Marcola Road, west of 31'1 Street, east of Mohawk Marketplace Shopping Center and south of the EWES bike path The Plannmg Commission held a work session and conducted a public heanng on March 27lh on the Metro Plan diagram and Zonmg Map amendments Two letters were entered mto the record and nine persons spoke at the heanng, mostly In Opposition Issues raised mcluded whether adjacent properties would be required to be annexed, traffic safety, school capacity, residential denSity, and housmg costs Two persons requested that the wntten record be held open In' order to accommodate thiS request, the Plannmg Ih Commission Will meet on Apnl17 to consider additions to the wntten record, deliberate and make a recommendation to the City Council ThiS required reschedulmg the Apnl16lh Council work session to May 7'h, and to open and Immediately contmue the Apnl16lh Council heanng to May 71h, waltmg until that date for the Council to receive public testimony about the subject application A revised notice was mailed adVISing property owners and mterested parties of the schedule change ~~ @ ~ 0 \1) ~ J APR 1 6 ol_ . AIS -tv c.c. ~~Ot1 CL- By