HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous APPLICANT 10/6/2006
I goal
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3.]e5 at
ay set a
1,000 cof
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the Dro
2,306 34/+15.39
Economy. Jobs. Development
$571 00/-$5.30
Date Received:
OCT ~ 6 2006
Stocks C2-3
Comics C4-S
Puzzles C6
TV Dally C7
Weather C8
Original submittal
Lowe's gets fix on Springfield site
Plans for the CIty's northeast locatIOn move forward, but a
proposal for a west Eugene store seems to have been dropped
The Regl~ter-Gllard
Home Improvement shoppers east
of Intel state 5 appear to have won a
retaIl tug of wal wIth then counter
parts to the west
A northeast Sprmgfleld develop
ment that IS centel ed on a proposed
170,000 square foot Lowe's Home 1m
provement Warehouse IS movmg for
ward III the CIty's plannmg process,
whIle pI ehmmary plans for a west
Eugene Lowe's outlet apparently
have been abandoned
"They haven't moved fOl ward on
lt,' sald Kent Colby, a Engene Clty
planner who worked on the prelImI
nary development plan dfter It was
submItted by Lowe's m November
"It never really got on track," he
saId "It never got beyond a predevel-
opment meetmg to an actual
A Lowe's spokeswoman has saId
the North Carolma based company
would not comment on e1thel local
proJect until plans are approved and
pelnllts Issued
That's not close yet, but
SpI mgfIeld CIty planner Sarah Sum
mers sald plans for the Villages at
Marcola Meadows - a mIXed-use de-
velopment wIth the Lowe's store at
Its core - IS movIng steadIly
Ploposed amendments to the
Eugene SPI mgfield MetropolItan Ar
ea Genelal Plan - the metro mea's
growth bluepnnt - and Sprmgfield
zomng maps were submItted last
week by Satre ASSOCIates, the
Eugene plannmg fIrm that IS han
dlmg the proJect's preconstructlOn
Issues, Summers saId
"It's gomg through the apphca
tIon completeness pI ocedure," she
saId "If everythmg IS m Older, they
will probably go to the (Sprmgfwld)
Plannmg CommIssIOn m December
and to the CIty CouncIl III January
Please turn to LOWE'S, Page C3
, r, ~ - \ ~ ~ - - .....'
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: _L6we's stor~ moves forward"
r ~ ~ r ." -l ,
." Reno-based JHB Inc IS movmg '}.
r ahead With plansJor a ~ - '" ~~t,.' ~ ,
~.;~~c~niJ12,erclal/resldentla~ co";nplex~:~
.n'~_tliat would Include a Lowe's stor~'
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The RegIster-Guard
tire factory
Lowe's: Plans would cut back
on site's industrial development
Contmued from Page Cl
"There are no specIfIC dates
for the addItional requIred ap
phcatlOns," she added
The developer needs to
change eXIsting gavel nment
plans for the land that deSIgnate
about half the sIte for mdush Ial
t'elopment, and the 1 est fOl
\lsmg and commercIal uses
The developer's plans would
greatly reduce the mdustnal
RICk Sat! e saId construction
should begm next summer on
streets and utIlItIes for the
proJect's 48 acres of cammel cIal
development, then work WIll
start on the Lowe's bmldmg
"They're hopmg to open
theIr doors In the fust quarter
of '08," he sald
JHB Inc InternatIOnal
bought the 100 acre bIte near
28th Street and Marcola Road
from the local PIel ce famIly In
AprIl for $8 mIllIOn
The Martlll Co of Albany IS
lIsted as developer for the
The overall plan lllcludes the
Lowe's store, along WIth 229
smgle famIly homes, 90 at
tached town houses and nearly
200 apartment Ul1lts
Satre saId the concept IS for
four dlstmct 'vIllages" wlthm
the 52 acre reSIdential SIde of
the development - smgle faml
ly, town houses, apartments
and Sel1l0l cottages
Plans for the commercIal
SIde call for evel ythmg from
'mam street retaIl" to profes
slO11al office bmldmgs to large
commercIal bUIldmgs such as
the Lowe's, he SaId
"The only one that has com
mItted so fdl IS Lowe's," Sntre
'There's been lots of mter
est, and lots of dlSCUSSlOn gomg
on, but they', e the only ones
that have SIgned on"
In Eugene, the prehmlnary
plans submItted last year called
fOl a 139,000 square foot Lowe's
on a 47-acre parcel at 4650 W
11th Ave The parcel at West
11th and WIllow Creek Road IS
owned by developer Asghar
Sadn of Vancouver, Wash
The west Eugene SIte would
have posItioned Lowe's about a
mll~ from the new Home Depot
at Seneca Road and West Sev
enth Place, and about four
mIles from the Jerry's Home
ImplOvement Center at HIgh-
way 99 and Belt Lme Road
Jerry's also has a store at
28th and OlympIC streets m
SprmgfJeld ~ about a half mlle
south of the Lowe's Marcola
Road SIte
Lowe's has 10 stores 111 Ore
gon - fIve In the Portland area,
two 111 the Salem area and sm
gle stores In McMlnnVllle, Bend
and Roseburg There are more
than 1,200 Lowe's locatIOns
Retail Notebook runs on
Retail: Housing, ~S iitf~es k~y i
nrJalnal !':'Ihmlttal.
robu~ 6"Petcem. '"'"TT1e In-dex IS
based on same.store sales
those from stores open at least
a year The department store
sector, WhICh has been re
boundmg m the past couple of
months, enjoyed an 8 4 percent
same store sales Increase
"RIght now, we are In a
sweet spot for spendmg," saId
MIChael N Iemlra, chIef econo
mIst at the ICSC
Stlll, even WIth beller than
expected results, Nlemlra IS
stIll sl1ckmg WIth hIS 3 percent
forecast for sarne store sale
growth for the combmed
November December perlOd
That's because there are
plenty of challenges, partIcu-
larly the deterIoratmg housmg
market, WhICh could result In
heavy layoffs In fact, whlle
the Conference Board reported
last week a rebound III con
surner confidence ill Septem
ber, the survey showed lmger
mg concerns about the em
ployment market Employ
ment showed modest gaIns m
August, WIth wages barely up,
and analysts are forecastIng
Contmued from Page CI
Some analysts speculate
that what's helpmg to change
shoppers' behaVIOl IS the cool
Ing housmg market, WhICh
they belIeve IS shlftmg spend-
mg away from bIg tIcket Items
such as household applIances
and furnIture to fashlOn-~
"The consumer who IS not
choosmg to put money mto
that renovatIon IS now w1l1mg
to spend money not on any old
sweater but a good cashmere
sweater," saId John Morns,
managIng dIrector at Wacha
VIa SecurItIes
Thursday's overall upbeat
reports, WhICh Included robust
1 esults from teen retaIlers
such as AbercrombIe & FItch
Co , were encouragmg because
analysts had braced fOJ a con-
sumer spendmg slowdown ill
the second half as the economy
cooled But consumers have
remamed reSIlIent
The ICSC UBS llldex of re-
taIl sales rose 3 8 percent 111
September, but excludmg Wal
Marl's results, the tally lose a
Date Received:
oruy a modesl
tember when
reports flgur€
Sl1ll, dec
prIces, WhIC]
cents a gallor
should help
about Jobs
worned tha
costs would
market as Cl
cut costs
In a pOSl
bar Deparl
Thursday th
newly laId (
claIms for ill
elIts fell to :
week, the
smce the wel
Wal Mart
est retaIler, (
lowel pI Ice'
saId Its' sarr
1 3 percent,
2 1 percent
lysts surve
RIval d'
Corp posted
In same star
~und Nav Chn . NwWrtdA 4603+33 SlrtlnA 50' Dreylus Fl ~O30 15.82+07 FlrsllnvestDrsA HIYleldA 800+01" IntmTFBd 1066 AflllAp 1566+02 CrPIFlnstJl37 01 Fltiner 1046+01 PnIdentBear
ABN AMRO FlInd5 SmCpAp 3943+]4 TxEAp 1376 01 Apr..,e 4343+08 FF21J40 931+04 TXExAp '" 01 SandsCpGrlll +12 HYMlIAp II
TxExAp 1154 01 a~leS&P 2821+07 FF2035 HYMuAp 1152 01 lntlEql 2614+11 AIIValA 1293+05 IntlSCpA 2499+09 ForBdUnrl016 01 Bearp 5n-t-03 SehroderFunds InTFAp "
M&CGroN 2466+20 Columb!;oClassB 1292+06 Frank!TempFmkA LrgeCVA 1438+05 IntrdAmer2681+14 BalStratA1l92 lntlEq
TECAAp 16B2 01 Aeornl 2833+34 Dlscp 3647+17 FF1015 1209+04 2336+07 FrgnBd 1043 Putnam Funds A. NAmEqln 12]1+05 MldCGthp2'
AlMInvelitmentliA WshAp 3414+03 Dreyf 1094+Cl4 FF2025p AGEAp '" MdCVAp 3196+11 LgCpVI 1758+07 BdDebAp 788+01 IntlEqBp2317+07 Glbl6d '" 01 AABalAp 1197+03 PaceAp I(
BaslcBalp1276+01 Columbl4 Class C 1258+05 Ballnvp 6783+56 SmCapA 4542-+42 LgCpGr 1642+09 MldCpAp 2267+ 15 LtdDur 103101 HIYld '" SehwabFunds "
BasVa1Ap3631+09 Amencan Funds B A<;ornt 2827+34 DryMldr 2929+34 Income 1155+01 CAHYBdpl049 "' Strulntp 1457+06 MICMkNerll13 RliSmCA 3303+41 MCapGr AAGrAp 1349+05 CAYPSel '" REstAp
AmcpBt 1917+09 Dr500lnt 3g84+10 2575+32 LowDu ,or "' CATXAp '" "' CoreEq 1808+03 5trGrwth 4(
CapDevp1942+24 ndelltylnvl!st CallnsAp 1269 01 GoldmanSaehslnlit MUl111nc 9H RsAmVlp 1265+04
BalBt 1879+02 Cnlumbla Class Z GflMp 1433 "' MCGrAdp2507+31 LTU5G 1074 05 DvrlnAp '" HdgEqSlr1578+03 S,rMunlncl
ChartAp 1472 BondElI 1329 02 AcornZ 3023+37 Grine 1709 01 AggrGrr 1806+18 CalTFAp 1D 01 CoreFxd '" OI smCpcor 4611+60 Lnrd Abbett B SmCGrBpI268-+10 ModDur 100] OI EqlnAp 1848+G4 IntSSr U5MtgeAI
Constp 2537+11 AcornlntZ3912+28 AMgr50 1672+04 CapGrA 1163+03 GrOppt 2241+23 TllFrBd 1173 "' AftlldBp 1570+01 SmCoGrA 1331+22 2064+06
lntermr 1337 "' RealRel 1142 " GeoAp 1894+04 Van Kamp h
EuroGrp 3855+11 CaplSSt 5675+13 Acorn5e1Z2481+24 AMgr70 1597+05 FedTFAp 1212 HI'I'leld BOl+01 JP Morgan Ultra. BdDbBp 7.89+01 USLCpGrAI934+18 1000lnvr 3961+14
CpWGrSt 4051+ 14 MdepVlr 3278+22 RealRtnl 1093 OI GlbEqtyp 10.28+07 1000Sel 3964+14 cmstBt "
GloAgGp 2442+ 13 AcornUSA2837+31 AMgr20r 1319 FlxCpGrA 4144+26 HYMunl 1152 01 MtgBekd 1043 02 MldCpVp 2176+14 USReal 2909-t-32 ShnrtT
In\lGmw 2719+13 ErpacBI 45S2+21 MunBdr 1191 Balan~ 1902+08 F1RtDAp 1005 MldCapV 3833-t-18 1000 GrlnAp 2142-t-06 PremEqS11230+05 EqlncBt ,
FdlnvBt 3927+26 ConHYldZ '" 5mCStkr 2318+27 Janus Lord Abbett C US5CpVI 2677+]6 TotRl 1047 " HlthAp 6443+.31 S&Plnv 2108+05 GrlneSt "
~~g~tE~ p1~ ~~:~: GrwlhBt 3146+14 CoreSdZ 1055 OI Dreyfus Premier BlucChGr4317+13 FoundAlp1375+04 SmCapV 4696+44 Balanced 2376'+07 AfflldCp 1567+01 Muhlenk 8191 +85 TRII '" OI HIYdAp ", S&PSel 2117+05 StrGwth "
HITrBt 1234+01 FocEqZI 2106+19 AlphaGrA 2174+]5 CAMun 1242 "' GoldprMA2813+61 StruLgVa 1437+02 Contrllrlan17 08+ 14 BdDbCp 7B9+01 Munder Funds A TRlIl '" " InemAp ,7>1 01 5&PtnstSll079+03
ReaIElitp3526+32 IncoBI 1988+02 IntSdZ '" 01 CaTxESdZI4S7 OI Cimad... 4708+44 GrwthAp 3971+09 Slrulnt 1489-t-06 CoreEq 2514+14 MdCVCp 2169-t-14 MdCpCGrt24 16+111 PIMCOFulldsA IntlEqp 3072+12 SmCplnv 2515+32 VMKaml)Fti
SmCGAp 1935+31 IntHSd 1017 01 CapAp 2707+17 HYTFAp 1093 01 GuardIan Fundli Enterpr 4489+46 Com5tkC II
AIM Investmenb B leABt 3427+11 EmgMklA 2414+19 Cplncr 862+01 IncomAp 257 PatkAA 3567+15 FlxBnd '41 02 LordAbbeUP MunderFulldsY AIIAssetp 1271-+01 IntCapOp 3347+ 22 5mCpSl 2520+33 EqlncCt ,
InlEqZ 1652+02 NwLdA MdCpVlp 2217+14 MCpCGr'l'r2445+36 ComRRp 1378+21 InvAp 1452+08 TotSond '" "
BasV1Bt 3385+08 NwPerspt3146+12 4921+44 Contra 6722+33 lnsTFAp 1229 01 Fund Vanguard A~
Wd.shBt 3395+03 Intl5tkZ 1937+14 stock 3235+14 2719+12 Lord AbbettY Mutual Series HIYldA '" NwOpAp 47..43+ 39 TSMSelr 2341+10
ChartBt 1408+01 EVFIRIHIAdt 11 CnvSc 1372+15 ReEScAp28.19+16 GILlf..,Sclr203Z+ 11 AsslAdml6.
IntVIZ 2524+06 GuldeStoneFundli AllY 1569-t-01 BeacnZ 1710+07 LwDurA '" 01 NwValAp 1953+04 'l'ldPlsl '"
ConstBt 2346+11 AquIla Fundli LCpCrZ 1408+07 Eatnn Vallee Adv Destll 1307+02 RlsDvAp 3684+11 CpOpGS41646+0S GITechr 1197+05 RelllRIAp 1093 TxExAp '" BlllAdml "
ORTFA 1065 FltRatet 984+01 DlsEq 3019+16 SMCpGrA 3661+38 GrIne 3705+25 MCapVlp 2268+14 DlscZ 2944+ 18 02 YldPlsSI '" CAITAdm 1
A1MtnvestorCI Arlel Mutua.l Fdli tgCapGr 1306+11 Olvlntl 5trlltlncpl017 GlElIG54 1751+08 RschSCY 3435+42 EuropZ 2447+13 TolRtA 1047 03 TFHYA 1309 01 Selected Funds CAlTAdm 1
DlvrsDlvp1360+02 LgCpldxZ2640+06 EiltonVanceCIA 3672+27 GrlneGS4 1498-+02 Mercury 23.89+15 MFunds QualfdZ 2167+10 PIMCOFundli USGvAP 1305 02 AmShO 435O-t-17 CpOpAdl 6
Dynm 2001+28 Apprec 4911+17 LCpVIZ 1467+07 TMG1D 5g141+212 DlvStkO 15011+07 USGovAp 642 02 GrEqGS4 1743-t-12 MCVIlnsl143HZl Ilrandeslns251l+01 SharesZ 2619+12 Admin VlitaA p 1090+11
Anel 5272+48 floiltRt 1017 DlvGlh 3082 04 UtllsAp 1305 04 MdCpVaI2420+22 AmShSp 4341+18 Eneryy I
GIHltCrp 3134+19 MarsGrZ 1946+16 IntEqGS4 1976+09 HIYldAp '" VoyAp 1753+14
5ummltPpI241+13 ArtlSlnFunds MrlnOpZr1435+04 HlthSAp 1145+15 EmrMk 2112+24 frank!Tmpfrnk twDrGS4 1271 01 Olympus 3282+30 MFS funds A Neuberger&Berm PutnllmFundsB SeUllmMGroup ElIlnAdmn5
AMFFundli Inti 2915+13 MCllGthZ 2525+26 HYMunA 1065 Eqlnc 5615+12 Ad, MdDrGS41344 03 Onon 917+09 InUDvA 1506-t-06 ,,, PIMCO Funds B GrlnSt 2112+06 ComunAt 3101+12 EuroAdml7
I\lt"h..t~At" Q J;G Intl5mCp r2~94+07 MdCpld~ZI183+14 InBosA '41 EQlI 2443 InemeAd '50 Va1EqGS41921+03 Ovrseasr 4033+27 MilA 2009-t-07 Foeus 3541+09 RealRtBtl093 " IntlEqp 2949+12 Sentinel Group ExplAdml
h" \I~' ~n ~,,___ n, ECapAp 2683+05 SMCAdp )g35+39 SCVlnst 2968+31 MIGA 1338+06 GenesIS 34]9+43 TRRtBt 1047 03 ComSAP 3276+14 ExtdAdm 3
HlIrborFunds "t'VI"" 'O44+l1 BondA 1257 02 Geneslnst4724+60 PIMCOFundsC InvBt 13.29+08 SmCoAp 801-t-11 500Adml12
h ~ n ~ nQ ~ ~1... ". VoyBt 1525'+11 Seouola16727 +74 ~NMAA~ l