HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence CST 5/14/2007
Goal One IS Citizen Involvement
CIty ofSprmgfield Plannmg COmlD1SSIOn
Gary Karp, Planner III
CIty of Sprmgfield
225 FIfth Street
Sprmgfield, OR 97444
May 14,2007
RE: LRP 2006-00027/ZON 2006-00054, Plan Amendment & Zone Change
"~[E @[EDIV [E ~I
MAY 14 Of .Ii
Dear Members of the Comrrusslon
The Goal One CoalItIOn (Goal One) IS a nonprofit orgamzatIon whose ID1SSIOn IS to proVIde
asSIStance and support to Oregomans m matters affectIng theIr commurutIes Goal One IS
appeanng m these proceedmgs at the request of and on behalf of Its memberslup resJ(nng ill
Lane County TIns testImony IS presented on behalf of Goal One and Its memberslup,
LandWatch Lane County, 642 Charnelton Swte 100, Eugene, OR 97401, and LandWatch's
memberslup m Lane County, specIfically to mclude PresIdent Robert Emmons, 40093 LIttle
Fall Creek Road, Fall Creek, OR 97438, as an mdlVldual
I IntroductJon
TIns proposal IS for a sIte-specIfic m";'vf-'vhtan plan amendment (pAPA) to amend the Metro
Plan DIagram and a concurrent zone change Wlthm the Sprmgfield CIJy lnruts
The proposal concerns 56 acres of a 100 3 acre sIte located north of Marcola Road at Its
mtersectJon WIth north 28th Street and approxnnately v.. nnle east of north 19th StreetJMarcola
Boulevard m Sprmgfield OR The property IS 1003 acres IdentIfied as Tax Lot 1800, Map
17-02-30 and Tax Lot 2300, Map 17-03-25-11 TL 2300 was platted m 1994 as parcel 3 of
land partJtJon plat 94-P0491 A f-'>Vf-''''~y !me adjustment was recorded WIth Lane County m
1997 affectIng the common boundary between parcels 2 and 3 ofland partJtIon plat 94-P0491 ,
completIng the current configuratIon of the subject sIte (CIty of Spnngfield file # 97-02-029)
The ComprehensIve Plan proposal IS to change the Campus Industnal portJon of the sIte to
CommercJal/Nodal Development Area, Commuruty CommercIal, and MedIum DensIty
ResldentIa1/Nodal Development Area The Zone Change proposal IS to change zonmg from
Campus Industnal to Commuruty CommercIal, Mlxed Use CommerCIal and MedIum DensIty
The sIte IS currently planned and zoned a combmatJon of MedImn DensIty
ResldentIalINDlMedImn DensIty ReSIdentIal (MDR) (357 acres), CommercJal/Commuruty
CommercIal (8 6 acres), and Campus Industnal/Campus Industnal (56 acres)
, , I
Eugene office 642 Chamelton SUite 100 Eugene OR 97401 541-431-7059 Fax 541-431-7078
Lebanon office. 39625 Almen Dnve Lebanon OR 97355 541-258-6074 Fax 541-258-6810
wwwgoal1 org
The plan amendment and zone change would allow an addJ.tlOnal 19 acres of MDR/ND
development, and an addJ.tJ.onal 11 acres of CommercIaIlCommumty Commercial
development The plan amendment and zone change would allow an addJ.tJ.onal 26 acres of
CommerciallNDlM1xed Use Commercial on the entIrety of the 1003 acre site The proposals
would elnnmate all the Campus Industnal plan deSignation and zorung (56 acres) from the
100 3 acre site
The 56 acres of Campus Industnal plan deslgnatJ.on and zorung classrlicatJ.on that IS the
subject of tins proposal IS part of a 100 3 acre site that IS currently planned for and zoned
Campus Industn8.l, and whIch IS bruit out With campus mdustnal uses
IT Cnteria apphcable to the request
Local approval cntena are found m the followmg documents Spnngfield Development
Code, Metro General Plan as prOVIded by the staff report
The proposed plan amendment must also be found to be consistent With apphcable stateWide
planrung goals ORS 197 I 75(2)(a) Apphcable goals mclude Goal 2, Land Use Planrung,
Goal 9, Economy of the State, Goal 10, Housmg, and Goal 12, TransportatJ.on The proposed
plan amendment must also comply With adrrnmstratJ.ve rules nnplementmg apphcable
stateWide planrung goals
m AnalysIS
All comprehensIVe plan amendments are reVIewable for comphance With the stateWide
planrung goals ReSIdents of Rosemont v Metro, 173 Or App 321 (200 I), 1000 Frzends of
Oregon v Jackson County, 79 Or App 93, 97, 718 P2d 753 (1986), rev den 301 Or 445
(1987), Opus Development Corp v CIty of Eugene, 141 Or App 249, 254, 918 P2d 116
Goal 2 - Land Use Plannmg IS "To estabhsh a land use planrung process and pohcy
framework as a basiS for all deciSIOns and actions related to use of land and to assure an
adequate factual base for deCISIOns and actJ.ons" Specrlically, local land use actJ.Ons "shall be
consistent With the comprehensive plans" Goal 2, Part I Further, the mformatJ.on upon
whIch land use deciSIOns are made "shall be conlamed m the plan docwnent or supportmg
docwnents" Goal 1, Part I
A planrung deciSIOn based on a study not mcorporated mto the comprehensive plan, such as
the SCLS, IS not a planrung deciSion that IS made on the basiS of the comprehensive plan and
acknowledged planrung docwnents, as reqwred by Goal 2 D S Parklane Development, Inc
v Metro, 165 Or App I, 22, 994 P2d 1205 (2000) Also, the City cannot rely on an
unacknowledged mventory over one that IS part of an acknowledged plan 1000 Frzends of
Oregon v CIty of Dundee, 203 Or App 207, 216, 124 P3d 1249 (2005) In tins case, there
appears to be rehance on the Spnngfield Commercial Lands Study (SCLS) whIch, although
acknowledged, does not address the entIre Metro UGB area, and IS not t:f~fiHeF~nt rl~n of .
the Metro Plan The 1992 Metropohtan Industnal Lands Study, howev rD ~&~~s \Je~ 'II'
entrre Metro UGB area, and IS part of the Metro Plan 'i 0'
'Ul MAY 1 4 ol
Marcola Meadows, LRP 2006-00027 & ZON 2006-00054 By _ 2'
The suggested findmgs m the Staff Report rely on reports and other docwnents contammg
mventones, asswnptIons, and data that have not been estabhshed for the entIre Metro UGB
area or mcorporated mto the comprehensive plan TIus matenal mcludes data used to JuslifY
findmgs of comphance WIth goal 9 Any deCISion relymg on such findmgs would not comply
WIth Goal 2
Respondmg to ImtJal comments from Goal One CoaltlOn concennng apphcabillty of
land mventones pursuant to Ordmance #6150, adoptmg the Spnngfield Natural
Resource Study, staffs posItIon IS that mventones established pursuant to Goal 5 are
relevant consideratIOns m consldenng aVallabllity of commercial and mdustnalland
WhIle It may be true that these mventones are relevant to the Marcola Meadows Plan
Amendment and Zone Change proposal, the 'relevant' analyses (tables 11-2 and 11-
3) actually show little rmpact on the commerCial lands mventory from Goal 5
protectIOn measures, and provide no httle If any analyses of land aVallabllity WIthm
the entue Metro UGB area, rather than Just the Spnngfield UGB area Table 11-2,
AnalYSIS of Maxlmwn Possible Impact on Supply of Commercial Lands WItlnn the
Spnngfield Urban Growth Boundary shows an rmpact of II 56 acres on Spnngfield's
(not the urban growth boundary area m It'S entJrety) commercial land supply
AdditIonally, the analYSIS pursuant to Ordmance #6150 falls to account for lands ADDED TO
the commercial mventory smce 2000, mcludmg but not lumted to the Gateway MDR site's
100 acres, proVldmg a skewed picture of the actual commercial land mventory
To skew the picture even further, the analysIs of maxunwn possible rmpact from Goal 5
protectIon measures on supply of mdustnal lands (Ordinance #6150, table 11-1) considers
ALL mdustnallands WIthm the entrre Metro UGB area, rather than Jus! the Spnngfield portIOn
of the UGB, and does not proVide a breakdown of number of mdustnally wned acres m
Spnngfield vs Eugene The 2000 SCLS, however (Table 3-2) shows that the nwnber of
campus mdustnal acres by plan deSignatIOn (I e - hght mediwn mdustnal acres) m the
Spnngfield UGB area IS 198 77
Goal 6 - AIr, Water, and Land Resources Quality IS "To mamtam and rmprove the
quality of the au, water and land resources of the state" Goal 6 prOVides that discharges
from future development, combmed WIth discharges from eXlstmg development, shall not
"(1) exceed the carrymg capacity of such resources, consldenng long range needs, (2)
degrade such resources, or (3) threaten the aVailability of such resources"
The Staff Report concludes that additIOnal traffic from development allowed by the plan
amendment WIll be no more slgmficant than that allowed WIth the current plan
deSignatIOn However, the proposed plan amendment and zone change would allow for
and encourage more of the automobile-dependent, fossil-fuel dependent, and greenhouse-
gas spewmg development patterns that are degradmg the au quality of Earth's
atmosphere and threaterung humaruty's very eXIstence The adverse rmpacts on C02
errussions resuitmg from development allowed by the pia I amendment .llli 7nnp "hange
have ~~t been e'valuated or conSidered ] [E @ [E 0 ill [E ~
I U~Jl MAY 1 4 01 ,
Marcola Meadows, LRP 2006-00027 & ZON 2006-00054 3
Goal 9 - Economic Development IS: "To proVlde adequate opporturubes throughout the
state for a vanety of econormc acbVlbes Vltal to the health, welfare, and prospenty of Oregon's
crtIzens "
The Staff Report's dJ.scusslOn of Goal 9 IS based upon a 2000 Spnngfield Commercial Lands
Study (SCLS) The Staff Report does mdJ.cate that the SCLS has not been adopted as part of
the Metro Plan Goal 2 reqwres that mformabon upon winch land use deciSIOns are made be
contamed m the plan document or supportmg documents If the SCLS has not been adopted
as part of the Metro Plan, any rehance on that study alone for JustIficabon of the proposed plan
amendments IS lllapp,vpuate and unjustified
Oregon Adrmmstrabve Rule OAR 660 009 0000 , DIVlslon 9 estabhshes the apphcability of
Goal 9 rules to Post Acknowledgement Plan Amendments (pAPA's) and specifies certam
procedures and reqwrements for local govemments to follow m the adopbon or amendment of
all plan or land use regulabons pertammg to Goal 9 In OAR 660 009 0010 4 the rule
dJ.scusses procedures relevant to tins apphcabon
Staff has mcorrectly dlsrmssed the apphcablhty of the new proVlSIOns of the Goal 9
adrrurustrabve rule that became effecbve January 1,2007 In staffs "'''''pvuses to wntten and
oral testunony", staff msmuates that because "the apphcabon was sublTIltted m September
2006, pnor to the effecbve date of changes made to Goal 9 by DLCD", the new Rules don't
apply That IS mcorrect
ORS 227 178 [Fmal acbon on certam apphcabons reqUITed Wlthm 120 days, procedure,
excepbons, refund of fees] at subsecbon (1) estabhshes "Except as proVlded m subsecbons
(3) and (5) of tins secbon, the govenung body ofa City Ortts deSignee shall take final acbon on
an apphcabon for a permit, lunlted land use declSwn or zone change (emphasiS added),
mcludmg resolubon of all appeals under ORS 227 180, Wlthm 120 days after the applIcabon IS
deemed complete"
The current proposal mcludes a plan amendment, winch IS not a pernut, Inmted land use
deciSIOn, or zone change ORS 197 175 [Clbes' and counbes' planrnng responslbilibes, rules
on mcorporabons, comphance With goals] at subsecbon (2), states "Pursuant to ORS
chapters 195, 196 and 197, each City and county m tins state shall (a) Prepare, adopt, amend
and reVlse comprehensive plans (emphasis added) m comphance Y'lth goals approved by the
comrmsslOn," TIns proVlslOn estabhshes that plan amendments must comply With the Goals,
m the case of tins proposal, that means the new Goal 9 rules are apphcable to the proposed
plan amendments
The recently amended Goal 9 Adrmmstrabve Rille (OAR 660-009-0010 at subsecbon (4) IS
NOT the proVlslon that the apphcant has addressed m therr March 17 reVlsed Goal 9 findmgs
TIns proVlslon estabhshes that for a PAP A that proposes to change the plan deslgnabon of
land m excess of 2 acres Wlthm an eXIstIng urban growth boundary from an mdustnal use
deslgnabon to a non-mdustnal use deslgnabon, or an other employment use deSignatIOn to any
other use deSignaTIon, a City or county must address all apphcable planrnng reqwrements, and
(emphasis added)
Marcola Meadows, LRP 2006-00027 & ZON 2006-00054
~~ @ ~ 0 ill ~ ]
W MAY 1 4 C)l
(a) Demonstrate that the proposed amendment IS consistent WIth Its most recent econonuc
opporturutIes analYSIS and (emphasis added) the parts of Its acknowledged comprehensive
plan winch addresses the requrrements of tins dIVIsIOn,
The applIcant appears to rely heaVIly on rnventory and polIcy statements establIshed by the
2000 SCLS rn establIslung that the proposal IS consistent WIth the Goal 9 rule However, the
applIcant's analYSIS of the proposals' consistency WIth comprehensive plan Econonuc
Element polICies found rn the MetropolItan General Plan, Chapter ill, B- I - B-7 IS rnsufficlent
and does not address the most slgruficant polICies that must be considered
The proposal would decrease the City'S campus rndustnalland rnventory by 56 acres The
applIcant has not JustIfied the conversIOn of scarce, shovel ready rndustnal land, especially
land deSignated and zoned campus rndustnal rnslde the Metro UGB, even though Metro Plan
(comprehensive plan) Econonuc Element polIcy # 12 establIshes that the cItIes are to
"dIscourage future MetropolItan Area General Plan amendments that would change
development ready rndustnal lands (sites defined as short - term rn the metropolItan Industnal
Lands Special Study, 1991) to non-rndustnal designatIons"
In addressrng applIcability of the Spnngfield Commercial Lands Study 2000 SCLS, the
applIcant also appears to try to separate the Metro Area by jUTIsdlctIonal boundary However,
Eugene and Spnngfield have a shared and adopted UGB, Comprehensive Plan, and Industnal
Lands study The jUTIsdIctIona1Iy focused SCLS does not analyze supply and demand for the
entIre Metro UGB area and cannot be relIed upon to establIsh consistency WIth the
reqwrements of OAR 660-009-0010 (4), winch establIshes that the proposed PAPA be
consistent WIth both (emphasIs added) the most recent econonuc opporturutIes analYSIS (I e
the 2000 SCLS) and the comprehensIVe plan
A related problem WIth placrng such heavy relIance on the 2000 SCLS to establIsh Goal 9
complIance IS that rn analyzrng supply and demand, the study falls to consIder or othefWlse
account for lands added to the commercIal rnventory Via applIcant uutIated and City approved
zone changes and plan amendments One very obVIOUS example of an additIon to the
Spnngfield commercial lands rnventory was the 2003 plan amendment and zone change at the
100-acre Gateway Medium Density ReSidentIal site that had the effect of rewrung and
redeslgnatrng 100 acres of reSidentIal land to commercial The applIcant and staff have faIled
to account for or othefWlse address the addItIon of any commercial land to the SCLS, even
though It IS clear that more than 100 acres of commercial land has been added to the rnventory
srnce the year 2000
The applIcant also relIes rn part on rnventones establIshed rn conjunctIon WIth adoptIon of
Spnngfield's Natural Resource (NR) Study, by Ordmance #6150 on November 28, 2005
Wlnle those rnventones may be relevant to tins proposal rn that poSSible 'unpacts' resultrng
, from Goal 5 protectIon measures were considered for all wrung classIficatIons, the analysIs of
maxnnum poSSible unpact on supply of commercial lands pursuant to the study IS Imnted to
the area Wltlun the Spnngfield portIon of the Metro UGB (table 11-2) Agam, because
Eugene and Spnngfield share a UGB and a comprehensive plan, an analysIs of the entIre
UGB area IS necessary to establIsh an accurate picture of the supply of commercial lands
\~~ ~.~ G ~ ~]\
\Jlj MAY 14 01 ~
Marcola Meadows, LRP 2006-00027 & ZON 2006-00054 5
In any case, the NR Study found that the maxrmum possIble unpact of Goal 5 protectIOn
measures on the Spnngfield CommercIal Lands Inventory would be the loss of 11 56
"commercIal acres"
The proposed plan amendments and zone changes would remove 56 acres of shovel ready
campus mdustnalland from the Metro UGB area mdustnallands mventory The apphcant IS
proposmg to sIte a Lowe's home unprovement center on 11 acres of commumty commercIal
zorung Wlthm the subject parcel The apphcant has saId nothmg about the eXIstence of another
home unprovement store located Wlthm Yo rrule or less of the subject property GIven that
there already IS a home unprovement store Wlthm the eXlstmg neIghborhood, the apphcant has
not justrlied convertmg the scarce, shovel ready campus mdustnalland for commercIal uses
that already eXIst Wlthm the neIghborhood
The apphcant has cIted only two comprehensIVe plan (Metro Plan) pohcles from the
'Econo1llic Element' (Chapter ill, SectIon B) of the Plan as "dIrectly relevant" to the
proposed PAPA The two Plan pohcles consIdered by the apphcant as relevant to the supply
of mdustnalland are pohcles 6 and 12
Pohcy 6 merely states "Increase the amount of undeveloped land zoned (emphasIs added) for
hght mdustnal and commercIal uses correlatIng the effectIve supply m telTIlS of swtability and
aVaIlability WIth the projectIons of demand" The apphcant states that tlns pohcy IS
"unperatIve and prOVIdes clearer gwdance than Pohcy 12" nus IS mcorrect nus pohcy
addresses zorung only, not plan deSIgnatIon, and concerns the necessIty of havmg adequate
supphes of land of both commercIal and mdustnal deSIgnatIons It says nothmg concermng
the apphcability of favonng one plan deSIgnatIon over the other
Pohcy 12 IS stronger than Pohcy 6 on the Issue of the supply of campus mdustnalland nus
pohcy states "DIscourage future Metro Plan amendments (emphasIs added) that would
change development-ready mdustnallands (sItes defined as short-term m the metropohtan
Industnal Lands SpeCIal Study, 1991) to non-mdustnal designations (emphasIS added) The
subject property,ldentrlied m the Industnal Lands Pohcy Report (1993) as bemg m RegIon 7,
sIte #5, IS noted m the Report (on page 50) as "ppwp<<ate for a campus mdustnal Plan
category The sIte IS also noted m the same document as a "short term sIte" (page 20)
Although the apphcant states that these two pohcles "will often be m confuct" because
"mcreasmg the amount of undeveloped commercIal land will frequently be at the expense of
the mventory of mdustnalland", tlns opunon IS not substantIated by eVIdence m the record
estabhshmg how much mdustnalland (desIgnated, not zoned) has been converted to
commercIal land In fact, 100 acres ofland deSIgnated reSIdentIal was approved for (
conversIOn to commercIal by Spnngfield CIty Council m 2003 Both staff and the apphcant ~
are silent on the Issue of conversIOns to commercIal from other deSIgnatIons Wlthm the Met. 8 S
UGB area Apphcant's assumptIon that mcreasmg the supply of commercIal land will = ~
"frequently" be at the expense of the mdustnal mventory IS clearly unsubstantIated ~ -
. - The P AI' A proposal must be consIstent WIth the Econo1llic Element of the ComprehensIve ~ ::;;;
plan m It'S entIrety A major 01lliSSlon found m the apphcatIon and staff report IS an analysu [= '~
, of all the Metro Plan Econo1llic Element pohcles other than the two addressed by the apph"" ,-
Marcola Meadows, LRP 2006-00027 & ZON 2006-00054
(pohcles 6 and 12) The remammg 30 pohcles should be addressed m some manner More
specllcally, the followmg pohcles are directly relevant to the mventory of mdustnallands
throughout the Eugene-Spnngfield Metro UGB area
5 - ProVlde eXlstmg mdustnal acuVlues suffiCient adjacent land for future expansIOn
TIns Plan proVlslOn IS drrectly apphcable because the 100 3 acre site IS currently zoned,
deSignated, and bu1lt out to take advantage of campus mdustnal deslgnatJon and zorung TIns
l"Vl'V,a} to ehmmate 56 acres of campus mdustnal zorung adjacent to eXlstmg and developed
campus mdustnal zorung, plan deslgnauon, and uses IS clearly mconslstent With the Metro
Plan Econonuc element, and 1f approved would have the effect of hnutlng future growth and
expansIOn of the eXlstmg campus mdustnal uses
7 - Encourage rndustnal park development, rncludrng areas for warehousrng and chstnbutJve
rndustnes and research and development aCUVlues
The apphcant and staff state that there IS httle or no rnterest rn rndustnal development these
days, and pamt a picture of rndustry that IS other than what campus rndustnal zorung and plan
deslgnatJons expect However, the Econonuc Element of the Metro Plan, Frndrng # 17
estabhshes "Special hght rndustnal firms" (I e campus rndustnal) "have vaned site locauon
reqwrements, prefer alternauve sites to choose from, and usually benefit from locauon of other
special hght rndustnal firms Wlthrn the commuruty and Wlthrn the same rndustnal
development" The subject site IS located Wlthrn an eXlstlng campus rndustnal (s II) site The
proposal faJ.!s to address the unpacts on the eXlstmg campus rndustnal uses from the potenual
loss of 56 acres of adjacent campus rndustnalland
9 - Encourage the expansIOn of eXIstmg and the locauon of new manufactunng acuVlues
which are charactenzed by low levels of polluuon and effiCient energy use
Staffhas not chscussed efforts to attract and/or encourage expansIOn of manufactunng
acuVlues that could be Sited on campus rndustnal zoned and deSignated lands The only
reference to tlns Issue from staff IS that there hasn't been much rnterest rn the site from the
rndustnal development sector
15 - Encourage compaublhty between rndustnally zoned lands and adjacent areas rn local
planrung program
Neighbors have "'Al'"",Sed no concern about theu qualIty ofhfe from eXlstmg campus
rndustnal uses The concern IS With the conversIOn to commercial and resldentJal uses The
apphcant has not addressed why or how the eXlstlng campus rndustnal zorung and plan
deslgnatJon IS rncompauble With the adjacent neighborhood zorung and plan deslgnatJon
16 - Ul1hze processes and local controls which encourage retenuon oflarge parcels or
consohdatJon of small parcels of rndustnally or commercially zoned land to facilitate theu use
or reuse rn a comprehensive rather than piecemeal fashion
The subject property (56 acres) IS part ofa large parcel (100 3 acres), all of which IS zoned and
deSignated campus rndustnal StafflS directed by tlns pohcy to encourage retentJon oftlns
large parcel of rndustnally zoned and deSignated land, which IS the last remamrng large parcel
of campus rnd~al}and Wlthrn the Spnngfield City hnutslD) ~ @ ~ Q \!J ~ 1
"""'1. M~_ LRP W06-OOO27 & ZON 2006-00054 IJ1l MAY 1 4 0 1 ~\
21 - Reserve several areas Wlthm the UGB for large scale, campus type, lIght manufuctunng
Staffhas failed to address the nnpact that tins proposal WIll have on the dwmdlmg supply of
shovel ready campus mdustnalland lDSlde the Spnngfield CIty lumts, mcludmg pnor actIons
"Pp."llIlg land use code amendments to the campus mdustnal zone that estabhshed more
'fleXIbility' for what uses are allowed m the CIty'S campus mdustnal zones These
amendments contrIbuted to the consumptIon of most of the remammg campus mdustnalland
m the Gateway area, leaVIng the 100 3-acre campus mdustnal sIte at 28111 Street and Marcola
Road (winch mcludes the 56 acre subject 1""1'".;j) as the last remammg large parcel zoned
and deSIgnated for campus mdustrIal use lDSlde the Spnngfield CIty lumts
28 - Recogmze the VItal role of neIghborhood commercIal facilitIes m proVldmg SerVIceS and
goods to a parlIcular neIghborhood
TIns PAPA proposal requests nodal deslgnalIons and zonmg yet has not consIdered or
othelWlse addressed the applIcabIlIty of neIghborhood commercIal zonmg vs the requested
commuruty commercIal zorung CommercIal scale development IS mcompatIble WIth true
nodal development elements mcludmg proVIsIOn of seTVlceS for neIghborhood access rather
than regIOnal scale access, pedestrIan and altemalIve mode accessIbility, a IIllX ofhousmg
types and affordability throughout the nodal area
AddItIonally, applIcant states that the commercIal zonmg 'would not be part of the node'
However, the 10calIon of the proposed addItIonal 11 acres of commuruty commercIal zonmg
and commercIal plan deslgnalIon IS clearly part of the subject parcel and the 'draft master
plan' that the applIcant IS promolIng concurrently WIth the plan amendment and zone change
Staff and applIcant have not addressed the applIcability of commuruty commercIal zorung
Wlthm a node, or explamed why neIghborhood commercIal zonmg IS bemg IgnOred for Ingher
mtenslty uses m tins eXlstmg neIghborhood
All the Metro Plan Econo1ll1c Element polICIes are applIcable to tins applIcatIon, and should
have been addressed by the applIcant
Goal 10 - Housmg IS "To proVIde for the housmg needs of cItIzens of the state Goal 10
reqUlIes that cItIes mamtaIn an mventory ofbmldable land for reSIdentIal uses OAR 660
DIVISIOn 8 mterprets and Implements Goal 10 OAR 660-008-0010 reqUITes that
"[s]ufficlent bUIldable land * * * be deSIgnated on the Cvm1'."henslve plan map to satIsfy
housmg needs by type and densIty range as detenruned m the housmg needs projectIon The
local bUIldable lands mventory must document the amount of bUIldable land m each
reSIdentIal plan desIgnatIon"
The Staff Report dIscusses the availability of land for housmg Wlthm the Metro UGB area,
and relIes on any acknowledged BLI m reachmg Its conclusIOns that there IS a surplus of
bUIldable land through the 2015 planrung honzon Approval of the proposed plan
amendment to add an addItIonal 19 acres of reSIdentIal land IS not justrlied on a need for
addItIOnal reSIdentIal deSIgnatIon and zonmg Fmdmgs must show that mcreasmg the CIty'S
a.ire<tdy adequate ,supply of bUIldable resIdentIal lands at the expe~ ~f @.~~~"'~rlis....?r
Marcola Meadows, LRP 2006-00027 & ZON 2006-00054 W MAY 1 4 {f1 --' :
scarce shovel ready campus mdustnal land IS consIstent WIth the Housmg and EconoIllic
polIcIes of the Metro Plan
Goal 12 - TransportatIon IS "To provIde and encourage a safe, converuent and econOIlliC
transportatIOn system" OAR 660 DIVIsIOn 12 1lllplements Goal 12
OAR 660-012-0060 (the TPR) reqUIres a companson of traffic Impacts allowed under
pre- and post-amendment plan and zorung by companng the most traffic mtensIve use
allowed m each zone However, the proper pomt of companson IS "allowed land uses,"
not uses allowed under a specIfic development plan, partIcularly development plans that
can be modIfied at any tIme WIthout a plan amendment or zone change Griffiths v CIty
of Corvallis, 50 Or LUBA 588 (2005)
To adequately address the requuements of the TPR, the TIA must assume the most
mtense traffic-generatmg use allowed under the proposed zorung and must assume that
use IS developed at the maxImum allowed mtensIty The proposal to apply the IND
desIgnatIOn to the entue 54 7 acres of proposed MDR desIgnatIOn and zorung would be
appropnate If thrs were to be a truly nodal development However, the mclusIOn of a
Lowe's Home Improvement store adjacent to proposed reSIdentIal development raIses
concerns about traffic and congestIOn and safety that would not otherWIse be an Issue m a
pedestnan, tranSIt onented area
In applIcant's dIscussIOn of why a home Improvement center IS appropnate m a Nodal
Development Area, applIcant states that the "applIcatIOn does not seek to apply the Nodal
Development Area deSIgnatIon to the land on winch the home Improvement store WIll be
proposed by the Master Plan applIcatIOn"
Wlule stalIng that the PAPA would have the effect of establIslnng a node on 80 acres of
MedIum DensIty ReSIdentIal and CommercIal land that do not mclude the pOSSIble sIte of
the home Improvement center, the applIcant does not dISCUSS or JustIfy the
appropnateness of sItmg a home Improvement center WIthrn the boundanes of a Nodal
Accordmg to the applIcant "a home Improvement center affilIated WIth the proposed
Nodal Development Area WIll augment the neIghborhood retaIl traffic of the stores WIthm
the Nodal Development deSIgnatIon thereby mcreasmg theu chances for commercIal
success" However, as a result of the level of traffic expected from thrs kInd of
development, the applIcant has suggested establIslnng 'tnp caps' that WIll lIrrut the
number of dwellIng UIllts allowed m the 54 7 acres of proposed MDRIND deSIgnated
land TIus mternal mconslstency (/ND to allow more denSIty to support a walkmg,
transIt onented area IS lost m the shuffle to deal WIth extra traffic actually generated by
Lowes' more so than by addItIOnal reSIdentIal denSIty winch IS not just allowed but
expected pursuant to the IND deSIgnatIOn) IS an mdIcatIOn that a commercIal deSIgnatIOn
for Lowe's and a nodal desIgnatIOn IS mconslstent WIth the TransportatIOn element of the
Metro Plan
An adequate transportatIOn Impacts analysIs must assume the most mtense traffic-
generatmg use allowed under the proposed zorung and plan deSlgnatIV"~~ltt~" ~]
MAY 1 4 01 J
Marcola Meadows, LRP 2006-00027 & ZON 2006-00054 9
that use IS developed at the maxrmum allowed mtenslty ThIs proposal has faded to do so
and cannot be rehed upon to adequately evaluate potentIal transportatlOn system rmpacts
as reqUITed by the TPR
The subject property IS actually located WIthm Y, rmle of an "mterstate mterchange
area "I The close proX1IIllty of the 1-105/126 Eugene-Spnngfield HIgway and 19th Street
mtersectIon to the subject 'nodal site' IS hkely to allow and encourage a large amount of
reglOnal shupp"''' travelmg by automoblle to easily access thts site ConslderatlOn of
thts SltuatlOn as mconslstent WIth the pohcles supportmg Nodal Development m the
Metro Plan (TransportatlOn element) has not been addressed by the apphcant or staff
The proposal states only that the suggested rmtIgatIon at thts mtersectlOn WIll help aVOld
further degradatlOn of the system m the plan year 2025" "A vOlds further degradatlOn" IS
not the apphcable standard the mltIgatlOn must meet the City standard and mamtam LOS
D or better The rmtlgatlOn must meet the state standard and "assur[ e] that the allowed
land uses are consistent WIth the functlOn, capacity and performance standards of the
As has been prevlOusly discussed, m determl1llllg whether the apphcable standards are
met the TIA must assume the most mtense traffic-generatmg use allowed under the
proposed CR zorung and must assume that use IS developed at the maxtmum allowed
Goal 13 - Energy IS "To conserve energy" Goal 13 reqUITes "Land and uses
developed on the land shall be managed and controlled so as to maxrmlZe the
conservatlOn of all forms of energy, based upon sound economic pnnclples "
The Staff Report makes conclusory findmgs regardmg Goal 13 However, the proposed
fmdmgs are not supported by any eVidence whatsoever
The type of development that would be enabled by the plan amendment and zone change
IS nothmg else than more of the auto-dependent development that has led to the energy
and clrmate cnses we face Truly energy-effiCient development would be smaller m scale
so that the market area drawn upon by the faclhtIes would truly hmlted to surroundmg
neighborhoods, and so the faclhtIes would be acceSSible not by cars but by people - by
foot, bicycle, and pubhc transportatlOn
No studies have been done demonstratmg that customers of development allowed by the
amendments would m fact come from the market area defined by the surroundmg
neighborhoods No studies have been done evaluatmg the energy consequences of
alternative development patterns - of relymg on more, smaller, and well-dlstnbuted
commercial and office areas rather than larger and fewer areas
I OAR 660-012-0060(4XeXc) defines "mterchange area"
"Interstate mterchange area means
"(I) Property wlthm one-half mIle of an eXlstmg or planned mterchange on an Interstate
Highway as measured from the center pomt of the mterchange, or . ~
"(n) The mterchange area as defmed m the Interchange Area Management Plan al r~ a@t ~ ~ III ~ J
amendment to the Oregon Htghway Plan "
, MAY 1 4 01 J
Marcola Meadows, LRP 2006-00027 & ZON 2006-00054
In the absence of any analysIs of the energy consequences of the proposed amendments,
findmgs of compliance With Goal 13 cannot be made or Justified
ID. ConclusIOn
The proposed amendments would create a 56-acre resldentJal and commercial site WltIun an
eXIstIng 100 3 acre campus mdus1nal site
The proposed plan amendment IS not logical and harmoruous With the land use pattern for
the greater area The proposed change IS not "lOgical and harmoruous" because It IS not
consistent With the development pattern envlSloned m the Metro Plan
The plan amendment would allow for "big box" or other lugh-mtenslty retail
development, development could not be ll1mted m scope so as to be appropnate to the
surroundmg neighborhoods and commuruty
Development allowed by the proposed amendment would disrupt and be mcompatIble
With the surroundmg residentIal and campus mdustnal environments and IS not consistent
With the Metro Plan
As explamed above, the proposed amendment IS mCOllSIstent With the mtent of the EconOlIDc
Element of the Metro Plan, and does not comply With Metro Plan polICies Therefore It cannot
be found to be compatIble With these Plans
Compliance With stateWide plannmg goals, mcIudmg goals 2, 6, 9, 10, 12, and 13, has not
been established In partIcular, It has not been established that the Eugene-SpnngfieId Metro
UGB area's supply of campus mdus1nal land will be protected pursuant to the PAPA and zone
change proposal
The requested plan amendment does not comply With polICies of the Metro Plan and
MetropolItan Indus1nal Lands Special Study
The requested plan amendment and zone change does not benefit the publIc and are not
Goal One and other partIes whose addresses appear m the first paragraph of tlns letter request
notIce and a copy of any deciSion and findmgs regardmg tlns matter
Respectfully subrrutted,
Laun Segel
Commuruty Planner
ill MAY 1 4 07 U
. ~
Marcola Meadows, LRP 2006-00027 & ZON 2006-00054