HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence CST 4/10/2007
Satre Associates, P C
132 East Broadway
Swte 536
Eugene, Oregon 97401
Phone 541 465 4721
Fax 541 46S 4722
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www satrepc com
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City of Spnngfield
Development Services Department
225 Fifth Street
Spnngfield, Oregon 97477
Attn Gary Karp
Re The Villages at Marcola Meadows
Metro Plan Diagram Amendment (LRP 2006-00027)
Spnngfield Zonmg Map Amendment (ZON 2006-00054)
Dear Gary,
Please accept tins letter and the enclosed matenals for the public record as the applicant's
rebuttal to wntten and oral tesllmony presented dunng and followmg the March 27, 2007,
Planmng ComrmsslOn public heanng regardmg the above amendment appllcal10ns The
enclosed matenals are as follows
o School Dlstnct 19 letter, dated Apnl 10,2007, documentmg suffiCient school
. Gleaves Sweanngen letter, dated Apnll 0, 2007, regarding compliance With
stateWide Goal 2
o Why Marcola Meadows ill NOT Ltke Home Depot, dated March 28, 2007,
outhmng select findings for Home Depot dernal and how they either do not apply
to the Marcola Meadows appllcal10n or are no longer valid
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RIchard M Satre, AICP, ASLA, CSI
PreSident, Satre ASSOCiates, P C
Copies to
Bob Martm, The Martm Company
Jeff Belle, JHB, Inc
Planners, Landscape Architects and EnVIronmental Specla/zsts