HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 3/26/2007
A~S.OClATf ~,
Satre Associates, P C
132 East Broadway
SUite 536
Eugene, Oregon 9740 I
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March 26, 2007
City ofSpnngfie1d
Development Services
225 Fifth Street
Spnngfield, Oregon 97477
~~ @~ ~ \TI ~~
MAR 2 6 0 7 ~
~ J
By l- ,w3--'.-:-
Attn Gary Karp, Planner
Re The Villages at Marco1a Meadows
City Files LRP 2006-00027 and ZON 2006-00054
Dear Gary,
Please accept the enclosed document for the record as the applicant's response to
the list of concerns received from DLCD m theu March 12, 2007, letter addressed
to the CIty of Spnngfield We appreciate DLCD's review or our applical10n and
tlus opporturuty to reply
Please contact us should you l.ave any questIOns or requue any addll10nal
mformal1on m tlus regard
'R~d-M S~YlV
Richard M Satre, AICP, ASLA, CSI
Encl Responses to March 12 DLCD List of Concerns
Planners, Landscape Archl1ects and EnVironmental Speclallsts
Planners, Landscape Architects and Environmental SpecialIsts
132 East Broadway, SUite 536, Eugene, Oregon 97401
(541) 465-4721 . Fax (541) 465-4722 . 1-800-662-7094
www satrepc com
lli MAR 26 07_ J
March 26, 2007
ZONE CHANGE ZON 2006-00054
Marguente Nabeta, AICP, South WIllamette Valley RegIOnal Representative of the
Department of Land ConservatIOn and Development, sent a letter and an attached list of
concerns dated March 12,2007 to Gary M Karp, Planner for the City of Spnngfield
Development Services Department Commumty P1anrung DIVISIon, the staff planner
assIgned to these applications Mr Karp forwarded Ms N abeta' s letter to us for
responses Our responses are given below
DLCD Comments 1, and 3
Item # 1 pomts out that Goal 9 compliance may be addressed With both quantitative and
qualitative analyses Item #3 acknowledges qualitative comments, but alleges that no
analYSIS or reasonable conclUSIOns are proVided to Justify redesIgnatlOn
In the applicant's reVIsed Goal 9 findmgs of March 17,2007, a qualitative analYSIS IS
presented m tbe sectIOns titled "Site SpeCific Issues," "Competmg Sites," and
"Companng Wages" on pages 6 tbrough 10 of 12 pages Additional mformation
regardmg the qualities of the site affectmg ItS sUltabtlity for development under ItS
current deSignation IS presented m the P1anrung ComrmsslOn Staff Report for March 27,
2007, m the "Executive Summary," and on pages 1-34 tbrough 1-37
In these two documents, there IS extensive matenal regardmg the Instory, context,
conditions, and marketability of the subJect site The SUItability of the site IS analyzed m
the context of changmg market forces and m companson to the progress of development
m the Gateway Campus Industnal Dlstnct, locatIOn of the maJonty ofSpnngfie1d's
The Villages at Marcola Meadows - Re.ponses to DLCD Concerns
March 26, 2007
page I of6
shovel-ready CI land These discussIOns demonstrate the mfenonty of the subject site
compared to the rest of the CI mventory, and also pomt out the pressure for Commercial
development on more SUitable sites A reasonable conclusIOn IS made that redeslgnatmg
the subject slte will ease commerCial development pressures on tf ~Q,' r! m"P.I't",;,
wlnle sacnficmg a site that m 23 years has shown no potential fOl ~WHt~~ r"j) l
CI designatIOn ni II'
JU MAR 2 6 01 j
DLCD Comment s 2, 4 c, e, 8, 11
Item #2 askS about "cumulative actIOns smce the 2002 [SIC] CommerCial study" and
questIOns the use of figures from the 2006 Industnal-Commercwl BUildable Lands Study
(CIBL) Item #4 c refers to a figure m the applicant's February 28, 2007 responses to
Goal 9 denved from older mventones Items #4 d and 4 e refer to figures m the same
February 28, 2007 document tbat were based on the CIBL study Items #8 and #11
further questIOn studies used m the prevIOus verSIOn of the applicatIOn
The applicant's March 17, 2007 document reVised prevIOus Goal 9 responses to rely only
on mventones and studies that have been coordmated With the DLCD These mclude the
most recent acknowledged mventocj, the 2005 Spnngfield Natural Resource Study
Report, which updated Industnal and ReSidenTIal mventones m the Metropolitan UGB
and the Commercial mventory m the Spnngfield UGB Tins document was
acknowledged by the DLCD m December 2006
DLCD Comment 4 b
Item #4 b alleges tbat the proposal IS not consistent With OAR 660-009-0010(4) because
It IS not consistent With the City'S mdustnal converSIOn poliCies In fact, the applicant's
responses, reVised responses, and tbe Plannmg ComrrusslOn Staff Report discuss tins
Issue at length and present substanTIve arguments demonstratmg compliance With
comprehensive plan poliCies
As discussed begmrung on page 4 of the March 17, 2007 reVised Goal 9 responses, and
begmrung on page 1-60 of the P1anrung ComrrusslOn Staff Report, there IS no
requrrement to meet every policy perfectly and completely and WithOUt contradiCTIOn
The Metro Plan acknowledges tins fact and address conflicts and mconslstencles between
and among goals and poliCies Although the proposal IS mconslstent With Economic
Policy B 12, It IS consistent With Econorrllc Policy B 6 and other econOrrllC poliCies m the
Metro Plan and the Spnngfield CommercIal Lands Study
Item #4 b also calls for "a diSCUSSion of how to weight the ba1ancmg" The reVised Goal
9 responses and the diSCUSSion m the "Inventory EqUllibnum" seCTIon of tins document
The Vlll.ges .1 Marcol. Meadows - Responses to DLCD Concerns
March 26, 2007
, ,
, ,
present methods of correlatmg the relevant mventones and detenrumng a reasonable
balance between them
ill MAR 2 6 01
DLCD Comments 5, 6, 7
Items #5, 6, and 7 all queslion the mcluslOn of a home Improvement center 11 me
prehmmary plan for the proJect Item #5 states that there IS no diSCUSSIOn of why a home
rmprovement center IS appropnate maN odal Development Area In fact, tlus
apphcatlon does not seek to apply the Nodal Development Area deSignation to the land
on wluch the home Improvement store Will be proposed by the Master Plan apphcatlOn
Potenlial Node 7C IS not an offiCial node The proposed PAPA would create an offiCial
node on 80 acres of MedIUm DenSity Resldenlial and Commercial land that do not
mc1ude the pOSSible Site of the home Improvement center As proposed by the applicant,
a home Improvement center affiliated With the proposed Nodal Development Area Will
augment the neighborhood retail traffic of the stores wltlun the Nodal Development
deSignatIOn, thereby mcreasmg their chances for commercial success
Item #6 disputes the transllional1ayout, scale, and deSign of the prelml1nary plan that
accomparues thiS apphcalion It states that a home Improvement center IS mccmpalib1e
With a resldenlia1 neighborhood However, the pre1munary plan separates the home
Improvement center from the proposed MedIUm DenSity ReSidential development by
means of an extensively landscaped area for wetland ffi1ligatlOn and open space Direct
views of the home rmprovement center Will be screened from the resldenlia1 sectIOn by
heavily planted berms agamst an 8- foot retammg wall Velucular and pedestnan paths
from new and eXiling resldenlial areas to the home Improvement center will first pass
through neighborhood commercIal areas The home Improvement center Itself Will be
deSigned to resemble a senes of smaller retail spaces, slffi1lar m scale to the others, rather
than a smgle monolithic fayade The proposed commercial areas Will be a very effecl1ve
transition between the new and eXlstmg resldenlial areas to the west and north, and the
eXlstmg heavy mdustna1 uses to the southeast
Item #7 reiterates the earlier challenge to a home Improvement center ill a nuxed-use
proJect, but agam, the center IS not a part of the areas deSignated for Nodal Development
or Mixed-use The comment also espouses a versIOn of what "true In1Xed-use" IS, that It
must be vertically mtegrated or at least honzontally mtegrated to some undefined
standard However, the Spnngfield Development Code has no such standards for Mixed-
Use Zorung and Nodal Development Overlays The prehmmary plan has been prepared
to meet or exceed all of the requirements of the adopted Nodal and Mixed-Use
The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Responses to DLCD Concerns
March 26, 2007
page 3 of6
/D)~ @ ~ D \Yl ~--'JI
till MAR 2 6 D 1 ~
DLCD COJ1:!IT1ents 4 a, b, d, f, h
Items #4 a, b, d, f, and h all request further dJscusslOn, analysIs and ral10nale for sluftmg
land m the CI mventory to other deslgnal10ns
The apphcant's March 17, 2007 document revised prevIous Goal 9 responses to address
these comments The analYSIS and ratlOnale for the proposed shifts of mventory are
discussed further below
The three sectors of the economy represented by the three pnnclp1e land mventones
(resldenl1al, commercial, and mdustnal) are economically mterdependent and eqUlhbnum
between the mventones IS essenl1a! to economic health To put It simply, people need
places to work, shop, and live Growth m one sector of the economy Will spur growth m
the other two If the mventory of land for one sector, mdustry for mstance, IS especially
large compared to the others, that mventory may be elastic and affordable and therefore
contnbute to, or at least facilitate, an expansIOn of that sector However, small or non-
eXistent mventones ofland for the other sectors create very melastlc supply curves As
expansIOn of the mdustnal sector creates an upward sluft of the resldenl1a1 and
commercial land demand curves, the me1asl1clty of supply Will dnve up pnces rapidly
Because the sectors are mterdependent, nsmg pnces ofland for the other sectors will
squelch the expansIOn of the mdustnal sector, despite ItS apparently adequate land supply
Tlus cause - effect sequence doesn't have to be played out step by step for the
mechamsm to work Industnes consldenng expansIOn Will study the overall land market
and anl1clpate these problems Unless these market forces are understood by policy
makers, the lack of growth m a sector well supplied With land Will have no apparent
cause Conversely, If the mventones for all three pnnclple sectors are suffiCient and
balanced, expanSIOn of one sector Will spur orderly and proportIOned growth m the
otbers Therefore It IS essenl1al for the health of the economy to mamtam eqUlhbnurn
between the mventones
Tlus nuses the questIOn of how to deternune when the mventones are out of eqUlhbnurn
and how to restore It In tlus parl1cu1ar mstance, commercial mventones are proJected to
be completely depleted by the end of the planrung penod That fact alone IS enough to
Jusl1fy sluftmg land from an mventory where there IS a so-called "surplus" The questIOn
remams how should we compare, and If needed, reapportIOn two mventones (mdustnal
and resldenl1a1) when pOSll1ve balances of each are proJected for the end of the planrung
The method presented on pages 11 and 12 of the March 17th reVised Goal 9 findmgs uses
data from the U S Census Bureau and gUlde1mes from the Oregon Department of Land
ConservatlOn and Development to establish a correlatIOn between the mventones of
mdustnal and resldenl1a11and Bnefly, the method estlIDates the denSity of full-tlIDe
employees livmg on resldenl1a1land and Job density on mdustna1land Employee
denSIty IS denved from U S Census data on mdlvldual and household mcome, and
The V,llages at Marcola Meadows - Responses to DLCD Concerns
March 26, 2007
page 4 of6
Metro Plan target dwellmg densIties
opporturuty ana1ysls guJde1mes
'il):~DIT1!AUJ "I
;'~~ M~IR .6 0 '1
Job density IS based on DLCD econ01lliC
Tlus method of analysIs establishes a clear and ratIOnal Justification for reapportlomng
land as proposed by the applicatIOn Shlftmg land from one mventory to another to
aclueve eqUllibnum between the mventones IS sound econ01lliC and land planrung
practice that Will faCilitate and stabilize econ01lliC growth and the effiCient use ofland
Item #9 asks when the Eugene-Springfield Metropolrtan Area Publrc FacllrtlCs and
Services Plan, 2001 was adopted by the City Spnngfield approved Ordmance No 5992
November 5, 2001 adopting the Eugene-Springfield Metropolrtan Area Publrc Facllrtles
and Services Plan 'as a refmement plan of the Metl 0 Plan
Item #10 questIOns whether Goa12 requirements for coordmatlOn With other JunsdictlOns
have been met Referral of .he proposed Metro Plan diagram amendment was sent to the
City of Eugene and Lane County on March 16, 2007 The applicant's findmgs and the
Planrung ComnusslOn Staff Report for March 27, 2007 mclude diSCUSSIOns
demonstratmg comphance wlth Goal 2 In addition to those comments, the followmg IS
offered regardmg coordmatlOn Wlth other Junsdlctlons
The Eugene/Spnngfield Metropohtan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) proVides pohcy
regardmg coordmatlon With JunsdlctlOnal partners wltlun the metropolitan area m review
and declSlon-makmg on proposed amendments to the Metro Plan SpeCifically, Metro
Plan pohcles are contamed m the Metro Plan document's Chapter IV Me/ro Plan
ReView, Amendments, and Refinements Wltlun Said chapter, Pohey 3 stipulates that
Metro Plan amendments shall be claSSified as a Type I or Type II amendment Policy 3 a
"A Type I amendment shall mclude any change to the U1 ban growth boundary (UGB)
or the Metro Plan Boundary (Plan Boundary) of the Metro Plan, any change that
reqUIres a goal exceptIOn to be taken under Statewide Planning Goal 2 that IS not
related to the UGB expansIOn, and any amendment to the Metro Plan text that IS non-
site specific "
Policy 3 b states
"A Type II amendment shall Include any change to the Metro Plan DlagJ am or Metro
Plan text that IS site specific and not otherwIse a Type I category amendment "
The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Responses 10 DLCD Concerns
March 26, 2007
page 5 of6
Policy 5 sets forth the condlhons under wluch the govemmg bodies of the three
metropolitan JunsdlCtlOllS participate m the approval process for Metro Plan amendments
Policy 5 estates
"DeCISIOns on all Type II amendments wlthm City lzmlfs shall be the sole
responslbzllty of the home City "
Tlus proposed amendment
. Includes site-specific changes to the Metro Plan Diagram
. Does not mclude any change to the UGB or the Metro Plan Boundary
. Does not reqUIre a goal exceptIOn to be taken under Statewide Planlllng Goal 2
that IS not related to the UGB expanSIOn, and
. Does not mclude any non-site speCific amendment to the Metro Plan text
Therefore, tlus proposed amendment must be clasSified as a Type II amendment The
speCific site for wluch the amendment IS proposed IS located wholly wltlun the
Spnngfie1d City 1111UtS, as demonstrated by the Spnngfie1d Zomng Map Given these
CITcumstances and the Cited Met' 0 Plan poliCies, the City of Spnngfie1d 1S the home City
and has sole responsibility for the deCISIOn on tlus amendment The City IS responsible
for provldmg nohce to all affected governmental uruts, wluch It has done The City IS
also responsible for respondmg m ItS fmdmgs to the 1egitunate concerns or affected
governmental UllltS At tlus hme, the public record has not closed and there remam
opportumhes for comments and City to responses Therefore, to the degree that a
determmatlOn can be made at Ius hme, and With regard to coordmatlOn, the proposal IS
consistent With Goal 2
J1J MAR 26 07 }
The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Responses to DLCD Concerns
March 26, 2007
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