HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 1/11/2007 SATRE ASSOCIATES, P.c. - I ~ Planners, Landscape ArchItects and EnvIronmental SpecIalIsts _ 132 East Broadway, StIlte 536! Eugene, Oregon 97401 ==- (541) 465-4721 . Fax (541) 465-4722 . 1-800-662-7094 ! www satrcnc com SATRE ASSOCIATES TRANSMITTAL ~- -~,"",~{i%1bn' ;""'''''"","0'''''''''''*,,^_~'=_'=v",n'''M''''''''''*''''''''P'$.-''t'T'iV'oo,";,,=it'''''''''8'''m' ="c'=r",,'_4M""':",'~0'''~'''~'''''"''''''In~;;:&;==:0G"!nm%.=~~tt~ TO' City of Spnngfield Plannmg DIVISIon 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 Gary Karp January 11, 2007 The Villages at Marcola Meadows CLIENT PROJ # SATRE PROJ #. 0609 DATE PROJECT. ATTN ~ ~+'ih'i~","_)0;~",,_~, =""'=~"'~"""""=*'''''''''.8'''''_.Y''~''1_."",_~'''',-0_~'-<h''ME_~"""'J TRANSMITTED Herewith x DISPOSITION For Your Approval For Your InfomlatlOn/Use x Separate Cover Other For Reply ~_._~,==--",,,,,,,,"_;._._,.."0__~==,"",~,*,,,,'-h""'F~'0"'~*'_'="~:'.__~_w__,_, _ ------~"-~.nw-""..-,~----"'"W"'-,."..-""-.=-".... ~r1K~""tlJt"'''~~M--~jmti~j TRANSMITTED # CopIes Item Dated No Pages (In addItIOn to thIS cover oaee) 7 Metro Plan Amendment ApplIcation December 20, 2006 7 Zone Change ApplIcatIOn December 20 2006 7 Traffic Impact AnalYSIS December 20,2006 17 PrelImmary Master Plan 1 CD of the above, plus el>.lstmg conditIOns site photos ~M' _h. """''''''_' "-:"=-~fi3:i"-"-",-"'",,,*,~Mwr-~-~~""'~ic""<>__"""'_=,,~^,';'_"j='d7d~"'''_1ri'' ~ ~-~~ ,,,,.,,,.,_._-~-~~ REMARKS. Gary, please find enclosed the Mdrcola Meadows Plan Amendment and Zone Change dpplIcatlOn copIes that you requested We loo\.. forward to the processmg of these applIcatIons As always please do not hesItate to contact us If there IS anythmg else you leqUlre at thiS Juncture Thank you for your contmued assistance I d Date Receive ck(' 20 2006 ( anginal submittal '-';'-'V_VM:.'.-:.~__!t;,;"""",wW'~"I'@iiltillillii\:.i-#~'_' ",",""'"",,"'-..c="-,,'w-" '""'"""'" '"=-'''1 fu,~tre~SI 1f",'~~M ~,*""~",,~n""'...,,.,",_~_._~~~~ _v""=,,.M"U"1_i""~~~-_" COPIES TO Agency BY File x Consultant Ownel Other I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - - ~ - SATRE ASSOCIATES THE VILLAGES AT MARCOLA MEADOWS lVllilKO PLAN AlVlliJ~MENT APPLICATION Lane County Assessor's Map 17-02-30-00, Lot 1800 and Map 17-03-25-11, Lot 2300 Marcola Meadows Site and Vicinity Townhome Village Date Received: DEe 2 0 2006 Original Submittal it~""r \. ~,~..~<\T,j'C'(" .,'._'~' ;.~:1'~( ':.:' " .,.. cc,..".""",~,...... ~#,;:$!~~:"ffP->' _ _" ...:..-......7;:''f';.~.,'!C;;~'-' ~ =~~-- "~- ~'.;. .~l ~_'1' .t'" --r'-.~''''''''';'_.~-'~'- . " 'Ie"-J'. ~. ,~.~ -"lor.: :.... ~..~ )pen Space Main Street Retail Village SC Springfield, LLC 5440 Louie Lane, Suite 102 Reno, Nevada 89511 December 20, 2006 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ --- SAtRE ASSOCIATES I I I I Satre Associates, PC 132 East Broadway SUIte 536 Eugene Oregon 97401 Phone 5414654721 Fax 541 465 4722 1 800 662 7094 www satrepc com I I December 20, 2006 CIty of Spnngfield Development Scrvlces Department Plaml1ng DIvIsIOn 225 Fifth Slieet Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 Attn Gary Karp Re The Villages at Marcola Meadows Metro Plan Amendment ApplicatIOn Dear Gary, Enclosed please find Metro Plan Amendment applicatIOn matenals for the proposed development, The Villages at Marcola Meadows Included ~re the apphcatlOn, wntten statement and associated exhibits and attaclmlents The Wntten Statement conta11lS general project 11lfonnalion, a summary of the land use request, 11lfOrmatlOn about the site, eXlst11lg conditIOns and proposed use, as well as apphcable approval cntena and find11lgs The Villages at Marcola Meadows IS an excltmg proposal, o'ffenng an enlicmg mix of residential envlro111nents, commerCial and specialty retail :shopp11lg Opportulllties, eat11lg and dllllng estabhsl11l1ents, and medical and professIOnal offices centered around a PaCific Northwest theme threaded with meandenng waterways, native plant commullltles and contmuous open space As the Apphcant's designated contact, Satre Associates IS aVailable to answer questIOns or prOVide supplementalmfoTInation as needed to facilitate the review process Thank you m advance for your conSideratIOn of the apphcatlOn We look forward to work11lg with you on the project Date Received: R lard M Satre, AICP, ASLA, CSI Pr Ident Satr Associates, P C DEe 2 0 2006 anginal Submittal Plannel s, Landscape Arc-Infects and Environmental Speclailsts I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I THE VILLAGES AT MARCOLA MEADOWS METRO PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Letter Table of Contents ApphcatlOn Wntten Statement ExhIbIts (Bound Herem) I Legal DescnptlOn 2 Deed 3 EXlstmg Metro Plan DesIgnatIOn 4 Proposed Metro Plan DesIgnatIOn 5 EXlstmg ZOllIng 6 Proposed ZOllIng 7 Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) 8 UtIhty CapacIty AnalysIs Letter 9 Stormwater QuantIty and Quahty SchematIcs Attachments (Bound Separately) I Traffic Impact AnalysIs 2 Prehmmary Plan No ofPal!es I I 2 41 2 6 I I I I I 2 10 Date Received: DEe 2 0 2006 anginal Submittal I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I City ofSpnngfield Development Services Department 225 FIfth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Phone (541) 726-3753 Fax (541) 726-3689 ~' . SPRINGFIELD ~ , E ASSOCIATES Metro Plan Amendment Application. Tvpe IV Type of Plan Amendment (Check One) D Type J IS a non-sIte specIfic amendment of the Plan IZl Type II changes the Plan diagram, or IS a site-specIfic Plan text amendment I Property Subject to the Amendment (If applIcable) Tax Assessor Map 17-02-30-00 and 17-03-25-11 ~ Tax Lot(s) 1800 and 2300 [2] Street Address na @] Acres 1003 EJ,368,691 sf) @] Commercial, 161 f71 Metro Plan DeSignatIOn M d D t R d t I '-Refinement Plan DeSignatIOn na t:J - e lum ensl y eSI en la , Campus Industrial I DeSCriptIOn of Proposed Amendment (Attach additional sheets If needed) l Residential/Commercial/Office Mixed-Use Development ~ See attached for addltlonallnformallon ~ I ApplIcant/Owner InformatlOu Printed Name of Apphcant SC Springfield, LLC OEI Apphcant SIgnature (}~y /512-( Date Malhng Address 5440 Lou'~~ne( SUite 102 Reno, Nevada 89511 Phone 775-853-4714 I Mav 26. 2006 I Property Owner Signature MaIlmg Address same Date Case No Date Accepted as Complete For Office Use Only' Received By I Date Rec elved DEl, 2 0 2006 anginal Submit! II I I THE APPLICATION PACKET I A COMPLETE APPLICATION CONSISTS OF I I A comnlete anphcatlOn na,,-e (all of the sectIons on the opposIte sIde of thIs page must be filled out) I 2 A statement contamml! Fmdml!s of Fact addrcssml! the Criteria of AO'lroval found m Snrml!field Develooment Code (SDCl 7 070(3). In order for the Plannmg CommIssIon and the CIty CouncIl to consIder an amendment of a plan text and/or diagram, there must be FIndmgs of Fact submItted by the apphcant The Fmdmgs of Fact must show reason for the request consIstent wIth the Cntena of Approval (shown below) If InsufficIent or unclear InformatIOn IS submItted by the apphcant, the request may be demed or delayed I The apphcatwn must IOclude reqUIrements for addresslOg specific statewIde goals that the Oregon/eglslature has smd must be part of the amendment analysis In particular, StatewIde Pl<lOnlOg Goal 9 Economy and Goal 10 HOUSing mllst be addressed for Impact on bUIldable lands inventories, and a Goal 12 Transportatwn analysIs mllst address cnterw contamed III OAR 660-012-060(1) and (2) of the TransportatIOn Plannmg Rille (TPR) Goals 9,10 and 12 are three of several "Applicable State-WIde Plannlllg Goal<" that mllst be specifically addressed m crIteria (a) of the Sprmgfield Development Code (SDC) 7070(3) These specIfic Items mllst be mclllded In the applIcatIOn sllbm/ltalto be consIdered a complete appl<catlOn I I I In reachmg a deCISIon on these actIOns, the Plannmg CommISSIOn and the CIty CounCIl shall adopt findIngs whIch demonstrate conformance to the folloWIng Cntena of Approval (SDC 7070(3)) I I a) The amendment must be consIstent WIth the relevant stateWIde pIanmng goals adopted by the Land ConservatIOn and Development CommISSIOn, and I b) AdoptIOn of the amendment must not make the Metro Plan Internally Inl,onslstent 3 A man to scale deOlctJnl! the eXlstm~ and orooosed dlaHam chan~e (Ifapphcable) I 4 The aoohcatlOn ree Refer to the Development Cade Fee Schedllle ror the appropnate ree A copy of the Fee Schedule IS avaIlable at the Development ServIces Department .,.1 1 I I ReVIsed 1/03 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .... - SATRE ASSOCIATES SATRE ASSOCIATES, P.C. , Planuers, Landscape Architects and EnVironmental SpecialIsts 132 East Broadway, SUite 536, Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 465-4721 . Fax (541) 465-4722 . 1-800-662-7094 www satrepc com December 20, 2006 THE VILLAGES AT MARCOLA MEADOWS METROPOLITAN PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION WRITTEN STATEMENT PURPOSE: The applicant proposes a sIte-specIfic metropolitan plan amendment (Post Acknowledgement Plan Amendment, ?APA) to amend the Metropolitan Plan DIagram, speCIfic to propertIes IdentIfied on Lane County Assessor's Maps 17-02-30-00, Tax Lot 1800 and 17-03-25-11, Tax Lot 2300 ThiS applicatIOn IS submitted concurrent WIth an applicatIOn for correspondmg SprIngfield ZOlllng Map amendments Approval WIll faCIlitate development of a mIxed-use reSIdentIal, commerCIal and mdustrIal development to serve the needs of the SprIngfield communIty I GENERAL INFORMATION Sublect SIte The subject sIte consIsts of two propertIes IdentIfied on Assessor's Map 17-02-30-00, Tax Lot 1800 and 17-03-25-11, Tax Lot 2300 WIth the dImenSIOns as speCIfied herem on the Legal DeSCrIptIOns mcluded here as Exlublt 1 The area so defined WIll be referred to m thIS applicatIOn as the subject sIte The subject sIte IS wlthm the Sprmgfield CIty LImIts and IS developed WIth one vacant mdustrIal bUlldmg Tax Lot 2300 IS addressed 2690 Marcola Road and Tax Lot 1800 IS not addressed Size 1 00 3 acres Date Received DEe 2 0 2006 Onglnal Submittal AnnlIcatlOn Team Ownerl Apphcant: SC Sprmgfield, LLC 5440 LOUIe Lane, SUIte 102 Reno, Nevada 89511 Attn Jeff Belle (775) 853-4714. (775) 853-4718 PrOject Developer: The Martm Company PO Box 1482 Albany, Oregon 97321 Attn Bob Martm (541) 917-0071 . Fax (541) 917-0769' bob@tmcdevcom PlannerlLandscape ArchItect: Satre AssocIates, P C Planners, Landscape ArchItects and Environmental SpeCIalists 132 East Broadway, SUIte 536 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Attn RIchard M Satre, ASLA, AICP (541) 465-4721 . Fax (541) 465-4722' r satre@satrepc com Architect: Waterbury Shugar ArchItecture LLC 225 West 5th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 Attn RIchard Shugar, AlA (541) 342-5777' Fax (541) 343-6128' RIchard@ws-archltecture com CIVil EngmeerlSurveyor. K & D Engmeenng, Inc PO Box 725 Albany, Oregon 97321 Attn Dan Watson, PE (541) 928-2583 . Fax (541) 967-3458. dkwatson@callatgcom Transportation Engmeer: Access Engmeenng, LLC 134 East 13lh Avenue, SUIte 2 Date Received Eugene, Oregon 97401 Attn MIke Welshar, PE DEe 2 0 2006 (541) 485-3215' Fax (541) 485-3253' mlkew@accessengcom anginal Submittal The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApphcatlOn Page 2 of 41 Wnnen Statement - December 20, 2006 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II. LAND USE REQUEST I i With tills applIcatIon, the applicant requests CIty approval of a Type II Metro Plan amendment I per Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) 7030 to change portIOns of the subject site's deSignatIon on the Metro Plan Diagram from Campus Industnal to LIght MedIUm Industnal and Commercial With a Mixed Use Area overlay PortIOns of the site that are currently deSignated Commercial and MedIUm DenSity ReSIdentIal Will be re-apportlOned as shown on the attached map (see Exhibits 3 and 4) and as shown In Table I below Table t EXisting and Proposed Plan DeSignations Acres EXisting Proposed % Change 35 7 54 7 53% 86 30 8 258% 560 00 -100% 00 148 100% 1003 1003 00 260 100% Plan DeSignation Medium DenSity Residential Commercial Campus Industnal light Medium Industnal Total 1M/xed Use Area Overlay The applIcant, SC Spnngfield, LLC, IS prepanng to submit applIcatIons to the City for permits to bUIld a mIxed-use residentIal and commercial development The mix of uses reqUIres a change In plan deSIgnatIOn for the Eugene-Springfield Area MetropolItan General Plan (Metro Plan) to apply appropnate plan deSignatIOns to the site Spnngfield City Council approval IS reqUIred to amend the Metro Plan Diagram to apply the appropnate deSignatIOns The proposed future uses for the subject site Include small lot Single-famIly detached dwellIngs and townhomes (to be developed With the cluster development standards, SDC 16 100(3)), apartments, a congregate care facIlIty, cottages for semors, a day care facIlIty, commercial and office bUIldings (main street retail, neighborhood retall and profeSSIOnal offices) and a home Improvement store Appropnate zomng for the proposed development under the Spnngfield Development Code Include MedIUm-DenSity ResidentIal, Commumty Commercial, Mixed-Use CommerCial and Light MedIUm Industnal Therefore, the applIcant IS submitting concurrent applIcations to · Amend the Metro Plan DIagram to apply Light-MedIUm Industnal to the subject site and to re-apportlOn the MedIUm-DenSity ResidentIal and Comme~clal deSignatIOns and to add a Mixed-Use Area overlay to the Commercial portIOn of the subject s;te, and I I · Rezone the subject site for Light-MedIUm lndustnal, MIxed-Use GommercIaI and MedIUm- DenSity Residential ! . ThiS written statement applIes to the Metro Plan Amendment applIcatIon The referenced Zone , Change applicatIOn IS being submItted concurrently, but separately Refer to the Zone Change applicatIon for speCific informatIOn regarding those land use actIOns !. ii Date Received' I' . 1 , I The Villages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplicatIOn WrItten Statemenl- December 20, 2006 DEe 2 0 2006 Page30f41 Original Submittal III. THE SITE AND EXISTING CONDITIONS A. Location and Context LocatIOn The subject site IS located north of Marcola Road at ItS mtersectlOn With North 28th Street and approximately one-quarter mile east of North 19th StreetIMohawk Boulevard Lots Affected bv the ProDosed Amendment The subject site consists of two properties Identified as Tax Lot 1800 of Lane County Assessor's Map 17-02-30-00 and Tax Lot 2300 of Lane County Assessor's Map 17-03-25-11 Tax Lot 2300 was platted m 1994 as Parcel 3 ofland partitIOn plat 94-P0491 A property Ime adjustment was recorded With Lane County m 1997 affectmg the common boundary between parcels 2 and 3 of land partitIOn plat 94-P0491 m so domg completmg the current configuration of the subject site (City of Spnngfield file# 97-02-029) Plan Desllmatlon The Metro Plan Diagram applIes multiple plan designatIOns to the subject site Commercial, Campus Industnal and MedIUm Density Residential A current Metro Plan Diagram for the subject site IS attached as Exhibit 3 lonm!! The Official lOlling Map applIes multiple lomng Dlstncts to the subject site Commercial, Campus Industnal and MedIUm DenSity Residential A current lomng Dlstnct map for the subject site IS attached as Exhibit 5 B. Site DeSCrIptIon and EXlstmg ConditIons Sublect Site The subject site has been used for a vanety of agncultural uses It IS currently vacant, With the exceptIOn of a small mdustnal bUlldmg to the south of the subject site The Spnngfield City Limits abuts the subject site on small portIOns on the west and northeast Tax Lot 2300 IS partially developed With a vacant mdustnal bUlldmg Tax Lot 1800 IS vacant , A storm dramage facIlIty runs through the center of the subject site runmng east to west The storm dramage facIlIty IS proposed to be enhanced through the process of development of the subject site The site IS located outside of both the 100-year flood and 500-year flood areas (see Exhibit 7, FIRM Map 41039C1153F) AdditIOnal detail on adlacent uses IS as follows North The property to the north of the subject site IS separated by an EWEB utilIty comdor that also serves as a multi-use path North of the EWEB comdor IS property owned by WIllamalane Park and Recreation Dlstnct (Tax Lots 1500 and 2300), Bnggs Middle School and Yolanda Elementary (Tax Lots 2200 and 3002) and smgle family resIdential pror~rtlebThe J1IPIJertr.es to a ate-t<ecelve . :" , The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplIcatIon Written Statement - December 20, 2006 DEe N;e200641 Ongmal Submlttc:: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I the unmedIate north are zoned Med111m-Denslty ResidentIal with Public Land and Open Space I zomng on the School and part of the Willamalane and EWES properties West The property to the west IS zoned and developed with low-density smgle-famlly residentIal dwellings Southwest The property to the southwest IS zoned Commumty CommercIal and IS developed WIth a variety of retail commerctal uses mcludmg a grocery store and a bank I I South I The property to the south IS zoned and developed with low-denSity I smgle-famlly residential dwellings I Southeast ; To the southeast are properties that are zoned for LIght-Med111m Industnal (across North 28th , Street) and Heavy Industnal (across Marcola Road) Several of these properties are currently developed WIth mdustnal uses I East To the east (across North 28th Street) are properties zoned and developed With low-density smgle-famIly residential dwellmgs IV. PROPOSED USE A. General PrOject InformatIOn Contmgent on approval of the current applicatIOn and other applications as reqUired, the applicant IS prepanng to submit applicatIOns to construct a mixed-use residential and commercIal development m conformance With the needs of the Sprmgfield commumty B. SpecIfic Proposal Information The Eugene-Sprmgfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) currently applies Campus Industnal, CommercIal and Med111m-Denslty Residential deslgnatlOnk to the subject site (see I Exhibit 3) The applicant mtends to change the plan deSignatIOns of the property as descnbed I above to facilitate zone change amendments that will allow for the development of a mixed use development that will be master planned (see Prelimmary Plan, IAttachment 2 for more mformatlOn) ;/1, Maps showmg the eXlstmg Metro Plan DIagram DeSIgnatIOns and the proposed Metro Plan I DIagram DeSignatIOns are attached to thIS applicatIOn packet as Exhibits 3 and 4 ! I The amendment proposed IS a diagram amendment only It does not affect the Metro Plan text and no text changes are proposed It IS site-specific to the subject site and does not affect any other parts of the Metro Plan No change IS reqUired to the remamder oft le Metro Plan . ' Date Received: " I DEe a,,l),J{lQlJ4l , The Villages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApphcatlOn Wntten Statement - December 20, 2006 Ongmal Submittal C. AdditIOnal Proposal InformatIOn This PAPA, submItted concurrently wIth the zone change applIcatIOn, IS m preparatIOn for appropnate land use permIt applIcatIOns to construct a mIxed-use resIdentIal, and commercIal development as descnbed herem The appropnate land use permIt applIcatIOns mclude Master Plan RevIew and Traffic Impact AnalYSIS RevIew The applIcant recogmzes that the appropnate tIme for the CIty to evaluate a proposal for mIxed- use development IS when the applIcant submIts applIcatIOns for Master Plan ReView However, It IS appropnate to provide additIOnal details here regardmg the enVISIOned mixed-use development and ItS relatIOnslup to the current applIcatIOn submittal As such a prelImmary plan has been submItted as Attachment 2 and as descnbed below Proposed Prelzmmary Plan DescrzptlOn The VIllages at Marcola Meadows IS a proposed mIxed-use development compnsed of residentIal, office and retail vIllages Referencmg the dramatIc wooded backdrop of the Coburg and Marcola hills to the north, and the large plane of valley floor meadow on Site, Marcola Meadows has been conceived to blend m with tlus overall settmg whIle creatmg a bndge and supportive transItIOn m the scale and mtenslty of larger commercIal uses to the south with qUIet residentIal neIghborhoods to the north Wlthm Marcola Meadows a sUIte of eight Villages wIll eXist Four resIdentIal Villages compnsed of smgle family homes, apartment homes, townhomes and an assisted IIvmg facIlIty with semor cottages wIll occupy the northern extent of the site, buffenng eXlstmg resIdentIal developments to the northwest, north, and northeast One office Village, consIstmg of profeSSIOnal offices, wIll occupy the southeast area Three retail Villages, general retail, neighborhood retaIl, mam street retail wIll face 28th Street and Marcola Road Each of the VIllages IS enVISIOned to be umque, yet part of the whole The overall Meadows theme Will appear throughout, With the use of meandenng waterways, natIve plans and generous open space Wlthm each Village, Pactfic Northwest deSign aesthetic Will prevail, supported with the generous use of stone, wood and steel Marcola Meadows Will not only be a great place to call home, but an excltmg place to shop, wIth specIalty retaIl shops and umque dlmng venues Stores Will have welcommg front doors, large wmdows and hIgh ceIlmgs, all Wlth natural matenals and muted colors It Will be easy to get around, and to do so on foot All streets Will have Wide Sidewalks, many of them setback from vehicle traffic The entIre commumty Will be connected with all-weather multi-use off street pathways It Will be convement, and safe, to walk from one VIllage to the next It Will be a great place to be outdoors, with meadow-flavored open spaces, natIve plant commumtIes, IIghtmg, bndges, seatmg, and overlooks to support walkmg and relaxl,!!g o . ' Date ~ecelved " The Vtllages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplicatIOn Wntten Statement - December 20, 2006 DEe 2 0 2006 Page 6 of41 Original Submittal I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I It will be a healthy place, with ample use of oxygen-generatmg trees to cleanse the au, catch the wmd and cool the temperature I It will be an environmental place, ulilizmg a network of blOswales, sh'j-llow seasonal ponds, and a meandenng dramageway to capture and cleanse stormwater In all, The Villages at Marcola Meadows Will not only be a great additIOn to the community but a wise use ofland and smart approach to deSign Seclion V of this Wntten Statement demonstrates that the requested Plan amendment salisfies the cntena found m the Spnngfield Code SectIOn SDC 7 010 et seq V. APPLICABLE CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Spnngfield Code SectIOn SDC 7 070 reqUires an evaluatIOn of any Metro Plan Amendment to determme whether the amendment IS consistent With the followmg cntena Cntena are shown In bold and Italics text SDC 7.070(3) Crltena for ADDroval of Plan Amendment. The followmg cnterta shall be applted by the CIty CounCIl m approvmg or denymg a Metro Plan amendment applIcatIOn: (a) The amendment must be consistent wIth the relevant StatewIde Plannmg Goals adopted by the Land ConservatIOn and Development CommISsIOn; Goal 1 - C,t,zen Involvement To develop a cItizen 1IIvolvement program that 1IIsures the opportunzty for citizens to be 1IIvolved 111 all phases of the plannzng process ResDonse The City of Spnngfield has an acknowledged cllizen mvolvement program and an acknowledged process expressed m the Spnngfield Development Code for secunng cllizen mput on all proposed zone map amendments It msures the opportunity for cllizens to be mvolved m all phases of the plannmg process and sets out reqUirements for such mvolvement The amendments proposed do not amend the acknowledged citizen mvolvement program The process for adoptmg these amendments complies with the reqUirements of the cllizen mvolvement provIsions The Metro Plan contams an acknowledged cllizen mvolvement program salisfymg Goall The cllizen mvolvement program IS m Metro Plan Chapter III, pp III-K-l to III-K-4 The proposed amendment complies With and does not affect or amend the cllizen Involvement element m the Metro Plan The Metro Plan diagram amendment IS subject to the public nOlifisatlOn and public hearmg processes prOVided for Type IV applicatIOn procedures as stipulated m SDC 3 100(1) through I (7), whIch, along with the remamder of the Code and with Statewide Goals and state statutes, prOVIde the proVISIOns for cllizen mvolvement I The City's' acknowledged program for cllizen mvolvement, mcludmg public nolice, public hearmgs at the level of the plannmg commiSSIOn and City counCil, \lotlfi~ fi{else~d , The VIllages at MarcoIa Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplicatIOn Wntten Statement'- December 20, 2006 DEe 20 .70f41 Origmal Submittal notIficatIOn of the nght of appeal, provides citizens the opportumty to review and make recommendatIOns m wntten and oral testimony on the proposed amendments to the Metro Plan Diagram and on the proposed zone map amendment These acknowledged citizen mvolvement provIsIOns afford ample opportumty for cll1zen mvolvement consistent With Goal I For the reasons Cited, mcludmg the Metro Plan's and the City of Spnngfield's acknowledged programs for citizen mvolvement, the an1endment IS consistent with Goal I Goal 2' Land Use Plannmg: To estabhsh a land use planmng process and pohcy framework as a baSIS for all deCISIOn and actIOns related to use of land and to assure an adequate factual base for such deCISions and actIOns ResDonse Goal 2 reqUires that plans be coordmated With the plans of affected governmental uruts and that opporturul1es be proVided for review and comment by affected governmental umts In order to comply With the Goal 2 coordmatlOn reqUirement, the City Will be responsible for coordmatmg the adoptIOn of thiS amendment by provldmg notice to all affected governmental umts and respondmg m ItS findmgs to the legitimate concerns of affected governmental umts There are no Goal 2 ExceptIOns reqUired The Eugene/Spnngfield Metro Area General Plan (Metro Plan), the Spnngfield Code, and the StateWide Plannmg Goals and applicable state statutes and admmlstrative regulatIOns, proVide poliCies and cntena for the evaluatIOn of plan amendments Compliance With these measures assures an adequate factual base for approval of the amendment As discussed elsewhere m thiS document, the amendment IS consistent With the Metro Plan, the Spnngfield Code, and the StateWide Goals Therefore, the amendment IS consistent WIth Goal 2 Goal 3 - Agricultural Land. To preserve and maintain agricultural lands ReSDOnSe This goal applies to lands that are deSignated Agncultural ThiS amendment IS for property located wlthm the city limits of Sprmgfield and does not affect land deSignated for agncultural use Therefore, Goal 3 IS not applicable or relevant to the amendment Goal 4 - Forest Land. To conserve forest lands by malntazmng the forest land base and to protect the state's forest economy by making pOSSible economically effiCient forest practices that assure the continuous growing and harvesting of forest tree species as the leading use on forest land consistent With sound management of SOli, azr, water, and fish and wzldlife resources and to prOVide for recreatIOnal opportumtles and agriculture ResDonse ThiS amendment IS for property located wlthm the city limits of Sprmgfield and does not affect land deSignated for forest use Therefore, Goal 4 IS not applicable or relevant to the amendment Date Received , , DEe 2 0 2006 ThelVlllages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApphcatlOn Wntten Statement - December 20, 2006 Page 8 of41 Onglnal Submittal I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . .. . . . . I . . I I I I I I I I I Goal 5 - Open Spaces, Scemc and Historic Area, and Natural Resources: To conserve open , space and protect natural and scenic resources I ResDonse I Pursuant of Goal 5, the City of Spnngfield has adopted the followmg d;cuments o Eugene-Springfield Metropohtan Area General Plan, revised 2004 o Czty of Springfield, Local and Natzonal Wetlands Inventory Map, December 2005 o Czty ofSpnngfield Natural Resource Study, adopted, November 2005 Oregon Admmlstratlve Rule 660-023-0250 establIshes the applIcabilIty of Goal 5 rules to Post Acknowledgement Plan Amendments (PAPA), and specifies certam procedures and reqUIrements for local governments to follow m the adoptIOn or amendment of all plan or land use regulatIOns pertammg to Goal 5 resources The rule states "(3) Local governments are not reqUIred to apply Goal 5 m consideratIOn of a PAPA unless the PAPA affects a Goal 5 resource For purposes of this sectIOn, a PAPA would affect a Goal 5 resource only If (a) The PAPA creates or amends a resource lIst or a portIOn of an acknowledged plan or land use regulatIOn adopted m order to protect a slgmficant Goal 5 resource or to address specific reqUIrements of Goal 5, (b) The PAPA allows new uses that could be confhctmg uses With a partIcular slgmficant Goal 5 resource slte.on an acknowledged resource lIst, or (c) The PAPA amends an acknowledged UGS and factual InformatIOn IS submitted demonstratmg that a resource Site, or the Impact areas of such a Site, IS mcluded m the amended UGS area" The folloWIng diSCUSSIOn will demonstrate that the proposed PAPA does not raise any Issues that would reqUIre the City of Spnngfield to apply Goal 5 FIrstly addressmg OAR 660-023-250(a) The changes sought by tills applIcatIOn do not create or amend a resource lIst or any portIOn of an acknowledged plan or land use regulatIOn adopted m order to protect a slgmficant Goal 5 resource on the subject site Secondly addressIng OAR 660-023-250(b) The changes sought by ,thiS applIcatIOn will not allow new uses that could conflIct With a slgmficant Goal 5 resource site There are no slgmficant Goal 5 resources on the SIte Itself None of the varIOus studies, mventones, I refinement plans, and facIlItIes plans lIst thIS speCific site as a slgmficant resource, apply a Goal 5 resource overlay, or otherwIse regulate or lImIt the redevelopment of thiS site as a Goal 5 resource There IS dramage ditch on the site that was mventoned and lIsted (M32) by the Czty of Springfield Natural Resource Study It was claSSIfied as a Low Qualt}aW~tBnd aod ~d,!,d not meet the slgmficance cntena of the Oregon Freshwater Wetland AJsessmedt'MetW&lE\~~ The I The V I1~ages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplicatIOn DEe 2 0 2dlllfe 9 of 41 Wntten Statement - December 20. 2006 Original SubmIttal .' closest Goal 5 resource Identdied by the CIty of Sprzngfield Natural Resource Study IS the Irvmg Slough located approximately 550 feet to the east It IS listed as both a High Quality Riparian Resource Site (S20 and S21) and a Moderate Qual1ty Wetland (M16b and M16c) However, the resource Impact area, defined by the study, does not reach the subject site Therefore, the uses allowed by the proposed PAPA will not conflict with a Goal 5 resource Lastly addressmg OAR 660-023-250(c) The changes sought by this applicatIOn do not amend the acknowledged City of Spnngfield Urban Growth Boundary Therefore, with regard to tills cntenon, the City IS not reqUired to apply Goal 5 ConclusIOn Oregon Arummstratlve Rule 660-023-0250 "Appl1cabll1ty" stipulates that local governments are reqUired to apply Goal 5 when consldenng a Post Acknowledgment Plan Amendment If the amendment affects a Goal 5 resource For the purposes of that rule, the sectIOn I1sts three Clfcumstances (OAR 660-023-0250(3)(a), (b), and (c) quoted above) under WhiCh, and only under which, a Post Acknowledgment Plan Amendment would affect a Goal 5 resource As eVidenced above, none of the three circumstances are raised by the proposed amendment, and therefore the amendment Will not affect a Goal 5 resource The City IS not reqUired to apply Goal 5 when consldenng the proposal The City of Spnngfield can find that the actIOn requested by this applicatIOn IS consistent With StateWide Planmng Goal 5 Goal 6 - AIr, Water and Land Resources QualIty: To mazntazn and zmprove the qualzty of the azr, water and land resources of the state ResDonse Nothmg m the proposal or the character of the site or potential uses mdlcates a future development that would compromise air, water and land resources Future development of the site will be m conformance With local, state and federal law mcludmg aspects of the Spnngfield Code As mdlcated m findmgs regardmg Goal 11, mcorporated herem by reference, optIOns for accessmg or provldmg the necessary urban services are aVailable Therefore, the amendment IS consistent With Goal 6 Goal 6 reqUires all waste and process discharges from eXlstmg and future development to be consistent With appl1cable state for federal envlfonmental qual1ty statutes Specifically, It reqUires local governments to establ1sh that there IS a reasonable expectatIOn that a proposed use will be m compliance With the applicable state and federal envlfonmental quality standards (Frzends of the Applegate v Josephzne County, 44 Or LUBA) There are three federal environmental qual1ty acts relevant to StateWide Plannmg Goal 6 Clean Water, Clean Alf, and the Resource ConservatIOn and Recovery Actsl These acts are enforced by the EnVironmental ProtectIOn Agency (EPA) to mamtam air, water, and land resource quality I The Clean Water Act establIshes the baSIC regulatory structure for regu]atmg dIscharges of pollutants m the waters of the Umted States The Clean Water Act IS llnplemented through mdustry standards and reqUIrements The Clean AlT.Act regulates aIr emISSIOns from area, statIOnary, and mobJle sources ThIS Act sets maximum pollutant standards and dIrects states to develop state ImplementatIOn plans (SIpS) applIcable to apprill{n'lt!', IQllu_stnal,sources Fmally, the Resource ConservatIOn and Recovery Act controls hazardous waste from the ,~,a~~Qe)ve€k The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplIcatIOn Page 10 of 4] Wntten Statement - December 20, 2006 DEe 2 0 2006 Onglnal Submittal I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The EP A delegates authonty to Oregon Department of EnvIronmental Quality (DEQ) to enforce federal envIronmental statutes m the State of Oregon (1 e Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and Resource ConservatIOn and Recovery Act) The DEQ admmIsters the federal statutes (acts) through the Oregon Admlll1stratIve Rules (OAR), Oregon RevIsed Statutes (ORS), and Department programs The OARs regulate nOIse control, groundwater quality protectIOn, solid waste, hazardous waste management, ambIent aIr quality standards, and transportatIOn conformIty The ORSs provIde procedures for complIance wIth sewage treatment and dIsposal systems, solid waste management, reuse and recyclmg, hazardous waste and hazardous matenals, nOIse control, and aIr and water quality standards At the local level, the Eugene-Sprmgfield MetropolItan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) contams polIcies related to Goal 6 that mamtam aIr, water and land resource qualIty m the metropolItan area and are as follows C 25 Sprzngfield, Lane County, and Eugene shall consIder dowmtream Impacts when planmng for urbamzatlOn, flood control, urban storm runoff, recreatIOn, and water qualzty along the WIllamette and McKenzie RIver;, C 26 Local governments shall continue to momtor, to plan for, and to enforce applzcable azr and water qualzty standards and shall cooperate In meeting applzwble federal, state, and local azr and water qualzty standards C 27 Local governments shall continue to cooperate In develoPing and Implementing programs necessary to meet azr qualzty standards ThIs effort should Include but not be lzmlted to a RevIew of all major publzc capllal expendllure prOjects for potential azr qualzty Impacts b IntegratIOn of azr qualzty concerns Into the comprehensIve land use plan c ActIve partIcIpatIOn In develoPing and Implementing addItIOnal controls, as needed Supplemental to the Metro Plan IS the Central Lane Metropolitan Planmng OrganIzatIOn RegIOnal TransportatIOn Plan (RTP) ThIs plan IS the federal RegIOna1 TransportatIOn Plan for the Eugene-Spnngfield metropolItan area A plan as such, must comply wIth the federal TransportatIOn EqUIty Act for the 21st Century (TEA 21), NatIO~al AmbIent AIr QualIty Standards, and the State of Oregon TransportatIOn Plannmg Rule (TP)Z) AddItIOnally the RTP must demonstrate consIderatIOn for system preservatIon and efficIency, energy conservatIOn, and congestIOn relIef mcludes the generatIOn, transportatIOn, treatment, storage, and dIsposal of hazardous waste ThIS 'i9a'resRi:!~\l:!li'iled: framework for the management of non-hazardous wastes 1.}J. J' " ' D~fgJl PotQQ6 ~ , , L ' The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment Apphcatlon Wntten Statement - December 20, 2006 Onglnal Submittal The proposed Post Acknowledgement Plan Amendment (PAPA) does not amend any of the RegIOnal TransportatIOn Plan goals, obJectives, or pohcles Future land use planmng apphcatlOns (ConditIOnal Use Permit and Site Plan) Will conform to federal, state, and local regulatIOns related to StateWIde Plannmg Goal 6 Further, when land use approvals are procured, at that time the apphcant Will obtam the relevant alr quahty permlts from the Lane RegIOnal Air ProtectIOn Agency (LRAPA) Specifically, the apphcant Will obtam Au Contammant Discharge Permits as needed and Induect Source Construction Permits for the proposed parkmg faclhties In the Eugene-Spnngfield metropohtan area, Lane County, Lane Council of Governments (Metropohtan Planmng OrganizatIOn), Lane RegIOnal Air PollutIOn Agency, and the City of Eugene mamtam comphance wlth DEQ regulatIOns by the followmg . Lane County prOVides residents With waste management services through a network of disposal sites The County's waste reductIOn and recychng programs are managed to conserve resources and prevent waste . The Lane Council of Governments provides wastewater and stormwater systems, ground and surface water, dnnkmg water source assessment, watershed assessment studies and plannmg and protectIOn for the Eugene-Sprmgfield Metropohtan Area AdditIOnally, the Lane RegIOnal Air PollutIOn Agency regulates regIOnal air quality m Lane County through regulatIOns, programs and permits for residents and busmesses . The City of Spnngfield PublIc Works Department mamtams water quahty m the city through metropohtan sewage stormwater treatment systems that are reqUired to operate under speCific gUldelmes set forth by the DEQ The City of Spnngfield also has deSign standards for wastewater and stormwater collectIOn systems m the City of Spnngfield Pubhc Works, Standard ConstructIOn SpecificatIOns and the Engmeenng DeSign Standards & Procedures The City of Spnngfield's Development Code has three articles relevant to Goal 6 that provide resource protectIOn Article 17 - DWP Dnnkmg Water ProtectIOn Overlay Dlstnct, Article 27 - FP Floodplam Overlay Dlstnct, Article 32 - Pubhc and Pnvate Improvements The proposed PAPA does not amend any of the Goal 6 related pohcles of the Metro Plan or the RegIOnal TransportatIOn Plan nor amend any regulatIOns Implementmg those pohcles As demonstrated m responses regardmg Goal II, mcorporated herem by reference, these urban services are aVailable Because the proposed PAPA does not authonze any speCific development at thiS time, there can be no direct Impact to air, water, or land resource quahty When development occurs on the subject Site, all development Will comply wlth all apphcable local, state, and federal regulatIOns that protect air, water and land resources As mdlcated m findmgs regardmg Goal II, mcorporated herem by reference, optIOns for accessmg or provldmg the necessary urban services are aVailable Therefore the proposed amendments are consistent With Goal 6 J In additIOn to the precedmg facts, the eVidence supports a reasonable expectatIOn that future 'development resultmg from the proposed PAPA wIll be consistent With Goal 6 reqUirements Therefore, the City of Spnngfield can reasonably expect that futw:e devclo.pment ullder the , _, uate ReCelVea , ' The Villages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplicatIOn Wntten Statement - December 20, 2006 DEe 2 0 200Gage 12 of 41 Orrgmal Submittal I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , proposed PAPA will comply with applIcable state and federal envlromnental qualIty standards The proposed PAPA IS consistent with Goal 6 Goal 7 - Areas Subject to Natural DIsasters and Hazards: To prote,ct life and property fi om natural disasters and hazards ResDonse Goal 7 reqUIres that development subject to damage or that could result In loss of lIfe not be planned or located In known areas of natural hazards and dIsasters without approprIate safeguards The goal also reqUIres that plans be based on an Inventory of known areas of natural dIsaster hazards (floods, landslIdes, earthquakes, wildfires and other related hazards) The Multl- Hazard MItIgatIOn Plan for the Eugene/SprIngfield Metropohtan Area (Metro Hazard Plan) that was adopted by the City of SprIngfield IS a non-regulatory plan but provides an Inventory of known hazards The Metro Hazard Plan does not Identify any known hazards withIn the area of the subject site Additionally, the subject site IS outside of the 100 year and 500 year flood plaIns (Exhibit 7) There are no adopted or non-adopted maps that Identify the subject site to be withIn a know hazards area The proposed amendments do not affect any additIOnal geographIc area than the subject site, nor IS any specific development proposed at this time In due time, future development of the subject site Will Include a full analysIs of hazard rIsk and mitigate the rIsk through approprIate constructIOn As such this amendment IS In complIance with Goal 7 Goal 8 - RecreatIOn Needs: To satisfY the recreatIOnal needs of the cItIzens of the state and VISItors and, where approprIate, to provide for the sltmg of necessary recreatIOnal faclhtles mcludmg destmatlOn resorts ResDonse RegardIng recreation, Statewide PlannIng Goal 8 states, "The requllements for meetmg such needs, now and m the future, shall be planned for by governmental agencIes havmg responslbrllty for recreatIOn area, facrlltles and opportunIties i in coordmatlOn wIth prIvate enterprIse, 2 In approprIate proportIOns, and 3 in such quantIty, qualzty and locatIOns as resources to meet such reqUIrements " IS consIstent I I with the avazlabllzty of the Pursuant to Goal 8 reqUIrements, the City of SprIngfield developed the follOWIng relevant plan documents , , I and other local JUrIsdictions have · Eugene-Sprmgfield Metropohtan Area General Plan (Metro Plan), ReVised 2004 . Rivers to Ridges, Metropolztan RegIOnal Parks and Open Space Study, 2003 . Lane County Parks Master Plan, 1980 · WIllamalane 20-year Park and RecreatIOn ComprehenSIve Plan, 2004 The proposed Metro Plan Land Use Diagram amendment Will not change the status of any recreatIOn area, faCIlIty or opportumty that has been InventOrIed and deslgn~teyRIiitcmMarl: . The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplicatIOn Wntten Statement - December 20, 2006 DEc"~eO I MOGl Onglnal Submittal Plan or any other relevant facIhty plans regardmg recreatlOnal needs None of the varlOUS studIes, mventones, and faCIhtles plans have desIgnated the subject sIte for parks and open space m an adopted mventory, declared It a sIgmficant resource, or slated thIS pnvately owned property for acqUlsltlOn The WIllamalane Park and RecreatlOn Dlstnct, responsIble for parks and recreatlOn planmng m the CIty of Spnngfield, has developed the WIllamalane 2a-year Parks and RecreatIOn Comprehensive Plan The CIty of Spnngfield has adopted thIS plan as a refinement of the Metro Plan The plan proposes a 5 5 acre commumty park on two undeveloped parcels north of the subject SIte, between Bnggs MIddle School and the EWEB utIhty easement (bIke path), and owned by the WIilamalane Parks and RecreatlOn Dlstnct The WIllamalane comprehensIve plan refers to these parcels as "the PIerce property," donated m 1993 and elsewhere IdentIfied With adjacent parcels as the "Y olanda/BnggslPlerce School Park" The plan observes that "there are opportumtles to work WIth the School Dlstnct and EWEB on future Improvements to the PIerce property as a neIghborhood park and a waysIde for the EWEB BIke Path" (pg A-46-7) The WIllamalane 2a-year Parks and RecreatIOn ComprehensIve Plan, "Table I NeIghborhood Parks" hsts actlOn Items for neIghborhood parks ActlOn I 4 suggests, "Investlgate expanSlOn of the park onto the vacant land to the south," the subject sIte However, such mveStlgatlOns, If they have been pursued, have led to no further defined actlOn or pohcy ActlOn I 5 suggests, "pursue opportumtles to Improve the EWEB bIcycle path and develop park facIiItles on adjacent land to help meet neIghborhood park needs ) The prehmmary plan for the subject sIte mcludes several pedestnan and bIcycle connectlOns to the EWEB path and the proposed parks to the north The subject sIte Itself WIll Include extensIve pubhc open spaces As a commentmg agency, the WIllamalane Parks and RecreatlOn Dlstnct WIll have, through the prehmmary plan and sIte plan revIew processes, the opportumty to coordInate plans WIth future development RIvers to RIdges, Metropolztan RegIOnal Parks and Open Space Study does not Identlfy the subject SIte as a resource The study maps the EWEB bIcycle path that borders the northern boundary of the subject sIte as an element of the area's "Major Pubhc Parks and Open Space" However, thIS bIcycle path IS outSIde the boundanes of the subject SIte ConcluslOns No part of the subject SIte IS deSIgnated by the Metro Plan as Parks and Open Space The WIllamalane 2a-year Park and RecreatIOn Comprehensive Plan does not IdentIfy the subject sIte as an "eXIstIng park and recreatlOn resource" No acknowledged plan declares It a sIgmficant resource or slates thIS pnvately owned property for acqUlSltlon Therefore, the proposed PAPA IS conSIstent WIth StatewIde Planmng Goal 8 Date Received DEe 2 0 2006 Ongmal Submittal " "I The VlI!ages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplIcatIOn Wntten Statement - December 20, 2006 Page 140f41 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Goal 9 - Economic Development: To provide adequate opportumtles throughout the state for a varzety of economic activItIes vital to the health, lVelfare, and prosperztY of Oregon's citizens' I I ReSDonse I Statewide Planmng Goal 9 - Economy of the State, reqUIres commulllbes to mventory, plan, and zone enough commercIal and mdustnal land to support the diversIficatIOn and Improvement of the economy Pursuant to thiS, the City of Spnngfield has adopted the followmg documents Eugene-Sprzngfield Metropohtan Area General Plan (Metro Plan), ReVised 2004 Sprzngfield Commerczal Lands Study, February 2000 Metropohtan Industrzal Lands Speczal Study Metropohtan Industrzal Lands Inventory Report, July 1993 Metropolitan Industrzal Lands Pohcy Report, July 1993 The Metropohtan Industrzal Lands Speczal Study (MILSS) commenced m 1989 and produced two documents, the Metropohtan Industrzal Lands Inventory Report (MILIR) and the Metropohtan Industrzal Lands Pohcy Report (MILPR) In 1995, the Sprmgfield Commerczal Lands Study (SCLS) was mlbated The City of Spnngfield adopted the study m 2000 and the Oregon Department of Land ConservatIOn and Development (DLCD) acknowledged the SCLS as a penodlc review task The study looked only at lands wlthm Sprmgfield's urban growth boundary and did not make changes to either the Metro Plan or the Spnngfield Development Code However, as an area specific penodlc review task, It updates the "Economic Element" of the Metro Plan and mcludes findmgs, policies and ImplementatIOn strategies regardmg the supply of commercIal lands Oregon Admmlstratlve Rule (OAR) 660-009-000 et seq (DIVIsIOn 9) establishes the applicability of Goal 9 rules to Post Acknowledgement Plan Amendments (PAPA), and specifies certam procedures and reqUirements for local governments to follow m the adopbon or amendment of all plan or land use regulatIOns pertammg to Goal 9 In OAR-660-009-0010(4) the rule discusses procedures relevant to this applicatIOn and states Notwlthstandmg paragraph (2), [660-009-0010(2)], a JUrISdictIOn which changes Its plan deSIgnatIOns of lands m excess of two acres to or from commerczal or mdustrzal use, pursuant to OAR 660-DlVlslOn 18 (a post acknowledgement plan amendment), must address all apphcable planmng reqUIrements, and (a) Demonstrate that the proposed amendment IS consIstent WIth the parts of ItS acknowledged comprehensIve plan which address the requIrements of thIS dIVISion, or (b) Amend ItS comprehensIve plan to explam the proposed amendment, pursuant to OAR 660-009-0015 through 660-009-0025, or (c) Adopt a combmatlOn of the above, consistent With the reqUIrements of this dIVISIOn The followmg facts Will demonstrate that the proposed amendment IS consistent With the most recent econoimc opportullltles analYSIS and With the parts of the acknowledged Metro Plan which address the reqUIrements of DIVISIOn 9 The plan deSignatIOn changes t.Q~tIPated by the proposed PAPA WIll mcrease the supply of commerCIal land by 228 a ,~~~~~. The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApphcatlOn Wntten Statement - December 20, 2006 DEC'~9J1 ~Bfi6 ] l I I Ongmal Submittal Industnal desIgnatIOn WIll be removed and replaced wIth 148 acres of Light MedIUm Industnal, the supply of MedIUm DensIty ResIdentIal land wIll mcrease by 190 acres AdditIonally, 260 acres of the CommercIal land will also have a Mixed Use Area Overlay See ExhIbIts 3 and 4 and Table 1 (above) for more mformatlOn The Metropohtan Industrial Lands Inventory Report (MlLIR) estImated that the 20-year mdustnal land supply was about 3,600 acres for the Metro UGB and about 709 acres for the Spnngfield UGB (MlLIR, Table 5, p 47) It further estimated that the most hkely projected 20- year demand for mdustnal land for the Metro UGB would be between 650 and 1,172 acres, between one-fifth and one-third of the supply (MILPR p 7) The MILPR does not specify a demand specific to the Spnngfield UGB The subject sIte was mcluded m the hst of short-term sites for new mdustry (MILPR, p 20 and p 45, SubregIOn 7, SIte 5) In response to thIs study, the Metro Plan was amended deletmg a findmg that the supply was not adequate to meet the projected growth m the commercIal and hght manufacturmg segments of the economy (MILPR, p 11) The followmg pohcy was added to the Metro Plan EconomIc Element Poltcy #B.12 Discourage future Metro Plan amendments that would change development-ready industrial lands (sites defined as short-term In the Metropohtan Industrial Lands Special Study, 1991) to non-industrial deSignatIOns CURRENT LAND SUPPLY The Lane County CommercIal and Industnal BUIldable Lands project (a collaboratIve effort of Lane County, the cIties of Eugene and Spnngfield and Lane Metro PartnershIp) contracted ECONorthwest to create an updated database of Goal 9 lands A report entItled "The Supply of CommercIal and Industnal Land m Lane.County A Database and Prehmmary AnalYSIS" (CIEL) was completed m September 2006 This pubhc document does not contam any adopted pohces or recommendatIOns, but the data collected by It, to the degree that It can be assumed to be accurate, IS referred to m this diSCUSSIOn The MILPR estImated the most hkely 20-year demand for mdustnalland to be 650 acres (p 8, MILPR) WhIle the unconstramed Campus Industnal2 share of vacant mdustnal land has remamed nearly constant (27% denved from Table 5 of the MILIR, p 47 and 25% denved from Table 3-9 of the CIEL, p 17), the absorptIOn of all vacant Industnalland has exceeded predictIOns Companng the MILPR unconstrained vacant land total to the CIEL total, the unconstramed vacant mdustnal land mventory has been reduced by approxImately 2,600 acres Wlthm the Metro UGB (an absorptIon rate of 72%), though at least 155 acres were converted to other uses (resIdentIal or commercIal) The absorptIOn rate Wlthm the Spnngfield UGB approximates the Metro UGB rates at 69% Table 2 shows that absorptIOn rates for Campus Industnalland are approximately equal to the rate for all mdustnalland Date Received DEe 2 0 2006 Onglnal Submittal 2 The MILSS uses the term "SpecIal LIght" whIch has since been changed to "Campus Industnal", m thlS report we WIll use the later term "Campus Industnal" The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplicatIOn Page 16 of 41 Wntten Statement - December 20, 2006 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 2 Unconstramed Vacant Industrial Acres and AbsorptIOn Acres Region MILPR (1993) CIBL (2006) Change Absorption Metro (Total) 3,604 999 2,606 72% Springfield (Total) 709 222 487 69% Metro (CI Only) 990 318 672 68% Springfield (CI Only) 255 74 181 71% Source Informallon denved from MILPR (1993) and CIBL (2006) analYSIS performed by Satre Associates, PC Note There 15 a slight difference III the reportmg of mdustnal acres between the MILSS, which accounted for lands wlthm Spnnfield s VGS and the CIBL "hH.h did not As shown m Table 3 the proposed PAPA WIll change the current CI desIgnatIOn on the sIte to CommercIal, LIght-MedIUm Industnal and MedIUm DensIty ReSIdential The total supply of unconstramed Campus Industnal land wltlun Spnngfield WIll be reduced by 75% The overall supply of CommerCIal (CommercIal and CommerCIal MIxed Use) and LIght MedIUm Industnal land WIll mcrease by 30% and 25% respectively as shown m the followmg table Table 3 SDrmgfield Land Use ClasSIfications and Plan DesIgnatIOns Affected bv the ProDosal Total Net Percent Change Plan DesignatIOn Acres Vacant Unconstrained Proposed Unconstrained Unconstrained Campus Industrial 2129 1175 742 -56 182 -75% CommerCial 5645 669 634 -3 8 596 -6% CommerCial Mixed Use 1578 131 108 26 368 241% LI~ht Medium Industrial 4021 701 589 148 737 25% TOTAL 13373 2676 2073 Source Data from CommerCial and Industrral Lands Database ECONorthwest 2006 analYSIS performed by Satre Associates, PC FUTURE LAND SUPPLY I I The short and long term supplIes of bUIldable CommerCIal and Campus Industnal land are cntlcally madequate However, the draft Jasper Natron Specific Development Plan proposes to add about 20 acres of CommercIal and IIS acres ofCI land to SpnngfieId's long-term supply by the year 20 I 5 Nonetheless, hlstonc mventory absorptIOn rates, when extrapolated mto the future, predIct defiCIts of LIght-MedIUm Industnal and CommercIal land m 20 15 The resultmg mventones of bUIldable CommercIal, LIght-MedIUm Industnal, and Campus Industnallands are shown m the Table 4 I I Table 4 AbsorptIOn of Sprmgfield's Land Supply for Relevant DeSIgnatIons 2015 2015 AbsorptIon Rate 2006-2015 2015 EXisting Jasper-Natron Total (acres per year) Absorption Acres Campus Industnal (Cll 742 1178 1920 139 1251 669 Light-Medium Industnal (LMI) 589 00 589 108 972 -383 CommerCial (C, CMU) 766 201 967 170 1530 .563 Source analysIs perfonned by Satre ASSOCiates PC Absorption rates arc from an analYSIS of MILSS and ClBL studies, and SeLS data (SeLS p 19) I I I The proposed PAPA WIll reduce the future supply of bUIldable CI land by 29% The supply of CommerCIal and LIght-MedIUm Industnal Land WIll be mcreased, yet there WIll stIll be defiCIts m these mventones Spnngfield's 2015 supply of Light-MedIUm IndustrIal and CommercIal Date Received" The V,llages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplicatIOn I ~e 17 of 41 Wntten Statement - December 20, 2006 ' OCt.; 2 0 200S l I I Original Submittal land will not meet demand If the hlstonc rate of absorptlOn contmues The effect the proposed PAPA WIll have on future land supphes IS meluded m Table 5 Table 5 Absorphon of Amended Land Supply Post PAPA Campus Industrial (Cl) 182 Light-Medium Industrial (LMI) 737 Commercial (C, CMU) 96 4 Source analysIs perfonned by Satre Associates PC AbsorptIOn rates are from an analysIs ofMILSS and CIBL studies, and seLS data (SeLS p 19) 2015 Jasper-Natron 1178 00 201 AbsorptIon Rate (acres per year) 139 108 170 2006-2015 Absorption 1251 972 1530 2015 Acres 109 -235 -365 2015 Total 1360 737 1165 Land mventones under these three are small and dwmdhng Decldmg to reduce the supply of CI land IS not an easy chOIce, a matter of robbmg Peter to pay Paul However, there IS synergy between mdustnal and commercial land uses and a balance should be mamtamed Manufacturers are drawn to areas that provIde the commercial support they reqUIre These Issues are dIscussed further m the next SeCtlOn of the report Lookmg farther mto the future, the relative growth predtcted for the varlOUS sectors of the economy can be analyzed The table below shows projected economIc growth for the Southern WIllamette Valley from 2000 to 2055, and mdlCates shIfts of the sectors m relative Importance to the overall economy The largest growth WIll occur m the servIces sector, predommately associated wIth commercially desIgnated land Manufacturmg, whIle expenencmg a 30% growth rate, WIll nonetheless reduce ItS share of the overall economy by 2% Table 6 2000-2055 Employment Growth by Selected Industry Sectors, Southern WllIamette Valley Industry 2000 2055 Growth Emp Share Emp Share (2000-2055) Shift Construction 6,586 490% 9,880 510% 50% 020% Manufacturing 22,800 17 20% 29,640 1530% 30% -190% Trans, Comm , 3,706 280% 5,930 310% 60% 030% and Utilities Wholesale Trade 6,189 460% 9,880 510% 60% 050% Retail Trade 27,715 20 90% 41,490 2140% 50% 050% FlDance, Insur & 5,973 450% 7,900 410% 32% -040% Real Estate Services 37,813 28 50% 59,080 30 50% 56% 200% Government 21,640 1630% 29,640 1530% 37% -100% Total 132,422 100% 193,440 100% 49% 000% Source Regional Economic Opportumtles AnalysIs, ECONorthwest, May 2006, page 13 Shift calculated by Satre ASSOCiates, PC COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES The Metro Plan has the followmg pohcles duectly relevant to the proposed PAPA EconomIc Element PolICY #B 6 Increase the amount of undeveloped land zoned for ltght industrIal and commercwl uses correlating .the effectIve supply In terms of sUltablltty and avmlablltty with the projectIOns of demand Date Received The VIllages al Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplIcatIOn Page 18 of 41 Written Statement - December 20, 2006 DEe 2 0 2006 Orlgmal Submittal I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Economic Element Policy #B 12 , Discourage future Metro Plan amendments that would change development-ready zndustrzal lands (sites deflned as short-term zn the metropolitan IndustrIal Lands Speczal Study, 1991) to non-zndustrIal designatIOns \ Clearly, these two poliCies often Will be m conflict With a limited supply of urbamzable land, mcreasmg the amount of undeveloped commercial land Will frequently be at the expense of the mventory of mdustnalland The Metro Plan addresses the Issue of conflict between poliCies "The respective JurisdictIOns recognzze that there are apparent conflicts and znconslstenCleS between and among some goals and polzcles When makzng decIsIOns based on the Metro Plan, not all of the goals and polzcles can be met to the same degree zn every znstance Use of the Metro Plan reqUires a balanczng of Its varIOus components on a case-by-ca5e baSIS, as well as a selectIOn of those goals, obJectives, and poliCieS most pertznent to the Issue at hand" The SprIngfield Commerczal Lands Study, the most recent economic opportumties analYSIS, contams the followmg key poliCies "Policy I-A Mamtam a mixed supply oflarge and small commercial sites through strategies such as rezomng or annexation to serve Spnngfield's future populatIOn" "Policy I-B Ensure that an adequate amount of commercial land IS deSignated m the undeveloped Identified nodes such as Jasper/Natron and McKenzie/Gateway, to accommodate a portIOn of the demand for commercial acreage, and to Implement the poliCies and objectives ofthe TransPlan " "Policy I-C Mamtam at least a five-year supply of commercial land wlthm the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) that IS currently served or readily serviceable with a range of urban public facilities and services" "Policy 3-A RedeSignate and rezone portIOns of mdustnal land or residential land wlthm Identified Employment Center, Neighborhood Center, or Commercial Center nodes to Mixed Use Commercial to achieve the objectives of TransPlan, TransportatIOn Planmng Rule 12, and to mcorporate higher mtenslty development m conjunctIOn with residential and employment opportumtles " i Metro Plan Economic Element "Policy #B 6" IS Imperative and provltles clearer gUidance than "Policy #B 12," whICh merely discourages The poliCies of the Sprzn'gjield Commerczal Lands Study, particularly "Policy 3-A," clearly trump "Policy #8 12" when consldenng the proposed PAPA The reqUired mventones of Goal 9 lands are approximate m extent, and there IS flexibility m the compositIOn of those mventones Nonetheless, the City must consider the appropnateness of approvmg the proposed PAPA compared to mamtammg the current land use designatIOn and zonmg dlstnct Several Issues must be addressed, sUitability of the lliMt@R~~fflt The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplicatIOn DEe Page 19 of 41 Written Stalement - December 20, 2006 2 0 20D3 Onglnal Submittal desIgnatIOn, the availability of substitutes If the deSignation IS changed, economic diverSity, and family wage employment SUITABILITY The site has been reserved as development ready Campus Industnal land smce 1995 The maJonty of It was deSignated as Special Light Industnal (the precursor of Campus Industnal) for years before that Despite the dwmdlmg supply of CI land, there has been no proposal for a comprehensive development of the site The reasons the project Site has not yet been developed are complex However, the site IS not Ideal with regard to the qualities that the CI deSignation IS mtended to foster and preserve To attract the deSired mdustnes, the zone Imposes performance standards to reduce conflicts with adjacent zOning dlstncts and negative Impacts between sites wlthm the CI dlstnct Itself From the Metro Plan, "The actIVIties of such firms are enclosed wlthm attractive extenors and have mInimal envlromnentallmpacts, such as nOise, pollutIOn, and vibratIOn, on other users and on surroundmg areas" However, the site and surroundmg areas are already subject to some of these Impacts, whICh may partially explam why the site has not yet been developed With CI uses The City's pre-applicatIOn report lists 'air pollutants from surroundmg heavy mdustnal uses, overhead electncal Imes and nearby rail lines which cause problems for certam types of high technological mdustnes Several high tech firms had conSidered the Pierce Property for a potential locatIOn, and all found It unsUitable because of these problems" SUBSTITUTION Despite whatever Impediments to campus mdustnal development the site may have, the City should preserve the current deSignatIOn If It represents the last best hope to attract companies offenng above average wages The CI zone limits retail uses, m part, to keep lower paymg employers from competmg for sites However, recent data shows that thIS strategy IS not as effective as hoped A thorough review of the SprIngfield Development Code reveals that, other than limits to retail uses, there IS little unique about the CI zone The MILPR pomted out that, as IS CI, Spnngfield's LMI dlstnct IS used as a buffer or transitIOn zone between heavy mdustnal and non-mdustnal uses The LMI dlstnct permits subdiVISIOns followmg mdustnal park standards, as does CI Many of the heaVY-Impact mdustnal uses prohibited m the CI zone are also prohibited m the LMI zone such as manufacturmg chemicals, lumber, wood, paper and dairy products, metal fabncatlOn, cleanmg and dymg, gas storage, mcmerators, and recycling centers All of the pnmary and secondary uses permitted m CI zone are also permitted m the LMI zone The mventory of LMI deSignated land IS available, acceptable and appropnate for the lands of mdustnes CI IS mtended to attract Commercial land IS also sUitable for many high-wage, economiC export employers Although the Campus Industnal zone allows certain manufactunng uses that are not allowed under the proposed Commercial deSignatIOn, many uses that are permitted provide family wages New and growmg sectors of the economy blur the Ime between commercial and mdustrlalland use , , Date Received . DEe 2 0 2006 I The VIllages at Marco1a Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplicatIOn Written Statement - December 20, 2006 Page 20 of41 Ongmal Submittal I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ECONOMIC DIVERSITY I , The Land ConservatIOn and Development CommissIOn (LCDC) recently reported to the Governor on the converSIOn of mdustnalland to non mdustnalland I[he report was concerned I with mamtammg an adequate local supply of mdustnalland and prevel1tmg conversIOns of pnme mdustnalland to non-mdustnal uses Their report was titled "Promot,mg Prospenty Protectmg Prune Industnal Land for Job Growth" It made the followmg observation "The Issue of conversIOn of mdustnallands IS Imked directly to the goal of provldmg an adequate supply of mdustnal and other employment land for a vanety of economic activities Untimely or undesuable converSIOn of mdustnallands, particularly converSIOn of strategic sites with unique market features, can mterfere with accomplishmg the goal of provldmg adequate land development opportunities for economic growth and Job creatIOn" (p II) "The GMELS' [Greater Metropolitan Employment Lands Study] Phase I findmgs remforce the committee's assertIOn that traditional mdustnal areas, mcludmg those featurmg heavy manufactunng, warehouse/dlstnbutlOn, mdustnal service and waste management activjties should be protected from encroachment by mcompatible non- mdustnal uses by placmg these areas m so-called mdustnal sanctuanes" (p 19) However, the report also observed, "To better understand the concept of 'employment lands,' the committee exammed the Phase I findmgs of the Greater Metropolitan Employment Lands Study (GMELS) The study IS based on an assessment of the need for a broad category of employment lands wlthm the greater Portland metropolitan regIOn Committee members concurred With a maJor findmg of GMELS that the Ime between mdustnaI and non-mdustnal use IS becommg mcreasmgly blurred m the new economy because many traded-sector and mdustnal activities are now carned out m office and tech-flex settmgs The latter type of , mdustnal uses IS perfectly compatible With other employment activities and, thus, can be accommodated m mixed-use zOning dlstncts that mclude retail, office, mstitutlOnal and/or light mdustnal and even residential uses" (p 18) "New and emergmg mdustnal uses These are high-tech, bIOtech, some manufactunng and research and development and are often located m office and tech-flex settmgs They are most productive when adJacent to similar companies and their non-mdustnal I suppliers, lenders and support systems SUitable locatIOns for these activIties mclude I many mixed-use zones, as long as theu scale, deSign and operatIOnal charactenstics are compatible With surroundmg uses" (p 20) Although the conversIOn of CI land to other deSignatIOns may seem to ,have a negative effect on the potential for economic development, the net effect IS very positive when consldenng the benefits of addmg to the extremely scarce supply of commercial land As the DLCD report to the Governor pomts out, high-tech research and development firms are most productive when non-mdustnal suppliers and supportmg services are aVailable to them ! , Date ReceIved: The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplIcatIOn Wntten Statement - December 20, 2006 DEep~gg2.(!~1 f j I , Ongmal Submi!t,o! FAMILY WAGE EMPLOYMENT The ability for Sprmgfield to attract Jobs that provide a family wage IS among concerns over changmg the CI deSignatIOn of the subJect site Although there IS no precise definitIOn of 'family wage," the term came mto use dunng the Industnal RevolutIOn when work was separated from home to a degree not seen before The concern was that the breadwinner earn enough to allow the spouse to stay home tendmg the house and chIldren It became a somewhat controversial term, some commentators assigning sexist overtones to It The followmg data (Tables 7 and 8) creates a statistical context for the diSCUSSIOn If "family wage" can be defined as the gross mcome needed to cover tYPical expenses of the average family, the tables below estimate these figures m Spnngfield and Oregon Table 7 Sprmgfield, Oregon Average Household and Family S,ze Number of IndiViduals 255 303 Average Household Average Family Source US Census Bureau, Census 2000 Summary File 3 Table 8 Spnngfield, Oregon TypIcal 2004 Family Expenses Source Two Adults, One ChIld $34,905 $36,408 Two Adults, Two ChIldren $43,862 $41,748 1 Poverty In Amenca E P 12 1 Poverty In Amenca Project, Penn State Umverslty 2 Economic Policy Institute Figures are for tYPIcal expenses Figures for One Adult and Two Children are Within approximately one percent of Two Parent One chIld expenses Table 9 below gives U S Census data regardmg the median mcomes of mdlvlduals and households Note that the family household mcome IS Significantly higher than the highest mdlvldual median mcome Data about the proportIOn of two-mcome households or the average wage of pnnclple breadWinners IS not available Heads of farmly households may be making Significantly more than the average or many households may have two mcomes Some combmatlOn of the two IS likely Regardless, It mdICates cautIOn should be used when makmg assumptIOns about family wages Table 9 Sprmgfield and Oregon Median Incomes Oregon Spnngfleld, Oregon Family Households $55,196 $43,539 Non-family households $29,209 $23,734 All Households $46,393 $37,452 Male full-time, year-round workers $41,485 $35,118 Female full-time, year-round workers $30,591 $25,524 Source U S Census Bureau Census 2000 Summary File 3, adjusted to 2004 Consumer Price Index . . . . Date Received The VIllages at Marco1a Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplIcatIOn Written Statement - December 20, 2006 DEe lHls~~f 41 Original Subm,t~a! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I To assess Impact of the PAPA on family wage Jobs, we can estl111iate the average wage of employment m the relevant land use designatIOns The table below (Table 10) uses mformatlon I from the Lane County Council of Goverrmlents and the Oregon Labor Market InformatIOn ServIce to correlate the estimated number of people employed by each mdustry sector wlthm a I plan designation, and the Lane County average pay wlthm each sectpr to denve an estimated average pay for employment m a land use designatIon I I I I I Table 10 Plan DesIgnation Average Wage Industrv Construction Manufacturing Trans, Comm , and Utilities Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Fmance, Insurance and Real Estate ServIces Government Total Weighted Average Pav I Source of wage data OlMIS Lane County 2000 mdustry sector average adjusted for 2004 Consumer Pnce Index except the figure for Government which IS from 2004 I (1) Source LCOG - 2004 Industry sector employment by plan designation I (2) Source LCOG - 1998 Industry sector employment by PLU To better understand the Impact of the PAPA on conditions m Spnngfield, Table 11 below provides an overview of the types of busmesses and the approximate nUlllber of employees currently located m the Gateway area (the only other CI zone m Spnngfield With slgmficant development Several of the busmesses listed m the table would also be allowed wlthm the proposed PAP A redeslgnatlOns I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I Commercial PI Employment 676 2% 779 2% 767 2% 585 8,890 2,455 2% 25% 7% Comm Mixed UseP' I Employment 107 4% 99 4% 128 5% 68 332 342 3% 13% 13% LIght Medium Ind "> Employment 1 1,919 12% 5,879 370/0 1,385 9%1 I 18% 12% 1% 2,843 1,870 98 1,594 10% 392 2010' 15,980 100% $34,91636 1 Averase Pay $37,751 00 $38,05721 $35,090 20 $40,622 86 $19,30919 $34,73705 $27,340 14 $37,23900 Date Received DEe 2 0 2006 Original Submittal The Villages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplIcatIOn Written Statement - December 20, 2006 I 20,348 57% 1,218 3% 35,718 100% $25,73213 1,252 48% 279 11% 2,607 100% $30,905 80 Page 23 of 41 Table 11 Types of Busmesses and ApproXImate Employees for Gateway Developmeut Gateway Busmesses Address Type ApproxImate Number of Employees Royal Canbbean Cruise Lines 1000 Royal Canbbean Way Travel sales call center 250-500 (3900 Sports Way) Symantec 555 International Way Computer Support Call 1200 Center, Camp Tech PaclficSource Health Plans 110 Internat,onal Way Health Insurance 275 Headquarters Oregon Medical Laboratones! 123 International Way Medical Laboratones 300 Oregon Vetennary Laboratory Sacred Heart Medical Center Financial services 260 Foundation 123 International Way Sacred Heart Medical Center Matenals (Supply 30 Matenals Management handlers) Shorewood Packaging Inc 500 International Way Manufacture paperboard 60 packaging products Wholesale d,stnbut,on Globallndustnes 950 Internalional Way automotive parts and 10-19 accessories Grand Slam USA 921 Internabonal Way Indoor recreabon Batting 1-4 cages, basketball, etc McKenzie AthletiCS 909 International Way Uniforms screen pnntmg 10-19 and embroidery PaCifiC Office Automation 911 International Way Copier sales and cOPYing 20 - 49 services Rex Myers Transfer 9151nternallonal Way Moving and storage 5-9 FedEx 700 International Way Couriers and messengers 20 - 49 Learning Tree 100 Internat,onal Way Child Day Care N/A Planned Businesses A ProfeSSional Cred,t Service Collection Agency 177 , McKenZie Leasing and Finance Heavy equipment leasing 13 Source Information gathered from Dex, Lane Metro Partnership and GLMIS mfo and links A ProfeSSIonal Credit Service and McKenZie Leasing and Finance purchased 7 acres In Gateway and w'~fe'~~rved. there Source The Register Guard - Tuesday, November 14 2006 f . , The V Illages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplIcatIOn Written Statement - December 20, 2006 DEe 2 0 2006 Page 24 of 41 Onglnal Submlttai I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,~ I .6 j,"1' I '~~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 12 below shows the estrmated wages for employment typical, of the busmesses m the above table This data indicates that the average pay for employment In the deSignatIOns , proposed by the PAPA are competitive with the average pay In Spnngfield's CI deSignated lands ! I I Table 12 Employment and Wage Estimates for Sprmgfield CI Busmesses 50 or 'more employees Employment Number Percent 177 640% 535 1930% 1,200 43'30% 300 1080% OccupatIon Bill and account collectors Billing and Posting Clerks Computer Support Specialist Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technicians Miscellaneous Manufacturing Travel Customer Service Representalive Total employees Weighted Average Pay Average Ray $30,060 00 $26,956 DO $34,874 DO $27,083 DO 60 2 20% 500 1800% $32,292 00 $22,880 DO 2,772 100% , $29,97594 Source Wage data for Lane County 2004 from OlMIS webslte except Travel Customer Service Rep startmg pay published In Portland Busmess Journal - November 18, 2004 Source Employment data from Lane Metro Partner ship and from InfoUSA webslte ConclusIOn Economic trends indicate that by the year 2015, Spnngfield's supplies of Commercial, Llght- MedIUm Industnal, and Campus Industnal lands Will be depleted While the mventory of CI land Will be small, a defiCit IS projected for CommerclaJ and LMI land ,The proposed PAPA Will bnng mventones of these lands closer to balance, though still leavmg a defiCit of Commercial and LMI land Metro Plan Policy #B 6 directs the City to correlate the effective supply In terms of sUitability and aVailability with the proJectIOns of demand The sUitability of the subJect site for ItS current CI deSignatIOn IS questIOnable In light of Its long-standmg undeveloped state despite the dWindling supply of CI land By the planning year 2015 and m the absence of the proposed PAPA, CI land Wlll be In relative abundance compared to Commercial and LMI land If past demand trends contmue The types of businesses currently m developed Campus Industnal areas can also locate In Commercial and or Light-MedIUm IndustnaJ area~ There IS a synergistic relatlOnslup between mdustnal and commercial uses that reqUires a balance between them m order to sustain economiC diverSity Fmally, analyzmg average wages m the different land use deSignatIOns shows that pay rates m the proposed deSignations are competitIVe with those m Spnngfield's currently developed Campus Industnal area ThIS redeslgnatlOn of Campus Industnal land as Commercial, Commercial Mixed-Use, and Light-MedIUm Industnalland will support the diversificatIOn and Improvement of the economy It IS consistent With the pnontles established by adopted and acknowledged poliCIes Therefore, ,the, amendment IS consistent With statewide plannmg Goal 9 f Date Received. I, , \ I DEe 2 0 2006 T_he VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplIcatIOn Written Stalement - December 20, 2006 Origmal Subm,ltg~ge 25 of 41 Goal 1 0 - Housmg. To provIde for the houszng needs of citizens of the state ResDonse Approval of the applicant's proposed PAPA changmg approximately 18 acres from Campus Industnal to MedIUm Density ResidentIal on the Metro Plan diagram and zonmg map, reqUires compliance With statewide plannmg Goal 10, Housmg (OAR 660, DIVIsIOn 8) (The total acreage of MedIUm DensIty Residential land IS proposed to mcrease from 367 to 547 acres) The Post Acknowledgement Plan Amendment (PAPA) IS consistent With the parts of the Melro Plan which address the reqUirements of Goal 10 The Eugene-Sprzngfield ResidentIal Lands Study (RLS) was completed m 1999 as a technical document mformmg policy changes to the Metro Plan as part of the area's penodlc review reqUirements The RLS was acknowledged by the state Land ConservatIOn and Development CommissIOn as bemg consistent With Goal 10 The purpose of the RLS was to compare residential land needs With aVailable land supply The analYSIS does not reqUire bUlldout of particular denSIties or numbers of Units on speCific sites or wlthm the metro area as a whole The RLS contams a detailed site mventory m the Technical AnalYSIS, whICh IS summarized below (Table 13) as It pertams to the subJect site Table 13 Resldenllal Land Study SIte Inventory Marcola Meadows Properly Site (Subarea 18) Total Acres Un bUildable Acres Constrained BUildable Acres 2 37 1 04 0 0 36 7 Source Residential Lands and Housmg Study Draft Inventory Document, 1999 page 64 Of the subJect sites total gross bUildable acreage that was mcluded m the mventory, all 37 1 acres IS deSignated for MedIUm DenSity Residential development The RLS assumes that 32% of residential lands will be developed With non-reSidential uses, mcludmg public and CIVIC uses, roads, etc Subtractmg thiS 32% leaves 25 2 net acres that one can reasonably assume was conSidered available for development m the RLS Demlty AssumptIOns The RLS does not specify an assumed average denSity m the MDR deSIgnatIOn Rather, It outlines the range of allowable denSIties (14 28 to 28 56 Units per net acre) whIch comclde With the gross denSity range descnbed m the Metro Plan (10 through 20 Units per gross acre) It also descnbes the assumed dlstnbutlOn ofhousmg types wlthm each residential deSIgnatIOn (page 21) and the assumed denSity by housmg type (page 22) The RLS also contams data surmnanzmg actual bUilt denSIties m the metro area However, only limited data was aVailable, and bUilt denSIties were assumed based upon data from years 1986, 1992, and 1994 Usmg these three years, the data show bUilt denSIties between 21 and 23 Units per net acre for multi-family development (RLS Technical AnalYSIS, p 21) No longer-term trend analYSIS IS available These figures reflect bUilt denSity for multi-family proJects only, not all development bUilt m the MDR deSignatIOn Smce smgle family houses and duplexes are alrowel!>!IJlt~~~!\flJArage denSity across the deSignatIOn IS likely significantly lower While hverage -denSity figures"have The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplIcatIOn ! DEe 2 0 ~tmlf6 of 41 Written Statement - December 20, 2006 Onglnal Submlt'ai_.. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I not been calculated for MDR areas due to the dIfficulty of obtammg the data, single family development occurred at roughly 4 Units per acre and duplex development at 10 Units per acre dunng the same years (RLS Technical AnalysIs, Page 21) : I , I Surplus of Resldenlzal Land ' I There IS documented a net surplus of residential land to serve metro housmg needs through 2015, I for all residential land categones combined, and medlUlll denSity resl\lentlalland In particular The companson of residential land supply and demand IS shown m Table 14 below Table t4 Comparison of ReSIdential Land Supply and Demand, In Acres Medium DenSity ReSidential Supply 828 Demand 589 Surplus 239 Source RLS Techmcal AnalysIs, 1999, page 52 All ReSidential 5,802 4,564 1,238 The supply figures also do not Include mixed use and commercial deSignatIOns that can accommodate reSidential development In additIOn to calculating supply and demand m acres, the RLS considered the supply and demand for hOUSing unitS Tlus comparison also shows a net surplus across all reSidentially deSignated land, and wlthm the MDR deSignation In particular, as shown m Table 15 below ' Table 15 Comparison of Resldenhal Land Supply and Demand, In Umts Medium DenSity ReSidential Supply 13,078 Demand 9,432 Surplus 3,646 Source RLS Techmcal AnalysIs, 1999, page 53 All Resldent,al 48,519 40,406 7,913 If the assUllled surplus of medlUlll denSity units (3,646) IS diVided bX the assumed number of surplus medIUm denSity acres (239), the denved denSity for MDR land IS 15 25 Units per net acre ThiS IS not, however, an adopted denSity assumptIOn The RLS does not specify how to determme expected denSity or number of Units on a particular I site One source of expectatIOn IS the McKenZie Gateway MDR site Conceptual Development Plan, which accommodates a total of 1,195 Units across 185 acres, at !an average denSity of 11 unitS per acre, In ItS preferred alternative (ScenarIO E) Alternatively, one can estimate the amount of expected development on the site by extrapolating assumpt;ons contained wltlun the ReSidential Lands Study Itself ; In fact, the applicant's proposal retains a surplus m the reSidential housmg Inventory, while mcreasmg the intensity of reSidential development ThiS strategy supports nodal development and fulfills the reqUirements of Goal 10 by accommodatmg a quantity of Units that can be reasonably defended given the adopted findmgs, analYSIS, and poliCies contamed m the RLS i Date Received: I I 'f " , < 1 The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplIcatIOn Written Statement - December 20, 2006 , DEe 2 0 2006 Page 27 of41 Original Submltt;;:1 , 1 I, DensIties will In fact be Increased over what would otherwise likely be bUilt The Residential Lands Study concluded that through the plannIng honzon (2015), the area would have a surplus of land In all types of residential land use categones The study was adopted and Incorporated Into the Metro Plan In 1999, and was acknowledged by LCDC as meetmg the area's Goal 10 reqUirements Specifically, the RLS concluded that there was a surplus of 239 acres and 3,646 Units m the MDR category (Metro Plan, pages III-A-3 and II-A-4) In addition, the applicant's proposal IS supported by applicable Metro Plan hOUSIng policies, mcludmg those m the reSidential land supply and demand, reSidential denSity, and deSign and mixed use areas, as outlmed m the Metro Plan Specific Elements sectIOn, (beglnnmg at page 32 below) OAR - DIVISIOn 8 does not prolublt creatmg additIOnal residential land after a local government has established an adequate supply Therefore, for the purposes of DIVISIOn 8, It IS not necessary to establish a maxlmUlll acreage or to Justify the deSignation of reSidential land In excess of proJected land needs The Resldentzal Lands and Houszng Study estimates of the long term proJected land needs, and the determmatlOn that there IS an adequate mventory, served to demonstrate that the minimum needs had been met They did not establish a maximum and did not freeze the residential land supply If the proposed PAPA sought an exceptIOn from a stateWide plannmg goal, there would be a greater burden of JustificatIOn for the expansIOn of residential lands The exactmg standards for takmg a Goal 2, Part II exceptIOn would apply, the eVidence would have to establish that "Areas which do not reqUire a new exceptIOn carmot reasonably accommodate the use" However, pursuant to OAR 660-004-0010(2), such an exception IS not reqUired m thiS case Determining the extent of the Goal 10 land supply IS merely a matter of policy for the local JunsdlctlOn In summary, our analysIs finds that the applicant's plan amendment proposal meets the reqUirements of stateWide plannmg Goal 10, supports applicable adopted policies, and furthers the obJectives of nodal development Goal 11 - Publtc Facllttles and Services. To plan and develop a timely, orderly and effiCient arrangement of publzc faulztles and services as a framework for urban and rural development OAR 660-011-0005(7)(a)-(g) Definition of Publtc Faclltties: (a) Water (b) Sanitary Sewer (c) Storm sewer (d) TransportatIOn , - Pursuant of stateWide plannmg goal 11, the City of Spnngfield has adopted or endorsed the followmg documents . Eugene-Spnngfield Metropolztan Area General Plan, reVised 2004 . City ofSpnngfield ZOning Map, May 2006 . Eugene-SprIngfield Metropolztan Area Publzc Facllztles and Servlces/:'0n, 2001 . ' City ofSprzngfield Stormwater Management Plan, ReView Draft Jan~t~~celved: .' The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplIcatIOn Written Statement - December 20, 2006 DEe 2tllg,QI1&f41 Original Submittal 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o City of Sprzngfield Stormwater Management Plan, MaJor BaSIns/Sub BaSInS Map, ReVieW Draft, January, 2004 . City ofSprzngfield Conceptual Road Network Map, Updated July, 2005 . City ofSprzngfield Drznkzng Water ProtectIOn Plan, adopted May, 1999 ResDonse The Eugene-SprIngfield Metropolztan Area General Plan Diagram and the City of SprIngfield Zonzng Map shows that the subJect site IS mSlde of the City of Spnngfield Urban Growth Boundary Statewide Plannmg Goal II ensures that public facilities and services are provided In a timely, orderly, and effiCient manner ThiS applicatIOn proposes to amend the Eugene- Sprzngfield Metropolztan Area General Plan Diagram and Will not affect provIsIOn and arrangement of public facilities and services The folloWIng findIngs demonstrate that the eXlstmg public facilities and services have the capacity to serve future development on the subJect site and will be provided m a timely, orderly, and effiCient marmer Subsequent planmng actions limited to the subJect site (I e Master Plan and Site Plan applications) In due time will address the arrangement of public facilities and servICes on the subject sIte See Exhibits 8 and 9 for more mformatlOn Potable Water Service The subJect site will be served by connectmg to eXistIng Sprmgfield Utility Board (SUB) water lines adJacent to the site There are SIX potential water lines adJacent to the subJect site to have the capacIty to serve future development There are two 12" PVC water lines along 28th street have the capacity to serve development In the southwest portIOn of the subJect site There IS an 18" water lme m the Right-of-Way of 31st street that has the capacity to serve future development Currently, there are two 10" water lines that can serve future development on the west portIOn of the subJect site One of these water lInes In located approximately 100' north of the center Ime of Bonnie Lane and the other IS approximately 120' south of the center Ime of Bonnie Lane Additionally, there IS a 16"' water lIne on the south side of Marcola Road approximately 1075 ft west of the IntersectIOn of Marcola Road and 281h street that has the ability to serve development m the southern portIOn of the subJect site The water Imes m Marcola Road and 31 st Street contaIn suffiCient capacity to serve the site Therefore, thiS key urban service will be provided m an orderly and efficient manner Sanitary Sewer I The City of Sprmgfield provides sanitary sewer service for lands wltl1fn the City of SprIngfield city limits The subJect site IS WithIn the City of Spnngfield City limits and can be served by I connectmg to eXlstmg sanitary sewer lines adjacent to the property The subJect site IS located m I the North Spnngfield waste water baSIn and currently has adequate capacity A 42" concrete maIn lIne for the City of Spnngfield traverses the lower third of the subJect site that flows east to west and collects all sanitary sewer water for the subJect site With some fill reqUired In the north The northeast comer of the proJect Will be served by an eXlstmg sewer In 31 st Street Currently, thiS maIn Ime has the capacity to faCilitate the proposed development's sanitary sewer needs There are three sewer lines that connect to the maIn trunk Ime on the subJect Site, an 8" PVC lme ' connects to the main trunk lme from the south, approximately 250' west of the IntersectIOn of 28th'street arid Pierce Parkway, an 8" PVC lme runnmg north and south along 31 sl street connects to the mam'~\runk lIne from the north In the public Right-of-Way for 31st stre[)am. ~e~\Te~: I The VIllages at Marco\a Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplIcatIOn Page 29 of 41 WfItten Statement - December 20, 2006 DEe 2 0 2006 ( Original Submittal line running north and south connects to the maIn trunk lIne from the north, approximately 240' west of the northwest boundary of the subJect site Therefore, thiS key urban service will be provided m an orderly and efficient manner TramportatlOn The proJect area IS currently served by Marcola Road, 2Sth, and 31 sl streets Marcola Road, the southern border of the subJect Site, IS fully Improved and IS deSignated as a MInor Artenal 2SIh and 31 sl streets border the eastern boundary of the subJect site The City of Spnngfield's Conceptual Road Network Map Identifies 2Sth and 31 st streets as the "31 st Street Connector' The 2Sth street portIOn of the 31 sl Street Connector IS fully Improved and classified as a Collector street Thlrty-Fust Street IS not fully Improved and also IS classified as a Collector street Currently, 31st street IS a two-lane asphalt paved road that does not have gutters, curbs, or sidewalks, although there IS a City of Sprmgfield 10' utility and sidewalk easement on the west side of 31 sl street to facilitate road Improvements m the future In thiS sectIOn of thiS statement addressing StateWide Planning Goal 12 - "TransportatIOn" there are addItional findings regardIng public facilities and services, and those diSCUSSIOns are hereby referenced and Incorporated Storm Water Control The subJect site IS located In #IS Sub-Basin of the West Spnngfield/"Q" Street MaJor BaSin Storm water facilities will be deSigned as a component of subsequent land use approvals to meet City of Spnngfield storm water policies and regulatIOns PrelimInary storm water plans will keep the development's storm water runoff rates equal to pre-development peak storm water runoff rates ThiS will be achieved through multiple on-site detentIOn ponds, blO-swales, and open- channels See Exhibits S and 9 for more information ConclUSIOn The subJect site IS InSide of the Eugene-Spnngfield Metropolitan Urban Growth Boundary and CIty of Spnngfield city limits ThiS enables public facilities and services to be extended to the site In a timely, orderly, and effiCient maimer The subJect site has eXisting public facilities and services adJacent to the site which also have the capacity to serve future development Therefore, thiS amendment IS m compliance With Goal 11 Goal 12 - TransportatIOn. To prOVide and encourage a safe, convement and economic transportatIOn system ResDonse Goal 12 IS Implemented through DIVISIOn 12, OAR 660-012-0000 et seq The goal and diVISIOn are Implemented at the local level by the Eugene-Sprzngfield Metropolztan Area TransportatIOn Plan (TransPlan) acknowledged for compliance With Goal 12 In 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Plan amendments and land use regulation amendments are regulated under OAR 660-012-0060, the "TransportatIOn PlannIng Rule" If an amendment significantly affects a transportatIOn facility, a local government must provide a form of mitigatIOn OAR 660-012-0060(1) states Date Received The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplIcalton Written Statement - December 20, 2006 tJiC3~ qr '2JC3 Original submltta!____-I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , A plan or land use regulatIOn amendment significantly affects a transportatIOn facility If It would (a) Change the functIOnal classificatIOn of an eXlstmg or planned transportatIOn facility (exclusive of correctIOn of map errors In an adopted plan), (b) Change standards ImplementIng a functIOnal classificatIOn system, or (c) As measured at the end of the plannIng penod Identified m the adopted transportatIOn system plan (A) Allow land uses or levels of development that would result In types or levels of travel or access that are Inconsistent with the functIOnal classificatIOn of an eXlstmg or planned transportatIOn faCility, (B) Reduce the performance of an eXisting or planned transportatIOn faCility below the minimum acceptable performance standard Identified m the TSP or comprehensIVe plan, or (C) Worsen the performance of an eXisting or planned transportation faCility that IS otherwise proJected to perform below the mlnlmUlll acceptable performance standard Identified m the TSP or comprehensive plan " OAR 660-012-0060(1). With regard to OAR 660-012-0060(l)(a) and (b), the proposed Post Acknowledgement Plan Amendment (PAP A) would not change the functIOnal claSSificatIOn of any transportatIOn faCility, nor would It change the standards for Implementmg a functional claSSIficatIOn system With regard to OAR 660-012-0060(l)(c)(A), the PAPA would not allow types or levels of uses which would result In levels of travel or access which are mconslstent with the functIOnal claSSificatIOn of a transportatIOn faCility The policies of the City of SprIngfield Development Code and the Tran5Plan establish the requested plan deSignatIOn as appropnate to the claSSificatIOn of the streets servIng the site SpeCific reqUirements for access to those streets Will be determIned through the Master Plan and Site Plan reviews and approved only upon demonstratIOn of compliance With the prOVISions of the acknowledged comprehensIVe plan and Implementing regulatIOns With regard to OAR 660-012-0060(l)(c)(B) and (C), a Traffic Impact AnalYSIS (TIA) evaluatmg the performance of eXlstmg and planned faCilities as a result of the development proposed by thiS applicatIOn has been performed That TIA (Attachment I) IS submitted concurrently With thiS wntten statement and the findmgs of that analYSIS are hereby Incorporated by reference TIA SCOOlnll ' , When determmmg the effect of a proposed Post Acknowledgement Plan Amendment (PAPA), , ,the TPR reqUires local govemments to evaluate Impacts to planned facilities as well as those already eXistIng AccordIng to OAR 660-0 I 2-0660(4)(b)(C), tranT' ortakO!l fllfllitles, uaIe Kecelved: ~ ,The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplIcatIOn Page 31 of 41 :;: Written Statement - December 20, 2006 ' DEe 2 0 2eD6 Ongmal SUbmittal. Improvements or services mcluded m a metropolitan planning organizatIOn's federally-approved, financially constraIned regIOnal transportatIOn system plan must be mcluded In the analysIs The Metropolitan Planning Committee adopted the Central Lane Metropolztan Planning OrganIzatIOn RegIOnal TransportatIOn Plan on December 9, 2004 The MPO-RTP estabhshed a plannIng honzon of2025 This IS the plannmg honzon used by the TIA The followmg projects (Tables 16, 17 and IS) are WithIn the study area ofthe TIA and are listed m MPO-RTP "Table 1a - FmanClally Constramed Capital Investment ActIOns Roadway ProJects" Table 16 Project Category Arterial CapacIty Improvements Name GeographIc LImIts Description Jurisdiction EstImated Length Number Cost 42nd Street @ Marcola Road Traffic control Springfield $248,000 0 712 Improvements 42nd Street at 42nd StlHwy 126 TraffiC control Springfield $200 000 0 799 Highway 126 Improvements Eugene-Springfield @ Mohawk Boulevard Add lanes on ODOT $310,000 068 821 H,ahwav ISR-126\ Interchanqe famos Table 17 Project Category New Collectors Name Geographic LImIts Description Junsd,ct,on EstImated Length Number Cost V Street 31st Street to Marcola New 2 to 3-lane Sprlngtleld $2,173,000 065 777 collector Table 18 Project Category Urban Standards Name Geographic limits Description Jurisdiction EstImated Length Number Cost 42nd Street Marcola Road to Recorlstruct to 3 Springfield $2,551,000 103 713 Railroad Tracks lane urban faCility 31st Street Hayden Bridge Road to Upgrade to 2 to Springfield $1,300,000 085 765 U Street 3-lane urban facllItv Because the ultimate purpose of the proposed PAPA IS to gam approval of a master planned development, transportatIOn modeling of post-development tnp generatIOn IS based on the prelimmary plan (see Attachment 2) In addition to calculatmg the maxlmum Impact of future development restncted only by the regulations of the proposed plan deSignatIOn, the TIA employed an alternative worst-case scenarIO based on stipulated development restnctlOns The level of development possible under the restnctlOns IS far greater than what IS proposed by the prelimInary plan, but still results m fewer vehicle tnps than the unrestncted worst-case The TIA compared the Impacts of future development under the eXlstmg plan deSignatIOns, under the proposed plan deSignatIOns Without restnctlOns, and under the restncted proposed plan deSignatIOns The mtegnty of the post-development transportatIOn modeling assUlllptlOns can be assured by the conditIOnal approval of the proposed PAPA and mamtaIned by subsequent site plan review and development constramts Date Received DEe 2 0 2005 The V 11Iages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplIcatIOn Written Statement - December 20, 2006 Original StlBlilltHiOf 41 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Imoact OAR 660-012-0060(1)(c)(B) Though some facilities wlthm the scope of the study are proJected to operate below the performance standard m the plan year, none will do so as a result of the proposed PAPA Those facilities proJected to operate below the performance standard In the plan year will do so regardless of the proposal under review Therefore, no facilities are significantly affected under thiS definitIOn OAR 660-0 I 2-0060(1)(c)(C) Wlthm the scope of the study, one facility that IS otherwise proJected to operate below the performance standard In the plan year IS made worse by the proposed PAPA Therefore, thiS facility lS slgmficantly affected under !hIS defimtlOn e Mohawk Blvd @ Eugene-Spnngfield Hwy eastbound ramps OAR 660-012-0060(3) permits local governments to approve a PAPA that Significantly affects a faCility without requlflng that mitigatIOns bnng the faCility up to the applicable performance standards ThiS IS allowed only where the faCility IS currently operatmg below the perfoffilance standard and, despite any planned faCilities as defined m SectIOn (4) of the TPR, It IS also proJected to operate below the performance standard m the plan year Takmg mto account the planned faCilities prevIOusly discussed, the TIA demonstrates that these conditIOns are met for the faCility listed above OAR 660-012-0060(3) reqUires transportatIOn Improvements that mitigate the net Impact and aVOid further degradatIOn In the development (opemng) year To address Impacts at the eastbound ramps ofthe Mohawk Blvd @ Eugene-SprIngfield Hwy mtersectlon the TIA proposes the followmg mitigatIOn e Traffic control changes allowmg left-turns form the eastbound ramp center lane With regard to OAR 660-012-0060(1)(c)(B) and (C), the analysIs has determmed that measured at the end of the plannmg penod the proposed amendment WIll neither reduce the performance of eXlstmg or planned transportatIOn facilities below the minimum acceptable performance standards Identified m TransPlan nor worsen the performance of transportatIOn faCilities that are otherwise proJected to perform below the mInimum acceptable performance standard Identified In TransPlan ConclUSIOn Pursuant to OAR 660-012-0060(1), the proposed PAPA SIgnificantly affects a transportatIOn faCility The TIA proposes to mItigate the degradatIOn of the faCility under the condItIOns of OAR 660-012-0060(3) By reqmnng development to meet the conditIOns of OAR 660-012- 0060(3), the City may approve the PAPA m compliance With OAR 660-012-0060 Therefore, the City of Spnngfield can find that the proposed PAPA IS consistent With StatewIde Plannmg Goal 12 f '" ~ Date Received: DEe 2 0 2006 i I 1 , Original Subln.ltCiI The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplIcatIOn Written Statement - December 20, 2006 Page330f41 Goal 13 - Energy ConservatIOn' To conserve energy Land and uses developed on the land shall be managed and controlled so as to maXimIze the conservatIOn of all forms of energy, based upon sound economic pnnclples ResDonse The purpose of this Metro Plan Diagram Amendment (PAPA) applicatIOn IS to re-deslgnate land on the subJect site to I) expand the amount ofland designated for MedlUlll DensIty Residential, 2) re-deslgnate the land currently designated for Campus Industnal to Light MedIUm IndustnaI and Mixed-Use Commercial, 3) and re-deslgnated the Community Commercial land on the subJect site to Mixed-Use Commercial The Metro Plan IS an acknowledged plan by the Oregon Department of Land ConservatIOn and Development Therefore, the Metro Plan IS currently consistent With the prOVISIOns of Statewide Plannmg Goal 13 The City of Spnngfield adopted the Metro Plan (OrdInance No 6087) on May 17, 2004 This applicatIOn does not amend any component of the Metro Plan that IS related to Goal 13 as adopted by Spnngfield City council on May 17, 2004 Therefore, this PAPA applicatIOn IS consistent With the Metro Plan and StateWide Planning Goal 13 Goal 14 - UrbanizatIOn' To provIde for an orderly and efficient transItIOn from rural to urban land use ResDonse All of the parcels affected by thIS applicatIOn are currently wlthm the Urban Growth Boundary and were annexed mto the City of Spnngfield The annexatIOn was made In compliance With an acknowledged comprehensIVe plan and Implementmg ordInances, and established the aVailability of urban facilities and services Therefore the amendment IS consistent With StateWide Plannmg Goal 14 Goal 15 - Wlllamette River Greenway: To protect, conserve, enhance and mazntazn the natural, scenzc, hlstoncal, agncultural, economic and recreatIOnal qualztles of lands along the WIllamette River as the WIllamette River Greenway ReSDonse The subJect site IS not Wlthm the WIllamette River Greenway Therefore, tills goal IS not relevant and the amendment will not affect compliance With Goal 15 Goal 16 through 19' (Estuarzne Resources, Coastal Shorelands, Beaches and Dunes, and Ocean Resources) ReSDonse There are no coastal, ocean, estuarme, or beach and dune resources related to the property or , , mvolved m the,amendment Therefore, these goals are not relevant and the amendment Will not affect compliance With Goals 16 through 19 r Date Received ~ DEe 2 0 2006 Onglnal Submittal The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplIcatIOn WrItten Statement - December 20, 2006 Page 34 of 41 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SDC 7.070(b) AdoptIOn of the amendment must not make tile Metro Plan IlIternally inconSistent Growth Management Metro Plan, Policy 1 The UGB and sequentIal development shall contznue to be Implemented as an essentzal means to achieve compact urban growth The prOVISIOn of all urban ;ervlces shall be wncentrated znslde the UGB ResDonse The two parcels affected by this applicatIOn are currently Wlthm the Spnngfield portIOn of the Metropolitan Urban Growth Boundary and have been mcorporated mto the City of Spnngfield The annexatIOn was made m compliance With an acknowledged comprehensive plan and Implementmg ordmances, and established the aVailability of urban facilities and services As such, the subJect site IS prOVidIng for compact urban growth and has the essential services aVailable for development As defined In the glossary of the Metro Plan, compact urban growth IS defined as Thefillmg zn of vacant and underutlhzed lands zn the UGB, m well as redevelopment znslde the UGB The PAPA will allow compact urban growth to occur on lands that are currently wlthm the UGB and underutllized for an urban area The development ofthe site will prOVide needed commerCial and mdustnal employment opportunities and also prOVide medIUm denSity residential development Metro Plan, Policy 24 To accomphsh the Fundamental PrInciple of compact urban growth addressed m the text and on the Metro Plan DIagram, overall metropolztan-wlde denSity of new residentIal constructIOn, but necessarIly each project, shall average approximately SIX dwellzng unzt; per gross acre over the planning perIod The proposed development seeks to aclueve a gross denSity for all residentially deSignated and zoned land of approximately nine dwellmg unitS per acre The future development of the Site, therefore, will help the regIOn achieve ItS goal of compact urban development I Metro Plan, ObJective 8 Encourage development of SUitable vacant, underdeveloped, and redevelopable land where services are avazlable, thus capltahzzng on publzc expenditures already made for these services ResDonse The subject site IS currently underdeveloped Wlth access to readily aVailable public facilities and services ApprovaJ of thiS proposal will capitalize on the public services and expenditures already made and planned for m the Immediate area In short, the underdeveloped subJect site IS sUitable for residential and commerCial uses (specifically the proposed mixed residential and commercial area) and has access to public facllitles and services Date ReceIved: The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplIcatIOn Written Statement - December 20, 2006 DEe ~Jl, 1~~41 b f ~ Original Submit!ai Metro Plan SpecIfic Elements A Residential Land Use and Houszng Element ResDonse WIth the adoptIOn of the Eugene-Spnngfield Metropolitan Area General Plan 2004 Update (effective February 2006) the subject sIte's resIdentially desIgnated land was removed from the mventory of land desIgnated for low-densIty resIdential uses and was desIgnated for medlUm- densIty resIdential uses (An applIcatIOn concurrent WIth thIs applIcatIOn proposes to 'fix" the boundary of the resIdentially desIgnated land) Therefore, the current MDR, MedIUm DensIty ResIdentIal zone IS m complIance wIth the current Metro Plan desIgnatIOn Metro Plan, PolIcy A 8 ReqUire development to pay the cost, as determzned by the local JurzsdlctlOn, of extendzng publzc services and znfrastructure The cities shall examzne ways to prOVide subsidies or zncentlves for provldzng znfrastructure that support affordable houszng and/or higher denszty houszng The applIcant shall conform WIth CIty of Spnngfield reqUIrements for paymg the faIr cost of extendmg public servIces and mfrastructure A vanety of housmg types are proposed as part of the PrelImmary plan IncludIng small lot sIngle-famIly detached, townhomes, apartments, semor cottages and a congregate care facIlIty Metro Plan, Policy A 10 Promote higher residential density Imide the UGB that utllzzes eXlstzng znfrastructure, Improves the effiCiency of publzc services and facllztles, and conserves rural resource lands outSide the UGB Metro Plan, Policy A II Generally locate higher density residential development near employment or commerCial serVice, zn proximity to major transportatIOn systems or wlthzn transportatIOn-efficient nodes Metro Plan, PolIcy A 12 Coordznate higher density residential development with the prOVISIOn of adequate znfrastructure and serVlGes, open space, and other urban amenztles Metro Plan, Policy A 13 Increase overall residential density zn the metropolztan area by creatzng more opportunztles for effectively designed zn-jill, redevelopment, and mixed use while conslderzng Impacts of zncreased residential density on hlStOrzC, eXlstzng and future neighborhoods The proposed PrelImInary plan development WIll promote hIgher densIty development by IncreaSIng the total supply of medIUm densIty desIgnated and zoned land wIthIn the metropolItan area The applIcant IS propOSIng to develop the resIdential pOrtIon of the sIte under the Spnngfield standards for nodal development, wIth a mInImum net densIty of 12 umts per acre In addItIOn, the portIOn that IS proposed as sIngle-famIly development IS proposed under the standards for cluster development wIth notably smaller lot sIzes and common open space provided The mIx of sIngle-famIly small lot development and multi-famIly development IS located near "PotentIal Nodal Development Area 7C" (TransPlan) and the applIcant IS propOSIng to develop a mix of commerCIal uses that shall Include empI9ymeIDa~~~1 The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplIcatIon I Page 36 of 41 Wntten Statement - December 20, 2006 DEe 2 0 20C3 Original Submittal I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I opportumtIes for future residents of the proposed development and eXIstIng resIdents of the metropolItan area The proposed development IS located at the IntersectIOn of North 28th Street and Marcola Road approxImately one-quarter mIle east of the Marcola Road/North 19th Street IntersectIOn wIth Highway 126, as such thIs proposed development IS In close proximIty to maJor transportatIOn routes and IS designed to be a walkable commumty that promotes a combInatIOn of hIgher densItIes and employment and commercIal opportumtIes The proposed PrelimInary plan development effectively Integrates the hIgher density development wIth the eXistIng neighborhoods In several ways Most Importantly the lowest I densIty development, sIngle-famIly detached lots, IS located adJ~cent to the reSidential neIghborhoods to the west and north The hIgher densIty hOUSIng (apartments, cottages and congregate care) IS located along the east sIde of the subJect SIte, and Internally north of the proposed commerCIal and IndustrIal propertIes The proposed development WIll mmlmlze the disturbance to eXistIng development whIle achIevIng the city's and regIons need for higher densIty, nuxed-use development Metro Plan, PolIcy A 17 PrOVide opportunztles for a full range of chOIce zn houszng type, density, olze, cost, and locatIOn The applicant's proposed PrelImInary plan mcludes a variety of hOUSIng types IncludIng small- lot sIngle-family development, townhomes, apartments, semor cottages 'iilld congregate care The density of development IS proposed wIthIn the desIred ranges for medlUpl densIty reSIdential and Includes more than 20% of common open space for use by the reSidents of the development The locatIOn of the hOUSIng IS central to the proposed nodal development area 7C (TransPlan) and shall proVide a vanety of employment and commerCIal opportumtIes fo~ the eXIstIng reSIdents of the area and future reSIdents of the development I I Metro Plan, PolIcy A 20 Encourage home ownership of all houszng types, particularly for low- zncome households The applIcant's proposed development WIll Include a varIety of home ownerslup optIOns on small sIngle-famIly lots and townhome lots The sIze of the lots and the optIOns for home I ownership WIll Increase the supply of affordable ownershIp hOUSIng In the regIOn I Metro Plan, PolIcy A 22 Expand opportunztles for a miX of uses zn newly developzng areas and exwzng neighborhoods through local zonzng and development regulatIOns The proposed PrelimInary plan Increases the mIX of uses by proVIdIng reSIdentIal, commerCIal (maIn street, neIghborhood retaIl, profeSSIonal office) and Industnal opportumtles, whIle also mfillIng In an area of more typical suburban development The Increased commerCIal and employment opportumtIes wIll benefit the eXIstIng reSIdents and future reSIdents of the development sIte Date Received: 1 1 1 , f 'The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplIcatIOn Wntten Statement - December 20, 2006 DEe 2 0 2006 Page 37 of41 Onglnal Subm.t\a! , ' . B Economic Element ResDonse A detaIled analysIs of EconomIc Element polIcIes IS contaIned m the applIcant's response StatewIde PlannIng Goal 9 - "EconomIc Development" Those responses are hereby Incorporated by reference F TransportatIOn Element ResDonse The proJect area IS currently served by Marcola Road, 28th, and 31 sl streets Marcola Road, the southern border of the subJect SIte, IS fully Improved and IS desIgnated as a MInor Artenal 28th and 31st streets border the eastern boundary of the subJect sIte The CIty of SprIngfield's Conceptual Road Network Map Identifies 28th and 31 st streets as the "31 sl Street COill1ector ' The 28th street portIOn of the 31 st Street COill1ector IS fully Improved and clasSIfied as a Collector street ThIrty-FIrst Street IS not fully Improved and IS clasSIfied as a Collector street Currently, 31 st street IS a two-lane asphalt paved road that does not have gutters, curbs, or sIdewalks There IS a CIty of Spnngfield 10' utilIty and sIdewalk easement on the west sIde of 31 st street to faCIlitate road Improvements In the future AddItIOnal mformatlOn In tlllS statement's response to StatewIde PlannIng Goal 12 - "TraIlsportatlOn" IS hereby referenced and Incorporated Metro Plan, Policy F I Apply the nodal development strategy zn areas selected by each jurzsdlctlOn that have Identified potential for thiS type of transportatlOn-efficzent land use pattern ResDonse The subJect sIte IS Identified m TransPlan as "PotentIal Nodal Development Area" 7C The applicaIlt seeks to develop the maJorIty of the sIte under the nodal staIldards as detaIled m the Spnngfield Development Code The applIcant's proposed development will Include reSidentIal, Industnal aIld commercIal development creatIng a miX of uses that complements the nodal staIldards Metro Plan, PolIcy F 13 Support transportatIOn strategies that enhance neighborhood lzvabllzty Metro Plan, PolIcy F 14 Address the mobllzty and safety needs of motorzsts, transit users, blcyclzsts, pedestrzans, and the needs of emergency vehicles when plannzng and constructzng roadway system Improvements Metro Plan, Policy F 26 PrOVide for a pedestrzan environment that IS well zntegrated with adjacent land uses and IS deSigned to enhance the safety, comfort, and convenzence of walkzng ResDonse The proposed development shall be served by the eXlstmg streets (Marcola Road, North 28th Street, North 31 st Street) and future streets Includmg a collector and local streets It wIll be easy , to get around, and to do so on foot All streets wIll have WIde SIdewalks, apy Qf them setback , , . uate KeCelVeo. , " , " , The V lllages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplIcalton Wntten Statement - December 20, 2006 DEe ~.a~ ~(i41 Onglnal Submittal I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i from vehicle traffic The entire commumty WIll be connected wIth all-weather multI-use off I street pathways It WIll be convement, and safe, to wall from one VIllage to the next I Metro Plan, PolIcy F 36 Require that new development pay for Its capacity Impact on the transportatIOn system ResDonse Based on the Traffic Impact AnalysIs, the PAPA wIll not have a capacIty Impact upon the I traIlsportatlOn system Please see Attaclunent I, IrA for more Information I A detaIled analysIs of the PAPA's consIstency wIth the State TraIlsportatlOn Plannmg Rule, I OAR DIVISIOn 12, 660-012-0000 et seq, (TPR) IS contaIned In Ithe applIcaIlt's response StatewIde Planmng Goal 12 - "TraIlsportatlOn' Those responses arf hereby Incorporated by reference WIth regard to the TransportatIOn Element of the Metro Plan, the CIty CaIl find that I the proposed PAPA Will not make the Metro Plan Internally InconsIstent G Pub/zc Facllztles and Services Element Metro Plan, Policy G 1 Extend the mlnzmum level and full range OJ C key urban facllztles and serVlceo zn an orderly and effiCient manner consistent With the growth management polzczes zn I Chapter II-B, relevant polzcles zn thiS chapter, and other Metro Plan polzcles I ResDonse I The two parcels affected by thIS applIcatIOn are currently WIthIn the IUrbaIl Growth Boundary aIld were annexed Into the CIty of Spnngfield The annexatIOn was made In complIance WIth all I acknowledged comprehensIve plaIl aIld ImplementIng ordmaIlces, aIld e,stablished the avaIlabIlity of urbaIl facIlItIes aIld servIces A detaIled analYSIS of the aVaIlabIlIty of those servIces IS contaIned In the applicant's response StateWide PlaIlmng Goal 11 11_ "Public FacIlitIes aIld ServIces" Those responses are hereby Incorporated by reference I Metro Plan, PolIcy G 5 Consider wellhead protectIOn areas and surface water supplzes when plannzng stormwater facllztles ResDonse I A stormwater maIlagement plan shall be created dunng the mast7r plaIl process SpeCIal emphaSIS Will be placed upon the wellhead protectIOn area aIld surface water supplIes when I plannIng stormwater facilitIes See Exlublts 8 aIld 9 for more InformatIon H Parks and RecreatIOn Element I ResDonse The chaIlges proposed by thIS applicatIOn WIll have no Impact on any recreatIOn area, facIlity or opportumty that has been Inventoned and deSignated by the Metro Plan or aIlY relevant facIlIty p,laIl regardmg the CIty's recreatIOnal needs The recreatIOnal needs of the communIty are adequately met by the eXIstIng aIld plaill1ed facIlItIes enumerated In the WIllamalane 20-year Park and RecreatIOn ComprehenSive Plan, 2004 aIld other assocIated documents A detaIled analYSIS of the subJect site In relatIOn to the vanous parks and recreatIOn system studIes, mventones, refinement' plans, and facIlItIes plans IS contaIned In the i apptDiilt~R~'ll'@d: The Vlllages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment ApplIcatIOn DEtail[ :w 2oe~ Wntten Statement - December 20, 2006 " ~ J;'A Original Submittal Statewide Planmng Goal 8 - "RecreatIOn" Those responses are hereby Incorporated by reference WIth regard to the Parks aIld RecreatIOn Element of the Metro Plan, the City can find that the proposed PAPA will not make the Metro Plan Internally InconsIstent I Hlstorzc PreservatIOn Element ResDonse The chaIlges proposed by thIS applIcatIOn WIll have no Impact on aIlY hlstonc resource that has been InventorIed and deSIgnated by the Metro Plan or aIlY relevaIlt facIlity plan or Inventory regardIng the CIty's hlstonc resources WIth regard to the Hlstonc PreservatIOn Element of the Metro Plan, the CIty CaIl find that the proposed PAPA WIll not make the Metro Plan Internally mconslstent J Energy Element Metro Plan, Goal 1 Maximize the conservatIOn and effiCient utllzzatzon of all types of energy ResDonse The proposed PAPA aIld subsequent development of the sIte WIll encourage conservatIOn and effiCIent utIlizatIOn of energy by a concentratIOn of employment, services aIld resIdences on the SIte, and enablIng traIlSlt servIces to the site Metro Plan, PolIcy J 3 Land allocatIOn and development patterns shall permit the highest pOSSible current and future utllzzatlOn of solar energy for space heatzng and coolzng, zn balance With the reqUirements of other plannzng poliCies, and ResDonse The applIcaIlt shall deSIgn future development accordIng the staIldards of the Spnngfield Development Code Includes all standards relevaIlt to solar onentatlon Metro Plan, PolIcy J 8 Commerczal, resldentzal, and recreatIOnal land uses shall be zntegrated to the greatest extent pOSSible, balanced With all plannzng polzcles to reduce travel distances, optimize reuse of waste heat, and optimize potentzal on-site energy generatIOn ResDonse The requested approval of the PAPA proposed hereIn, If approved, WIll enable the subsequent zone changes and development of a master planned mixed use development that shall provIde employment, servIces and residentIal opportumtIes (see PrelImInary Plan, Attaclunent 2) The proposed development enVISIOns a senes of eIght (8) VIllages that Include maIn street retaIl, neIghborhood retaIl, general retaIl and resIdentIal uses (sIngle-family detached, townhomes, apartments, semor cottages and congregate care) Workers aIld resIdents wIll have the optIon to obtaIn dInmg, shoppIng, aIld other commercIal amemtIes less thaIl a mIle from the subJect site consIstent WIth Policy J 8's maIldate to balaIlce all plannIng poliCIeS to reduce travel dIstance EXIstIng resIdential neIghborhoods are adJacent to the subJect site The presence of schools aIld the W IllamalaIle Park to the north provIdes proximIty to recreatlOnallaIld uses Because the amendments facIlItate development of all Integrated master plaill1ed mIxed-use development WIth a mIx of commercIal, residentIal and Industnal zomng adJacent to recreatIonal laIld uses (all WIthIn reasonable walkmg dIstance, whIch allows nu1ng <6EH€h~~cte~l!Iefas The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendmenl ApplIcatIOn r Page 40 of 41 , Wntten Statement - December 20, 2006 I DEe 2 0 2C~S Onglnal Submltk..i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I , travel dIstances) It IS consistent wIth thIS policy (see PrelImInary Plan, Attachment 2 for more InformatIOn) I I K Cztzzen Involvement Element t Metro Plan, Goal Contznue to develop, mazntazn, and refine programs and procedures that maximize the opportunzty for meanzngful, ongozng Citizen znvolve~ent zn the communzty's planning and plannzng ImplementatIOn processes consistent With mandatory stateWide plannzng standards Response As noted In applicant's findIngs regardIng StateWIde Plannmg Goal 1, Cztlzen I Involvement, the CIty's acknowledged prograIll for cItIzen Involvement provIdes cItIzens the I opportumty to revIew and make recommendatIOns In WrItten aIld oral testImony on the proposed PAPA, consIstent WIth Goal 1 The actIon proposed IS consIstent wlthl and does not amend the CItIzen Involvement element of the Metro Plan Aspects of the Metro Plan that have not been discussed wlthzn thiS applzcatlOn Will be dealt With I durzng future development proposals mcludzng site review and conditIOnal use permit VI. CONCLUSION I Based on the above aIlalysls and findIngs of complIance WIth approval cntena and adopted plans I and polICIes, the requested Metro PlaIl DIagram amendment should be approved as proposed , I I If you have aIlY questIOns about the above applIcatIOn, please do not heSItate to call RIchard M Satre, AICP at Satre ASSOCIates, P C (465-4721) Date Received DEe 2 0 2006 Onglnal Submlltal The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Metro Plan Amendment Appltcatlon WrItten Statement - December 20, 2006 Page4t of41 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXHIBIT 1 K & D ENGINEERING, Ine I I Engineers 0 Plannen 0 Surveyors I I Legal descnptlOn For , "Mal'cola Meadows" Comp Plan and Zone Change , Two (2) Parcels ofland located III Spllngfield, Olegon that me mOle Pdltlculmly descnbed as follows I Parcell Beglnnlng at a pOlnt on the North marglD of Marcola Road, sald pOlnt belng North 89 571 3011 East 2611 60 feet and North 00 021 00" West 4S 00 feet ftom the Southwest corner of the rellx Scott Jr D L C No 51 lD Tovmshlp 17 South, :Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Merldlan, thence along the North marglTI of 1-1arcola Road South 89 57 I 30" West 1419 22 feel to ehe SOLtheast corner of Parcell of Land ParL1Llon plat No 94- P0491, thence leavlng the North marglD of Marcola Road and runnlng along the East boundary of sald parcell and the Northerly extenslon thereof North 00 02' 0011 West 516 00 feet to a pOlnt on the South boundary of NICOLE PARK as platted and recorded lD Flle 74, Slldes 30-33 of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records, thence along the South boundary of sald NICOLE PARK North 89 57' 3011 East 99 62 feet to the Southeast corner of Bald NICOLE P~K, thence along the East boundary of sald NICOLE PARK North 00 02' 00 'I West 259 82 feet co the Northeast corner of sa) d NICOLE PARK, 'thence along the North boundary of sald NICOLE PARK South 89 581 00" West: 6 20 feet to the Southeast corner of LOCH LaMOND TERRACE FIRST ADDITION, as' platted and recorded In Book 46, Page 20 of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records, thence along ehe East boundary of Bald LOCH LOMOND TERRACE FIRST ADDITION North 00 02' DO II West 112 88 feet to the Southwest corner of AUSTIN PARK SOUTH as platted and recorded ln Flle 74, Slldes 132-134 of ehe Lane County Plat Records, thence along the Sout~ boundary of s~ld IAUSTIN PARK South North 89 581 0011 East 260 00 feet to the Southeast corner of sald AUSTIN PARK South thence along the East boundary of sald AUSTIN PARK South North 00: 021 DO" West 909 69 feet to Lhe Northeast corner of sald AustlD Park South, sald pOlnt belng on the South I boundary of thaL certalD tract of land descrlbed ln a deed recorded July 31, 1941, lD Book 359, Page 285 of the Lane County Oregon Deed Records, thence ialong the South boundary of sa1.d last de""crlbed tract North 79 411 5411 East 1083 115 feet to the lntersecLlon of the South llne of the last descrlbed trace and the ~ast lllle of that certalD tract of land conveyed to R H Plerce and Ellzabeth C Plerce and recorded ln Book 238, Page 464 of the Lane County Oregon Deed ~ecords, thence lalong the East llne of sald last descrlbed tract South 00 021 0011 East 1991 28 feet to che pOlot of beglnnlng, all lD Lane County, Oregon I 11 Date Received: f DEe 2 0 2aCS Original Submlttal_ I I 276 N W HICkolY StlCct. POBox 725. Albany, OR 97321. (541) 928-2583 . Pax Page I of2 (541) 967-3458 K & D ENGINEERING, Ine Ellgllleers . Planners. Surveyors Pal eel 2 Beglnrllng at a pOlnt l.D the center of County Road No 753 f 3170 24 feet South and 1319 9 feet East of the Northwest corner of the Fellx Scott Donatlon land Clalffi No 82, lD Townshlp 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wlllamette Merldlan, ~nd belng 866 feet South of the Southeast corner of tract of land conveyed by The Travelers Insurance Company to R D Kercher by deed recorded lD Book 189, Page 268, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, thence WesL 1310 feet to a pOlnt 15 Ilnks East of the West llTIe of the Fellx Scott Donatlon Land Clalm No 82, Notlflcatlon No 3255, lD Townshlp 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wlllamette Merldlan, and rUDD1Dg thence South parallel wlth and 15 Ilnks dlstant from sald West Ilne or sald Donatlon Lclnd Clalffi a dlstance of 2304 76 feeL to a pOlnt 15 llnks ~ast of the Southwest corner of sald Donatlon Land Clalm, thence East followlng along tne center Ilne of County Road No 278 a dlstance of 1310 feet to a pOlnt 1n the center of sald County Road No 278 due South of the place of beglnnlng, thence North followlng the center lJDe of sald County Road No 753 to the pOlnt of beg1nnlDg, all lD Lane County, Oregon, EXCEPT the rlght of way of the Eugene-Wendl1ng Branch of the Southern Paclflc Rallroad, ALSO EXCEPT that porLlon Book 359, Page 285, Lane descrlbed III deed to The Clty County Oregon Deed Records, of Eugene, recorded ln J_" ALSO EXC8PT beglnnlng at a pOlnt WhlCh 18 1589 47 feet South and 1327 33 feet East of the Southwest corner of Sect10n 19, Townsh1p 17 South, Range 2 West, Wlllamette Merld1an, Lane County, Oregon, sald pOlnt also belng Opposlte and 20 feet Easterly from Statlon 39+59 43 P 0 S T , saLd Statlon belog ln the center Jlne of the old route of County Road No 142-5 (formerly #753), chence South 0 111 West 183 75 feet to the lntersecLlon wlth the Northerly Rallroad Rlght of Way IlDe, thence South 84 45' West 117 33 feet, thence South 79 301 West 48 37 feet to the lntersectlon of sald Rallroad Rlght of Way lloe wlth the Southerly Rlght of way ll~e of the relocated sald County Road No 742-5, thence along the arc of a 316 48 foot raOlUS curve left (the chord of WhlCh bears North 39 03' 35" East 261 83 feet) a dlstance of 269 94 feet to Lhe place of beglDD1Dg, 1D Lane County, Oregon, ALSO EXCEPT that port1on descr1bed lD deed to Lane County recorded October 19, 1955, Recepllon No 68852, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, ALSO EXCEPT that portlon descrlbed 10 ceed to Lane County Lecorded January 20, 1986, Recept10n No 8602217, Lane County Off1clal Records, ALSO EXCEPT lhat portlon descr1bed 1D that Deed to Wlllamalane Park and Recreatlon Dlstrlct recorded December 4, 1992, Receptlon No 9268749, and Correctlon Deed recorded February 9, 1993, Receptlon No 9308469, Lane County Offlclal Records, ALSO EXCEPT thaL porc1on descrlbed In Exhlblt A of that Spr1ngLleld, recorded September 22, 1993, Receptlon No Offlclal Records ALSO EXCEPT Marcola ~oad Slldes 897, 898 and 899, Deed to the Clty of 9360016, Lane Cou~ty Industr1al Park, Lane County Plat as platted and recorded ln F1le 75, Records, Lane County, Oregon [ ~ Date Received DEe 2 0 2006 Original Submittal Page 2 of 2 276 N W HIckory StIeet. POBox 725. Albany, OR 97321. (541) 928-2583. Fax (541) 967,3458 I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . I o SEP-28-2006 14 14 Chad Cordell 541 485 03l EXHIBIT 2 ([) c.f'" h4 ~ 42--1 RETURN TO CASCAOE TITLE CO "" E:;;uoS~ b3~L\ 6JA:. ~ ll-D~-..c;.-/l"'~O 11-02..~~-ooi\ 1800 Afterreco~dw 1111 Willa mette Street fuaene OR 97401-3107 ( Dlvlslon.f Chl.f Deputy Clork (.an. CllUnty Duds ond R.cOI"d. Unnlachangels~~~ mail all tax statements to: SC Snr1n~field. LtC 5440 Louie Ln ste 102 Reno, NV 2000.024293 ' UIIIIIIII 11111111111 1111111111111 $51.00 007bJ31~;".o2930.......7 04/1012006 03:55:08 pft RPR-DEED Cnt:l Stn:9 CASHIER 04 $30.00 $11.00 $10.00 Tax Account No. TRUSTEliS'DEED (Statutory Bargain and Sale Deed) Allan Ihllat Pierce and Nonnan J. LeCompte, Jr, as Co- Trustees pursuant to the Last Will and Testament of Elizabeth C. PIerce, a deceased person, and Allan Hlllar Pierce and Nonnan ] LeCompte, Jr, as Co- Trustees pursuant to the Last Will and Testament of Ralph H Pu:rce, 8 deceased person (collectively, "Grantor''), convey to SC Springfield LLC, a Delaware lImited liabilIty company ("Orantee"), the real property described on the attached ExhIbit A. together with all of the right, till.. and mterest of Grantor to, to and under adjoining streets, nghts of way and easements.. The true consideration for this conveyance is Eight Million Dollars ($8,000,000), paid by an avvv.,~..odator pursuant to Section 1031 of the Umted Slates Internal Revenue Code. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE mLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER oas 197.352. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORrnG PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197 352 SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS Date Received: \ TRUSTEES' DEED. Page 1 G lusrINll-lCllenllP,Ol<G Trusl'Martln Saloldeed 1111 060331 doc DEe 2 0 2006 Original Submltt81 SEP-28-2006 14 14 , , ... . Chad Corde 11 .' DATED. Apnl L 2006 STATE OF OREGON ) )ss COUNTY OF LANE ) . 541 485 0307 P 02 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I U 1JJtt.r,.l Allan Hdlar Ierce, Co-Trustee pUIS1llUl1 to the Last Will and Testament of Elizabeth C. Pierce, '~lIi2. Norman J. LeCompte, Jr., -Trust pUIS1llUlt to the Last WIll and Testament of ~............ ""~ ~b_ Allan HilIar PIerce, Co- Tl'USlee pursuant to the Last Will and Testament of Ralph lL PIerce, a ~J?A~ pN Norman J LeCo~~i~t~rsuanl to the Last Will and Testament of Ralph H. Pierce, a deceased person , This instrument was acknowledged before me on April/() , 2006, by Allan HIllar Pierce, Co-Trustee pursuant to the Last Will and Testament of Elizabeth C. Pierce, a deceased person, and Co-Trustee pursuant to the Last Will and Testament of Ralph H , a deceased person .j.. 10 1'::" .1'. I.=~.JI. ...~. 1.1"~I'" I L ,.~ I ,.''':'I''''~''..'''.'''''' ~ . lImN\'1PU1lUll.tlllEGOII t;OI.WlSSltIN HI:L Il94t49 IIflDlMiBSlllllel'll'SlUl\llT2&,llIfI9. Date Received DEe 2 G 2005 TRUSTEES' DEED - Page 2 G ,",rlNIL\Cllent\l'II:''''' TruSlIMarlJn Sale\dC<:d ojl 060331 doc Original Subrrlilt;>1 Tills InStrument was acknowledged before me on April ~ 2006, by Nonnan J. LeCompte, Jr., Co-Trustee pUISuallt to the Last Will and Testament of Eliubeth C. Pierce, a d",~","",.:.J person, and Co-Trustee pursuant to the Last Will and Testament of h H. PIerce, a deceased person, ~,".II.I.,.I..I,;.,.I..I: {i"'~... ~ w__ElI'ae . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I m o D SEP-28-2006 14 14 d Cordell "" < STATEOPOREGON ) ) 55. COUNTI OF LANE ) TRUSTEES' DEED - Page 3 G ,..r\NJL\CJI<ntIPlotee Tru.,IM....in Solcldoed oJI 060331.doc 541 485 0307 P 03 IJ I My xpm:s. , ;':Zfp. () f 7 D~te ReceIved. DEe 2 C 2006 f Original St.,.jmlttal DEe 2 ~ 2000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEP-28-2005 14 14 Ch Corde 11 541 485 0307 P 04 "" . EXnu)JIA Real Property Description / . l I Date ReceIved Onglnal Subrn.lkl_ TRUSTEES' DEED - Exhibit A G lusrINILIChent\Plerce TrusllMartlD Saleldced 0)1 060331.doc I SEP-28-2006 14 14 C ad Cordell 541 485 0307 P 05 I ~ , (, Date Received: DEe 2 0 2006 I I Onglnal Submittal I PMCEL l' I , I I ~Gglnninq aC a poinc on the North right-ot,wey 1.no of ~arcola Road. aaLd po~t ~ing North B9' 57' 30" Eaat 2G11.60 f.et and No~h 00. 02' CC" HOBe Q5:00 feet from ehe Southweae corner of tho FeltK Scott Jr. ~.~.C. No. 51 in Township 17 south. Range J Waot of ehe Wi11amette Meridian. thenCe along tho ~orth right.of-way 11ne of Marcola Road South 8S' 57' '0" Weat 1419,22 feet to the Southeast corner of parcell of ~nd Partitlon Plat No. S4-PO'~1, thence leaving the North right.of.way l~n. of Marcola Road and 1"UMinCJ alollg the E....t bollftdary of said parcel 1 and the Northerly extension thereOf Norch 00' 02' DO" weet 51G.00 feet to a peint on the South boundary ot NtCO~ PARK ae platted and re~orded in File 74, Sl.des ]0.33 of the Lane COunty Oregon Plat Itecord$: thence a:l.ollCJ the South bo\lndery of .....id mCOldl P)\IlK North 89 $7' 3D" Bast 99 62 feet to the Southeast corner ot said NICOl.ll: PK/lK, the"",e alo.tl\J the Bellt boUlldary of said NICOI.oll PAlUC North DO' 02' DO" Wast 259.82 f....t to the North...."t eOrner QC saJ.d NICOLE PARK. thence along ~he North ~ndary of said NICOL! PARK South 89' 58' 00' Wese 5.20 feet to the Southe..:; oomu of I..OCN l.O>lOlIO TEIll!.ACB r= A.ow"."'" as platted U1cl recorded in Book 4e, Page 20 of the Lan. County oregOIl Pl&t ReCOrds: thence alon9 the "Ut boundary of "dd LOCH ;t.O/olONl) '1'2R&IICE FIRST AllII:<'J"ION No",1'I 00. 02' DO' W.st 112.B8 te..t to the Southwest corner of AUSTIN PARt SOOTH, as platted and recorded in pile 71, Slides 1]2-1H of the La"e County Plst ll.ecordsl thence 1l11ong the South boundary Of said At/STIN PMlt SotlTll North 89. 58' 00" East 260.00 feet to the Southeaet corner of ..aid A!l!n'III PARK SOtn'B. thence along the East Ilo\I1'ldary of said AtlSTIN PARK SOllTll IIOrth DO' 02' 00' WeSt 909.59 feet to the North.ast eorner of said AUSTIN PARK SOOTK, ssid pOint loeing on the South bounclary of that certain tract of land described in a <'1"..<'1 r"oorde<'l July 31, 1941, in Book ~5S, Page 285 of the ~Ile County Oregon lIoe4 Records: thenae along the South boundary of $aid last deseribed tract North 79' 41' 54" zaet 1083.15 feet to the intersection ef the South line of tbe last deecrlbed traet and the Ilest 11nG of that eartain tract of land CQnvoyed to R. H. Pieree ~ ~li.~t~ c. pierce and recorded in lIoolt n8, Page '~1 of tne Une County Orl;CJon Deed lI.eords, thence alt;>ng the East ~lne of said last described traet South 00' 02' DO" East 1991.28 feet to the po~nt of beg1lllUng, All in Lane county, Oreson. I I I I I I I PARCEl. ~, I Begl=ing at a poinc in the center or COllllty Roall No. 75], 3170.~. .feet SOuth and 1319,' leGt East of the Northweae corner of the Pelix 'CQtt Donation ~nd Claim No. ~2. in Townsh~p 17 south, R&ftge 2 West of the ~illamette Meridian, .~ being 8S6 feet 9Quth of the Southeast corner of tract of :I..nd conveyed by The TraVeler.. ~~r&noe Company to R. D. Kercher Joy deed reeordad in Boolt lU. Pege 248, Lane County OCOgOl1 Deed R..<lorce: tnenoe Weet 1310 foet to a foint 15 linke Saet of the w...t line of Ithe Felix 9cQtt Donat,o.. Land Claim No. 82, Notifioation No. 3255. .n Township 17 South, aange ~ Weet of the Will.mette Meridian. and running thenoe South paral:l.el with land 15 links distent from .aid West line of s.id Donat.on Lend Claim a distance of 2'01;75 feot to a point IS link. iaet of the Southweat corner of said DOnat~on Land Claim, th~oe ~..t fol:l.owing along the center line o! county Road No. Z78 a distance of 131~ Coet to & point in the center of said County Roed No. 278 due SOuth of tliO p~a~. of bei~ingJ thence Nor~h following the center lin~ of sa.d County Road No. 753 to the point ot bevinninq. all in Lane County, Or~CJQnl El<C:"1'T the "igh~ of "ay of the 1lu9en"-W"ndl~l1CJ Branch of th.. SO\lthern Pacific RailE'oad. " ALSO EXCllPT that portion described in deed to The City of EUgene, recorded ~ !look 3S~. P&!iJe 285. I..ule county Qregon De.d Records: eontinut!d- I I I I ~h A. Page 1 I SEP-28-2006 14 14 Chad Cordell 541 485 0307 P 06 I '; ~, .": " I '. ~.operty Description cont,nued.{PARCEL 2) I ALSO EXCEPT beginnin~ aC . point whiOh 18 15a9 47 feet South and 13a7.33 feet East of the Southwest cOrlle.. of section 19, Towtlship 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamettt Me..idian, Lane county, Oregon, oaid p01nt also being Opposite and 20 feee Easterly frOM Stat,on 39+59,43 P,O,S.T., said Station being in thw center line of ehe old route of County ~d RO. 142-5 (fo~trly fi753). tn.nce South O' 11' We.t la3.75 fttt to the int.r.tction w1th tbe Northerly Railroad Right of way linel thenoe south a4' 45' west 117.33 ,..t, thence South 79' 30' West 48.37 feet to the int~sectiOn of said Railroad Right Of way line with the southerly Right of Way line of the rtlocated said County Road NO. 742-5; thenco along the arc of a 316.48 fooe ra4iu: curve left ithe chord Of which bears Ho~th 39- 03' 35" Ease 261 83 feeel a diotance of 269.94 feet to tho place of hes.nning. in Lene county, Or~on; ALSO EXCEPT thae portion ~~.c~ibed in dee~ to ~ne County recorded O~ODer 19, 1955, Reception No. 6a8S2, Lane County Oregon Deed Reeordsl ALSO IlXCEP'I' that ponien deacdllo11 in deed to wne COWley r"COrded January 20. lSa6, Reception No, 8602217. ~ne Cbunty Off1cial Reco.do, ALSO EXCiPT that portion de,cribed in chae Deed 00 Will~al.ne ParK and Recreation D1stricr recorded Doca=Der 4. 1992, Reception No, 9268749, and ~or~8ct1on Deed rGQO~d~d Pebruary " 1'93. ae~@pe1on No. 9~Oa4i', Lane County Official Records; I\LSO I!Xc:li:PT thae portion described in II:lCh1bit A of tbat Dead to the City of sprinsf1cld. recorded september 22, 1991, Reception No. 9360016. tane county Official Records ALSQ EXCEPT Marcela Road Induutrlal park, as platted and .aeorded in File 75. Slide~ a97. a9S and a99, Lan. ~nty plat Records, Lane County, oregon. I I I I I I I i'/\ReEL 3. I An easement for ingress and agrean. parking and siiD purpoaen An ae.cribed in that Certain Reciprocal Basement Aqreement. recorded April 22, 1994, Reel Ho. 1943, R~cept~on No. 9.297~3, ~ C~ty Official Recorda. I i'ARCEL 4 I An easement for ingren. e9'reaa and parlting as dcs<:ribcc:l :l:1 that certain !l~clil.I"ation of Re.t~i~~1ona and Grant of 2a.em.ncs, recorded March 17, 1989, Reel NO. 1563, Reception No. S911762, as amended by t~~t cerealn First Amendment to !leolaratian of Re;trict10na and Grant of &a.smant.. recorded Ootober 31, 15$9. Reol No. 1600, ReceptiOn No. 89i9055, ao mod1fiec:l by that certain Rastated Declaration of Restrictione an4 Crant of tasemence, reco.aed May 10, 1991, Reel NO. 1695. Reception NO. 912169a, ADd by that cs.tain ~s'~ent and Assumption of O~li9ation.. recer~e4 NOVember 2, 199., Reel No. 200), Reception No. 9477951. all of ~ne county Offiei.l Recor4e. I I I Date Received I DEe 2 C 2:05 I O I,' 't~' nglns vLcrrlh ,..I I -, \ ~.. A. Page 2 ' I I TOTAL P 06 ------------------- l X' N21ST 51 ~ ~ ~ 0 '0 ~ 0 ~ g C1 rn ::r ~ ~ aI S Z Z g, (1 CORRAL DR m ~ . 0 "' 0 -----_______.._ .i -l Z -. ~-------.-------.-----i-~~ij~~-~-- " '-~ '" ~....~ . ~~ " III ~i I J t;; " I I ,._, ~ ..J ~....# ::0 I ~"'t>'?i ;; · ...."")- " I . m , . I " . GREENBRIAR 51 ,--I . . , : . . I.. : :~ --__a. N19TH 51 I I , , I N 17TH 5T N 18TH 51 --- J I 15 HLOl N z ~ "' ~ o "" -<. ~ ~ I ~ r o i:: o z o ~ . I I , I , , . ,--, '--' ~. c < ~ ~ o~'tt;.. 1'" Leaend Plan District Boundaries ~"'" ~ Mixed Use Areas _ Commercial Low Density Residential EEEB Major Retail Centers ~ I Medium Density Residential .. Heavy Industrial Date Received: DEe 2 0 2006 ,. I' II N 17TH 51 I' t N 17TH 51 N 1nH 51 i--------------_. I I I . , ~---------------- ~ o N 17TH Pl '!?, M '" ~ ~ N20TH 5T s ~ ~ -< ~ < ffi ~ LOCUST Z -< ~ i.-.--------.. , , , I ~ 'l , I N21S,.. ~ ~ z ;;I ~ " c ~ .0< "' --l N28TH 51 ----------.. , , I , , . . , , , . , , , , , , . , , II , , :J ~ :; "' -< I I I I . I I . I I I . I , , ,.' . ~ m o 11383..u.,.OI\l ",. z o " .., 32NO 51 ,.. , , , I I I , , , I , , \ \ , " I " · \11 . I . , ~ 35 33RO S1 34TH 51 "'us -it", C~ 35TH E l ~ Light Medium Industrial ~ Campus Industrial _ Parks and Open Space Miscellaneous Boundaries I" eo eo", Springfield , , ~U"U' City Limits Existing Parcels , I Subject Site Job # Date: Drawn: Checked: Revised: 0609 12/20/06 MH RS :\-:~:.F.'.~ ~:lc:Y:r.l The Villages at Marcola Meadows ExistinQ Metro Plan Diagram _ m .-- >< -~ SATRE -l I .\\\(l(-\.\Tl\1 W 1,200 I Scale: 1" = 600' Feet ------ ------------- l .('.: N21STST ~ .i' '" ?, 11 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o (') CORRAL DR m 0 7J 8 ~ 15 .--------____ 2L Z ---~---____I-------------- ~ o ._~~~~~-~-- ~ , I I , , , . 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" !l ".- , I , , . . , , . , , , , , .....' 32NQ Sf . '. , , , , , , , , , , , , \ \ . 7 ~ ~ , . , . . c..:.J Light Medium Industrial lRS88 Campus Industrial .. Parks and Open Space Job # Date: Drawn: Checked: Revised: 0609 12/20/06 MH RS TW~n~11~U~ ~t Marcola Meadows Proposed Metro Plan Diagram 300 600 ~- Scale: '" = 600' Feel o ~ N28TH o "383.J:NoJ.y ~ z o ~ ~ ~ 33RO ST 34TH ST ~v~ '1.j.." ,,~ 35TH 51 35T Miscellaneous Boundaries i--.--' Springfield , ' ".____' City Limits Existing Parcels I Subject Site I t_ m X I III -f .j:>. 1,200 , ~ - SATRE \"~llUAn" ,- ------ - - ----------- N 11TH ST 1 N 17TH Sf \l ~,,# " " ,..'" 1; ~i>' ' ~ m GREENBRIAR Sf '!\ N 19TH Sf is HLOZ N z ~ !ii ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 '" ~ .., l: z 0 ,._, l: '.-' I~- -0 -~ =~ =0 . ~ n " =~ -, = ,,--- ST I =0 -'< _3 =X -'" =.., " !!l . ~r ..~ !ll ' h1 \ ~ " i '< r I J 1 o~ '! ~ ~ ", " " " " " , , , , - , \,J , , N 17TH Sf N 17TH Sf N 17TH Pl i....------------. I , I I I , ---..------...----.. ~ ~ l: N20T~ ST 3 o !\ l.... -?lO'1:- '" ~ j? .. I Z m '" -< N 21ST Sf " I o o o Ii: z o " ~ m ~ '" o z ~ I' s ~ ~ .., l: CORRAL DR < in ~ LOCUST z .., l: N21Sr ~ ~ z ;;I " '" c: '-! '" .., N28TH ST , , , , I I . . I , I I . I I . I I . , I I I I N1 r c: < '" '" .., .., 0...1J. ,~ \ . \ I- , , I , . . I , , . I , I ' , -- - ~ '" .., -G' z o '" ., o 11383..lNoJv 32NO Sf . " - , , , I , . , , , I , \ \ ~ " , '<. , '" , , . , 35T ~ 33RO Sf 34TH Sf ~"<\' '\10-1> CO, 35TH S'.1 Leaend Miscellaneous Zoning District Boundaries Boundaries .. High Density Residential .. Community Commercial [ 1 Light Medium Industrial -----..., Springfield . I I I City Limits ~----- .. Medium Density Residential 1I1III11 Major Retail Commercial ~ Campus Industrial Existing .. .. Parcels Low Density Residential Mixed Use Commercial Heavy Industrial , I Subject r-. .. .. Site Mixed Use Residential Nieghborhood Commercial Public Land & Open Space The Villages at MarcRI~ ~~ado~s aL R", ~e!v"'d' Existing ZoninG- ' ~ . DEe 2 0 2;lQIl Original Submittal Job # Date: Drawn: Checked: Revised: 0609 12/20/06 MH RS m X I CD -l 0"1 o 300 600 1 ,200 ~ Scale: '" = 600' Feet .... iii SATRE '\\\UCli\lb ------------------- J~I ~-~ I - ' - ' ., - ' N"'7TH ST . , , h. ~ ...: <<-." ~ I ,,-.~ j; · -4~""'\ ~ I I I I ~ . GREENBR~ Sf --,- . : ' . . . -.' I" . .... ...... I I , I I I . is H.LOZN . : I Z I ~ , ~ I ;ij o I " ~ : ; I I : .--, . 1_.' I I , I 1 N 17TH ST ~ o N 17TH Sf N 1ITH S1 ,~ " ; ~ "' >- ;,. ~ ~----------------. I , I I I ~----------------- N 17TH Pl =f1 -~ =::!! _C' , ill q N 19TH Sf =~ I N20TH ST (" o 15 Z o ~ l .,. ...... .i> " o 1 'K ~ o o \: ~ ~ o o _______________.0 ~ " o " 3 o ~ , ...., N 21ST S1 '" '" l? 0 s ~ g 1 '" m m Z Z % (" m 0 " '" i'! 0 -< ~ z Z ~ '" I' <: in ~ LOCUST Z -< ~ ST CORRAL OR '" -< '" o N21S,. ~ ~ Z ;;I '" " c: '" ~ '" -l N2BTH ST If '" !!l . --- I I I , , , I , I I I I , , I I , I I , I , I , ~~ ~>) '" ' o m ~ ~ '< N 31ST 51 c: <: '" '" -< -< C~1.."- ~~ ~ '" -< ,,,.,- , I , , I . , . . . , . I . ....... o "383..lNOIt ~~ Z o " .., J I 32ND 51 . " , , , . , , , , , , , I \ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ , , , , ~ 33RO S1 "' " " " " , , " , , . , , . , , , , , , , 34TH Sf . ~(,o~ ~10 C, 35TH 5"1 35T \ Leaend Miscellaneous Zoning District Boundaries Boundaries .. High Density Residential .. Community Commercial r J Light Medium Industrial i-----. Springfield I . ..-----, City Limits c::J Medium Density Residential /1111111 Major Retail Commercial ~ Campus Industrial Existing - .. Parcels Low Density Residential Mixed Use Commercial Heavy Industrial , I Subject I . - -I .. Site Mixed Use Residential Nieghborhood Commercial Public Land & Open Space Job # Date: Drawn: Checked: Revised: 0609 12/20/06 MH RS The Villages at Marcola Meadows . Date Received: ,;~ Proposed Zoning ,~,# DEe 2 0 2006 <t .. m X I OJ -l OJ o 300 600 1,200 ~ Scale: 1" = 600' Feel .... - SATRE ,\\:\UClAILS Original Submittal I c o G I I \ 'II -.'-'C \ ~ 18 I~ I I ! """.." -....,'" " \ ~ ~ ~ " " I I " ION[ ~ ~ I ZON,X ~iL~ ~ ':O('~I c(n ...\ I ' ' I f-J--: ';e~em ,,;iJ I III Y (r ~i2g~~~~ l~.';6Jt~O';;':N(;~N? ~i~;1~~\ ~o~~:~,~017w~~~~H ,~..- ./"'.J --1 ( / --------''-. 1 1 II! \ ..., ,;:.,,,, // Il Date ee'c 1 . fed <..!..J- ~ LO""'''O'''''''',"o" I" ~."m.'" .1 DEe 2 0 2e~" eo '/ ,/ I , uflglnal t;uDmlt:e,__ EXHIBIT 7 LEGEND u "'1',,-,,-"000 """'" --"L~L_TEO ",'oo-',,,',,ooD '0'" ~__....,_~.......... 3"":::''::..~'':'' =::'..:':' '::'::.. ::::::... -:...-.......'" 9 CJJJ ~ -.......-....... - .......-- .... ~-~,...""~....- o-v...., .....""....... _ ....~'---~.--.. ,-.....-......"-' - -..-.........-- nOOlMV'OL<SONlO,'" 01l'"'<.OOoAA''' "" .. ---~"'-~ .... ",,-..-~...- -=-.:-t~-: ~..- CJ UNOl\'nOP'EDOO......'Al......" CSSSl o o '''' -- -~-_...... -~ -~... l"t~~~.;; .._ "- .......'N ....... ~ .....- ""- "'M ~-. ""........ ,".- -..- -~.. .... ,., ,..- '- ...... _.w...._ _513_ @-----@ eM, .-. - .... '" ..................-.- '''''')0'''''''' "'~~ --~...........~ ~"'~~"''''''' NOTES ~:="~ft7_~:~~=: -.:~ :::::..:.-:::."":;....~_~.... ~..._... "''''M~ ""- ~t-:::;';::."::'tS;:.... ..... '- ... >>- .-- """~ ~ ~~ ~~......-..~~"'.., ..._--~ M....~_.. ~..~~__.~_~ -........--.-. ~--~~ ::::::::-.::~-:...-::::-""::.- '-"~ -.......... -""--- ....., "........ ~..;e.....';::'''':'''''..::::.-:.:::C- .......... ___dd_d.....~_ - - ""'- ~"'"'" """..... -~'-~ _... ____.,..... ..~_ d"'_ .....__ _..-__ ___d~..._ .......--... ..-~ ...--.... "'~"'"'''"........_ d_"'~ .,..~ ~ -"-""...... ~-- '-'d ,.._.........._ M......'oor"" ..., ~,.."","".......,.. ~ - "''''''0'''' ct!\Jt"""U"OO!l'.,."K, '''-I.., ,,,;,"" ""r"o "''''''..'rOr....'''''<L .."'..~ """""""..~-,....., ...,- ~..._.....__,,_ __ ~_d ~-~- ""..--- - ----- ---~~ ~---~ ~..........,..,-~-- ""'....... ... jll'~I:I:;::~~: III LANE COUNTY III OREGON AND I I INCORPORATED AREAS I! I P~~H 1,15~F ~J5 N" 1',:1 , ..",~ 'I """" 111111.. ~ -.-- :11111111'1 ','1'1 1.11 , ' ~ ~-""'!I.\F.!!! MMHUMBER 410J9CmJF EfFECTIVE om JUN[21999 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXHIBIT 8 September 28, 2006 RIck Satre AICP Satre ASSOCIates 321 East Broadway, SUIte 536 Eugene, OR 97401 RE, Marcola Meadows UtIlItIes Dear RIck We have performed prelimInary mvesl1gatlOn on ul1lIty aVaIlabIlity for the Marcola Meadows ProJect We find that there are sufficIent ul1lItles aVaIlable at or neaI the sIte to serve the proposed proJect "WIll Serve" letters have not been requested Storm DraIna!!e A dramage dItch runs through the property that drams the sIte and some upstream off-SIte developed property Some mdustnal flows (coolIng water) are released through the ditch dunng summer months The dItch discharges to a publIc storm draInage system Water quality aIld quantIty mll1gatlOn measures WIll need to be deSIgned Into the system Sheet 11 shows a conceptual plaIl to Implement water quality aI1d qUaI1tlty measures Water quality mitIgatIOn measures WIll be Implemented In accordaIlce WIth adopted CIty ordInances (PortlaIld Standards) The proposed features Include use of grassy swales, lowered plaIlter StrIpS, vegetated basms, permeable paVIng, wet detentIOn and dry detentIOn ponds A sample of the detalls avallable from our menu of optIOns for use m final deSIgn of water quality features IS attached The mam draInage swale through the sIte WIll be re-routed through the sIte As part of thIs work thIs drall1age feature WIll be WIdened, planted, meandered an utIlIzed as a water quality feature as well as an amemty for the users of the proJect ThIs enhanced dramage wIll also be constructed serve as a detentIOn faCIlity to Iml1gate runoff quanl1ty from the sIte. Sewer A large sewer mam, 42 mches dlaIneter, runs through the proJect sIte and IS deep enough to serve the sIte WIth some fill reqUIred In the north The northeast comer of the proJect WIll be served by an eXlstll1g sewer 111 31 st Street Water \.::"';r< ~]if~ SUB water 1:1:;e:s eXIst m Marcola Road, 16 ll1ch dIameter, and 31 st Street 18 ll1ch dlaIl1eter The'f'e lInes are of suffiCIent capacIty to serve the proJect r Date Received: ~ I t:~ DEe 2 0 2006 " 1, O. S '~"'I nc n~l t.U.JllI!h... ,,,, '1 \ , Date ~~eceived: , DEe 2 0 2006 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Electncal SUB has plamled for and has sufficient capacity at the sHe to serve the proposed project Natural Gas Northwest NatUlal Gas CompaIlY has a hIgh pressure gas lIne locatcd at the IntersectIOn of 28th Street aIld Marcola ThIs lIne has capacIty to serve the proJect If you have any questIOns please contact me at (541) 928-2583 SIncerely, DaIl Watson, P E K&D Engmeenng, Inc Ong'i".' S'.lIJID!ttl'l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i'l ,i" 1 / j , " p~ \ J ;" .., , I ~ I ,I li, - ..,., " II,~ ). \ ~ DRIVEWAY c, I ,0 i CULVERT PIPE, c,,~ ,\ ~< '>-", TYPICAL ~ ~~...,,{: ~ ~,-- GRASSES n ;-' '- 24" IF PARK/NG\ ~,:>":".,, .: ON STREET '<,' "i"', .", 15 ALLOWED 12 - t,:'.,,-T<.,~'<..Lf~~I'~ ,.....-r* ~, MIN ~ - -i-. .1,10".. ~ .'- ,L ~ ~(,-~,., STREET \ " IJiI# ')V:" . ,,' . "'"'t" , ~-",-f7'5~~~)~~;l\1 if( , , 1" ~ ~I W \ :~~ "4>'>1'''.Jt.~--"'--_ l.- -. ",' \, . . -". I ..-(..\-- *...[ ... .. .. ~:rf~ .;":J -.r......._~~...';~:.. 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STREET ' . , , " , " , .- .... - _'F~~_ I ~ 12 .L.MIN.,,- I SIDEWALK FILTER FABRIC ,,-) -i' 6 PERF PVC PIPE - SIMPLIFIED APPROACH DESIGN CRITERIA Lowered Planter Strip M Parking Allowed 7/8/0l o -. <5 :; !!!. en c c:r 3 "'" ~ o /'T1 n ....., = ....., = = en o Q) - CD ::0 CD () ~ < CD Q, " f , -, f ' , " '~ 'j ... ."f; ,1$ "~I , ' ': , " , \ ~;', , " , 6" DEEP CHECK DAMS _ 2,1 MAX SIDE SLOPES lYPICAL " i.~ \" " ~Al~L~ ~ 1_[_~_ _:~~;~ " t (SIDEWAlK ~1-- - (jf'"" ,~ ~ .. ..JII' ~~ -r ~~~ \ , ,~ ,~&r, I STANDARD "_""-'" ,,' " CURB WI ~ ' :'1",,,;<' " - CURB CUT 12' I " \ I 1,,< f ,MIN, 1'1 , Ii \ l STREET1 \" ~/, "\' ,: '1\ I' ),':' ;, I' I ~"'~ ';""\\ '1,,\\\\ /' ,.~~""',~-_ _ [-1- ,...,..~.... ~ ~\.\i \ d ~ J:~'" ;;;,. ~ ~ ,('~{".J 1: ~\: "''''~ ""t;. I s:-,:'" Jf - -..~.J~f.. I L ~~I ~"'J: c,:: '::' : ......'r"....'~J*:~l .'f~.i(~ r-l~" ,".. ,'t.. ..4.. "';..... ~.,.", . v. .. -"'..... ~"' 1 _,1 ..~. ~:. ",",~>;/ .. ~....... A.~...~..... ..~... ;;, .;;,...~. .. .~~, . 't;1~.. r...,^tll'h'A.IG 51' ;.~..,.. ':..~.'S.. . ...,.....~ , / --:.;: i~... -;"C, t'..cl? :~'J~.\,n,,,, ~ \....,t "4/;' 4 - ].. ....... J 2. AVG 3/4"- ~;'<-" !. " ~ f.JJ ~. ......'i-lNi..'M',. ..4;;"'; (.z-" (, ~~ "'!: -~" - ~. . ~--...-' t1.l~" ............, WJJ::"UJU .. '. j<1 . ....!-;:..Jll.rl\.' '" .. ",..t.. '} ......." - ~ DRAIN ROCK - ~~':-'--lct.i\....r L.......".~I -~ .!.."y~~ ..h.... lJ.~;::'<lt -'--- <:. - _ - ,.- ~ "~\'1j."~ .......-l:" r ~-;""""",,,o- 1..t,:"l.-e;:-- h v I ........~ FI"TER FABRIC SUB-SOIl-.-----" ": ,,'/: ~",.:',~N;;'-",I>'~" r --- L I / 6 pvc-'/ .---'---1-} SLOPE TO DRAIN /' PERF PIPE AWAY FROM STREET -r 7'MIN r ., SIMPLIFIED APPROACH DESIGN CRITERIA lowered Planter Strip - Private Street Design 118/0~ ------------------- - - - 0 ::! (C 5 C l!? n> " 0 - IT1 CD ....-...-- ,- IMPERVIOUS / SURFACE ,', -J-- - -, ~~~ I R~ :<;.".....~-;';"....: ~l~ I 'liJ~ ~ ,~...::... :i':='~'.~:."~" Q\.7 .. L (,i';:.:'-...;;"l ~. ,- <i:~ .::::_~ '~f .~&14h~~Ilt?~~Gt.': :;~::\\"~ ,'. ..~ .. '.. ) a. ~ . ~ .."... ,..~ , ~~;...',> ...IiAr4"liWM-<--.,.:::-:;.:r....~...;. .. ~, .Ii .. ,t..I.1ir111 :--;><... ~ ~ "- , .. . ; , ~J ~ SUB - SOIL /",. . ",6'MIN OVERFLOW ~ SET INLET AT LEAST 3" BELOW TOP OF BASIN ADJUST FOR SOIL INFILTRATION RATES - -- - .. - - -- /-~-::; 7'-- ,. ~F..-.:. ~'"" I 9 PlANTINGS: See BES Recommended Plant List ( T '" <: (i) a. Vegetated Infiltration Basin 1F1.6102 ------- 6" DEEP CHECK DAMS AT 12' INTERVALS - " " 0 -~~ ~. lC :; C \l! II) (F. e - ~ I'T1 CD ("") ~ " ... ..L - ~ - PLANTINGS: See BES Recommended Plant List -fl,':- ... ~ '/ .1 12"x12" CLEARJ FLOW AREA AT CURB CUTOUTS / ~ f<- ,f<. 7 ":t ~ ) Vegetated Swale ;6' DEEP CHECK DAMS ,- LOW PLANTlNGS I UNDER CAR OVERHANG ,f Parking Lot Application, 7n.6102 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - == - 0 ""1 :::L ra :; C ~ c OJ - J'T\ CD - "" ,~, < (J) Q. -~- ~ - .. - .. - .. .. -- -- -- -- .. LEGEND o II . *' SHRUB OR LARGE GRASS LIKE PlANT SMAll GRASS LIKE PLANT GROUNDCOVER DECIDUOUS TREE - EVERGREEN TREE s , ~ -: I, l -::'L ~l' ~'li;',","1'_~"~~' ir'~~,~~l, '~-'f~t.)~ri~41'-~ , ~ ~~'I::~~~~~~ ~i~T , . ~\!:' (-'<r ~, 'l,-r-' ~~f~ -~L;~;=-~'...~ r ~.-m'~;""'%"Ji!~'" "';'~-<B/il'~':~< ~. ,,;l#,Th'\l&if" ~ ::,J 4 ~__ - - -- - Notes 1 At least 50% of the facIlity shall be planted with grasses or grass~tke plants. pnmanly In the flow path Swale Area = Approx 400 sQ ft (Not to Scale) Z Large grass like plants can be conSlllerell as shrubs See BES recommended plant list and parkIng lot tree lISt and plant quantity requirements Vegetated Swale - Plan Parking Lot Application 7/26102 .. - - .. 0 .... cO :; 0 !!!. en c I>> - c IT1 t1> 0- n :::0 3 '" ~ = t1> 0 '" t1> = <: = en t1> 0. - - - - Wet and Extended Wet Ponds Tile plalL below l{lu.;,trafC!~ C~ fypu ull}lanhng plulljor un approxl1nately 3......')UU ~qliarl' Joat W1.!t or extended wet p01ld Tills plan IS drag/ammatlc use o1lIy Tire actual p/Oject slte cOlldll101l may reqUIre deSigners to cOlls/der IHlmerOlC< ather pond co"f'gumtJO"< alld plantmg layout< Grasses or Groundcover ^rC'a to CClv('r ('nl1rc pond <=;Ide-"'ilopc"i and Buffer 7.on(' Plant 12n on center.. Wl th tn.ilngulnr c;pilClng Legend , Evergreen Tree L.)el..l!.Juuus free ~. l'I: ~hrub.UpldmJ tv Dry ComJ~ttonb . ~hrub. fvlUJ:!:>t to Dry Cun(..hltun~ e Slll ub. MOist Lo Wet Condllton~ ~ C:.rclt>~~ dnd Gruund~o.....eIb .""'.'<:.~.". ..:; f:::;~:"'~"~~4:';~~:1 MOlst/SLlturc:ltcd Plantmgs Aquatlcl Emergent Plantmgs ~r"''''~~~ '!~~:,;!.......~ .. .J'.O~.""."'. lnlet/Outle-t Structure . ":1";)0;' . ~ - - - - Wetland Plants covenng ot Ie-ast 2.,0/.) of total wc:-t porhon area of pond Plant I wetland plant per 2 square feet of emergent plant arf>a l'onu Buffer Lu'1l'" outhneb the area used to calcula Ee the number of planhngs reqwred N (f) Approx Scale ] =20 - - - - - - - - - - - .. .. .. .. 0 ::I. ta :5 C !!!. ll) CIl I::J or c IT1 n C"') AJ '" "" .- -; (J) ~;: . ) "- ~" R - . - (t) ",1. .. - - - .. .. - .. - .. - Drv Detention Ponds The plall belolV lllllstrates a typical plalltmg plall for all apl'ro~lmately 3,500 'qllare foot dnJ detelltlOll pOlld Tills plallls diagrammatic IIse ollly. The actllal project sIte colldltlOIl may reqlll1e deslgllers to collslder 11111/1erolls other pOlld cOllfigllraltOllS alld plalltmg layollts Pond Buffer Lme outlmes ~ the area used to calculate the number of plantmgs required - _ Legend Grasses or Groundcover Area to cover enure pond sIde slopes and Buffer Zone Plant 12"on center, wllh tnangular 'paang Extended DetentJon Hu~l:! Water Mark or edge of pond gradmg Evergreen Tree DecIduous Tree Shrub-Upland to Dry Condlttons ~ Shrub- MOist to Dry CondltJons e Shrub- MOist to Wet CondItions 0 N Cf) Gra5~S and Groundcovers ~" 'p" ~ .-....~..."...-<-:>'... .. ,."1"'~ .........1>.. Inlet/Outlet Structure . .:-~:) ... ApPfQ)( ScaJe 1 ~=20 .. .. .. .. 0 ::! cc :; 0 !. en c ll) - c: IT'l CD 0- n ::i "" ;0 ., = CD !!! (') i ..., CD = = < en (l) Q. LEGEND " SHRUB OR lARGE GRASS LIKE PlANT *' SMAll GRASS LIKE PlANT . GROUNDCOVER DECIDUOUS TREE EVERGREEN TREE INFLOW '. -if/ '\ ~ ~ :-FLOW ~ POND BUFFER LINE OR OVERFLOW STRUCTURE Facility area used to calculate number of plantings Notes 1. At leasl 50% of the fac"tty shall be planlea wilh grasses or grass-lIKe planlS, primarily In lite flow palh, or baSin bottom. Swa'e Area ~ A,>prox. ] 000 s9. ft. INol to Scale) Z Large grass like plants can be conSIdered as shrubs See BES recommended planllIst and parking lot tree list Vegetated Infiltration Bas;n or Detention Pond - Plan 712M02 _i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _