HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication PLANNER 5/23/2008 , ~.r:o . \l\lt..9j\""~ at" MA'( 2. S 11111a PRE-SUBMITTAL DISTRIBUTION LIST: c 5 ~27-()?: ." Date Distributed: /' Dave Puent - Building v" Gilbert GordonlMelissa Fechtel- Fire ~ Gary McKenney - Traffic -L Matt Stouder- Public Works/Engineering Dennis Ernst/Chris Moorhead, Surveying Planner. 711 t'LJJt- , L-- CIty of Spnn'gfield . Development ServIces Department 225 FIfth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number AssIgned: PRE2008-00032 Date Submitted 5/23/2008 PrOJect Name. LUNBLAD 3 LOT PART 750 66TH PrOject DescriptIOn Pre-SubmIttal for TentatIve PartItIon for 3 lot dIvIsIOn on 750 - 66th Street ApplIcatIOn Type: PartItIon TentatIve Job Address' 750 66TH ST Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1702341300200 DISCLAIMER ApplIcatIOns WIll not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments thaI may occur belween the tune of the Pre-SubmIttal Meetmg and SubmIttal of the ApplIcatIOn for Development ReVIew Please contacI our office at 541-726-3753 WIth any questIOns or concerns A Planner wIll be aSSIgned the follOWing bUSiness day and WIll contact you to confirm the meeting date and tIme PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 3 200B PlanJobPnnt rpt 5/23/2008 31106PM Jre-Su-)mitta~_ 11eeting Development Services Department Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMITIAL MEETING DATE Friday, May 30, 2008 1. PRE-SUBMITIAL MTG #PRE2008-00032 (pART TENT) LUNBLAD Assessor's Map: 17-02-34-13 TL 200 Address: 750 66th Street Existing Use Residential ApplIcant subffiltted plans to partItion one lot mto three parcels Meetmg Dateffime: Friday, May 30, 2008 DSD 616 11:00 - noon Planner. Mark Metzger PRE-SUBMITTAl RECIO MAY 2 3 Z008 Land Division Tentative Plan PartItion, SubdivIsion PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 3 Z008 : iiif 4'11 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 . -. -. . . - . Aaallcant Name: l2o--( t,UI-l.I>C?L-'<-t> Icomaanv: IAddress: \444 V.fZ.'Lt. Wlrl-LIZ- :::>P\2..'1-<-G.F-Il%-L<' , IAaallcant's Rep.: ---.J\)"-l.~""""" <9~<;. Icompany: PO~F'_ F--"'-I',/>-S.Eel~>-'-rA IAddress: 1" 0 -\bO'f- z..'?~'l ~Lc~<--<-€-- <S<2.... q'~L I Property Owner: "'=>k1AE i<?? r\-i>pL-lLAt-<T Icompany: IAddress: , IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 11 -ol.- *-l'? I Property Address: 19:> N- ""0 ~ -,?T ISize of Property: 0.'0"';, IProposed Name of Subdivision: Phone: Fax: o>Q- Q,-i-tl Phone: ~ - ~-4SD';3' Fax: 'S<\:{- ~- S7cW Phone: Fax: ITAX LOT NOeS): Zeo "':>1> e..lU/,!'-II7AAb. OQ... "l,4-'1 t> Acres g. Sauare Feet D , LA,-J..i), PI'ri2.,'T(O>-.l I Description of If you are fIlling In thiS form by hand, please attach your proposal descnptlon to thIS applicatIon Proaosal: ;f'k<2.T,TIO>-l 0 \112:> kn1h.. PI2.DPIZ..I2;r--y tt...<.:r-o ~iZ. (-,z,\ P~~ I EXlstma Use: - '0<052- sf I Densitv: 'S du/acre rlate box on the next . Associated Applications: P\'L.Z60h-~L(T-(~~~) Slqns: Ipre-sub Case No.:~K-~- Cl:D'"!:.2.... Date: -Z:;/Z'?./rfi::, ReYlewed by: ~ lease No.: Date: ReYlewed by: IAPPlicatlon Fee: $ ITechnlcal Fee: $ !postaqe Fee: $ I !:~T~,!,~.~~~:~~.~_,_ "._.__._,_, .<_~~~.,~ w_.l!~2!.~.s!' ~UMBERLff~~2~<l :,I1,!':-~J ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan ~ D. d ~ ~ S /3'0 II'. aD A.M 1 of 10 Owner Signatures This application form Is used for both the required pre-submIttal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages In the application process An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. , Pre-Submittal Owner: The undersigned ac.'. p~ S"b~ 1/ EJ/LI Signature I RoY ',.. ,. > es that the anforrnabon In thts appJicabon Is correct and accurate for scheduling at the Date: 5'---' 6 -..<00 e w. !...vNCJ8t.110 Print , Submittal I represent thiS appllcabon to be complete fer Submittal to the City ConSIstent wIth the completeness check perfonned on thfs applu:atlon at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the mformatloll Identified bV the City as necessary for processing the application is ProVIded herem or the lnfonnatlon will not be provided If not otherwISe contained within the submlttaJ, and the City may begin processing the applICation wIth the InformatJon as subl'T\ltted This statement serves as wntten nonce pursuant to the requirements ofORS 227178 pertaining to 8 complete application Owner: Signature ,Date: Print PRE.SUBMITIAl REC'O MAY 2 3 L008 . Revised 1/1/08 MOlly Markanan 2 of 10 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRE2008-00032 750 66th Street -L~ Bl1=I=fG~~ ----- ,i li SITE Map 17-02-34-13 Tax Lot 200 North .. PRE-SUBMITTAL RECID M~Y 2 3 Z008 " WRITTEN STATEMENT SUPPORTING THE CREATION OF A 3 PARCEL PARTITION FOR ROY LUNDBLAD LOCATED AT 750 66TH ST , SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ASSESSOR'S MAP NO 17-02-34-1-3 TAX LOT 200 Proiect name. sIZe and locatIOn of DrODertv. PRE-SUBMITIAl RECIO MAY 23 Z008 Mmor Partll10n for Roy Lundblad The apphcant IS proposmg to partltlOn a 28314 sq ft tract ofland mto 3 Parcels The property IS located at 750 66th Street and mc1udes all of that property shown as Tax Lot No 200 on Assessor's Map No17-02-34-1-3 Zonin!! and Dlan desil!Dation ofthe sIte and adJacent DroDerties' The subject property as well as the surroundmg propertIes are all zoned Low DenSIty ResIdenl1al and are deSIgnated Low DenSIty ResIdenl1al m the Metro Plan The subject property IS not wIthm any adopted refinement plan boundanes Pro Dosed use of the develoDment area and SCODe of the DroDosed develoDment: The apphcant IS proposmg to 'partll1on the subject property mto 3 parcels to create an addIl10nal 2 lots for resldenl1al housmg purposes The subject property currently contaInS an eXlstmg smgle famIly resIdence located m the center of the property wluch WIll be contamed wItlun Parcel 2 of the proposed partIl10n Parcel I and Parcel 2 WIll be panhandle parcels utIhzmg a common access dnve on the 66th Street Cul-de-Sac frontage The panhandle dnve to Parcel I WIll be a smgle user dnveway WIth a paved surface of 12 0 feet Parcel 2 and Parcel 3 WIll share a common dnveway havmg a paVIng WIdth of 180 feet All dnveways haVIng mull1ple users WIll be contamed WIthIn a Jomt access easement and mamtenance agreement to be recorded m conjunctIon WIth the final partItIOn plat All pubhc utIhl1es now serVIng the eXlstmg structure WIll be avaIlable to the proposed parcels VIa the eXlstmg water mam, underground electnc faclhtIes and sarutary sewer system located m the 66th St Cul-de-Sac Access: Access to all parcels wIll be vIa a shared curb cut located on the 66th Street Cul-de-Sac wluch has been fully rmproved to CIty of Spnngfield deSIgn standards Prooosed off-sIte Imorovements PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 3 2008 No off-site rmprovements are proposed as part of the partition Where more than 5000 SQuare feet of IIDoervlOus surface IS orooosed descnbe the stormwater Qualltv measures to be uhhzed and orovlde enou!!h detaIl to demonstrate they WIll work 11us applicatIOn does not propose to construct more than 5000 sq ft of new rmpervlOlls surface The stormwater runoff from roof drams will discharge mto mdlvldual on-site drywells Stormwater runoff from the proposed access dnves will shed to on side of the dnveway and collect mto a french dram adjacent to the edge of the dnves These french drams will m turn discharge mto the eXlstmg curb and gutter system located m the 66th Street Cul de Sac Via weep holes m the curb Current use of sIte and any eXlstrn!! IIDorovements The site currently contams a small smgle family residence that IS served by a full range of public utilities, mcludmg water, overhead power and telecornrnurucatlOns, sarntary and storm sewers winch are accessible for use by the future residential rmprovements to be constructed on the proposed parcel created under tins land use applicatIOn Sneclal site features (i. e wetlands. watercourses. steen slones. etct There are no wetlands or watercourses associated With tins site EstImated Quantities and tvoe of matenals mvolved If any fill or excavation is nronosed No fill or excavatIOn are proposed as a part of tins project Number and sIZe of any trees to be removed. No trees are proposed to be removed as a part oftlns application . Exolanatlon of any land to dedIcated to the Cltv: No pubhc dedications are proposed as a part of tIn~ apphcatlOn Prooosed modifications bem!! reQuested: No modificatIOns are proposed as a part of tins apphcatlOn AddItional nlannm" annhcations reouired for nronosed nrmed: - - - - No additional planmng apphcatlOns are reqUired for tins proposed land partition /' I Luend I o PROPERTY C(lRl.ER ~ WATER VALVE lJ flil'O\\1t'/.M! II WATERI'1ETER @ 5ANlTA/lYSEll'EIIP'!/1N1ME IT!llIl lOBEREMOVEO _MN_ 5^~^RY6E"EIl(SllE^$HOTEOI VG 'A1ERI'IIIlNlSIZEMOOTEDI @ CotEERICl,IiTREEIA5t1OHPI ~ DECWUSTIUIEI..,SNOTEOI 1}',.JZ'P'/Of'{YJ:l ElU$r~OaUl.PlNa EXl5TI;Q FENCE ^5 NOTED ""\'\.<:>"""" ,,0 ",,1> CO ~ ., FENCE" I~Dn " t. ~.,,,, 0'" -{+ "'1>,.t-" ~, Fil..IERT m *" ,ARCIIL lU"'Q n ., 1<..... 0'" ~+ \i~,.l'>\.o i~,~., Wiil, , ~ '- .-It"" WCVSTER ...~ .,,<:J'Q 1>,,1- ,,0'\ O+{)U",,, <;,1,C",1>1> ,0 "- leXPItE.!. EJ(PllE' c~ca<a... J\ 2001 TENTATIVE PARTITtON PLAN SITH ASSESSMENT AND VICINITY MAP POR ROY LUNDBLAD NB 1/4 SEe 34 T 17 S R 2 W W M ASSESSOR'S MAP NO 17 01-34-1.3 TL f200 SPRINGFIELD, LANg COUNTY, OREGON MAY 22, 2008 /"" - '--~:.> I SC.'.LE j JO \ ~l- fi-~JJ SITH LOCATION WAP ~/ (NO'C^LBI~ ~ Auu~.!All{~\e~_ I THERE ARE NO WMTERCOUllSESIOENTIFIE&ON THE 'oMTEROUALlTYlIHlTED WHERCOURSEl\\'OLWlt\APTft/lTCROsST11ESUIlJECTPlloPl:RTY 2 THE PROPERTY APPEARS ON FEltA COMMUNITY PMIEL NO ~1I5sn AfI() BY GRM'HlC PLOHING THE SITE FALLS WITHiN A ZONE X WHICH IS I OUntlE THE BOUN(MRIES OF THE SPECIAL FLOOD ~ZARO AR~A +J'- 3 CONTOURS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON CITY OF SPRlNGFIElO DATUH PER , BENCHMARKOESCRlBED AS A CHISELED sOUAREAT TI-lE SOUTHWEST CORNER I OF THE ONE HALF CUllB RETlIlN AT THE SOUTWEST CORNER OF S1TMST AND THURSTON ROAD ELEVSI281 _ L. ~ THE DESIGNATED WELL HEAD PROTECTION MAP tlQJCATES THE SUBJECT ~PROPERTYISLOCATEOWITHtlANAREAOFCONCENTRAtIONH"VlN(;A5YEAR I TIHEOFTRAVELCLASSIFICATION ;...T '" :1 1-<, "'I ~I .., 1"1 1-<, ~I z' 1 I fi!:Rr a CH~Rr ~ '" "- "' ~."' ~ . 'M'"tt \ ~ ' ~4 'I&Og oow~ . F~NCE ,." t-'O{)~""" ...,0'\ o-t-'Or,,'O'+- .,"I,c;..-.," ,0 ,. '\ \.'!I-:,,+-+ ....0 r,," CO PAllen 3 IlU IQ n ~ ,~~wooO ~ ~CE / 'J," to'O'O".,'\ ,,o'\c;o+'O,,(,"':+. .,~ .,,,, ,0 ,9wn..r/Patlllloner ROrLllNDSLAD I.H4VEIlADll 51'RtlGfIELDOREGONg7477 POAGB BNGINBBRING &: SURVBYING, INe . 0 lOX tl11 IUOINI oUOON 'HD~ (Ull'" n~1 101 N. 'H' DWN IV I/t.OH,UtlNf DAti, 11101 5 ASSf'EC1FIEDtlTItE SOIL$ SURVEY 01' U,NE COLNTY THE SITE CONSISTS OF CHAPMANUR/lAN LANO COMPLEX S~LS TMLEI4 OF THE SUllS SURVEY INOIC^TES THE DEPTH TO GROUNO WAfER IN CHAPMAN URBAN ~AND COMPLEX SOIlS IS GREATER tHAN 6 FEET ~~H'I'e_J'_llrWlm ..Nptell_ I THERe ARE NO EXISTING OR PROI'{)SEO TRANSIT FACIUlIES ADJACENT TO THE SITE THENEARESTTRANSITSTOPISLOCAlEDATTHEINTERSECTIONOF6STHSTANO THURSTONRD WI-ICHIS ilPPROXIMATELV 100 FEET EilST ilND 600 FEET NORTH OF Ht: SUBjECTPROPERH ,8ohr Aeeeu PARCELS liS INCOMPLIANCE WITH THE SOLilR ACCESS DESIGN ST^NDAADS OF SDC SECTION 3~ OIOl3HbHIt BECAUSE IT HAS A NORTH SOUTH DlMENSION IN EXCESS OF gO FEET ANO ITS FRONT LOT LtlE 15 ORENTilTED WITHIN 30 OEGREES OF HIE EMT/WEST ilXIS PilRCEL ~ DOES NOT HAVE A NOHH/SOUTH DlI1ENSION IN EXCESS OF gO FEET HOWEVER F THE NORTH/SOUTH DtlENSION OF r-i\RC8.1 WAS COlJPLED WITH THE PilNHANOlE ACCESS ADJACENT TO THE NORTH 60UNDARY OF PARCEL 2 THE RESULTING NORTKlSOUTH r>I'1ENSIllN WQlotO 6EIN EXCESS OF QO FEel ANDTHERE6Y CQMPLr WIH THE MINIM ESS nMlO/t.l\OS OF THE <;!'M<GFIE.LtlOE~ElOl'tlE.NT CooE PAIl.CEl3 llli: I1INIMUMSOLAR ACCES$STM.,ooARDS AND Tf-II"APPLlCANT IS TMENT TO T11E DESIGN STANDARDS UNDER SECTION SOC J40101d1Wlbl TING POBlICRIGHT OF WAr PREVENTS THE PROPERTY FROH BEING DE THE DENSITY ALLOWED 6Y HE COOE "'NO 5TH MEET THe MINiMUM SOLAR AC STANDARD PRE-SUBMI11AL REeD MAY ? ~ 7008 / ( /'-..... ~ SCALE I 20 Ownu/P.rlltlDn~r ROYLUNOBLAO I~H VERA DR SPRINaFELOCREGON97471 , ~~'\ 0'\ ," " 1>" ..~ ,-5" ~) , i I I L.... "' I Y. -;<~ \ ww ~ '\ ~ ~~ 0'\ ," " 1>" ..~ ~, I><:><:>~~'\ 0'\ ,,<:> G~~ \~CP ~~~ ,\0 :-- PARCBL 1 Had 8Q PT TENTAtIVE PARTItION PLAN GRADING AND STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN POR ItDy LUNDBLAD NB 1/4 SEe 34 T 17 S R 2 W W M ASSESSOR S MAP NO 17-02 34-1-3 TL #200 SPRINGFtBLD, LANE COUNTY, CRRGON MAY 22, 2008 '\ \~'ol~" ,,,0 0"0 c,o 3 PERF '''\ 1 I I ,r ,I c- '--E.501t .' o ^ -..... "" ..0.0.1 '~ " '"' ,~ ~ , ~ S;O~ " .~ '\ \' ~" ,,0 ..'ol OG C- PARCEL 3 H86 sQ n , , ""-i I lUw: '" 9 ... I~ -j - '}..b t>'Q'Q ~~'\ 0'\ ,,<:> G~~ " ~C-O ~~~ \0 <:><:> '\ ~~ I> ~~ ,,0'\ 0"<:> G~~ ~C; ~~~ ~ 0 '\ '\ , ~I Il:--~~ ~~fL sin LOCATION MAP lNOaCALI) - Leltend 144441 $POTElEVFOllf.'EWCONCORIVEWM IlS054 FLOWLINE ELEVMIONOF PROPOSED SEilER JOINt AcenS EASEMENT MID MMNTEN^NCE AGRIOEHEHTBOVNONlV -..... Gudlna Pavlnr u\d Slormwater MlnU~.erl\enl Notes == --~ I THIS N'PLlCATION Oolos NOT PROPOSE TO CREATE MY NEW !'h'IING AREA IN EXCESS OF 5000 SO n 2 Tf-IE SITElS GENERALLY FLAT WITH NO O€FINITE ORAIi'JAGE PATTERN FOR THE ~~~~€ t:1~~N~T~T~J~JkT~R OO~':~~~~ ~~~~~~lJM~~~t~toH PROPOSED CorKRE L SHED to A FRENCH ORAIN AOJACE~T THE EDGE OF TKE T WILL ~SCHARGE TO TI-IE HISTING CUR8 AND GUTTER VIA I-l!;CUR8ROOFOIWNSFROHNEW CONSTRCUTlON ON PAR L3WILLOll.NtlTOWM(lUM.OM~TE DRY WELLS JNOEXCAVATIONORSITEGRADIN13ISPROPOSEDlI'ITHTHISAPPLlCATION 4 APPLICANT illLL REHOVE THE EXISTlNG ClIRB CUT ANOCONSTRl)CT A NEW CURl!ClIT24FTI'lWIHH.TOSERYETHESHAREOORrvEWAV OIlTAIL A NOatALI .l!L- CQllCtIlllVEWAY =, JL.. ....."--.. IlIl~ ROut.OORAtlROClC r RElIlSTERED I PROFESSIONAL lAND SURVEYOR ~<OO.. l ..f~~fO:" J JONATHAN A OAKES '" tEXPlItU. all 30 ,()oQj .><PIt., cren....." ,000 p 0 lOX UU BUlllNI 011001'1 "6Ol (1111 ua nu /01 No "11 ow,", IY JAO/!7Ullll,AO O,\.U, 116 of ~PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O POAGE BNGINBE1tING &: SURVllYING. MAY ? Jl 2.QQB / LAFLEUR Karen Subject: Location. PRE2008-00032 Pre-Submlttal Mtg (Part Tent) Lundblad - Mark Metzger _SP _ConfRm616 FrI 5/30/2008 11 00 AM FrI 5/30/200812 00 PM Start End Recurrence. (none) Meeting Status' Meeting orgamzer RequIred Attendees: Pre-Submittal Group, METZGER Mark A Pre-Submittal Meellng for a Partition Tentative has been scheduled for Friday, May, 30, 2008 @ 11 00 - noon In DSD 616 The planner assigned to thiS application IS Mark Metzger The applicant submitted plans to partition one lot Into three parcels Prior pre-submlllal was done In 2006 (PRE2006-00047) which expired Please confirm your attendance at thiS meeting Thanks Karen PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O MAY 2 3 2008 1 CIty of Spnngfield Development Services Department 225 FIfth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number AssIgned: PRE2008-00032 Date SubmItted' 5/23/2008 Prolect Name. LUNBLAD 3 LOT PART 750 66TH PrOject DescnptlOn. Pre-SubmIttal for TentatIve PartItIon for 3 lot divIsIOn on 750 - 66th Street ApplIcatIon Type' PartItIon TentatIve Job Address 750 66TH ST Assessor's & Tax Lot #. 1702341300200 _ --: r }f~Y'S:::'-"i;: '::''''O>;:;?Z_; ~ - ~ -~1 j,",~,;.t-f ~ -:;: ~ , l, - ~-F- ~<- - - - - -'7 -1.:... ,"'\. ~~ ~ ~~- ~ --r----~:fi- J -- ~-; _ -,:--:., _~ :t....... ;"'Wr -;7r~ ~ ~~ . M~~;;~,?~t~~~n.'e '- -',. Fn~~~;J~1~~!0;'~OQ8~~'0i-~~{';{ Me~~t~~~f~~';"'f~' }1~/~1~~~.". ,A. j-l~, Planner~' ,_. ,"~~- "'::fv\:~ -- ' ,,~~ ~_ -4'-'.':~'-~~~~' of '~ " . _ _.f;:~J;~;;ic-~~: , " , -.3= *,-=.:;,=- -~ -" DISCLAIMER ApplicatIons wIll not be exempt /Tom Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the time of the Pre-Submittal Meetmg and SubmIttal of the ApplicatIOn for Development ReView Please contact our office at 541.726-3753 With any questIOns or concerns A Planner will be aSSIgned the followmg busmess day and will contact you to confirm the meetIng date and tIme PRE.SUBMITIAL REC'O MAY 2 3 Z008 PlanJobPnnt rpt 5/23/2008 3 II 06PM ! Pre-Su'"Jmitta_ Meeting Development Services Department Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE Friday, May 30, 2008 1 PRE-SUBMITTAL ~TG #PRE2008-00032 (PART TENT) LUNBLAD Assessor's Map 17-02-34-13 TL 200 Address. 750 66th Street EXlstmg Use Residential Applicant submitted plans to partitIOn one lot into three parcels Meetmg Datefflme Friday, May 30, 2008 DSD 616 11:00 - noon Planner Mark Metzger PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 2 3 Z008