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Application APPLICANT 5/23/2008
Land Division Tentative Plan Partition, SubdivIsion PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 2 3 2008 \ I I iii(~ pty of Spnngfleld Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfleld, OR 97477 '. . ApplIcant Name: [20-( LUgt>IO>L~ Icompanv: IAddress: \444 V.lZVLA LA-l-LIL ~PI2-II-<.G.F'eu, , IAPplIcant's Rep.: ---.Jo",-~~ <!;)~"- [company: PO,^<-p_ P-"</.'......."E/2.J>-<.c. IAddress: "PO ~'f' 'Z--'?"2..'l ~)L"l!c~€..- C3>I2- "l,40'L <><!- I Phone. IFax: i I "( ,-4-'1 I PhonJ: 5't\. ~-4SDS I Fax: 1"5<8. - 4-~ - S7.:>'2A-- I I Property Owner: -S~E A7? I'\-i:>PL-LCkt-<T Company: IAddress- I Phone: Fax: ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 11 -o2,-7+-l'? ProDertv Address: 19) t4- CoIo ~ ~ ISlze of Property: 0_",.." IproDosed Name of SubdivIsion: ITAX LOT NOeS): ZeD Li'<Ht:> P/>rl2.,TIT(O>-l , I DeSCription of If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach Y,our proposal deSCription Ita this applicatIon ProDosal: -PM2..'TtTIO>-l 0 \<>-;z, h.flA... P/2.DPIZ-il--r-,- rl'-LT"\) ~i7_(""\ DAd?~B.I A. I EXisting Use: l2lZ-,,?, h 17_,_c.:no'ct _ 'T'- 1# of Lots/Parcels: 3 'O<oS'2- sf 'Den~ltv: 'S "':>PQ..lI_U.i=-'&AAb. 0i2..- q,4-I~ Acres g. I Square Feet 0 ; I , du/acre , nate box on the next ASSOCiated ApplIcations: rpt(.Z60h-~lJ1-(~~~) Signs: I Pre-Sub Case No.:\YI"Cl&"tR>- CCb~L Date: -c;h'l../L:fi:, I Revlewld by: ~ Icase No.: Date: I Reviewld by: IAPPlIcatlon Fee: $ ITeChnICal Fee: $ Ip10staqe Fee: $ ITOTAL FEES: $ I PR~JE~T NUMBER: rk ~]1'J<l_1V",,'L ReVised i/i/OB Molly Markanan ~0 d N~ S/3/0 i 1-.laD AM 10liO Owner Signatures ThIS application form Is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting an,- subsequent complete application submittal Owner signatures are required at both stages .n the application process An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. I Pre-Submittal I Owner: The underslgMd acknowledges that the Inform8bon 11'1 thts appllcabon Is con-eet and accurate for SCheduling ot tf1e pre-S"b~9 11. ~ Signature I RoY . Date: I I 5-j6,-~Od e I w. I..tJtJ 0 t3 L.ft 0 Print .Submittal 1 represent thiS application to be comDlete for submittal to the City ConSIstent wIth tl"le completeness check performed on thK: applIcatIon at the Pre-SubmIttal MeetJng, I affirm the lI'lformatlon Identified by the City as necessary for processing the applicatIon IS Pr'OIIlded herem or the Informatton w/JI not be provided If I'IOt otherwise contamed wltt\ln the submIttal, and the City may begin processing rhe appllcatcon with the Informanon as submitted ThiS statement serves as wntten nabee pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227 178 penBll'llng to a complete applicatIon Owner: Signature . Date: Print ~)," PRE-SUBMITTAL RECID MAY 2 3 2008 ~ RevIsed 1/1/08 MOlly MarkaNan 2 of iO 'AI i' OF ~",'.'ul~lJi~~....D VIeI!;Ii i MAP PRE2008-00032 750 66th Street ~' B1-n:iG~~ (Q ~lf'E Map 17-02-34-13 Tax Lot 200 North + 0> ., PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO MAY 2 3 2008 WRITTEN STATEMENT SUPPORTING THE CREATION OF A 3 PARCEL PARTITION ! FOR -ROY LUNDBLAD LOCATED AT 750 66TH ST , SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ASSESSOR'S MAP NO 17-02-34-1-3 TAX LOT 200 PrOJect name. size and locatiOn of DrODertv. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 3 2008 Mmor ParhtiOn for Roy Lundblad The applIcant IS proposmg to partihon a 283] 4 sq ft tract of land mto 3 Parcels The property IS located at 750 66th Street and mc1udes all of that property shown as Tax Lot No 200 on Assessor's Map No] 7-02- 34-1- 3 Zonm!! and Dlan desi!!nation of the site and adlacent DrODertles The subject property as well as the surroundmg properties are all zoned Low DenSIty ResIdenl1al and are deSignated Low DenSIty Resldenhal m the Metro Plan The subject property IS not wIthm any adopted refmement plan boundanes ProDosed use of the deve]oDment area and SCODe of the DrODosed develoDment' The applIcant IS proposmg to partItiOn the subject property mto 3 parcels to crcate an addItIOnal 2 lots for resIdenl1al housmg purposes The subject property currently contams an eXistmg smgle famIly reSidence located m the center of the property which WIll be contamed withm Parcel 2 of the proposed partil10n Parcel] and Parcel 2 Will be panhandle parcels uhlIzmg a common access dnve on the 66th Street Cul-de-Sac frontage The panhandle dnve to Parcel] WIll be a smgle user dnveway with a paved surface of ] 2 0 feet Parcel 2 and Parcel 3 WIll share a common dnveway havmg a pavmg WIdth of 18 0 feet All dnveways havmg mulhp]e users will be contamed withm aJomt access easement and mamtenance agreement to be recorded m conJUllchon with the final partihon plat All publIc ul1lIhes now servmg the eXistmg structure WIll be avmlable to the proposed parcels Via the eXistmg water mam, underground electnc facilIhes and samtmy sewer system located m the 66th St Cul-de-Sac Access' Access to all parcels WIll be VIa a shared curb cut located on the 66th Street Cul-de-Sac whIch has been fully Improved to CIty of Spnngfield deSign standards c .' Pronosed off-site Imnrovements PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 3 2008 No off-site improvements are proposed as part of the partItIon Where more than 5000 souare feet of imnervlOUS surface IS nronosed describe the stormwater oualItv measures to be utiliZed and nrovIde enou!!h detail to demonstrate thev will work. Tills apphcatlOn does not propose to construct more than 5000 sq ft of new ImpervIOus surface The stormwater runoff from roof drams Will dIscharge mto mdlVldual on-sIte drywells Stormwater runoff from the proposed access dnves will shed to on Side of the dnveway and collect mto a french dram adjacent to the edge of the dnves These french drams WIll m turn dIscharge mto the eXIstmg curb and gutter system located m the 66th Street Cui de Sac VIa weep holes m the curb Current use of site and any eXlstm!! Imnrovements. The Site currently contams a small smgle fanuly resIdence that IS served by a full range of pubhc utIhtIes, mc1udmg water, overhead power and telecommunIcatIons, sanItary and storm sewers whIch are accesslble for use by the future residentIal Improvements to be constructed on the proposed parcel created under thIS land use apphcatlOn Snecial site features (i.e. wetlands. watercourses. steen slones. etc) There are no wetlands or watercourses assOCiated With thlS SIte Estimated ouantIl1es and tvne of materials mvolved If anv fiU or excavatIOn IS oronosed. No fill or excavatIon are proposed as a part ofthis project Number and size of any trees to be removed. No trees are proposed to be removed as a part ofthis apphcatlOn ExnlanatlOn of any land to dedicated to the Citv: No pubhc dedicatIOns are proposed as a part of thIS apphcatlOn Pronosed modIfications bem!! reouested' No modificatIOns are proposed as a part of thiS apphcatIon AddltlOn31 !,.Iannm" annhcatlOns reoUlred for nronosed nrolect. No addItIOnal plannmg apphcatlOns are reqUlred for thIS proposed land partItIon /' o ",OPUTYC_' . .AlUVALVIi . 'IIIE_"," . IAUII"ETEfI: <D ............WUl~E I'PI 10 R:1IEIIOVfD TBNTATIVE PARTITION PLAN SITH ASSBSSMBNT AND VICINITY MAP POR ROY LUNDBLAD HB 114 SBC. 34 T 11 S, R 2 W W.M. ASSBSSOR'S MAP NO. 11.02.34-1.3 Tt 1200 SPRINGPIBLO. LANH COUNTY, ORBGON MAY 22, 2008 I I 1 Sit. AII",III.nt NOI1.t, , l ~':'T~C~: r:~~~ ~1~T~":"~Oft~lTA~~<wfT lnTEO I 2. THI! I'IlOPEUY mEAAS 01'1 FEJtA COl'I'I.NTY ''''''':l 1;(1. ~"'502 1HJ8YGlJrllMCI'\.O,tt<<Ih<E~F,o,us..r~AZor.t=:~ 1tOtOl. I OIJlXlE THll IKUClA/lE:S OF lI'EPEClALF\.OOOHAZAAO....E... 3 COHTOl.IlS SHOWN HEREOI'l "IlE BASl'D ON aT'!' OF SI'lIINGFELD DA'\Jtl "ER IlENCH1AAIl.Ol'SCII8EOAS A CHSElEDSOUAAEAT floE$OUlHIIESTCOfI'lER O#TlEOI<EHAl.FCUlIAET\IlN""TIESOU'lItSTCOltNE'0IF61T1lIT.~ TKIlISTONJIOAO. EtEY,512. II.L..iiJ,f,__, TloE DeSlOOlAIEO IlEU. HE4D rROTECTION """ NllCATES THE U.ECT ~ I'IOI'Blnrsloc"n:D~JoIjAAf"aFCONCElfT'''''Kll'fHl'o~AS''E'''' Tt'E OF nAVEL a....SSR:.'lllOl'l. SASSl'ECI'IED..THE'SOU$UlVEYOFlAIECOUoIn'TMESlTECOi'ISIS" - .:r' -- OFCWd'i'W'I-i,MlANlNClCOIt'I..USllt,.S'.....E...OFMSOIUSUIlVEY .. ... :::s...~E~~~=..l~~Oo~....lU..C_Ult'^Nl.oJC)COHPl..Ell .~2i , I ~I I ~i ~, 0:1 .., :::1 z, I I 'Lntlld I -.....-SNlT....'..IIElI/SIZ(MII01EDI U,O'.ATP_ltIZlI....NOfIliDI @ C~TllQWIlllTtol 8 lIfQ)(IlA11lEElI4l1OT"EDl 1eJfb'..t'~1%i'IIIi)llSTIlOM./)OI(I IillltTIIOJitOCEt4IOOl'ED ." 0"" \+ ~ -.;~......" -~. SCALE:r-)O" .'. 0'" "",+'" "......." ...,.!lJ:" ii;1J 'R :\'~ ,." ...0 (,,~ 00 ~'0l(1"1Y~ PAle1L1 "'I 10. n > "\. ;::'\.. ~:'M'"1t ~ "Ma- ",to .,.o<;J~...... 1'f0lCf / "O....c.o"~r....,. ".. .,.o'O::...~ ".. .,.'O<;J~...", .... ,,;" "0'\,0+0,,,...,. "0"'(.0+0,,c."'" ,\0 ..... .." ..... .," ...0 ...0 g.~.l/hrtllln"II' ROY Ltka...o 144.yt....0ll SI"lIfIOf'ti...OIlEGOH914n 'OAel BNGINIBlING . SU1VBYlNG, INC. ',0. 10J uu . IIIGlNI, OUOOII nUl' 11111 III'U" JOI N,. 'Ul. DWW.IY IAO,.,UTINT DAti, '_11_" " ,.-. oe.30-l'OOO\ l '\ ~htl.u Putlllo,,1:i.2..L:..L.. l TlEllIi A.IllO NO ElCISltIG 011 PIlOl'OSEO T~AHSlT FAct.rnu MlJAttNT TO nE SITE. THEiEAREtT1IWftITSlOf'ISL~lEDATlIEN'ell.SECTlClHOFMTtlST.1d() THlASTOM 1lO....cH IS _OlQ1,o\rf\.llOO FEET IiAS1...,., 600 FEET _TIi 01' THE SUll..ECTI'llOPE/lT'l' 1!.!.!..t Arr," 'AACELSllSiJCOl'P\.....MCEIl'tTHTI-EIOlAA...CCESSDESlGNST...J<(IARDI :E~:~~J::r~~lIDnW= L~r1~ :"'~~D~ Il'tn.JODEOREESOl'THEE,\nfYnT Am PAACEt.2DOESNOTHAYEA ItOlITWSOUTloI Dr'E~ 1M Ud;SS OF IKl FEET. HOWEYER F TIE _nllW\JTH Dt1ENSlOtIOFPAIlCE~"ASeOt.l't.EOIITloITfEP~IIllEACCUSAOJACENTlO M NOlITI1lO\,N)An OF PAACR 2 TIoE flESlA.tJNO _THfSOVTIl Dl'ElISlOH llou.O IE 1M Ell'd;SS OF 00 FEET NCl THEIlE.... CCil'ft:1' ... TIE -.., SOl"" ACd;SS STAI<()AAD$ OF TIE s.tIINGFIB.O DEve~cwt'I;lfl CDOE. PAACEI,. .lOon NOT !'EEl TIE ~ilOL.MA,CCE:SSITMIOAAO'SM()TIEA,"Pl.lC^,HlSs.eEKt<<lA,NAOMTl'lElll TOMDESIONSlNCl.uosI.HlEJtSlClIOtfSOCJ..OIOI<lKIlbISIMCElIoEElCSTM PIAllIC II!Gtfl OF 'A,' ~I<fTS nE P110PUTT FllOIt llENG OEYE~Ol'EO TO THE OEIdTT ^LlOWEDI' TIECOOE A,N>Sllll'EEl lft: .......ulIOLAA A,CCESS OESIGIt SfMOAM) PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O lAIN 9, ~ Z008 ./ /' ~~> I SC/U,r.20 TENTATIVE PARTITJON PL~:MBNT PLAN STORM WATER MANA GRADING AND POR ROY LUNDBLAD W M 4 T 17 S. R 2 W .. HB 1/4 SEC. 3 02 34-1-3 TL '200 P NO 17. . ASSESSOR'S MA N~ COUNTY, OREGON SPRINGPlBLO. LA 2008 MAY 12. .2.:.c.u".,lltl,.l\.. ~OY L\KlILAO ~to~ciIlEGoN9W7 ~. ~" ~ \" ,,0 t-" "'~ ,'l. .." O~ ",<> " 0" (; TIT\;] , ~ ~. .." " " 0"\ v""- " ~l- '" PAlen 1 ..It IQ. n. :r--.".....-.., ~ -"'-i I i ~-_... 'll!iIl ,~ ~" O~ ",<> " 0" (; PAICBL 3 nn la. n. I J I ! w~: .........._....................._..J , ~ ~, .J ~. ~. Ill. ,..~ ~~ 'l. 0 ~ O~ 0" ,,~ "~(; "..'9 " 0 ~ M. '\ IIn {LII~c::f:~IL~~ WAr ~ SPOTElEYFOlIINEICOI'lC.lllWe."" PllOl'O$ED SEwe~ R..OWLN: ElEV""Ol OF JOINT Accnse"'SEI'ENTNlDI'I.'II'OlENANCE AGIlEEI'ENTIOlM>AAY ~ l5O$.' M JI".lIunt Not.. d !llorUl"lhr I GndIZl~'. P''I'IIII U\ TO CllEATf: Nf'( IE. ""WIll AIlE"'.. Tta A"'lICAflOIrl llOUFro' l"llOP'OSE FOIl THE '""""""",,. ."'~""N""'~m~"::'..,,,% 2 TIE ~TE :.e~'~l~~~l~~~~'~_FU~~~=NT PEIlVlOUS )nufIO SUUCTI.IlE S .U Sl'EO 0 TO hE ElClSTNG F~ECOl<<;~Te "'CCEU~ TtI^l wu ~~""' FlIOl'l NUSIlIi ~HE EllGE&ir~~ ~~W'G~~' ~0It..... 'o~ ON CI..l't8~IOtIOII"AIlCB..INl) CONST a. l)lIIl weu "KlI'OSEO WITH THIS ""'-ICA'T1OIol OIl!llEOIl~lS 3-HOEllCAW"'~ CUT ",.oCOWSTROCTANE' 4, ,.\Pl'I.lCA/oIl ..l ~EMO:'~MIi,:~T:: ~ ~AEll tlII:lYE.,.\Y. CUlllCUl.HFT." DITAIL A NO"=AU ~....~.~:...~.~.... -"'-1i' Iln'-'" ,.._ _DU,NIIOCIl '''''IIFau.Tal - / O~ ~~O ~~~"~. liNG . ,u.v::~:."~:c.PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O POAGII RNGINIIII III tun. CUll tn,,,.. M ^Y ') ::I 2008 lOX ItU . IUOIM,. ~~~~i.'GU.D. DAn. I...." u_ r'I~I M_. "... D"M.'" ~. ... " l-~~" 'l. ~ ~ O~ 0" ,," "..(; "..'9 " 0 ~ '- [ ".."", I PROFESSIONAL lANO SURYEYOfl "'----"\\.~oo. l -,,- j ..IONATHII~A.OAKES I_..Dlcw-..._ I~,,()(I..JO.~ / ] 04/17/2006 16 46 FAX 541 736 1021 . 04/17/2006 OS' 21 FAX 5414855624 'f CIT; OF SPRINGFIELD PW POAGE ENGINEERING Ii1I 002 @002 SPRlNG.J'I..IILD ~~~..8f.,~_~~~~~..~ .JA -~'~~I~ , $ ~11.l.,)ln~, _rr"'r~ 1".,.., "'" PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I Engmeenng DlVlSlOn Phone, (54!) 7:2.6-3753 Fax (541) 736.1021 STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK _ (.4Jm2 helow this linefilled oUI by Apphcant)- (Please return 10 M'41t SloUde!r@CitJ!of$pnnCfieldPublic Works engineering; FtD; # 736-1021, Phone # 736-1035,) PrOJect Name: aAlLla2- t'A(V\mo\-J. AppliellJl,t: "--,~,,.l. ~ Assessors Parcel #: Date: {o- n 0(.. Land Use(s)l Phone #: 9t-t-4es- ~ Project Size (Ae.-es): FlU #: ~ - ~- csc..:.z4 APP~ox._~pervlous_Area~ Email;~(...1 l'ok..e.. ~ .. ~...,.u ~ ... _..._ . . : I ~ t I! I "i Project De5cription (Include a. copy of As.ge.gsor's map): b\'-Ilt:><e-- ~R-~ ~"l"- u::n- Lt-L-T<:t ~ ~"b<h Drainage Proposal (Public connecnon(s), dlscha:f!~" 10eanon(s), etc Attach additional sheet(s) jf necessary: ~~l""~~"'""( "'-'l~'-?~ 'TO OJo.j,E.......t/>E- -t e.ol.A..f!=.1'&h. f~ .;.. ~ 'bl2-.kl-...... "t">IP', "-.Hl..l- "'\?.;.....~:.~1:.<: ~ ,..~",-- ~~ ~14.. A. "-'~ ~. Proposed Stormwater Best Management Practices: rJ2...l!!....'l'f2-~a.....:r 0;< ~.....~ \,C.Ilt/...._ '-~"'!'\L- \arm 'iI'okl.. a~" -c;( ......,..L~ ...,.. ~ ~~ ~U\.u- 't*E- ~a~... l?~" ,... CIF ~~b~ _ (Area bdow thJS Unc fiIld 11m bv the Crtv and Retllrned to th~ A ~1l1.eIlIltJ -- (AI a minimum, ali boxes checked by the Cily on th~frol'lt and back of thIS sheet Ihbll be 8lJbmtlred for an applicatIOn to be complete for subm!rtal, althou"h olher reqlit""mel'lls may be nB.e:;scny ) Drll.ma"e Studv Tvne fEDSPM Section 4.03.2\: (Note. VB mllV be substituted for Rational Method) Ii Smell Site Study - (use R.tJ.Ooal Method for c.lcularlons) o Mld-Level Development Study - (uJlC Umt Hydrograph Mothod for oclculatlons) o Full Drainage Development Study - (use Unit Hydrograpb Method for calculatlons) EnVIronmental Considerations' I!iil Wellhead Zon", :2-:'> Yr 7~ r Yl'I'll. Ii HIllSide Development: JJ/.;f Ai WetlandIRJ.panan_ N#. - ~ FloodwaylFloodplain. >>M i!J. SOli Type o:I.:S-- - <a.<LIl~.",a'l t.I.//;..v1 ~() 5 Ot;herJurlsdlct1onS - Dowmtream Analvsb: ~ N/A [j Flow hue tor startmg water surface e1evatlOn- o DeSign HGL to use for startmg water surface elevation 1 o Manhole/JunCTIon to take >1M IXSIS t- ; - -- - , I[j': @ if' il ~1"W~1 - - -I Return to Matt Stouder (@. Otv J1!Sijnii!':ffi,ld, cma'il- ~ toude!'(<2lcl'J]rin'!field.or us, FAX- (541) 736-1021 J~ APR 1 7 2006 !' PRE-SUBMITTAL RECO By MAY 2 3 2008 04/17/2006 16 46 F~X 541 736 1021 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW I!1J 003 (\ t CO~LETESTUDYITEMS , r "or ~...fjClal 'o,e Only- ~ I * Based upon the lriformatlon provzded on the front ofthL."i sheetl thefollowmg represe.nts a mzmmwr/ of what zs needed for em I ' applzeatlOn to be complete for submltlal wIth respect to dramage, however, thlS lIst should not be used In I,eu ofrhe Sprmgfield D~elopment Code (SDC) or the Clty'.r; Engrneerzng Deszgn Manual Compllance wzth these requzremenis does not constr.tl.de stle approval, Addztzonal szte rpecific mformatwn may be requlred Note Upon scopmg shed submIttal.; ensure completedform has been szgned In the space provIded below Intenm DeSIgn StandardsIWater Quality (EDSPM Chapter 3) Keq'd N/A o ~ All non-bu1ldmg rooftop (N13R) =pervIous srnfuces shall be pre.treated (e g mulh-chambered catchoasm w/otl filtratIOn medm) for ,~,~ _"ater qualIty AddJhonally, a mlfiunum of 50% oflhe NBR nnpervJous surface shall be treated by vegetated methods o 5 Where reqwred, vegetauve stormwater deszgn shall be COllS15tent W1lh mtef)II1 des.gn stmdcrds (EDSPM Sectlon 3 02), set fortb by the Bureau ofEnVltolJ)JlOlltal Semces (BES) or Clean Water Services (CWS) - o ~ FOT "ew NBR nnpenl10us area less1han 15,000 square feet, a snnpllfied deSlg!1 approach may be followed as spemfied by lhe BES for vegetatlve treatment. o Ifi.If a stOrIDwater treatment swale IS proposed, SubIIDt calculauonslspeclficabOIlll for SIZIDg, veloCIty, flow, s.de slopes, bottom slope, and seed mIX consIstent WIth eIther BES or CWS requrrements o ~ Water Quabty calcul.hons as reqlllred m Sectlon 3 03 I of the EDSPM o ai All buildmg rooftop mounted eqmpment, or otber fhud contalDlDg eqmpment locoled olltslde oflhe buildmg, shall be proVlded mtb. secondary CODtamIDent or weather reSJstant enclosure General Study Requirements (EDSPM Section 4 03) . 0 Dramage study prepllted by . ProfessIOnal CIVJl Engmeer licensed ill the state of Oregon o ~ A complete dramage study, as reqwred m EDSPM SectJon 4 03 I, mcIudmg a hydrolOgical study map ~ 0 Calculal10ns sbowmg system capacIty for. 2-year storm event and overflow effects of a. 25-year storm evenL o ~ The tune of concentrauon (Tc) shall be detenmned usmg a 10 lDIDute slm1: tmle for developed basms Revicw of Downstream System (EDSPM Section 4_03 4 C) o eI A downstream dramage analYS15 as descnbed m EDSPM Sectlon 4 03 4 COn-site dnonage sball be governed by the Oregon Plwnbrog SpecIalty Code (OPSC) o Ilifj Elevauons of the HGL and flow Imes for both crty and pnvate systems where applicable DesIgD of Stonn Systems (EDSPM SecDon 4.04) I?ij 0 Flow 1mes, slopes, nm eleval1OZlS, p'pe type and S):>es cIelltly mdJcated on the plan set o ~M:nnmum p.pe cover shall be t8 mches for remforced pipe and 36 mches for plam concrete and plastJc pIpe matenals, or proper engJ1leenng CalculatJOIlll shall be prOVIded when less The cover shall be suffiCIent to support an 80,000 Ib load WIthout fali!ltC of the p'pe strocture o ~M=mg's "n" values for p'pes shall be consIStent Wllh Table 4-J of the EDSP All storm pIpes shall be deSigned 10 achieve anmumum velomty of three (3) feet per second at 05 p'pe full based on Table 4-1 as well PRE-SUBMITIAL REC'O MAY 2 3 2008 OtherlMtsc I ~ 0 ExntJng and proposed conto=, located at one foot mtervaL Include spot elevaUons and Slte grades shoWlDg how szte drams . 0 Pnvate stormwater easements shall be clearly depleted on plans when pnvate stormwater flows from one property to another o IJiDrywells shallnol recelV~ nmofffrom any surface wlo bemg treated by one or more EMF" WIlli lhe exceptJon ofresldenl1al butldrog roofs (EDSP SecOon 3 03 4 A) Acu:i1l1onal provmons apply to this as reqwred by the DEQ Refor to lhe wohsz!e: www r1p-r:u~tare or us/woh::rroundwa/mchome.hcm for more mformatJon o Mnetenl10n ponds shall be deSigned to lmut nmoffto pre-development rates for the 2 through 25-year storm events 'l;11tlS form shall be fn.c/udea as an. attachment, llfSlae. theftont cover, of the stormwater study I ~ IMPORTANT- ENGINEER PLEASE READ BELOW AJI/D SIGNl I As th~ CIlgmeer ofrecor~ I hereby certrfy the above :reqmred rteIIlS are - A'A --/ / r complete and included Wlth tho sllbmItted ,:....~ ,", ater study and plan set slgnaturel?"" u...A /~ Date ~~6 Fonu V""-Slon 2 March 2004 ENGINEERING & SURVEYING. INC STORM DRAINAGE STUDY for LUNDBLAD PARTITION (66th Street) rEXF'I"1ES Apn121,2006 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 3 2008 CIVIL I ENGINEERJlVG 0 SURVEYING POBOX 2527 EUGENE, OR 97402-0152 990 OBIE ST 541/485-4505 FAX 5411485-5624 WW\V POAGE NET OVERVIEW Tills storm dramage study is bemg prepared m accordance With the CIty o~Spnngfield Engmeenng Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM) The Dr'}mage Study type reqmred for thIS project giVen the pdrameters speCified m SectiOn 4 03 2 of the DesIgn Manual IS d Small Site Development Study The hydrologiC calculatIOns shown on the followmg pages are based on a 2 year and 25 year storm events usmg the Santa Barbara Umt Hydrograph Method for calculatmg runoff The hydrauhc calculatIons for the proposed storm dramage system were done usmg Haestad Methods Flowmaster Software Only the pole portiOn of the flag lots (Parcel] and Parcel 3) are mc1uded m the calculatIons as Impactmg the pubhc dramage system Parcell contnbutes maXImum flows of 0 03 CUbIC feet per second (cfs) and 0 04 cfs through the 3" pIpe connectiOn to the street for the 2-year and 25- year storm events, respecl1vely Parcel 3 contnbutes maxlmum flows of 0 03 cfs and 0 05 cfs through the 3" pIpe connectiOn to the street for the 2-year and 25-year storm events, respecl1vely The combmed contnbutlOn from Parcell and Parcel 3 to the public system (through the pIpe and overland) IS 0 06 cfs and 0 11 cfs for the 2-year and 25-year storm events, respecl1vely No other developmcnt on the remammg portIOn of the property IS proposed to dram to the pubhc storm dramage system Runoff from roof drams of future bmldmgs on Parcels 1 and 3 will be disposed of WIth on-SIte mfiltratiOn facihl1es The mfiltral10n facihty deSign WIll comply WIth all apphcable state and local regulatiOns and reqUirements { - CONCLUSIONS Based on the deSign cntena requlfements of the EDSPM the proposed storm dramage system can handle the deSign storm event The 3" pIpe connectmg to the street system (3" weep hole m curb) has the capaCity to carry flows from the sIte for the 2-year and the 25-year event The pubhc dramage system will not be sigmficantly impacted by the combmed flow from the proposed development for thIs partItiOn In the event of other extreme storm events or if the pipe system IS blocked, runoff would flow overland to the street and be pIcked up by the pubhc pIpe system through nearby mlets and/or catch basms PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O MAY 2 3 2008 Developed 2-year, SCS Type 1A, 24 hour Storm LUNDBLAD PARTITION (66th St - Parcell) DEVELOPED CONDITION PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 3 2008 \ota1 area = 1200 003 (acres) FlleNo 3741 D2 QPW pervlOus area = 240 001 (acres) 04/21/06 impervIOus area = 960 002 (acres) pervlOus CN = 85 S= 17647 o 2S = o 3529 lmpervlOus CN = 98 S= 02041 o 2S = o 0408 total depth ram HyrdologlC Pt= 3 12 (mches) SCS SOlI Type Group dt= 10 (mm) Chapman Urban Land (25) B 24-Hour SCS Type 1 A DeSIgn Storm - 2 Year PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Ramfall lncre Ramfall Accum Accum Incre Accurn Incre Total Instant Tlme dlStr Ramfall lncre Ramfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (=) dlstr (m) (m) (m) (m) _(111) (m) (m) (cfsl__ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0< 10 040% 040% 0012 0012 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 < 20 040% 080% 0012 0025 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 < 30 040% 120% 0012 0037 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 < 40 040% 160% 0012 0050 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 < 50 040% 200% 0012 0062 0000 0000 0002 0002 0001 000 < 60 040% 240% 0012 0075 0000 0000 0005 0003 0002 000 < 70 040% 280% 0012 0087 0000 0000 0009 0004 0003 000 < 80 040% 320% 0012 0100 0000 0000 0013 0005 0004 000 < 90 040% 360% 0012 0112 0000 0000 0019 0005 0004 000 < 100 040% 400% 0012 0125 0000 0000 0024 0006 0005 000 < 110 050% 450% 0016 0140 0000 0000 0033 0008 , 0007 000 < 120 050% 500% 0016 0156 0000 0000 0042 0009 0007 000 < 130 050% 550% 0016 0172 0000 0000 0051 0010 0008 000 < 140 050% 600% 0016 0187 0000 0000 0061 0010 0008 000 < 150 050% 650% 0016 0203 0000 0000 0072 0011 0008 000 < 160 050% 700% 0016 0218 0000 0000 0083 0011 0009 000 < 170 060% 760% 0019 0237 0000 0000 0096 0014 0011 000 < 180 - 060% 820% 0019 0256 0000 0000 0110 0014 0011 000 < 190 060% 880% 0019 0275 0000 0000 0125 0014 0012 000 < 200 060% 940% 0019 0293 0000 0000 0140 0015 0012 000 < 210 060% 10 00% 0019 0312 0000 0000 0155 0015 0012 000 <- 220 060% 10 60% 0019 0331 0000 0000 0170 0015 0012 000 < 230 070% 11 30% 0022 0353 0000 0000 0188 0018 0015 000 < 240 070% 1200% 0022 0374 0000 0000 0207 0019 0015 000 < 250 070% 1270% 0022 0396 0001 0001 0226 0019 0015 000 < 260 070% 13 40% 0022 0418 0002 0001 0245 0019 0015 000 < 270 070% 1410% 0022 0440 0004 0002 0264 0019 0016 000 < Developed 2-year, SCS Type 1A, 24 hour Storm PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 23 2008 PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS RamfaIl Inere RamfaIl Accum ' Accum Incre Accum Inere Total Instant TIme dlstr RamfaIl Incre RamfaIl Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate . (mm) dlstr (In) (m) -~ (m) (m) (m) (m) ( cfs)_ 280 070% 1480% 0022 0462 0006 0002 0283 0019 0016 000 < 290 082% IS 62% 0026 0487 0010 0003 0306 0023 0019 000 < 300 082% 1644% 0026 0513 0013 0004 0330 0023 0019 000 < 310 082% 1726% 0026 0539 0018 0004 0353 0023 0020 000 < 320 082% 1808% 0026 0564 0023 0005 0376 0023 0020 000 < 330 082% 1890% 0026 0590 0028 0005 0400 0024 0020 000 < 340 082% 1972% 0026 0615 0034 0006 0424 0024 0020 000 < 350 095% 20 67% 0030 0645 0041 0007 0452 0028 0024 000 < 360 095% 21 62% 0030 0675 0050 0008 0479 0028 0024 000 < 370 095% 22 57% 0030 0704 0058 0009 0507 0028 0024 000 < 380 095% 23 52% 0030 0734 0068 0009 0535 0028 0024 000 < 390 095% 2447% 0030 0763 0077 0010 0564 0028 0024 000 < 400 095% 25 42% 0030 0793 0088 0010 0592 0028 0025 000 < 410 134% 2676% 0042 0835 0103 0016 0632 0040 0035 001 < 420 134% 28 10% 0042 0877 0120 0016 0672 0040 0035 001 < 430 134% 2944% 0042 0919 0137 0017 0712 0040 0036 001 < 440 180% 3124% 0056 0975 0162 0025 0766 0054 0048 001 < 450 180% 33 04% 0056 1031 0188 0026 0821 0054 0049 001 < 460 340% 3644% 0106 1137 0241 0053 0924 0103 0093 002 < 470 540% 4184% 0168 1305 0334 0093 1089 0165 0150 o 03 MAX 480 270% 44 54% 0084 1390 0384 0050 1172 0083 0076 001 < 490 180% 46 34% 0056 1446 0418 0034 1227 0055 0051 001 < 500 134% 4768% 0042 1488 0444 0026 1268 0041 0038 001 < 510 134% 49 02% 0042 1529 0471 0027 1309 0041 0038 001 < 520 134% 50 36% 0042 1571 0498 0027 1350 0041 0038 001 < 530 088% 5124% 0027 1599 0515 0018 1377 0027 0025 000 < 540 088% 5212% 0027 1626 0534 0018 1405 0027 0025 000 < 550 088% 53 00% 0027 1654 0552 0018 1432 0027 0025 000 < 560 088% 53 88% 0027 1681 0570 0018 1459 0027 0025 000 < 570 088% 54 76% 0027 1709 0589 0019 1486 0027 0025 000 < 580 088% 5564% 0027 1736 0608 0019 1513 0027 0025 000 < 590 088% 56 52% 0027 1763 0627 0019 1540 0027 0025 000 < 600 088% 5740% 0027 1791 0646 0019 1567 0027 0026 000 < 610 088% 58 28% 0027 1 818 0665 0019 1594 0027 0026 000 < 620 088% 5916% 0027 1846 0684 0019 1622 0027 0026 000 < 630 088% 60 04% 0027 1873 0704 0019 1649 0027 0026 000 < 640 088% 60 92% 0027 1901 0723 0020 1676 0027 0026 000 < 650 072% 6164% 0022 1923 0739 0016 1698 0022 0021 000 < 660 072% 62 36% 0022 1946 0756 0016 1720 0022 0021 000 < 670 072% 63 08% 0022 1968 0772 0016 1743 0022 0021 000 < 680 072% 63 80% 0022 1991 0788 0016 1765 0022 0021 000 < 690 072% 64 52% 0022 2013 0805 0016 1787 0022 0021 000 < 700 072% 65 24% 0022 2035 0821 0017 1810 0022 0021 000 < 710 072% 65 96% 0022 2058 0838 0017 1832 0022 0021 000 < 720 072% 66 68% 0022 2080 0855 0017 1854 0022 0021 000 < Developed 2-year, SCS Type 1A, 24 hour Storm PRt.SU~M\TIAl REC'O PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS I MAY 2 3 2008 , RaInfall !nere Ramfall Aeeum Aeeum Inere Accum !nere Total Instant , Tune distr Ramfall Inere RamfaIl Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (mm) dlstr (m) (m) __jm}_~n) (m) (m) (rn) (efs) --,-.--.----- 730 072% 67 40% 0022 2103 0871 0017 1876 0022 0021 000 < 740 072% 6812% 0022 2125 0888 0017 1899 0022 0021 000 < 750 072% 68 84% 0022 2148 0905 0017 1921 0022 0021 000 < 760 072% 6956% 0022 2170 0922 0017 1943 0022 0021 000 < 770 057% 70 13% 0018 2188 0936 0013 1961 0018 0017 000 < 780 057% 70 70% 0018 2206 0949 0014 1979 0018 0017 000 < 790 057% 7127% 0018 2224 0963 0014 1996 0018 0017 000 < 800 057% 7184% 0018 2241 0976 0014 2014 0018 0017 000 < 810 057% 7241% 0018 2259 0990 0014 2031 0018 0017 000 < 820 057% 72 98% 0018 2277 1004 0014 2049 0018 0017 000 < 830 057% 73 55% 0018 2295 1017 0014 2067 0018 0017 000 < 840 057% 7412% 0018 2313 1031 0014 2084 0018 0017 000 < 850 057% 74 69% 0018 2330 1045 0014 2102 0018 0017 000 < 860 057% 75 26% 0018 2348 1059 0014 2120 0018 0017 000 < 870 057% 7583% 0018 2366 1073 0014 2137 0018 0017 000 < 880 057% 7640% 0018 2384 1087 0014 2155 0018 0017 000 < 890 050% 7690% 0016 2399 1099 0012 2171 0016 0015 000 < 900 050% 77 40% 0016 2415 1 111 0012 2186 0016 0015 000 < 910 050% 77 90% 0016 2430 1 123 0012 2202 0016 0015 000 < 920 050% 78 40% 0016 2446 1136 0012 2217 0016 0015 000 < 930 050% 78 90% 0016 2462 1 148 0012 2233 0016 0015 000 < 940 050% 79 40% 0016 2477 1 160 0012 2248 0016 0015 000 < 950 050% 79 90% 0016 2493 1173 0012 2264 0016 0015 000 < 960 050% 8040% 0016 2508 1 185 0012 2279 0016 0015 000 < 970 050% 80 90% 0016 2524 1 198 0012 2295 0016 0015 000 < 980 050% 81 40% 0016 2540 1210 0012 2310 0016 0015 000 < 990 050% 8190% 0016 2555 1223 0013 2326 0016 0015 000 < 1000 050% 82 40% 0016 2571 1235 0013 2341 0016 0015 000 < 1010 040% 82 80% 0012 2583 1245 0010 2354 0012 0012 000 < 1020 o 40')'0 83 20% 0012 2596 1255 0010 2366 0012 0012 000 < 1030 040% 83 60% 0012 2608 1265 0010 2378 0012 0012 000 < 1040 040% 84 00% 0012 2621 1275 0010 2391 0012 0012 000 < 1050 040% 84 40% 0012 2633 1286 0010 2403 0012 0012 000 < 1060 040% 8480% 0012 2646 1296 0010 2416 0012 0012 000 < 1070 040% 85 20% 0012 2658 1306 0010 2428 0012 00]2 000 < 1080 040% 85 60% 0012 2671 1316 0010 2441 0012 0012 000 < 1090 040% 8600% 0012 2683 1326 0010 2453 0012 0012 000 < 1100 040% 8640% 0012 2696 1336 0010 2465 0012 0012 000 < 1110 040% 8680% 0012 2708 1346 0010 2478 0012 0012 000 < 1120 040% 87 20% 0012 2721 1357 0010 2490 0012 0012 000 < 1130 o 40(10 87 60% 0012 2733 1367 0010 2503 0012 0012 000 < 1140 040% 88 00% 0012 2746 1377 0010 2515 0012 0012 000 < 1150 040% 88 40% 0012 2758 1387 0010 2527 0012 0012 000 < 1160 040% 88 80% 0012 2771 1398 0010 2540 0012 0012 000 < 1170 040% 8920% 0012 2783 1408 0010 2552 0012 0012 000 < Developed 2-year, SCS Type 1A, 24 hour Slorm PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS RarnfaII !nere RamfaII Aeeum Aeeum !nere Aeeum !nere Tota] Instant Time dlstr RamfaII Inere RamfaII Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (mm) dlstr (m) (~~ (m) ~ (m) (m) (m) (cfs) --- ------- ---- ]180 040% 89 60% 0012 2796 1418 0010 2565 0012 0012 000 < 1190 040% 90 00% 0012 2808 1428 0010 2577 0012 0012 000 < 90 40% 2820 ~ 1439 0010 2590 0012 0012 000 < 1200 040% 0012 1210 040% 90 80% 0012 2833 1449 0010 2602 0012 0012 000 < 1220 040% 9120% 0012 2845 1459 0010 2614 0012 0012 000 < 1230 040% 9160% 0012 2858 1470 0010 2627 0012 0012 000 < 1240 040% 92 00% 0012 2870 1480 0010 2639 0012 0012 000 < 1250 040% 92 40% 0012 2883 ] 490 0010 2652 0012 0012 000 < 1260 040% 92 80% 0012 2895 1501 0010 2664 0012 0012 000 < 1270 040% 93 20% 0012 2908 1511 0010 2677 0012 0012 000 < 1280 040% 93 60% 0012 2920 1522 0010 2689 0012 0012 000 < 1290 040% 94 00% 0012 2933 1532 0010 2701 0012 0012 000 < 1300 040% 94 40% 0012 2945 ] 542 0010 2714 0012 0012 000 < 1310 040% 94 80% 0012 2958 1553 0010 2726 0012 0012 000 < 1320 040% 95 20% 0012 2970 ] 563 0010 2739 0012 0012 000 < 1330 040% 95 60% 0012 2983 1574 0010 2751 0012 0012 000 < 1340 040% 96 00% 0012 2995 1584 0010 2763 0012 0012 000 < 1350 040% 96 40% 0012 3008 1595 0010 2776 0012 0012 000 < 1360 040% 96 80% 0012 3020 1605 0010 2788 0012 0012 000 < 1370 040% 97 20% 0012 3033 1616 0011 2801 0012 0012 000 < 1380 040% 97 60% 0012 3045 1626 0011 2813 0012 0012 000 < 1390 040% 98 00% 0012 3058 1637 0011 2826 0012 0012 000 < 1400 040% 98 40% 0012 3070 1647 0011 2838 0012 0012 000 < 1410 040% 98 80% 0012 3083 1658 0011 2850 0012 0012 000 < 1420 040% 99 20% 0012 3095 1668 0011 2863 0012 0012 000 < 1430 040% 99 60% 0012 3108 1679 0011 2875 0012 0012 000 < 1440 040% 100 0% 0012 3120 1690 0011 2888 0012 0012 000 < PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 3 2008 Prolect Descnptlon Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For Input Data Mannlngs Coefficient Channel Slope Diameter Dlscharqe Results Depth Flow Area Wetted Penmeter Top Width Cntlcal Depth Percent Full Cntlcal Slope VelOCity VelOCity Head Speclllc Energy Froude Number Maximum Discharge Full Flow Capacity Full Flow Slope Flow IS supercntlcal 04/21/06 01 17 42 PM Parcel 1 - 2 Year Storm Event Worksheet for Circular Channel I \proJects\haestad\llowmaster Illes\3741 2-y 1m2 3" Pipe - Parcel 1 Circular Channel Manning's Formula Channel Depth 0013 o 010000 IUft 300 In o 03 cfs 010 ft 002 It' 034 ft 025 II 010 ft 4016 0009179 IUft 1 63 IUs 004 ft 014 ft 105 010 cfs o 09 cfs 0001153 IUft PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 3 2008 Haestad Methods, lnc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 FlowMaster v513 Page 1 of 1 Developed 25-year, SCS Type 1A, 24 hour Storm LUNDBLAD PARTITION (66th St - Parcell) DEVELOPED CONDITION PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 3 2008 total area ~ 1200 003 (acres) FlleNo 3741 D25 QPW pervlOus area = 240 001 (acres) 04/21/06 ImpervIOus area = 960 002 (acres) pervious CN = 85 S~ 17647 o 2S= o 3529 unpervlOus CN = 98 S= 02041 02S~ o 0408 total depth ram Hyrdologie Pt= 528 (mehes) SCS SOlI Type Group dt= 10 (mm) Chapman Urban Land (25) B 24-Hour SCS Type 1A DesIgn Storm - 25 Year PERVIOUS ]MPERVIOUS Ramfall Inere Ramfall Accum Aecum Inere Aeeum Inere Total Instant TIme dlStr Ramfall Inere Ramfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (mm) dlstr (m) ... u(InL (m) (m) . (ml___ (m) _em) (efsL.. ---------- -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0< 10 040% 040% 0021 0021 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 < 20 040% 080% 0021 0042 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 < 30 040% 120% 0021 0063 0000 0000 0002 0002 0002 000 < 40 040%- 160% 0021 0084 0000 0000 0008 0005 '0004 000 < 50 040% 200% 0021 0106 0000 0000 0016 0008 0006 000 < 60 040% 240% 0021 0127 0000 0000 0025 0010 0008 000 < 70 040% 280% 0021 0148 0000 0000 0037 0011 0009 000 < 80 040% 320% 0021 0169 0000 0000 0049 0013 0010 000 < 90 040% 360% 0021 0190 0000 0000 0063 0014 0011 000 < 100 040% 400% 0021 0211 0000 0000 0078 0014 0012 000 < 110 050% 450% 0026 0238 0000 0000 0097 0019 0015 000 < 120 050% 500% 0026 0264 0000 0000 0117 0020 0016 000 < 130 050% 550% 0026 0290 0000 0000 0137 0021 0017 000 < 140 050% 600% 0026 0317 0000 0000 0159 0021 0017 000 < 150 050% , 650% 0026 0343 0000 0000 0181 0022 0018 000 < 160 050% 700% 0026 0370 0000 0000 0203 0022 0018 000 < 170 060% 760% 0032 0401 0001 0001 0230 0027 0022 000 < 180 060% 820% 0032 0433 0003 0002 0258 0028 0023 000 < 190 060% 880% 0032 0465 0007 0003 0286 0028 0023 000 < 200 060% 940% 0032 0496 0011 0004 0315 0028 0024 000 < 210 060% 1000% 0032 0528 0016 0005 0343 0029 0024 000 < 220 060% 1060% 0032 0560 0022 0006 0372 0029 0024 000 < 230 070% 1130% 0037 0597 0030 0008 0407 0034 0029 000 < 240 070% 1200% 0037 0634 0039 0009 0441 0034 0029 000 < 250 070% 1270% 0037 0671 0048 0010 0476 0035 0030 000 < 260 070% 13 40% 0037 0708 0059 0011 0510 0035 0030 001 < 270 070% 1410% 0037 0744 0071 0012 0545 0035 0030 001 < PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O Developed 25-year, SCS Type 1 A, 24 hour Storm MAY 2 3 2008 PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Ramfall Inere Ramfall Accum Accum Incre Accum Incre Total Instant TIme dlstr Ramfall Incre Ramfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (mm) dlstr (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (lilt ._(m) (efs) -------- ------- 280 070% 1480% 0037 0781 0084 0013 0581 0035 0031 001 < 290 082% 1562% 0043 0825 0100 0016 0622 0041 0036 001 < 300 082% 1644% 0043 0868 0116 0017 0664 0042 0037 001 < 310 082% 1726% 0043 0911 0134 0018 0705 0042 0037 001 < 320 082% 1808% 0043 0955 0153 0019 0747 0042 0037 001 < 330 082% 1890% 0043 0998 0173 0020 0789 0042 0037 001 < 340 082% 1972% 0043 1041 0193 0020 0831 0042 0038 001 < 350 095% 20 67% 0050 1091 0218 0025 0880 0049 0044 001 < 360 095% 2162% 0050 1142 0244 0026 0929 0049 0044 001 < 370 095% 22 57% 0050 1192 0270 0027 0978 0049 0045 001 < 380 095% 23 52% 0050 1242 0298 0028 1027 0049 0045 001 < 390 095% 2447% 0050 1292 0326 0028 1076 0049 0045 001 < 400 095% 25 42% 0050 1342 0355 0029 1 125 0049 0045 001 < 410 134% 26 76% 0071 1413 0398 0042 1194 0070 0064 001 < 420 134% 2810% 0071 1484 0442 0044 1264 0070 0064 001 < 430 134% 2944% 0071 1554 0487 0045 1334 0070 0065 - 001 < 440 180% 3124% 0095 1649 0549 0062 1428 0094 0088 001 < 450 180% 33 04% 0095 1745 0614 0064 1521 0094 0088 001 < 460 340% 3644% 0180 1924 0740 0126 1699 0178 0167 003 < 470 540% 41 84% 0285 2209 0952 0212 1982 0283 0268 004 MAX 480 270% 4454% 0143 2352 1062 0110 2123 0142 0135 002 < 490 180% 46 34% 0095 2447 1136 0075 2218 0094 0090 002 < 500 134% 4768% 0071 2518 1192 0056 2288 0070 0068 001 < 510 134% 49 02% 0071 2588 1249 0057 2358 0070 0068 001 < 520 134% 50 36% 0071 2659 1306 0057 2429 0070 0068 001 < 530 088% 5124% 0046 2705 1344 0038 2475 0046 0045 001 < 540 088% 52,12% 0046 2752 1382 0038 2521 0046 0045 001 < 550 088% 53 00% 0046 2798 1420 0038 2568 0046 0045 001 < 560 088% 53 88% 0046 2845 1459 0038 2614 0046 0045 001 < 570 088% 54 76% 0046 2891 1497 0039 2660 0046 0045 001 < 580 088% 55 64% 0046 2938 I 536 0039 2706 0046 0045 001 < 590 088% 56 52% 0046 2984 1575 0039 2753 0046 0045 001 < 600 088% 5740% 0046 3031 1614 0039 2799 0046 0045 001 < 610 088% 58 28% 0046 3077 1653 0039 2845 0046 0045 001 < 620 088% 5916% 0046 3124 1693 0039 2891 0046 0045 001 < 630 088% 60 04% 0046 3170 1732 0040 2938 0046 0045 001 < 640 088% 60 92% 0046 3217 1772 0040 2984 0046 0045 001 < 650 072% 6164% 0038 3255 1804 0033 3022 0038 0037 001 < 660 072% 62 36% 0038 3293 1837 JO 033 3060 0038 0037 001 < 670 072% 63 08% 0038 3331 1870 0033 3098 0038 0037 001 < 680 072% 63 80% 0038 3369 1902 0033 3136 0038 0037 001 < 690 072% 64 52% 0038 3407 1935 0033 3173 0038 0037 001 < 700 072% 65 24% 0038 3445 1968 0033 321] 0038 0037 001 < 710 072% 65 96% 0038 3483 2001 0033 3249 0038 0037 001 < 720 072% 66 68% 0038 3521 2034 0033 3287 0038 0037 001 < , . PRt.SU~M\1lN. RECIO Developed 25-year, SCS Type 1A, 24 hour Storm MAY 2.:\ '2.008 PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS .' Ramfall lncre Ramfall Aeeum Aeeum Inere Aeeum Inere Total . Instant T,me dlstr Ramfall Inere Ramfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff f10wrate (mm) dlstr (m) (m) ~) (m) (m) . (m)_ ---.1111) (efs) 730 072% 67 40% 0038 3559 2068 0033 3325 0038 0037 001 < 740 072% 6812% 0038 3597 2101 0033 3363 0038 0037 001 < 750 072% 68 84% 0038 3635 2134 0033 3401 0038 0037 001 < 760 072% 69 56% 0038 3673 2168 0033 3439 0038 0037 001 < 770 057% 7013% 0030 3703 2194 0026 3469 0030 0029 000 < 780 057% 70 70% 0030 3733 2221 0027 3499 0030 0029 000 < 790 057% 7127% 0030 3763 2247 0027 3529 0030 0029 000 < 800 057% 7184% 0030 3793 2274 0027 3559 0030 0029 000 < 810 057% 7241% 0030 3823 2300 0027 3589 0030 0029 000 < 820 057% 72 98% 0030 3853 2327 0027 3619 0030 0029 000 < 830 057% 73 55% 0030 3883 2354 0027 3649 0030 0029 000 < 840 057% 74 12% 0030 3914 2381 0027 3679 0030 0029 000 < 850 057% 74 69% 0030 3944 2407 0027 3709 0030 0029 000 < 860 057% 7526% 0030 3974 2434 0027 3739 0030 0029 000 < 870 057% 75 83% 0030 4004 2461 0027 3769 0030 0029 000 < 880 057% 7640% 0030 4034 2488 0027 3799 0030 0029 000 < 890 050% 76 90% 0026 4060 2512 0024 3825 0026 0026 000 < 900 050% 77 40% 0026 4087 2535 0024 3852 0026 0026 000 < 910 050% 77 90% 0026 4113 2559 0024 3878 0026 0026 000 < 920 050% 78 40% 0026 4140 2583 0024 3904 0026 0026 000 < 930 050% 78 90% 0026 4166 2607 0024 3931 0026 0026 000 < 940 050% 79 40% 0026 4192 2630 0024 3957 0026 0026 000 < 950 050% 79 90% 0026 4219 2654 0024 3983 0026 0026 o 00 <- 960 050% 8040% 0026 4245 2678 0024 4010 0026 0026 000 < 970 050% 80 90% 0026 4272 2702 0024 4036 0026 0026 000 < 980 050% 8140% 0026 4298 2726 0024 4062 0026 0026 000 < 990 050% 8190% 0026 4324 2750 0024 4089 0026 0026 000 < 1000 050% 82 40% 0026 4351 2773 0024 4115 0026 , 0026 000 < 1010 040% 82 80% 0021 4372 2793 0019 4136 0021 0021 000 < 1020 040% 83 20% 0021 4393 2812 0019 4157 0021 I 0021 000 < 1030 040% 83 60% 0021 4414 2831 0019 4178 0021 0021 000 < 1040 040% 84 00% 0021 4435 2850 0019 4199 0021 0021 000 < 1050 040% 84 40% 0021 4456 2869 0019 4220 0021 0021 000 < 1060 040% 84 80% 0021 4477 2889 0019 4242 0021 0021 000 < 1070 040% 85 20% 0021 4499 2908 0019 4263 0021 0021 000 < 1080 040% 85 60% 0021 4520 2927 0019 4284 0021 0021 000 < 1090 040% 8600% 0021 4541 2946 0019 4305 0021 0021 000 < 1100 040% 86 40% 0021 4562 2966 0019 4326 0021 0021 000 < 1110 040% 86 80% 0021 4583 2985 0019 4347 0021 002] 000 < 1120 040% 8720% 0021 4604 3004 0019 4368 0021 0021 000 < 1130 040% 87 60% 0021 4625 3023 0019 4389 0021 0021 000 < 1140 040% 88 00% 0021 4646 3043 0019 4410 0021 002] 000 < 1150 040% 88 40% 0021 4668 3062 0019 4431 0021 0021 000 < 1160 040% 88 80% 0021 4689 3081 0019 4452 0021 0021 000 < 1170 040% 8920% 0021 4710 3 101 0019 4473 0021 0021 000 < Developed 25-year, SCS Type 1A, 24 hour Storm PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Ramfall Inere Ramfall Aeeum Aeeum Inere Aeeum ]nere Total Instant Time distr Ramfall ]nere Ramfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (mm) dlstr (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (cfs) --- -------- ---~-------_. ..---.--- 1180 040% 89 60% 0021 4731 3120 0019 4494 0021 0021 000 < 1190 040% 90 00% 0021 4752 3140 0019 4516 0021 0021 000 < 1200 040% 90 40% 0021 4773 3159 0019 4537 0021 0021 000 < 1210 040% 90 80% 0021 4794 3178 0019 4558 0021 0021 000 < 1220 040% 9120% 0021 48]5 3 198 0019 4579 0021 0021 000 < 1230 040% 9160% 0021 4836 3217 0019 4600 0021 0021 000 < 1240 040% 92 00% 0021 4858 3237 0019 4621 0021 0021 000 < 1250 040% 92 40% 0021 4879 3256 0019 4642 0021 0021 000 < 1260 040% 92 80% 0021 4900 3276 0019 4663 0021 0021 000 < 1270 040% 93 20% 0021 4921 3295 0019 4684 0021 0021 000 < 1280 040% 93 60% 0021 4942 3315 0019 4705 0021 0021 000 < 1290 040% 94 00% 0021 4963 3334 0019 4726 0021 0021 000 < 1300 040% 94 40% 0021 4984 3354 0020 4748 0021 0021 000 < 1310 040% 94 80% 0021 5005 3373 0020 4769 0021 0021 000 < 1320 040% 95 20% 0021 5027 3393 0020 4790 0021 0021 000 < 1330 040% 95 60% 0021 5048 3412 0020 4811 0021 0021 000 < 1340 040% 96 00% 0021 5069 3432 0020 4832 0021 0021 000 < 1350 040% 96 40% 0021 5090 3451 0020 4853 0021 0021 000 < 1360 040% 96 80% 0021 5 III 3471 0020 4874 0021 0021 000 < 1370 040% 97 20% 0021 5 132 3490 0020 4895 0021 0021 000 < 1380 040% 97 60% 0021 5153 3510 0020 4916 0021 0021 000 < 1390 040% 98 00% 0021 5174 3530 0020 4937 0021 0021 000 < 1400 040% 98 40% 0021 5196 3549 0020 4958 0021 0021 000 < 1410 040% 98 80% 0021 5217 3569 0020 4979 0021 0021 000 < 1420 040% 99 20% 0021 5238 3588 0020 5001 0021 0021 000 < 1430 040% 99 60% 0021 5259 3608 0020 5022 0021 0021 000 < 1440 040% 100 0% 0021 5280 3628 0020 5043 0021 0021 000 < PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 3 2008 Prolect Description Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For I nput Data Mannlngs Coefficient Channel Slope Diameter Dlschar~e Results Depth Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Cntlcal Depth Percent Full Critical Slope VelOCity VelOCity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Maximum Discharge Full Flow Capacity Full Flow Slope Flow IS supercrltlcal 04/21/06 01 2223 PM Parcel 1 - 25 Year Storm Event Worksheet for Circular Channel I \proJects\haestad\llowmaster files\3741 2-y fm2 3" Pipe - Parcel 1 <25 yr> Circular Channel Manning's Formula Channel Depth 0013 0010000 fUft 300 In o 04 cfs 012 ft 002 ft2 038 ft 025 ft o 1f ft 4719 o 009573 fUft 176 It/s 0: 05 ft 017 ft 102 010 cfs o 09 cfs o 0020491t/ft PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 23 2008 Haestad Methods lnc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 756-1666 FlowMaster v5 13 Page 1 of 1 Developed 2-year, SCS Type 1A, 24 hour Storm LUNDBLAD PARTITION (66th St - Parcel 3) DEVELOPED CONDITION , I PRE-SUBMIlTAL REC'O MAY 2 3 2008 total area = 1340 003 (acres) FIleNo 3741 D2AQPW pervIOUS area = 190 000 (acres) 04/21/06 ImpervIOus area = 1150 003 (acres) pervlOus CN = 85 S= 17647 025= o 3529 ImpervlOus CN = 98 5= 02041 025= o 0408 total depth ram Hyrdo1og1C Pt= 3 12 (mches) 5CS 5011 Type Group dt= 10 (mm) Chapman Urban Land (25) B 24-Hour SCS Type 1A DeSign Storm - 2 Year PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Ramfall Incre Ramfall Accum Accum !ncre Accum !ncre Total !nstant Trme dlstr Ramfall ]ncre Ramfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (mm) dlstr (m) (m) (lIlt (m) ~) ..__(mL. (m) (efs) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0< 10 040% 040% 0012 0012 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 < 20 040% 080% 0012 0025 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 < 30 040% 120% 0012 0037 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 < 40 040% 160% 0012 0050 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 < 50 040% 200% 0012 0062 0000 0000 0002 0002 0001 000 < 60 040% 240% 0012 0075 0000 0000 0005 0003 0002 000 < 70 040% 280% 0012 0087 0000 0000 0009 0004 0003 000 < 80 040% 320% 0012 0100 0000 0000 0013 0005 0004 000 < 90 040% 360% 0012 0112 0000 0000 0019 0005 0005 000 < 100 040% 400% 0012 0125 0000 0000 0024 0006 I 0005 000 < 110 050% 450% 0016 0140 0000 0000 0033 0008 0007 000 < 120 050% 500% 0016 0156 0000 0000 0042 0009 0008 000 < 130 050% 550% 0016 0172 0000 0000 0051 0010 0008 000 < 140 050% 600% 0016 0187 0000 0000 0061 0010 0009 000 < 150 050% 650% 0016 0203 0000 0000 0072 0011 0009 000 < 160 050% 700% 0016 0218 0000 0000 0083 0011 0009 000 < 170 060% 760% 0019 0237 0000 0000 0096 0014 0012 000 < 180 060% 820% 00]9 0256 0000 0000 0110 0014 0012 000 < 190 060% 880% 0019 0275 0000 0000 0125 0014 ! 0012 000 < 200 060% 940% 0019 0293 0000 0000 0140 0015 i 0013 000 < 210 060% 1000% 0019 0312 0000 0000 0155 0015 0013 000 < 220 060% 10 60% 0019 0331 0000 0000 0170 0015 0013 000 < 230 070% 1130% 0022 0353 0000 0000 0188 0018 0016 000 < 240 070% 1200% 0022 0374 0000 0000 0207 0019 10016 000 < 250 070% 1270% 0022 0396 0001 0001 0226 0019 ' 0016 000 < 260 070% 1340% 0022 0418 0002 0001 0245 0019 10017 000 < 270 070% 1410% 0022 0440 0004 0002 0264 0019 10017 000 < I , i I PRE-SUBMITIAL REeD Developed 2-year, SCS Type 1A, 24 hour Storm MAY 2 3 2008 PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Ramfall lucre Ramfall Accum Accum lucre Accum Incre Total Instant Time dlstr Ramfall Incre Ramfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (mm} dlstr 1m) (m) (10) (m) (111) (m) (1I1) (efs) ---- --. 280 070% 1480% 0022 0462 0006 0002 0283 0019 0017 000 < 290 082% 1562% 0026 0487 0010 0003 0306 0023 0020 000 < 300 082% 1644% 0026 0513 0013 0004 0330 0023 0020 000 < 310 082% 1726% 0026 0539 0018 0004 0353 0023 0021 000 < 320 082% 1808% 0026 0564 0023 0005 0376 0023 0021 000 < 330 082% 1890% 0026 0590 0028 0005 0400 0024 0021 000 < 340 082% 1972% 0026 0615 0034 0006 0424 0024 0021 000 < 350 095% 20 67% 0030 0645 0041 0007 0452 0028 0025 000 < 360 095% 2162% 0030 0675 0050 0008 0479 0028 0025 000 < 370 095% 22 57% 0030 0704 0058 0009 0507 0028 0025 000 < 380 095% 23 52% 0030 0734 0068 0009 0535 0028 0025 000 < 390 095% 2447% 0030 0763 0077 0010 0564 0028 0026 000 < 400 095% 25 42% 0030 0793 0088 0010 0592 0028 0026 000 < 410 134% 26 76% 0042 0835 0103 0016 0632 0040 0037 001 < 420 134% 28 10% 0042 0877 0120 0016 0672 0040 0037 001 < 430 134% 2944% 0042 0919 0137 0017 0712 0040 0037 001 < 440 180% 3124% 0056 0975 0162 0025 0766 0054 0050 001 < 450 180% 3304% 0056 1031 0188 0026 0821 0054 0050 001 < 460 340% 3644% 0106 1137 0241 0053 0924 0103 0096 002 < 470 540% 4184% 0168 1305 0334 0093 1089 0165 0155 o 03 MAX 480 270% 44 54% 0084 1390 0384 0050 1172 0083 0078 001 < 490 180% 46 34% 0056 1446 0418 0034 1227 0055 0052 001 < 500 134% 4768% 0042 1488 0444 0026 1268 0041 0039 001 < 510 134% 49 02% 0042 1529 0471 0027 1309 0041 0039 001 < 520 134% 50 36% 0042 1571 0498 0027 1350 0041 0039 001 < 530 088% 5124% 0027 1599 0515 0018 1377 0027 0026 000 < 540 088% 5212% 0027 1626 0534 0018 1405 0027 0026 000 < 550 088% 53 00% 0027 1654 0552 0018 1432 0027 I 0026 000 < 560 088% 53 88% 0027 1681 0570 0018 1459 0027 0026 000 < 570 088% 54 76% 0027 1709 0589 0019 1486 0027 0026 000 < 580 088% 55 64% 0027 1736 0608 0019 1513 0027 0026 000 < 590 088% 56 52% 0'027 1763 0627 0019 1540 0027 0026 000 < 600 088% 57 40% 0027 1791 0646 0019 1567 0027 0026 000 < 610 088% 58 28% 0027 1818 0665 0019 1594 0027 0026 000 < 620 088% 5916% 0027 1846 0684 0019 1622 0027 0026 000 < 630 088% 6004% 0027 1873 0704 0019 1649 0027 0026 000 < 640 088% 60 92% 0027 1901 0723 0020 1676 0027 0026 000 < 650 072% 6164% 0022 1923 0739 0016 1698 0022 0021 000 < 660 072% 62 36% 0022 ] 946 0756 0016 1720 0022 0021 000 < 670 072% 63 08% 0022 1968 0772 0016 1743 0022 0021 000 < 680 072% 63 80% 0022 1991 0788 0016 1765 0022 0021 000 < 690 072% 64 52% 0022 2013 0805 0016 1787 0022 0021 000 < 700 072% 6524% 0022 2035 0821 0017 1 810 0022 0021 000 < 710 072% 65 96% 0022 2058 0838 0017 1832 0022 0021 000 < 720 072% 66 68% 0022 2080 0855 0017 1854 0022 0021 000 < Developed 2-year, SCS Type 1 A, 24 hour Storm PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 3 2008 PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS RamfaIl Inere RamfaIl Aeeum Aeeum Inere Aeeum Inere Total Instant TIme dlstr RamfaIl Inere Ramfall Runoff Runoff Runo ff Runoff Runoff flowrate (mm) dlstr (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (cfs) .----- -------- 730 072% 67 40% 0022 2103 0871 0017 1876 0022 0021 000 < 740 072% 6812% 0022 2125 0888 0017 1899 0022 0022 000 < 750 072% 68 84% 0022 2148 0905 0017 1921 0022 0022 000 < 760 072% 69 56% 0022 2170 0922 0017 1943 0022 0022 000 < 770 057% 70 13% 0018 2188 0936 0013 1961 0018 0017 000 < 780 057% 70 70% 0018 2206 0949 0014 1979 0018 0017 000 < 790 057% 7127% 0018 2224 0963 0014 1996 0018 0017 000 < 800 057% 7184% 0018 2241 0976 0014 2014 0018 0017 000 < 810 057% 7241% 0018 2259 0990 0014 2031 0018 0017 000 < 820 057% 72 98% 0018 2277 1004 0014 2049 0018 0017 000 < 830 057% 73 55% 0018 2295 1017 0014 2067 0018 0017 000 < 840 057% 74 12% 0018 2313 1031 0014 2084 0018 0017 000 < 850 057% 74 69% 0018 2330 1045 0014 2102 0018 0017 000 < 860 057% 7526% 0018 2348 1059 0014 2120 0018 0017 000 < 870 057% 75 83% 0018 2366 1073 0014 2137 0018 0017 000 < 880 057% 7640% 0018 2384 1087 0014 2155 0018 0017 000 < 890 050% 76 90% 0016 2399 1099 0012 2171 0016 0015 000 < 900 050% 77 40% 0016 2415 1 111 0012 2186 0016 0015 000 < 910 050% 77 90% 0016 2430 1123 0012 2202 0016 0015 000 < 920 050% 78 40% 0016 2446 1136 0012 2217 0016 0015 000 < 930 050% 78 90% 0016 2462 1148 0012 2233 0016 0015 000 < 940 050% 79 40% 0016 2477 1160 0012 2248 0016 0015 000 < 950 050% 79 90% 0016 2493 I 173 0012 2264 0016 0015 000 < 960 050% 8040% 0016 2508 1 185 0012 2279 0016 0015 000 < 970 050% 80 90% 0016 2524 1 198 0012 2295 0016 0015 000 < 980 050% 8140% 0016 2540 1210 0012 2310 0016 0015 000 < 990 050% 8190% 0016 2555 1223 0013 2326 0016 0015 000 < 1000 050% 82 40% 0016 2571 1235 0013 2341 0016 0015 000 < 1010 040% 82 80% 0012 2583 1245 0010 2354 0012 0012 000 < 1020 040% 83 20% 0012 2596 1255 0010 2366 0012 0012 000 < 1030 040% 83 60% 0012 2608 1265 0010 2378 0012 0012 000 < 1040 040% 84 00% 0012 2621 1275 0010 2391 0012 ' 0012 000 < 1050 040% 84 40% 0012 2633 1286 0010 2403 0012 0012 000 < 1060 040% 84 80% 0012 2646 1296 0010 2416 0012 0012 000 < 1070 040% 85 20% 0012 2658 1306 0010 2428 0012 0012 000 < 1080 040% 85 60% 0012 2671 1316 0010 2441 0012 0012 000 < 1090 040% 86 00% 0012 2683 1326 0010 2453 0012 0012 000 < 1100 040% 8640% 0012 2696 1336 0010 2465 0012 0012 000 < 1110 040% 86 80% 0012 2708 1346 0010 2478 00]2 0012 000 < 1120 040% 87 20% 0012 2721 1357 0010 2490 0012 0012 000 < 1130 040% 87 60% 0012 2733 1367 0010 2503 0012 0012 000 < 1140 040% 88 00% 0012 2746 1377 0010 25]5 0012 0012 000 < 1150 040% 88 40% 0012 2758 1387 0010 2527 0012 0012 000 < 1160 040% 88 80% 0012 2771 1398 0010 2540 0012 0012 000 < 1170 040% 89 20% 0012 2783 1408 0010 2552 00]2 0012 000 < Developed 2-year, SCS Type 1A, 24 hour Slorm PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS I Ramfall Inere Rarnfall Aeeum Accum !nere Aeeum lucre Total Instant , TIme dlstr Ramfall ]nere Ramfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (mm) dlstr (m) (m) (m) (In) (rn) ~ (m) (efs) 1180 040% 89 60% 0012 2796 1418 0010 2565 0012 0012 000 < 1190 040% 90 00% 0_012 2808 1428 0010 2577 0012 0012 000 < 1200 040% 90 40% 0012 2820 1439 0010 2590 0012 0012 000 < 1210 040% 90 80% 0012 2833 1449 0010 2602 0012 0012 000 < 1220 040% 9120% 0012 2845 1459 0010 2614 0012 0012 000 < 1230 040% 9160% 0012 2858 1470 0010 2627 0012 0012 000 < 1240 040% 92 00% 0012 2870 1480 0010 2639 0012 0012 000 < 1250 040% 92 40% 0012 2883 1490 0010 2652 0012 0012 000 < 1260 040% 92 80% 0012 2895 1501 0010 2664 0012 0012 000 < 1270 040% 93 20% 0012 2908 ] 511 0010 2677 0012 0012 000 < 1280 040% 93 60% 0012 2920 1522 0010 2689 0012 0012 000 < 1290 040% 94 00% 0012 2933 1532 0010 2701 0012 0012 000 < 1300 040% 94 40% 0012 2945 1542 0010 2714 0012 0012 000 < 1310 040% 94 80% 0012 2958 1553 0010 2726 0012 0012 000 < 1320 040% 95 20% 0012 2970 1563 0010 2739 0012 0012 000 < 1330 040% 95 60% 0012 2983 1574 0010 2751 0012 0012 000 < 1340 040% 96 00% 0012 2995 1584 0010 2763 0012 0012 000 < 1350 040% 96 40% 0012 3008 1595 0010 2776 0012 0012 000 < 1360 040% 96 80% 0012 3020 1605 0010 2788 0012 0012 000 < 1370 040% 97 20% 0012 3033 1616 0011 2801 0012 0012 000 < 1380 040% 97 60% 0012 3045 1626 0011 2813 0012 0012 000 < 1390 040% 98 00% 0012 3058 1637 0011 2826 0012 0012 000 < 1400 040% 98 40% 0012 3070 1647 0011 2838 0012 0012 000 < 1410 040% 98 80% 0012 3083 1658 0011 2850 0012 0012 000 < 1420 040% 99 20% 0012 3095 1668 0011 2863 0012 0012 000 < 1430 040% 99 60% 0012 3108 1679 0011 2875 0012 0012 000 < 1440 040% 1000% 0012 3120 1690 0011 2888 0012 0012 000 < I PRE.SUBMIITAL REC'O MAY 2 3 2008 , , Prolect Descnptlon Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For Input Data Mannlngs Coefficient Channel Slope Diameter Dlscharqe Results Depth Flow Area Wetted Penmeter ' Top Width Cntlcal Depth Percent Full Cntlcal Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number MaXimum Discharge Full Flow Capacity Full Flow Slope Flow IS supercntlcal 04/21/06 01 21 06 PM Parcel 3 - 2 Year Storm Event Worksheet for Circular Channel I \proJects\haestad\llowmaster Illes\3741 2-y 1m2 3" Pipe - Parcel 3 Circular Channel Manning's Formula Channel Depth 0013 0010000ltllt 3 00 In o 03 cfs 010 It 002 It' 034 It 025 It 010 It 4016 0009179 ft/It 163 Itls 004 It 014 It 105 010 cfs o 09 cIs o 001153ft/1t PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 3 2008 Haestad Methods Inc 37 BrookSide Road Waterbury CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 FlowMaster v5 13 Page 1 of 1 Developed 25-year, SCS Type 1A, 24 hour Storm PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 3 2008 LUNDBLAD PARTITION (66th St - Parcel 3) DEVELOPED CONDITION total area = 1340 003 (acres) FIleNo 3741 D25A QPW pervIOUS area = 190 000 (acres) 04/21/06 ImpervIOus area = 1150 003 (acres) pervIOus CN = 85 S= 17647 o 2S ~ o 3529 lmpervlous CN = 98 S= 02041 o 2S = o 0408 total depth ram HyrdologlC Pt= 528 (mches) SCS SoIl Type Group dt= 10 (mm) Chapman Urban Land (25) B 24-Hour SCS Type 1A DeSIgn Storm - 25 Year PERVIOUS ]MPERV]OUS Ramfall !nere Ramfall Accum Accum !ncre Accum !ncre Total Instant Tune dlstr Ramfall Incre Ramfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (mm) dlstr ~m) (m) _ (m) (m) -jIrI ) (m) (m) _Jcfs) ---- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o < 10 040% 040% 0021 0021 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 < 20 040% 080% 0021 0042 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 < 30 040% 120% 0021 0063 0000 0000 0002 0002 0002 000 < 40 040% 160% 0021 0084 0000 0000 0008 0005 0005 000 < 50 040% 200% 0021 0106 0000 0000 0016 0008 0007 000 < 60 040% 240% 0021 0]27 0000 0000 0025 0010 0008 000 < 70 040% 280% 0021 0148 0000 0000 0037 0011 0010 000 < 80 040% 320% 0021 0169 0000 0000 0049 0013 0011 000 < 90 040% 360% 0021 0190 0000 0000 0063 0014 0012 000 < 100 040% 400% 0021 0211 0000 0000 0078 0014 0012 000 < 110 050% 450% 0026 0238 0000 0000 0097 0019 0016 000 < 120 050% 500% 0026 0264 0000 0000 0117 0020 0017 000 < 130 050% 550% 0026 0290 0000 0000 0137 0021 0018 000 < 140 050% 600% 0026 0317 0000 0000 0159 0021 0018 000 < 150 050% 650% 0026 0343 0000 0000 0181 0022 0019 000 < 160 050% 700% 0026 0370 0000 0000 0203 0022 I 0019 000 < 170 060% 760% 0032 0401 0001 0001 0230 0027 0024 000 < 180 060% 820% 0032 0433 0003 0002 0258 0028 0024 000 < 190 060% 880% 0032 0465 0007 0003 0286 0028 0025 000 < 200 060% 940% 0032 0496 0011 0004 0315 0028 0025 000 < 210 060% 10 00% 0032 0528 0016 0005 0343 0029 0025 000 < 220 060% 1060% 0032 0560 0022 0006 0372 0029 0026 000 < 230 070% 1130% 0037 0597 0030 0008 0407 0034 0030 001 < 240 070% 1200% 0037 0634 0039 0009 0441 0034 I 0031 001 < 250 070% 1270% 0037 0671 0048 0010 0476 0035 0031 001 < 260 070% 13 40% 0037 0708 0059 0011 0510 0035 0031 001 < 270 070% 1410% 0037 0744 0071 0012 0545 0035 I 0032 001 < , PRE-SUBMIlTAL REC'O Developed 25-year, SCS Type 1A, 24 hour Storm MAY 2 3 2008 PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Ramfall Inere Ramfall Aeeum Aeeum Inere Aeeum Inere Total Instant TIme dlstr Ramfall Inere Ramfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (mm) dlstr (m) ir~ _(rJ1)_ _ (m) ._Jm) (m) (m) (efs) 280 070% \480% 0037 078\ 0084 0013 0581 0035 0032 001 < 290 082% \562% 0043 0825 0100 00\6 0622 004\ 0038 00\ < 300 082% \644% 0043 0868 0116 00\7 0664 0042 0038 00\ < 310 082% \726% 0043 0911 0134 00\8 0705 0042 0038 00\ < 320 082% \808% 0043 0955 0\53 00\9 0747 0042 0039 00\ < 330 082% 1890% 0043 0998 0173 0020 0789 0042 0039 001 < 340 082% 1972% 0043 \ 041 0193 0020 083\ 0042 0039 001 < 350 095% 20 67% 0050 \ 091 0218 0025 0880 0049 0045 00\ < 360 095% 21 62% 0050 1 142 0244 0026 0929 0049 0046 001 < 370 095% 22 57% 0050 1192 0270 0027 0978 0049 0046 001 < 380 095% 23 52% 0050 1242 0298 0028 1027 0049 0046 001 < 390 095% 2447% 0050 1292 0326 0028 1076 0049 0046 001 < 400 095% 2542% 0050 1342 0355 0029 1125 0049 0046 001 < 410 134% 2676% 0071 1413 0398 0042 1 194 0070 0066 001 < 420 134% 28 10% 0071 1484 0442 0044 1264 0070 0066 001 < 430 134% 2944% 0071 1554 0487 0045 1334 0070 0066 001 < 440 \80% 3124% 0095 1649 0549 0062 1428 0094 0089 002 < 450 180% 33 04% 0095 1745 0614 0064 1521 0094 0090 002 < 460 340% 3644% 0180 1924 0740 0126 1699 0178 0170 003 < 470 540% 4184% 0285 2209 0952 0212 1982 0283 0273 o 05 MAX 480 270% 4454% 0143 2352 1062 0110 2123 0142 0\37 003 < 490 180% 4634% 0095 2447 1136 0075 2218 0094 0092 002 < 500 134% 4768% 0071 2518 1192 0056 2288 0070 0068 001 < 510 134% 49 02% 0071 2588 1249 0057 2358 0070 0068 001 < 520 134% 50 36% 0071 2659 1306 0057 2429 0070 0069 001 < 530 088% 5124% 0046 2705 1344 0038 2475 0046 0045 001 < 540 088% 5212% 0046 2752 1382 0038 2521 0046 0045 001 < 550 088% 53 00% 0046 2798 1420 0038 2568 0046 0045 001 < 560 088% 53 88% 0046 2845 1459 0038 2614 0046 0045 001 < 570 088% 5476% 0046 2891 1497 0039 2660 0046 0045 001 < 580 088% 5564% 0046 2938 1536 0039 2706 0046 0045 001 < 590 088% 56 52% 0046 2984 1575 0039 2753 0046 I 0045 001 < 600 088% 57 40% 0046 3031 1614 0039 2799 0046 0045 001 < 610 088% 58 28% 0046 3077 \ 653 0039 2845 0046 0045 001 < 620 088% 5916% 0046 3124 1693 0039 2891 0046 0045 001 < 630 088% 60 04% 0046 3170 1732 0040 2938 0046 0045 001 < 640 088% 60 92% 0046 3217 1772 0040 2984 0046 0045 001 < 650 072% 6164% 0038 3255 1804 0033 3022 0038 0037 001 < 660 072% 62 36% 0038 3293 1837 0033 3060 0038 0037 001 < 670 072% 63 08% 0038 3331 1870 0033 3098 0038 0037 001 < 680 072% 63 80% 0038 3369 1902 0033 3136 0038 0037 001 < 690 072% 64 52% 0038 3407 1935 0033 3173 0038 0037 001 < 700 072% 65 24% 0038 3445 1968 0033 3211 0038 , 0037 001 < 710 072% 65 96% 0038 3483 2001 0033 3249 0038 0037 001 < 720 072% 66 68% 0038 3521 2034 0033 3287 0038 0037 001 < Developed 25-year, SCS Type 1A, 24 hour Storm PRE.SUBMITIAL REC'D MAY 2. 3 2008 PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Ramfall Incre Ralllfall Aeeum Aeeum Inere Accum Incre Total Instant T,me dlstr Ramfall Inere Ramfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (mm) d<str ~ (mL (m) (nIL ~n) (m) (m) (efs) ---- 730 072% 67 40% 0038 3559 2068 0033 3325 0038 0037 001 < 740 072% 6812% 0038 3597 210] 0033 3363 0038 0037 001 < 750 072% 68 84% 0038 3635 2134 0033 3401 0038 0037 001 < 760 072% 69 56% 0038 3673 2168 0033 3439 0038 0037 001 < 770 057% 70 13% 0030 3703 2194 0026 3469 0030 0030 001 < 780 057% 70 70% 0030 3733 2221 0027 3499 0030 0030 001 < 790 057% 7127% 0030 3763 2247 0027 3529 0030 0030 001 < 800 057% 7184% 0030 3793 2274 0027 3559 0030 0030 001 < 810 057% 72 41% 0030 3823 2300 0027 3589 0030 0030 001 < 820 057% 72 98% 0030 3853 2327 0027 3619 0030 0030 001 < 830 057% 73 55% 0030 3883 2354 0027 3649 0030 0030 001 < 840 057% 7412% 0030 3914 2381 0027 3679 0030 0030 001 < 850 057% 74 69% 0030 3944 2407 0027 3709 0030 0030 001 < 860 057% 75 26% 0030 3974 2434 0027 3739 0030 0030 001 < 870 057% 7583% 0030 4004 2461 0027 3769 0030 0030 001 < 880 057% 76 40% 0030 4034 2488 0027 3799 0030 0030 001 < 890 050% 76 90% 0026 4060 2512 0024 3825 0026 0026 000 < 900 050% 77 40% 0026 4087 2535 0024 3852 0026 0026 000 < 910 050% 77 90% 0026 4113 2559 0024 3878 0026 0026 000 < 920 050% 78 40% 0026 4140 2583 0024 3904 0026 0026 000 < 930 050% 78 90% 0026 4166 2607 0024 3931 0026 0026 000 < 940 050% 79 40% 0026 4192 2630 0024 3957 0026 0026 000 < 950 050% 79 90% 0026 4219 2654 0024 3983 0026 0026 000 < 960 050% 80 40% 0026 4245 2678 0024 4010 0026 0026 000 < 970 050% 80 90% 0026 4272 2702 0024 4036 0026 0026 000 < 980 050% 8140% 0026 4298 2726 0024 ' 4062 0026 0026 000 < 990 050% 8190% 0026 4324 2750 0024 4089 0026 ' 0026 000 < 1000 050% 8240% 0026 4351 2773 0024 4115 0026 0026 000 < 1010 040% 82 80% 0021 4372 2793 0019 4136 0021 0021 000 < 1020 040% 83 20% 0021 4393 2812 0019 4157 0021 0021 000 < 1030 040% 83 60% 0021 4414 2831 0019 4178 0021 0021 000 < 1040 040% 84 00% 0021 4435 2850 0019 4199 0021 0021 000 < 1050 040% 84 40% 0021 4456 2869 0019 4220 0021 0021 000 < 1060 040% 84 80% 0021 4477 2889 0019 4242 0021 0021 000 < 1070 040% 85 20% 0021 4499 2908 0019 4263 0021 0021 000 < 1080 040% 85 60% 0021 4520 2927 0019 4284 0021 0021 000 < 1090 040% 86 00% 0021 4541 2946 0019 4305 0021 0021 000 < 1100 040% 8640% 0021 4562 2966 0019 4326 0021 0021 000 < 1110 040% 86 80% 0021 4583 2985 0019 4347 0021 0021 000 < 1120 040% 8720% 0021 4604 3004 0019 4368 0021 0021 000 < 1130 040% 87 60% 0021 4625 3023 0019 4389 0021 0021 000 < 1140 040% 88 00% 0021 4646 3043 0019 4410 0021 0021 000 < 1150 040% 88 40% 0021 4668 3062 0019 4431 0021 0021 000 < 1160 040% 88 80% 0021 4689 3081 0019 4452 0021 0021 000 < 1170 040% 89 20% 0021 4710 3101 0019 4473 0021 0021 000 < Developed 25-year, SCS Type 1A, 24 hour Storm PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Ramfall Inere Ramfall Aeeum Aeeum Incre Aeeum Inere Total Instant T,me d,str Ramfall Inere Ramfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff fIowrate (mm) d,str (m) (lnlu (m) (m) (m) (m) _(In) n (efs) U80 040% 89 60% 0021 4731 3120 0019 4494 0021 0021 000 < 1190 040% 90 00% 0021 4752 3140 0019 4516 0021 0021 000 < 1200 040% 90 40% 0021 4773 3 159 0019 4537 0021 0021 000 < 1210 040% 90 80% 0021 4794 3178 0019 4558 0021 0021 000 < 1220 040% 9120% 0021 4815 3198 0019 4579 0021 0021 000 < 1230 040% 9160% 0021 4836 3217 0019 4600 0021 0021 000 < 1240 040% 92 00% 0021 4858 3237 0019 4621 0021 0021 000 < 1250 040% 92 40% 0021 4879 3256 0019 4642 0021 0021 000 < 1260 040% 92 80% 0021 4900 3276 0019 4663 0021 0021 000 < 1270 040% 93 20% 0021 4921 3295 0019 4684 0021 0021 000 < 1280 040% 93 60% 0021 4942 3315 0019 4705 0021 0021 000 < 1290 040% 94 00% 0021 4963 3334 0019 4726 0021 0021 000 < 1300 040% 94 40% 0021 4984 3354 0020 4748 0021 0021 000 < 1310 040% 94 80% 0021 5005 3373 0020 4769 0021 0021 000 < 1320 040% 95 20% 0021 5027 3393 0020 4790 0021 0021 000 < 1330 040% 95 60% 0021 5048 3412 0020 481] 0021 0021 000 < 1340 040% 96 00% 0021 5069 3432 0020 4832 0021 0021 000 < 1350 040% 96 40% 0021 5090 3451 0020 4853 0021 0021 000 < 1360 040% 96 80% 0021 5 III 3471 0020 4874 0021 0021 000 < 1370 040% 97 20% 0021 5132 3490 0020 4895 0021 0021 000 < 1380 040% 97 60% 0021 5153 3510 0020 4916 0021 0021 000 < 1390 040% 98 00% 0021 5174 3530 0020 4937 0021 0021 000 < 1400 040% 9840% 0021 5196 3549 0020 4958 0021 0021 000 < 1410 040% 98 80% 0021 5217 3569 0020 4979 0021 0021 000 < 1420 040% 99 20% 0021 5238 3588 0020 5001 0021 0021 000 < 1430 040% 99 60% 0021 5259 3608 0020 5022 0021 0021 000 < 1440 040% 100 0% 0021 5280 3628 0020 5043 0021 0021 000 < I PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O , MAY 2 3 2008 Prolect Descnptlon Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For Input Data Mannmgs Coefficient Channel Slope Diameter Dlscharqe Results Depth Flow Area Wetted Penmeter Top Vllidth Cntlcal Depth Percent Full Cntlcal Slope VelOCity VelOCity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Maximum Discharge Full Flow Capacity Full Flow Slope Flow IS subcnlical 04/21/06 01 38 54 PM , Parcel 3 - 25 Year Storm Event Worksheet for Circular Channel flproJects\haestad\llowmaster Illes\3741 2-y 1m2 3" Pipe - Parcel 3 <25-yr> Circular Channel Manmng's Formula Channel Depth 0013 o 010000 Wit 300 In o 05 cfs 013 It 003 ft2 041 It 025 It 013 It 5385 o 010087 Wit 1 86 ftls 005 It 019 It 099 010 cIs o 09 cfs o 003202 Wit PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 3 2008 Haestad Methods, Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 FlowMaster v5 13 Page 1 at 1 Developed 2-year, SCS Type 1A, 24 hour Storm LUNDBLAD PARTITION (66th St - Parcell & Parcel 3) r DEVELOPED CONDIT]ON totdl area = 2965 007 (acres) FIleNo 3741 D2b QPW PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O pervIOus area = 450 001 (acres) 04/21/06 ImpervlOus area = 2515 006 (acres) MAY 2 3 2008 pervIOus CN = 85 S= 17647 02S= o 3529 ImpervIOus CN = 98 S= 02041 o 2S = o 0408 total depth ram HyrdologIe Pt= 3 12 (mehes) SCS SOlI Type GrauD dt= 10 (mm) Chapman Urban Land (25) B 24-Hour SCS Type 1A DesIgn Storm - 2 Year PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Ramfall Inere Ramfall Aeeum Aeeum !nere Aeeum !nere Total Instant TIme dIStr Ramfall Inere Ramfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff f10wrate (mm). dIStr (m) (m) ~) _(I~_(m) (m) (.Ill) (cfs) , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0< 10 040% 040% 0012 0012 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 < 20 040% 080% 0012 0025 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 < 30 040% 120% 0012 0037 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 < 40 040% 160% 0012 0050 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 < 50 040% 200% 0012 0062 0000 0000 0002 0002 0001 000 < 60 040% 240% 0012 0075 0000 0000 0005 0003 0002 000 < 70 040% 280% 0012 0087 0000 0000 0009 0004 0003 000 < 80 040% 320% 0012 0100 0000 0000 0013 0005 0004 000 < 90 040% 360% 0012 0112 0000 0000 0019 0005 0005 000 < 100 040% 400% 0012 0125 0000 0000 0024 0006 0005 000 < 110 050% 450% 0016 0140 0000 0000 0033. 0008 ' 0007 000 < 120 050% 500% 0016 0156 0000 0000 0042 0009 0008 000 < 130 050% 550% 0016 0172 0000 0000 0051 0010 0008 000 < 140 050% 600% 0016 0187 0000 0000 0061 0010 0009 000 < 150 050% 650% 0016 0203 0000 0000 0072 0011 0009 000 < 160 050% 700% 0016 0218 0000 0000 0083 0011 I 0009 000 < 170 060% 760% 0019 0237 0000 0000 0096 0014 0012 000 < 180 060% 820% 0019 0256 0000 0000 0110 0014 0012 000 < 190 060% 880% 0019 0275 0000 0000 0125 0014 0012 001 < 200 060% 940% 0019 0293 0000 0000 0140 0015 0013 001 < 210 060% 10 00% 0019 0312 0000 0000 0155 0015 0013 00] < 220 060% 10 60% 0019 0331 0000 0000 0170 0015 0013 001 < 230 070% 1130% 0022 0353 0000 0000 0188 0018 0015 001 < 240 070% 1200% 0022 0374 0000 0000 0207 0019 0016 001 < 250 070% 1270% 0022 0396 0001 0001 0226 0019 0016 001 < 260 070% 13 40% 0022 0418 0002 0001 0245 0019 0016 001 < 270 070% 1410% 0022 0440 0004 0002 0264 0019 0017 001 < PRE-SUBMITTAL RECO MAY 2 3 2008 Developed 2-year, SCS Type 1A, 24 hour Storm PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS I Ramfall Incre Ramfall Accum Accum ' Incre Accum ]ncre Total Instant Tlme dlstr Ramfall Incre Ramfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (mm) dlstr (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (cfs) ~---- -_.-._.-- -- ---------- 280 070% 1480% 0022 0462 0006 0002 0283 0019 0017 001 < 290 082% 1562% 0026 0487 0010 0003 0306 0023 0020 001 < 300 082% 1644% 0026 0513 0013 0004 0330 0023 0020 001 < 310 082% 17 26% 0026 0539 0018 0004 0353 0023 0020 001 < '320 082% 1808% 0026 0564 0023 0005 0376 0023 0021 001 < 330 082% 1890% 0026 0590 0028 0005 0400 0024 0021 001 < 340 082% 1972% 0026 0615 0034 0006 0424 0024 0021 001 < 350 095% 20 67% 0030 0645 0041 0007 0452 0028 0025 001 < 360 095% 2162% 0030 0675 0050 0008 0479 0028 0025 001 < 370 095% 22 57% 0030 0704 0058 0009 0507 0028 0025 001 < 380 095% 23 52% 0030 0734 0068 0009 0535 0028 0025 001 < 390 095% 2447% 0030 0763 0077 0010 0564 0028 0025 001 < 400 095% 2542% 0030 0793 0088 0010 0592 0028 0026 001 < 410 134% 26 76% 0042 0835 0103 0016 0632 0040 0036 001 < 420 134% 2810% 0042 0877 0120 0016 0672 0040 0037 002 < 430 134% 2944% 0042 0919 0137 0017 0712 0040 0037 002 < 440 180% 3124% 0056 0975 0162 0025 0766 0054 0050 002 < 450 180% 33 04% 0056 1031 o 188 0026 0821 0054 0050 002 < 460 340% 3644% 0106 1137 0241 0053 0924 0103 0096 004 < 470 540% 4184% 0168 1305 0334 0093 1089 0165 0154 o 06 MAX 480 270% 44 54% 0084 1390 0384 0050 1172 0083 0078 003 < 490 180% 46 34% 0056 1446 0418 0034 1227 0055 0052 002 < 500 134% 4768% 0042 1488 0444 0026 1268 0041 0039 002 < 510 134% 49 02% 0042 1529 0471 0027 1309 0041 0039 002 < 520 134% 50 36% 0042 1571 0498 0027 1350 0041 0039 002 < 530 088% 5124% 0027 1599 0515 0018 1377 0027 0026 001 < 540 088% 5212% 0027 1626 0534 0018 1405 0027 0026 001 < 550 088% 53 00% 0027 1654 0552 0018 1432 0027 I 0026 001 < 560 088% 53 88% 0027 1 681 0570 0018 "1459 0027 i 0026 001 < 570 088% 54 76% 0027 1709 0589 0019 1486 0027 0026 001 < 580 088% 55 64% 0027 1736 0608 0019 1513 0027 0026 001 < 590 088% 5652% 0027 1763 0627 0019 1540 0027 0026 001 < 600 088% 57 40% 0027 1791 0646 0019 1567 0027 0026 001 < 610 088% 58 28% 0027 1/818 0665 0019 1594 0027 0026 001 < 620 088% 5916% 0027 1846 0684 0019 1622 0027 0026 001 < 630 088% 60 04% 0027 1873 0704 0019 1649 0027 0026 001 < 640 088% 60 92% 0027 1901 0723 0020 1676 0027 0026 001 < 650 072% 6164% 0022 1923 0739 0016 1698 0022 0021 001 < 660 072% 62 36% 0022 1946 0756 0016 1720 0022 0021 001 < 670 072% 6308% 0022 1968 0772 0016 1743 0022 0021 001 < 680 072% 63 80% 0022 1991 0788 0016 1765 0022 0021 001 < 690 072% 6452% 0022 2013 0805 0016 1787 0022 0021 001 < 700 072% 6524% 0022 2035 0821 0017 1810 0022 0021 001 < 710 072% 65 96% 0022 2058 0838 0017 1832 0022 0021 001 < 720 072% 66 68% 0022 2080 0855 0017 1854 0022 0021 001 < Developed 2-year, SCS Type 1A, 24 hour Storm PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO ~ MAY 2 3 2008 PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Ramfall Incre Ramfall Accum Accum Incre Accum Incre Total Instant Tmle dlstr Ramfall ]ncre Ramfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (mm) dlstr (m) (m) (m) (1I1) _ (m) (m)_ (m) (cf0 730 072% 67 40% 0022 2103 0871 0017 1876 0022 0021 001 < 740 072% 6812% 0022 2125 0888 0017 1899 0022 0021 001 < 750 072% 68 84% 0022 2148 0905 0017 1921 0022 0021 001 < 760 072% 69 56% 0022 2170 0922 0017 1943 0022 0021 001 < 770 057% 70 13% 0018 2188 0936 0013 1961 0018 0017 001 < 780 057% 70 70% 0018 2206 0949 0014 1979 0018 0017 001 < 790 057% 7127% 0018 2224 0963 0014 1996 0018 0017 001 < 800 057% 7184% 0018 2241 0976 0014 2014 0018 0017 001 < 810 057% 7241% 0018 2259 0990 0014 2031 0018 0017 001 < 820 057% 72 98% 0018 2277 1004 0014 2049 0018 0017 o 01 <~ 830 057% 73 55% 0018 2295 1017 0014 2067 0018 0017 001 < 840 057% 7412% 0018 2313 1031 0014 2084 0018 0017 001 < 850 057% 74 69% 0018 2330 1045 0014 2102 0018 0017 001 < 860 057% 75 26% 0018 2348 1059 0014 2120 0018 0017 001 < 870 057% 7583% 0018 2366 1073 0014 2137 0018 0017 001 < 880 057% 7640% 0018 2384 1087 0014 2155 0018 0017 001 < 890 050% 7690% 0016 2399 1099 0012 2171 0016 0015 001 < 900 050% 77 40% 0016 2415 I III 0012 2186 0016 0015 001 < 910 050% 77 90% 0016 2430 1123 0012 2202 0016 00]5 001 < 920 050% 78 40% 0016 2446 1136 0012 2217 0016 0015 001 < 930 050% 78 90% 0016 2462 1148 0012 2233 0016 0015 001 < 940 050% 79 40% 0016 2477 1160 0012 2248 0016 0015 001 < 950 050% 79 90% 0016 2493 1173 0012 2264 0016 0015 001 < 960 050% 80 40% 0016 2508 1 185 0012 2279 0016 0015 001 < 970 050% 80 90% 0016 2524 1198 0012 2295 0016 0015 001 < 980 050% 8140% 0016 2540 1210 0012 2310 0016 0015 001 < 990 050% 81 90% 0016 2555 1223 0013 2326 0016 0015 001 < 1000 050% 82 40% 0016 2571 1235 0013 2341 0016 0015 001 < 1010 040% 82 80% 0012 2583 1245 0010 2354 0012 : 0012 000 < 1020 040% 83 20% 0012 2596 1255 0010 2366 0012 : 0012 000 < 1030 040% 83 60% 0012 2608 1265 0010 2378 0012 I 0012 000 < 1040 040% 84 00% 0012 2621 1275 0010 2391 0012 0012 000 < 1050 040% 84 40% 0012 2633 1286 0010 2403 0012 0012 000 < 1060 040% 84 80% 0012 2646 1296 0010 2416 0012 0012 000 < 1070 040% 8520% 0012 2658 1306 0010 2428 0012 0012 000 < 1080 040% 85 60% 0012 2671 1316 0010 2441 0012 0012 000 < 1090 040% 86 00% 0012 2683 1326 0010 2453 0012 0012 000 < 1100 040% 8640% 0012 2696 1336 0010 2465 0012 0012 000 < 1110 040% 86 80% 0012 2708 1346 0010 2478 0012 0012 000 < 1120 040% 87 20% 0012 2721 1357 0010 2490 0012 0012 000 < 1130 040% 87 60% 0012 2733 1367 0010 2503 0012 0012 000 < 1140 040% 88 00% 0012 2746 1377 0010 2515 0012 0012 000 < 1150 040% 88 40% 0012 2758 1387 0010 2527 0012 0012 000 < 1160 040% 88 80% 0012 2771 1398 0010 2540 0012 0012 000 < 1170 040% 89 20% 0012 2783 1408 0010 2552 0012 0012 000 < Developed 2-year, SCS Type 1 A, 24 hour Storm PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS I RamfalI lucre RamfalI Accum Accum Incre Accum Incre Total Instani TIme dlstr Ramfall Incre Ramfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (mm) dlstr (m) (m) ~~.u (m) (m) (m) (m) (cfs) Il80 040% 89 60% 0012 2796 1418 0010 2565 0012 0012 000 < II 90 040% 90 00% 0012 2808 1428 0010 2577 0012 0012 000 < 1200 040% 90 40% 0012 2820 1439 0010 2590 0012 0012 000 < 1210 040% 90 80% 0012 2833 1449 0010 2602 0012 0012 000 < 1220 040% 9120% 0012 2845 1459 0010 2614 0012 0012 000 < 1230 040% 9160% 0012 2858 1470 0010 2627 0012 0012 000 < 1240 040% 92 00% 0012 2870 1480 0010 2639 0012 0012 000 < 1250 040% 92 40% 0012 2883 1490 0010 2652 0012 0012 000 < 1260 040% 92 80% 0012 2895 1501 0010 2664 0012 0012 000 < 1270 040% 93 20% 0012 2908 1511 0010 2677 0012 0012 000 < 1280 040% 93 60% 0012 2920 1522 0010 2689 0012 0012 000 < 1290 040% 94 00% 0012 2933 1532 0010 2701 0012 0012 000 < 1300 040% 94 40% 0012 2945 1542 0010 2714 0012 0012 000 < 1310 040% 94 80% 0012 2958 1553 0010 2726 0012 0012 000 < 1320 040% 95 20% 0012 2970 1563 0010 2739 0012 0012 000 < 1330 040% 95 60% 0012 2983 '1574 0010 2751 0012 0012 000 < 1340 040% 96 00% 0012 2995 1584 0010 2763 0012 0012 000 < 1350 040% 96 40% 0012 3008 1595 0010 2776 0012 0012 000 < 1360 040% 96 80% 0012 3020 1605 0010 2788 0012 0012 000 < 1370 040% 97 20% 0012 3033 1616 o OIl 2801 0012 0012 000 < 1380 040% 97 60% 0012 3045 1626 o OIl 2813 0012 0012 000 < 1390 040% 98 00% 0012 3058 1637 o OIl 2826 0012 0012 000 < 1400 040% 98 40% 0012 3070 1647 o OIl 2838 0012 0012 001 < 1410 040% 98 80% 0012 3083 1658 o OIl 2850 0012 0012 001 < 1420 040% 99 20% 0012 3095 1668 0011 2863 0012 0012 001 < 1430 040% 99 60% 0012 3108 1679 o OIl 2875 0012 0012 001 < 1440 040% 100 0% 0012 3120 1690 0011 2888 0012 0012 001 < I PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 2 3 2008 Developed 25-year, SCS Type 1 A, 24 hour Storm PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O LUNDBLAD PARTITION (66th St - Parcell & Parcel 3) MAY 2 3 2008 DEVELOPED CONDITION .- total area = 2965 007 (acres) FIleNo 3741 D25b QPW pervIOus area = 450__ 001 (acres) 04/21/06 rmpervlOus area = 2515 006 (acres) pervIOus CN = 85 S= 17647 o 2S = 03529 rmpervlOus CN = 98 S= 02041 o 2S = o 0408 total depth ram HyrdologIc Pt= 528 (mches) SCS SOli Type Group dt= 10 (mm) Chapman Urban Land (25) B 24-Hour SCS Type lA Design Storm - 25 Year PERVIOUS IMPERV]OUS Ramfall Incre Ramfall Accum Accum Incre Accurn Incre Total Instant Time dlstr Ramfall lncre Ramfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (mm) dlstr (m) (m) (m) (Ill) (m) (10) (m) (efs) ------- ---- -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o < 10 040% 040% 0021 0021 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 < 20 040% 080% 0021 0042 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 < 30 040% 120% 0021 0063 0000 0000 0002 0002 0002 000 < 40 040% 160% 0021 0084 0000 0000 0008 0005 0005 000 < 50 040% 200% 0021 0106 0000 0000 - 0016 0008 0007 000 < 60 040% 240% 0021 0127 0000 0000 0025 0010 0008 000 < 70 040% 280% 0021 0148 0000 0000 0037 0011 0010 000 < 80 040% 320% 0021 0169 0000 0000 0049 0013 0011 000 < 90 040% 360% 0021 0190 0000 0000 0063 0014 0012 000 < 100 040% 400% 0021 0211 0000 0000 0078 0014 0012 001 < 110 050% 450% 0026 0238 0000 0000 0097 0019 0016 001 < 120 050% 500% 0026 ) 0264 0000 0000 0117 0020 0017 001 < 130 050% 550% 0026 0290 0000 0000 0137 0021 0018 001 < 140 050% 600% 0026 0317 0000 o OQO 0159 0021 0018 001 < 150 050% 650% 0026 0343 0000 0000 0181 0022 0019 001 < 160 050% 700% 0026 0370 0000 0000 0203 0022 0019 001 < 170 060% 760% 0032 0401 0001 0001 0230 0027 0023 001 < 180 060% 820% 0032 0433 0003 0002 0258 0028 0024 001 < 190 060% 880% 0032 0465 0007 0003 0286 0028 0024 001 < 200 060% 940% 0032 0496 0011 0004 0315 0028 0025 001 < 210 060% 1000% 0032 0528 0016 0005 0343 0029 0025 001 < 220 060% 10 60% 0032 0560 0022 0006 0372 0029 0026 001 < 230 070% 1130% 0037 0597 0030 0008 0407 0034 0030 001 < 240 070% 1200% 0037 0634 0039 0009 0441 0034 0031 001 < 250 070% 1270% 0037 0671 0048 0010 0476 0035 0031 001 < 260 070% 1340% 0037 0708 0059 0011 0510 0035 0031 001 < 270 070% 1410% 0037 0744 0071 0012 0545 0035 0031 001 < PRE-SUBMIlTAL RECIO Developed 25-year, SCS Type 1 A, 24 hour Storm MAY 2 3 2008 PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Ramfall !nere Ramfall Aeeum Aeeum Inere Aeeum !nere Total Instant TIme distr Ramfall Inere Ramfall Runotf Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff fIowrate _(il1~__ . dlstr (m) (m) Jlr1L_ (m) . (m) (m~ (m~ ( cfs)_ 280 070% 1480% 0037 0781 0084 0013 0581 0035 0032 001 < 290 082% 1562% 0043 0825 0100 0016 0622 0041 0037 002 < 300 082% 1644% 0043 0868 0116 0017 0664 0042 0038 002 < 310 082% 1726% 0043 0911 0134 0018 0705 0042 0038 002 < 320 082% 1808% 0043 0955 0153 0019 0747 0042 0038 002 < 330 082% 1890% 0043 0998 0173 0020 0789 0042 0039 002 < 340 082% 1972% 0043 1041 0193 0020 0831 0042 0039 002 < 350 095% 20 67% 0050 1091 0218 0025 0880 0049 0045 002 < 360 095% 2162% 0050 1142 0244 0026 0929 0049 0045 002 < 370 095% 22 57% 0050 1192 0270 0027 0978 0049 0046 002 < 380 095% 23 52% 0050 1242 0298 0028 1027 0049 0046 002 < 390 095% 2447% 0050 1292 0326 0028 1076 0049 0046 002 < 400 095% 25 42% 0050 1342 0355 0029 1125 0049 0046 002 < 410 134% 2676% 0071 1413 0398 0042 1194 0070 0065 003 < 420 134% 2810% 0071 1484 0442 0044 1264 0070 0066 003 < 430 134% 2944% 0071 1554 0487 0045 1334 0070 0066 003 < 440 180% 3124% 0095 1649 0549 0062 1428 0094 0089 004 < 450 180% 3304% 0095 1745 0614 0064 1521 0094 0089 004 < 460 340% 3644% 0180 1924 0740 0126 1699 0178 0170 007 < 470 540% 4184% 0285 2209 0952 0212 1982 0283 0272 o II MAX 480 270% 4454% 0143 2352 1062 0110 2123 0142 0137 006 < 490 180% 46 34% 0095 2447 1136 0075 2218 0094 0091 004 < 500 134% 4768% 0071 2518 1192 0056 2288 0070 0068 003 < 510 134% 49 02% 0071 2588 1249 0057 2358 0070 0068 003 < 520 134% 50 36% 0071 2659 1306 0057 2429 0070 0068 003 < 530 088% 5124% 0046 2705 1344 0038 2475 0046 0045 002 < 540 088% 5212% 0046 2752 1382 0038 2521 0046 0045 002 < 550 088% 53 00% 0046 2798 1420 0038 2568 0046 0045 002 < 560 088% 53 88% 0046 2845 1459 0038 2614 0046 0045 002 < 570 088% 54 76% 0046 2891 1497 0039 2660 0046 0045 002 < 580 088% 55 64% 0046 2938 1536 0039 2706 0046 0045 002 < 590 088% 56 52% 0046 2984 1575 0039 2753 0046 0045 002 < 600 088% 57 40% 0046 3031 1614 0039 2799 0046 0045 002 < 610 088% 58 28% 0046 3077 1653 0039 2845 0046 0045 002 < 620 088% 59 16% 0046 3124 1693 0039 2891 0046 0045 002 < 630 088% 6004% 0046 3170 1732 0040 2938 0046 0045 002 < 640 088% 60 92% 0046 3217 1772 0040 2984 0046 0045 002 < 650 072% 6164% 0038 3255 1804 0033 3022 0038 0037 002 < 660 072% 62 36% 0038 3293 1837 0033 3060 0038 0037 002 < 670 072% 63 08% 0038 3331 1870 0033 3098 0038 0037 002 < 680 072% 63 80% 0038 3369 1902 0033 3136 0038 0037 002 < 690 072% 64 52% 0038 3407 1935 0033 3 173 0038 0037 002 < 700 072% 6524% 0038 3445 1968 0033 3211 0038 0037 002 < 710 072% 65 96% 0038 3483 2001 0033 3249 0038 0037 002 < 720 072% 66 68%' 0038 3521 2034 0033 3287 0038 0037 002 < Developed 25-year, SCS Type 1A, 24 hour Storm PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS I Rarnfall Incre Ralllfall Accum Accum Incre Accum Incre Total Instant Time dlstr Ralllfall Incre Ralllfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (mm) dlstr (m) (m) (m) (Ill) (Ill) (m) (m) (cfs) ------.-----,----- 730 072% 6740% 0038 3559 2068 0033 3325 0038 0037 002 < 740 072% 6812% 0038 3597 2101 0033 3363 0038 0037 002 < 750 072% 68 84% 0038 3635 2134 0033 3401 0038 0037 002 < 760 072% 69 56% 0038 3673 2168 0033 3439 0038 0037 002 < 770 057% 7013% 0030 3703 2194 0026 3469 0030 0029 001 < 780 057% 70 70% 0030 3733 2221 0027 3499 0030 0029 001 < 790 057% 71 27% 0030 3763 2247 0027 3529 0030 0029 001 < 800 057% 7184% 0030 3793 2274 0027 3559 0030 0029 001 < 810 057% 7241% 0030 3823 2300 0027 3589 0030 0030 001 < 820 057% 72 98% 0030 3853 2327 0027 3619 0030 0030 001 < 830 057% 7355% 0030 3883 2354 0027 3649 0030 0030 001 < 840 057% 74 12% 0030 3914 2381 0027 3679 0030 0030 001 < 850 057% 74 69% 0030 3944 2407 0027 3709 0030 0030 001 < 860 057% 75 26% 0030 3974 2434 0027 3739 0030 0030 001 < 870 057% 75 83% 0030 4004 2461 0027 3769 0030 0030 001 < 880 057% 7640% 0030 4034 2488 0027 3799 0030 0030 001 < 890 050% 7690% 0026 4060 2512 0024 3825 0026 0026 001 < 900 050% 77 40% 0026 4087 2535 0024 3852 0026 0026 001 < 910 050% 77 90% 0026 4113 2559 0024 3878 0026 0026 001 < f 920 050% 78 40% 0026 4140 2583 0024 3904 0026 0026 001 < 930 050% 78 90% 0026 4166 2607 0024 3931 0026 0026 001 < 940 050% 79 40% 0026 4192 2630 0024 3957 0026 0026 001 < 950 050% 79 90% 0026 4219 2654 0024 3983 0026 0026 001 < 960 050% 80 40% 0026 4245 2678 0024 4010 0026 0026 001 < 970 050% 80 90% 0026 4272 2702 0024 4036 0026 0026 001 < 980 050% 8140% 0026 4298 2726 0024 4062 0026 0026 001 < 990 050% 8190% 0026 4324 2750 0024 4089 0026 0026 001 < 1000 050% 8240% 0026 4351 2773 0024 4115 0026 0026 001 < 1010 040% 82 80% 0021 4372 2793 0019 4136 0021 0021 001 < 1020 040% 83 20% 0021 4393 2812 0019 4157 0021 0021 001 < 1030 040% 83 60% 0021 4414 2831 0019 4178 0021 0021 001 < 1040 040% 84 00% 0021 4435 2850 0019 4199 0021 0021 001 < 1050 040% 84 40% 0021 4456 2869 0019 4220 0021 0021 001 < 1060 040% 84 80% 0021 4477 2889 0019 4242 0021 0021 001 < 1070 040% 85 20% 0021 4499 2908 0019 4263 002] 0021 001 < 1080 040% 85 60% 0021 4520 2927 0019 4284 0021 0021 001 < 1090 040% 86 00% 0021 4541 2946 0019 4305 0021 0021 001 < 1100 040% 8640% 0021 4562 2966 0019 4326 0021 0021 001 < 1110 040% 86 80% 0021 4583 2985 0019 4347 0021 0021 001 < 1120 040% 87 20% 0021 4604 3004 0019 4368 0021 0021 001 < 1130 040% 87 60% 0021 4625 3023 0019 4389 0021 0021 001 < 1140 040% 88 00% 0021 4646 3043 0019 4410 0021 0021 00] < 1150 040% 88 40% 0021 4668 3062 0019 4431 0021 0021 001 < 1160 040% 88 80% 0021 4689 3081 0019 4452 0021 0021 001 < 1170 040% 89 20% 0021 4710 3101 0019 4473 0021 0021 001 < Developed 25-year, SCS Type 1A, 24 hour StorID PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS 1 RamfaIl Inere Ramfall Aeeum Aeeum Inere Aeeum Inere Total Instant , TIme dlstr Ramfall Inere Ramfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff f10wrate . (mm) dlstr (10) (10) (m) (m) (10) (m) (10) (efs) ----- -- -_._~._--- ------ 1180 040% 89 60% 0021 4731 3120 0019 4494 0021 0021 001 < 1190 040% 90 00% 0021 4752 3140 0019 4516 0021 0021 001 < 1200 040% 90 40% 0021 4773 3 159 0019 4537 0021 0021 001 < 1210 040% 9080% 0021 4794 3178 0019 4558 0021 0021 001 < 1220 040% 9120% 0021 4815 3198 00]9 4579 0021 0021 001 < 1230 040% 9160% 0021 4836 3217 0019 4600 0021 0021 001 < 1240 040% 92 00% 0021 4858 3237 0019 4621 0021 0021 00] < 1250 040% 92 40% 0021 4879 3256 0019 4642 0021 0021 001 < 1260 040% 9280% 0021 4900 3276 0019 4663 0021 0021 001 < 1270 040% 93 20% 0021 4921 3295 0019 4684 0021 0021 001 < 1280 040% 93 60% 0021 4942 3315 0019 4705 0021 0021 001 < 1290 040% 94 00% 0021 4963 3334 0019 4726 0021 0021 001 < 1300 040% 94 40% 0021 4984 3354 0020 4748 0021 0021 001 < 1310 040% 94 80% 0021 5005 3373 0020 4769 0021 0021 001 < 1320 040% 95 20% 0021 5027 3393 0020 4790 0021 0021 001 < 1330 040% 95 60% 0021 5048 3412 0020 4811 0021 0021 001 < 1340 040% 96 00% 0021 5069 3432 0020 4832 0021 0021 001 < 1350 040% 96 40% 0021 5090 3451 0020 4853 0021 0021 001 < 1360 040% 96 80% 0021 5 III 3471 0020 4874 0021 0021 001 < 1370 040% 97 20% 0021 5132 3490 0020 4895 0021 0021 001 < 1380 040% 97 60% 0021 5 153 3510 0020 4916 0021 0021 001 < 1390 040% 98 00% 0021 5174 3530 0020 4937 0021 0021 001 < 1400 040% 98 40% 0021 5196 3549 0020 4958 0021 0021 001 < 1410 040% 98 80% 0021 5217 3569 0020 4979 0021 0021 001 < 1420 040% 99 20% 0021 5238 3588 0020 5001 0021 0021 001 < 1430 040% 99 60% 0021 5259 3608 0020 5022 0021 0021 001 < 1440 040% 1000% 0021 5280 3628 0020 5043 0021 0021 001 < PRE-SUBMIlTAL REC'O MAY 2 3 2008 , <;. RECORDING REQUESTED BY FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY OF OREGON GRANTOR S NAME Bryce N McLean and Shellla Lynn Evans GRANTEE'S NAME Roy W Lundblad SEND TAX STATEMENTS To Roy W Lundblad ~ 758 gS<I, 8',00l 1'i'N v~M Pfi,i'k Spnngheld SR 9747& SP~/(Jv.-fllhi!) Of'., ~ 7'(77 Division of Chief Depuly Clerk Lane County Deeds and Records l~~~.m1~6 AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO Roy W Lundblad I 7SQ-6^^' ~:""" ~ C15 DcmlJ~ ..$prlng.r.^ld. Q~ e:'17i 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $31 00 0072637720050063756002002808/1612005 01 02 06 PM RPR-DEED Cnl=1 Sln=4 CRSHIER 02 $10 00 $11 00 $10 00 ~t"'ALI: AtlUVl: 11'11::> L1Nt. rUM Htl,.;UJ1iJtH::> u::>c: STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Bryce N Mclean and Shellia Lynn Evans fka Shellllta l Mclean Grantor, conveys and warrants to J Roy W Lundblad Grantee the followmg described real property, free and clear of encumbrances except as specIfically ~~rJ-set forth below, situated In the County of Lane, State of Oregon, I SEE EXHIBIT ONE ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREDF I , I I I Subject to and excepting Covenants CondItIOns, RestrictIons and Easements of Record 2005 2006 Taxes, a lien not yet due or payable THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE DF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30 930 * THE TRUE AND ACTUAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS CONVEYANCE IS $263 000 od ISee ORS 93 0301 *BEING PAID BY A QUALIFIED Inu:.lUu:.....IARy PURSUAlIT ']'0 A 1031 EXCHANGE AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO FIDELITY NATIONAL TinE INSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON 800 WILLAMETTE ST ,#500 EUGENE, OR 97401 -y=; ~ --- /" B~;;U~bv1 ~A - DATED August 8 2005 ---...-z.- Shellia Lynn Evans - -~.- OFF'ClAlSEAl STATE OF OREGO NOTARYP~:l1J:OREGON COUNTY OF ~ 'Bu__GOMMJSSION~(,) ~Q"~t ~ '- - "~-~r"'-:"''',jv'ul"r;J\1"'1 ESlUlY_262{109 ThIS rnstrument was acknowledged before me url 7J~J5 C~-t:ND SH~YNN EVANS NOTARY PU IC FOROREGi:/lv'J -- MY COMMlssro PIRES ./ PRE.SUBMITTAL REC '0 MAY 2 3 2008 FORD 313 (Rev 2/96) STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED 'Db IDl5575 1/7- .J..I < ~ Escrow No 02 108575 B8 46 Tltl. Order No 00108575 EXHIBIT ONE Beglnmng at a Pomt 2128 3 feet North and 174 1 feet North 870 47' West from the Southwest corner of the Welham Y Miller Donation land Claim No 48, In TownshIp 17 South, Range 2 West of the WlIlamette Meridian and run thence North 870 47' West 186 9 feet thence North 150 0 feet thence South 870 47 East 186 9 feet thence South 150 0 feet to the Pomt of Beglnnmg In Lane County Oregon EXCEPTING Beglnnmg at a POint bemg South 0013' 36" West 1826 41 feet and North 870 30 00. West 1~6 54 feet from the Northwest corner of the William Y Miller DonatIon Land Claim No 48 Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wlllamette Mendlan thence along the arc of a 275 foot radIus curve nght (the chord of whIch curve bears North 53" 26 12~ West 45 72 feetl a dIstance of 4577 feet, thence South 87" 30' 00" East 36 88 feet thence South 0" 17 00" West 25 63 feet to the POInt of BeginnIng In Lane County Oregon PRE.SUBMIT AL REC'O MAY 2 :: 2008 Ro,=! Lundblad 541 74i 0802 p.2 SCHEDULE A 75'0 (6TH 51 @ Order No 02-108575-46 Policy No : I Amount of Insurance PremIum Amount 27-031-92-389357 $ 263,000 00 $ 863 00 Date of Policy August 16, 2005 at 01 02 pm Name of Insured Roy W Lundblad 2 The estate or mterest In the land descnbed herein and whIch 's covered by this policy IS A Fee 3 TItle to the estate or mterest m the land IS vested on Roy W Lundblad 4 The land referred to In this policy IS situated m the County of Lane, State of Oregon. and IS descnbed as follows SEE EXHIBIT "ONE" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO MAY 21 3 2008 I , THIS POLICY VALID ONLY IF SCHEDULE B IS ATTACHED Page 1 Ro~ Lundblad 541 741 0802 p.3 Owner's Standard Order No 02-108575-46 L Pohcy No 27-031-92-389357 EXHIBIT "ONE" I 6) Beginning at a POInt 2128 3 feet North and 174 1 feet North 870 47' West from the Southwest corner of the William Y Miller Donation Land Claim No 48, In Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Merrdlan, and run thence North 87047' West 186 9 feet, thence North 1500 feet, thence I South 870 47' East 1869 feet, thence South 1500 feet to the POInt of Beginning, In Lane County, Oregon ' EXCEPTING Beglnnrng at a POint being South 0013' 36" West 1826 41 feet and North 870 30' 00" West 176 54 feet from the Northwest corner of the Wilham Y Miller Donation Land Claim No 48, Township 17 SOllth, Range 2 West of the Wlllamette Mendlan, thence along the arc of a 275 foot radllls cllrve nght (the chord of which curve bears North 530 26' 12" West 4572 feet) a distance of 4577 feet, thence South 870 30' 00" East 3688 feet, thence South 0017' 00" West 25 63 feet to the POint of Beginning, In Lane COllnty, Oregon PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 3 2008 Page 2 RO::l Lundblad 541 741 0802 p.4 Owner's Standard Order No 02-108575.46 Policy No 27-031-92.389357 SCHEDULE B This policy does not Insure against loss or damage (and the Company Will not pay costs, attorneys' fees or expenses) which arise by reason of the follOWing c0 GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1 Taxes or assessments which are not shown as eXisting liens by t 1e records of any taxing authority that leVies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records, proceedings by a public agency which may result In taxes or assessments, or notIces of such proceedings whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records 2 Any facts, nghts, Interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an InspectIOn of said land or by making inqUIry of persons In possession 3 Easements, or claims of easements or encumbrances, not shown by the public records, reservations or exceptIons In patents or In acts authOriZIng the Issuance thereof, water rights, claims or title to water 4 Discrepancies, conflicts In boundary lines, shortage In area, encroachments or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose 5 Any statutory liens for labor or matenal, including liens for contributions due to the State of Oregon for unemployment compensation and for worker's compensation, whIch have now gaIned or may garn pnorlty over the lien of the Insured deed of trust, which hens do not now appear of record SPECIFIC ITEMS AND EXCEPTIONS 6 I ! Property taxes, which are a lien not yet due and payable, including any assessments collected With taxes to be leVied for the fiscal year 2005-2006 I , I Rights of the public and governmental agencies In and to any portion of said land lYing I Within the boundaries of streets, roads and highways ' 7 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O MAY 2 3 2008 Page 3 Ro~ Lundblad 54i 741 0802 p.5 Owner's Standard Order No 02-108575-46 Policy No 27-031-92-389357 8 Matters contained In that certain document entitled "Agreement", dated February 25, 1974, by and between Ola B Cogburn, et ai, recorded Ap,,1 17, 1974, Recorder's No 74-15430, which document, among other things, contains or provides for "Access" I Reference IS made to said document for full particulars ~ 9 i A deed of trust to secure an Indebtedness In the amount shown below, and any other obligations secured thereby Amount Dated Grantor Trustee Beneficiary Loan No Recorded $201,60000 August 11, 2005 Roy W Lundblad Fidelity National Title Company AmerIcan Brokers CondUit 0000940921 August 16, 2005, Recorder's No 2005-063757 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 3 2008 Page 4 225 Fifth Street Sprmgfie]d, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone ~.PAINQFlm.o ~ '+ ~A - Jli:1i ('.tv of Sprmgfield Official Receipt elopment Servlccs Department Pubhc Works Department RECEIPT #: 3200800000000000352 Date: OS/23/2008 3 14 42PM Job/Journal Number PRE2008-00032 Payments Type of Payment Check Paid By ROY W LUNBLAD Item Total Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 33600 $336 00 DescriptIOn CTY PartItIOn Tentative Plan Amount Paid tJ 4312 In Person Payment Total $33600 $336 00 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 3 200& cRecemtl Page 1 of 1 5/23/2008