HomeMy WebLinkAboutCode Enforcement Correspondence 1999-3-4 03/04/QQ ,~ THU 14 09 FAX 214 522 8537 URBAN ARCHITECT Q.C\\)O ~001 Go1ew~ ~ ~II' 't: Fax d-V-\- S &-d-~L(\ i To Bob Barnhart: City of Springfield 225 5th St Sprlllgfleld, Oregon 97477 Date 03 04 99 III DANIEL Phone No Fax No 541 726 3759 541 726 3689 700\ PresIon Road SUlte 210 LB 12 Danas Texas 75205 T~ 714 522 8494 fax 214 522 8537 From - Young Chung - Re. Springfield MOVies 17 Sprlllgfleld, Oregon Comm No 97033 10 SubJect Auditorium eXits Pages 3 , Comments Mr Barnhart, Please review the attached code section sheets Our Illterpretatloll of the code IS that the "dowll and out" does not require fire rated eXits The total travel distance IS less then the allowed 200' as allowed by the code sections 1 003 4 alld 1003 4 1 If our travel distance were more than the 200' we would need to have a rated 1-hour I COrridor as stated In section 100342 However, you are correct that the eXit aut of AuditOrium 01 behind AuditOrium 02 does need to be fire rated Also, alollg With the eXit aut of AuditOrium 16 This oversight Will be corrected I , I I have Instructed the cOlltractor to proceed With those two eXits In making the ceiling, walls, and access pallels and door to be rated I hope you Will find that the eXits In the other auditOriums do not require any kind of rating I If there are any questions or comments, please give me a call cc Dellnls Caughey Rick Walker Gabe GodWin Jim Patterson File G \worddocs\97\97033\C1ty\fax doc 03/04/Qq THt' 1Q 09 fAX 214 522 8537 URBAN ARCHITECT ~002 1994 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 10031-10034 ~l 3 Ex.cept as provided In Table to-A, only one e.lul need be provided from the second floor or a basement wlthm an mdlvldual dwelhng umt Of a Group R DIVISion '3 congregale fLSldence 4 When lhe ttllId floor wJthm an LDdlvldual dwelhng urut or a Group R, DIvISion '3 congregate reSIdence does not exceed 500 ~uare fed (46 45 m2l only (loe eJl.lt need be prOVided from that floor 5 Floors and bdsements used exclUMvely for ::.erv\CC of the bUilding may have om: exit For the purpo~es of thiS t:x.~eptlon slorage rooms laundry room'!, m.untenance offices and ~Imllar uses shall not be conMdered as provldmg service to the bUlldmg 6 Storage rooms laundry rooms and malfitenance offices not exceeding 300 square feet (27 87 m2) In floor area mdY be prOVided With onty one eXIL 7 Elevator lobbIes may have one e,ll,lt proVided the use of such eXit does not requuc key", tooh speCial knowledge or effort For speCial reqwrements see the follOWing .!IcctlOfiS Group A, Section 1016. Group E, Section 10 17, Group H, Secllan 1018, Group I, Secllon 1019, Rooms Contammg Fuel-fired EquIpment and Cellulose Nitrate Handlmg Rooms, Secllon 1020, Revlewmg Stands, Grandstands aad Bleachers, SectIOn 1021, LaboTdtones, Socuons 304 2 2 and 305 24, and Open Parkmg Garages, SectIOn 311 9 Every story or portlon thereofhavrng an occupant load of 501 (0 l,OQo. shall nut have less than three eXIts Every story or portIOn thereofhavmg an occupant load of 1,001 or more shall not have less than four Clots The number of eXits reqUired from any story of a bUlldmg shall be determmed by usmg the occu- I pant load of that story The maximum number of eXIts requued for any story shall be malntamed unttl egress IS proVided from the structure (See Secllan 1010) 10032 Width The total WIdth of exlls m mches (mm) shall not be less thaa the total occupant load served by an eXIt mulllphed by 0 3 (762) for stllll'Ways and 0 2 (5 08) for other exIts nor less than speCified ebewhere 10 thIS code Such WidthS of eXits shall be diVided approximately equally among the .,eparate eXits The maximum eXit WIdth reqUired from any story of a bUIldmg shall be ffidrntamed 1003 3 Arrangement of Ex.1s If only two exUs are required, they shall be placed a dIstance apart equal to not less than one half auhe length afthe maxlffiumoverall diagonal dImenSIOn of the bUlld- mg or area to be served measured m a straight lIne between eXits EXCEPTION The separation between eXit doors In the eXII enclosu~s which are InterconneCled by il one.hour fire-reslsllve comdor conformmg 10 the requirements of Section 1005 rnay be mea'1;urcd along a di- rect Ime of lmvel wlthUlthe eXit comdor Enclosw-c wlltb "hall nol bl..less lhan 30 feet (9L44 mm) apart at any poml an a dnect hne of measurement Where three or more eXIts are n:qulred. at least two eXits shall be placed a dl<;tance apan equal to not les!!. than one half of the length of the maKlmum overall dIagonal dimenSIOn of the' bUlldmg or area to bc served mea.,ured m a straight hoe between the eXits, and the additional ex.lts shall be ar- ranged a reasonable dlStance apart so that If one becomes blocked the other!!. win be available ---- ~ 10034 Travel Distance The maJlImum !lavel dIStance shall not exceed 150 feet (45 720 mm), unless otherwise allowed by thl'i section The maXimum travel distance may be mcrea~ed m accor- dance With the folluwrng 1 In a bUlldmg eqUlpped with an automatlc spnnkter "ystem (hroughout the maXJmum travel wstance may be 200 feet (60 960 mm) Z The-irtaxunUITl tr8v~1 d1,stl1]'It:e 01 UU reet (45 72Umm) ana tne maxLffium ttav('] distance 0<< 200 feet (60 960 mm) allowed by Item I may be mcreased up to an addItional! 00 feet (30 480 mm) when thIS lItcrease In travel dIstance occurs m the ]6.!1t portion of the travel distance and IS entuely wlthm a one-hour tire-reslsuve comdor compJYlng WIth Secuon 1005 1-175< 03/04/QQ THlI 19 10 FAX 214 522 8537 URBAN ARCHITECT ~003 1994 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 10031-10034 3 Except as provided In Table to-A only onc eXit need be: provided from the second floor or 11 bd~emem within an indIVidual dwclhng umt or a Group R DIVISIOn 3 congregate re'lldcnce 4 When the thud flour wlthm an mwvldual dwelling untt or a Group R, DIVISion 3 congregate residence doe~ not exceed 500 square feel (46 45 m2) only one eXit need be provIded from that floor 5 Floors and bu~t:ments used exclu:S1vely for servll;c of the bUilding may have one clul For IhL purpose" of thl" exceptIOn storage fooms laundry rooms mdJntenance offices and SimIlar use~ shall nol be consldt.red as proViding sel'\llce to the bUlldmg 6 Storage rooms Idundry rooms and nuuntenance offices not exceedrng 300 square feet (27 87 m2) m floor are.! mdY be provided With only onc eXit 7 Elevator lobbLes may have one exiI proVided Ihe u'\e of 'iuch eXit does not reqUire keys, tools, specIal knowledge or effort For specLal requrremenL"l see the followmg ~eLlIuns Group A, SectIOn 1016, Group E, Secnon 10 17, Group H, SectIOn 1018, Group I, SectIOn 1019, Rooms Contammg Fuel-firedEqulpment and Cellulose Nitrate Handling Rooms, Sectlon L020, RevJewmg Stands, Grand..tands and Bleachers, SectIon 1021, Laboratones, SectIons 30422 and 30524, and Open ParkIng Gardges, SectIon 311 9 Every "tory or portion thereof havmg an occupant load of 501 to 1,000 shall not have less than three euts Every story or portIOn thereofhavmg an occupant load of 1,001 or more shall not have less than four eXits The number of eX11S reqUIred from any story of a bulldmg shall be determmed by usmg Ibe accu- I pant load ot Ibat story The maxunum number of eJuts reqUired for any slory shall be mamtamed untIl egress 15 proVided from Ibe structure (See SectIOn 1010) 1003 2 WIdth The lotal wldlbof eXIIS 10 IOches (mm) shall not be less Iban Ibe lotal occupant load served by an eXIt multIpl1ed by 0 3 (7 62) for staU'Ways and 0 2 (5 08) for other eX11S nor less than speclfi~d elsewhere m thiS code Such Widths of eXits shall be diVIded approximately equally among the separate exits The maXLmum exit Width requlred from any story of a butldmg shall be mamtamed 10033 Arrangement of EXits If only two eXits are reqUIred, they shalt be placed a distance: dpart equal to not less than one half of the length of me rnaJumum overall dIagonal dImenSIOn of the bulld- mg or area to be served measured In a straight lme between eXIts EXCEPTION The SepMlltlOn bc=:twc:en eXit doors In the eXit enclosures wluch are mterconnected by a one-hour fire.rc~lstlve corndor confonmng to the reqUirements of Sectlnn 1005 may be measured along a dl- reet Ime of travel wlthm the eXit corndor Em.lo::.ure wall... mall not be less Ih.m 30 reel (9144 mm) apart.nl MY pOint Ul a dU'ect hne of mea8uremenL Where three or mon:: eXits are reqUired, at least two eXits shall be placed a dIstance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the maXImum overall diagonal dlmenslon of the bUlldmg or area to be served measured 10 a straIght Ime between the eXits, and the addJl10nal eXlt~ shall be ar- ranged a reasona~le dIStance apart so that If one becomes blocked the others Will be available 1003 4 Travel Distance The maXJrnum travel dIStance shall not exceed] SO feet (45 720 mm), unless otherwl~e allowed by thiS sectLon The maximum travel distance may be Increased 10 accor- dance With the follow1Og I In a bUlldmg eqUipped With dll automatic spnnkler system throughout, the maximum travel dIStance may be 200 feel (60 960 10m) 2 The maximum travel wstance of 150 feet (45720 10m) and Ibe maXImum travel dIStance of 200 feet (60 960 mm) allowed by Item 1 may be IOcreased up to an additional! 00 feet (30 480 mm) when tlus mcrease 10 lravel dl"itance occurs 10 the last portIon of the travel distance and IS entlrely wlthm a one-hour fire-reSistive comdor complYing WIth Section 1005 1-175