HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2008-6-25 Status Issued 225 F,fth Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn Lme CITY OF SPRINtJJ:<lJ<.LD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO' COM2007-01222 ISSUED' 06/25/2008 APPLIED: 08/17/2007 EXPIRES: 12/25/2008 VALUE: $ 136,47500 SITE ADDRESS 4854 A ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO MEYER PARK SUB LOT SPRINGFIETYPE OF WORK Smgle FamIly ReSIdence TYPE OF USE New ReSIdentIal PROJECT DESCRIPTION Smgle tanuly ,esldence Phone Number 541-741-1707 Owner SPFD EUGENE HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Address PO BOX 488 SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 Contractor Tvpe Conti actor # of Units Pnmary Occupancy Group Secondary Occupancy GI oup Pnma, y ConstructIOn Type Secondary ConstructIOn Type # of Bedrooms ] R-3 FrontYJrd Setback S,de I Setback S,de 2 Setback Rearyard Setback Solar Sethacks 400 300 1600 13 00 Street Improvements Storm Sewer AvallJble SpecIal InstructIOn I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I LIcense ExpiratIOn Date Phone VB BUILDING I'I\ffiQIWMAliI1l00.L "11"" "f I .lJon law reqUires you to 'u ow ru es adopted b ~h # ot StJlJle~flca!lon Center ThO~ r~' ~gfJ~IlJ.ltJhty HelghtiBf~Ml&tii2eO01.001O lRrB gh el~I~I1q1'fl1r Type o\l~ You may Obtlfilf~Jlies ?htf~~~iPPIlItJl Water T~ng the centeJf.:lfl'l0t!l' th t'(~I~.wnt Range ~er for the Or~tgilllty l'fu lr.. 9g,ge/Carport Energy PJth Center/8 1~.~ d ~,.. Spnnkled Bulldmg n/a O&'upJnt Load 662 663 3 I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I REQUIRED PARKING 2 Overlay DlSt # Street Trees Rqd Pav~~ 'pnve Rqd % ol'l1U.TI:GEtrage THIS P~R_~IT SHAll EXPIRE IF THE WORK IPUBLIC~illp~n IMI;)t't:HMIII:lNOT ABANDONED FOR ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. S,dewalk Type Total HandIcapped Compact Downspouts/Drams Notes All storm and SJnltJry sewer connectIons are to pnvate systems Due to the unusual deSIgn of the pnvate sanitary system, CIty MamtenJnce WIll not Jccept responslblhty for the non-standard connectIOn DeSCrIptIOn Tvpe 01 ConstrnctIon I ValuatIOn Descriotion I $ Per Sq Fl or multlpher Square Footage or BId Amount Value Date Calculated Paee I of 4 Status Issued 225 F,fth Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn Lme Dwelhne_ V Wood Frame Fee DescriptIOn Plan RevIew ReSidential -Mech Iss 2+ Apphances- + 10% Admmlstratlve Fee + 12% State Snrcharge + 5% Technology Fee 2 Baths One or Two FamIly Addl essmg ASSignment Buddmg PermIt Dryer Vent Exhaust Hoods FIre SF Fee - Residential Mmlmum/AdJustment Mechanical Plan Review Major - Plannmg Sanitary Sewer - Improvement Samtary Sewer - Reimbursement SDC MWMC AdmmlstratIon SDC MWMC Improvement SDC MWMC Reimbursement SDC Sanitary/Storm Admm SDC TI anspo Improvement SDC Transpo Reimbursement SDC TransportatIOn Admm Storm Dr.unage ImpervIOus Area Temp Power 200 amps or less Vent Fan WIIlamalane Smgle Family Total Amount Paid Initial Review 08/20/2007 Planum!! Review 08/20/2007 Structural Review 08/20/2007 Amount Paid $490 95 $40 00 $120 66 $13684 %727 $280 00 $3500 $75530 $700 $1000 $66 25 $1900 $205 00 $346 87 $456 17 $1000 $99039 $95 35 $9481 $862 25 $195 48 $77 53 $49031 $55 00 $1400 $2,303 00 $8,224 43 $10300 Total Value of Project J1'pp~, P'llrlJ Date Paid 8/17/07 6/25/08 6/25/08 6/25/08 6/25/08 6/25/08 6/25/08 6/25/08 6/25/08 6/25/08 6/25/08 6/25/08 6/25/08 6/25/08 6/25/08 6/25/08 6/25/08 6/25/08 6/25/08 6/25/08 6/25/08 6/25/08 6/25/08 6/25/08 6/25/08 6/25/08 I Plan ReViews I 08/20/2007 APP NJM 08/24/2007 WE 09/10/2007 10 Paee 2 of 4 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2007-01222 ISSUED' 06/25/2008 APPLIED: 08/1712007 EXPIRES, 12/25/2008 VALUE' $ 136,47500 1,32500 $136,47500 $136,47500 08/17/2007 Receipt Number 2200700000000001303 1200800000000000693 1200800000000000693 1200800000000000693 1200800000000000693 1200800000000000693 1200800000000000693 1200800000000000693 1200800000000000693 1200800000000000693 1200800000000000693 1200800000000000693 1200800000000000693 1200800000000000693 1200800000000000693 1200800000000000693 1200800000000000693 1200800000000000693 1200800000000000693 1200800000000000693 1200800000000000693 1200800000000000693 1200800000000000693 1200800000000000693 1200800000000000693 1200800000000000693 TAJ Waltmg until Plat IS recorded and recorded copies returned to Plannmg I told Roddy Toyota thIS on 8/23/07 LLH Forwarded to Shawn Eaton WIth the Bnlldmg Department for review under contract wltb the City of Springfield CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Building/Combination Permit Status Issued PERMIT NO ISSUED. APPLIED' EXPIRES VALUE COM2007-01222 06/25/2008 08/17/2007 12/25/2008 $ 136,475 00 225 Filth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspechon Lme Structural ReView 09/10/2007 09/13/2007 APP LLH Plans revIewed by Shawn Eaton WIth the Buddmg Department under contract wltb the CIty of Sprmgfield Pubhc Works ReVIew 08/20/2007 05/14/2008 APP TSS All storm and sanitary sewer connectIOns are to private systems Due to the unusual deSIgn of tbe pnvate s3mtary system, City Mamtenance will not dccept responSlblhty for the non-standard connectIOn Planmn2 ReView 06/12/2008 06/12/2008 APP T AJ Street tree to be located m the front yard of tbe lot ThiS meets cluster subdiVISIOn deSIgn standards, coverage and setbacks To Request an mspectlOn call the 24 hour recordIng at 726-3769. All InspectIons requested before 7 00 a m will be made the same workmg day, Inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the follOWIng work day I~p,?,~ Ufer Electrical Ground In;t,11l g' ound rod dt footmg and call for mspectlOn m conjunctIOn WIth footmg and/or foundatIOn InspectIOn Footmg After trenches a' e excavated FoundatIOn After forms .Ire CI clted but PlIO. to concrete placement Post and Beam Pnor to floOl insulatIOn or deckmg Floor InsulatIOn PllOf to decklOg Shedr Wall Nailing Befolc covenng sheathmg With timsh matenals Frammg InspectlOlI PIIOI to covel .1I1d after all rough III mspechons have been approved Wdll InsulatIOn PrIor to lover CeIling InsulatIOn Prior to cover Fmal BUlldmg After all reqUIred inspectIOns have been requested and approved and the bUlldmg IS complete Undertloor Plumbing PrlOI to insulatIOn or decking Rough Plumbing Prior to cover dnd Ineludlng reqUIred testing Water Lme Prior to filling trench and Ineludmg requlled testing Samtary Sewer Lme Prior to filhng trench and meludlng reqUIred testing Storm Scwer Line Prior to tilhng h ench Paee 3 of 4 8"'AINGI!'II!l;LQ -~ CITY OF Sn~ll'l,-,..IELD Building/Combination Permit Status Issued PERMIT NO. COM2007-01222 ISSUED: 06/25/2008 APPLIED' 08/17/2007 EXPIRES. 12/25/2008 VALUE' $ 136,47500 225 F,lth Street, Spnngfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn Lme Fmal Plumbmg When ,111 plumbmg work IS complete Rough Mechamcal Pnor to Cover Fmal Mechamcal When all mechalllcal work IS complete Temporary Electnc Apploval reqUIred pnor to UlIllty Company energlZmg pole Rough Electnc Pnor to Cover Electnc ServIce Approval requII ed pnOl to utIlity company energIZIng servIce Fmal Electnc When all electncal WOI k IS complete By sIgnature, I state and ,'g' ee, that I have carefully exammed the completed applicatIOn and do hereby certIfy that all mformatlOn hereon IS II ue and COI rccl, and I fUl ther CCI lIfy that any and all work performed shall bc done m accordance WIth the Ordmances 01 the CIty of S[l' mgfield and the Laws of the Statc of Oregon pertammg to the work descnbed herem, and that NO OCCUPANCY WIll be made 01 any sll ncture WIthout permISSIOn of the Commumty ServIces DIVISIOn, BUlldmg Safety I further certIfy that only contractors and emplovees who are m compliance WIth ORS 701 005 WIll be used on thIS project I further agree to ensure that all reqnll ed mspectlOns are requested at the proper lime, that each address IS readable from the street, that the permIt card" located at the front of the property, and the approved set 01 plans WIll remam on the SIte at all times dUring constructIOn ~-nLL~;/ . - ,;-v / Owner 01 ContractOl s SlgndtUl C b -ZS--O f!J Date Paee 4 of 4 GPRU4GFIELD dij L!A~ .Ia. . CIty of Sprmgfield OfficIal ReceIpt Development Servlccs Department Public Works Department 225 FIfth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number cOM2007-01222 cOM2007-01222 COM2007-01222 cOM2007-01222 cOM2007-01222 COM2007-0 I 222 cOM2007-01222 COM2007-0 I 222 COM2007-0 1222 COM2007-01222 COM2007-01222 COM2007-01222 COM2007-01222 cOM2007-01222 cOM2007-01222 cOM2007-01222 COM2007-01222 cOM2007-0 1222 COM2007-01222 COM2007 -0] 222 COM2007-0 I 222 COM2007-0]222 COM2007-01222 COM2007-01222 cOM2007-0 1222 Payments Type of Payment Check LRc<..cml1 RECEIPT # ]200800000000000693 Date. 06/25/2008 1013 02AM DescnptlOn Temp Power 200 amps or less Fife SF Fee - ResIdentIal Addressing ASSignment Wlllamalane Smgle FamIly BUlldmg Permit 2 Baths One or Two Family Vent Fan Exhaust Hoods Dryer Vent MlnllTIum/AdJustment Mechanical -Mech Iss 2+ Appliances- Stonn Dlamage ImperVIous Area Sallltary Sewer - Reimbursement Sanitary Sewer - Improvement SDc Transpo ReImbursement SDC Transpo Improvement SDC MWMC ReImbursement SDC MWMc Improvement SDc MWMc AdmmlstratlOn SDC Sanitary/Storm Admm SDC TransportatIOn Admm Plan ReView Major - Plannmg + 5% Technology Fee , 12% State Surcharge + 10% Administrative Fee Amount Due 5500 6625 3500 2,303 00 755 30 28000 1400 1000 700 1900 4000 49031 45617 346 87 ]9548 862 25 9535 99039 10 00 948] 7753 205 00 6727 13684 12066 $7,73348 PaId By SPFD CUG HABITAT Item Total Check Number AuthOrizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Paid 1569 In Person Payment Total $7,73348 $7,73348 dJb Page I of I 6/25/2008