HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 4/23/2008 ~ AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE ~~@~OW~J R APR 2 3 2008 , 1J&lUe AI. Duvwr. c. By V/J . STATE OF OREGON) ) ss County of Lane ) I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows 1 I state that I am a Program Technician for the Planning DIVIsion of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon 2 I state that In my capacity as, Program Technician, I prepared and caused to be mailed copies ofj)~c.2Dolh9oo'Z2. ~.,:{.I;U ~rw""AI"'></ /)u lP-7rI..a.t (if,. ~ (See attachment UAU) on '-{ /:1. 'I , 2008 addressed to (see Attachment BU), by causing said 'letters to be placed In a U S mall box with postage fully prepaid thereon ~ tlJ't.PA/t X <1-~ KA~~~ LaFLEUR \"j)' STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane iJhJu:l ;11 . 2008 Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur, pr;~m- ;eChnlClan, who acknowledged the foregOing Instrument to be their voluntary act Before me Cr -,-, -"::'::-":>'~A:Sio~ ~ "...,. ~ 1 '. SANDRA MARX I ), NOTARY PU8L1C OREGON ' " COMMISSION NO 385725 · t ~,_.~~~~~~I?~ ~~;s~Q.'I~g~08,::] ~'or\MIi ! /j /; Z 12 otfl , My Commission Expires Nohce of DecIsIOn -Drmkmg Water Protechon Overlay PrOject Name Maple Grade School Project Proposal Replace eXIShng pubhc grade school Case Number: DRC2008-00022 Project Locahon' 2109 J Street, Property SIze, 9 4 acres Base Zone Pubhc Land and Open Space (PLO) Overlay DIStnct(S) Drmkmg Water Protecbon Overlay (1-5 yr TOTZ) Apphcabon SubmItted Date March 20, 2008 DeCISIOn Issued Date Apnl 22, 2008 CIty Staff Steve HopkIns, Planrung Owner: Steve Barrett, Sprmgfield Pubhc Schools, 525 Mill Street, SprmgfIeld OR 97477 Representative Dave Guadagru, Robertson/Sherwood Arclutects, 132 E Broadway, SUIte 540, Eugene OR 97401 SIte I I ) I Maple DWP 1\ \1 \' I -.1' ~ ~. I ,_' .~ I I~. ' I~~ I I I I I I I I ;:'Ue€lS D Maple o Tax Lots TOlZ ' D1 wA, 02 y 05 ' 'D10 o 20 IIii ill >- J~ I ) I ) H I I {-l I I ~ I ~ :~I Case Na DROOOB-00022 Summary of proposal Demohsh eXIStIng elementary school and replace on eXIStIng SIte The property hes WIthm the fIve-, ten-, and 20-year bIDe-of-travel zones (TOTZs) to the Mala well and the 10-year bIDe-of- travel zone to the 16th & Q Street well In accordance WIth SDC 3 3-220 C(3), the property will be governed by the standards of the 1-5 year TOTZ Review Process' TIus apphcatIon IS revIewed under Type I procedures hsted m SDC 51-125, and the Dnnkmg Water ProtectIon Overlay regulatIons m SDC 3 3-200 SDC 3 3-235 (B) 1-5 YEAR TOTZ STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL 1) The storage, handlIng, treatment, use, apphcatIon, or productIon or otherwIse keepmg on premIses of more than 20 gallons of hazardous materials that pose a nsk to groundwater in aggregate quantIties not containmg DNAPLs shall be allowed only upon compliance with contamment and safety standards set by the most recent Fire Code adopted by the CIty. FindIng The Hazardous Matenals Management Plan (HMMP) subnutted WIth the apphcatIon addresses product and contamer labebng, proVISIOn of spill kIts, spill preventIon, and spill clean-up procedures Condlhon Products contammg DNAPLs are not pernutted to be used or stored on the prenuses 2) Unless exempted, all hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater shall be stored in areas WIth approved secondary contamment m place (Urufonn FIre Code ArtIcles 2 and 8003 1.3 3) FIndIngs SectIon 3 of the HMMP Idenl:1fIes two hazardous matenal storage areas the emergency generator fuel tank and customal rooms The hazardous matenal storage areas are not clearly Idenl:1fIed on the facility plan SectIon 3 of the HMMP mmcates that secondary contamment will be proVIded by "approved cabmet" The DWP apphcatIon narratIve states that fuel for the emergency generator will be stored m a double-walled tank SectIon 3, #4 of the HMMP does not mclude secondary contamment for the generator fuel CondIhons . LocatIons of all hazardous matenal storage areas should be clearly and conspIcuously Idenl:1fIed on the facility plan mcluded m the HMMP . SectIon 3 of the HMMP should mmcate how secondary contamment will be prOVIded to the emergency generator fuel tank Mople DWP Case No DRC200B-OOOll 2 3) All new use of DNAPLs (Dense Non-Aqueous Phase LIqUlds) are prohibited. Findings The Hazardous Matenal Inventory Sheet hsts products to be used/ stored on-sIte Two products were found to contarn DNAPLs 1) Ironclad metal/wood enamel 363 (contams dtbutyl phthalate), and 2) Rust-Oleum Amencan Accents Pnrner (contams dtbutyl phthalate) Four products reqUIre further reVIew before a fInal deternunatlOn can be made 1) 3M Bondo EZ Frmsh AdhesIve 806C Part A, 2) 3M Bondo EZ Frmsh AdhesIve 806C Part B, 3) Scotch Contact Cement, and 4) XL 2G Most Matenal Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) were avaIlable electrorucally The MSDSs for sIXteen products on the HMIS were not accessIble on-hne 1) 3M Scotch Weld Accelarator 8) FerlI-Lome Root Sbmulator, DP-3501, 9) Gnpper all Purpose Starn Killer 3210, 2) 3M Scotch Weld Expoxy ADH 10) Kleen up Pro, Base DP-3501, 11) Okon GraffIlI Barner Coat, 3) Back to Nature Safer Deglosser, 12) Pamt Etch 0401-0403, 4) Complete Pro 22-2-22, 13) Power Lube Aerosol, 5) DE Crawl Insect Killer, 14) The GIant Destroyer 6) Dulux ForlIs SalIn Pamt 6403, 15) Vlafresh Lemon Drop Odor Ehrrunator, 7) Dulux Prof Ext Acryhc SalIn 16) Voban Vorrutus Absorbant, Pamt 2402, ConditIOns . Pnor to occupancy, proVIde paper copIes of the MSDSs for the sIXteen products whose MSDSs were not avaIlable onhne . Products contammg DNAPLs are not perrrutted to be used or stored on the prerruses Pnor to occupancy, subrrut a reVISed HMIS and HMMP Cherrucals used/ stored on-SIte must be consIStent WIth those hsted on the fInal approved HMIS . Throughout the course of opera lIons, any new cherrucals proposed for use/ storage need to be evaluated for DNAPLs The HMIS should note that products contammg DNAPLs are prolublted and that any new hazardous matenals must be evaluated by the SUB Water Quahty ProteclIon Coordmator before purchase or dehvery to the SIte 4) Any change in the type of use or an mcrease m the maximum dally mventory quanhty of any DNAPL is conSIdered a new use and is prohibIted See SeclIon (3) above 5) The follOWIng certam types of facI.hhes or changes in cherrucal use and/or storage of hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater are prohibIted. Maple DWP Case Na DRQOOB-00022 3 a. Hazardous material product pIpelmes used to transport the hazardous matenal off of the tax lot where It is produced or used; b, Injection wells, except dry wells for roof dramage; c. SolId waste landfIlls and transfer stabons, d FIll matenals containing hazardous materials; e. Land uses and new facIlIties that will use, store, treat, handle, and/or produce DNAPLs Fmdmg None of these uses are proposed 6) Requirements found m Umform Fire Code AppendIx II-E Secbon 3 2.6 for a momtoring program and m 8003,1 3 3 for monitonng methods to detect hazardous matenals in the secondary containment system shall be met for all amounts of hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater unless exempted Fmdmg SectIon 6 0 of the HMMP descnbes the faahty's pohcy for momtonng hazardous matenals The HMMP does not mdtcate that the fuel tank will be eqUipped With an automated leak detectIon alarm system Condlhon Pnor to occupancy, reVISe the HMMP to specIfy how the fuel tank will be morutored for leaks or ruptures 7) Requirements found in Uniform FIre Code AppendIx II-E Secbon 3 2 7 for inspecbon and record keepmg procedures for monthly m-house inspecbon and maintenance of containment and emergency eqUipment for all amounts of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater shall be met unless exempted Fmdmgs SectIon 5 0 of the HMMP descnbes the facility's pohcy for rnspectIon and record keepmg procedures The HMMP follows the standard procedure for notifIcatIon of a hazardous matenal release m SpnngfIeld, to call 911, wluch dtspatches InformatIon to SUB FollOWIng tlus procedure IS rmportant because SUB needs to be nobf:red as soon as pOSSIble 1f a chermcal release has the potentIal to contammate our well(s) Condlhon The rnspecbon form mcluded m the HMMP should be tItled so that It IS clear that the rnspectIons are to take place m all hazardous matenal storage areas, not Just at the emergency generator Maple DWP Case No DROOOB-00022 4 SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS 1 ) Wellhead protechon sIgnage that uses the SIgn standard proVIded by SUB should be placed m COnspICUOUS locahons (parkmg lot, b11.1ldmg entrance, trash enclosure area, generator area) to alert staff and VISItors to notIfy 911 m the event of an unauthorIzed release of hazardous matenals (please contact Amy Chrmtz at 744-3745 to purchase SIgns drrectly from SUB) 2) Products contauung DNAPLs are not penrutted to be used or stored on the prerruses PrIor to occupancy, subnut a reVISed HMIS and HMMP Chenucals used/ stored on-sIte must be consIStent wIth those hsted on the fmal approved HMIS 3) Throughout the course of operahons, any new chenucals proposed for use/ storage need to be evaluated for DNAPLs 4) PrIor to occupancy, proVIde paper copIes of the MSDSs for the sIXteen products whose MSDSs were not available onlme 5) PrIor to occupancy, subnut a fInal HMMP It must address the followmg Items a Products contanung DNAPLs are prolublted and that any new hazardous materIals must be evaluated by the SUB Water Quahty Protechon Coordmator before purchase or dehvery to the sIte b Sechon 7 0 of the HMMP hsts potenhal employee tranung tOpICS but does not specIfy wluch tOpICS will actually be covered The HMMP should specIfy the actual tOpICS to be covered All facility personnel should receIve at least annual tranung regardmg the senslhve area the chruc occupIes and SpecIal precauhons needed to protect the drmkmg water ThIS tranung should mclude the need to call 911 m the event of a major spill c The htle above Sechon 1 of the HMMP should be corrected from "Thurston Elementary School" to "Maple Elementary School" d IndIcate how secondary contamment will be provIded to the emergency generator fuel tank (Sechon 3) When the specmcahons for the actual chosen generator set are available, they must be subnutted and approved AddIhonal queshons regardmg the generator set will need to be addressed Will the facility have a contracted semce proVIder to contact m the event of a problem With the generator set? If so, what servIces will the contract mclude (e g, emergency response, troubleshoohng, semce and reparr, maIntenance, quarterly teshng and mspechon)? Will spill contaIners be used for fill protechon? Will the generator set be eqwpped WIth overfill protechon? What mechamsms prevent leakIng from the hoses and plpmg? Will the generator set mclude an audIble leak detechon alarm, and who will be responsIble for respondmg to It? New and updated mformahon related to the maIntenance, morutonng, and emergency response of the generator should be rncluded m the HMMP e Include a procedure to msure the catch basrn at the generator will be covered WIth a mat every hme the generator tank IS re-fueled f Locahons of all hazardous materIal storage areas should be clearly and conspIcuously Idenhfted No storage area for hazardous boiler chenucals IS Maple DWP Case Na DROOOB-00022 5 Idenbhed If surplus bOller chermcals will be kept on Site, they must be stored m secondary contamment and the storage area must be Idenbhed on the facility plan and mcluded m the mspechon check hst g The mspechon form mcluded m the HMMP should be htled so that It 15 clear that the mspechons are to take place m all hazardous matenal storage areas, not Just at the emergency generator h The HMMP shall be reVlSed to state the property occupies the 5, 10 and 20 year TOTZs 6) The fma1 site plan shall show all stormwater catch basms m the Vlcrruty of the diesel generator are outfItted Wlth oll-water separators 7) Pnor to occupancy, an mspechon to venfy phYSical aspects and processes of the site 15 reqwred Please contact Amy Dumtz at 744-3745 to schedule a site VlSlt DETERMINATION: Based on the eVIdence in the record, the Duector determines the DroDOSal comDhes Wlth SDC 33-200. subiect to the Condihons of ADDroval attached to thiS reDort Additional Information The apphcahon, all documents, and eVidence rehed upon by the apphcant, and the apphcable cntena of approval are ava.1lable for free mspechon and copies are ava.1lable for a fee at the Development Services Department, 225 FIfth Street, SpnngfIeld, Oregon Queshons Please call Steve Hopkins m the Plaruung DIVlSlOn of the Development Services Department at (541) 726-3649 If you have any queshons regarding tlus process Prepared by- Steve Hopkins, AICP Planner II Development Services - Urban Plaruung DIVISIOn MaPle DWP Case No DRClOOB-00022 6 ". ".:." l , ._ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PLANNING DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 "I. .. I , ._ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PLANNING DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . "I SPRi.:G:L/t Dave Guadagm. Robertson/Sherwood Archltects 132 E Broadway, Suite 540 Eugene, OR 97401 .' Sj:G:tt Ste"1JP Barrett Springfleld Public Schools 525 Mill Street Springfleld, OR 97477 ~